In this week’s episode, Isaac recommends Australian TV, Matt discusses European comics, Souvlaki and Gyros, and Keelan brings a controversial Facebook post by Ricky Gervais. The boys discuss the state of music in Australia after the Hottest 100, the lack of sausage rolls at the Gabba cricket ground, Borussia Dortmund’s controversial Australia Day post, the malfunctioning ESPN Footy Tipping app, and Matt’s family interrupting the podcast recording. In this part of the conversation, the hosts discuss the shit list nominations, including Manchester United’s excessive celebration and Kyle Walker’s betrayal. The conversation then moves to discussing the sport news, with controversial VAR decisions in football, Luka Doncic’s record-breaking performance in the NBA, Brisbane Heat’s victory in the BBL, West Indies’ test victory over Australia, and Klopp’s VAR controversy and the Belgian First Division replay. The hosts discuss the misinterpretation of laws in football and the use of video referees. They also talk about Fulham’s decision to cover their empty seats with white flags, which drew criticism. The hosts then discuss Jurgen Klopp’s announcement that he will be leaving Liverpool in the summer and speculate on potential replacements for him. They discuss the obvious challenges involved with replacing Jurgen Klopp. They mention Steven Gerrard and Xavi Alonso as potential candidates. The hosts also talk about the unbeaten record of Bayer Leverkusen and the pressure that comes with managing Liverpool. As always, this episode is finished off with a coin flip.

    We hope you enjoy!

    Tonight, two footballers are up for a place on the shit list. Injuries hit in pre-season AFL. Points have been scored in the NBA. The NHL All-Star break is upon us. Fucking hell. Cricket wins and German man gets Interesting. Hi fellas. German man gets tired was the football news I throw in sorry

    Oh, right. That makes a lot more sense now. It’s not like someone trying to do one of those, you know, crossing Africa, crossing a continent, running challenges, you know, swim in English channel or whatever it’s called.

    No, he’s not trying to do like a Iron Man every day of the month and then he got tired like three days in. No, he’s just… Christ. been running the best football club in the world for a little bit now he’s a bit exhausted, but no skipping ahead. Fair enough. Yeah.

    I have a TV show recommendation. Now I don’t watch a lot of programs on the TV, um, outside of sporting programs. What? Nothing. Please, please, as you will, yeah, just go straight through that. Yeah. find myself relatively short on time, but if you’ve got Netflix, Boy Swallows

    Universe, put it on the watch list. Very, very well worth it. Why? Um, it is a Australian drama mini series created from a book, um, based around Brisbane, actually has decent child actors in it. Uh, has the Australian bloke from Vikings who, man rocket, would, um,

    Uh, has one of the chicks from H2O just add water, uh, wood. Um. She was also in like everything else at that time too. Probably was in that ABC Jeopardy show at one point, who knows. Um, but given you haven’t seen it yet, I don’t really want to spoil it.

    It’s just about, uh, roughish upbringing with drug dealing, parents, drug dealing and using parents, et cetera. Uh, but there’s a bit of, you know, ridiculous fictional stuff mixed in. Um, which it’s quite entertaining. It was very well acted. Um, it’s very good. I feel like. I definitely could have had more episodes.

    I don’t know how many there is. Seven, nine, ten, something like that. Not a lot. I wish there was more episodes of it, but I think that’s sort of what makes miniseries really good is that it’s just all juicy stuff.

    You haven’t got, you know, people marching from Winterfell to King’s Landing over the course of three hours of real time to then fast travel back in the last season over the course of 2 and 1 half seconds of black screen. So. trying to point out a problem with a specific show there or?

    Yeah. Okay. You know, shows that go on forever and then are rushed along towards the end. Not ringing any bells. Game of Thrones, definitely guilty of that. But I would have loved more episodes of this, but I think it’s just so good because it’s all meat in this meal of viewing. No potatoes.

    Boo. would recommend. Yeah, okay. I’ll add it to the list. You’re not gonna look, are you? I’ve legitimately logged into Netflix just to add it to my list. So, oh, it’s already on there. Good. Yeah, very good miniseries. Um. Who’s got this point in here about Europeans? What does this mean? You’re Payans.

    I just think they’re funny. Interesting. funny little guys. Name…name… Ha ha ha! Name your favourite European comic. Favorite what? European comic. You said that was funny. Oh jeez. I don’t know. I don’t really think too much about Europeans. I think more like specific… Nah, probably not.

    You bring them up as a talking point if you don’t think about them very much, but I’m honest. He’s dead, for one. RIP Rest in peace. WAH Oh my god… straight back. Yeah, tough. no. I think Europeans are generally pretty smug because they make it a big deal like, ooh, I’m bilingual.

    I can speak two languages. Eh, whoopdeedoo, I’m bipolar, so what? However, it’s like you don’t really have a choice you have to learn English. It’s the language. What are you going to do? Not learn English, not participate with the world. Whereas in Australia, why would I learn Polish? Yuck.

    What a waste of time. Those guys got like, didn’t they lose to Germany in like under a week? How long did it take Australia to get invaded? Oh, that’s right. Undefeated. I think they’re invaded first. I think you’re being a bit selective with your history there. Ha ha

    Dude like, I don’t know, imagine some Italian getting mad, or like some Greek, he’s like, you can’t speak Greek? And it’s like, yeah it’s a nice economy you have there. One euros please. Ha ha making me the chip roll Chip buddy. That’s Scotland dude, eh?

    Just bread with chips in it chips and little meat no they’re pretty good I like euros Yeah, facts. All right. difference between them and a Savalaki though? uh… I say resident European with what you’d have to answer that question. I got nothing. I’m convinced they’re the same place. Hmm. We might need a…

    Maybe it’s like an Australian lambington debacle type of thing. I like the Kiwis, they think they invented the Lamington. Here you go. I got it for you. I looked it up. Resident Jamie here. Suvelaki is marinated meat grilled on a skewer.

    Typically served on a skewer, but you can also eat it in warm pita bread or over salad. Yeros is made with stacked meat. So a bit more similar to your regular kebab, Turkish kebab store here. Yeah right. There you go. Man, if we got sponsored by Jax Kebabs, we’d be looking good. Yeah.

    Fat. We’d be looking very, very large. It’s one of those things where I would love for every employee at Jax Kebabs to like know my order. Mmm. be incredible. but I just know how often I’d have to be there for that to be the case. So it’s just, yeah.

    To be loved, beloved by like the local kebab store. Both locations actually of Jax as well. that yeah, your borderline have a problem at that point, I think. But it wouldn’t be a bad black card to have. Kebab store black card. Yeah, no, that’d be… It’s up there on the list.

    I’d take it over like McDonald’s black card. Yeah. Every day of the week, twice on Sundays. I’d probably take the red rooster black card over that though, to be fair. Ooh, yeah, that would come in handy too, because then you’re not stitched up for $18 every time you go through an airport.

    I wanna feed. I do pass a Red Rooster of the Night in Brizzy that was open late, open later than KFC, like any KFC ever in the world was open, which isn’t hard, but that was a shock.

    If I hadn’t eaten already, I would have gone because it was like, I think it was past 11 and they were open. Yeah, you’re like when in Rome, you know. Ha ha Yeah. Mm-hmm. Just got to make sure that, you know, they see that it’s successful enough that like

    Other Red Roosters start doing the same thing. Cause if the one at Oxford did that, I’d be Helen’s Vowel, sorry. I’d be there all the time. Yeah. Speaking of troubled waters, should we move on to the prescribed reading I’ve put in? Funny business today.

    I say troubled waters because the reactions of the general public to Mr. Ricky Gervais’s Facebook post just makes me worried for most of the planet. He says, you can keep only three. Makeup, coffee, pets, equality, TV, welfare, holidays, free speech and alcohol. Mmm.

    The wild card here is that rapper, well, alleged rapper, I can’t really tell, he’s just dressed, he’s dressed in a flannelette with sunglasses and a backwards cap and he’s yelling into a microphone. So he must be a rapper or both.

    With 21,000 followers, it’s creme with the father, the son and the Holy Spirit. He’s got his priorities in order. The big three. included, but are also technically only one option. So that’s only one strike. Maybe Krem’s the smartest person on this post and he could pick two more options

    From the list and still be under the quota. Hehehehe at the genie and gone, you know what? All right, the rules. I’ll take the man upstairs, please. Um, but no, there’s a, there’s a hell of a lot of people choosing, I don’t know, most

    Things over equality, which is a little unusual, I think. Well, I feel like the way the sort of question is worded is you can only keep three implying that all of the things on the list exists currently. I don’t think there’s a lot of equality going around.

    So we might as well just throw that out as a non-option. That is a loophole that I hadn’t considered. Ha ha. If we keep the car in a quality, that’s just not a great place to be. What is great though is how you can really nail down what region of the world people

    Are on this post. So say for example, there’s a lot of people that hit you with the free speech. First, you’re like, okay, probably American. Then they also hit you with alcohol and you’re like, okay, almost definitely American and then TV and you’re like, all right, lock it in lock of the century.

    This person’s American open their Facebook profile. Um, it’s American flag-esque, waving in the wind photo of them just standing on a cliff top with a rifle. with an AR-15. Yeah. Um, bump stock not included. The only, the only, uh, the only one I’m, only loophole I see fair here actually is,

    Um, someone has mentioned, if you take a quality, I think technically free speech comes with it. Hmm. Not necessarily. Someone argued we have equality here in Australia, but by law we do not have free speech. Hmm. See, well then I think we do pretty well without free speech. You can say most things.

    Yeah. Well, no, you could, you can throw out free speech. I’m taking a quality, I think, to start with. Mm-hmm. By the looks of it, general consensus, PETS is the like runaway winner by a country mile. Oh, yeah, even well, I was going to say most people have it, but obviously, cram

    Broke the mold. Yeah. But yeah, 99.99999% of people here have got pets. seems like it. Even Aaron Curtis who seems to be a he’s listed as a government official and some sort of bodybuilder. 301,000 followers. He’s only picked two free speech and pets. Bold strategy, see if it pays off for him.

    His Facebook profile picture also looks like he’s in the Matrix. He is in the greenest room available. Hmm. I’m willing to bet that he made his page government official in like 2004. and he doesn’t know that his Facebook page currently says he’s a government official. Hmm. Dude, he’s pretty cut though.

    Hey, I reckon he’s a natural bodybuilder. I don’t know. skinny natural bodybuilder. Interesting. Hmm I don’t know. Man, I don’t know. I’m dubious at best. Hehehehehehe Did he’s four? He’s like biceps are bigger than his head. But he could have a very small head. This is true.

    His head appears to be mounted between two death stars. Those are the least natural looking shoulders that ever seen him alive. Ugh. Matti Rao look small. Oh yeah. All right. So, so just to clarify, I am choosing a quality pets. Yep. I think I gotta go welfare. Hmm.

    Because otherwise, Isaac wouldn’t be where he is today. this is true. This is true. My three I think I’ll go. Oh, I think you got to go coffee. Literally the first thing that goes into my body, other than the light that goes

    Into my eyes and into my brain for me to be able to say, um, To be fair, if you got coffee in you faster than the speed of light, that’d be wild. I was fumbling around the kitchen with my eyes closed before I got a coffee in.

    Trying to make a coffee with my eyes closed. Trek shit or like, you know, like Star Wars, like lines going fucking… coffee interface. I’m there burning myself trying to steam the milk of the coffee machine with my eyes closed. Fumble fucking around with it. Coffee, I think welfare, definitely.

    It’s gotta be holidays, I think. Mmm, over alcohol? was a close one for me. if you drop holidays and there’s no holidays, then it’s alcohol to make up for the fact that there’s no holidays because you’re just working all the time.

