#휴먼스토리 #플러스82 #카페

    홈페이지: https://www.cafeplus82.com/kor/main/
    문의: 1577-0363

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    휴먼스토리 카페링크

    Covering stories of people all around the world. Human Story. My left eye is prosthetic. – A prosthetic eye? – Yes. It’s a fake eye. I’m not sure how well you can hear me, but I have vocal cord paralysis, so it might be difficult for you to communicate with me.

    I wanted to give motivation and hope to people by showing them a disabled person like me, who is out of voice, can also run a business and work hard to earn profits. I get sleep on my prosthetic eye that I need to wash it. Doesn’t it hurt to take it out?

    It’s okay now. [Human Story] [Cheongju-si, 10 a.m.] What kind of story did you want to share with people watching Human Story? I’m a bit embarrassed to say this, but if you look here, my left eye is prosthetic. – A prosthetic eye? – Yes. It’s a fake eye.

    I’m not sure how well you can hear me, but I have vocal cord paralysis, so it might be difficult for you to communicate with me. I wanted to give motivation and hope to people by showing them a disabled person like me, who is out of voice,

    Can also run a business and work hard to earn profits. What happened? Were you born this way? No. I got in a car accident in 2021, and my left eye went blind. What kind of car accident was it? I was a delivery man back then, and I was waiting for a traffic light.

    – On a motorbike? – Yes. It was a rainy day. The driver behind me dozed off at the wheel. – Jeez. – That’s how the accident happened. I guess you don’t have a memory of that day. I remember thinking, ‘Let’s go and earn my paycheck.’ But I don’t remember how the accident happened

    Or what I was doing to lose the memory. I don’t remember those things. Were you at the hospital when you woke up? When I opened my eyes, I was lying down, not being able to see anything with my left eye. How did you feel when you opened your eyes at the hospital?

    ‘What’s going on?’ ‘Am I injured?’ I kept asking for three days. “Did I really get in a car accident? What’s going on now?” – Could you not believe it? – No. Back then I didn’t know if it was worth living. Since I lost one eye, I couldn’t walk properly. Is that what happens?

    Yes. I didn’t think it would happen to me, but I couldn’t walk. When your balance is off, it’s hard to walk. How did your vocal chord got paralyzed? I got an operation on the right side of my face, and the doctor said I could get my vocal chord get paralyzed.

    – And it really happened? – Yes. It must have felt like the sky was falling. – You’re amazing. – Right. You said you make about $60,000 a month. How much actual profit do you make? I think I made about $15,000 for actual profit. How much did it cost you to start the business?

    It cost $42,900 excluding the down payment for the cafe. I don’t need to focus on serving customers too much. Where are you going? I need to clean my prosthetic eye once a day. – Your prosthetic eye? – Yes. I get sleep on my prosthetic eye that I need to wash it.

    Do you take your prosthetic eye out, clean it, and put it back in? – Yes. – Can you just wash it with water? There’s a cleaning solution for it. I take it out like this. Like that? Yes. Doesn’t it hurt to take it out? It’s okay now.

    It was awkward at first, but I got used to it. I bet it was really hard when you started to run the business at first. Yes. But I’ve memorized where everything is at the cafe, so I’m good now. Were you born in Cheongju? No. I was born in Mokpo, Jeolla-do

    But lived in Incheon. How did you end up in Cheongju? My girlfriend was a manager of Plus 82 run by the headquarters. As I started to run the cafe, I went to see the CEO. The CEO suggested I went to the hidden-gem of Plus 82 so I went to Cheongju.

    So you came here for the business. – Yes. – And you got the house, too. Yes. (POS) An order from Yogiyo. This is a 24-hour cafe. What’s your daily schedule like? I run the cafe during the lunchtime, and when the peak time is past, I prepare for the evening service.

    So your girlfriend manages the place only during the early morning time. – Yes. – Then when do you see her? When I come here in the evening, we’re together for three to four hours. When the business is more stabilized, I’ll hire employees, and we’ll have more time together. (POS) Ding-dong! Baemin Order!

