The return of a classic, the Mighty Eighth. Remastered, early access, a 23 year old heavy bomber simulator unlike anything else, even today! Going through my thoughts on Redux and a challenging mission to Bremen.

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    Welcome to B17 of flying fortress the mighty AP and this is the Redux version way back when I played this as the original version and if uh you’re interested getting into it be careful it is very much a product of the ’90s that means you got things like the

    Kinetic menu system and all the weird quirks that come with such old games now today we’re going to go for historical Mission and talk a bit about how the Redux Sy doing really so we’re going to Breman and we’re going to bomb a wolf Factory and first up let’s hop over to the

    Intel all right so we can see our Target area flying path we’ve got a nice be of river to help queue Us in there’s a triangle patch of ground there a bit like an arrow and then we’ve got the facility itself so two blocks L hanger

    Shapes that should be enough to queue Us in on the target there’s also a railroad running past it again that should all help us locate the Target now of course we may or may not get to strike the target depending on the weather but we’ll hope for the best

    So let’s have a look we can review our mission papers and we have the primary target is the WF Factory and that is everything we really need to worry about the distance is 1,161 miles of course we got secondary targets tertiary targets so if the

    Weather is bad bad we might choose to go to them instead we’ve also got p 47s and p38s to protect us and of course the threat is high across the board here so we got our secondaries and tery let’s just skip on through those and sign on the lotted

    Line now this is probably where you’re going to get stuck if you’re not familiar with the old game because the button to proceed is here or there we go here that’s a doorway or it was in the old one they’ve covered it up with people now so um yeah good job guys you

    Might to reevaluate your artwork for that so people can find that button so as you can see it is uh old the game itself was 23 24 years old now and they haven’t redone the external Graphics just yet they do plan to you can have a look at what they’ll

    Hopefully look like in the future but for now let’s just get started so clicking start time and so they’re going to go through the sequence for me and then we’re going to hop inside I’m going to press a for action and this is where it lags unfortunately every time you load a 3D

    Asset for the first time it lags a bit and any second now we’re going to start up our first engine now because this is an old game you’re going to have to deal with all the problems of the user interface come on here we go there goes our first engine so if I

    Hop back to the cabin which can be done by using either this or I’m just going to press C we’re going to switch over to Tom and press I and this is the old artwork just widecreen and if we start cycling through we got all these little views now one of my

    Criticisms already is these views was blocked the key binds are double bound in the settings so you can’t access the inter corders for example which is quite important cuz that can over heat your engine as Engine 2 comes online now now one thing I’ve probably noticed with this is if I hop back

    To the main view these gauges don’t work in the 3D view I really hope they do something to address that in the future in fact it’ be great if they can track support so you can actually fly from the cockpit but hey so the engine fre is up and we can

    Hop through the rist of the cockpit and so they’ve got all the nice modernized Graphics but again these are still two images and if I hop into the seat we have new sites and views for inside in fact the problem with this gun site right away is

    The top here is where you need to aim with because for whatever reason they didn’t line the sights up properly in fact they might have fixed it yes they have fixed it so that’s good news last time I played this the site was in the wrong position so I’m glad they are slowly

    Getting through the problems so we just Ed taxiing now let’s hop into that window view so we can see all the other Bas 17s from our Squadron parked up waiting to go so we’re going to head on over to the runway and start the mission so a bit of

    A long one Let’s uh hop over to the cabin the nose go to instruments and instruments again and uh ignore the fidgeting B17 it’ll stop that once we’re in the air so let’s zoom out and have a look at our mission so we’re going out Northeast all

    The way across the coast and just like the original version if you zoom out too far doesn’t scroll so I got to zoom back in so we’re going to fly out to Breman got our targets here so there’s always a secondary tertiary and primary target depending on the whether we may hit one

    Or the other somewhere up here there should be is this it the decision point so we’ll fly out get to here get weather reports and then decide which of these one runs we’re going to do of these Rings represents a threet so the blue ones it’s an Air Base air base and the

    Thickness is how much of a fret they are so in the case of the Flack Rings we can see we’ve got quite a light Flack battery here with the small red and then over Breman itself we’ve got quite a thick boundy IND getting a much stronger battery of flack in the