    Man, I do like pets, but you know, pets don’t, they do wake me up in the morning, but not in the right way. Ha ha ha. That’s very relatable for me at the moment actually. Gohan has been a fucking pest dude. Yeah. pet. All right, Matt, your choices. Dude, it’s hard.

    Holidays definitely has to be in there. Alright. on holiday too much though, to be fair. So in fact, your last holiday didn’t happen. You’d miss it when it’s gone. Yeah. Given we’ve just had his favourite holiday of all, Go Past as well. His favourite public holiday. Matt’s a big patriot, you see.

    Ah, yeah. I can see the flag from my house actually. All right. Dude, when I get my own place, I’m gonna just erect a giant flagpole. make sure it abides by council regulations. Hahaha You probably want to get planning permission if you’re going to do a really big one.

    Make sure you’re not in like the flight path or whatever. And if you are, chuck one of those big blink and red lights on the top. That would be so obnoxious. you could do is just move into Outback Spectacular. Flagpole included. That’s the biggest flagpole you’ve ever seen.

    Imagine having a siren that plays the Australian anthem at 6am every morning. Oh I think you’d have noise complaints. Also keep in mind, if you are moving into Outbreak Spectacular, you would be living next door to a massive LED flagpole that is the Topgolf logo.

    And the Joker face at the top of the hypercoaster as well. I was going to leave the Joker face alone. But also if you’re taking that, you’re also taking the aggressively bright green lantern sign. yeah, exactly. Aggressively bright is the best way to describe that. You can see it from 30 K’s away.

    Them, you can see them. Dude is that what like old wayfarers of the sea used to experience? You want to do. and down the M1 at midnight, you’re like, where’s my exit? Ah, there’s the green light of the Green Lantern. You want to do stargazing on the Gold Coast? Too damn bad.

    Ha ha ha. hahahaha That’s really easy. All you have to do is go behind it and look the other direction. Oh man, I think TV’s probably in there, for sure. That’s not surprising. be pretty upsetting not being able to watch. TV on your holidays.

    Shows as yeah, Boy Swallows Universe, Get Away, a show about holidays. It’s Hahaha Oh Christ. Fuckin’ hell, you’re really crafting an event diagram here. What’s your third one? I don’t know. It should be welfare. I really want one that squeezes in and has TV and holidays related to it as well.

    Well then it’s alcohol. The choice is alcohol. Yeah, it’s one circle. Mm. Yeah. Take a permanent holiday and just enjoy all the TV you want. Yeah, just, uh, just, you know, you’re going through your, Airbnb and such, and your, your one search term is Foxtel included. Oh

    Do you think if you were a dull bludger, you could just like operate your place as an Airbnb? Good side hustle. because you’d be getting income from that. Yeah, but you don’t have to tell them. How do you think it works currently, dude?

    When I was on government assistance while I was studying and such, I was a good citizen and reported my zero dollars income. you’re a good Youth Allowance student recipient. Yeah. Would you believe I pretty much kept the Japanese restaurant in Varsity Lakes open. So I stimulated the shit out of the local economy.

    Did I wonder if they sent all their money back to Japan though? You’ll never know. like that. Is that in their culture? I don’t know. Do we know any? booming tech center. And very crafty they are. I don’t like that. That’s that’s borderline dodgy there. All right, let’s rapidly move along.

    Isaac, I’m gonna hit the song. Are you ready with a can? All right, here you go. Do do What’s going on everyone, we’re here with episode number 91 of the Storm on the Beach podcast talking about all things great and garbage from our sports viewing this week. What’s going on fellas?

    I thought I did a really good job of filling out the outline this week and have realized this is the one section that I haven’t actually put anything in. It’s been a week. It’s been a busy week, but I’ll tell you what. It’s awesome cricket. So what a week. Lovely.

    Matt, what’s going on? Ugh. Now what? have to ask him individually. He’s not ready to chime in ever. Yeah. Sorry for cutting you off, Matt. What was that piece of insight on your week? No much. Not much, interesting. Oh, thanks for asking.

    Oh, I feel like I need to take a leaf out of Matt’s book here potentially. Um, I mean, not, not a lot. Take his only leaf, I think. Uh, a bit of sports viewing was done, which is nice. Bit of a long weekend, which I’ll happily take no matter the occasion.

    We could have it any time during the year. I’ll be just as happy about it. Yeah. Not a great deal, working and such. weekend. Yeah. Yup. The, yeah, I forgot about Hottest 100. Yeah. Which was lovely. We could, uh, I successfully got the number one song of the year to play at

    Position 90. So it wasn’t really a number one song in most people’s eyes, I guess, but Nightmare by Polaris. Too good. Oh yeah, I think I remember you saying that previously. sucks to suck by um Well that’s good, because that song’s not great. it’s got a much more melodic clean vocal.

    It slaps so hard. But no, the biggest controversy, and it’s not really, it’s not controversial. I just fucking hate the song. That Doja Cat Paint the Town Red song won and that royally shit made me to tears. Yeah. The hottest 100 has changed. For the worse, I would say.

    It’s no longer, I don’t know, dominated by indie bands and Australian music. It’s just whatever the billboard chart number one is at the time, I feel. bother TikTok song of the year really one. So it’s unfortunate. it’s become too mainstream.

    Uh, and you just know all these, all these votes are not coming from people who listen to Triple J. I’ll just put that out there. They just aren’t. I don’t listen to Triple J, but someone’s got to vote for, uh, for the little guy and for heavy music. So I did my part.

    But there’s only so many. Gen X’s and Millennials, whatever you want to call them, are around that will vote. Now now it’s the new generation is dominating the votes and this is this is what we get. At Superfan’s Zachary’s house on the weekend, I don’t think there was anyone

    Else in attendance that actually voted in the countdown, which was just frustrating because as someone that in the coming years will be hitting number one on that place and he start training the group to vote for us. Probably a good idea, yeah. Probably a good idea. yeah. Um, yeah, just, just you wait.

    Uh, every, every second message I send after salty season gets played on triple J will be, don’t forget to vote in the hottest 100. Yeah. Um, but yeah. alua. I feel like it’s lost its meaning a little bit. Hmm, thanks. Although

    It could be the whole, you know, because it’s not, there’s no preferential voting, it’s just raw numbers. So people could have been, I’d like to think people were just filling votes and went, Oh, it’s that song I like from Tik TOK and like put it in last. Hmm.

    Not that it matters really, but just put it in and then obviously the weight of raw numbers got it through. But it was good to see G-Flip get about a billion entries on the 100 from their newest album and squeezed in at number second.

    I think they broke the record for most entries actually on the countdown. It is nice, given that they’re Australian and such. Do we, is there like a result other than obviously the countdown itself? Do we get to see the data? I’d love to dive into that.

    I would love to, but I don’t think they do. Boo. Because that opens itself up to a lack of transparency and potentially rigging it, but I can’t see Triple J picking that as song of the year. Yeah. Especially because the presenters took a bit of a side swipe at Doja Cat when they,

    When they said it, because they hit her with, um, all right, we got Doja Cat on the line, just joking. She’s American or something along that line. Yeah. No, they hit, they did hit G flip with the, with the interview for second.

    Um, and they were just like breaking down because, you know, they had a, like, seven, six or seven songs or something stupid on the, on, on the countdown, which is wild. Great achievement. Well, I don’t know, Skrillex, we’re still making music. Number 12. Yep. I think they, uh, Mr.

    Skrill released a good handful of albums last year. My camera’s flickering again, dude. Why didn’t anyone tell me? you go. Well, that looks fine to me. Is it not flickering for you? Interesting. All right, well, it’s probably because the LogiTune app keeps closing itself. There we go.

    Don’t buy a Mac and then break it. Probably good advice. sound. Um, but yeah, uh, that wasn’t in the outline, but you know, glad we could, glad we could talk about, um, the state of music in Australia and how fucked it is. Yeah, big music guys, me and Matt listen to it heaps.

    But yeah, I’d rather not see someone who I see on, you know, whatever music channel I put Foxtel on when I leave the TV on for the dogs, I’d rather not see that song that I see when I leave and then it’s playing when I come back at the top of the

    Hottest 100, but you know, here’s what it is. Nah, bitch, I said what I said. I’d rather be famous instead. Such insightful lyrics. Oh well. A true, uh, philosophizer of our times. Yeah. God damn. Rap has come a long way. Certainly has rhythm and poetry, as they call it.

    That actually, I’ve just learned something new. Thanks. Appreciate it. I don’t listen to much rap. I’m sorry. Well, how do you categorize your stuff on iTunes by genre, surely? Surely you’d be like, maybe I should look into what the word rap means. It’s the only way that rap is spelled this way.

    I don’t look into what rock means. Okay. Like who decided rock and roll? The flimstons. Thanks for watching! He’s looking around, naming things. I’m ready to wrap this segment up if I’m honest. hahahaha All right. Uh, nominations for this week’s unofficially sponsored, uh, Brad’s butcher, butcher of the week.

    Um, no, it was one I went to, you know, in, in the area, in the greater area that I’m in, um, very good lamb ribs from there. Yeah. Um, so shout out. Yes. Yeah. we were talking about a bit of rosemary. They were, yeah, like a rosemary.

    It was almost like a sort of honey barbecue. A little bit of spice. Had me at honey, lost me at barbecue. Well, it wasn’t super barbecue. It was more like… It wasn’t like super sweet, you know, sickly brown barbecue. It was a bit like more red. Okay.

    I don’t know, hard to describe, I didn’t read the label. I think there was a bit of garlic on there too. Delicious, either way. So now I’ve got both recommendations for butcher and baker down in your area. Do you have any candlestick maker recommendations as well?

    I haven’t found any, any candle shops, um, as of yet, but I’ll keep you posted. Just to clarify, I don’t want those wanky. Oh, hold on. Wait, I think I’ve got one. I don’t want any of these wanky fucking dusk ones. Like this smells, this smells delicious though.

    It smells like golden gay times legitimately, but no, I just want candle sticks. Yeah. Not, not even the candle, just the stick. I say. I think Yankees are slow. Is it? I don’t know if it’s a slur per se. say it themselves. They have a whole baseball team that says it.

    They did have a football team that was called the Redskins, though, to be fair, I guess. Ha ha. What else do you call a red skinned man? an Indian, but they weren’t too happy about that either. They’ve now got the Cleveland Guardians. The we’re sorrys. So, Yankee. Rochester reparations.

    Yankee expresses contempt or ridicule for northerners or something, whatever. So something about the Civil War and Confederates and unions and whatever. yeah, yeah. So one of the Yankees team is owned by a southern gentleman. And he found a loophole. Do you reckon everyone involved in the Redskins was racist?

    I think it was a different time. They purposely pick not good players so they can say in public, damn Redskins. Good for nothing. I think you’re the first person to think this exact thought. It’s pretty dumb. I feel like… Hold on. Sorry, phoning in the news. I feel like one of the…

    Coaches, maybe not, maybe all kind of coach there. Hmm. I feel like there was a prob. Matt’s lighting so consistent. I felt it was a problematic coach that worked for the Redskins slash football team slash commanders. Yeah. Hmm. What were they called in between the commanders and the redskins? Ah The red team.

    Probably the most apt name. How about that football team? So have you heard of Queensland FC? Yes. No. Great game on the weekend by the football team. no so it’s I know of Queensland FC. Quite good. Yeah. Yeah, it’s wild how, how cool the designs are.

    But yeah, he just pulled off my feed the other day. And it was like, him talking about how he used to make, he made much for all stuff for one particular Gold Coast Suns player. Forget who it was. It was him. No, it was him in Gold Coast Sun stuff.

    I think it was a very quick video. I only watched it once. He was making like, you know, rip off, go son stuff, but like fan stuff, like, like cool stuff. And now he just, he just made a merch thing called Queensland FC.

    And there’s like, there’s one I really want to buy, which is quite, the Queensland FC 1992 world cup game kit. And it says Queensland and then football in German or something, um, football club in German or Dutch or something or other. And it’s just like the most wild design. Oh, hold on.

