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    #fullthrottletv #cops #police

    Every serious incident on the road needs to be investigated a dedicated team from gwent police takes on this challenge day and night there’s a story that’s indelibly written into the road surface from the crashed cars find out what’s happen you should survive that Collision so why hasn’t he

    These are lucky to be alive I think if it’s a much bigger vehicle they’ have far more serious injuries so what we need to establish is to the reasons is why it’s lost control and how it’s lost control this one’s likely to go to court

    They got know where to go no looking a serious offense is you you got to do it properly unless you do all this work you just won’t get the answers we have to do this so you can answer those questions when they come cuz they will

    Come all in the day’s work for the crash to Detectives there’s just been a crash by the vi hang how many vehicles can you see well I just heard a bum whiskey 36 it’s on the main road just beyond the V we looking at a high category fail RTP a senior police officer has just arrived at this fatal CR Crash a crash detective is on his way to the scene you all right yeah yeah where was he position my camera’s on by the way okay in the back yeah head here legs there right down that way he’s got a okay great now there’s a report of one

    Person who’s left the scene where’s that come from the with M that’s all I know from him the what condition is he in shock of the mini I haven’t checked for anything else what what’s your plan at the moment jent no idea just turn up okay there’s

    No right I’ll if I step away over here with you what we’ve got is a Ser RTC that van apparently the driver’s reporting that as he came across this car was traveling too fast WR side the road it’s not there across we got one fatality from the rear

    Of the car couple of casual he down the side I haven’t even spoken to them yet a man has already died at the scene he’s the driver he’s ding another man says he was driving the car how do we know he’s a driver he said it that need

    Document who are you sorry I must your involvement tring the van was there anybody else in the van with you at the time single you need to be checked over that’s quite an impact on there so sit tight is it WR idiots man somebody come

    To this thing said you all right M and then just run off and where were you when you saw him he went up up the hill I’m all right I’m all right w s whiskey 03 yeah information is in the early stage at the moment can I just pass you

    A description of one male who’s been mentioned has being at the scene and running but at the moment I’m not clear what his involved on is Hotel 3 can you pass the description this man is made off again white mail 30 years old B on top approximately 5 at 8 we’re in dark

    Clothing thank you should doing search the one the one furthest away on the floor is a driver yeah and then you’ve got two by the bus stop who are passengers so why would the other guy run from the scene yeah if he’s just a passenger officers need to know who was

    Really driving the car that driver when he goes goes to hospital some have to go with him the hospital but um we’re going to have to test that now to see whether his account is right let’s say he’s a driver if we got somebody’s run from the scene

    Actually is a driver so us a nightmare not yet what we can normally get away I’m hoping the you Lads will just be able to make sure the vehicles are safe and not interfere in any other way then because that won’t disrupt my crime scene too much I’ll have a CLE

    Investigator on the way out um because there’ll be marks and things on the road that we don’t want to interfered with okay now the time is ticking on and I’ve captured the initial scene and then I’m switching off the recording the Collision investigator arrives you could hear the radio Transmissions as it was

    Developing and quite quickly became clear that it was very serious thank you I’ve done my best to try and preserve some of the marks yeah okay so a quick look now this is typical of a scene when we turn up it’s chaos like I think it’s bit of organized chaos but it’s chaos

    Know our criteria for attending is that if the collisions are involving injuries that potentially fatal or lifechanging then that’s when we will be asked to attend and and to do our thing the car was five up apparently okay there’s quite a few in there right Dean berett is being briefed by the senior

    Investigating officer who was one of the first to arrive on scene car appears to have lost control on this BR the hill underneath the VCT and has gone across the road L van struck the side of the the driver’s side of the car look okay we’ve got one confirmed

    Fatality looks like he’s a rear seat passenger more than likely behind the driver’s seat the person we suspect in the moment on the information we got being the driver he has injuries he’s gone to hospital and then there were two further persons in the car with injuries

    They’ve gone in an ambulance don’t know the extent of their injuries but then we think and the concern is there may have been a fifth person who’s run from that vehicle which at the start is like Panic is he the driver but then the information comes in he’s more likely to

    Be a passenger but then you got to ask yourself why is he running from the car while the search continues the hunt for forensic evidence at the scene now begins I’m looking for the strike marks on the curb is to give reason as to why the vehicle has potentially lost control

    It’s lost control in this area somewhere um so I’ll walk down this side of the road and I’ll walk up the other side looking for curb strikes and any obvious marks on the road service itself just relatively straight up to ur in up to that Kink doing the forensic Collision

