#sociallycriminal #murderupcloseuk #murderdocumentaryireland

    Tonight on crime call who is this man using a firearm to demand cash in a Dublin Supermarket a case of assault in Wrath mines can you name this suspect customers threatened with a machete in County me who are these men wanted by gari and we’ll be hearing from the

    Family of Patrick nent 40 years after he was killed it comes down to truth and Justice and it is important to know what happens that’s the least we can do for him all that and more right now on crime [Applause] call you’re very welcome to Crime call we have a very busy show for you tonight featuring investigations that guard they need your help to solve so let’s begin with the first of this month’s crimes caught on Camera he Tara good to see you hi Carla we’re starting tonight with an incident of assault what can you tell us that’s correct so the first incident we’re going to look at took place in Wrath mines in Dublin um this occurred at around 3:30 in the morning um a man is

    Seen walking past a shop at the top of swanville place in r Minds um you can see now he’s soon followed um by two other men these two suspects um then punch this victim and he falls to the ground and while he’s on the ground injured the two suspects kick the victim

    Several times um they then walk back in the Direction They Came which is along the Wrath Mines Road lore it did happen quite quickly there Atara so talk us through what we do know about what the suspects look like yeah it happened very quickly um the both males now are

    Described as being in their 20s so one was dressed in a light colored zip-up top with dark trousers and we can see footage of him um on screen um the other male also described as being in his 20s but he was wearing a darker top with lighter color trousers okay so we’re in

    Cork for this next one this time a robbery in the city that’s correct so this is a case of robbery and it occurred in the Blackpool area of Cork City um so in this incident the suspect enters a local convenience shop at around A4 to 8 in the evening um he

    Spends some time in the shop H looking around before he eventually approaches the till um he speaks with the shopkeeper for a number of minutes before he takes a piece of wood from his pocket and threatens the staff member demanding that the till be opened um he

    Then moves behind the counter um and grabs a number of scratch cards before leaving the shop and when he leaves the shop he runs down um Gerald Griffith Street Okay so let’s take a closer look at what the suspect looks like here Tara yeah so you can see from the the still

    That we have on screen um he’s of slim build about 5′ 10 5′ 11 in height um he’s wearing Navy adios baseball cap and navy jacket and workpants but he has a rose tattoo on his left hand which is identifiable okay so of particular interest to gy in this next case is that

    They believe that the same suspect might be involved correct yeah they believe the same man man um entered a shop another local shop but it was in the old y Road in Cork City so in this clip he’s wearing different clothes but again spend some time interacting with the

    Shop assistant behind the counter before he actually takes out a knife and threatens the staff um member demanding scratch cards um when they refuse to hand over any scratch cards he leaves the shop empty-handed okay so Tara two incidents the second one with a knife as we see there possibly the same suspect

    Let’s take a closer look again at what he looks like yeah we have great picture of him here he’s in his late 20s um or 30s he’s of slim build and this time he was wearing gray Traxx of bottoms and a beige jacket with a navy boss baseball

    Cap okay so final one for I at the moment Tara we are in C time for the next one yes so this next incident is a theft of in a supermarket that occurred in June of last year um in it happened in cavent town so our suspect you can

    See him here entering the shop and he makes his way to the alcohol section um he removes multiple bottles off the shelves and places them in his uh shopping basket he then moves to another aisle where he puts them from his basket into a plastic bag that he actually

    Entered the shop carrying um he then leaves the shop and doesn’t offer any of them for payment and the value of the alcohol he took was over €100 okay now it’s quite a clear image of the suspect here it’s very clear footage what features does he have that we need to

    Know so this male is described as being about 5’8 in height of slim build he’s approximately 40s or 50s and you can see he’s wearing a sports top um on on CCTV but you can also see that he has tattoos down both of his arms so full sleeve

    Tattoos on both of his arms okay so Tara hopefully people might recognize him or any of the other suspects that we SE shown so far tonight s thanks very much than you and if you do have any information our call takers are standing by here in studio here’s how to get in

    Touch you can phone Us for free on 1 80040 5060 or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland call us on 08393 393 or wherever you are email crime calla. Well it’s now 40 years since Patrick nent died in unexplained circumstances following an event at burati Castle in County CLA now following a Judicial inquiry and requests from the newent family gy have opened a brand new investigation into his Death I’m unfortunately that has taken a long time but um it is important to get to get to the bottom of what happened since Patrick Nan’s death there has been intense speculation as to how precisely he died we still believe that the truth is there to be