    Area so we just need to get on with our mission now really it’s a bit of a journey thankfully this game has something that many games are going to support uh or want to support big aircraft are going to need and that’s time skip so let’s get ourselves up in

    The air and I’ll show you that in a minute you are cleared for and we are up in the air so the formation is going to uh start orbiting around the air base and then group up and we’ll head on to Target there’s the air base in sight as we

    Orbit around waiting for everyone to get into the air so you can see now we’ve got the formation together we’re in the top B turret and looking out to the left there so we’ve got everyone together so in a moment we should be sitting off on

    Our mission so I’m going to hop back to the navigation panel hit ey and rep there we go the Navigator’s given us our heading and we are on our way to Target so if I start hitting enter the Navigator got lost okay not the best Navigator in our

    Plane it turns out but you can see we can jump across the the time and Skip across and save ourselves the trouble of sitting there and waiting for it all to happen God our Navigator is not very good is he might turn the difficulty tune that okay now um You might notice

    The colors green indicates we have enough fuel to make the journey orange is kind of uh cutting it fine and then this red is we have run out of fuel by this point at the moment our fuel consumption is a bit High because we are still climbing up to altitude this will

    Even out once we get there but it helps you figure out whether or not you’re going to make it home or not so not calls for alarm just yet as it makes the Assumption based on current position anyway we’re going to fast forward over and uh if my navigator

    Were is a bit smarter we’d be able to jump forward about 10 minutes rather than a minute so anyway we’re going to head over to the German Coast in fact there we go we figured out where we are now must have cleared the clouds so we’re almost there already in

    Fact here we go it’s crossing over the German coast of course once begin to combat and aircraft start there we go scrambling we can’t use the time compression quite so aggressively pop out we can have a look on the side and there’s no aircraft

    Nearby just yet oh there we go so we got our B7 our p38s and our P 47s now if you play the original you’d know you can control these doesn’t work they’ve disabled the feature for the time being I guess because they haven’t done the uh new copit artwork for them which is

    Disappointing I’d be quite honestly happy just to do the old artwork but never mind once that’s ready we’ll be able to control those and you’ll actually be able to attack your own formation with the German Fighters if you’re absolutely a masochist but for now we’re just going to carry on get to our

    Target so you can see the German Coast running down here we’re just passing into the range now of the Flack batteries that we saw on the map earlier and up to the Lil there you go quite light like the uh outline indicated so this shouldn’t be too

    Bad now if we want we can actually try and evade this Flack which uh we might as well give a shot so let’s hop into the cabin view Navigator is lost good job unfortunately he’s not got much skill apparently let’s go in the crew do in fact rank up so let’s get

    The formation to climb 1,000 ft and manual control and hopefully that will get us clear of this Flack and throw off the aim of those trying to attack Us in the meantime I also want to get the weather report 510 that sounds fine to me so we’re

    Going to go for the primary target course we get the other reports and also switch to secondary or tertiary if we feel the need to or of course AB our mission and this is kind of a big part of the game so you’ve got all the crew

    To manag in fact we’ve had a hit from looks it there in the cabin so yeah you can see the uh damage there so there was briefly a ghost icon on the crew they indicating they’ve been scared and they might have been injured but they won’t

    Tell us until they go down from injury unfortunately but this is a big part of how the game worked as you’re managing these 10 chaps on the mission in each individual compartment and you can give them all the different orders to move around first aid repairs

    Etc and uh this is also another one of the problems with this game is there is a lot of advanced features if I jump into here and go down to the uh instrument panel here we got the fuel tanks you can see they’re all even if one of these were to start

    Leaking however which might happen on this Mission depending on how lucky we are and the Navigator lost again well done but if you want to uh transmit fuel from one side to the other we can click on this guy here this is our top turret engine here but you can see he’s not

    Exactly visible I’m going to press I now this brings us to the ammunition counter for his turret and now if I press space bar see menus have been menus here now we can select which tank we want to transfer so the left tank one and two and then the

    Oops zero and then we have engines three and four here which we then grab this lever to transfer the tank so if we want to transfer from the from one tank on this wing it doesn’t mean to another tank on this one it does mean we’ve got to

    Transfer all the way across to this wing and then back in again to this Wing so it’s a bit of a a fft but if you lose an engine or an engine is leaking fuel that means you can transfer the fuel where you need it for example if the fuel

