It takes thick skin to ride a bike all winter long in New England. But it also takes the right clothes, quite a bit of knowhow when it comes to keeping your kit and bike clean, it takes the right set of fenders, and a vacuum water bottle… among other things.

    Tune in to see how Ted grits through three, four, five, six hour days on the bike riding through a harsh winter in his 2024 pursuit of getting back his World Tour fitness (or at least some fraction of it!).

    @velocioapparel Winter Cap, Signature Collar, merino long sleeve base layer, Signature Soft Shell Jacket, Zero+ Glove, Utility thermal tights, wool socks, Zero+ Bootie.

    @SunGod Airas sunglasses with photochromic lens.

    @CannondaleBicycles71 Synapse Carbon 1 RLE.

    @SRAM eTap AXS 2x, 50-37 front, 10-36 rear.

    @zippspeed Firecrest 303.

    @untappedmaple Ginger Mapleaid and Grape Mapleaid, served hot. (Don’t hate it til you try it!)

    @ReneHerseCycles 700×31 Orondo Grade in Endurance Casing and fenders.

    Hey it’s a great day for skiing it’s winter it’s early 2024 but I’m not here to talk about skiing I’m here to talk about how to ride a bike in the winter flip the season upside down we’re hearing from I’m going to show you the tips and

    Tricks that I go through in order to get out and enjoy Embrace or at least tolerate riding in a winter in Vermont here we [Applause] Go Hey y’all so here we are wrapping up a ride which is basically going to be a three-part Series in this video it is going to be quick so don’t you worry the first part is about the clothes that I ride the second part is the bike that I

    Ride and the third part is how I clean up my bike so I can get inside get refreshed get warm quickly as possible so this is also to answer the questions of like hey Ted do you use studded tires or how do keep your fingers and clothes

    And body and and face and everything else warm as well as answer questions about my bike how do I keep the clothes clean because look I just rode 2 and 1 half hours and I’m spiffy and clean and and happy as a clam so let’s begin all

    Right similar game I play with hazel we’re going to play a game of Head Shoulders Knees and Toes in order to go top to bottom about the clothing that I use to stay warm so this is not a sponsored video but I am sponsored by volio so all the clothing is volio to

    Begin I have the winter cycling cap now it’s recently been redesigned I absolutely love the new design the previous one didn’t fit me as well this one is amazing keeps my ears nice and warm keeps my head warm it is very Sleek Under The Helmet so it’s not like a big

    Bulky thing that you could be concerned about second this is the signature collar they have two collars they also have a much warmer one that I want to say is a Marino 210 that uh is one that I air on if the temperature is dropping

    Down let’s say into the sub 25 sub 20° range going back here this is a set of sunod AIS sunglasses it’s supremely light secondly it’s uh photoch chromic lenses so these if it’s super dark they’re going to begin um being pretty clear and then over the course of the

    Day as the sun comes out as you can see right now it’s actually quite bright I have great visibility and the lens has changed so this is great for this time of year when the days are quite short and you need something that’s going to be changing throughout the day these are

    Wonderful set of Shades now truth be told what I’m wearing is the same thing here when it’s 35° and a little bit spitting precipitation as if it were I don’t know again down to that 25° range below 20 I might be wearing a slightly warmer Bas layer but I have a

    Long sleeve base layer a basic Marino wool so it works to keep the warmth in regardless of precipitation regardless of uh how much humidity I’m creating on the inside and then this is the signature soft shell jacket signature refers to something that Loa really wants to put their name on put their

    Name behind uh this amazing piece it’s got some great water repellency it’s not fully waterproof but in a day like today where we saw a little bit of rain a lot of fog it was snowing a little bit uh I mean I’m warm as toast to be perfectly

    Honest fero gloves these are warm and cozy if it’s absolutely free freeing then I’ll put the bar mits on the front of the M uh on the front of the handlebars that’s going to protect them from wind but my hands are warm as toast and then Alpha is something that they

    Also have in a similar jacket called the alpha jacket which has this soft Marino fluffy interior which is pretty darn amazing but I don’t need that now that’s something I use when it’s super duper cold here are my thermal tights there’s the minivan here are some

    Thermal tights big fan of these um often times I have the utility tights which are awesome because then you can store stuff in the side some food some nutrition some tools your phone easy access to all those things um the zero tight is one that I use when is

    Absolutely frigid that’s when it’s down in the teens and Below but this is just the standard tight and then moving down to the zero booty now what you see here is obviously quite a bit of sand and grit and SL liim that is the only part

    Of my body okay save my shins that have seen quite a bit of exposure but conveniently the zero booty has a great deal of protection from the horrible elements so yeah there’s a little bit of spray coming up from the tire largely minimal as a result of something we’re going to talk about