    Found we grew up here in Six Mile Bridge he was the eldest of the three of us was we didn’t realize it how good we had it at the time it was a busy little busy little spot but uh yeah real happy years absolutely Pat had a good he had a good

    Work ethic he was certainly leading by example and he liked be bnti you know he started off you know as a general operative in the catering with proba over a couple years he was managing the Banquets he was very sharp very sharp dress you know very smart and uh I kind

    Of went with the job as I like but um definitely he was uh well turned out on the night of Friday February the 10th a celebration took place in one of the function rooms here in the bnti folk Park he left here early Friday afternoon in perfect health you know 23 years of

    Age was never going to be the same again Pat was never going to walk through that door again you know Patrick nent was working as the banqueting manager here in the folk Park in bnti Castle County clear approximately 60 guests at attended the party and they were served at a buffet

    Meal in the function room known as the barn and this concluded at approximately 3:00 a.m. by around 4:00 a.m. there were approximately a dozen persons left at the party it was around this time that they heard noises coming from the direction of the courtyard there they found Patrick in

    The doorway which leads to the courtyard he was injured and in a distressed State Patrick received medical attention at the scene and was later transferred to barrington’s hospital in limr where sadly he was pronounced dead on arrival we were in bed it was early enough still roughly around 8:00 but

    Yeah the 11th 11th of February yeah I mean let’s say it’s every parents worst nightmare you know you yeah there was very little sort of uh clarity about what really happened that night you know the postmortem examination showed that Patrick had abdominal injuries which were consistent with crushing on Saturday the 11th of

    February a postmortem was conducted in limi by a local pathologist the results showed a collapsed liver internal bleeding and what was described as lacerations to the lower Lumber spinal Region 2 months after Patrick’s death a man was charged with offenses related to the incident a jury later acquitted this man of all

    Charges you at his death had a big impact on all of us sure but especially the parents and um they had a lot of stuff to deal with it is very sad now my wife has gone to a a hospital with the shock of it and uh my family is broke up

    It would have been nice if the answers had come before they had uh passed on themselves but unfortunately they never did and um that’s why we’re still still here today really you know after 40 years we’re really no wiser today than we were backed in even after a trial an

    Investigation a trial an inquest we are approaching this investigation with an open mind the trauma from the events of that night continue to be felt by Patrick’s family we were asking for anybody with information about Patrick’s state to come forward and assist us in this investigation we we we definitely feel

    That um somebody knows what happened and um we would have appeal for any information or anything that can help with this investigation to draw a line under the events once and for all and you not let p no and rest in peace well detective inspector David finerty

    From Shannon Garda station joins us now David you’re very welcome now we can see the impact that that this has had on the newent family Patrick’s death received lots of local and national attention but you’re starting from scratch aren’t you so where is your investigation at the

    Moment this is a fresh investigation the circumstances that led to Patrick’s de an incident room has been set up in shanon Gard station we’re very conscious that the original investigation took place almost 40 years ago the investigation team are now examining and reviewing all available material related

    To Patrick’s dat now if you are talking you know for 40 years on here four Deca decades who exactly are you appealing to tonight to come forward we’d like to hear from persons that attended the party whether as a guest or a member staff we’d like to hear from family

    Members of persons that attended party they may have information related to Patrick’s de for example photographs from T night or indeed any person with information out there related to Patrick’s de to please come forward and talk to us given the attention that Patrick’s death received at the time

    What would you say to somebody who’s at home watching tonight to give them that nudge final nudge to come forward well we’ve heard from John and Martin Patrick’s Brothers Patrick was their eldest brother he was their the role model um Patrick um had a great work EIC

    Whether that was working at home home at 6 M Bridge from bonti if Patrick were alive today he’d be approaching his 64th birthday and the nent family over the past 40 years have missed out sharing many happy events with Patrick so we’re appealing for anybody with information

    To please come forward and contact us given that passage of time there David in terms of your case 40 years on how do you go about approaching a case like this after that time well we’re utilizing all modern-day investigative techniques and it is hoped with advanced in technology that we can progress the

    Investigation we’re very conscious that there may be persons out there who through the page of time are a change in their personal circumstances they may have information that they haven’t shared with us today so we’re urging them to come forward they will be treated with sensitivity and compassion

    Well here’s hoping with the reopening of this case that it might bring the answers and the closure that the Newton family really need David thanks very much thanks very much so if you were at the event in burati Castle that night or have any information that could help