    Leak’s not bad you might want to just choose to sacrifice of fuel to keep the engine running especially if you’ve already lost one anyway looks like the flag has stopped a nice clear view in front of us but uh what I can see is cloud so I

    Hope things get better by the Target you can see actually we got a little bit of frame rate there which is disappointing and I noticed this in general so uh yeah guys you need to fix that not something you’d expect from a 23y old game running on a modern

    PC anyway we’re going to push on to Target through the flag on the bomb there we go then we’re starting the bomb run we’re turning into Target and you can see the Bombay doors opening there on the bomber next to us our bomb doors have opened seeing the turret better see as

    You do get better visibility by looking at the side versus the front which blocks up a lot of your view so we begin our bomb run everybody hopefully will stay in formation the game is um should we say notorious for air to work collisions the AI aircraft

    Is not that smart in fact it’s so prolific I tend to turn the collisions off and I recommend if you player you do the same thing because you’ll get aircraft attacking you flying into you or your own formation will fly into itself it’s an absolute catastrophe come on get those band you

    See the holes in the aircraft there this was quite a uh impressive bit of tech back in the day where you got the holes drawn in dynamically on the aircraft you can see we took hit near the window earlier the cockit you can see the bits

    Of green where the metal work has been flaked off by the impact and talk the devil there is more Flack and this this is a lot thicker but we can’t maneuver now cuz we’re on the bomb run so let’s get in there and have a look jump to the front yeah I don’t

    Think you should be sping buddy we’re on the Run come on all right so I can control this manually as you can many other stations in fact very quickly I jump in here so the Navigator can’t see where we’re going this is sight is for sitting

    The drift and he’s um you’re supposed to line those lines up in the direction travel so I don’t know what my Navigator’s doing no wonder he’s lost but we’re on the bomb run we are in the right area um just got to find our Target that’s a good looking area for

    Target but I don’t think that’s our Target that may be one of the secondary so let’s take control start aiming the C TR I figure out where enough we are so we got curved River there and one over there have a curve there now that’s two Urban to be our

    Target this curve here there’s the triangle you see that there that should be that’s triangle Forest I noted is that a rail yard there it’s a bit hard to tell just yet fortunately this is one of the things that redu really needs to help with they could do increase in the draw

    Distance and uh the detail for that matter because the 3D buildings on my target are those going to be here are going all we see right now are black blotches that come underneath the target the 3D model hasn’t loaded in yet so I think that’s our Target I think that’s the rail yard

    Running across that’s the triangle Fielder noted and of course there’s the turn in the river so I’m going to lock the site and now I need to start dealing with the drift we’re drifting off to the right so I need to stay up to the

    Left and I’m using the choic to do this you can see on the right we got the sliders adjusting so I increase this up you can see my sight start to slip to the up Direction our goal is simply get everything to stay still oh that look like a close flat

    Kit and that’s looking reasonably good actually oh there you go there’s a 3D load got a building there a flag still popping up around us so uh hope we can get this done quicker and there we go the buildings are finally loaded I’m just bu him a little bit down

    Cuz this is where the bombs are going to start hitting with a bit of luck oh we’ve just taken a hit the nose has been hit you can see they all shaking up a bit there but we’ll worry about that in a minute now it’s watch for slipping drift looks pretty good

    Everything seems lined up there ver I don’t see anything looks that real good that should be a good run with bit of luck and then once these two come together the bombs will release on ah okay we have a fire on the flight deck now last time I’ve tried this I’ve

    Noticed if you hop out the seat the bomb doesn’t drop so I can’t afford to leave this station unfortunately so hopefully the crew will uh look after themselves in the meantime we got fighters coming though and you can see the flashes of the flack around us almost on the bomb

    Now I just wish we’d March up on the target quicker come on that’s a lot of Fighters I always hate making last second adjustments but unfortunately Something’s Happened and we started wobbling so uh he’s hoping we get a good run but the amount of drift has me worried see we suddenly started

    Tipping so I’m worried we might have taken some damage I had to evade a bit there and here it comes and release any second now there they go oh look atar wobbling you can see the ground shifting beneath us this going to be a bit of a snake I think there go the Bombs oh yes we took a lot of peppering join that bomb run and there goes a fighter got the crew right inside and we had a report of fire didn’t we so let’s just check if that’s been sorted out or not see the guns firing repair no we have fixed that ourselves

