Bristol To BAN Cars! by simply making it to expensive to park. This is a top tactic of the towns and councils, you need to price them out of it to succeed

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    We haven’t spoken about this kind of thing for a while but it’s quite obvious with the actions of some councils and local authorities as they like to call themselves there is an agenda in place to eventually get rid of or heavily reduce people’s Reliance on cars they

    Don’t want them they don’t need them in their areas uh you look at London for example everything that’s going on there and other places like B with the silly uh parking costs and then we move to Bristol which is the subject of this video now there’s a couple of ways you

    Can really get rid of the cars and that is increase the cost of using them and increase the time to get from A to B by putting a load of obstacles in the way low traffic neighborhoods more traffic lights diversions oneway systems speed bumps Ed zones you name it the list goes

    On and a lot of these authorities everywhere seem to be going down this road Bristol we turn to Bristol you you have to have a parking permit if you’re a uh Bristol resident to park on a street outside your house not an uncommon thing we have that in areas around my way as

    Well well what about the cost of this permit well have a look at this and you can make your own mind up Council bosses that’s Bristol Council bosses have agreed to Triple the cost of parking permits in a bid to discourage drivers from owning a car there you go they want

    To ban the cars people are going to say that my title for this video was clickbait but at the end of the day they do want to ban the cars they don’t want them on the street it’s it’s as simple as that you got it there in black and

    White Annual fees for Resident parking permits would increase from 56 to 178 while some spaces could be repurposed for new trees cycle hangers or bike Lanes resident parking zones were introduced in Bristol by George Ferguson the former independent May to stop commuters driving into the City and parking on residential streets near the

    Center but the current labor Administration now says that they have failed to deliver well what in effect is happening I think that the cars are coming in and parking uh using the resident permits to stop out of town was coming in and parking I bet they still do and it’s not

    Getting rid of the cars so let’s triple the price and try and encourage them to disappear that’s what it looks like to me let me know what you think in the comments uh about what you think of all this and if you want to see another one

    Of my videos on this subject hit that one there I look forward to talking to you again soon d l


    1. Had to work in bristol recently stayed in a nice hotel but 27 quid for 24 hours parking bus lanes everywhere clean air charges 9 quid a day nightmare traffic on roadworks and the part where i worked during the day was a shithole hope i dont have to go back anytime soon i wouldn't recommend it to anyone

    2. People are allowing this type of thing to creep up on them without doing anything about it, most people read this type of anti motorist stuff and think it doesn't affect me so why should I bother not realising that just around the next corner it will affect them, a good example of this is the amount of people around London who knew Khan was going to extend ULEX but didn't realise it was going to be extended to their area so voted for Khan and now realise that it does affect them and it's going to cost them over £4500 per year to use their perfectly good vehicle or they are going to have to buy a new one and now they are up in arms about it…

    3. I live in Bristol the council have always been anti car Mr IAM ALMIGHTY MAYOR who thinks he is sum kind of profit and is doing the right thing . should be removed from power along with the establishment of the country let people live,never has there been any problems before THESE UNELECTED MORONS came to so called power STOP SUPPESSING THE WORKING PEOPLE

    4. Bristol is the most woke city in the UK. 57 different languages are spoken there and the council payers pick up the bill for translators.
      Of course they are going to ban cars and soon anything that resembles the 21st century. It’s drive us to turn us back in cave dwellers or dubious heritage

    5. Anybody and anyone who can ride a horse, hundreds and thousands I hope, should saddle up and ride into town. Horses are allowed to crap anywhere. No parking fees etc. Let's see the councils cope with that. I would love to see it happen in London.

    6. Good we. Need to see clearly what dirty tricks they are up to. We need to know tge Elections due this year to make it obvious who and whatc you are voting for.

    7. Councils are not Local Authorities. They are listed corporations that operate for profit. They have no more right to ban anything than Tesco do. They operate by fraud and extortion. Fight them by defunding them.

    8. Look i keep repeating the same..
      Their is a war on motorists getting ready for labour taking over.
      Make no mistake the kitchen sink is incoming ..
      The intention is to price you off the road make you cycle walk
      Insurance direct taxing ved petrol diesel..
      Ulez caz ruc being the end game.
      Guardian types taxing the tits off you ..
      Be warned ….
      Enfield council supposedly talking to residents on linked in about delivering by cycles..
      Activists directing a full on war on motorists

    9. £178 is cheap. Add £100 to that in Harringay north London or Islington’s resident permit & you can pay £28 a day for visitors permit..also Camden has a limit so some home owners can’t buy a permit at all.

    10. Vote out t the woke Labour councils…let them know we will keep our cars but they can go..get rid of the Labour councilors and DON'T VOTE LABOUR!!

    11. Nottingham – building a new pedestrian/cycle bridge less than 1000mtrs (by access not 'as the crow flies') from another bridge accessible to all traffic for £9m but can't fix the Rufford Ford problem where the occasional stupid driver risk their vehicles whilst driving through flood waters and the now closed Ford means drivers using alternative route mounting pavements and an increase in traffic.
      Don't forget Nottingham Council is bankrupt (under potential government control) because of £50m losses

    12. The reason for the political left, of whatever shade, banning cars is quite simple. A car allows a person to travel where they want to and at a time that suits them. This means that this person has individual freedom. This is something that the left cannot tolerate as they want to control every aspect of peoples lives.

      No doubt the councillors will still continue to use their cars and insist on receiving mileage allowances from the council tax payers, thereby having their cost of car ownership greatly reduced.

    13. Wouldn't it be great if small independent parties sprung up that advocated the car. And Wouldn't it be marvellous if they received the majority vote to run their respective council.
      Imagine that.

    14. Here in Aberdeen, our residents permit costs around £150 a year (don't recall the exact figure, but it's around that somewhere give or take a quid or two). They have also decriminalised parking on yellow lines, meaning in effect the police won't take action, it's all down to the traffic wardens. Who go home at 8pm Monday-Saturday, so effectively anyone can park where they like after 8 and on Sundays 🙄

    15. What people fail to realise is that it's not politicians or councils that run the country, it's the civil servants. Doesn't matter who you vote for, it's the Sir Humphreys of this world (remember Yes Minister..?) who tell the politicians what to say and do.

    16. Thousnds of Van delivering to homes as no one can afford to drive into cities. All shops will die off and more people out of work on state handouts. This is what they want 15 min cities

    17. Then the city will die simple as that I moved from Sheffield ages ago it was hell or a place
      and their tram is a death trap its the lines

    18. Marxist Labour Council it is coming to a street near you if you vote for a Marxist Council Labour at the next local Election. You have been warned.

    19. I am a severely handicapped person, 88 years of age, with a Blue Badge which was displayed on arrival in Ringwood at precisely 11.00 am and I left at 11.08 am on Wednesday 10 01 2024. Blue Badge Number N54C38 0 1035X0624

      Where I parked was not marked in any way whatsoever as a no parking area, in fact the road was marked as a parking area with plenty of spaces available. As a stranger to Ringwood I was not aware of any contravention of parking in this area on any particular day. You are lucky that I am a pensioner on state pension income only and therefore I am obliged to pay your fine, for £35.00.

      If I had sufficient funds, I would have challenged this parking fine in court and would surerly have won my case as there was no “NO PARKING” sign in sight.

    20. There is a rumour going round Bristol, that there is certain religious minority area that the police will not enter after nine o clock at night without permission from the local Iman .
      Is this true ?

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