    Guard the our call takers are standing by you can phone Us for free on 1 80040 5060 or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland call us on 08393 393 or wherever you are email crime calla. I’m joined by G Elish mcbrien

    Elish you have some new information about an appeal that we previously featured here on call this is about unidentified human remains yes Carla this relates to skeletal remains that were found on the 5th of January 2021 now these remains are found on a building site on the Middleton toal

    Greenway um particularly on The Shanty path area there near Roxboro suppose closer to the Middleton area and to people here that are local to that area tonight it’s more commonly known as Tipping Point the rans were forensically examined so what do we know from that yes they were forensically examined and

    Stemming from this we can now say that the remains are of a female that the female was at least 70 years of age she was between 5T and 5’2 in of height and would have been a more heavier build and also she would have suffered with arthritis and War dentures and gy have

    Just released some new images of an item that was find at the scene yes we have this evening so previously on the show we would have shown an image which have been what we believed to have been a night dress and that was found at the scene and tonight what we’re showing is

    An image of a black shoe was also found at the scene so what is your appeal to the public tonight Elish this evening what we’re hoping is that anyone with any information no matter how small it is can come to us to help us identify the remains of the woman and in addition

    To this help us establish how her remains got to this area it may be a case that they could have been exhumed from a different location however we are keeping an open mind on this and appealing to not just the people of the midal area but the wider area as well

    All of this in mind we hope that we’d be able to establish who this lady is and bring her to her final resting place now we can take another look at those items that were found so if anyone has information on them please do get in touch Elish thanks very much thank

    You now so much more still to come including this incident in a county me Pub involving two men one carrying a machete and who is this man using a firearm to demand cash in a Dublin Supermarket join us right after the break It could be You you’re very welcome back coming up we’ll be hearing about that case of robbery outside Navin in County me involving two suspects but first we’re back with Tara from more crimes caught on CCTV so Tara what do you have for us this time well Carla the next clip we have up

    Tonight is the case of a theft of fuel from a service station in the Dublin Road in swords of County Dublin so we can see here on the footage a gray Toyota avenus drives into the for court and Parks up and the driver gets out we

    Get a really good view of the driver here on footage um as he walks around the back of his car um he puts his hood up and he fills the tank with fuel and once he’s finished filling the car up he gets back in his car and he drives off

    Without paying for any of the fuel um gy have established that this events was actually fitted with cloned registration plates so these plates actually belong to a car that was destroyed some time ago okay so we did see a clear image of the suspect just before he pulled up his

    Hood let’s take a look another look at that correct it’s very clear footage so he’s described as being in his late 40s or early 50s he has black gray in hair and he’s wearing the glasses and you can see here he has a dark green hoodie and

    A gray bomber jacket with jeans on he also was wearing white Runners on this date now next we have another incident of theft this time in wicko that’s right so this is an investigation of theft in a supermarket in blessington in county wiow and it occurred in March of last

    Year so we’re actually looking to identify two male suspects so the first of our suspects he waits in the aisle we can see him in the top of our screen and a second suspect joins him with a trolley H the two men then move from the store entrance and into the main into

    The main Supermarket they later return to the footage we can see them here and they have two bags containing about €50 worth of groceries and they lift them out of the trolley and they slowly approach the the exit so what they’re waiting for is another customer to come

    In the automatic doors open and then they then left the shop without paying for any of the items okay so let’s take a closer look at our suspects here Tara yeah this the first suspect he’s described as being about six foot tall he’s has black hair and a black beard

    And salow skin he’s wearing a gray zip top with black arms and blue jeans he also has Browner gray shoes and our second suspect he’s described as being about 5’8 in height he’s clean shaven and he’s wearing an all black tracksuit with a baseball cap now terara this next

    Clip when I saw it earlier it is quite frightening it’s a summer evening it’s a supermarket TI us through what happened next yeah so this is an incident of a robbery that occurred in a supermarket in Green Hills in Dublin and it occurred last May so just before half eight on

    That evening a man wearing a HIZ jacket Parks his bike outside the supermarket and enters carrying a plastic bag we can see him inside the shop here as he approaches the till and it appears that he asks the customer in front of him if

    He can go ahead as he only has one item um after being served the man then waits for the cash drawer to be opened and he then leans across holding a handgun and removes the cash from the drawer um after he’s done that he steps back and

    We can clearly see here that he points a handgun toward staff and Shoppers um before he runs out gets back on his bike and Cycles away I’m sure it’s a very scary moment for everyone what can you more can you tell us about that suspect yeah so the suspect is described as