    Investigation role you’ve got to be questioned in things you do need a f knife of detail you got to have an open inquisitive mind this damp it’s not dry it’s like a dew on it isn’t it yeah but you’re looking for certain things at the scene generally everything that will help

    Piece together what the cause of the Collision was confirm it Ma though yeah yes yes young now Dean’s starting to get a sense of how the vehicles have made contact he’s obviously presented the the driver side of the car to the front of the van so the car is is at an angle

    Across the road Just a significant impact it’s gone the full length of the vehicle with the main area being on the driver’s door towards the passenger door the person that was sat behind the driver it looks as if he’s taking the full force of the impact would have been partially ejected um was come into

    Contact with the front off side of the van the 43-year-old man who died in this crash is still at the scene for obvious reasons don’t want the vehicles moved at the moment cuz the body St in the road in there yes I can try and push people back but you know

    What it’s like members of the public of these things yeah that’s I’m just trying to think now what’s the best option yeah um photograph the body situ as it is there supp is still screened yeah so that we can get the person taken away Undertakers can come and collect if we

    Get the Undertaker roll in now all right okay I’ll do that yeah that’s fine W sh risky 03 a scene like this often attracts onlookers and needs to be managed as sergeant Bailey said it is difficult I mean there a Housing State just there um In fairness them standing

    On the corner they’ve being pretty good at the moment it’s not UND up for people to get as close as possible until they actually told to get Back for the Dignity of of the gentleman been killed and for his family I took the decision to photograph gentleman’s injuries in order to get him from the scene as a priority back yes please I just finished with him thank you thanks for your help appreciate that we need to confirm that that

    Person’s injuries are consistent with the collision course of action is not always to remove the body as quickly as Possible can you just confirm for me where you think the first point of impact was on the road you definitely got marks running as vehicle probably spinning okay but you’ve got a gouge Mark here this indicates that there was contact between the vehicles in this area fine and it definitely put over the

    Side of the road oh yeah definitely the van is on its care cor side of the road and the other vehicle for some reason it’s on the wrong side of the road so what we need to establish is the reasons is why it’s lost control um and how it’s lost Control and it’s the tiniest detail that can help build a fuller picture this is interesting see a distinct pattern Creations was almost like a tarten effect so could that be the same vehicle you can see the alloy wheel just quite a bit of damage there it’s quite a

    Bit of it worn away there in the rim of the vehicle the spokes has contacted a curb has left that Telltale stations a little bit less damage on the back but the both Wheels on the passenger side the vehicle is scraped along the Curb there was a first respond paramedics vehicle parked right on the scene right behind the say that was stationary over marks evidence on the road service the ambulance driver still here move the vehicle or they gone to the hospital no I think they were trying to

    Look for the keys for that earlier on so they must have gone with him then I couldn’t do a full examination um until that vehicle was was moved um but the paramedic driveing this vehicle had gone to the hospital when he did come back he had

    Told me that he had uh he’ gone down with a driver and the paramedic has further details about the man behind the wheel he said he’d be drinking all day he’s had about 10 odd pites you have good Michelle was he pointed out to

    You or did you see him no he said he was a dri but you could smell the alcohol just standing over talking him yeah drinking all day but he doesn’t know that he killed his friend police officers who’ve gone to hospital with the injured man are now

    Ensuring a sample of his blood is taken for testing the level of alcohol potentially in the system that has still to be confirmed by blood tests but it did make sense it did add another piece to the jigsaw that I was slowly building up okay good that’s thank you very much

    Thanks for your help appreciate that thank You if there’s evidence to show that perhaps a person is responsible sometimes criminally responsible for the cause of that Collision then that’s what I will put forward I think it’s a fair assumption to say he’s traveling at Fair speed qualifying that may be another Issue Whilst Dean continues to investigate the scene they’re still making further inquiries into both the man who claims to be the driver and the one who ran Away the car has been recovered to a secure compound and the hunt for more evidence is underway the front seat passenger who fled the scene is still unaccounted for so a crime scene investigator has been called in to take foren examples the suspected driver has been arrested after spending a night in

    Hospital he’s now been told that his passenger has died he this interview is being audio and visual recorded and it may be given an Evidence if the case is brought to Trial pressure was on with this one the gentleman was was in custody he was being interviewed so you got a A limited time slot in order to be able to provide information for the interviewing team are you responsible for driving your motor vehicle in a dangerous Manner and