    Got a great beta in it. Crazy Facebook Club. only available in small. You’re a svelte man, you could squeeze into a smol. You’d look jacked in a smol. don’t tell, don’t tell Dan’s mate, Scott, Scotty from Scotland, but I have worn,

    Thanks to Dan, actually, I have worn a small Celtic shirt and fit on paper. I’m a Rangers fan. There you go. Now, this, this Queensland FC, did that slide across your desk due to a one Broden Kelly that you’re a big fan of?

    No, it was like, it probably, it probably did in the algorithm do that. But, um, it was, he’s, yeah. Yeah. He’s a, he’s a model on the new line. But I think, I think that’s where the algorithm drew the, conjured this one up from.

    Um, but I’m absolutely not buying a $249 Japanese linen shirt. I much rather buy an $89 ripoff world cup kit from a team that doesn’t exist and never will exist. Definitely. I was just looking at some of that stuff, you know, the very expensive stuff.

    Do you reckon those first two items actually ever existed or they just marked as sold out? Because they took photos. Ooooooooh I can’t believe that someone that they sold out of those $200 and $225 shirts. these ones here the shirt and tank combo I don’t know, this shirt is kind of cool.

    I wouldn’t pay $100 for it. Would you pay $200 for it? Cause that’s what it was going for. No, you’re getting half a shirt. They just made those out of, um. photo of Broden Kelly on the bit though. Yeah, jump over to the YouTube for this bit here.

    Um, they just had some leftover, um, they are pretty moody. That’s some leftover Nan’s curtains in the Vietnamese sweatshops. They decided to make shirts out of them. You No, Japanese. It says Japanese linen. But this is the one I want. Look how like it’s German flag colors. It says Queensland football in German.

    It like, it’s the rudest thing ever. I might settle for this one though, given that it’s available in not a small. Joke’s on you. You’re gonna look yoked in that too. Yeah, it looks like I’ll just get the other one. I’m not getting that. Should we place the order now?

    Does he have to pay? More payment options available. Isaac, do you mind if I just type in your credit card information? Uh, sure. You can use my PayPal if you’d like, but it’s going to use my shipping address. So get me an extra large. Cheers. Ha ha ha!

    Those are only available in a small. I’m gonna look so swole in this. the hahahaha YOKED! Yeah. Oh well. Uh, all right, actually back to, um, butcher of the week. Uh, I’m, I’ve also got two. Oh, we’ve got four from two people. Should we all?

    Saw that there were so many entries, I thought, you know, you don’t want too much steak on the plate. carnival diet people be like. I thought we covered you can’t have too much of a good thing last week. Hehehe Um, well, should we just alternate then? Yeah, okay.

    I’m going to start with, uh, Gabba food because chronologically that’s what happened first for me. So, uh, as I alluded to earlier, I went to the cricket last Thursday, took the day off work to go to the cricket day one. Uh,

    And, you know, I did eat it was very unusual experience for me having a game test match start at 2pm. But you know, we went to the pub first got lunch that was lovely, lovely pizza. But you know, you get to the cricket and you still want to eat.

    And I’m meandering about I’m looking for sausage rolls. Just like this. On the hunt for some sausage rolls. And initially, I couldn’t find anything I was like, Oh, Yeah, fair enough. Um, you know, people have been here for a little bit before us. I’m going to go sit down for first ball.

    Um, you know, and I get up later. Go look for a sausage drill. Not a single sausage roll in sight. Not one. I didn’t see one at all. Plenty of pies, plenty of Chickos, and I think the sausage roll on the menu was replaced. with hot dogs. Mmmm Oh, that’s tough.

    It is tough, it’s not the same. Plus, you know a hot dog’s, what, $9 or something ridiculous? It was actually like 680 or something. It was, it was essentially a longer version of a, um, KFC dinner roll with, with the most hot dog looking hot dog inside it.

    Like, you know, the, the co yeah, literally like the Costco ones, cause you can get the pickle and stuff are better because you can, you know, put all the toppings on it. This one dry, no option for topping. Pay extra for sauce. Yeah, that’s rough.

    That definitely hammers home the need to take a thermos full of hot dogs if you’re planning on having hot dogs. Every time I remember you did that, it’s a joy. It’s a joy in my brain. even better about it because we shared with that bloke too. Oh, yeah. Oh fuck, what a day.

    Um, I, if, if I attended, I definitely would have had a backpack full of food. Just putting it out there. Okay. Fair. Yep. Good choice. I just, cause we went to the shops on the way to Brisbane. So I didn’t have time to make sandwiches or anything, which a sandwich would have

    Gone down so well. Whole grain mustard. not to have to get up at, you know, the crack of dawn to then get on a train to then get to Brisbane and then run through the gate for the first ball to see a wicket.

    Yeah, but then there was also no first ball where it’s so kind of, you know, evens out at that point on it. Yeah. enough. All right, my first nomination is the Stillman Beach podcast, otherwise known as us. Not a great week last week from us. Hand up, I’ll own it.

    Full credit, not to the boys. Not our best performance. Hopefully this one is much better. You know, the first day when you work remotely, it’s a bit funny. You don’t know where the boundaries lie. You have to figure out how to get on the call. Yep, that’s true.

    Sort out all your issues as, you know, people not muting themselves, all that sort of stuff. People not set up with the correct equipment. Yeah Massive sitting there smiling through this whole thing and his kangaroo shirt being the first one to buy a webcam. Yeah.

    ManyCams obviously the first sponsor of our show, given that Matt’s just plugging the shit out of that in every episode so far. You just crop that little bit out of all the clips that we post. Matt comes up in the middle of it. We’ll come up in the middle of this one though.

    Mmm tough. I suppose that’s probably a better look because then at least… We just put like a sticker over him or something in the clips. I put a link on him. I put our logo over the many cam logo on the very not good reel that didn’t get uploaded.

    I don’t think because it wasn’t very good. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, opted against that one. I decided not to explain myself on that decision. And it… Yeah, yeah. An executive decision was made, I think, was for the best. Yeah. All right. Your second nomination. Sorry, just fixing my white balance. There we go.

    My second nomination is Borussia Dortmund Football Club. Okay. for posting for the 26th of January. That’s right, German football club posts for Australia Day. As far as I’m aware, they don’t have any Australian players in their lineup. They post, happy Australia Independence Day. From… you’d love to say it.

    You reckon they just rubbed it in your face? Yeah. That’s so much better than I was expecting. Yep. Yeah, the comments are a bit of a place. There’s all sorts kicking around on Facebook. People suggesting they’re trying to corner the separatist market. What are they on droids for? That’s a terrible joke.

    No comment. King Charles has entered the chat, all sorts is in here. that’s so bold from a German club. Yeah, right. Someone posted that we gained independence from England slash UK on the 3rd of March 1986. And I’m not willing to Google that date to figure out what they’re getting wrong. So.

    But yeah, that’s my subtle little butcher. Fair enough. Good one. And then my second nomination is the ESPN footy tipping app. It still sends me reminders. So clearly knows I’m entered into competitions. Won’t let me log in to do my tips. Flat out won’t let me log in.

    You can post your tips on the website. I’ve tried also won’t let me log in there because I’ve tried previously to jump on the website so I can remove myself from competitions such as the FIFA men’s world cup, which I no longer want sitting there or. No, exactly that that’s nomination worthy.

    So it’s been footy tips app. I guess I have to suss if there’s an update or something like that. Who knows. No tips for me, I guess. pretty frustrating. is it just last week that you missed on the tips? Um, uh, yeah. And whatever other sports that I missed.

    Oh, I don’t care about the other ones, but yeah, so that would mean, Oh, I think, I think Zach would have only been two ahead of you last week. So you were still on the running, but Zach is now, unfortunately, unfortunately Zach is now five ahead of you. because I got friggin’ numb.

    Oh. That slipped me in. I feel, oh, there you go. Maybe they had server issues at the exact moment you were trying to log in every time. Um, I feel like in the, in the prem, it should, no, I can’t really give to the away team, can it?

    Maybe the draw, it should give you the draw. Yeah, well. Or just like at least give you the option that the least amount of people picked instead of giving you nothing. Just like give you the underdog every week. exactly, exactly. I mean, it looks like it’s given me the draw.

    I can quickly throw in tips for all these, but yeah, it just gives you absolutely nothing, which is… Uh, sucks. screen is Tottenham. So Tottenham drew in the Fulham Everton game. That’s also how shit their app is. Can’t even put the fucking logos in the right place. Yeah, so that’s my nomination.

    Matt, have you thought of… Yeah, a full slate, a full shop of butchers this week. All very worthy. Matt, have you thought of any butchers of this week for yourself? I thought of. Yeah. Maybe my family, I guess. Coming in every five minutes. Ha ha

    I was about to put you down for not buying the Kmart on air sign. You need to, you need to buy that and then put it outside your room. Um, for every episode, so no one walks in. They’re like, they’d like $10. I was entirely too embarrassed to buy that spine. Oh, $20.

    This is the man that will go down to the pub and talk in front of, Oh, it’s $20. I lied. Go down to the pub and talk in front of, yeah, but talking from strangers that are drunk and in Ipswich too. So, you know, they’re dangerous.

    Yeah, go down to the pub and bomb in front of strangers. But it sounds like the worst time. Yeah. people I know. And instead you could have bought this. Look at it, $20. It looks sick. I might add that to my purchase list actually.

    I’ll just copy that and I’ll put it in the Facebook chat for you. But yeah, it’s pretty cool. We could all have one in the background. Yeah. did purchase some signs off of Amazon, I believe, or maybe it was eBay.

    It might’ve been a multitude of places for the back of my video shots. Both of them Jesus related actually. One of them says Jesus saves. No, not Gabriel. The one of them is Jesus saves Jesus in hockey goalie gear, making a save.

    Uh, and then the other one is, um, Jesus crossing up the devil with a basketball. I was like, hell yeah. I think they were like $10 each or something like that. Tell him he’s dreaming. Oh God, I’ve made this too bright. Sorry. Jesus is in the room. So bright. Oh, I can’t say.

    Oh god too dark. All right, we’re back Um. Yeah, I’m thinking about putting something, but I’ve only got a very slim little section here. Yeah, I think my fucking wardrobe just like over there. that’s why I got a few things on my list waiting until I have a better space behind

    Me yeah exactly why don’t we all just get green screens behind us and then just, yeah. Well, to be fair, Zoom can do it, Microsoft Teams can do it. Why can’t this professional application? that this didn’t have background capabilities, but then again, also not really.

    It would be funny if Matt just used that background, like that photo as his background. It was just him sitting in front of himself. Well, when you have a regular webcam, you can use Manycam to lay you over any background you want, I think. So that would be possible.

    And Matt, when your webcam arrives, hopefully this week, please send your Amazon confirmation to the chat. Um, when that arrives, I want to see that please. Thanks. I want to see you in front of you. And then you can probably do you in front of you again, if you screenshot that, you

    Know, infinite. That’s fun. Should we shoot a list? I paid just under $11 for both signs. They were both $5 something. Oh yeah. Don’t tell this plate. Ha ha They’re so expensive, it’s disgusting. Yeah, well, they printed out of rare earth metals or some bullshit, I think so. Yeah.

    Tesla’s making all their batteries out of. Speaking of expensive, I did a quick Google of On Air sign because you said they came out one. So I was like, Oh, I wonder how much that would be. Obviously it came out as first result, 20 bucks.

    And then I saw Kings of Neon, 300 and something dollars. I was like, no, no thanks. That’s a great business name though. Oh, and they’re Australian. Wow. You can get DIY too. 30% off. Trying to storm on the beach. Neon sign. Ooh, can we write it off? Well, yeah, that’s the thing.