    Shortly um but my feet are warm and the only other thing to notice is something that I’m going to talk about in the interior so that’s a zero booty the rest of it is kind of like a hamburger if it’s super duper cold you’ll have a booty a shoe a sock my

    Foot the sock the shoe on top of my shoe I will put one of those chemical tow warmers and then I’ll do the zero booty on top of that so the whole Crux of that arithmetic is the chemical tow warmer outside of your shoe but inside the

    Booty so now that you’ve seen what I am wearing head to toe Head Shoulders Knees and Toes let’s take a look at the bike unless we’re going to look at me cleaning up my bike we’ll see how the order of oper ation goes all right you finish up a ride

    You’re kind of soaked a little bit head to toe whether or not it’s precipitating or you’re sweating or whatever you’re going to want to clean your bike as quickly as possible so that you can get back inside get a nice meal get a shower and be happy and ready to go ASAP

    Furthermore you don’t want to just put your bike against the wall or in the garage or whatever because the next day you see your bike it’s going to be completely covered in Rust and and and you’re just going to be in a very bad mood so here’s my quick tips for

    Cleaning a bike ASAP afterwards let me point out this is a very unintentional ad for my friends over at Home Depot Home Depot does not sponsor this pod I mean this video cast however if they want to I accept your uh royalties anyway everything you see here

    Is stuff that I have gotten at the Home Depot beginning with and the keynote item is the Ryobi 1 this is a 700 100 psi pressure washer it is battery powered courtesy of this bad boy Ryobi 1 refers to this battery system this battery is something that you can power

    Your weed whacker your your jigsaw your your uh brush crudder I mean anything it’s amazing how many things they do including this amazing pressure washer I saw they had a previous model of this thing that had 300 or 350 PSI and I was like that’s kind of lame that’s

    Basically putting your thumb on the end of a hose so when this came out I put it on my Christmas list and I am very grateful to my father-in-law who got this for me this is an amazing item highly highly suggested next you want some pretty intense rubber gloves you

    Get your 5 gallon 6 Gall bucket you get your utility sponge which I’m going to put my hand into in a minute but first up just get her going and spray the bike down there is a tiny bit of lag in this thing no lag there’s the LB stand [Applause] By spray one side do your best to avoid smashing water into the bearings any mechanic would cringe if they watch me do that spray the other side get yourself your nice brush oh let me talk about the Ryobi again it comes with this there’s a variety of different ways to get access

    To your water this is like a 15t long hose and then with this handy filter on the end you can be putting it into a pond into a pool into a bucket whatever you want or hook it up straight to a hose it’s sweet get yourself some

    Soap and clearly low on this gallon of soap time to go to Costco brush her down real quick at this point your toes your fingers might be getting a little chilly but you’re already feeling that warm shower hit the rims hit the derailer the frame clean off your chain Rings other

    Side clean off the cranks rims once again I like to clean my rotors because if your rotors are filthy much to the chrin of probably 50% of the viewers if your rotors are filthy and they start to corrode uh then you basically have to be changing your rotors every two weeks in

    Weather like this so I like to clean off the calipers clean the rotors rinse rinse rinse what did I do that was realistically 40 seconds hit it again there are three settings there’s a low medium and high needless to say I’m always in high similarly there’s a 15°

    Turbo or rinse setting rinse is kind of lame I’m often in Turbo which is sort of like a typhoon of Power there’s that lag again that’s the only draw back sometimes there can lag go again now if you’re feeling really up for it highly recommended go inside take a rag to the chain back pedal on your chain dry it off go take your shower come back

    Down and then Mo your chain your bike will be spiffy rust free corrosion free you’re going to be a very very happy camper bonus points watch your wife’s bike film crew here is my wife who is suggest that I should wash her bike and given that I’m actually kind of warm

    Cuz it’s a balmy 36° right now I might go wash her bike but there you have it byebye thank [Applause] You all right I lied I said we were going to talk about the bike but then we went and cleaned the bike now now I’m going to talk about the bike itself so what you are looking at is a Canon nail synapse 1 rle there are three things that I really

    Keynote about this bike one is the tire clearance that allows big tires and it allows fenders I will talk about the fenders in a little bit because that is actually not one of the keynote things two the gear ratios being that this is a road bike call me a traditionalist i as

    Much as I love one by this is a two by setup I have a 5037 front paired up with a 1036 rear so almost with a 1:1 ratio um not that you’re going to be grinding up any massive climbs this time of year but it is really nice to have

    That kind of gear ratio and three this is the canadale synapse one RL e with Smart Sense so what this battery here is doing is powering the front light light and rear light and the rear radar this is a Garmin varia radar so on my uh on

    My garment up front and you’re cycling computer it’ll tell you if there’s a car coming especially this time a year on a cloudy day on a foggy day on kind of a gross day I feel so much safer so much happier having that system on my bike