    Causing the death by a manner of driving no I I really don’t think so no I think it’s just a genuine accent I’ve lost control and someone’s had the life taken with the man in custody denying he’s to blame the investigation is stepping up he can only be held for 24

    Hours before he must be charged or released there any hair fers in the hunt for evidence about the occupants a sweep of the car is now being overseen by Collision investigator Richie Wyatt we always look at the bigger picture we’re trying to get as much as

    We can with the CSI in terms of forensic evidence in the vehicle yeah I’ll just get some scull poles now the airbags have gone off we see if there’s any blood or any DNA and see if we can attribute who’s located in the vehicle at the time of the

    Collision all I can remember the whole night is going up and everyone was having to laugh and I joke and tell nice okay anything to drink at this point no nothing let me just confirm then why didn’t you drink at all water or anything ho [ __ ] those of water I drink

    All the time that’s F cuz every time we ask about a drink you say no It’s an act of desperation they may say well no I’m not the driver and try and blame it on somebody else friendship probably goes out the window so experience tells us that we need to do this just in case how quick do you think it happened

    I don’t know it was over within seconds that’s right so at this point then you’re not disputing as a driver at a point of impact yeah I got we I jump open last else drive and car on so you are saying you’re the driver of the CET

    At the point of impact that have van they yeah yeah the man in custody isn’t disputing he’s the driver but Richie and Dean still need to build up a clearer picture of what went on that night Dean starting with finding out more about the passenger who flared

    After the crash the first thing I noticed is that the front passenger seat belt was still clipped into the receiver just a quick examination of the belt by tugging it as you can see with this one it’s locked now what happens when the car senses that it’s going to be

    Involved in an imminent Collision it will fire what’s called pre-tensioners on the Buckle and actually pull the seat belt in against the person wearing it the lack of play in that seat belt it indicates that that seat belt wasn’t being worn at the time but I know it was

    Plugged in at the time of the crash there was a number of reasons why people do that if the seat belt isn’t plugged in the somebody sat in the passenger seat you’ll get a red flashing light on the dashboard or sometimes an audible warning buzzer or something as well so

    People tend to plug the seat belt in and sit on it so I’m looking in the area where the Buckle would be I can see on the side of the belt there is a Telltale um stretch see there that’s the friction Mark where is the fabric has been stretched around

    The Buckle in the uh in the force of the impact which confirms I’m reasonably happy but the driver would have been wearing a seat belt at the time of the Crash the chap that died was sat in the seat there’s nothing obvious on the seat belt like we saw on the front no Telltale marks to indicate that the belt was actually being worn on this is nothing on there at all it’s all quite pristine condition that belt which indicates probably wasn’t wearing It I’ve obviously come around the corner and I can remember stretching I cannot remember going that far or obviously I have and I’ve hit the bloody van by Somewhere the driver of VW van said that you can see the vehicle fish tailing and the driver obviously fighting trying to get game control of the vehicle but the damage is concentrated year on the front offside Wing but what you got to remember this part of the van is the

    Interior so you would have a wing across you so the wing has been ripped off then the vehicle has struck him you’re looking here I don’t know what what he’s wearing but it does look like you know that’s that’s clothing that’s been snailed up into the actual body work the

    Metal work of the van I think safe to say he didn’t have his belt on can you remember what type of speed you were doing or the positioning of your vehicle no it would have been 30 hour I imagine just going to show a picture of your car right yeah I just

    Seeing the glance it’s not very good would you say that’s a 30 m impact no obviously I picked up speed I’m KNE when I at the C obviously I’ve stay in i’ I’ve tried correcting it so obviously that’s going to mean I’m going to accelerate when I’m correcting as

    Well CU you just slamy brakes on you’re just going to go sideways he came to the conclusion that hitting the could caused him to speed up in normal circumstances a driver confronted with an unusual emergency situation would break rather than accelerate the officers suspect the driver was traveling faster than 30 mph

    And turned to technology to find out at the scene of crashes the Collision team use Advanced laser scanning to capture the evidence in minute detail we measure by positioning the scanner at various points takes a series of measurements with the lasers it’s actually measuring each individual feature and creating millions of

    Points and it’s this data that can be used to create a 3D snapshot of the scene the accuracy is such that we’re able to use this with confidence um to state for example the distance between we first struck the curve which is that Mark that I’ve highlighted

    Here so I click on the edge of the curb there and zoom in a little bit so I can get it closer into what I want to measure this area here is a gouge in the road surface would identify the initial impact between the two

