In this episode Martha and I depart from following the river to the hills. We find the source of the Moselle river, and have a wonderful last minute stay with Patrick in Thann. He was a lifesaver on a rainy day.

    All right one week in just queuing up some hot water oh I started the grass on fire wondering when that would happen I haven’t been putting the C piece under second coffee it’s like lightly odds and Cain Martha’s finishing up the tent and we’re going to finish off our

    What we thought was cream but didn’t realize is whipping cream so I’m loving it it’s delicious and that’s the morning that’s the routine coffee tent cleanup second coffee cuz Martha’s a coffee addict day seven has begun we just left Camp it’s a bit of a gray windy

    Day uh but we have 50k on tap to a Lakeside Campground and we’re going to go pop into a bakery and get some breakfast and then we’ll be offo cizo cizo cizo Kish yeah with goat cheese with oh with goat cheese yeah oh with goat cheese and then you got an apple

    Crumble and I got a passion fruit tart all right we’re on an official voo route we are bakeri up and we’re rolling you a lot more tourists out cycle tourists we’re biking it’s slow we have about 65k to Camp it’s going to take a long time so

    We’re going to get biking I need candy send help I need candy send help there’s a donkey go just getting a light sprinkle well we’ve hit a bit of rain oh there’s weight here yeah all right change your plans you can see the clouds maybe they’re going that way so all that

    Darkness is coming at us and raining so we’re going to wait it out and uh see if it last for a long time or a short time we have a wonderful tree to protect us is your bike under you should bring your bike under oh yeah here’s the update Mar sitting on the

    Ground and there’s a bike race a bike tracking race of some kind going on a bunch of bikers have come by and they’re still riding and this uh hoping it passes by in the next half hour or so so we’re just going to hang out under

    The tree and get a little bit of protection some of it’s dripping through now as it picks up in the Wind another bike pack racer woohoo Wo we’re back on the road the rain has passed we stayed relatively dry all right we’re trying to ride to the coffee Shop this beautiful garden pathway start gting some elevation just taking the back road route think we’re just probably passing a military base about the looks of it there some sort of government property Road smells beautiful right now this where coming In Nice Jobo cruising all right little check in We Are out of the Plains of Eastern France and into the Hills and we’re about 9 1/2k from camp and we’re riding the cycle way we’ve been getting past for the second half of the day by Racers this is the path to our campsite it’s awesome Campground one more last Dipsy Doodle onto the road here that’s in my fridge this building Here I think anyway l oh yeah initial it was a long flight yeah just like now I’m just inl from the day you know this is our campsite water beautiful Hill surrounding all right do these Martha has the unfortunate job of filling the air mattress but she’s much better than

    I and I get to cook so mushrooms some arando I don’t know looks like shell pass the sauce somewhere get the tent together stove together and then eat we got this he we went in there and it smell so good and and he said that this is something that they have from

    Their region this is something that they make I have no idea what it is I think it’s meat yeah probably it looks like meat it looks so good so he said that he was going to give us some just for us just for us just for us and he just

    Walked it all the way over and found us yeah he walked it over and found us he take a bite and go back It looks hot is it good mhm m is it pork or I don’t know it’s like a meat pastry homemade yeah Oh Yeah of a rainy start the day some wind Well I think our dry window has passed it is wet it is definitely raining and it’s expected to do so the next FL so Martha’s in the tent getting things packed and organized I’m out here getting things organized and so in France you can order um a

    Baguette dur in the morning when at any campsite or like delicious croissants so we get some chocolate croissants and a bagette and this looks amazing AB Ohaz who’s that hi oh I don’t have anything I know I know you like I you w a tail tail i a b it all Day all right just going to go get second breakfast and then coffee weather is holding up so far and then into Bassel tomorrow and be in switon tomorrow be rad this is what a bonger looks like this is where we go each morning we have To tools boom on the tire tools if you need them this bad boy do ask for money no you just hit start wow it doesn’t even take money and there’s a water fountain why don’t we have these in Canada oh yeah okay well we’re going to

    Do a little air and a little rinse cuz why Not we have coold deing coming up it’s going to be a bit of a steep climb probably about a mile long then we have a long windy descent and we just stopped for lunch and avoided the rain for a while but it’s back so we wait again and then

    I’m sure blue scy will roll through it’s real bad up there though we’re kind of headed over that way too we’re headed kind of that way and then around it’s kind of pretty though when you’re under a roof and dry all right I think we’re starting our first

    Hole which is a climb to a path between Peaks as I understand it uh it’s about a mile long some steep pitches I’m doing 5K an hour oh it’s the source cool altitude 715 M 550k long first coal complete we made her all the

    Way up even the 16% and now we got to head that way and down we’re on the freeway for a bit so hopefully it’s not too busy all right all right we’re back on a bike path and we’re fueled up speed bump and we’re about 15K from a house that’s

    Warm and dry and we’re looking forward to It Look at the roof on this place we are hi hi we’re in Patrick’s basement warm showers host garage yeah I guess garage basement and our stuff’s all wet so this is the result of the kit explosion kit bomb but he’s cooking what is a delicious smelly meal and he has a bed

    And a shower and his place is really cool so we’re going to go enjoy yeah all right we’re off after a lovely stay in pwn with Patrick who’s on the left and his friend Mark and Martha and me and he’s going to ride us to the next

    Town and he’s going to do a 5003 500k 3-day ride to see his granddaughter in Belgium cuz you can do that when you live in Europe so yeah here we go had a fifth join us on his a little Ripper he’s just headling away all right we’re on the Euro of L5

    Into Bassel it takes the wholeway there probably don’t even need our phones today the only thing we really don’t have planned is where we’re sleeping so we’re going to try and utilize uh free places to stay if Switzerland um is definitely going to be expensive so probably not going to want to do

    Campgrounds uh so yeah we’re rolling and we’re going to be in a new country by the end of the day it’s kind of cool it’s pretty nice pel’s actually very low it’s only 240 m above sea level uh I didn’t realize anywhere in Switzerland would be that low so it’s kind of a

    Slight descent all the way there which will be nice we’re going to go hit the decathlon and see if they have any small tables cuz we’ve decided having a nice little table would be better than eating out of the dirt all right this is our route to get to

    To Cath we’ve seen a deer just cross missed it though and a big bird earlier maybe an owl or eagle or Hawk so we’re avoiding the main highways but the cost is doing some of these trails and it’s a bit wonky in here but we’re getting her done So Pretty Lums and Mark found a big bug she’s going for plums plums plums yeah there’s a pet M MH back on can another Canal but this time the Ry canal all right we are about 7K from the store but we’re kind of in the northern end of vessel uh cruising this

    Path and then soon enough we’ll be in the city we can already see a few buildings we are in Bassel it’s nice everybody bikes here it’s amazing really good infrastructure for bikes ble they have a slide in between the escalator for the kids cuz why would a kid want to take an escalator

    Our warm showers put a warm showers tag

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