    Being in his mid-30s of thin build um he was wearing a black baseball cap and a high viz jacket he also had a scarfon which was green and white in color and he had black track bottoms with a white stripe down the side okay so Tara

    Finally for I we’re going to n that’s correct so this is an investigation into a theft from a lady shop and that occurred in Mason County kildair um so the suspect she can be seen here on the screen um she’s brows and true products and she’s at the top right hand side of

    The screen wearing a black and white jacket um she’s actually looking at products that are on top of the rail of clothes she picks up an item of jewelry um holds it in her hand before looking around the shop and then she actually turns her back and places this item into

    Her pocket um she actually continues to look around the shop for a number more minutes before leaving the store without offering that item for payment okay so let’s take a closer look what the suspect looks like here yeah so this quite a clear picture of the suspect on

    Screen um she’s described as being in her late 50s with short blonde hair H she’s wearing glasses and she also has that very distinctive pattern black and white coat okay Tara thank you so much for n and if you do recognize that woman or if you can help with any of the cases

    That are featured tonight here are the numbers to call you can phone Us for free on 1 1800 45060 or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland call us on 08393 393 or wherever you are email crime calla. next to an incident of robbery at

    A well-known Pub outside naven County me here’s what Happened cabar is a small village on the outskirts of naven in County meat it consists of a church some residential houses and a well-known Pub known as kber Pub and kitchen it was this Pub that was the scene of the incident on the evening of the 26th of June last

    Year so it was shortly before 11:00 p.m. when the two suspects made their way from the car park based at St John the Baptist Church in cbury towards cber Crossroads and towards the cry Pub and kitchen as the men approached the front door of the pub they produced weapons

    Namely a machete and an iron bar and they subsequently entered the p so once inside two men approach the customers demanding their phones and wallets all the while threatening them with their weapons one of the suspects focused on the member of Staff behind the bar forcing them to empty the contents of the

    Till here you can see both males placing the person belonging into a plastic B by after emptying the till the staff member was told to put the money into a box and go into a back room where the safe was located where was reported that the area

    Was searched and a su of cash was taken all the money once the two males had the money from the bar and the personal belongings from the customers they left the pub the incident lasted approximately 3 minutes they run back the way they came across the footpath to the church

    Carpack from here they drive along the or1 163 which is known locally as the Kel’s road so along this road they dispose of the wallets and phones they had just taken we’re investigating all the circumstances of this robbery including whether there is a local angle as one of

    The suspects is believed to have spoken with a local accent a local community left in shock do you recognize these men well Sergeant Clarissa burn joins us now Clarissa you’re very welcome a very frightening experience for anyone who is in the pub that night how are they all

    Doing yes Carla this was a very frightening incident for the customers and the staff who were present on the night I can report that they’re all doing well and thankfully nobody was injured in this incident okay so bring us back to that location and what happened yes Carla so the location um is

    The robbery actually took place in um a place called kilan County me on Monday the 26th of June 2023 shortly before 11: p.m. the suspects that we saw on the VT there they were well covered up but what can you take us through that you know of

    Them yes Carla so the suspects that that entered the P Pub uh the first one we see in the CCTV footage is approximately uh 40 years old he’s 5′ 7 to 5’8 in height he’s of stocky build he’s wearing a a black balaclava a norace hoodie a

    Black traxi bottoms and he’s carrying an iron bar the second suspect is in his 20s to 30s he’s described as being 6’6 to 6′ 7 of slim build he’s got a black face covering with a black cap at top and he’s carrying a machete It is believed one of the suspects spoke with

    A local accient but the investigation team is keeping an open mind in relation to this aspect of the investigation Carla okay so when the men left the pub that night what do we know about where they went yes Carla so they both left on foot in the direction of kilberry um

    Church car park which is um located on the map on our viewer screen as you walk across the r162 the road leading out from the car park is the R1 63 and it would be known locally as the as the Kel’s Road there was there was a car seen in that area on

    That night but you haven’t yet been able to identify it that’s right Carla so there’s a silver colored saloon mediumsized car seen in the area at the time of the incident and the investigation team would really like to eliminate this from our inquiries at this point so we’re appealing to the

    Local community for information in relation to this car so how else can can anyone help with in this investigation Clarissa so um we are are certainly following um certain lines of inquiry in relation to the identification but we would really urge viewers to look at the CCTV footage tonight and you know it’s

