Moi Moi TV
    Sick training day at Ourimbah with Newelly Dox and Ellie Smith.
    Thanks for watching ya maddogs!

    Shop Fresh Merch!

    W newly has forgotten his riding shot got to get the bridge man oh who’s worse now you two huh no I never touched my oh the last drop in the G I was like literally like if my hands SP right now oh just want to rip some turns M just back

    That good morning viewers rers rers and viewers oh look at this have you got one of those mooy TV times die bro frame protectors yet newly still waiting on to out oh mate I had I did have a nice frame before I want to keep that nice matte look yeah

    Yeah but now I’ve lost the front end so no it’s all right it’s all right there’s no point in putting one on this no point in putting that CLA one on that clapped out reg game all right people rimba session feeling pretty clapped this morning jeez you you what well 4

    Hours got another Lon just going to ride for 4 hours rip all the tracks it’s going to be mad yeah yeah yeah yeah oh my gosh new just in nearly has forgotten his riding shorts how many times now it doesn’t I forget something every time every single

    Time and when I’m loading my [ __ ] up I’m like all right I’m going to forget something what is it today and I’m like no I’ve got everything I’m not going to forget anything oh man we got to get some clips now so we can see the [ __ ]

    Yet I got long ones are oh he’s got the long ones yeah they’re all right they we do you dude this is what I do when I’m packing me little bucket shoes socks knees shorts shamies Jersey helmet glass gloves you go up the body dude you go up

    The body and got me what got you so I’ve washed all my stuff got sweaters it’s all going to be in the washing basket oh you got to wait for it to dry no it was all dry I got it out and like [ __ ] my

    Shorts on here I was like oh I must have washing it out the back drying cuz I um when I take them off and they’re wet I don’t put them in the laundry I just put them out the back so don’t stink up M so I put everything else in and then that’s

    What it get you when there’s an item drying risky business when there’s an item drying and you’re packing your gear cuz yeah I just grab that Tom tomorrow on me way like you will all right we are off and racing fire up yaho tighten the straps on the chesty this week cuz that

    Kenny ride was definitely a bit do are all foged out yeah dude everything’s fogged it is so humid good Lord that’s not even going to be possible to run dude we’re pretty much in a sauna here has been a bit of a SAA lately what you a bring some rain

    Py yeah peny maor pain bring some of that UK raino with you we’re saying that now bet let R bro we’re obviously going to do an emu to warm up oh unlucky yes shocky good call all right we’ll do the bonus section at the bottom too all all right so Li so

    Nimbo did some down LS yesterday the tril is just sorry much off Hew scoter oh it’s stuffy woo Tombstone hey oh wa bonus section woo nice leg you did a big leg leg session Monday yeah right I did a bit yesterday it wasn’t huge but feeling the effects lap

    Two it really is a saer out here good Lord we make him do that haven’t got the Mozy yeah we don’t have the Kenny mozzies which is very nice they were they were neck level aim lap two we’re doing Gravitron oh we got sweat on the lens quick now you’re making me fog

    Up let’s go oh unlucky your shocky jeez nearly hit Gravitron with his shocky off Enduro oh I don’t know how to do this straight anymore he it’s so coo made me CER for that section woo you got to get the bridge many it’s illegal not to do that check guys before

    Crossing into the sand now I cooked his that first straight bit of Chunk boy you really got to swing off it I like it all right W this corner section woo a bad line doing that I think that was the old line woo oh couldn’t get up on the Bank yeah wait that is a bold move in this humidity eh supp is no worse than just off and down the hill yeah Nature’s a kind dude lap number three in this SAA in the SAA no more dry spots to wipe the glasses have to Forfeit the glasses look at this wet

    Bro nly out here unlucky dude lucky all right downhill AKA Back in Black ready hit it dropping oh terrible L stop oh my God hey mag oh D oh this should not m so smooth down there now fire oh can’t he missed it oh my God oh my God

    Slideing nothing like so i’ bring it for my day out down the bottom now dude I like a bit of I haven’t ridden that old din section old down is the best yeah they made the goly jump real SI oh yeah yeah can send it in but I used to love the