    I’ll take a noble gas sign any day of the week. I’m sorry. Oh man’s got the periodic table jokes out there. Wow. Okay, well, they can they kind of they kind of set you up here. They don’t tell you the price, you have to get a quote, but on the quote, it’s an

    Additional $75 for an acrylic stand to go with it, just so it can stand up by itself. Hmm, I see. Oh, there we go. If you get the three letters, fun, $380. And that’s only 50 centimeters tall. a bargain, I reckon. Just get a quick STB.

    To leave Kings of Neon until they sponsor us. Ha! Uh, all right. Uh, movements on the shit list. I’ll start with the weaker of my two nominations for this week. It is Manchester United. forward. Is he a forward doesn’t score often. He scored his first goal of the season after 23 matches.

    That’s the 85 million pound man he was playing in a starting 11 valued at 450 million pounds against a team that cost less than Manchester United’s right fullback or left foot one of the two Diogo Dallo. The whole team cost 11 million. pound less than 11 million pound.

    And so it’s not that him scoring a goal put it to one shitless territory. It’s that after being shit the entire season, and then scoring once, he celebrated so excessively just like, like he had scored a goal in the World Cup final. Honestly.

    Well, I mean, if you’re only scoring one every, you know, 20 something games, you better make the most of it right with your celebration. Means the world to him. Yeah. Are you, are you suggesting some sort of edging effect? He’s been building up, he’s been practicing his celebrations every week

    Until this point and he hasn’t scored yet. score less often feels better. He’s been scoring in his dreams all year. Yeah. Nocturnal conversions in front of goal all year and you’re ragging on the guy for scoring and celebrating his heart out. Yeah. Man did so many things as part of this celebration too.

    All right, so he’s done the, he’s done the, the only part of this I think is fine is he’s turned around to Bruno Fernandez and hit him with the, he’s more bent over, he’s more like this, hold on. Check us on YouTube. Yep. but he’s like smiling or whatever.

    And he’s like, you know, about to give, he looks like he’s about to give him a hug. So, you know, and then they do. So good on him. That’s camaraderie or whatever. Then he hits with this bullshit. Literally eyes closed and shit too. What the fuck is that? Yeah. And then, yeah.

    With this lighting, I don’t think so. And then on the knees pointed up to Jesus. And then he’s also pointed up to Jesus, both hands open, standing up again after that. Delay of game penalty may be necessary in the future. Yeah, two minutes in the box would be pretty good.

    Soccer is pretty, sorry, football in it, pretty easy to score goals, right? There’s heaps per game. There’s not that many per game, no. But when you cost 85 million pounds, you probably should be creating them. Yeah, but he’s probably, he’s probably one man team.

    Like he’s probably got no one to kick it to. That man United, right? That is fair. it’s just, that’s not fair. It’s not fair at all. Um, yeah, no, there’s just, it’s just, it’s just wild to me. Um, that’s, it’s, it’s the culture thing that gets me.

    It’s like, yeah, I just can’t feel, I can’t believe it, if I’m honest. Nature verse nurture perhaps? in Elaborate. Uh, that would mean that would mean that United are hiring exclusively knobheads and they’re not the ones that turn them into knobheads. Dude, that’s Chelsea. Yeah.

    No, no, I don’t dislike actively the behavior of the entire Chelsea team. But I’ll tell you what, I do dislike 75% of United’s players just based on their attitudes. Hmm. is interesting. Manchester is a city of knobheads. I’ve never been, but you can tell.

    I’ve been, had a, had a curry, went to a record shop and then drove on. So, yeah, Manchester in it. Curry Shop Pub, TABs as far as the eye can see. There actually was. Yeah. That’s, that’s a weird part of England. Actually is just TAB shops by themselves.

    Not even, I don’t think they’re even licensed. I think you’d go in and place a bet. Then you go next door to the pub. That’s it. They’re literally, literally gambling holes in the wall. And that’s, that’s all it is. But you’d say they’re gambling holes in the wall.

    It’s more like the, there’s other shops that are holes in the wall amongst the gambling wall. Cause you walk down the block and it’s like every third shop is a, you know, William Hill or a bet Fred or whatever. And there’s degenerates in all of them.

    It’s not like here where you’re a roll past a standalone TAB and there might be like one guy, um, if you’re lucky, it’s like that. Exactly. They’re, they’re, they’re making good business over there. I would say. They don’t, I don’t think they have the, you know, think about what you could be

    Buying otherwise sort of ads like we have here that are thrust upon us here. We like the ads. Otherwise we wouldn’t get Shaquille O’Neal hanging out with the Uninspired Unemployed. Oh, Shaquille O’Neal hanging out with himself. Yeah, he’s not on cam websites yet, is he? He’s doing the Tom Hardy acting job.

    Um, the poor rod. that one Netflix show that you probably should watch. If I’m watching the boy that swallows, then you have to watch the other one. F- What’s it called? That’s the wrong movie dude. No shit! Don’t Google that. Whoops. All right. Well, that’s enough. That’s enough. Anthony talk.

    Let’s go right on the other Manchester club Man City with Kyle Walker. Now. Did you ever as a kid, like, let’s say like Harry, Harry McGuire’s a little bit polarizing, right? Uh, I’ve come around on him actually. Yeah. Not as a player, but as a person, he seems like a decent human being.

    Shit at football. when you’re a kid, especially growing up with the internet, you don’t understand it that much. You’re like, man, Harry Maguire’s a bit of a boob, isn’t he? So you Google funny boobs and you don’t get the search result you thought you were going to get.

    There’s not pictures of Harry Maguire. Were you born before SafeSearch dude? I think so. Yeah, I think we were blonde before Google, weren’t we? I don’t remember all the safe search and like, some kid at school would just be like, dude, Google gore and you’re like, okay. Giggle, uh, lemon party. links of…

    There’s all these links from Brazil. Yeah. I’m only five months older than Google. Whoa. Can’t wait to check out all the delicious sausages on I want to win a meat tray. in the book. Wow, I wonder which girl is going to get to drink the milkshake out of the cup. Aww.

    I hope they’ve got straws. Ha ha Um, can I move on to the thing I had already moved on to? Is that okay? Just. we’ve seen green eggs and ham before, but I can’t wait to see what a blue waffle looks like. There is another one. There’s that one other one actually.

    Go on. Hold on, I’ll find it. This is going to be more of a reflection of you than it is of us. It’s the dude that sits on the jar, but I can’t remember what the old… I can’t remember what the website used to be called. I don’t know.

    I think I’ve blocked that one out of my brain for that reason. I got hit with a meme the other day with that was the first half of that video, like nothing, nothing dodgy. Like it was just feet and jaw. As like the punchline to a to a to a thing.

    I was like, fuck it. unlocked a bad core memory. are even active anymore. I’m sure there’s some, you know what? You don’t want to go to mate spin. I don’t check out mate spin is great. For all your butchering needs. story, right? I’ve actually, I’ve actually got a really funny meat spin story.

    Are you ready? So, uh, I did a cert. Fuck. Well, I didn’t finish it. I attempted to do a cert three or four and digital media or whatever. Realized it was a lot less video than I thought it was.

    But anyway, we’re in the computer lab one day at, you know, technically getting paid because it’s the internship or whatever. Um, and one of the guys pops out of the room goes to bathroom or something you know and I’m like haha this would be funny I’m going to

    Hit him with a meat spin on his computer and I hit him with the meat spin and I lock his computer again you know just like you know that way it’s like a slow burn so no one else is looking at it until he walks back in.

    Doesn’t he comes back turns out he actually asked the lecturer dude who was in the other room a question about what he was working on essentially comes back with the teacher and i’m like no don’t do that no don’t do that yeah open it and there you go um meat spin That’s…

    Ha ha ha! So, yeah, it could have been, it could have been better. It could have been worse if I’m honest. that’s a pretty good, pretty good harmless prank, I would say. Not when you’re in like, oh, like year 10 or 11 and you just feel deceased because the teachers saying the thing.

    Yeah, for sure. I think at that point, maybe it’s like a, you know, um, force restart, you know, touch the button sort of thing situation to get yourself out of it. I think, I think I literally tried to, and he’s, uh, cause you know, cause they’re not real teachers.

    I don’t think they just dudes with blue cards that are like, yeah, he’s out of code and they’re not really, that’s like pointed us at a website. Um, I think it was money laundering scheme, if I’m honest, but I’m sorry. I’m out. Yeah.

    Um, I did try and turn it off and then he took the piss out of me too. So a good role model or whatever really taught me a fucking lesson. I haven’t met spend anyone like that since. Good stuff. Yep. I’ve got man, city star, Kyle Walker.

    Um, now this is his, you almost certainly have, it’s been on everything. Uh, currently I’m reading from, um, a really esteemed, uh, journal called the sun. Um, Kyle Walker has, uh, confessed to betraying soulmate and best friend, Annie Kilner, his wife. Um,

    In an interview, he, you know, cheated on his wife, had a kid with the with the with the what do they call them? Mistress. I can think he misses. Yeah. So he had both well, I guess he had kept both kids with his Mrs. Annie’s mistress.

    And then he says, I made idiot choices and idiot decisions. I can’t begin to think or imagine what Annie is going through. I’ve tried to ask her but there’s pain and hurt. There’s pain and hurt because he went and had a second kid with the mistress.

    Not one, he ran it back, which is fucking wild. Uh… yeah. Look. Which is why I think it’s shitless territory because he’s yeah Yeah, I mean you could take the man out of Sheffield, but can you take Sheffield out of the man? It, I’d say, yeah, it’s a, it’s a great nomination.

    Um, definitely happy to, you know, give it, give the nomination for this week to Kyle Walker over Anthony. But although there’s the argument, um, from the other side saying, is it a shitless nomination because that was the standard that we should have expected. Really? He’s got priors. No, me neither.

    Of, he’s like stacked me out. He’s like, uh, you know, dragon dagger spec to me. He’s just going to, uh, all at once. And you know, I’m out here taking poison damage in the wilderness, freaking out. So, um,

    I would throw my shit list entry at Kyle Walker out of the two of them. Oh yeah, absolutely. I think that’s the better of the two entries. especially because if you’re going to talk about priors. You know, Anthony doesn’t have any prize, I guess. True. Good bad.

    Did you, um, did you read the bit in the article, um, about his physical condition of when the second encounter occurred? Well, he, he was, he was injured, um, you know, off of footballing duties sent to London for a specialist, I think, um, with a groin injury, uh, clearly mustn’t have

    Been too bad, given he popped out a kid in the process. Um, That was allegedly part of the reason… This is true, this is true. That was allegedly part of the reason why he wanted to be transferred to elsewhere in Europe to play.

    So that he wasn’t, you know, in the situation where things could occur. He’s a weak man, I guess. He’s got his vices. How do we tell him that there is indeed women in France, Germany, Italy as well? Uh… Like, he could very much be in that situation again. Yeah, look, I guess so.

    I guess so. He is doing it tough though, to be fair. He did move out of the family home. He’s now renting by himself. But he’s renting a 8,000 pound a month pad in Cheshire. So must be doing tough. Yeah, look, I’m sure the place he’s renting is quite nice.

    He might even be able to raise his two kids, not with his wife there, if he wants. At least they can come visit without awkwardness. the two plus four, I think, is the total. So he might have more kids than Premier League’s. Which is, which is normally pretty, pretty normal, right?

    But not for a city player, I guess. Either way, I definitely think he wins the nomination out of those two options. He does. He’s only got five prems. Only five friends. Sorry. What a fucking league. What a joke. loser. Hehehehehehe Oots. All right. I’m going to go chuck them in the document.

    Oh, you’ve already done it. All right. Thank you. right, Footy News. Thank you. Golcoss Sunstar recruit Jed Walter has broken his collarbone at pre-season training and will be sidelined for up to eight weeks. Which. He’ll probably obviously miss the first little bit of the season and hopefully

    Recovers quick enough to be injected into the lineup at some point later in the year. Yep. I saw your comment on the Gold Coast Suns chat group. And so I hopped on that thread. There’s a lot of be injected into the team for energy later in the season.