    Obviously I’m in a lucky position that I have a winter bik and I have a summer bike so not everybody’s going to go out and get a new bike but the future is with a system like this a single battery that is controlling so many different features of the

    Bike so as I mentioned and absolutely love these are freshly installed Renee Harris Cycles fenders now I put a lot of fenders on my bikes in my day there these are hands down the best fenders as a result of a couple different things one the full coverage so going from

    What’s this 9:00 to 4:00 on the rear similarly you’re going from oh I’d say you’re about 1:00 to 7:00 down here in the front the amount of water that is spraying up over the front is nil the amount of water spraying up here on your feet is nil also courtesy of this wide

    Angle thing at the bottom of both fenders super cool system that collects so much water and does not allow it to go splashing up on your feet on your butt one thing you’ll notice is that my clothes are remarkably clean here at the end of a filthy ride I absolutely love

    That the other part is they’re aluminum all metal Parts between the stays that go out and place the fender in position metal here metal here incredibly light system but incredibly rigid so that it doesn’t doesn’t go clanging around banging around your bike I’ve used a lot of plastic fenders in my

    Day and holy moly this is just a game changer obviously this is not going to be for everybody because you need to have a bike that has eyelets which is one thing that’s great about this canadale synapse um eyet here back here Down Yonder here pretty amazing setup I can’t

    Recommend it enough check out Renee her cyes fenders they have uh a whole bunch of color options whole bunch of different Aesthetics a whole bunch of different ways to get get set up there are amazing people over at Renee Harris check them out highly highly highly recommended and lastly let’s talk about

    Hydration as you know I’m dyed in the wo with untapped it doesn’t hurt that I co-own the company but one thing that I absolutely love is hot maple a on a cold day so if you put hot water hot drink mix into your uh water botle bottles

    They’re going to get freezing in a very short period of time but not when you put a vacuum water bottle with hot water in it and drink mix so in here you have hot ginger mapola in here believe it or not is a hot grape so this one is going

    To get cooler considerably faster so I’m sipping on this one but as soon as this is out I take the piping hot still boiling water and put it into here that is the hot brand new grape Maple a um it’s extraordinary I’m not just saying it because I I co-own the company I’m

    Saying it because it’s extraordinary oh here’s another one for you these are the brand new Arondo grade 700x 31 tubeless compatible Tire um I this is the most narrow tubless tire that Renee hurse makes and then this time of year I have no qualms running there endurance casing uh just a

    Little bit more protection I don’t want to be on the side of the road changing a flat staying rolling staying with air in the tires so just how cold is it I don’t know I could probably go inside but you know what I got to go wash Laura’s bike right now um it’s

    These little tricks that allow me to get through a winter to get through a day like today I love riding inside too to be perfectly honest uh tomorrow I’m going to be doing a 4-Hour day inside because it’s going to be pouring rain the entire day and

    About 36° whereas today was just a little bit of precipitation and that kind of temperature so I got a 4-Hour trainer ride going to be on my Sarah trainer and my mp1 motion platform I don’t know I think it’s time for a meal and a shower thanks for watching over and out [Applause] bye-bye car back game on


    1. What are your thoughts on SS or fixed for a commuting bike? No pricey derailleurs and mech stuff to wreck from snow and salt. I use a Marin 29 frame no suspension with 50mm semi knobbies and a 38/16 fixed gear. It is flat where I live. And this year tried flat pedals so I can wear normal boots that are warm and dry not cycling shoes.

    2. Thanks Ted for this video. I ride all winter, either road or fat bike depending on conditions. Cleaning, drying and lubing your bike after a ride is very important to protect your investment, and have your machine ready for the next ride! I use a Invation. portable sprayer, similiar to yours. I first use a bucket of water with cleaner/wax soap in the water followed by pure water on the second bucket. This workes well. Afterward I just wipe down the bike with dry microfiber cloths and then lube the chain. Done. Ride on winter cyclists!

    3. Good for you. As for me, at 70 years of age, I will stick to ZWIFT in the winter and the occasional day out on the bike when the Sun shines and the roads are clear of ice

    4. I have found the older I get, the less I like to slightly "under dress" allowing myself to warm up and sweat less. Now, I prefer to over dress (by a single merino layer… say 150g) and then have a really good wind block material at my outer layer. Regardless of being wet with sweat, my core stays nice and warm… especially with merino. As for all other appendages, my dad was in the military, and he would always say head, hands, kidneys, and feet. The chemical warmers you mentioned are a good idea. Hopefully I'll have room in my Pearl booties. Thanks!

    5. As someone with poor circulation in hands and feet, I've been using those chemical toe warmers for years, but I put them on top of my sock between sock and shoe (on top of toes). I've never tried them on the shoe itself, but if you don't tape up the holes inside your shoe then there's usually enough air circulation to keep those chemical toe warmers chugging along. I also just got Ekoi's electric heated gloves this year and those are a GAME CHANGER because I've never been able to keep my fingers warm.

