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    Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign What is aerobic respiration the aerobics just aerobic respirations in living cells 20 . sometimes your oxygen when you need oxygen to liberate out the energy electron transport chain by Electro Transport Systems that is foreign exactly biochemical reactions in Arabic respiration whereas in absence of oxygen energy respiration and incomplete combustion of substances foreign Foreign foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign foreign burning your food substance we are getting the energy for our daily activities foreign wow recipe there get respiration has two phases that has been written there cellular respiration cellular respiration we are talking about aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration to respiration foreign Excuse me AJ in presence of oxygen this is very important in presence of oxygen um h12o6 and C6 h2l6 foreign phosphates a living system is Bone foreign foreign your energy after respiration ATP is very important it is the energy molecule for a living cells foreign foreign Thank you but it is current definitions we can get from anywhere so just reactions ATP is equal to this value is very important questions because ncrt has mentioned this Foreign respiration aerobic respiration is glycolysis foreign that is electron transport system respiration as well as anaerobic respiration glycolysis part is common for aerobic respiration as well as anaerobic respiration Next one And try carboxylic acid cycle is foreign Landing based questions anaerobic respiration anaerobic respiration is like anaerobic respiration does not use oxygen as an oxygen the organic food is incompleted is very important incompletely broken down to give energy aerobic respiration a complete breakdown of food and anaerobic respiration incomplete breakdowns reactions

    The common product of this respiration are carbon dioxide anaerobic respiration no water in case of fermentation the energy produced is fermentation okay a kind of anaerobic respiration above foreign Alcohol chain process the ultra formulations and the last one is fermentation foreign group alcohol alcohol age group ing products most importantly available foreign Industry the user ever gone Again foreign Each other Your respiration CO2 plus foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign respiration is respiratory substrate are the organic nutrients or oxidized oxidized in presence of oxygen foreign Respiratory substrate are the organic nutrient oxygen oxidized at the time of respiration first point at that time of cellular respiration oxidation of organic nutrients occur to obtain energy the the order of preference of organic nutrient as respiratory substrate are Foster their carbohydrate carbohydrate liquid protein Carbonic or respiratory prioritize energy

    According to the preference and protein plants do not require oxygen to respire the process in return gives out carbon dioxide unlike humans and animals plants do not possess any specialized structure for exchange of gases however they do process stomata or drink because actively involved in the gaseous Exchange planted foreign development

    We are just considering the substrate of respiration and the steps of respirations Pikachu Videos sushanta Is very important steps of photo glycolysis is very important Glycolysis and the mainly the enzyme part is foreign honey glycolysis This metabolic pathways were discovered by an agent number into EMP pathway glycolysis MP emden furnace is pathway is very important this is common for both aerobic and anaerobic reactions this is the glucose this is very difficult learning glucose glucose simran Opera heading their glycolysis within brachial Lake EMP pathway s glucose foreign Foreign Foreign phosphate foreign Fructose six phosphate availability glucose 6 phosphate carbonylignon first we have started with glucose glucose is converted to glucose 6 phosphate possible this is foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign Aldehyde is foreign foreign foreign foreign Foreign So one three these phosphoglycerated foreign foreign reversible in all p h o s p h o s p h o foreign Foreign Foreign Foreign ADP Ada fast it’s a second Third actor drop day is foreign ATP foreign Foreign d i h y b r o x y a c e t o n e dehydroxy acid on phosphate and glyceraldehyde three phosphate glyceraldehyde three phosphates Foreign two NAD plus plus two P I think 2 nadh plus 2 h plus this is new for us 8 camera electron transport ation caps a in caps n caps a caps D plus plus small line caps T small I eight two nadh plus two h plus 2 nadh plus two h plus

    Foreign Foreign foreign Foreign phosphofructokine is one phospho fructokinase one foreign foreign Enzymes Foreign Elder legs one six please Adventure 8 hours Foreign Trios phosphate isomerase Dehydrogenase Foreign foreign Foreign guidance p-y-r-u-v-a-t-e p y r u v a t arponential kindness this is for now foreign

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