A guide to bus lanes for your module 2 motorcycle DAS test.

    Passing your DAS DVSA motorcycle module 1 test & module 2 test can be a challenge, as there’s so many road safety and machine control procedures to remember when learning to ride a motorbike. Take your time to practise the new skills you learn whilst on your motorcycle lessons.

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    Today we’re going to talk about bus lanes a lot of people habitually don’t use bus lines because they’re worried about getting a ticket or they’ve had a ticket in the past because they’ve misused the bus lane just because you’ve had a ticket in the past doesn’t mean that you’re going to

    Get another ticket in the future so long as you read the signs when a bus lane is in use it’s marked on the signs and the signs have times on them so during the times shown on the bus lane sign it’s a bus lane outside of the time shown on the bus

    Lane sign it is not a bus lane it is just a lane and when it’s not an active bus lane it’s just a lane which you should be using because it helps to keep the traffic flowing so long as you read the signs and you have an accurate clock on the bike that

    You’re riding there’s no reason for you to gain a ticket when riding in a bus lane when it is not an active bus lane if the bus lane sign doesn’t have any times on it then it’s always a bus lane it may say at any time which means it’s always a bustling

    So at any time it’s active those are the ones where you don’t want to be riding or driving in them because you will gain a ticket if there’s cameras on that bus lane so the rule is read the Times on the sign and know whether you can or cannot use the bus lane

    If there’s no times on the sign don’t use the bus lane because so many car drivers habitually don’t read the signs and don’t use the bus lanes you do need to be a little bit careful if you are choosing to use the bus lane and most of the other traffic is staying

    Out of it to the right usually because what will regularly happen is somebody will want to turn left across the bus lane and they won’t necessarily be Looking For You especially on a motorbike so you have to be quite careful if you are in the bus lane

    Traffic might turn across you to turn left or the traffic may slow down in the right handling because somebody wants to turn right or they’re slowing down for another reason and then the traffic behind those Vehicles May dive out into the bus lane without checking properly

    For you so be very careful if you are using a bus lane as a normal Lane outside of the times when it’s operative that the other traffic may do strange things around at you so this bus lane is a 7 30 to 9 30 a.m bus lane at the

    Moment it’s 8 33 a.m so we can’t use that one because it’s currently a bus lane a regularly travel this road when I can use it so I nearly use it then it was quite entertaining so make sure you don’t always do what you always do read the signs and make an

    Active and informed decision as opposed to just riding or driving out of habit traveling in this direction we’ll be coming up to the start of another bus lane and on this occasion the bus lane signs on the left and it says at any time

    So once again this is a bus lane that we cannot use and we can never use this bus lane unless we’re an electric vehicle as you can see they have the you love marking on the so buses and push bikes and electric vehicles can use this one

    Reading bus lane signs is all part of planning ahead and reading your signs generally so when you’re approaching Junctions or when you’re generally riding down the road try to lift your eyes up and look around for the signs so here for example as we approach this

    Junction there’s a lot of signs to have a look at we know we’re not turning left so we can discount the left turn signs and now we’re traveling the road ahead we need to read the signs ahead quite clearly you can see a bus lane

    Sign coming up on the left and then a white sign beyond that which is telling you which lane to use and where to go in these Lanes there’s three lanes ahead to the left turn lane which is the one that I’m in has a left arrow and then a dead

    End sign which is accept bosses and Cycles but you wouldn’t believe how many students here even though they’re in this left turn lane even though there’s a left Arrow marked clearly on the road and there’s the white sign ahead to go straight ahead into the red bus lane it’s even got red tarmac

    So the number of students that sit at these traffic lights potentially maybe they’re behind a car maybe they’re behind a couple of cars either way they don’t lift their eyes up and read the signs as they come through here they don’t even read the road markings

    And they go straight ahead into the bus lane which you can see ahead there it’s about planning and it’s about reading those signs try to lift your eyes up and rather than just focusing on one thing write a multitask you do need to read the signs read the road markings and work out

    Which parts of the road you can and cannot use once again notice the big merging Lanes arrows on the left that’s your first big indicator as well as the big blue sign and again there’s no times on this sign therefore it’s always a bus lane so he

    Cannot use this bus lane just in case you didn’t gather it there’s a left turning and then the bus lane continues more signs again to help you to know whether or not you can use this bus lane so using the excuse that you’ve once had a ticket therefore you will never again

    Use a bus lane is a little bit Daft because imagine if we could use this bus lane I wouldn’t be sitting in a queue of traffic the traffic would be flowing more easily if everybody actually uses it when they could use it obviously we can’t use this one but

    It makes sense to use the lanes appropriately when you’re able to and when the bus lanes end you should be moving back in to Lane one on this occasion the two lanes are going to merge so you can see the blue end of bus lane sign which sometimes it’s a very small

    Sign that one but it’s telling you the bus lane is finishing so you’re either going to get two lanes ahead all the lanes are going to merge on this occasion the lanes will merge but when it continues to be two lanes you should be moving in at the end of

    The bus lane once the bus lane has finished rather than staying out in lane two simply because the highway code stipulates that we should be riding in the left of the available lanes for the direction that we wish to travel so it’s about actively applying your knowledge your observational skills and your

