Our Balcan tour continues on the Adriatic Sea Coast. Every time, the beautiful bays of the Adriatic Sea dazzle us with their beauty. It was a pleasure to ride seeing those views. In the afternoon we visited the Biokovo Nature Park, and we managed to ride on the highest and the most dangerous road in Croatia. Set high on the Dalmatian Coast, in the Biokovo mountain range, the road leeds to the Sveti Jure high mountain peak, at an elevation of 1762 meter above sea level. In our way we stopped at the Biokovo skywalk. The viewpoint plateau it offers a stunning view from an elevation of 1228 meters, we had the chance to admire the sunset and the fantastic views of the sea and islands.
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You can watch the video with subtitle, by clicking on the cc button.

Music by Scott Buckley-released under CC-BY 4.0-www.scottbuckley.com.au


  1. Sveti Jure is the highest road in Croatia indeed, called Biokovska cesta also, offers spectacular panorama, but the last 3 km are pretty frightening because of the steepness. The views above from the top of Sveti Jure peak are breathtaking, when the weather is very clear, from there it is possible to see Monte Gargano in Italy, which is 252 km away. It was amazing!!!! It was worth it to ride all the way up!!! 🤗❤

  2. Gyönyörű helyeken jártok mint mindig. Csodálatosak azok a mészkő hegyek is!!! És varázslatos kilátás volt az öblök fölött is!!! Köszönjük hogy általatok világot láttunk!! 🤗 💝 Csak így tovább!! Hajrá!!! 🤗

  3. Well i so much had planned to ride Sveti Juri last June when we were at the Balkans but as we arrived 3 hours late at Split that day by train and wanted to ride to south from Dubrovnik i had to step back from that plan riding by on the Magistrala waving up: "Hey sexy mountain! I´ll be back ;-)" . And yes. I for sure will be…

  4. Gyönyörű helyeken jártok. Sok érdekes dolgot látok és látogatható. Szépek a felvételek az utak a naplemente minden. Tényleg veszélyes út volt. Köszönom

  5. You went to all the countries: Italy, Morocco… and now also to Croatia where, as in all other cities, there are beautiful landscapes

  6. Bună dragii noștri prieteni😘din sumarul acestui episod am notat munte și iar munte, curiozitatea ma făcut sa îl vizionez cât mai repede acest episod! Mă bucur că nu a plouat așa ca alte dați🙏Peisajul e fain dar tot odată destul de înfricoșător și periculos mai ales dacă ești și obosit ☺️mam întrebat cum e să mergi atâtea ore printr-un asemenea loc văzut cu ochii mei destul de rece și la propriu și la figurat, cu puțină faună, dar la sfârșit a-ți fost răsplătiți și cu soare și cu apus de soare ☺️😊la întoarcere am văzut ca a-ți înnoptat un pic dar știu că pentr-u voi nu sunt probleme a-ți găsit mereu cazare și fără sa programați 😉mia plăcut mult și acel balcon și masa voastră la aer liber 😋suuuuuper totul! Vă mulțumim că a-ți împărtășit cu noi și acest frumos episod ❤️🙏vă doresc ca de obicei să aveți drumuri cât mai multe și mai bune să ne transmiteți și nouă emoțiile voastre vă pupam 😘😘

  7. You went to all the countries: Italy, Morocco… and now also to Croatia where, as in all other cities, there are beautiful landscapes

  8. Brutál jó videó! Köszönjük! Májusban megyünk arra mi is. Vesszük a bátorságot és felgurulunk. Félelmetes, de ezek szerint megéri

  9. Lenyűgöző volt a táj, és nagyon jó időben voltatok a hegyen, sokat dob a felvételeken hogy elkaptátok a naplementét, a golden hourt-t. Nagyon profi minden része a videónak, eddig nem tünt fel a motorhang a hatsó kerekes kameraszögnél, na az menő dolog. Amit javasolnék, jók a zenék, de egy egy jelenetnél szerintem túl drámai, valami vidámabb pörgősebb zene lehet ha mégjobbá varázsolná a videó hangulatát. De ez csak az én véleményem, így is teljesen rendben van. 😎🤘

  10. Jó videó lett, mi szeptemberbe szeretnénk menni, milyen drónod van? erős szél van fent a biokovo hegyen drónozáshoz? melyik oldalon nézted az előrejelzéseket?

  11. Excelent , filmarile, muzica si mai ales peisajele. Felicitari Atti! Sunt impresionata de prezentare si frumusetea locurilor

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