In this Video we will look at the progress made on the exhausts system i have been making for a SUZUKI GSXR 750 SLABSIDE, which will be raced in the Isle of man at the 2024 Manx GP.

    I will also look though Grandads filing cabinet for more clues to his ownership of the Manx Norton Brand. I find some old Manx Norton Drawings that have Colin Seeleys Name stamped on them.

    I hope you enjoy another video from the Raysons Workshop.

    Thanks for Watching

    Ben Hardman
    Raysons Exhausts – Rochdale UK

    Right guys uh new video new bike set camera up in a new weird angle there basically just want to get you that on me of this is been a little opening shot kind of thing St to do some pauses don’t know if that might not even

    Be in your video probably will be in video cuz don’t edit do I so pump for today uh I have no idea what order they’re in these videos again but I think yesterday you should get history of that n the little do RAC I had in

    Here uh yeah today I’ve lost the plot I think yesterday the day before we were talking about oh we had the Rickman out we had Benelli out we were looking at the cers the flanges whip the pipe off the Rickman the Norton Norton’s now gone gone he come picked it up this morning

    Well happy with them well happy with them he’s excited he’s going to do a couple of races get up din do a couple of races get it on Dino again come back got something coming for post let’s go and have a look let’s see what I’ve got

    Yeah nothing fancy nothing fancy at all right yes so that’s gone he were well happy he was well happy with it uh need to stop looking in there looking there uh yeah now I don’t what I’m going to do again I’ve just come in it’s most days

    Like this so you got one big job done out of the way you come in you like I’ve got that to do got that to do I’ve got that to do which which is the right order dady’s got wrong path and then a procast here and a

    Stand here and I don’t know what I’m clipping doing here so I said me plan I just actually done real this say what I’m going to do plan was to chop these off uh chop them off see if I’ll get them up and in a bit more but they’re

    All proper nice and tidy I’ll grab camera I’ll show you wow there we go let me flip the screen around so the fitted the sweet that absolutely sweet if you go look at them from there the line on that is absolutely perfect uh just nice

    Just nice that sweep is nice uh but this Gap here I want to try and get that in ever so slightly and I’ve got a little tiny bit to play with underneath a couple of mil to play with there and I’m thinking I could probably put them in 5

    Mil that way or bring them up 2 mil that way but I’m not right sure about doing it the only reason I’m not right sure about doing it cuzz I say they’re all it’s all set up lovely all I need to do now to finish them off would be to whip

    These tail pipes out put some collar in there tack the collars on and just carry on building away and then pull it all off well round it put it all back on again it’ll be done whereas now we plan is to alter that by 5 mil which means taking it all

    Off chopping 5 mil off all them putting them all back on again uh a r tacking them tacking them arranging out bottom getting it all back built up to here wiggle it all so I know it’s all perfect and then I can weld it

    And then I’m only in the same place as I am now but with that Gap 5 mil less could take half a day just getting it all perfect so the gaps are perfect everywhere is a lot of messing about everyone thinks it might that’s going to be the easy bit it’s never the

    Easy bit that is that’s what takes so long just changing 5 mil means pulling all that down it’s basically you propped it all up balanced it built almost built like a tower and then you want to change the bottom brck it’s doable is it you dismantle it

    All change that b build it all back up again and then you’re only in the same place as you were before so that’s what I’ve got but it would make it a lot better so I’m going to go and have a bit of thinking time with it a bit of long time

    Me and the bar like just sit down talk to each other for a bit ask it what it wants ask it whether it wants the 5 mil chopping off or whether it’s all right as it is one thing I do need to check is I’m going to pull wooden blocks out from

    Underneath it you see it’s rested up on wooden blocks pull them out and I’m probably going to slink fairing on it now see see what it looks like with fairing on see how much room I need if I need some more room then I do I need to

    Dismantle it Don if I don’t need any more room then we’ll make that decision then so what I’m going to do now we’re going to set you up set up in the same place as you were a minute ago up here and I’ll put you on some sort of I

    Don’t know I’ll put you on some sort of speeded up version I’ll be back I’ll set that up and I’ll come back yes yeah right so you probably want to know what the victory dance were for don’t you have a look at this have a look at

    This gapsa gaps are all sweet uh I’ll show you now because I’m going to have to Jack this back up again lit pulled it right down up Forks that’s the only thing I worried about was the travel on front end when you slap front breake on

    One of these and then you see it on a slowmo vid on TV they’re they’re going down a lot further than you actually think fairing grinding out on bottom up floor all that yeah what you think’s happening there a lot more is happening so I were looking at it thinking if that

    Went right up to top would it touch pipes cuz that’s the only thing I need to worry about that’s that’s the only bit I a bit unsure about with a gap at the front so yeah set front faing on and fits like a glove in fact it fits too

