Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright kickstart your day with the biggest breaking stories, news-making interviews and lively debate on Britain’s brightest new breakfast show.

    Party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do I’m going you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot

    Continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine on TV on radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV this is talk today with Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright hey very good morning to you my friends just gone 6 o00 on Tuesday the 16th of January good morning you’re with talk today on TV radio online and your smart speaker I’ll top stories this morning Rwanda Rebellion

    The PM faces down a mutiny as dozens of his own MPS threaten to Scupper his Flagship policy a dire warning as the defense secretary says we’re in a pre-war world with enemies Gathering all around us we look at the risk to Britain and amazing 91 felony charges haven’t stopped the Donald’s re-election

    Campaign as he gets a landslide victory over Republican rivals in Iowa in the caucus we will be live from his celebration passy and it’s another very cold day across the UK with the Arctic plunge of air across us as well as winry showers and some significant snow I have the details

    A little later uh thank you I have to ask you one thing what’s the most important thing about the 16th of January happy birthday Oliver four years of age today the little man go on everybody say happy happy happy happy birthday um in the meantime should we

    Get the news with Emily why not good morning Donald Trump has won a landslide victory in the crucial first contest in the race to become the Republican candidate for November’s us election projection suggests the former president has stormed to victory in the state of Iowa caucus after becoming the

    Overwhelming favorite to be the top pick amongst Republican members overnight Trump spoke to supporters during a speech saying he wants to straighten up the problems of the world this has been an incredible experience the people have been this is a third time we’ve won but this is the biggest one this is

    They said well if you win by 12% that’s a big win that’s going to be very hard to do well I think we more than double that I guess tripled it maybe the prime minister is gearing up for a showdown with members from his own party when his controversial Rwanda Bill

    Returns to the commons later Rishi sunak is facing a big dilemma over whether he should toughen up the plan to appease those on the right of his party who could potentially trigger a rebellion if he does political experts say he’s at risk of losing the support of the Center

    Who already feel the bill goes far enough a video released by terror group Hamas reportedly shows the dead bodies of two Israeli hostages it was holding in Gaza the footage which is narrated by a third hostage reportedly shows the bodies of 53-year-old Yosi sharaban and 38-year-old atai fki militants claim

    They died in IDF strikes however Israel strongly condemns the claims as lies the United States says that houthi Rebels have hit a us-owned cargo ship with a ballistic missile off the coast of Yemen The Vessel which is called the Gibralter eagle has since reported no injuries or significant damage Rebels have been

    Attacking ships in protests at Israel’s war against Hamas and succession has done it again taking home the knight’s biggest prizes at the emys just a week after big wins at the Golden Globes the fourth and final season of the critically acclaimed series took the prizes for best actor and actress

    Elsewhere selton John was amongst the winners for his televis live show those the headlines I’ll have another update in an hour thank you Emily so to our top story this morning and you won’t be surprised it’s Rwanda his well Richi sunak Flagship immigration plan returns to the commons today where it will be

    Debated by the MPS so the Prime Minister today staging a bit of a last Stitch bid to win over some of those right-wing conservative MPS who were threatening to vote down the legislation so we thought we should just sort of go backwards a little bit remind you what is the Rwanda

    Scheme so here we go well following a drastic increase in the number of people crossing the channel in April 2022 the then PM Boris Johnson announced a plan to deport migrants arriving in small boats to Rwanda for their claims to be processed there then on the 13th of

    April 2022 the policy was eventually signed for a duration of five years by the then Home Secretary pretty Patel fast forward to June 2022 in the first deportation flight to Rwanda containing just seven people was cancelled only minutes before takeoff following a ruling by a judge at the European Court

    Of Human Rights well then the end of October saw Suella bravman take over from bretty patella’s Home Secretary and by nearly the end of November she admitted the government had failed to control our borders moving on to June 2023 the Rwanda deal was ruled unlawful by the court of appeal with judges

    Concluding that it’s not a safe country to forcibly Deport Asylum Seekers too so now braven’s out cleverly’s in sunak then faced a vote in the common trying to force through the bill after appeasing the one nation Tories he won the vote 313 to 270 still with us so

    What do today’s votes mean well MPS will debate and vote on the plans in one of the Bill’s many stages and there’ll be plenty of amendments tabled and the deputy speaker will decide which ones are selected that was well done joining us this morning to discuss more and make

    It as simple as they can talktv political correspon let’s see if fit jailed and former conservative advisor Charlie roelly who is the happiest man in the world if there was disaster everywhere Charlie would be smiling welcome one and all only because I’m here I’m very happy to be here Charlie

    This Saga rolls on every single day let’s put this into perspective today in the comons rishy sunak we know did a deal with Suella bravman to get the leadership and said I will be strong on Rwanda took the deal on from Johnson right now he’s stuck between the one