    I was like, Oh, look at all these positive people. I mean, if they’re in a Gold Coast Suns fan group, I suppose they’re all kind of positive. But yeah. negative. It was like, you know, out until the second half of the season. It’s like, Christ didn’t break a femur. That’s eight weeks.

    What month do you think we’re in? He’s not the dude that got his legs snapped in half in the UFC. Exactly. What, Conor McGregor? Or Anderson Silva? Conor McGregor? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, I think Conor McGregor sort of did that too.

    But yeah, you know, we’ve got roughly 12 rounds until halfway through the season. So I think you’ll probably be back before the second half of the season. Fair estimate. His legs aren’t broken, so hopefully he can keep up fitness on the bike or something. While the collarbone resets itself.

    And 36 days until footy actually starts. Well, we, how good’s that? Opening round, not round zero. Nah, it’s round zero on the tipping app. Whoa, we all know how crap the app is. They’re clearly wrong. We’re not, we’re not college football. It’s not a week zero. See ya. Opening round. Yeah, everything around.

    Look, while we’re talking about injuries, Jack Silvani is to be strung up with the rest of the Salami for the entire season with his ruptured ACL in training. Hmm. Yeah. So this one, not great. Um, so Vani has been a bit, you know, hit and miss in regards to getting time in the

    Team. But I feel like last year was a lot better for him. Uh, so tough to see one of the more likeable Carlton players, I would say. Unusual, very unusual. Um, then again, I can still hold over him. The fact that he’s a father son father son pick as well.

    Gokko sons are about 150 years off getting one of those. So… I don’t know what Mr. Nettie Walters isn’t doing much right now. He could crack onto that. Hmm. Jed Walters, Christ, I just called him Ned. But yeah, while he’s out with the collarbone, he could start a dynasty. Yeah.

    Well, I mean, Will Powell’s already kicked things off in that department as well. Yep. Got a little one on the way. Um, but, um, I mean, it would be good to see Jack Salvani back in the AFL. Fingers crossed. He has a good recovery.

    He could have one of those, you know, uh, miracle returns. Who knows? Might be back before the end of the season. What’s a miracle return? He’s changing the Gatorade to wine or? Carl might be playing finals, so actually he’s got even less time to come back. Ooh!

    Speaking of come back, Jared Roughead back at Hawthorne in a recruitment role. He’s looking at being a bit of a list management guy focusing on trades and free agency. Yeah, get around him. He’s a decently handsome fellow. For some- oh nah, he does have a pretty rough head. Ha ha ha.

    Apt- aptly named. Ha ha ha. facts. Do you reckon that was a nature or nurture sort of naming? Hehe Coincidence, I think. Well. I hope that family doesn’t have any daughters. correlation. God damn it, Matt. Ha ha Hmm. not def- That’s great though, he’s an absolute legend of the club.

    Yeah, and retired, well left and then, you know, came back a little bit because of cancer as well. So yeah, we’ll take him. Man, there’s a lot of people beating cancer lately. Maybe it’s not as powerful as it once was. Hmm

    Or is it just you’re getting a sample of the famous people who are having not very serious cancer? Hmm or survivorship bias at its finest in it. a… It’s a partition fight. I feel like there’s been a number of famous people that have died from cancer in the past few months as well.

    Name me one without giggling it. Oh, I saw, I saw your reach. Have a, have a fucking Roddy dude. Is he the singer person? too. He’s a singing person. Yeah. He was a singing person. He was arguably the greatest, so people say he was gone too soon, but he was 71.

    That’s a, that’s a decent inning. It’s not bad for someone with cancer as well. Oooh. Well, it’s, it’s pretty good for an, for a, for a rich Italian, I think, cause you know, you can indulge in so much. So many cured meats. Yeah. His body was probably fighting off gout his whole life.

    So funny dude. 771 for a rigid allen is like 110 anywhere else in the world you have to consider also that in the sample size of rich Italians, you have mobsters. True. Oh, dude, there’s so many layers. Mm-hmm. You ki- no, oh well. Hahahaha like a lasagna. I’m out.

    Like I’m a Mars lasagna Imagine eating just like, I don’t know, duck fat, pork rind, black coffee, all the greatest sweets and tarts, and then yeah, like your non is like, we need to eat something a little healthier, I made a lasagna. It’s like, dude, how does anyone live over there?

    Maybe that’s what happened when COVID hit. They live well die soon, I think. COVID wiped them all out, but if they were all battling with gout already… Yeah, they were just pumping up the COVID numbers, weren’t they? They died with COVID, not from it. Oh yeah, we’re not a conspiracy podcast.

    All right, champ. We swear a lot and we don’t get banned for it, but we might get banned for talking about talking about the vid. might be a little information pop up on the bottom of the YouTube video I fucking hope not.

    When they were creamating the bodies, they would smell like pizza was cooking all over them. They were burning up so quick because they were full of olive oil. It’s like how eucalyptus trees catch a light like crazy. That’s Italian cremations. They’re done in three minutes.

    They just throw them in a big brick oven and spin them around for 90 seconds and then they’re done. Thanks for watching. Ha ha ha. Oh Jesus Christ. here for a good time, potentially not a long time, the Italians in their diet. Oh, absolutely.

    Oh Christ, I look so dodgy in this light now, cause you made me. It’s a heavy subject. Yeah, man. This podcast brought to you by 3chi. All of your edible gummy needs provided use code, storm on the beach. Don’t forget the apostrophe. No spaces. Full stop.

    A lot of the popular pods are taking some sort of like nicotine tablets at the moment. Yeah, nicotine’s huge in the States. It’s getting big here too. I saw… sponsorship. nicotine pouch is getting advertised on social media here as well given their massive over there.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah Given zins are currently getting in the process of potentially being banned in the US which is crazy but Zins which is like it’s another brand of nicotine pouch Yeah, yeah sticking your lip or whatever Hmm. Yeah, okay. But, yeah, very big over there.

    Well, speaking of the US, should we move on to this? Sure. National Biscuit Association. I’ve actually got a sound bite for the National Biscuit Association. If you’re ready. Defense. Bye. Jesus Christ. You’re going to have to record that one and put it on a button so you don’t have

    To do it every time. Yeah, just like you do with the opening song. yeah, yeah. Throw that on a button. That’s great. Not expect that. And neither, it was there at the moment. Alright, so on Saturday, Luka Doncic equaled the fourth highest score, points

    Scored in an NBA game with 73 on shooting 25 out of 33, 75.75% and 8 out of 13 from 3 point land which is 61.5%. 15 out of 16 free throws and he was doing a bit of everything with 10 rebounds, 7 assists in a win over Atlanta, 148 to 143.

    A tight win too. Yeah, it wasn’t just a blowout game. Yeah, nice. That’s so, so many points. I feel like some other players scored… Devin Booker scored 62, I think, on the same night. So, something in the water, perhaps. Fuckin’ hell. Who knows?

    But, Lucre is nice to watch if you watch the highlights from that game. He scores them every which way. He’s not just jacking up threes like a, you know, Mr. Curry. He’s not just milk and free throws even though he got quite a lot. Like a Yo-L El-M-B’d. Bit of mid-range in there.

    Bit of everything. Love to see it. Uh… Okay, get on. One of which is, this is a much better statistic than one I saw the other day, which was regarding Ben Simmons. So someone was given Ben Simmons the odd double wrister for almost getting a triple double.

    They were like, he’s like two rebounds off a triple double over here. And it’s like, okay, yeah, cool. Congrats. in a game they won by about a billion points. So it’s like, okay, all right. But yeah, I like, I like very much that he scored a billion, Mr.

    Luka scored a billion points in a tight win, because that I feel like it just, it just means more. Definitely, definitely. You know, he was probably on the court for close to, you know, the whole 48 minutes. Mm. Against as many starters as possible too, right?

    Like then, you know, the other, the other team’s not resting people because they’re already down by a billion. exactly uh yeah Devon Booker sucks to suck scored 62 on the same night and lost um you know look at don’t you just different gravy i guess Fox.

    Um, big congrats to Kevin Durant on, uh, Slytherin, his way to 28,000 regular season points. Um, well done, I guess. Um, you know, was my favorite player for a while. Uh, star of the movie Thunderstruck. Um, don’t, wouldn’t recommend. Don’t bother putting that on your watch list. Um. Oh, it’s so bad.

    But congrats to him. I still don’t understand why they bother keeping records like that though. I don’t get why they differentiate regular season and playoff points. Hmm Joel’s been cupping some flack though for sure. And it’s Saint, like… What’s that? was, he ducked the nuggets.

    He was, it was a bit sore from scoring too many points the other night and didn’t want to play in Denver and didn’t want to play against the best player in the competition, the, the exactly the current, yeah, the current reigning MVP, uh, wasn’t

    There and he may not be eligible to win MVP this season. Um, I think he’s only got six more games left that he can miss for the entire remainder of the season because there’s now a I think it’s 65 game minimum. Yeah. Yeah

    No, but he has been copping some flak and as a long time Joel hater, I gotta admit, it seems a little bit unfair because being a point merchant is no different to your James Harden or anyone else in the league that’s come before him.

    And I think it’s more like, even though you can argue, yeah, he’s doing it, it’s more of like, it’s the officials allowing it to happen. Exactly. So if they really cared, they would actually make it that you can’t just flop your arms up and have a cry and get free throws.

    Maybe they should change the rules, perhaps. I wonder how you would though at this point. Well, I think the thing that annoys me the most is that they officiate with those rules for, you know, 46 of the 48 minutes.

    And then if it’s a close game, there’s just nothing in the last two minutes other than timeouts or, you know, egregious take fails or whatever. They don’t call the same thing at the end of games when they’re calling that stuff all game long. So, you know.

    I guess the way you change it is you just ref like the last two minutes but for the rest of the minutes of the game. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then… Mmm, gone. oh sorry, no you go. I was gonna say then you’d get all the old heads hopefully stop complaining so much

    About how many fails there are. Yeah, I hope that. It’s so funny to say. I think… Yeah? I actually found a stat I remembered that I saw the other day. This is one for people that want to whinge about the Lakers.

    You know the Lakers have shot 233 more free throws this year than the second place team, the New York Knicks. La NBA. Um, I can’t, I can’t find the, I can’t find the stat myself, but this is a posted on Reddit, so it’s obviously fact.

    Um, the, the comparative, uh, stat is that they are dead last. It drives to the basket. So if you want to complain, you can complain about buyers, refereeing alleged. So the lake is a dead lasting drive into the basket, but have way more. Well, that is interesting. Yeah.

    Unfortunately, the NBA doesn’t have a yellow spreadsheet webpage. So I can’t just quickly pull up the stat myself, but Reddit had it. So. They’re on it. on it for sure. I don’t think that’s a surprise to anyone. Maybe Dan. It’s cause they get found so much. Uh-huh. Sure it is.

    Yeah, it’s like it’s like finding out the warriors shoot free lots of three pointers No way. Wow, really? I think Isaac will love this. I think we should start calling Yanis Kim Soon Young, because he’s the greatest bowman of all time. I don’t understand the reference. It’s a bit vague. It’s very specific.

    I just don’t know what it references. Kim Soo is supposedly the greatest Olympic archer of all time. Yeah, but why is he a bowman? Oh, Yarnus loves the bow. The elbow. Hehe just before you said elbow, it clicked. Oh, yeah. Okay. Makes sense. Perfect. That’s fine the way it is.

    No, obviously there’s some bias because the Pels recently played the box, but um, and full credit to Janus, he scored like 40 points, 20 rebounds, he is a great player, he’s capable of great plays, but it’s pretty frustrating when he just sort of blatantly travels into the lane. Elbowz, Jonas, Valotunus.