    Already can I get you the target area no I can’t oh we’re almost over it God look at the state of our aircraft won’t let me take the camera downstairs unfortunately oh there we go our bombs are so yeah we slipped off we’ve missed in time

    Look like we hit some of the yard there but we missed the main body and no look at the state of our plane so we got absolutely massive Mark along there we took a hell of a hit there all right free high there he is do look like he’s going

    The right way though unfortunately the crew don’t don’t distinguish between uh aircraft coming in and coming out so sometimes they call that an aircraft that’s not a threat let’s H to the tail and have a look around and uh oh sorry I’m looking at the wrong stuff

    At the moment that’s a friendly aircraft coming back into formation they probably got hit by a Vitter but what I was saying is the elevators are missing in this 3D view I don’t know why they’ve always been like that including the original I guess they probably wanted to

    Animate them at some point and never did here he comes you never get along with these snapshots you think the tail Gunner would be one of the best seats in the house and for the view it is that’s that there that’s why I turn off the collisions for

    Aircraft is that it yes let’s try and catch him got him there we go black smoke so he’s G oil leak he will not be bothering us anymore there’s a guy down there you see that b 17 on our left they are leaking fuel from probably the number three four

    Engine there a fighter or something down there coming up and across and there goes a P38 so good to see we got our escort we’ve got an engine smoking or had I’m not sure we’ll have to have a look at that there goes another fighter now there is a hot key to jump

    You to whatever seat is seeing the action but it’s often not good get bit disoriented to doing that so I generally prefer to stay in another one yeah I wish the guns could spin around faster where is he I think that’s a P38 so that’s not going to be a Problem o number four engine there you see it’s taking a bunch of holes one’s all right we are getting a bit knackered I think it’s probably a good time to take stock of the aircraft so I’m going to hop into the cockpit and have to look at those instrument

    Panels engines are performing all right for the moment uh looks like engine 3 has a fuel leak or they’re burning fuel faster so I need to keep an eye on that we might have to give them more fuel later on in the fight and let’s jump into a turret again man

    Control field of view is very limited on this turret all right there’s a turn start making a way home think we scored a hit on him maybe and he’s out to the side somewhere they’re just cutting through us got really unlucky with the Flack there oh I can see some fire and no

    They’re they’re outbound on that one however gu too high trying to preempt when he’s going to fly into my field a few oh all these wounded bombers so you can see there he’s rifting out of position goes a P38 to our left so that guy there he’s probably a bit of damage

    Oh speaking taking damage not got a good view on him but there’s an engine out down there oh formation is falling apart there uh there’s an aircraft beneath us let’s see if we can’t score something on him getting the lead rights and acquired skill to say the

    Least I’m going to hop over and see if I can find it they the ball turret can’t see crap in this ball and uh take manual controls so somewhere out here there was an aircraft with an engine out hoping he’s still with us there you go that one’s missing his number

    Three all level Ball’s not a great place to see that and of course ourselves we’re just pipping all over that guy’s taking a massive hit there in his wing he can see straight through it goes a fighter he goes don’t think he scored any hits there’s another one he’s got a

    Fuel leak or something trailing go on get him Guys if we look down there you can see that engine is black and they’ve had a fire they put it out frankly uh there he is you don’t want to hit your own aircraft the formation that’s a new group of Fighters that’s coming they’re fresh starting to get worried of some of

    Our boys cuz if they get too damage they fall behind and get chewed up by the fighters oh there you go another Wing torn straight through by the flag can’t hold on okay we got a crew member going down oh okay have the pilots down thankfully look we’ve already got

    Someone in here what are you doing buddy where are you going you can see all the damage going down the back of his seat so someone in here don’t know where he’s going he’s transferring through so I’ve currently got the AI with a bit of initiative on

    Them I’m going to get this guy to give some first aid to the pilot unfortunately having taken the injury he’s going to keep on going down for the rest of the flight depending on how grave the injury is you just saw me firing so I jumped in

    And uh manual control he can’t aim at the targets if it’s just Jittering don’t see anything not a useful turret di there we go it’s faster than the turrets L do we hit him just there oo oh and there we go that is a perfect example of why the AI uh why you turn off the air to a