    You said you wanted to show that even if somebody went through difficulty in life, they can overcome it and get on with their lives. What was on your mind when you decided to look at life that way? At first, I really wanted to die. That’s how hard it was.

    But my girlfriend said, “You can live with one eye ball missing.” “Who will give you a hard time for being single-eyed?” “Let’s make this work.” That’s when I got the courage to push through. If you didn’t have your girlfriend, it would’ve been a lot harder. I don’t think I could make this work.

    I probably couldn’t get out of the depression. Take it easy. (POS) The order is on its way to the customer. – Are all these for delivery? – Yes. ‘Omitted, Thid Review Chox’ What’s that? A customer ordered ice choux the other day, but I was too busy

    That I forgot to send it to them. So I wrote down the memo so I don’t forget. When this person contacts, you’ll make sure you send the ice choux? Yes. I didn’t get a call, but the memo is still here so I can remember this. Is Review Choux a name of bread?

    There’s a review event that we give ice choux. You can choose between chocolate and vanilla. – Ice choux. – Yes. What did your parents say when you told them you’d start your business? They thought I’d run it by myself,

    But when I told them I’d run it with my girlfriend, they were against the idea. They were worried we’d have too many disagreements when running a business. They kept telling me not to do it with her. You said your goal is to marry your girlfriend. Does she want to marry you, too?

    Yes. We made a promise to each other. At first, she said, “I’ll see.” But now, “Okay.” Don’t you fight a lot when you run a business together? We did. We fought a lot in the beginning, but I always ended up begging for her forgiveness. “I’m sorry. That was my bad.”

    You don’t have much time to spend, though. For that short period of time, we fought. Are you making chocolate chip frappe? (Staff member) No, not yet. – You seem flustered. – Absolutely. I usually focus on my job, but I’m getting confused because I’m talking to you at the same time.

    (POS) Coupang Eats order! When did you get to work? From ten in the morning. Who works before ten, then? My boss’ girlfriend does. – Does she? – Yes. – What’s this? – It’s a peach smoothie. What did you use to do before this? I was an art tutor at an art academy.

    Are you working here to open your cafe, too? Yes. I’m not sure what exactly I’ll do yet, but I like cooking and decorating food prettily. Your CEO said this is a good spot, so you came to Cheongju. Does a location affect a lot in the delivery business?

    There are quite a few top cafes in Cheongju so I was worried if I could do a better job than them, but when you see the gourmet ranking, this place is number one. – Number one? – Yes. At first, I didn’t really get that,

    But I got to understand why the CEO said this was the hidden gem. Since we’re located at the center of the city, the business flies. I work hard with confidence. – Hello. – Hello. – Where are you going? – Bongmyeong-dong. Coming right up. – Thank you. – Bye.

    How much profit do you make after the busy lunchtime? From Baemin only, I make more than $1,000. Including the profit from Yogiyo, it’s about $1,500. So you only make about $500 during the early morning time. No. It starts from midnight. From midnight to lunchtime. We sell stir-fried rice and porridge, too.

    – Stir-fried rice? At a cafe? – Yes. You said there are 150 menus. Can a customer really order anything from the menu? Everything on the menu is easy to cook, so it’s not hard. – What’s this? – It’s green grape ade. It’s a beverage in Internet Cafe Set. What’s an Internet Cafe Set?

    A hot dog and a glass of ade are included in the set. The basic ingredients are all prepared. Yes. This way, we can make it easily. All I need to do is to add sparkling water. – What’s this? – It’s an American hot dog.

    Is there anything changed in your life since the accident? I can now see who to be around and whom I can stop seeing. For example, when I was injured, although there were many friends whom I thought were my good friends, some came to see me, but some didn’t even contact me.

    That’s the point you realized who cares about you sincerely. Yes. That was the point. I’m sure your parents were upset. Yes. During that time, only one guardian could stay at the hospital so my mom was with me. My dad came by every day and tried to feed me anything I could eat.