    In the throat, no call, stops. And so there’s a lot to take in when the team that you support, your favorite player has been Elward in the throat, you think, OK, tech fail. He doesn’t get called for the travel. And then he just dunks it, and everyone’s applauding.

    And you’re like, are we watching the same game? Mmm. I can definitely sympathize with you. You know, it’s well known I share the same thoughts. Is, quick thoughts coming to me, is Giannis the biggest pest in the NBA? Oh, absolutely.

    You hate to play him, but you’d love it if he was on your team. Absolutely. He’s got to be in the conversation at least. Um, I guess there’s different types of pests too. No, no, exactly. I was just about to say there’s different types of types of pests.

    You know, there’s the Dramon Greens and I feel like Pat Beverly, bit of a pest. Um. Mm-hmm. Who else? Yeah. Alvarado a little, a little bit of a pest, but on the nicer side. Yeah, exactly. He, he’s the, the moth that goes into the bug zapper.

    Like, you know, what’s, what you’re going to get. He’s harmless. You know what you’re going to get. Exactly. He’s not Jay Crowder. He’s not, um, Dylan Brooks. Yeah. Um, Dylan Brooks is just like the biggest mosquito in the league. And it’s like, he sucks blood out of you once. And then he just.

    Buzzes around you talking shit for the rest of the night. I think you can’t get him. Um, Mm. Hmm. do like your joke though. Now it makes sense. It’s a good one. Yeah, but if it needs that much explaining…

    It’s just crazy to think that you’re a person that does stand up, you know, because if you have to explain your jokes… Do Matt, do you get paid for you stand up? Oh, absolutely not. How do you get in? Do you just put your name on a list?

    I do some things I’m not too proud of, but whatever it takes. I say. It’s the industry, I suppose. Um, very, very tight industry, very tight industry to get into. Um, you might not be so tight as you’re coming out of it. Cheers. Ugh. I don’t like that.

    I’m not a fan of that. Hey guys, not a fan. Thanks. ever going to retroactively update the opening credits of Lord of the Rings? to take out a certain steam. Oooooooooh Naim from the production. No. Cause they’ve, they’ve done, probably not right. Well, they did it in.

    They did swore down James Cook in St. Kilda. true. He probably never saw that coming. true. Well, yeah, because he’s dead. They, they did, they did, uh, changed in credits of Rambo, I think, or one of the Rambos that used to honor the valiant people of the Mujer, or whatever their

    Names were, a known terrorist organization after the fact. Um, Well, that’s a bit different. Yeah, but you know Harvey Weinstein not exactly a great guy either Yeah, but he’s not a terrorist. he was terrorizing some people in some way. It’s terrorizing up and coming, you know, actors and or actresses.

    I guess they’re all called actors, right? Big, big film guy. Weinstein’s sympathizer. no, sorry. Matt, stop apologizing for trying to be funny. Mmmm That’s what half of his stand-up sets are. Sorry guys. Sorry for talking while you were having a conversation in the audience. Oh I should have done that the other night.

    It didn’t go well. We could plant that. We could, me and Isaac could just turn up and sit in the crowd and have a loud conversation while you’re doing it. What if we just bring our best jokes as well? We’re just sitting across from each other telling our best jokes out loud possible.

    Sorry, Gohan’s out here walking past my bike, moving my pedals. He’s trying to go for a bike ride. I got very distracted. Yeah. You’ll, you’ll go over his crack of sweat. Hehehe Dogs don’t sweat, actually. know. I’m away. Nah, speaking on Draymond, he was clowning some guy, or you know, being Draymond.

    And fans of him and his antics were like, oh man, da, he’s so funny and quirky, look at him go, it’s like stop, like, you know, when your kid like draws all over the walls and crayon, you don’t laugh about it. He’ll keep doing it.

    They’re the parents that say this is just the way he is. Like you just got to love him for who he is. And it’s like, no, just be a fucking better person, dude. boys being boys. N-UGH! Yikes. Should we… hockey pun into some hockey? um should we uh slide. Should we…

    Should we slap into some hockey? Go… Tape to tape? Should we snap it around to hockey? Let’s hook into hockey. Okay, two minutes for hooking. All right. The. So you have until this time hits one hour, 42 minutes then for all four of your points. All right, crack on.

    I’ll start with the last point. And coming into the NHL all-star break in Toronto, the, uh, Vancouver Canucks and Boston Bruins lead the league both on 71 points and leading their respective divisions, um, bit of a smoky with the Canucks, uh, have them at good value of 31

    To one to win the cup. So riding that pretty hard. Um, let’s go. Let’s go Canucks. Keep it up. Come on, baby! Um, here’s a great sort of shitty stat for you. The St. Louis Blues set an NHL record for consecutive four, three wins, uh, by beating the Kings two days ago.

    Uh, a three game streak, uh, of four, three wins had been done six times before. Most recently by Edmonton in 2021. Uh, the, the Blues won four. three of them in overtime. So blues fans pay for the whole seat, only need the edge of it sort of stuff.

    You are correct, that is a shit start. It sucks. And as I… yeah, go on. win championships though, I mean, you know. Yep. their coach, new coach bounce. Is it a bounce though in hockey? W’s. The puck does bounce. They keep the fucks frozen so they don’t bounce as much.

    So they’re a bit harder. But you can get a lucky bounce here, are there, in hockey? Yeah. And as I briefly touched on last week, the Edmonton Oils are now officially all the way back, delving into their stats. They’ve won 16 games in a row. and not lost since the 19th of December.

    So they’re pretty friggin’ good. Maybe worth a sprinkle on the old Stanley Cup future. But you’ve already got one another time. Yeah, but you know, with the prices you can get decent value. The favourites to win are still paying $10 currently. Anyone’s league. Where?

    You don’t get any of this, you know, Man City 160 to win the lane business. Hold on, what are the current… Oh no, we won’t skip ahead too much, but I’ll bring up the current odds for later. Alright, uh… Uh, ehh… I dunno, final huddle. Done. And end of third period.

    I mean it was on 142 something so I’ll allow it. Yeah, you had your two minutes in the bin. Time served. All right. Back to cricket. As we spoke through live last week, once again, the Brisbane Heat Suck, but are good winning the BPL title at the SCG.

    With a score of eight for 166 bowling. Sydney six is out for 112 in 17 and a half overs. It could be described that the Brisbane Heat fell upwards into this after stumbling after a great season. They stumbled and then fell upwards. At least they… They stumbled at the right time.

    I love that. Um, but, uh, full credit to the Heat? I don’t know. I don’t know what to say. I feel like their team’s not nearly as stacked as it used to be, but, you know, they won, so what are you gonna do? Yeah, good enough.

    It’s the inverse of what it used to be, though. I mean, it used to be known for Matty Hayden and that one Kiwi guy, Baz McCollum. Um, you know, just like hitting the ball real big and now the bowling attacks just good. So. basketball.

    Oh, are you telling me the English test side is actually undercover T20 team? Uh, they could be. They could be. Yeah, maybe. Very silly. Um, now back to you. You, you attended the cricket. Yeah, for the third time today, I put this one in first before I put the other two

    In, I guess, but I did attend the cricket and I barely left my seat. What’s good, I think? Even in the four hours that were a bit of a lull, I still just sat there, enjoyed it. It was lovely.

    What was really good is that the weather, the hotness kind of died off as the game hit a lull. So it was like good timing because if it was traditional test start time, I think that we would have had four hours of nothing in the heat of the day and that

    Would have hurt. It was hot. Yeah. But yes, so the West Indies won. Yeah. Bit of a shock. Balls moved by Pat Cummins declaring while still trailing. You know, is what it is. But at the end of the day, cricket wins. That might be the first bad competency decision he’s made.

    I think so. I think so. Was due for a bad one. Yeah. Um, can’t, can’t be great forever. You know, not, not even the, the J-Man got through unscathed and he performed miracles. So, you know, um, first test win for the Windys in Australia since 1997.

    Kind of wild, uh, led by Shemar Joseph with seven for 68 in the second innings to bowl Australia out. 8 runs short. It was captivating coming down to the wire. It was very good watching. Terrible to see that off stump just get knocked out. Oh no.

    Like before he bowled the final wicket ball against Hazelwood, someone in the commentary box was like, oh, ballsy move from Hazelwood to, you know, leave his off stump wide open like that. But you know, he’s not a, he’s not a specialist batter. He’s, um, he’s definitely not known for his batting or whatever.

    This gets these pegs absolutely rattled out of the ground, dude. Um, Joseph had an undertaker style return, um, from a suspected broken toe, thanks to a Mitchell Stark Yorker, which ended the windy second innings early. Um, and then he just wasn’t on the field for a while and then he just tapped in

    And, you know, got a quick five, seven wickets, pretty handy. Yeah, he said, he said he wasn’t even going to turn up to the ground. And then the team doctors like, nah, you, you probably should. And he’s like, yeah, the team doctor works in magic. Here I am.

    It’s like, well, I need to know. I really need to know. do some research into what the team doctor prescribed. He might have just had it lopped off, could have been easier. Although the team doctor could have had the classic magic sponge with whatever is

    On it that makes everything not hurt anymore from junior sports. a mixture of iodine and crack. Um, he might’ve just been bowling with a piece of magic sponge in his shoe the whole time on his toe and he’s felt a million bucks.

    I mean, I’m willing to suggest to Matt that he could do up that as a photographic meme of some description. A little x-ray vision of Shamar Joseph’s foot. Crack on Matt. or a little quote card of what you said about the team doctor saying blah de blah.

    And then, you know, a little frame of the team doctor or team doctor’s equipment. And it’s just photo of magnetic sponge. Um, you know. Well, he could also I mean, you know Big Simpsons guy he could make the team doctor dr. Nick and Then Photoshop in the magic sponge True? Yeah, true.

    And then final, final slide, not a doctor. Hehehe But yeah, either way, the result good for cricket. Sucks for us. We retain the trophy either way, you know, two game series. If it’s good enough for the ashes, it’s good enough for that. we’re fine with it. But yeah.

    I would have loved to see this go to at least one more game. definitely. But if the windies can get up and about, test cricket again, that would be phenomenal for cricket. Oh well I mean on paper they’re more up and in it than Pakistan was so we’ll see

    How they play against other people true. Uh, alright. It’s football, isn’t it? Thank you. We’ve got, I think, plenty to cover here. Where do you want to start? Most of it’s the same thing. So, um, but my, my very first night, which is not related to the other thing is, um, uh, Mr.

    Klopp got a lot of criticism earlier in the season for saying Tottenham, Liverpool to be, uh, should be replayed due to that massive VAR error for a simple offside, um, you know, a couple of flack, whatever. It was like, yeah, okay, whatever. Um,

    Well, the Belgian First Division has set a pretty good precedent for other divisions now. They’re basically there are only two teams that pretty much ever play. Well, they’ve got more teams, but you know, the two teams that are often in and around their European competitions, Gank and Anderlecht, that game is now being

    Replayed because Gank took matters to court where the disciplinary council for professional football ruled in their favor, deeming a penalty decision was a significant VAR error. given the Liverpool Tottenham one was already admitted to be a significant error, I think, you know, take them to court in and out 15 minutes replay crack

    On. That is wild, the fact that it went to court, because you just know like the big clubs in England will just win all those case every time, because they’ll just come in with like 15 lawyers. But. Well, it’s the, it’s that like football governing body though. It’s not like regular court.

    It’s a, it’s a disciplinary council. Yeah. I get you. Um, although it could work in the other favor and things just get thrown out because, you know, defenders might just be committing a footballing act. uh and you know happens in the in the game of football

    Yeah, I think it’s one of those things where I think it has to be a pretty large stitch up to overrule it at that kind of board. And I mean, the Liverpool one was admitted to be just a fucking ham-fisted attempt at communication, right?