    Scrubber that was yeah after it yeah now that’s going with um that’s sketchy dropping into that off that log there’s that big tree there that’s where Trent dad acted himself cuz it looks like the line goes wide yeah yeah I come around I oh [ __ ]

    Yeah I heard you there I was like [ __ ] hope you didn’t go yeah that’s a brain rattler on the 150 rig quick Mico what else we got what in Juro with the different bottom what’s inur I what’s it called No em is f gravon Gravitron what’s the one that

    Goes where to the right you turn off um switches BK I think what are you been mixing up socks aesto Uncle sock’s Cambodian spice blend pesto where Gard what do you got in there mate give us your ingredients we got three cups of Basel leaves we got

    Three clothes of garlic third of a cup of olive oil and 2/3 cup of pine nuts damn blend it that pulse it pulse it so the oil doesn’t split so the what oil doesn’t split is that what you do damn we going to have to get you on

    Kev’s kitchen then yeah I’ll jump on there for an installment what’s your dish going to be with the pesto I made a chicken pesto pass last night oh any smoke in the van for later yeah oh we’ll get a run through we’ll get a run through when we get back down

    Stay tuned people stay tuned I’ve always wanted to make me own pesto but oh it’s a bits have you got any dry no bits on you [ __ ] yeah that’s nice all right and we’re going to dip left on the unlocky your shocky J where’s doc L you’re relying on

    Me bro this is why I’ve got something coming oh you got something coming he’s got something coming the Auto Tune Auto Tune Auto unlocky all right and I’m going to dip left down the bottom we’ve had to ditch the glasses all right we need new wine down here this is just too bad

    Wo sketchy got out of the um the algo section oh you don’t need to anymore they smooth that wide line out it’s faster yeah right did did you do the Gap yeah I used to do that cuz you couldn’t go wide oh dude my gloves are so wet that I’m slipping on the

    Grip woo he’s a bit leafy make for some nice drifty flat corners woo left actually quite like that section that used to go right there it you got a FY cor out woo all right another one bits the dust how’d you go socks colle a tree down the bottom in

    That same spot section no fix up no oh just right at the end there yeah right s it’s like the burns up like flat and almost to yeah they are flat you got to just tiptoe with the flat burms cuz it feels like you’re going to wash it

    Wash it over the top eh old right it used to be like a little tobogan track yeah is that sketchy right before the rollers at the end of that section BK oh yeah yeah before that everyone was Wasing off the side and there’s like a tree hanging over so you like yeah how

    About halfway through that Traverse to there’s like a a dip down into a right you like flat land and then slam a bank yeah that’s just before that section yeah there like everyone wash the washed off the bank so like washed away yeah then there’s like a tree on the left technical

    Bro stay vigilant that’s all I got to say my your neck Mr twe what’s a recommendation what are you tweaking today Uncle tweaker this press right bit stiffy recking bit stiff losing the front end he’s losing the front end of bit man all right we’re back we’re back with um Kev mobile

    Kitchen featuring newly dues on top of his pesto he’s been slicing and dicing up some eting that that is dense dude give us a look oh mate give us a bit of that what do we got in here go berries gojes some dark chocolate bits for the kids blue

    Dry blueberries honey peanut butter roll oats that’s hectic and what did you do just mix it all up in a big hot pot just mix it up in a hot pot no not even hot it’s cold oh there these langu Dr besto langui sa that for later what are you doing tweaking over

    Here just setting her up who’s worse out of you two huh no I never touched my [ __ ] I said who’s worse out of you two at tweak him what do you mean always tweak them oh he’s got where’s do at oh way too FM ah he’s work

    A doie come on man [ __ ] there’s a session going down yeah wait what it feel so do you want to give us a hot lap on the GoPro Ellie sure down what track of your choice pick your track in my P yeah what are you doing want to buor

    Mine oh is it Wigan it is too it’s Chief Wigan what Chief wi I’ll get you mine wow that’s one thing wa dude get it’s one thing being a tweaker being a tweaker without yarn tweaking bits that’s just another thing how many left have done uh five oh what are these pedals I