    Vehicles so what I can do to measure the second point I can click in that area there and then the software creates a line between those two points you can see a yellow line that’s created between the mark and the van there tell me 48. 274 m the scan data reveals that after

    Hitting the curb the car then traveled 48 M before colliding with the van but how does this help him calculate the speed the car was doing at the time we know the speed limit was 40 m hour he stated he was doing 30 mph 40 m hour the

    Speed limit you should have been able to stop around about 45 46 M so virtually stop or at least significantly reduced his speed before the point of impact and he didn’t do any of them um which indicated that was probably doing significantly higher speed and this is something that the

    Passengers have also raised in their accounts about the night of the crash so was a friend of yours in the car and he is saying that he’s told a number of times to slow down cuz your driving’s erratic and then he he’s now seen that he driving is

    Dangerous and said my Mes in the car can you remember that okay he was driving like an idiot and the next thing I knew we crashed I can’t question it I can’t doubt it I can’t say whether or not true so yeah why do you think she’ve seen you

    Were driving like an idiot because to say you driving quickly is one thing to say you driving like an idiot suggest something different it means like it’s everywhere thought but is there any reason why she’ say that against you I don’t know I don’t really know I’ll be

    Honest but I told him three times to slow down he didn’t um I’ve got anything to say or in relation to that that statement he’s made no nothing no okay you got a long straight which dips down the hill toward but then the same Witness Goes On to

    Reveal that the man who ran from the scene was urging the driver to speed up um and he said slow down but Jones uh but Jones was egging you on to to go faster can you remember that no no the front seat passenger we know was the

    Uh the person that ran off immediately after the Collision was egging the driver on was urging the driver to go fast we know that in the car there was loud music being played um you can imagine the atmosphere in the car the trap in the back actually did on three

    Occasions plead with the driver to stop and he didn’t so the fear that you know the horrible atmosphere in the car fear that even you know something is going to happen and ultimately it did police did eventually catch up with a front seat passenger but he refused to provide a witness

    Statement they think he fled because officers wanted to speak to him in connection with other matters but now the driver is about to hear one more account from a witness on the night of the crash is any reason why the paramedic would have said you smell strongly of alcohol yeah yeah but you

    Can smell the alcohol of him just standing over talk him no no everyone was drinking in the car I wasn’t drinking myself can you just confirm I know we spoke about drink in the last interview but then suddenly there’s a change in his recollection can you just confirm did you have any

    Alcohol until I think I had one or two side which you already in my car when I went to cck my car and I just went straight to sleep after that so but there’s more to this driver’s story this is his second brush with the LW in just 24 Hours he’d actually spent the night before the crash in police custody once we knew the driver’s details we found that he’d only been released from custody only 8 hours before the crash he’d been arrested for being drunk while in charge of his car he was found

    Inside his vehicle he had the keys in his hand he was in a position to be able to drive it if he wanted to A breath test at the time showed he was almost four times the legal limit to drive he was kept until such time as he provided a breath specimen that was below the limit and then he was charged with the offense and released from custody but 8 hours later he was back

    Behind the wheel this time with fatal consequences okay the drink Drive limit is 80 came back at at a region of 170 so he was over twice the drink Drive limit um at the time of the crash it’s horrifying I mean he continued to drink during the afternoon and then chose to

    Drive there’s no excuse for it if your driving was of a normal nature and in control then there’s no way you would have CED with anything and lost control of your vehicle at that point over the course of the injury he began to accept what his part in it was and

    Then went confronted with the realities and the weight of the evidence he had no choice he had to accept that he caused the death of the of uh the guy in the back of the car so what I’m point to you is that the your man driving that time fell far

    Below what was expected of a careful comp the driver which has then caused the death yes do you agree or not agree in that respect yes I do Okay okay there’s nothing more I’m going to be asking you and I’m going to stop the Recordings the driver was charged with causing death by dangerous driving as well well as two counts of causing Serious injury by dangerous driving in court he pleaded guilty to all charges throughout the hearing he sat with his head lowered he couldn’t look at the family I’m hoping the enormity of

    What he was involved in had struck him um but he didn’t show any remorse 6 weeks after the crash he was jailed for 7 years and 4 months I’m been drunk to excess the D before and been charged with a separate offense he deliberately drunk to excess and chose to drive that

    Vehicle he had a total disregard for the law total disregard for anybody’s safety apart from his own you know he’s just very extremely selfish extremely Selfish

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