    He waited with food in his hands. (Staff member) You get a discount for take-out ice Americano. That will be $9.5. – Do you do take-out, too? – Yes. Give us five minutes to make the octopus stir-fried rice. – You sell octopus stir-fried rice, too? – Yes. Thank you.

    – What are you doing? – I’m deciding what to eat. Do you eat what’s here? I do. When it’s too busy to cook, – I get gimbap which is easy to eat. – I saw ramyeon earlier. Do you eat gimbap and ramyeon? Yes. Cup ramyeon. You’ve already eaten a lot. Yes.

    Do you deliver food yourself? I think the customer is just outside. (Staff member) Enjoy. – Do you know what you want to order? – Bulgogi stir-fried rice and cup ramyeon. – What’s this? – It’s an electronic bike. Since it costs a lot to send a delivery man, we go to nearby places ourselves.

    – You deliver food yourself? – Yes. When my employee is at the cafe on weekdays. Shouldn’t you eat something healthier? Yes. But when I eat something that takes a long time to eat, I end up throwing it away because the orders get backed up. That’s why I eat something simple.

    Your food is ready, but another order came through. Every time I try to eat something, I get an order. – Is that a waffle? – Yes. Chocolate waffle. Wow. You need a technique for that. (Staff member) Haha! You put so much creme. Yes. I put a lot.

    Wasn’t it hard to learn the cafe stuff? I made so many mistakes that it was hard to bear. What kind of mistakes? I’d send the order to the wrong address or make the wrong menu. I made so many mistakes. What did your boss say, then? Both of them are so nice

    That they always say it happens. It made me feel worse. Can you say something to them on the camera? I’ll work hard. I do a good job now. Do you get used to it after a month or so? Yes. I’m the senior among the staff members.

    – The most senior? – I’m the only employee they have. [lol] How much do you charge for this waffle? – $4. – $4? Yes. That’s quite a big portion. Although my priority is the taste, but I also think customers would like it if the portion is big. That’s why.

    Your employee said every time she made a mistake, you said it happens. Is there a reason why you said that? [lol] Yes. I’ve been in her shoes. Anyone can make mistakes. That’s why I say it’s okay. – Let’s eat. – Okay. Are you eating now?

    Yes. I think there won’t be an order for a while. We should eat now. [Lunch time] – Do you sell this food? – Yes. It looks good. How much does this tteokbokki cost? $5.3. – $5.3. – Yes. (POS) (POS) Ding-dong! Baemin Order! Have you finished eating? Yes.

    I got an order now, so I need to work on it. Do you make tteokbokki with powder sauce? Yes. When rice cake, fish cake, and powder sauce are boiled, it’s good to go. That’s simple. – What’s this? – It’s black-bean sauce tteokbokki.

    It tastes like the old school tteokbokki, so it’s one of the most popular dishes here. Are you making the kaya butter jam toast? (Staff member) I’m on it now. – What’s that? – Kaya jam. – It looks delicious. – Yes. It’s really delicious. It’s sweet but not too sweet.

    – What’s this? – It’s butter. – It’s like red bean butter. – Yes. (Staff member) I make four slices. Don’t you feel like you need a break or something? I think that every week. I want to travel and have a good time with my girlfriend. But I’ll be able to do that

    Once I earn a lot of money. You were hospitalized for a year and straight after that, you’re working so hard. I guess you didn’t get to have a lot of dates with your girlfriend. You’re right. I don’t get it anymore, since I had to get rehabilitation therapy, our dates evolved around my therapy.

    My girlfriend had a harder time than I did. She constantly takes care of me. I don’t think she had much time for herself. You work day and night. What gives you the motivation to go on like this? First of all, when I get married, I’ll have children.

    I want them to live a wealthy life. I’ve never taken an overseas trip. There are gourmet places in France or Japan. I want to go to places like that. You like cooking. Yes. That gives me the motivation. It was my dream to study cooking in France even as a kid.