    Of excellent quality and we would also consider dash cam footage if anybody in the local community has that available to us well hopefully we will have jogged some memories there tonight Clarissa thanks very much thank you Carla if you can help Clarissa and her team here’s

    How you can get in touch you can phone Us for free on 1 80040 5060 or or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland call us on 08000 393 393 or wherever you are email crime calla. next it’s Garder Louise Harris with individuals wanted on Warrant thanks Carla first tonight Guardia peer Street station is Dublin are asking for your help to locate 30-year-old Glenn Armstrong he is described as being 6’4 in in height of heavy build and a short red hair he has a scar on his chin and a neck tattoo his

    Last known address is on the kymore road in belly fermers in Dublin next gardi at Henry Street Station in limr are looking for this man 35-year-old Muhammad Alum he is described as being 5 fo8 Ines in height is of slim build and has black hair his last known address is the Anis

    Road in limr he is has not been seen here since March 2022 if you know of the whereabouts of either of these men please get in touch back to you Carla thanks Louise n Gavin Coleman from the roads policing team is back with me now now Gavin what we’re going to talk

    About tonight passions do Run Deep on this cyclists and motorists and the need to share the road yeah absolutely it does tend to be a contentious one but it doesn’t have to be and that’s what we’ll be talking about tonight okay so what type of penalties can both cyclists and

    Drivers expect if they’re not sharing the road safely well starting with cyclists first the big one is um cycling through a red traffic light U we given out 371 fixed penalty notices in relation to that last year um cycling in a pedestrianized area you do have to

    Dismount and walk front and back lights are mandatory you have to have them uh and cycling without reasonable consideration that’s for any sort of minor offense such as weaving through traffic not concentrating all right so on to drivers then what penalties can can they expect well in relation to to

    Drivers um the big one is dangerous overtaking or or attempting to overtake dangerously you have to give a wide birth for cyclist when you’re overtaking again driving without reasonable consideration is the same as cyclists it’s it’s minor offenses due to a lack of concentration which negatively affects other Road users um and then

    Driving uh pass a stopline into the cycle box that cycle box at a junction is there for cyclists to safely turn right at a junction so it’s important to keep it clear okay so what more advice can you givey both cyclists and drivers well in relation to cyclists uh first of

    All wear a helmet it’s really really important uh use correct hand signals at all times don’t use your phone when you’re cycling or use headphones you need to be concentrating on what you’re doing it is advisable to wear highis clothing use cycle Lanes if they’re available and be aware of blind spots

    For large Vehicles all right and drivers what what do we need to be aware of so for drivers again uh there is a responsibility there to be aware of your surroundings and cyclists in the area particularly at Junctions uh keep your distance particularly when you’re overtaking use your mirrors when you’re

    Part to make sure that there’s no cyclists passing you and again don’t block the cycle box keep it clear for cyclists who need to go through the junction okay so that general advice we basically can all do our best to make our roads that bit safer gav thanks very

    Much thanks Carla now I am going to join Garder Reserve mvin Houston for some updates on recent appeals featured here on crime call before we start mvin you want to bring us some more information about a case of burglary in goway yes Carla this happened in baland durin

    County gway while a family was on holiday during the incident a pocket watch was taken it’s an antique of considerable monetary value but particularly of important sentimental value to the family it has a distinctive in engraving on the back which may help identify it it’s the letters j o d and

    The year 1885 yeah it was a family heirloom for for those involved Marvin so if anyone has seen it or been offered it for sale we’re asking them to get in touch you also want to talk us through some recent cases that crime call viewers have really helped with first back from

    2019 yeah that’s right in 2019 a man was shot and ran for cover to a nearby supermarket as a direct result of a crime called appeal a 40-year-old male was identified he since pleaded guilty to attempted murder and last month he was sentenced to 7 and a half years in

    Prison with the final 18 months suspended and you also have some information about a crime where our viewers have helped in a suspect and wanted in connection with a number of burglary investigations yeah that’s right car so based on information which came forward in our November program a

    Man has been arrested and is before the courts in relation to a number of burglar investigations in the offley an tiporary area so uh we want to thank our viewers for their continued and valuable support um in in in helping these investigations it’s great to know that our viewers can

    Really help more thanks very much thank you so if you have any information that could help with any of tonight’s cases here are the numbers to call you can phone Us for free on 1 80040 5060 or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland

    Call us on 08393 393 or wherever you are email crime call at g. now still to come tonight two are these men wanted in connection with a burglary in Temple Oak in Dublin and more than a month after he was last seen the family of 69-year-old miop petrovski

    Are appealing for your help to find him my father is missing I don’t know what’s happen so it’s it’s very hard for me now don’t go Away You’re very welcome back nice still to come tonight we’ll be hearing from the family of missing man Mi petrovski my father is missing I don’t know what’s happened so it’s it’s very hard for me now but first we’re back with Tara for more crimes seen on CCTV so Tara where are you taking us to n next incident we’re going to look at is a burglary and this happened in the temple o area of Dublin um s two suspects and they can be seen walking through the driveway of a residential house um here on the right hand side of

    The screen they spent several minutes at the side of the house and they appear to be looking into a neighboring house um a few minutes later the two men then appear on camera again having climbed up onto the porch of the victim’s house and from there they climbed through a b

    Bedroom window they spend about 20 minutes inside in the house before cameras then capture them leaving through the back Garden of a house next door it’s then reported later that a number of jewelry items were taken okay and you do have a photograph of an item

    Similar to that which was taken yeah so the example of the Ring shown on screen here is similar um to the one that was taken during that Burgery okay so talk us through the descriptions of the suspects here Tara so both of these suspects they’re both described as being

    In their 20s and possibly around 6t tall and both of them were wearing baseball caps and had face coverings okay so we’re in County Cork next we are at a supermarket yeah back to um County Cork too in in Cork and it’s an incident that happened in August

    A theft from a supermarket um so our suspect we can see here is circled um she makes her way to the customer service desk of that Supermarket where she unlocks the door and enters the service area from there she’s opening a cabinet and she removes three mobile

    Phones to the total value of over 500 um this woman then puts them in her bag and then leaves the shop without offering any of them for payment that’s a good image of the woman here Tara talk us through what we know what she looks like yeah it’s very good footage of this

    Woman H she’s described as being in her late 40s she’s long dark hair and she’s wearing a cream jacket with white Runners all right so next we’re in Cavin yes so we’re back to Bel turbet in County Caven next and this is an incident of theft so in April uh a Navy

    Toyota Corolla with partial registration plates is seen pulling into a c station um and it stops at a petrol pump the driver then gets out and fills the car’s tank and he then opens the boot of the car uh where he has a number of drums

    And he also fills them with fuel and when he’s finished he leaves the petrol station and he doesn’t offer any of the items for payment now the man here is wearing a face mask but what can you tell us about him so the male is described as being in his 20s or late

    30s and between 5 foot 8 and 6t in height he does have dark hair and he’s of a heavy build with a short beard he was also wearing sunglasses and a peak cap with dark colored Nike Runners with white features on them now guard they believe that the same suspect might be

    Involved in another incident this time two months later correct yes so this clip that we’re about to show is from the same service station two months after the first incident and gy believed that it is the same suspect as the previous clip so he’s driving what looks

    To be the same Toyota Corolla only this time there’s cloned Irish registration plates displayed and the driver once again Parks up and fills the tank of the car as before he then leaves the service station without attempting to pay for the fuel and it appears he’s wearing

    Very similar clothes as well this time Tera yeah he appears to be wearing the exact same clothes he’s wearing the sunglasses a peak cap dark colored night Runners with the white features his dark gray tracks to Bottoms a dark hoodie but there’s a white full white zip with two

    Pockets that are white um have a white zip and a small white logo on the chest of that zip top okay so finally for tonight we’re going to gway we are we’re heading back to gallway and we’re looking at a case of a theft from a shop

    That’s in the High Street in gallway city and this incident occurred back in September of last year so gy are looking to identify the man wearing the vest and shorts that’s seen entering the shop so this man he walks around the shop looking at various items and we get our

    Best look at him here as he walks towards the camera um once the shop appears to be clear of customers and staff the man makes his way to the whistle section uh where he takes a thin whistle that’s worth around €1 and he proceeds to exit the shop with the

    Whistle in hand he makes no effort to pay for that tin whistle now he has quite a distinctive appearance there talk us through what we know about him yes so he’s described as being a male in his early 40s around 6 foot tall stocky build and you can see from the the still

    We have on screen there his legs and arms are full of tattoos he’s wearing a baseball cap he’s a sleeveless gray top and a pair of black shorts and black shoes Tara thank you very much for all of those clips tonight if you can help with any of these appeals here’s a

