Exciting News Alert! 🚀

    I’m thrilled to announce Dmitry Shvager as the visionary founder of RoveTek UG, and CraftCohort a full-cycle web and mobile application development company poised to revolutionize the tech industry! 🌐✨

    At RoveTek, headquartered in Braunschweig, Germany, with a cutting-edge R&D hub in Ukraine, we’re dedicated to crafting digital solutions that perfectly align with market needs, catapulting them to success during launch and ensuring rapid growth thereafter.

    Our team, led by technology luminaries and comprised of top-tier talents and IT enthusiasts both in-house and distributed globally, operates with a startup mindset. We’re acutely aware of the challenges in launching digital products and digitizing businesses, and we’re committed to navigating these complexities flawlessly.

    From inception to the growth stage, RoveTek stands by your side, providing unparalleled support and expertise in developing and nurturing digital products.

    We don’t just view clients as partners; we treat them as the cornerstone of our success. Our promise is simple: timely delivery, staying within budget, and fostering a collaborative journey that’s not just positive but also incredibly rewarding for our partners.

    His tip for young people:” Don’t waint for the perfect moment, just start right the way”

    🚀💻 #RoveTek #TechInnovation #DigitalTransformation #WebDevelopment #MobileApps #TechPartnership

    #Entwicklung #Stärke #Teamarbeit #Wachstumsdenken #Wachstum #unternehmer #UnternehmerCLUB_Braunschweig #unternehmertum #Geschäftswachstum #Lebenslektionen #Lebenslektion #Geschäftslektionen #Geschäftslektion

    Coach Eng you’re welcome thank you than you nice to be here it’s a pleasure to have you here dri can you introduce your company and yourself as well of course uh my name is Dimitri schwager uh originally I am from Ukraine but I live in Germany a bit less

    Than two years I’m the CEO and founder of rafte it’s a service mobile app development company so basically it means that when you need to create a mobile app or you need to support your mobile app evolve it you come to me me and I provide with a team that can

    Support you uh I am in software development since 2011 so over a decade and I founded my first company in 2014 so next year it will be decade oh quite interesting but I understood you you are here in Germany over the last two years but you founded

    10 years ago in Ukraine yes and and what was the reason to come to German with the company uh the reason was recent events in Ukraine so uh I wouldn’t go with a political statement here but because of those events I had to move with my

    Family I’m a father of triplets so when you have three kids at once I need to take care of them so we decided to move to Germany uh and it was quite interesting experience because uh it was like restarting the company from scratch because uh sometimes there are Global

    Events that can bow your business or put on hold and this is a big advantage of being entrepreneur because you come wherever you want the business laws are all the same the business rules are all the same so you just use your experience and rebuild everything I I believe it it’s easier

    For an IT company to switch over to another company to another country uh but the environmental is not same the client are not the same or did you uh did you hand over your clients to Germany as well it’s a big Advantage because when you run an IT company you

    Work internationally so your clients are international and your team is international and you’re not limited by the space especially after the uh covid-19 hit it so the necessity of being all team in the same space is just went away so everyone works remotely and um I have a clients I mostly used to

    Work with United States um I still keep working with United States I have a few clients uh in Europe uh I had a client in Germany who actually helped me with relocating uh currently I work with Saudi Arabia so it’s not limited by just Germany quite interesting Saudi Arabia

    As well yeah ah it’s it’s it’s interesting country I have been there um but what is with your employees um are it still the same or did you switch with the move to Germany to other employees as as well most of them are same uh so

    Like 80% of the team are currently in Ukraine but I also expanding so uh I have a sales representative in Germany I have a few developers in Poland now and uh I’m partnering with the company who has development team in Costa Rica so the more you diversify it across the

    Country across the glob the bigger CH chances that you will success I I would say you are a real Global player you have a global team and Global clients everything is is globally and uh only you are located here in brunwick yes I am personally and my company located in brunes yeah right

    Interesting okay can you explain a bit more about your product about your services yes uh like I said uh I have two main models is that uh it’s like uh everything uh building the mobile app from scratch which means that you have an idea let’s say you want to build a

    Financial application to educate people so you come to me and I do all the work starting from creating software requirement specification creating clickable designs then doing the development and deployment or for example when you already have the mobile app and you need to support it for

    Example you need to be sure that with the new iOS it will be compatible you want to add new features and vice versa so you have a dedicated team let’s say of three to five people that constantly working our over product and uh what is your t t sorry typical

    Client it’s from Saudi Arabia and from USA Al learn but but what is the typical client what is it kind of company uh well it depends currently I’m trying to FOC with on two industries which is uh fintech and Healthcare uh which I found the most interesting but uh again when I

    Have incoming request whenever it’s like can be done with with my within my company I accept it uh for example in Saudi Arabia we’re working over fintech application uh that allows people to uh how would say avoid uh mortgages because in in Arabic world it’s it’s forbidden

    To do this stuff uh We’ve also been working uh on other hand with the US actor who wanted to create mobile application to help actors prepare for their rehearsals and uh like that we also we uh was working with the Australian Clinic uh that needed internal application to help their patients to

    Manage their uh taking pills and like that so it’s it’s a very broad market and very broad client here but when you work surround the world with your employees and with different client how can they find you here bromwick oh that’s a very good point and this is why I’m actually uh we’re

