I don’t normally do a lot of driving in central London and This is why. Lawless cyclist. 20 mile an hour speed limits. And traffic everywhere.

    Just the usual bunch of idiots in this video.
    It’s just me driving in and around London mainly in the Surrey areas seeing stupid drivers everywhere I go.
    If you have any clips that you would like to put on the channel please e-mail them to me at thelondondashcam@yahoo.com

    All the music on this channel is from YouTube Music
    Credits go to.
    Silver Waves – TrackTribe
    Electro Cabello – Kevin MacLeod
    Fractal of Light – Chris Haugen
    After School Jamboree – The Green Orbs
    Bunny Hop – Quincas Moreira
    Feelin Good – Kevin MacLeod
    Happy Mistake – RKVC
    Little Later Than He Expected To – Chris Zabriskie
    and the intro and outro video is from
    Credit go to.
    Mike B
    Roberto Nickson
    Roshan Kamath
    Video by Bhargava Marripati: https://www.pexels.com/video/footage-of-london-bridge-from-a-moving-boat-4352811/
    Video by Mike Bird: https://www.pexels.com/video/different-kinds-of-vehicles-on-the-freeway-2053100/


    1. I think the reason bicyclers jump red lights is

      1/ they see others doing it
      2/ impatience
      3/ low probability of being caught
      4/ they feel it's a safer option as they can do a stretch of road traffic free
      5/ the sensors don't pick them up so they have to wait for a car to come before the lights change
      6/ they perceive it as being safe and not affecting anyone else

      Some of these reasons also explain why people speed

    2. News flash…ignorant cyclists who think they are above the law, especially in the whitechapel area, become the next evolution in natural selection. RIP

    3. News flash…ignorant cyclists who think they are above the law, especially in the whitechapel area, become the next evolution in natural selection. RIP

    4. No police but I did see 2 of our company trucks. Councils put in cycle lanes and truck manufacturers put in warnings and sensors and they even had their own traffic lights but still they put them selves in danger and don’t think of anyone else around them. If I ever knock a cyclist off when it’s his fault I won’t feel bad about it. I also ride a cycle to work some days and stop at the lights and I’m never late because I set off a bit earlier.

    5. I'm all for cars obeying the highway code , but cyclists shouls be exempt (I'm not one myself) … they can react quickly so why sit at a red light for no sencible reason ? they are endangering no one but themselves. Look at these two mupet pedestrians waiting cos the red man is showing! 7:58 the guy with the hard had shows them how to cross … needless obeying of stop signs !

    6. You can't do anything about cyclists jumping red lights from a car – moaning about it isn't going to achieve anything. When I lived in London I used to take a more direct approach – hop on my own bike (making sure to regularly service the brakes!), overtake other cyclists and then slam on the stoppers for red lights! Great fun and good exercise!

    7. Pedestrians do not have to wait for a green man to cross at a pedestrian crossing so though not advisable they weren't technically doing anything wrong.

    8. OMG I couldn't be doing with driving in London anymore! I haven't been there for years and you're experiences have just made me avoid the place at all costs! Mr Khan has done his bit too, making the place a mine field of traps and just generally unpleasant! Cambridge has always been a good place to spot kamikaze cyclists, probably better described as morons on a bike rather than the rare genuine law abiding cyclists.

    9. Cyclists are part of what I call The LLCC, that's the London League of Colourblind Cyclists. No payment or fees due. Path or road, all the same. You should go to the Lord Rockingham at E & C. Cycle Superlane — Never Used

    10. I love watching your videos, I normally try to follow the view to see if I know the location, this one was very obvious for me as it’s been one of my travelling routes a few. 👍

    11. Im a bus driver in Manchester and you see exactly the same issues with cyclists. Almost never- and I really do mean that- do they stop for a red light. They’ll happily risk it all by doing this, or squeezing up the inside of slow moving traffic, one way signs are optional and cycling on the footpath is ok. They are completely lawless because they are not held to account. Ive seen them run red lights in front of police vehicles; no consequences. Of course the cycle brigade will say that car drivers do things they shouldn’t be doing too, but the difference is that for vehicle drivers it’s a vast minority that are idiots- because they can be held to account. Cyclists as a vast majority- certainly in Manchester- do not follow any rules of the road.