    Nation Tories who are more Centrist and a bunch on the right wing we’ll hear from both sides on the show later by the way who want the ECR thrown out and want him to toughen up his is an impossible position true or false uh it’s a very difficult position

    Um but it’s not impossible um I’m a interal Optimist and I know that uh the conservative party both of those wings will find a way through to make sure that actually uh this legislation delivers what it says it’s going to do that people that come into this country

    Legally that do need to be deported uh can be deported to Rwanda that will be for UK judges to decide it will be for UK key ministers to have that say uh and it won’t be for a foreign court or foreign judge to get out of bed in the

    Middle of the night to Halt a plane that should be deported where people have broken into this country illegally some of the concerns with the bill as it stands is that it might be too easy or the appeal system may be deemed too generous Alysia by some of the more

    Right-wing uh side of of Rishi Sak’s current current crop of MPS how’s he trying to appease them because back in December he said look okay you want me to toughen this up I will he hasn’t really done that has he no so you’re right in saying those on the right of

    The party just think it is way too soft they kind of are arguing that if we’ve spent this much money on a policy and it doesn’t really work it’s not very watertight what is the point in spending all that money so they are asking for a couple of things they’re saying that

    They want it to be impossible for individual migrants or Asylum Seekers to actually appeal their case so if they’re said if they’re told they must go to Rwanda that is it and the second thing they want to do is try and bypass the European Court of Human Rights so at the

    Moment as the bill stands the European Court of Human Rights would be allowed to intervene last minute literally last minute that is what we saw initially with that first flight that you just explained in the graphic they jumped in the last minute and said hang on this

    Flight can’t go off the government are really trying to bypass that and give ministers the power to totally overall it so Richi Sak has really been trying to try and please both sides here whether or not he’s been successful in it we’ll have to wait and see it’s really interesting Charlie love

    Everybody’s view on this what you said about it will get through we’ve got Damien green one time Deputy Prime Minister sidekicked to Theresa May he’s got a 24,000 uh majority in his seat I think it’s in Ashford and Kent isn’t it um when we get this near to an election I’m

    I’m I’m interested and I think people would be as well do MPS do what they’re told do MPS do what’s right for them do they ever ask their constituent so if you’re Damian green and you’ve decided you’re a one nation Tory uh who you say he says well it’ll probably pass but we

    Want to make sure we get it right what do his constituents want because presumably m are thinking about where they might be in 12 months time well there’ll be an element of that and of course you know the job of an MP is to represent your constituents but do they

    Do they ever take a I mean this is an interesting thing for me in in such a massive thing to our country would an MP go to his constituency or her constituency and ask what that that feeling is I think they do and and they

    Will but what you have to um balance is the reality of what people want in your constituency to the reality of what you know uh can be achieved so what I mean by that is essentially of course there’ll be people who want a tougher stance on immigration in this country

    They’ll want uh uh uh the full force of the law Full Throttle in terms of the policy they don’t want any European GE judge uh or anybody to overrule such deportations but the fact is if you don’t vote uh for this particular bit of legislation uh if you don’t uh get on

    Side uh then the bill doesn’t uh uh pass but my question is this my question is is I’d bring this to you as well l so so early on in Parliament if you don’t follow the three line Whip or you you’re seen to be you know not doing what the

    Government want you’re probably consigned to the back benches shunned and you’ve got no chance of achieving anything right but with 12 months to go to an election surely these MPS are thinking only about their election chances well I was just going to say it was Brendan Clark Smith who’s one of the

    People who are quite senior in the party he’s a deputy party chairman and he’s actually also said that he is going to be voting in favor of the right-wing amendments and he cited with that he said that his constituents think that the Rwanda bill needs toughening up so

    He’s kind of said oh I’m doing it because my constituents want me to whether or not that actually is true interesting Lee Anderson the same as well I just wonder if MPS are now going to go by what they think is good for them so much of this now Alysa one if

    You can just explain for us there’s a bit of jostling and people being able to say I said this I said that but ultimately what we saw when this all came to a head in December is the the bill passed and are we expecting something similar in the next 24 hours

    But everyone’s been able to have their say so they can kind of cover their backs annoyingly yes obviously it’s really annoying for everyone to hear that because there is such a distinct in in Parliament procedure between noise and numbers so you can hear all of this chatter before something and loads of

    People saying oh I’m going to stand up and I’m going to oppose this and then when it comes down to it they they you know they abstain from the vote or they just simply vote with it because they don’t want to anger their party so I think we can probably expect something

    Similar the difference here is that we’ve got two separate things we’ve got the Amendments and then the vote for the actual bill charie um sux St his political career on this many will say he needs to others say you know you didn’t need to inherit it from Johnson

    But you had to because you took a deal with sella bravman um do you think this is the thing that finally will kill I know you’re always everything’s fine in the world but it doesn’t look great yesterday a poll you went here you know a major that they’re saying a landslide