    Collisions the AI is not good enough to avoid collisions themselves and that is a problem with the original game I hope the Redux will fix cuz I’d like to had to turn on air toare collisions cuz they did happen sometimes but uh not that frequently free aircraft flew through our formation free aircraft

    Crashed unfortunately that means the aircraft are all going to be thrown about there’s one down there there one there they’re going to recover and catch up sounds like our Pilot’s been picked up yep he’s up and up and about again so he depending on how bad he’s injured

    Will pass out again we’ll have to hope he’s all right I’m going to hop oh there we go 10 level uh probably going to get another VI now not a good shot there there’s a P38 chasing him go get him I’d love to to control them actually

    But uh like I said before that’s being disabled you can see them on the side but no control how we doing on the waist no nothing on this side the tail there’s a bom behind us there just clipped his wing tip that won’t do much

    One of the ways you can figure out where the enemy are is looking at the turrets on the other aircraft if they start shooting at something point in that direction yeah we’re getting a bit chewed up here Right how are we doing we are better to park the way out now I don’t really agree with the uh Flight Plan they’re giv us here they’re flying us back into a flack ring and out across another one I’m not mistaken I can grab these and edit

    Them there we go so we’ll get around that flat Bubble Trouble is when you get damaged bombers they don’t like turning in the formation we end up all over the place we’re already at this wayp point now so I might as well let that happen

    But it has put us into this flacker ring for no reason really if we’d uh been really aggressive we could turn off the Target and come around through here the game likes to do quite wide formations to try and avoid the AI colliding of themselves in the turns cuz especially

    When they get damaged they can bump into each other all the time in fact even when they’re not damag they’ll sometimes do it looks like the fighters have cleared off though put the flax back on now I think we’re going to make another that’s really heavy Flack so

    Let’s jump over to the radio room we don’t have a radio operator where’s he gone there shim’s up front all right you need to get off your gun and move to the radio room please because it is busy out there this is one of those times where I

    Wish the initiative been turned off and they’ only do what I tell them to all right radio operator’s made it to his seat just about come on can you get sadly you need the operating order to make any commands for the formation so let’s increase the altitude of, foot oh more more Bandits Wonderful uh I don’t see Anything oh there’s a flack again there sery today good grief that’s what you get when you go to a major area like bran to say people did not like going there would be an understatement let’s just hope we don’t take any more Hits don’t know what I’m seeing I keep on mistaking these dots actually on the uh on the turret there for aircraft in the distance at the Waypoint let’s get back in and another look at our fuel state so that was not quite what I was expecting cockpit please action station and instrument panel

    Engines are in sync more or less oh the RPM on three has dropped and let’s check the fuel gauge they’re the same three is dropping so we got to make a choice there in the long run do we pull the fuel out of the engine or do we let it run till

    Dry we pull the fuel out then obviously we lose the engine immediately or we can put the fuel in and keep leing fuel which might lead to us running out of fuel in the long run oh this is getting a bit scary where you going

    Buddy in fact we’re not at the front of the formation anymore we’re supposed to be the leaders so this looks like we might be down on power a bit now you can actually directly fly the aircraft as well if you want and that becomes necessary when the AI

    Starts struggling to fly your aircraft it gets too damaged are we falling out a formation here or is it just cuz we’re in a bit of a mess this is again this is why you don’t do the tight turns CU our formation is hazly everywhere looks like we’re pting

    Forward again so we’re probably all right but we got to put the push the engines a bit harder to get back to the front close can’t imagine what was like for uh for real trying to navigate this swarm of aircraft and I think things have settled down we’re back in position there’s an

    Aircraft right behind us and it was a real crew effort with everyone pointing out where the aircraft are for the pilot cuz obviously you can’t see a lot from the front oh dear no it’s the co-pilot this time so both are injured going to grab one of the waste Gunners

    Send them up to the front and he will climb through all the aircraft to get there and I think this is one of the really just kind of cool things this was very much human element you had to worry about your crew and I don’t really see

    It simulated in games anymore I mean you’ve got bom crew but that’s very arade as he climbs through through the Bombay and then finally makes it into the cockpit to give our copilot a uh a once over and hopefully he’ll feel better and thankfully it looks like the