    6. Bonus tip: place a fan in front of your bike after you bring it in from the wash. Dries everything off MUCH quicker. Can also place your shoes in the airflow too, get them ready for the next ride.

    7. H/T to Pogie Lites from Bike Iowa. lightweight convertible pogies that you can slide on or off during a ride as needed; and they fit both flat and drop bars. I've found that I can wear my same summerweight long finger gloves even when its in the mid 20s (F)

    8. I recall those days – risky – dangerous – cold – sub-par distance – black ice – fully constricted in layers and layers of gear – face frozen – toes frozen – hands frozen – I bought a Wahoo KICKR v5 + FULGAZ and ride almost ALL of the epic mountain climbs in Spain France Italy and around the world with real-world visuals not neon-coloured stupidopias landscapes – just completed career-year January with stats 781.9KM and 18,670M climbing – indoors – sure it is not as good as riding outdoors in the spring-autumn seasonals but when I rode outdoors my numbers dropped significantly for obvious reasons – sure it built character to endure those conditions but this month was also full of character-building – hitting career peaks does that for you – while cycling gear does allow you to ride all year – I have done that in Canada btw – the indoor riding I do simply makes me a far better cyclist putting up summer month stats in January – the past (4) seasons have all been career high's in KM and M – hard to argue against – the benefits of riding outdoors in the winter are in comparison limited

    9. Immediately went to Velocio and ordered their Deep Winter Bundle that had basically all the essentials you have on in this video. Thank you for the recommendation. I’m still gonna ride my trainer 5 days outta 7 (I’m a frail PA young man LOL) but I can finally start doing my hill repeats on days off! Rock on Ted and Fam

    10. I use zwift in winter. It's not only a pain in the a** to put all that clothes on it's also time consuming to maintain the bike after such a ride. And in the week after 4 pm it's also dangerous because it's dark. On the weekend this is another thing but to be honest I also wont do my intervalls outside in the winter. So usually LIT rides outside on the weekend when it's not raining or snowing.

    11. I use a pump garden/chemical sprayer from HD to spray the bike down. Fill the rez with warm water and some Zep orange soap. Great video. The fenders are the single most important item all winter season!

    12. Great content and inspiration, Ted. One comment about bike washing, and this comes from car detailing: when washing off all that grit and grime (some of which is fine enough to not be visible, but your paint finish can feel it) it is best to a) use two buckets- one with cleaning solution/water, and the second with pure water. The pure water bucket is for rinsing your sponge/mit, because otherwise you are just transferring all the grit back to your sponge and bike; and b) rinse your mit off frequently to get all the nastiness out. Otherwise what you are doing is essentially sandpapering the finish on your frame. No one wants that. Working top to bottom on the bike also helps since the lower you go the dirtier the bike gets. Wash each nasty part on its own (that sounds porno) to keep the gunk isolated before moving on to the next part after a good rinse of your mitt. Time and temps definitely play into all this, but FWIW, it can keep your bike happier. Cheers.

    13. TK, thanks for sharing your tips. What kind of rear LED light system you're using? Seems to provide more visibility than most and fits under the saddle nicely.

    14. Nice to see you in Vermont. They don’t have the drunk bumps on the shoulders like they’re doing in Virginia. Or at least I hope they don’t. I lost a real nice light on those. Another way to stay warm as to go hard and generation body heat.

    15. I find 45Nrth studded tires on my Pinion/Gates belt drive Priority 600 to be an awesome combination. The bike has fenders, dyno hub and is very easy to clean. If too cold for the hose, I wipe down the dirty bits with a wet cloth, then bring it over ndoors to dry. Sometimes, I'll use WD40. Military surplus mittens keep my hands warm and wool socks work well for the feet

    16. Two more things
      1. Keep a journal of exactly what you wore, the temperature, and what effort level your ride was at. This is the most helpful thing I’ve found.
      2. If your frame allows it, carry a half frame bag. Shed your layers as the day warms so you don’t have to suffer both cold and hot. Side entry bottle cages work best for this.

    17. Hey thanks for this Ted

      I’ve up in Hardwick mourning this bc nordic ski season thinking of turning my hard tail into a studded plus tire snow covered dirt road machine

    18. Great video. I have a set of VeloOrange fenders that offer pretty good full coverage and i also added leather mud flaps from Walnut Studiolo, they are indispensible, my feet havent gotten wet since

    19. Good on you. 20 years ago I would ride 12 months a year in Western NY because trainers in the day, even the Computrainer, were Medieval torture devices. Now with today's smart trainers, Zwift or Fulgaz I'll ride inside until it gets above 35F/40F and DRY, thank you very much.

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