    I still want to do that if I get a chance. What was the shooting like today? I was nervous and worried about what to say, but as I unfolded my story, I realized there are things I want to share. Even I’m succeeding my way after taking a plunge.

    I’m sure anyone can achieve their dream. I want to cheer for the people who have just started something. – Did you want to motivate them? – Yes. Your girlfriend has been your rock. You’ll marry her and have a wonderful life together. Why don’t you send her a loving message? That will be nice.

    I’m a little shy. When I got discharged from the hospital, I couldn’t walk properly, and it was hard for me to do ordinary things like eating or meeting someone. She consistently helped me to walk and meet people. Thank you so very much. There isn’t much I can do for you now,

    But I’ll ask you to marry me once again when I become successful, Hye-min. I’ll ask your parents’ blessings and make sure you’re happy. So please wait for me and have faith in me. I’ll prove it to you. Thank you. I love you. Thank you so much for coming here early in the morning.

    It’s been such a meaningful time for me. I got a lot of feedback. Good luck, Human Story. Go Human Story!


    1. 너무 대단하신 사장님이신데ㅠㅠ,, 아무리 가까운곳이여도 위험할 수 있어요 ㅠㅠㅜㅠ 안 가시는 게 좋을 것 같아요 사장님..!! 응원합니다😮

    2. 다치는게. 절망?하고. 하늘이무너졌을꺼같은데. 긍정적으로. 열심히살아보자마음으로 일을열심히하신거보니. 저자신한테많이반성하게되고. 나도열심히살아야겠다생각들고 사장님. 힘내시고. 응원하겠습니다

    3. 사장님 멋지세요 그 큰사고에도 지금처럼 열심히 사는 모습에 제 자신을 반성합니다.
      사장님 정말 더 멋진 여자친구분과 꼭 결혼하셔서 더 행복하게 사셔요^^

    4. 마음이 참 착하신 것 같아요 부지런하시고 게으른 비장애인보다 훨씬 대단하세요 일요일은 하나님께 예배하는 시간 가지면서 하루는 일 쉬어도 좋지않을까요? 건강하시고 더욱 대박나세요

    5. 가게추천해주신사장님이 사람을잘보신거네요 사고나기전에 덕을많이쌓으셨는지 인덕도있으시고 멋있네요 가게대박나시길 바라겠습니다

    6. ‼️여러분의 '소중한 인생' 을 위해
      잠시 3분만 읽어주시면 감사하겠습니다🙂‼️ – 2️⃣

      여러분이 저에대해 어떠한 비난을 하시던, 어떠한 종교를 갖고 계시던, 신의 존재를 믿든 믿지않든
      이 세상에 인간을 창조하신《유일 신》에대한 증언들과 역사적인 사실은 지금까지도 수많이 기록되어지고 있습니다.

      ❤️《예수그리스도》는 그 어떤 종교나 판타지속 소설도 아니며, 세상이 무엇라고 말해도 절대 변하지 않는 《진리》입니다!! ❤️

      저도 이 사실을 인정하고 받아드리기까지 20년도 넘는 시간을 돌고돌아 이 자리에 오게되었습니다.
      제삶의 인생의 주인은 나라며 스스로 우상이라 착각했고 돈과 명에, 인간이 원하는 모든 소유를 가지려고 애쓰려 노력했지만 그런한 것들로 채우면 채울수록
      역설적이게도 제 내면은 더욱 더 공허했으며 그 행복은 아주 잠시 잠깐 일뿐, 여전히 소망없이 살아가는 불쌍한 인생이였습니다.
      이 곳에 인생의 진정한 의미를 찾지못해 오늘 하루도 허망하게 살아가고 계시는 분들이 계신가요?
      저처럼 긴 시간을 방황하며 고생하지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다!

      지금 이 세상은 점점 진리가 사라지고 불법이 성행하고있으며 사랑이 식어져 인간의 마음도 걍팍해지고 있습니다..