    12. Some really good examples of cyclists safely treating red lights as a give way. The law needs updating, it’s clearly not an issue to anyone but frustrated drivers.

    13. At the moment drivers pay £100 and get 3 points. Why double for cyclists? Surely they’re less of a risk than a driver.

    14. 10:08 It's a bike and no one likes to wait for no reason. He's doing it legally and safely. 👌👏 So why chastise him? 🤷‍♂ In any way, I'm glad you show him, it's nice to see good examples too. 👍 P.S.: I'm starting to think London needs traffic light cameras with automatic photo finishes and fines sent to the license holders. 😂🤣

    15. Watching this I'm noticing the lack of police. Is there any law enforcement in London? As a cyclist in Staffordshire I'm appalled by how brazen these cyclists are. 😮

    16. Cyclists are the same all over and those electric scooters should be banned altogether, a woman was killed by one in Dublin recently.

    17. cyclists …ffs…just opened a bottle of Johnie walker…..you know, but this is the truth one came to my store and locked their bike up at the store front trolley bay and put their chain through one of the trolleys handles then through the bay bars so no-one could get a shopping trolleys out from that row> if I had a pair of bolt croppers with me 😡

    18. I had to do a CBT to ride a 125cc motorcycle plus have a driving license MOT certificate road tax and insurance cycling should have to have do at least a CBT for the same principle for safety

    19. What would happen if a driver were to hit a cyclist jumping a red? I'm guessing the driver would still come out the villain of the situation, or at least would be put through the mill trying to defend themselves. I can see why you are so frustrated. Madness indeed.

    20. The most dangerous act in that video was the car going through the red light. If there were no motor vehicles there would be no need for any traffic lights.

    21. The South East and London in particular suffer the most congested roads and bad behaviour by cyclists. The worst about it is that whatever happens there eventually spreads to the rest of the UK.

    22. Morning after a concert at Finsbury Park. Summer 2022. Sat outside the cafe to the entrance to the park, by the travelodge, 4 way lights with box junction, drank a tea and had breakfast and lost count within 5 minutes of the number of cyclist red light jumpers and beeped horns as they nearly got mown down, then they had the audacity to swear at motorists. Yes motorists are by no means perfect, but can you imagine if cars just disregarded reds. Chaos.

    23. The School mini bus, with the not so nice exhaust emissions has a valid MOT until April 2024. As of April 2023 has done 159,626 miles in 7 years(22,800pa).

    24. Thank you for the trip across Tower Bridge, most entertaining.

      I think, perhaps the answer to cyclists ignoring traffic lights is to fit the lights with paintball guns. Run the light, get a paintball in the back!

    25. Brilliant! Many cyclists have established their own sub-culture where it's completely acceptable to break the rules which were established to protect them!

    26. I have no issue with cyclists moving off if it's safe to do so….turning left (similar to the the USA when cars can turn right at red if no traffic). A lot of your issues are nit picking….. with a strong scent of jealousy. I'd predict that if you're at a BBQ people move on quickly 🤣🤣🤣

    27. These videos just cement my feeling that redesigning civilisation for the car was a disaster, made travelling within our communities miserable, and destroyed our towns and cities. We've forced most people to drive and inadvertently put stupid people in cars. I'd much rather these people were pedestrians and cyclists than drivers because the car is infinitely more dangerous.

    28. I'm far too terrified to break the rules of the road when I'm out cycling. I can't help but imagine the day I go through a red, or into the wrong lane (especially oncoming like some of these nutters) is the day I get struck by another vehicle and either end up badly injured or dead. And I absolutely hate having a long line of traffic stuck behind me, if I'm travelling down a road that doesn't have enough passing space (like a smaller road with rows of cars parked on one side / both sides). It just makes me feel self-concious and uncomfortable knowing the cars are being slowed down to a crawl because of me. So I usually try and find a safe spot to pull over, and wave the line past and then get going again once it's clear. Makes me more comfortable, feel safer and has the added benefit of surprising the motorists in a positive manner and make their commute just a teeny bit less stressful. I usually get quite a few waves of thanks or thumbs up for it, which is always nice 🙂

    29. been a cyclist for about 40yrs, in my early teens i did the same run reds, then a very close call with a car changed that, from then on i stopped at every red light used hand signals when turning, use every cycle lane. it boils my p@@s when i see cyclists run reds and no lights at night,

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