    Good there’s I’ve got it that highe up now that pipe there the tail pipe uh there’s a gap underneath it it don’t quite feel that all but as good as it’ll get supp you could probably lift off airing up a little bit now that’s one option in it is that they could they

    Could lift it up a little bit more so you have got a little bit more ground clearance that fairing a like it’ll go up a bit more on on handle bars so yeah let’s flip it around let’s have a look I’ll show you I’ll show you all good

    Stuff W sorry Dro you uh sorry like you’re a little baby so that’s the back end my massive massive gaps all the way around it looks it looks lovely like the way that it flicks up there and tons of room get your hand underneath and Parks down underneath

    There uh it’s SC to see cuz I’m too close to it yeah nice that’s the sump that you can see there and there’s a nice Gap there between this that’s the outer outer part when you’re underneath there nice gap between fits all nicely around there and we look through here that’s

    Gap to get camera in fact I can’t get camera through there but yeah you can kind of see it between there somewhere that’s the Gap we got to wheel seems like seems like L room to me cuz it’s right down up Forks there’s not much left at Forks there just I’ve got

    Ratchet straps around York so I managed to pull it down but I don’t want it to to sit on seals so let’s I’m going to jack that back up but yeah fair and fit so I’m probably not going to do that alteration that’s what an hour or something scratching your head having a

    Think does it’s just saved me about another 4 hours is it probably uh if I done four hours there all I done would have made it 1% better for an extra 4 hours you want to notice the difference no be no difference at all uh just looks

    A tad neater so I’m glad I’ve not done that I’ve asked customer now he he might want them in he might if he wants them in I’ll got off put back on again but if he’s happy with the way it is I’m happy uh just crack on carry on building it so

    I’ll wait for a reply if he wants me to carry oh set you back up on there whip off fairing back off again and then we’ll see we’ll see what the rest of the day delivers T some LS that’s not a bad shot is it for when when I’m doing rest at

    Bikes uh you get a nice view at Workshop there and my heads at the same he as the bikee so that’s probably how we’re going to do it from now on I might use that as a the two places are not too bad actually so yeah just looking myself in

    Screen so that’s on uh this is going to be the point where I do this me on and we speed it all up again uh B I can find them bits and if I do that with me thumbs I can just scroll through find it trim it next bit Stitch it together nice

    Quick editing not no Jazzy the only bit bit of Jazzy I want to do is that first bit right a few words on it and then yeah that’s it right until the Productions if someone wants to come and edit it up for free for me uh so yeah let’s whip this off

    Let’s s it up right guys back in I think it’s a new day it’s a new day uh new projects I’ll crack on we’ll have a look at what I’m doing today uh I’m just still I’m still on with that GSXR basically uh waiting for him to come

    Back to me he didn’t come back to me uh posted a video up on me Instagram stories and one of my friends Rob witty he Tunes them up does a fair bit with these bikes uh he said try I’ll caller on it first because he’s have problems

    Where the pipes and the oal that all need to come together uh try that on it first make sure that clears all pipes I’ve had a look at it and I’ve not got the same problem my o is going at the top is when at the bottom so they they

    Do interfere with the pipes if you going from the bottom but over at top it’s just basically going right the outside and into top so the it’s well it’s out the way at pipes I’ll have a look at it but I don’t think it’s going to get in

    The way uh I posted up yesterday’s history video this morning so that’s a good watch I’ve watched it back I don’t watch any of them back I just trim the bits out stick it together press post not bothered not bother if there’s any mistakes in it or whatever you’re just

    Getting it all natural just keep keep the thing rolling uh so yeah watch that back it were good and then I just realized this morning when I were watching it back I thought that’s an interesting story and then I thought I’ve got a nice little piece of info

    From that and I didn’t show it so we’re going to go and have a look in Grandad’s Final in cabinet now try and find some of them little Ms n and drawings that on about let’s say they’re not the originals Grand that would have got them M’s big transparencies from drawing room

    And then you use them transparencies print them on to paper and then Yan then picks the paper out all fruit Factory someone loses them you just go and get the transparency again print it onto paper give that to someone else so that’s what Grand that were doing they were just photo copying all

    Transparencies tracing paper Bas yeah it’s like they put it on tracing paper and they just phot copy that onto a piece of paper and they just kept them books and kept them next to La so they some of them they uh what do you call that sticky back

    Plastic stuff I’ve never done that before in have not been F you give it to when I were at school you give it to someone else that had the money to buy one of them uh I don’t know Co it in plastic they coat it in plastic so then

    They could have them next to leave and they could get all juice all over them all coolant and stuff uh so yeah I’ve got a few them ones are all proper Scrappy they’ve gone uh but I say managed to save a few I went through all