      ● 예수께서 감람 산 위에 앉으셨을 때에 제자들이 조용히 와서 이르되 우리에게 이르소서 어느 때에 이런 일이 있겠사오며 또<주의 임하심과 세상 끝>에는 무슨 징조가 있사오리이까. 예수께서 대답하여 이르시되 너희가 사람의 미혹을 받지 않도록 주의하라.
      ●많은 사람이 내 이름으로 와서 이르되 나는 그리스도라 하여 많은 사람을 <미혹>하리라. 난리와 난리 소문을 듣겠으나 너희는 삼가 두려워하지 말라 이런 일이 있어야 하되 아직 끝은 아니니라
      ●민족이 민족을, 나라가 나라를 대적하여 일어나겠고 곳곳에 기근과 지진이 있으리니 이 모든 것은 재난의 시작이니라. 그 때에 사람들이 너희를 환난에 넘겨 주겠으며 너희를 죽이리니 너희가 내 이름 때문에 모든 민족에게 미움을 받으리라
      ●그 때에 많은 사람이 실족하게 되어 서로 잡아 주고 서로 미워하겠으며, 거짓 선지자가 많이 일어나 많은 사람을 미혹하겠으며 불법이 성하므로 많은 사람의 사랑이 식어지리라.
      ●그러나 <끝까지 견디는 자>는 구원을 얻으리라.

      ❤️ 이 《천국 복음》이 모든 민족에게 증언되기 위하여 온 《세상에 전파》되리니 그제야《 끝》이 오리라. 아멘❤️
      (마태복음 24:3~14 )

      소설이라도 생각하셔도 좋으니 살아생전 단 한번이라도
      성경책 꼭 읽어보시고 (내용이 너무많고 모르겠으면 시편,잠언,전도서 먼저 읽어보시는 걸 추천합니다.)

      기독교인도 사람이기 때문에 완벽하지 못합니다.오직 우리를 창조하신 하나님만이 <완벽하신 분>입니다.더이상 사람에게 상처 받지마시고, 하나님만 의지 해보세요!

      ●하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 <독생자>를 주셨으니 이는 <그를 믿는 자마다> 멸망하지 않고
      《영생》을 얻게 하려 하심이라.
      ●하나님이 그 아들을 세상에 보내신 것은 세상을 심판하려 하심이 아니요 그로 말미암아 세상이 《구원》을 받게 하려 하심이라.아멘
      (요한복음 3:16~17)

      고난은 축복입니다. 누구도 이해하지못하는 고난속에서 살고있다며 늘 불평하며 신을 원망하고 계시나요?
      우리가 지금은 신의 뜻을 다 알지 못하지만
      중요한 사실은 신은 당신을 고난속에 있든, 기쁨속에 있든 늘 당신과 함께하고 계시는 사실과
      당신은 그 고난을 통해서 더욱 성장되어져 가며, 언젠가는 몇갑절의 더 큰 축복을 반드시 주실거는걸 《반드시》믿으셨으면 좋겠습니다!

      ●시험을 참는 자는 복이 있나니 이는 시련을 견디어 낸 자가 주께서 자기를 사랑하는 자들에게 약속하신 《생명의 면류관》을 얻을 것이기 때문이라.
      (야고보서 1:12 )

      ●생각하건대 현재의 고난은 장차 우리에게 나타날 영광과 비교할 수 없도다. 만일 우리가 보지 못하는 것을 바라면 참음으로 기다릴지니라.
      마음을 살피시는 이가 성령의 생각을 아시나니 이는 성령이 하나님의 뜻대로 성도를 위하여 간구하심이니라
      ●우리가 알거니와 하나님을 사랑하는 자 곧 그의 뜻대로 부르심을 입은 자들에게는 모든 것이 합력하여 선을 이루느니라.아멘
      (로마서 8:18~28)

      두서가 길었습니다!
      우리의 인생은 생각보다 별로 시간이 없습니다.