    Knowledge combined will place you into the correct Lane when you are traveling next to a bus lane which you’re unable to use you should be looking for the ends of the bus lane and also checking your mirrors for anybody who’s cutting into it early before it ends to get up to the junction

    Before you Again read the road ahead bend the arrows merging Lanes arrows um the bus lane sign which is slightly hiding in the trees but you can quite clearly see the Vaseline ahead but you’d also be trying to read the signs to make sure that you are not moving when you don’t need to

    So keeping a good eye on your mirrors is important so you know what is coming up next to you in the bus lane quite often the people in the bus lane whether it’s the electric vehicles on this road especially or sometimes even the buses will speed

    Or at least to be able to go slightly faster than you’re going in this Lane if you’re stuck behind somebody who’s going slightly underneath the speed limit but the electric vehicles on this road are particularly bad for speeding coming into a more built up area there’s lots of road signs around so we’re

    Trying to read as many of them as we can to give ourselves more information up ahead we can see the end of bus lane sign it’s small rectangular and blue however I’m not going to move in because I can make more progress in this Lane I would normally move in

    But with the big cure traffic let’s make some progress instead very good next watch that indicator that will be your downfall cancel the damn thing tell yourself indicator on indicator off lovely the traffic lights will be turning left to try and read your bus lane signs you should be using the bus

    Lane today because it’s Sunday this one says Monday to Friday it’s an easy one that one that’s about Adam when the bus lane finishes what do we do Lee good try and spot when the bus lane finishes so we need the big solid fat white line finishes

    Should be moving in if you can’t see it continuing up the road any further what are you changing lanes for Lee it’s a bit early to be changing lanes I’d probably be doing it just after the traffic lights for the parkour I think as if that van had slowed down

    To turn right you’d have been stuck well done but can we use the bus lane going then well done when it’s not a bus lane it’s just a lean and if you choose to pass these vehicles don’t linger in the blind spots and expect them to move over on you

    I’d be using your horn but that van is wandering into the lane he’s obviously on the phone or distracted no you’re free to use your horn if you think somebody is distracted and you’re passing them don’t be afraid to use it because he was wandering terribly Andy’s

    Dawdling which makes me think he’s on the phone or still from last night keep reading your bustling signs if you can use it you should use it good well done


    1. If anyone didn't realise, the a.m. times displayed are to get public transport etc into the city centres quicker and the p.m. times are to get buses etc out of the city centres quicker, thereby causing queues for all the other poor folks just trying to get to work or home in their own way. 🙂

    2. Don’t you have any bus lanes in your area which motorcycles can use? We often can use them, depending of council. Richmond, Kensington, Westminster are good to us. Hammersmith and Hounslow not so much. But some people use them anyway. Mostly scooters with L plates.

      Are you going to do a lesson on filtering?

    3. I remember the first time I saw a bus lane sign. It essentially read 'This is a bus lane, in order to figure out if you can drive in it you have to first read this chart of times below..times of operation:' then I'd driven past it and it was too late. I'm convinced they were taking the Mickey when they designed those signs!😂

    4. One situation that I don't suppose comes up very often, but was the cause (partly) of my failed Mod 2 – cars parked in a bus lane. The lane was not in use for buses at the time, so some people had parked in it. I declined to use the lane because of that, but the examiner handed me a serious fault saying there was sufficient distance between the groups of parked cars for me to use the bus lane for a short time. Can't say I agreed, but that seems to be DVSA's approach to the matter.

    5. That's cool to know, I automatically assumed that motorbikes could use the bus lane anytime. Thanks for sharing and see you on your next adventure ✌️ 🤙 🤟

    6. I live in Bristol where bus lanes are legal to use on motorcycles at all times with one or two odd exceptions. I love the filthy looks I get from car drivers in the daily Brislington traffic jam when I sail past in the bus lane. I don't suppose half of them realise that I'm perfectly within my rights to do so. Hey ho, gives them plenty of time to faff about with their phones which pretty much every other car driver does the moment they hit a traffic queue.

    7. Biggest issue is the signs for usage cannot be read while moving. They are way too small. So I agree in your local area you can take the time to stop and read the signs so you know on your daily drives when you can and can't use them.
      When you travel to a new area, there is zero chance of seeing a bus lane while moving and being able to read the sign and decide to use it or not. This is why most people never use them. It's easier on a bike to stop a read it. In a car forget it.

    8. hi Leanna, not sure what happened but seems i didnt post what i wrote to you on this video 🤣
      most useful video though 😃
      i would tell myself if in doubt! keep out 🤭im a little bit daft ☺ive yet to venture out to play in bus lanes
      stay safe and stay healthy
      your sleepy stalker kev 🤣

    9. Would not using a bus lane when it was 'available' constitute as a 'fault' on your test? Have to say I hate 'stuff' overtaking me on the inside in the UK., it just feels so un-natural to me and this is probably the only place it occurs. I'd hate to be learning to ride these days 'they' just make it as hard as possible to 'pass'. You should point that gentleman that leaves his indicator on at some of your 'other halfs' videos. He's the only guy that pushes his indicator button as much as I do…🤣

    10. I've passed my 'Test' … so I think I'll just 'stick' with the main flow of the traffic and leave the bus lanes for the buses….At 64 having ridden since I was 16 I have no inclination to become a SMIDSY making a left turn 😐

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