    Worst is behind us at last making a way out to Germany you can seeing the uh ragged state of our group here got him with an engine out that needs to be feathered ideally and there’s a burnt out engine down there and everybody’s just PE with little holes you can see

    Straight through the tail in many cases and of course we haven’t F too well either with all the damage we’ve taken we are absolutely pocket marked more injuries as we go this time it’s our top turret Gunner the engineer is been uh helped off screen down this corner I

    Guess 11 10 we are now clearing the German Coast so we should be home fre with better luck and we need to take a check of the fuel state so instruments please and let’s have a look fuel quantity and our Navigator is lost well don’t yes so engine fre is continuing to

    Leak it’s not a fast leak so I’m prepared to just eat the cost of the fuel we carry more fuel than we need so how much fuel should we have about 40 sorry 240 and we’re all the way down to almost 100 so we have lost a fair bit

    Of fuel in that engine it’ll probably be out by time we land but I’m prepared to keep the engine running just to keep the speed up as we fly home so as we leave the German Coast behind us we’re going to head on home

    And with a bit of luck make it home in roughly one Piece there we go then home sweet home it’s the coast of England just beneath us no bombers lost at least I don’t think there were any lost certainly nobody since the combat ended engine number three is still going you can see in fact visually that the RPM has

    Dropped but she’s Trucking on still got fuel going to make her way home and land and there we go and we are now dropping out of formation and we’re going to make our way down to land looks pretty clear say goodbye to the protection of the formation as we go on

    Down so you can see we’re pouring out black smoke cuz our engines are getting too hot as we’ve come down an altitude now remember I mentioned there’s a key bind that was blocked we need this to adjust the inter Corners now I want that down to the cold position I think it

    Was and that should help cool down the engines better I also need if I can find it the air filters which is this one and uh is that on I can’t remember if I could look at the here we go filters are on so that should be good

    There we go and the engines to stop smoking so it does feature some Advanced engine simulation type stuff but unfortunately what bothers me a little bit is the AI tend not to do it for whatever reason they’re not too smart quite often as you can see the AI

    Flights over here they’ve all got their engine smoking so uh not great for the health of the engine now this game is honestly a reasonable simulation of the p17 it’s not most accurate nor is the most detailed in some respects so the game is really at its

    Heart a clickable cockpit you can adjust many of the systems and run all the switches here of course uh it’s h back by the time which is all these different menus you got to go through to interact with the different systems and it’s it’s

    A bit of a pain it is very much a child of the ’90s but it does have all that simulation depth it’s just obscured by user interface we got the Airfield off to our left now we’ll be landing in a moment B luck and hopefully our landing gear will work

    Just fine and I’m slightly worried about the uh engine here but we’ll see in a minute laps down a gear is coming down too I’m surprised by that one I was really expecting the engine number three there on the right was going to hitch on

    Us and we have to manually crank it down looks like we’re in luck now this flight I’ve just let the AI fly the aircraft you can take manual control and in many cases you’ll have to especially if the aircraft gets really badly damaged but looks like we got away

    Fairly well on the controllability front today so there we go we’re coming into land now I’ve been considering quite strongly actually doing a let’s play of this as I honestly do love the game despite its flaws and its age cuz it’s something that’s it simulates something you don’t really see

    Any anymore and it does big bombers pretty well and touch down there we go so what do you guys reckon to a uh name in the game series we put patreon and YouTube members into the crew oh you can see the wheel wobbling there so we did take some damage to that

    Bay looks like the aircraft’s down in one piece so we’ve sagged a bit on one side but yeah we’ll probably do a series on this with some named characters for the the cruise which I think be quite fun to do and it’s a bit of a break from

    The uh the stresses and complexity of DCs now the game itself is still a little bit flawed it’s not perfect by any means especially the Redux there’s a whole bunch of problems with it control settings and annoyances and things that were you know things you’d expect to see

    In the Redux that aren’t there yet this is unfortunately very much Early Access like I said I love to control the aircraft the uh escort and even the enemy aircraft and of course there’s all the bugs of the original still so the AI is terrible it’s uh it needs some work

    Especially to avoid collisions but I don’t know it’s it’s probably a bit steep for the price at the moment but if you love The Game and you’re prepared for the obtuse and awkward interfaces that you find in the ’90s it is a really good game overall it’s just I expect a bit better