      기독교인도 사람이기 때문에 완벽하지 못합니다.오직 우리를 창조하신 하나님만이 <완벽하신 분>입니다.더이상 사람에게 상처 받지마시고, 하나님만 의지 해보세요!
      어떤 비난과 어려움이 찾아와도 낙심하거나 좌절하시지 마시고,잠시 잠깐의 어려운 인생길 끝까지 승리하시길 바랄게요!

      ●하나님이 세상을 이처럼 사랑하사 <독생자>를 주셨으니 이는 <그를 믿는 자마다> 멸망하지 않고
      《영생》을 얻게 하려 하심이라.
      ●하나님이 그 아들을 세상에 보내신 것은 세상을 심판하려 하심이 아니요 그로 말미암아 세상이 《구원》을 받게 하려 하심이라.아멘
      (요한복음 3:16~17)

      누가 뭐래도 당신은 하나님의 형상을 닮은,
      단 하나뿐인<세상의 빛>입니다!
      ❤️오늘도 승리하세요!
      이 땅 가운데 주님 곧 다시 오십니다.❤️

    7. ‼️여러분의 '소중한 인생' 을 위해
      잠시 3분만 읽어주시면 감사하겠습니다🙂‼️- 1️⃣

      안녕하세요? 반갑습니다!
      저 포함해서 오늘도 열심히 살아낸 여러분들 한분한분께 존경하며 감사다는 인사 대신해서 감히 전해드립니다.

      누군가에겐 오늘이 비록 끝이 보이지않는 치열한 전쟁으로 낙심되어 죽고싶으신분도 계시겠지만, '그럼에도 불구하고' 꿋꿋이 오늘을 버텨준 당신께 감사하다는 말씀 진심으로 전해드리고 싶습니다!

      인생의 의미를 인간이 비록 전부 다 알수는 없지만,
      인간은 스스로 자기 자신도 구원하지 못하는, 언제 죽을지도 예측하지못하는 연약한 존재임을 깨닳으며
      당연하게 주어진게 아니였던 오늘하루를 살아있음에 감사함을 느끼며, 나에게 한정적으로 주어진 이 세상의
      시간을 소중히 여기는 삶과
      내가 비록 어려울지라도 나보다 더 어려운 이웃과, 내 옆사람을 한번이라도 되돌아보며 이들을 사랑하는 마음만 포기하지않고 끝까지 살아낸다면 한번살다가는 인생 큰 보람이되지 않을까 싶습니다:)!

      🔸️<모든 일>에는 다 때가 있다.
      세상에서 일어나는 일마다 <알맞은 때>가 있다.

      태어날 때가 있고, 죽을 때가 있다. 심을 때가 있고, 뽑을 때가 있다. 죽일 때가 있고, 살릴 때가있다.
      허물때가 있고, 세울 때가 있다.
      울 때가 있고, 웃을 때가 있다.
      통곡할 때가 있고, 기뻐 춤출 때가 있다.
      돌을 흩어버릴 때가 있고, 모아들일 때가 있다.
      껴안을 때가 있고, 껴안는것을 삼갈때가 있다.
      찾아 나설때가 있고, 포기할 때가 있다. 간직할 때가 있고, 버릴 때가 있다.
      찢을 때가 있고, 꿰맬 때가 있다. 말하지 않을 때가 있고, 말할 때가 있다.
      사랑할 때가 있고, 미워할 때가 있다.
      전쟁을 치를 때가 있고, 평화를 누릴때가 있다.

      사람이 애쓴다고 해서, 이런 일에 무엇을 더 보탤수 있겠는가?
      이제 보니, 이 모든 것은 하나님이 사람에게 수고하라고 지우신 <짐>이다.

      하나님은 모든 것이 <제때에 알맞게> 일어나도록 만드셨다.
      더욱이 하나님은 사람들에게 과거와 미래를 생각하는 <감각>을 주셨다.
      그러나 사람은, 하나님이 하신일을 처음부터 끝까지 다 깨닫지는 못하게 하셨다.