    These oh I can see that I’m just wondering about the green bits oh this they stuff huh pliers uh in that blue box is a little tool box oh ni there new this van huh hand from Japan oh from Japan she got a [ __ ] import $12,000 not

    Bad did you no no no no from um Hugo up oh I know H go he’s on the high he knows H 12 Grand that’s a Jason but you wouldn’t go past the bur Automotive HS I’ll tell you that people you just wouldn’t do it crisp bit of Kit mate

    Crisp bit of Kit all right bit more water and then we’re back up there Ellie’s going to give you a hot lap this one guy we were just saying imagine not running gloves today oh a p of bloody sweat dripping down look how sweaty those Palms are Ellie’s not

    Running gloves how do you do it ar oh you got those drips too they’re so slit you know you’ve got to um you get arm pumped cuz you got to grip so hard on these without gloves oh really and then you put dust on your hands and it turns

    To M get littery I have to get Holly yeah don’t bloody L Holly get some oh is that what are those again the elite Pros yeah These Guys these are the ones you want people the extra grippies yeah or you just wear yeah that’s the one I these

    Newg don’t go too bad but I still prefer the ODI thing that’s what I run on the down rig OD are like oh my gosh I’ll be taking it they’re like BMX ones a got gloves long necks the long necks mate um yeah dust it up these that are 3 months

    Old and they’re like nice and tacky yeah love the T all right Ellie you do want a hot lap for us no no no no I’ll do next gles on that’s fine we want to see this gloveless action I don’t think I’ll hit any jump oh that’s fine the suspension you know

    It could to have have I done this unlock your shops yeah we shouldn’t have said anything you wouldn’t even know yeah you just go run with that I only done one lap just of the floor look how wet these are Yu bro pocket look at your pants dude yeah

    That’s just how much I’m sweating [ __ ] is this on dry or did you just touch it now I didn’t touch it I didn’t touch it rers ready yo oh you don’t know just yeah when we go into the shitty single trat like the flat bit when we on the flat

    Bit I’ll yeah yeah and the roll all right let’s roll oh go go go you got a full run he’s too speedy oh wow y Ro in my hand s sh oh where were is put me arm on a tree so bad oh really oh I couldn’t hold on that’s why I

    Stopped there it like paralyzed my arm Jesus how’d you go oh all right hands going the droing the G I was like literally my hands fall off right now oh good arm pump training what uh tree did you hit oh just before where we stop you

    Do like a left I’ve clipped it so many times before is that why you stop yeah it’s like it’s just barely a left it’s just a little left after the fast straight little rocks in it and there’s a tree on the inside and for some reason

    I always the dog yeah I don’t realize how close it is I’ve hit it a few times like just super lightly yeah and that like I didn’t get it with my bars my elbows must have been out a bit long arm and it just went dang on the funny bone

    And I could not hold on bloody hell bloody hell mate that’s a bar looks like a good size for you oh yeah it’s like this is the exact same as my EB just no motor yeah what do you reckon of Holly’s rig look she’s a bit rly she’s a bit

    Rattly you he come on need to Tun Up Holly get some sters on that thing but yeah we might get doie onto it get doie build on it no he’s not enough of that he’s over that I’ve actually been building and so far built the whole thing yourself really and I built a

    Wheel from scratch I didn’t what damn might just leave you with that a going to do another four laps but it’s going to be the same [ __ ] uro mot on Saturday we’re coming out jilliby Do’s going to be leading us out on some Trails out this way so stay

    Tuned for that absolutely froing the uro motos lately such a mad time all right peace you like that sh


    1. Yeah Garry. Another sick video. I’m frothing to ride but the weather/snow is garbage. How about sending me out a frame protector for research and quality control. Mate. Your Strava workout is full beast mode. You filthy animal.

    2. 21:00 “hot” tip from someone who rides in the tropics: keep your phone and a hankey in a zip lock bag in your pocket. That way they stay dry for sweaty glasses wiping and insta clips 🤘🏼

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