Much longed for upgrade to my 3T Racemax Project X with the new MORE INTEGRALE stem from 3T.

    Thank you, Joachim at Pavement in Lund, Sweden, for helping me with this upgrade.

    Let me know what you think of this upgrade in the comments below.
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    Hi guys I’m here at pavement cycling in Lun today I’m going to do something really special to my bike today which I’ve been waiting for for a very long time we will be replacing the stem finally and not only that we are going to slam it so no more spacers it’s going

    To look sleek and this is the stem that we’re putting on there the 3T more stem the brand new one that came out uh this Autumn it has all the cables rooted inside it’s going to look dope this is 120 mm I have 110 on there today so I’ve

    Been missing those extra 10 mm to sit really comfortable and getting down into better Arrow position so wow this is going to be really cool to my help I have the amazing yakim and his young Padawan kind of looks like Anakin Skywalker or young yeah I don’t know

    Here it is the mor stem made in Italy by 3T designed by by no one else than Gerard vman the old apto stem needs to go let’s get rid of it detach the brake levers and Brake hoses luckily there was no leakage at all I was super surprised

    About that throughout the whole process we didn’t have to refill any oil or anything it just stayed inside didn’t even have to air the brakes afterwards which was pretty amazing I was super surprised doing this pulling out the cables not forgetting to also add the extension so you can put them back into

    The handle bar there it goes now let’s measure it so we get the right height so we can slam it or wait for it here it comes the momentum tooth do we get it right oh yes we did first lucky shot it was perfect perfect height fit snuck spacers are has to be

    There in order to really sort of make everything Sleek you can see the cables coming out up through there for in the front of the fork it’s like a d-shaped fork and the cables slotting underneath the stem super easy really long bolt that one took a while to get in there

    But eventually we did or they did I didn’t do much I was just watching pulling the cables back in I remember when I did this the first time myself it was a hassle but they made it look easy so yeah super super impressed by the guys some paste in there and then the

    Magic sound of there you can see the cables running smoothly underneath of course it’s easier when you have wireless no extra cables getting all the nipples on there perfect screwing in the in this is easier I never saw this before it’s a very different between the Shimon stuff

    That I had previously thank you so much guys you did an amazing job and last but not least get that handlebar tape on there again and here is the end result as you can see much much sleeker than it was before Smooth and clean thank you all for tuning in see

    You next time on learn with grab holic

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