      이제 나는 깨닫는다.
      <기쁘게>사는 것, 살면서 <좋은일> 하는것,
      사람에게 이보다 더 좋은 것이 무엇이랴!

      사람이 먹을 수 있고, 마실 수 있고,
      하는 일에 <만족>을 누릴 수 있다면,
      이것이야 말로 하나님이 주신 <은총>이다.

      이제 나는 알았다.
      하나님이 하시는 모든 일은
      언제나 <한결같다>.
      거기에다가는 보탤 수도 없고 뺄 수도 없다.
      하나님이 이렇게 하시니 사람은 그를 <두려워>할 수밖에 없다.

      지금 있는 것 이미 있던 것이고, 앞으로 있을 것도 이미 있는 것이다.
      하나님은 하신 일을 <되풀이>하신다.

      나는 세상에서 또 다른 것을 보았다.
      재판하는 곳에 악이있고,
      공의가 있어야 할 곳에 악이 있다.

      나는 마음 속으로 생각하였다.
      "의인도 악인도 하나님이 <심판 하실것>이다.
      모든 일에는 <때>가 있고, 모든 행위는 심판 받을때가 있기 때문이다."

      나는 또 마음 속으로 생각하였다.
      "하나님은 사람이 짐승과 마찬가지라는 것을
      <깨닫게> 하시려고 사람을 <시험>하신다.

      사람에게 닥치는 운명이나 짐승에게 닥치는 운명이 <같다>.
      같은 운명이 둘 다를 기다리고 있다.
      하나가 죽듯이 다른 하나도 죽는다.
      둘 다 숨을 쉬지 않고는 못사니, 사람이라고 해서 짐승보다 나을 것이 무엇이냐? 모든 것이 헛되다.

      둘 다 같은 곳 으로 간다.
      모두 <흙>에서 나와서 <흙>으로 돌아간다.
      (전도서 3:1~20)

      은사슬이 끊어지고, 금그릇이 부서지고, 샘에서 물 뜨는 물동이가 깨지고,
      우물에서 도르래가부숴지기 전에,
      네 창조주를 <기억하라>

      육체가 원래 왔던 흙으로 돌아가고 숨이 그것을 주신 하나님께로 돌아가기 전에, 네 <창조주>를 기억하여라.

      "하나님을 <두려워>하여라.
      그분이 주신 계명을 지켜라.
      이것이 바로 사람이 해야 할 <의무>다.
      하나님은 모든 행위를 <심판>하신다.
      선한 것이든 악한 것이든 <모든 은밀한 일>을
      다 심판 하신다."
      (전도서 12:6~14)

      여러분이 저에대해 어떠한 비난을 하시던, 어떠한 종교를 갖고 계시던, 신의 존재를 믿든 믿지않든
      이 세상에 인간을 창조하신《유일 신》에대한
      역사적인 사실은 지금까지도 수많이 기록되어지고 있습니다.

    8. 대박나셔서 돈 언릉 많이 모아서 눈건강을 위해서라도 좀 쉬셔야할듯해요
      실제로 한쪽눈이 실명상태면 다른한쪽눈이 일을 다하기때문에 엄청 피로가 빨리찾아오고 그눈 마저 나중엔 실명위기가 있다고 합니다 ㅜ

    9. 열심히 하셔서 나중에 해외나가서 요리공부 해볼수 있는 기회도 생기셨으면 좋겠어요
      응원할게요 멋진 사장님!

    10. 여자친구한테 고백하실때 울컥했네요
      대단하시고 건강하고 바람직한 멘탈가지신거같고
      저를 뒤돌아보는 소중한 시간이였어요….
      항상 행복하시고 정말 미친듯이 돈 많이 벌길 바래요

    11. 사장님의 그 아픈 눈이 남들은 보지못하는 더 귀한것을 보게하신 저 위에 계시는 분의 큰뜻인가 봅니다.앞으로도 지금의 열정과 끈기만 있다면 더 큰 아름다운 사람이 되실거같네요.멋지세요~~~~

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