    Reminder about how you can get in touch you can phone Us for free on 1 1800 45060 or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland call us on 08393 393 or wherever you are email crime call at g. now gy in Waterford are appealing for

    Help to locate missing man Mii petrovski the 69-year-old Polish man has been living with his family in New Ross County Wexford for almost 20 years and they’re very concerned for his Welfare me how is my granddad it’s been a full month now since he’s gone and it’s just it’s been very hard you know it’s it’s just just not knowing he come to Ireland in 2005 all of his life he lives in Poland you know um most

    Of them the last 19 years he lives in New Ross he’s just a lovely man you know like he’d get along with anyone he’d get along with any animal he he loved kids you know yeah he loves dancing as well oh yeah so he a special moves when he

    Danc so he always was the best his good father yeah I talk with my dad in December and he was laughing you know he was he was you know smile on his face and he was happy you know nothing it it wasn’t anything that show me that it’s

    Something wrong you know we missed him so much we doesn’t know where is he on the 19th of December our last confirmed sighting of Mi how was in the area of University Hospital Watford um shortly after 11:40 in the morning through CCTV inquiries we have established that mayow took a left

    Outside University Hospital Watford onto The Dore Road and headed towards Watford Castle Direction his whereabouts from that point on are unknown first I think that that’s not could be my father you know because he never do this never ever uh he knows my phone number and always if something was

    Happened he ask someone for the phone to ring me you know we’ve just been we’ve just been in constant worry really my granddad isn’t in the in the bestest Health at all he’s um he would be very very vulnerable and he would be missing his medication right now so um that

    Would be kind of stressful because you know we just don’t know if he if if he’s okay extensive searches have been carried out by local search units in the surrounding area the dog unit picked up a scent of mayow around the Waterford Castle Ferry area unfortunately no further trace of mayow has been

    Detected everybody moving together I want you looking right left and up it’s very hard to because my mom she died and now my father is missing I don’t know what’s happened so it’s it’s very hard for me now and especially for Claudia because she was living with my father you know to help

    Me as well because he wasn’t able to do everything by himself you know as well me and my mom I think we’ve sat here for hours thinking of every possibility yeah it would be nice just to know where where he’s gone or you know if if if he’s

    Still you know out there somewhere like you know just waiting to get home we’re appealing for anyone with any information on the whereabouts of me how please get in Touch well Garda Jordan Quinn joins us now Jordan a very powerful appeal from Mi house family there it is out of character for him not to contact them yes Carla it is indeed um if miow was ever to attend University Hospital Watford he would always call home

    Letting the family know he was safe and well now they they said are especially concerned for him CU he may be without his medication yeah we are very concerned for miow at at this moment in time um he is very vulnerable okay so we have the footage there of his last known

    Movement so take us through them again yeah Miho was last seen leaving the round to University Hospital Watford miow took a left onto the dmore road as you can see from the map the last known s from CCTV of miow is of him stepping stopping outside Nursery Lane which

    Leads towards Waterford Castle local search and rescue dog units picked up a scent of miow on the Waterford Castle Ferry unfortunately no further detections have been found and we can see the map there of of Mi route for those watching tonight remind us again of what he looks like miow is 69 years

    Of age he’s approximately 5 foot uh six with black hair and a gray beard from the last few at CCTV footage miow was observed wearing a large tan color jacket denim jeans uh black boots and a satchel across his back and we we know those last known movements of Mii have

    There been any other reported sightings of him yes so we’ve had two sightings of um miow um one in Cork and one in Kilkenny uh G have viewed this CCTV footage and have confirmed that this is not him okay so let’s just quick recap on what we are really asking the public

    For tonight so I suppose tonight guardy are appealing for anyone who may have been in the vicinity of University Hospital Watford in the early hours of the 19th of December um anyone that may have dash cam footage to come forward and give us a call hopefully somebody

    Will have information on where Miho is Jordan thanks very much thank you if you have any information on mi’s whereabouts the number to call is on your screen now let’s head over to Elish for evil fits of men that g are hoping to put a name

    To Elish what you have for us hi KLA well first of all our colleagues in Balon are investigating a burglary now this occurred in the glass Nevan area of Dublin on Tuesday the 14th of November last in this case the female who’s the victim of this was walking home from the

    Shops in the evening time around 4:45 in the evening to 5:45 when she was approached by a male unknown to her she hadn’t come across since this mail before he told her she’d left some of her shopping in the shops she returned to the shops to inquire about this and