    So, yeah, I didn’t even get a clip of the Gank one, actually. So I don’t know how obvious it may have been. Mm. But yeah, supposedly the gank one was a… the laws were just misinterpreted. So it’s. that’s very interesting because

    You think it would be up to the interpretation of the official, right? If they’re able to be misinterpreted, rewrite them so they can’t be. Otherwise, you know, you’re just ref with robots at that point. You know, we all know some refs like to give out more cards than others, etc, etc.

    Um, you know, like, like… Yeah, it’s entirely possible I just read that wrong. That was, that was, that was them talking about the Liverpool one. Totally sorry. Yeah. Which is, which is, um, it was a misinterpretation of another person. Yeah. That situation could have been solved with Morse code.

    That would have been a better communication than what actually happened. I could have sent smoke signals. It would have been better. Use flags or something next time. Yeah, honestly, like, I would rather, you know, it’s one of those things we’ve been

    Asking for before, where, you know, just like cricket, the video ref should be broadcast, like sitting at the ground on Thursday, you know, you literally hear the third umpire. It’s like, if we had the That would have been like, yeah. stop the clock, put the discussion over the speakers.

    And that’s coming from Angballfan as well, so there you go. How do we know there’s not a capybara up there? Exactly. You don’t. Maybe that’s why it got lost in translation. The Capybara was trying to type Capybara to English in Google Translate and, you know, go ahead. Yeah. getting a bit excited.

    Hey Matt, how do we know you’re not a capybara? Oh, you know. His photo is very hairy. pretty big dome. it’s like that dude, I reckon. Dude, I reckon I could find a photo of a capybara that looks like Matt. Hold on. I reckon he could. no. I’m South American, technically.

    Be, he’s one of those European South Americans, if you know what I mean. Hahaha I just like the fashion. I’ve always been a big Hugo Boss fan. hahahaha I think Volkswagen’s are great cars. They’re so safe. that recently. Hahaha

    I think there’s a good chance he’d find a photo of Matt that looks like Capybara, given he may be one, behind the mask. Yeah. Oh, there’s got to be an online generator for like turning someone into an Animorph. I want to see the middle ground of Matt and Cabby Barrow. Oh god…

    Please move on to your point while I generate this anamorph. sure. So, Fulham, in an effort to, I guess, make their stadium seem more full or give it a bit more atmosphere or something, covered their empty seats. Yes. They didn’t cover it in ham.

    They covered their empty seats with white flags on flagpole. So, you know, flagpole standing upright with the flag. No wind, obviously, draped downwards. One ex user said the ground looked like the Ku Klux- cottage, Craven Cottage is where Fulham play.

    If you pull up a photo it certainly it certainly doesn’t look like it doesn’t not look like a like a clan rally. Either that or you know very cheap Halloween costumes that day the old you know white sheet ghost tough look for Fulham. I promise I was being a ghost. very tough look.

    Uh, you know, fans in the stands saying, I can’t see shit in this thing. Uh, a Jango Unchained style. Not a, yeah, not a, not a great look. Um, you think they might’ve prototyped it or something before filling, filling a large number of seats. with the flags. All right.

    Error, failed to pad first image. Oh. It probably would have been a better look if they had put a bunch of hams on all the seats. It can’t have been worse. Well, they would have made less money that game because of, you know, free ham. So they would have sold less pies, maybe.

    That’s right. I don’t know what they even buy, the football, I’ve never been to a football game in England. I do follow Footy Scran on X. It’s a page that posts, you know, food from various sporting events, including football, would you guess? And the price translated or converted to British pounds as well.

    I’ve not seen many 420s, I’ll be honest. I mean, it’s not really surprising. surprising, no. Blackbird’s sort of endangered nowadays. because they’ll know why the Pies are called 420. Yeah. Where are we? I am trying so hard. Yeah, so you’re not gonna believe it. I’ve put two images into this.

    And it’s come back with, fuck off, something wrong with his image. So I’m putting a third image of a capybara, I’m trying to get a crack. No. I’m sorry. I had a really old photo of Matt to have a crack at too, so it was probably going to be so good.

    But yeah, unfortunately, the images I grabbed from Google images for capybaras were just not good enough. It was going to be, I’ll grab it for you. I’ll show you which one I was going to turn into map. f***ing ganged on a regular. gang the belgian football team is gang

    Here you go, this is image 92, Cappy Barrel lies on ground. I wanted to open it larger. Well, there you go. I wanted to make that Matthew. Hmm, I see. I’m gonna go to bed. Unfortunately, not today. It didn’t have the shot of stock over it when I grabbed the thumbnail earlier

    Either, so. right, fair enough. Um, this is, this didn’t work nearly as well as I wanted. I might have to pick a different photo of Matt. I sort of got it to work. Auditor. Yeah, I might have to pick the front one, might be better. It sort of cut off his head.

    I can, I’ve got an old photo of Matthew I’ll put in the Facebook chat if you’d like to have a crack at it. fine, I’ll just use this current one. Oh, now it’s a- you need to, there’s one with his teeth out too, so you can get a carpet bar with

    The teeth out. Okay. While you’re doing that. Sad day in Liverpool. Mmm. So… Yeah, Klopp had a very heartfelt interview, just letting everyone know that he is leaving the club in the summer. So, yep, end of an era. Um, great day for rope salesmen in the Mersey-Sahara area. Not yet.

    There’s no, just chill. He was very adamant on not making the rest of the season about him leaving as well. You know, not really a big fan of the suggestion that the boys are going to play better because he’s leaving because he thinks they always play the best anyway.

    So, you know, rather sensible. on top of the table currently, so he is factually correct. Second odds on favourites behind City to win the league. Three bucks, 25. still decent value. Pretty, it’s pretty low for the prem though, to be fair.

    For two teams to be under five bucks in a title race this close, it’s pretty wild. But yeah, so I pull one out for Klopp. I pose a question, is he one of the best to grace the prem? Very well-worded question. Sure, I’ll agree with you. He’d be on the Rushmore for sure.

    Probably not the best. And I think we’ve seen plenty of discourse about that already online. I think obviously as much as I don’t like United, you’d still have Sir Alex as the whoever the main head on Rushmore is. I think they’re all equal size, aren’t they?

    No, but like, you know, one of them is Washington or whatever or some shit, right? Yeah. Whoever the put the first hat on. Um, and you know, you’ve got your, um, arson wagers. So, you know, there’s been some, there’s been some good heads and maybe, maybe

    Jose, cause he did, did some things at Chelsea, but, um, yeah, I think Clark might, might squeeze in fourth or fifth, given that he’s won every trophy since he’s been to Liverpool and inherent, inherited. maybe the worst Liverpool team to have ever graced the planet. So actually, no, I lied.

    Brendan Rodgers inherited the worst Liverpool team. And then Klopp took a slightly worse Liverpool team from him. Fair enough. Slightly better. Oh, fuck. I tripped over that one. Fumbled the bag. Now did you copy Barrow Matthew? Or do I need to keep going? no, I tried.

    I think I need to find a bigger Capybara photo because it just makes the photo of him into a tiny Capybara photo. Hold on, I’m working on it. Well, I can, I can fill gaps. Oh, you know what? We’ll, uh, oh yeah. Klop Talk, if you will.

    Call us the Kloppers, not to be confused with fans of My Little Pony. Is there potential for a, you know, Elton John style retirement to a backflip or he comes back for another season next year. Um. You can hope. Nah, he seemed pretty set in it.

    I watched the whole interview, the whole 22 minutes. And man, he’s literally, he just said, I’m tired. I put all, he’s a very energy guy. He puts all his energy into it. And if he’s not able to put in all of his energy, then he doesn’t think he’s the

    Right guy for the job. hear me out. What if he moves to say a slightly warmer climate and picks up a team that hasn’t quite qualified for, you know, say European football last season or this season, uh, you know, in, in a couple of months time, he goes off on holiday

    Elsewhere in Europe, uh, has a meeting with some, you know, big wigs of another football club and might be convinced to come back. Say a club that spent a bit of money or picked up some, some decent-ish recruits. Do you reckon there’s potential for that? Are you referencing?

    He might do a dimmer hard wick. He says, Oh, I can’t put all my energy into it. You know, I think I’m out of the coaching game. I don’t want to be here if I can’t commit a hundred percent, you know, a little contiki tour and back to the Gold Coast Sons.

    I think the difference with the demo situation is that the sun’s probably actually offered him the bag, but I’m not sure if any other if any other team is willing to sacrifice, you know, what they already have.

    I don’t see many other teams able to play that kind of football out of the box. Even Chelsea with their 17 football squads, I don’t think they could field a team that Klopp would want to play with. And there’s no way London’s a nicer place to live than Liverpool. Absolutely fucking not.

    Like, I’ve been to both, I would legitimately rather live in Liverpool. I mean, the thing about, well, not that I know, but supposedly, the thing about being a part of Liverpool Football Club, as opposed to others, is that it legitimately feels like you’re, you know, you’re part of something bigger and part

    Of something like, from this, like of the city as well. I mean, the main literally has keys, the keys to the city of Liverpool. And he says that’s like one of his biggest honors. Get what? Like, does he get a free pass over that bridge?

    It’s so the key to the city means he has like the master lock key for every single door. Yeah, yeah. So that’s how they do those like surprise Christmas videos where it’s like, Oh, Joggenklop, oh, he’s gone my house. Yeah, it is let himself in.

    Um, and you know, it gives the kids presence and stuff. He’s like Santa, but in Liverpool, um, yeah. And so that’s one of the points I have for the, for the next segment, which I, which is who to replace him. Right. But, um, it’s. go. I was thinking like holiday destinations, right?

    And it doesn’t get much more of a holiday destination in the UK, slim pickings, than Brighton. They’ve got a premier league team, holiday town. He’s just, you know, seeing what DIMMA has done and, hey, that looks pretty good. I don’t know.

    I reckon he’ll keep living in Liverpool for a bit, if I’m completely honest. I reckon he’ll just live there and not be working. But I think he’ll live there. You know, he said he’s not going to manage for a year. He said he’ll definitely never manage another team in England. Mmm.

    There’s a World Cup coming up. Man’s German. Interesting. I reckon after the Euros, he’s vying for the German manager spot. I think you’d like to add that to the tally because then he would have won every trophy at his disposal. Except in Germany, I guess.

    But you know, World Cup covers that for Germany. exactly. Um, now I’ve managed to sort of get the Animorph to work. I, I don’t know why the two images get sort of rotated in the process. Um, that’s not, you know, not exactly what I was expecting. you play polymerization and they go.

    I guess so. Um, how do I? You get a reference in it. Zach will like that one. I guess I just share this screen. I only got one screen, which is a bit annoying, but. you can do it based on Chrome tabs. It’s what I’ve been doing so nothing else comes up.

    You just share your Chrome tabs. There. This is what we’ve produced. That is. Hehe so much worse than I was hoping for. That is, that is so bad. But you should keep that for later. That’s lovely. Yeah. It’s bad, but good. It’s one of those weird ones in it.

    I’m pretty disappointed with, you know, the way it’s spun Matt’s face around like this, upon morphing. I don’t know what to do with that. Hmm. You know, this, this free animal website, not as good as I was expecting. Shocker. Weird that isn’t it? So maybe you’re off the hook, Matt.

    Maybe you aren’t a capybara. Maybe. Yeah. it next week. Hopefully he’s got a webcam. We can prove him prove himself. Um, just quietly, uh, if you were to name the quintessential Jürgen Klopp team, you know, you’d probably think Alison Becker, you know, best goalkeeper in the world,

    The front three, you know, Salah, Mane, uh, Firmino. You’d probably have, um, Andy Robertson, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Hendo Wynaldum, Fabinho, and then Van Dyck and Joel Matip, right? As the Yeah. for anyone that’s been reasonably following Liverpool in the last four or five years or whatever, that’s the team you think of.