    Grand’s filing cabinets cuz we got a few upstairs as well and I just man managed to keep some of them together uh this here is Grandad’s book of silencer drawings J bits of Scrappy Bits of Paper like where customers are sent through a drawing like that then in here this is

    Where I’ve managed to keep all our grand do Ms n and drawings that I’ve managed to find this is a nice big poster from dmy Racer the spars company in America him and Granddad used to sell sell stuff to each other so this is just it’s come

    It’s got let’s have a look there we go on back of here it’s been posted to Unity equipped to Grandad shop in Rochdale there we go we got some focus and up here it says Cincinnati May 1991 that’s when that’s come through Ohio let’s let’s see if we can get it to

    Open out this time I say I want to keep it I want to put it B nice in a frame then I don’t want it to go M on wall so I’ve just been keeping it in that fining cabinet cuz it’s still nice since in one piece it’s been up on wall

    Paint on it cuz it’s got the little drying pin all in corner yeah so that’s a nice piece and then in this the rest of it get that folded up and out the way I should probably just put it out the way let’s not try and fold it with one on right in

    Here look then n and this is the KN one b i just gone and found it now uh so I can get it out take a photograph of it and then I can post it on the comments that go with my video that is a bolt for the rear engine

    Plate just a simple part probably something that can’t see is sold though so he’s putting them dmy dummy engines into the frames he’s going to need these bolts and then that’s a good spare to sell that it’s a simple thing to make I’ve made or

    Make sell loads of them uh yeah he’s put his name on the drawing so he’s been having them made some you not put your name on it if you’re going to give it to someone else otherwise it would’t matter if you just kept that in house would

    It does it have a that’s been redrawn in 69 so it looks like it’s probably been redrawn by you bought it out I think I had no idea but yeah that’s that’s one nice one and then there’s plenty more in there all they’re probably bits of

    Welding spot a bits of dirt that’s been on transparency that one’s a that one’s 59 so that’s a better date maybe the other one says 59 I just read it wrong so yeah that’s all I’ve got left drawing wise I asked I like you must have stashed some of them under your bed

    Or something like no I honest I just give them all back I give them all to own he bought them he give me the right money for them so I give him all drawings and we just have a couple of loose copies and they’re just like they’re just nuts and bolts they nothing

    Fancy at all there is a for leg one but you can barely read it you can barely see me there can you right uh back to bike plan is today you just have a bit more more of a look at that what I’m going to do is I’m

    Just going to start piecing it together put some more bits on it see how we get on check that oil cooler up front here put that on uh also got these sleeves these sleeves are needed to join the tail pipes that way tail pipes to The Collector all that kind of stuff I’m

    Going to put these in and that will start tightening the system up because at the moment it’s just really slack it’s all loose in there nothing’s tacked on so start putting the sleeves in just it had a fre mil gap before if I put the

    Sleeve in it’ll only have a 1 mil Gap and then I’m getting closer to where it needs to be to weld it together so yeah just mess about it’s Saturday just going to have a play today I think uh I’ll update you I’ll upate you and see see what I’ve

    Done right guys this is me signing off at the uh foot weekend start another week again next week uh hope you enjoyed a week’s worth of videos um what have I done today not done much as you can see Suzuki still under the sheet I had it out I had a bit

    Of a luck put it back under the sheet again it one of them I had too much stuff on I’ve got a load of parcels here in that shopping basket they all want to go different countries and they all want Customs notes and it’s a nightmare you

    Have to do like three of each you can do it on internet but then they printed don’t print properly uh so yeah I’ve got to try and get around that I’ve got I don’t know got six or so boxes so I’ve been doing that I’ve just been upstairs

    Packing them up for half a day making sure everything’s got the right stuff in the Box boxes so that one’s got three pairs of swan next it’s going to France that one’s got a MX Mega in that’s going to America there two PE clamps off me eBay

    Yourself on eBay buy them good little buys uh that’s two pairs of offset C ponds going to Holland and that I think that might be going to America that is a one pair of swanx and I’ve weed that dimensioned it up so I can stick it into

    When the next people ask me so I’ve got like nine pairs of them for sale at the moment uh so if you want to set email me email your address and I’ll get a prize for posting it that’s me that’s me done for weekend hope you enjoyed the week’s

    Worth videos and I’ll see you again next week which is tomorrow probably by the time you watch this have a good one guys see a bit

    1 Comment

    1. The problem of having a good eye and being a perfectionist. Cutting off 5 mm, I thought? Then the faring went on … Bloody hell perfect anyway. I know why people should go to you for an exhaust. Put those bolt drawings in a frome on the wall too. Simple as they are great for a man cave.

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