    Our engine started smoking there without the airow to call it so in fact uh we might turn that one off so uh let’s find engine three it’s only on off it’s not both so there we go that’s engine free off that’s will save his life from damage cuz although we’re not in a

    Campaign sitting here this was just a Mission oneoff Historical Mission you do have to worry about the wear and tear in your aircraft and the Damage it takes and that will determine especially in the squadron commander mode how many aircraft can go in the future so we made it home safe and sound

    In one piece three and a half engines wonky wheel and uh a torn up frame and a spattering of injuries so let’s go to the parking and take a look at the human toll and how we did on the bombing so back in the briefing room and let’s have a look

    Then so uh distance flown managed to shave off about 4 maybe 100 miles off our list we lost a bomber but we did shoot down five Fighters and unfortunately we missed the factory entirely it’s uh I’m not sure what happened I think the Flack threw us off at the end

    There so uh we missed our Target sadly and that’s the way of it you go all that way take all the risk you might not even drop your bomb sometimes so a whole bunch of fatal wounds they are probably the crew that were shot down and you can see here at

    The end we got medium flesh severe fatal and fatal again and there’s our bomb so we did do some damage but we weren’t on targets as and you can see that snaking s from the aircraft wobbling after we got hit by the flag so medals awarded purple hearts all

    Around an awful lot of them Miss Missing crw accounted for was Guardian Angel which will crashed an enemy territory with the whole crew killed unfortunately so there we have it that is the historical mission to REM one bomber Down’s pretty good going all said for Breman so I think next time

    We’ll proba be seeing a mission running the campaign as a career in our own aircraft and I’m trying to figure out what we might call the bomber and of course who are going to be crewing the bommer itself and what names they’ll have so for now I hope you enjoyed and take Care


    1. Love these types of game, I always find the most interesting part to be how far you can push your success with modern knowledge and tactics with everything we learned from the war too, compared to how ineffective crews often were in reality, especially when you're up against somewhat realistic conditions. I find the theoretical "how good could this system be if it was used as close to optimally as possible?" to be a fascinating thing to play with.

    2. This is such a botched release. I'm convinced Microprose is having cash flow issues and so is putting out whatever cashgrabby shovelware they can just to get some capital. Disappointment is one of many words I can use to describe this "Redux"

    3. Despite the fact this remaster is far from being done, as a young guy I've never heard of this game before. And I gotta say it's really cool even for today!!
      Thx for the video

    4. One thing I always hated about the original mighty 8th was the abhorrent font they decided to use. I mean what the actual fuck was that??

    5. I played this when I was younger, didn't understand much outside of crew management. Enjoying playing it again and appreciated your simple explanations of many of these instruments and controls. I picked up a bunch of useful tips! The in air collisions are a tough bit, hopefully that gets better.

    6. It was a great game 23 years ago, honestly the Redux is needing a lot of work, they released it earlier for Masters of the Air, which i can understand.
      Its the year of the bomber. This game when its fully developed be a good game, until Bloody 100th releases! Now that will be a B-17 game for decades, that were gonna play.
      I would definetly recommend doing a bomber playtrough, as the patches roll in and the game gets better.

    7. Ok so some of the graphics are dated and the user interface is a bit janky and some of the ways you move from one screen to another need a bit of work……but its been a long time since this old man felt that rush of immersion that I got when My old B17 Sweet n Neet took off all those years ago to take to the skies over germany. It's like playing it all over again for the first time except now I'm 65

    8. Definitely needs a play through by your good self, used to love playing this when it first came out didn't so much notice all the flaws but at the time it was ground breaking, thanks RK for doing this video.

    9. The external view of the incoming fighters look a bit choppy like the FPS are slipping or something and there seems to be a lot of loading going on with ground detail. The original game video you showed was very smooth. Wonder if the conversion needs some work?

    10. It's too bad that the remaster isn't exactly in a good state. I really enjoy flying these heavy bombers, but it seems like a niche that none of the current sims address very well.

    11. Thx for showing! How do you control the Norden bomsight? With keyboard or with mouse or with joystick? I allways have Problems with it…. 😮

    12. I played this when it came out. It always had issue. Re releasing it, half baked like that to take advantage of the Apple TV series is not a good idea,

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