    That’s the team that won the Champions League final. That’s the starting 11. The that game, that Champions League final, is the only game where those 11 players have started together. Well… Even though that’s the starting 11 in FIFA, 17 through, well, maybe not 17, like 18 through like 20. Wild in it.

    It actually blew my mind because I’ve seen so many games in that period. And I was like, really? Who are they dropping? Like, it is not, are you? But yeah, so, Klopp. What a guy. Hahaha. Uh… Oh, also sorry, the other manager I’d have in the on the rush more is pep.

    You have to have pep. Unfortunately. Um, I, my, my brain went to retired. Prem managers first. Um, but yeah, so, uh, I don’t think he’s back flipping on his retirement tour. I think he’s, I think he’s winding up for that German world cup job. Yeah. and say I’ll storm that beach.

    Um, I think he’s going to backflip and go to Brighton. All right. I fucking know. Brighton’s manager is one of the one of the people reckon that everyone reckons is going to, you know, be one of the top three in the running of filling clubs spot

    To start to be fucking wild swap deal. No swap deals never happened for a reason. will go, all right, we’ll give you, you know, little manager for manager and we’ll take, uh, Sala off your hands. Oh, we’ll take the young Japanese guy. Matoma, he’s sick. Wow.

    This is lining up quite well, except for the whole, you know, swap manager. And then they both have the other person squad with different style of play and whatever, like both teams will be shit for like four months at least.

    Brighton will find their way of where they produce really good players and then sell them to bigger clubs. And Liverpool by those players. Football wins. See, this is just 4D chess of Klopp making Liverpool better in the future. It’s him going to Brighton to farm-place Liverpool.

    Liverpool buying players from Brighton is only because Southampton haven’t had anyone good to buy recently. Yeah. There’s no van Dyck or mana coming out of Southampton right now. Uh, football counties though, the Southern counties, I guess. Football factories down South. Yeah. I mean, you know, man is from Africa and Cameroon is it?

    No, not Cameroon. What’s the other one? Senegal. Man is from Senegal. The flags are similar. So sorry. And you know, Van Dyke’s from Netherlands, but yeah, the south of England. Great for football. you know. That seems to be what those clubs are for. Yeah, I guess so.

    The closer you are to actual mainland Europe, actually that kind of lines up. Doesn’t that. Hmm. Um, but yeah, so obviously he’s out at the end of the summer. Um, he let the club know in November. So in theory, there’s been some behind the scenes going on thinking, damn dude, who’s

    Going to fill the gap. been performing since he let the club know Liverpool football club. They’ve been tearing it up. Only the club. He didn’t let the players know like management, like FSG. But yeah, I guess subconsciously everyone just went, let’s have a go then shall we?

    That was a very Liverpool accent, wasn’t it? Well, he asked me, have a crackling shall we? But yeah, I’ve got a short list of managers who can replace him. I actually don’t have Brighton’s manager on here because I actually think that’s a bad idea. I don’t like it, but.

    What is, um, now you were asking earlier about what I meant by this little bit that I’ve put in here of who’s going to fill this spot, a potential boyhood fan who recently became a Premier League manager. Mayhaps.

    Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,

    No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no Have you got him on the list? Nah, I thought it was because you had him. Yep. Ange maybe. Thoughts? I think…

    It’s weird, right? Because he seems like such a loyal dude to the whichever club he’s currently representing, but he actually is like a Liverpool fan. So like, would you give up anything? Like I probably would give it up. If I was in his position. Yeah.

    Um, it’s not, I technically it’s a step up. I think in most people’s minds, it would be a step up, but you know, technically it’s, it’s a sidestep, you know, prem manager, prem manager, whatever. Yeah, like it would, I think it would show also just like how much sway Liverpool

    Would have in general, even though he’s a Liverpool fan, like yes. Chelsea aren’t doing that. If you’re a Chelsea fan, I don’t think you’re leaving Tottenham for Chelsea. People won’t like, I don’t think you’re taking the Tottenham job in the first place to be fair, actually, if you’re a Chelsea fan, but yeah.

    I don’t hate the idea because I have a few requirements for managers and I’ll give you, let me give you some, a quick fire, some managers who are currently available, right? Zinedine Zidane. Okay. Javi who just quit Barcelona because he doesn’t like that toxicity.

    So Jose Mourinho, Antonio Conte and Oligana Solcher ex United flop. That is my shortlist for managers who are available and will be a shit choice. Most of whom, you know, have managed direct rivals. Um, obviously I really would not like to see an ex manager of Real Madrid or Barcelona at Liverpool.

    I just think it’s a That would be weird. I really wouldn’t like it. Um, Jose Mourinho doesn’t play exciting football enough to come to Liverpool. No one will like him. Football, football wouldn’t win. many nil or one or draws from big club clashes out of Jose.

    Yeah, Mike had an invincible season out of it, but that’s… exactly. Exactly. Um, Conte, similar thing, uh, boring, you know, has coached everyone that I hate. He can fuck off. Um, and obviously you can’t have all Oli because he’s, there’s no way for starters.

    He would take a job at Liverpool, I think, but also Liverpool wouldn’t have him. Um, so yeah, for mainly the reason that no one would like them in that position, they’re not coming in. Because Liverpool is in a pretty solid position themselves right now, right? They’re, they’re not just going to take anyone.

    True, yeah true. They hold the chips. they definitely hold the chips and they got to keep the fan base happy because they’re a very vocal fan base. Now, I think everyone’s forgotten about Graham Potter because he did not grade at

    Chelsea, but also keep in mind, no one does good at Chelsea at the moment. didn’t do great at Chelsea. Yeah. Uh, so take that with a grain of salt and just remember what he did at Brighton. So there you go. I’ve picked an ex Brighton manager in there.

    Um, but yeah, no, he was great at Brighton. Um, and I mean, people were saying that he probably should have looked at the time. They were saying he shouldn’t go to Chelsea and they were mad at him for going to Chelsea because he was doing such a good job with Brian.

    So, I mean, he probably should have stayed there to be fair, retrospectively, but have to take that. Yeah. Like if he was still at Chelsea, I think he’d probably take a Liverpool job. Possibly, possibly. Yeah, no, probably not. No one’s offering that. I don’t think anyway, it’s weird.

    It doesn’t feel right taking a manager from another prem club in the, in the big six. It will Chelsea aren’t big six anymore. Are they? That’s like taken by Villa now, isn’t it? Um, you’d, I dunno, Ang might be worth a call in the off season. Angie’s legitimately worth a call.

    Um, but you know, who’s been calling Liverpool a lot recently. Steven Gerrard. It’s like, Oh, Klopp’s leaving. Hello. And yeah, I did great at Rangers. Um, I know, I know I did shoot at Villa, but hear me out. That was a blip. I’m Stevie G mate. Put me in.

    He would obviously have some brownie points and be pretty high on the list to be straight in. I think he was playing exciting football at Liverpool, sorry, at Rangers. Um, he was coaching exciting football at Rangers, ex Liverpool legend. He ticks two and he’s available. That’s three boxes. All right.

    Um, but my top pick, uh, drum roll button here. Is there a drum roll button on the? There’s legitimately not a default drum roll button. I could probably do, oh, this will be dramatic. All right. Jaby Alonso. I’ve been raving about him all season because of what he’s been doing at Bay of

    Leverkusen. Still undefeated. uh, ex-Liverpool player. has a Liverpool, allegedly has a Liverpool release cause and his managerial contract. Um, it’s not Liverpool specific. It’s for any club he played for. So, um, uh, which is, um, buying Munich, Real Madrid, uh, Liverpool. He’s got a clause in there for those three clubs.

    And if they come knocking Bayer have to toss him away. Um, but yeah, he’s playing exciting football as well. And you know, he’s semi available. So I think he ticks the most boxes. He probably does actually. Um, man, they’re pretty good. Aren’t they? 15, four and none. Uh, 54, 14 against.

    That’s pretty crazy. I just got a notification on the on the on the on the yeah, Matt ran out of storage on his computer. Thanks, Matt. Well, I guess now the crazy thing is as well, you’d be recording the least amount

    Of data because the compression would be picking up that your audio, sorry, your video is the same frame and it has been the same frame for two hours and 20 minutes. So that compression ratio is bang on. Whereas, you know, we’re actually videoing ourselves locally here, but that’s fine. We don’t need.

    Honestly, the preview of your 720 is fine. But yeah, I think Xabi… The only issue, the only issue I have… Oh, Matt’s actually gone, gone. Well, the options were restart browser, clear up some space, and start again, potentially. So I guess we’ll see. Tough look. Yep. on.

    We can just flip the coin for him or whatever. Um, I think, yeah, the only problem realistically is, uh, tough spot to come into immediately after clock. in the world. Quite possibly the biggest shoes to fill in the prem. Yeah. Up there, you know.

    Although from actual Liverpool fans, I think you’d end up with, um, slightly less pressure if it’s one of these guys that is a fan of the club themselves, or has played for the club. it’ll get some, you know, a bit of wiggle room, you know, a bit of, yeah, a bit of

    Extra leash to play with potentially. Welcome back, Matt. Hello. I have 1.5 terabytes free, so I’d… on what drive. to let all this porn. My only drive. Interesting that. Well, I guess not. So, yeah. So Matthew, what we’ve said is Jaby’s the pick, but tough for anyone to come into the job.

    Yeah, absolutely. Oh, I hope, I hope the recording is fine. fun. Yeah, because you, well actually you probably won’t know anymore, but you, I mean I’ve uploaded five, Isaac’s uploaded five gig already of his audio. So look at him go. Yours would have been uploaded to that point as well.

    How you uploaded two gig more than I have, and I’d argue my camera quality is better too. So it’s like it. But yeah, that’s football, but that’s finished before the two and a half hours, shall we? I’m not closer by the way I zoomed in. Just to get that, you know.

    Intimate connection with the audience. Try and make my whole big head fill the frame. off this, you know, footy wind shirt. Backwards, I guess. I assume it’s backwards for everyone. Oh, that’s the New Balance badge. I can’t have that. Yeah. You balance, sponsor us please. Trent on the Trent on the back, too.

    All right, should we flip a coin? I’m happy to flip. Alright. um whose flip is it anyway? Matthew Who’s Flip. Might be mine. It is. Maybe it’s a good thing you did rejoin the call. Oh, it was Isaac last week, wasn’t it? it is Kielan’s.

    Um, you know the website you’re gonna have to share the chrome tab. I can’t flip it myself. It’s not okay Okay, what’s it called again?, this episode brought to you by. Alrighty. Let’s figure out how this works here. It’s quite easy.

    So what you do is you hop on the website and then you press the coin. There you go. All right. Fucking Gramily ads dude, your ads are way better than mine. Oh, that’s weird. I usually get sexy singles in your area. Crazy.

    Ah, it’s probably because I’m using, um, still in the beach thing. Yeah. Smart move by me. Um, all right. Do you have a temperature for today? Oh I do! I forgot to record temperature last week. Fucking hell. My watch is in sleep mode. Maximum temperature today was 31 degrees. Yeah.

    I’ve got Kings of neon ads when I open Flips of Mu, but I still have the same Radisson Hotels ad. ha ha. Let’s do it. I’m willing to go heads here. Tales very, very much due after what five heads in a row. It’s back. Tows is back.

    I’m really sorry to have let the fans down like this. Uh, Keelan now 15 and 15. Fucks sake, not again. Back to feeding. Back to 500, as a team, 49 and 41. Not looking great. Hopefully we can bring it up for the rest of the season there’s been 40 heads and 50 tails.

    Doesn’t feel like that. Hehehehehehe It feels worse. It feels so much worse. All right, sweet. That’ll do it. See you next week. Sure, yeah. get one off.

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