    Staff told her that this in fact wasn’t the case she’ left nothing behind so gy you believe perhaps a tactic might have been at work here because there was quite a nasty shock for the woman when she got home yes unfortunately so and when the woman did return home she

    Reported a burglary and it was discovered that a significant amount of cash was taken okay so we saw a quick picture of the suspect here what else do we know about him so what we know about him is he described as being his early

    30s between 5′ 7 and 5’8 in in height of a thin build with short brown hair and he spoke with a Dublin accident and he was wearing a Navy or dark style puffer jacket okay so you have a second evil fit for us tonight yes we do and this

    One we was on then to our colleagues in New rosson County waxford they’re investigating an instant theft and this theft occurred on the 7th of December where two males were traveling in a small silver Ford Fiesta style van we have a picture of one of them here um

    And that van we we can say had a partial registration number of 06 now these males called to the victim’s house and offered gusher cleaning services they completed their works and when they did so in this case only one of the males came to the victim and proceeded to show

    The victim the man there pictures of the work that he’ completed however while this conversation was being had the other male made his way into the victim’s house without any permission and unaccompanied after two mes left in the van the victim discovered that a significant amount of cash have been taken okay so

    Let’s take another look of the image of the man here and what else we know about him meish so what we know about him he described as being between 5 foot 8 and 5′ 10 in in height he had short dark hair he was of medium build he spoke

    With a slight Quirk accent but he did indicate he may have been from the nescor the area of Wexford heish thank you so much thank you now if you can help identify either of those two people here’s how you you can contact us you

    Can phone Us for free on 1 80040 5060 or text crime followed by your information to 5776 5 if you’re in Northern Ireland call us on 08000 393 393 or wherever you are email crime Calla. now I’m joined by Sergeant John Fitzpatrick from the crime prevention team to talk to talk tonight John about something that really is of concern to all of us it’s about our children and their safety online yeah and it’s very timely Carla because we have safer

    Internet day next week in the 6th of February and that is about keeping us all safe particularly our PE children and young people keeping them safe online it is a real worry for parents of younger children and pre-teens so talk us through the types of crimes that they

    May be exposed to well they can be exposed to uh different types of crimes and one things that criminals exploit is the anonymity of the internet and they can often pretend to be something they’re not um sometimes uh setting up meets and that type of thing uh they

    Also can exploit uh younger people’s tendency to overshare information maybe in chat rooms or on social media forums and of course then there can be uh cyber building or illegal uh sharing of intimate images without consent that type of thing so there’s different things that can be affect them okay so

    John I mean certainly I as a parent I’m now feeling the responsibility to really educate myself on the types of risks the type of technology that children have access to now what advice do you have for parents yeah well my advice is uh don’t be don’t be afraid uh but there is

    A great resources out there in particularly i’ ask people to look at web wise. it’s an excellent resource um they coordinate safe for internet day and they have lots of guides how to guide export information and explainers but also it’s important to have a chat have that chat with uh your children

    Have a conversation know what they’re doing in relation to their uh their their online life okay have rules and boundaries and again there’s good information in relation to that on web wise. and look make sure that your children will ask you for help if there

    Is a problem and of course if things are serious you can always contact the guarde for additional advice and a real important thing as a parent in particular is to lead by example and your children will will model their behavior on you and how you use your

    Devices and how you use the internet and that type of things so it’s something maybe we can all have a look at ourselves car as well you know speaking of leading by example what kind of advice do you have for For Us online yeah well for ourselves just be careful

    About what we’re sharing as adults what we’re putting out there um obviously would obviously never click on any links or give it information in relation to unsolicited emails or unsolicited messages um and just be mindful about what you’re actually sharing about your own children online and maybe that’s you

    Know is that going to embarrass them down the line or is it going to come back to haunt them in some way and just be careful about personal information what you’re sharing you know about going on holidays if there’s any weddings or vents or funerals coming up that type of

    Thing you don’t necessarily have to share that plenty of food for thought there John and what we all can do to be safer online thanks very much thanks Carla now if you do want any further information the website that John mentioned there is webwise doie well tonight we’ve been asking for your help

    To identify these men wanted in connection with an assault in Wrath mindes this man wanted in relation to a robbery in the Green Hills area of Dublin and do you have any information that could help guard the located missing man Mii petrovski if you do want to watch back

    Anything that you’ve seen or take a closer look at any of the clips that we’ve shown tonight you can watch back on the RTE player for the next few days but for now thank you so much for joining us until next month good night and take care


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