    Talking with you right now because uh it’s like a business right so uh in any business you you can uh find clients by two ways it’s either outbound when you actually go and find them yourself and saying like this is what I’m doing do

    You think that we can be good much or in Bound when you create the marketing stuff so uh here’s the thing most of the companies they lack marketing effort because Founders they actually don’t uh don’t like to be on camera and talk about their business and but this is a

    Great point because uh the deals are made by people not by the companies and at the first call you just need to understand if you like the person on the other side of the screen on the other side of the world or not and by producing the content you can actually

    Let people know so here I am here is like how I talk how my business approach how I think and then it just uh reduce the the uh the sales cycle right so if I call and say I’m I’m from rafte do you want something and if you get a call

    From Apple because apple has a huge brand and then you know them so most likely you will take a minute to to listen what they want to say you yeah cold calling is is difficult in in in your Market also in my market as well because we have to explain our services

    And our content and you need a couple of minutes 10 20 30 minutes to explain so that clients can realize what is what is the content and what is the expertise Al calling is very hard in nowadays especially when there are a lot of Messengers uh business networks like

    LinkedIn people are very suspicious like why didn’t you try to reach me in text message try to book a call or whatever but call is still working so uh you shouldn’t think that like every channel is actually working so if it’s not working for you you just don’t know how

    To do this properly but yeah I agree with you um as you explained already you you started in in Ukraine and now you are here in Germany but you have already 10 years or more experience as entrepreneur uh what was the biggest challenge in the past for you what you slow what you

    Fixed I’m still in process actually the biggest challenge is always growing so uh like most companies they spend many years to to to get to the point where they can grow and uh like like I said uh I was relying mostly on the uh reference channel to get more clients

    And outbound because it seemed so easy I don’t know at this point uh but now I want to uh switch the strategies and go to the marketing to spread the knowledge about my company because what I faced and I strongly believe the main uh enemy of the small business is obscurity and

    Obscurity means I either don’t know you or I knew you but I forgot you right so if only 10 people know about your company only 10 people can buy from you but if 100,000 people know about your company then you have a much more Market that can actually purchase from you so

    This is the biggest challenge for me at this point also restarting company it it wasn’t like planned uh but uh when you like need to start from scratch is uh a bit challenging but again having experience having team uh because you are international and international uh informational technology I make it way

    Easy because you don’t need to be like in front of people to do this stuff for example when you do the uh Logistics or I don’t know the the manufacturing then un need team or unit spaces it is much more easier is it much more easier because uh

    You have to lead the team and uh the team is um collected or distribute on a big area different culture different languages is it is it easy I don’t know I I got you you got me actually so probably it’s easy for me because I’m doing this for

    10 years so yeah if I go to manufacturing it’s going to be much more complicated but uh the advantage of it at least for my point of view is that you reduce the fact that you need to have people in same place right and and

    Like most of my team I can go actually currently I’m 100% remote so all of my team they are not in the same city that I do locate so it’s pretty much that yeah I would say organization is is easier but leadership can be more difficult yes you need to communicate

    With people it’s harder to understand the the mood of people because you don’t see them you don’t see if they are frustrated but uh again this com in with the experience so when you communicate a lot when you talk to people people when you know your people again for me it’s a

    Bit easier because uh most of my team are people I work with for many years so I already know them and when I hire more people new people they just come into the the culture that was already built when we were same in the same office uh what what is your ambition for

    The future you you are already 10 years in the business but you’re a young guy what is your what is your in ition for the next 5 years or 10 years um for uh current ambition and this is not so uh publicly known even to my team yet um

    I’m working for two other company to uh to merge and create a holding company that would be another company in United States with death Center in Costa Rica and they’re doing the web development mostly and the other company is in turkey and then doing the online marketing so Our intention is to create

    A company with decent experience like each of us has like 10 to 15 years experience and we cover everything from web development to mobile development to marketing so our goal to we already started actually uh so the next year is to make things happen and then probably in the next seven years grow

    The company to uh let’s say four or 500 people and see some numbers that we can actually achieve that is an ambition yeah I mean uh you can go as far as the goal that you actually Target so if you want to make $10,000 you will make

    10,000 if you want to a billion you will make a billion so yeah yeah yeah if your target is to pay the bill at end of the month then you can pay the bill only end of the month and not always because you’re not always hitting the target so right

    Great um Let me let me have a question at the end um we we have at the end with for from entrepreneurs for for young people for young entrepreneurs of also for young people at the end of the school whatever else thinking about the life thinking about professional future professional thinking

    About what is my intention for professional no and and the dream of of young people is often to be teacher to be uh to work in the authority unfortunately not to be an entrepreneur and what is your tip for uh young people who are thinking about is it an option

    For me to be an entrepreneur um well I’m not sure it will be a tip but more like an advice so whenever you start chasing your dream you will regret that you didn’t start earlier so don’t wait for the perfect moment it’s not happen it’s not exist so

    Just start right away and in a year from now you will be surprised what the journey that you surpassed and in 10 years from now you will say wow it’s a good sentence D thank you very much for this quite interesting interview it was my pleasure yeah it was

    A pleasure for me as well and I wish you all the best for the future and many success for your company thank you so much it was really nice to be with you berer

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