    Worse than 1997 the toys could end up with 170 seats nothing seems to have turned the tide not him coming into the Premiership not a couple of reshuffles not his five picks or whatever what do you make of the landscape for sunak in the next 12 months well I I think it

    Goes back to kind of the question that you were saying because if you don’t vote for this bill as a Tory mp uh if you don’t want it if you just relying on constituant then you don’t have a bill you don’t have a around a policy you might not have a conservative government

    If you think about voting for a Reform Party or anything on the fringes you let labor in through the back door who have voted consistently against any kind of legislation that this conservative government has brought forward so if you don’t want it and you don’t vote for it

    You frankly don’t get it you don’t get the policy off the ground it doesn’t happen and you’re in a worse position than you were uh 12 months ago so or even uh two days ago do you think the British public have fed up with this drama absolutely they are I mean it’s

    Been so so costly as well when people look at those numbers and then hear the government say oh we don’t have money for this don’t have money for that it’s really difficult because it is the taxpayer’s money so clearly it is a massive problem is not bit of an own

    Goal for the conservatives right now to be squabbling over this instead of just saying look we’re going to be decisive we’re going to try and get things done so the come 11 months time maybe when we all go to vote we can actually say well they did action this well that’s exactly

    Why I think the Prime Minister number 10 machine have to make sure that this Bill gets through because if it doesn’t uh then it’s a chaotic start to 2024 divided parties don’t win elections and uh you can understand why the public might not back a government that says

    Absolutely with Rosie but if you look back historically to 1997 M stre major all of that the Tor party have been destroying themselves for the best part of a quarter of a century over Europe haven’t they they always have and if it wasn’t Europe it was migration they’ve

    Always done it and this is a classic example which is why I asked the question question whether there will be any sort of Co you know coherence to the I think most people look at the Tory party sadly and go it’s just it’s it’s a mess mate there’s so many different

    Factions do you know what I mean definitely there’s so many different factions so their messaging is just all over the place because they have two wings of the party while they have more than that but the two main wings of the party saying totally different things

    And then also we’ve got the fact that there’s still many processes after this particular stage for this bill so this isn’t it this doesn’t mean there’s a lot more to come for really going to be talking about just one quickly thing we’ve got Damen green ex as I said Deputy Prime Minister later

    On the show he’s a One Nation Tour they used to be called wets right that’s what they were weren’t they well yes I think in the old days the C ones were called the wets weren’t they you’re showing your age there was yes there was a term

    That was described but I don’t know whether they were sort of um you know how you would Define people he’s amazing never offend anybody if the legislation goes through in its current form the one nation tourist this is a bit of win for them isn’t

    It um I think it’s a win for everybody because the policy the policy gets off the your house has burned down sh it’s fine everything’s great my policy gets off the ground what you do have is a a great landing Zone where you have uh one

    Nation groups or or or wets that they might have been previously known as um but uh uh you know who can have a policy that they’re happy with because it gets the policy off the ground but it protects people who do have a right to

    Appeal um and I think we have to be very clear about that and the prime minister is promising and we have no idea whether this will come to fruition more judges and freeing up kind of Court space so that they don’t get ground down we’ve

    Got to move on I I want to say I’ve got a sixth child coming next Friday but I want to adopt you Charlie Charlie and Alysia thank you so much Ca now best offer I’ve ever had bless your heart um should we take a look at this morning’s front pages and

    Unsurprisingly we’re going to hear lots more about Rwanda but the mail leads with the Prime Minister vowing for the first time that he will over overrule European judges over the Rwanda plan the Metro focuses on the Rochdale child sex scandal report we heard about this yesterday that say 96 groomers are still

    For it’s a disgusting Story by the way and the sun I mean take just take a look at the front page and before you blink twice to be story is the love cheat England footballer Kyle Walker who will be a dad again but this time it’s with

    His wife what did you think when you saw that this morning I I liur was in the car at 4:00 and I went exclusive baby number six Kyle uh to have baby with wife again have we got have we done the mockup yet we got the mockup yet we’ll

    Give you a mockup in a while it’s quite fun my wife never speak to me again move on uh let’s move on to the the other really significant story and a big development yesterday is the defense secretary Grant chaps warned that Britain’s enemies are gathering around us and the prospect of war is

    Intensifying it was a speech that he gave Grant shap said that Britain should prepare for possible Wars with China Russia Iran and North Korea in the next five years he added that it is now critical for NATO members including the UK to increase their defense spending have a listen after all our great

    Resource has always been the men and women who work tirelessly to protect our nation but to defend our nation from the increasing dangers of tomorrow they must have what what they need to do the job and that’s why this conservative government has always and has already taken vital steps to increase defense

    Spending delighted to say joining us now as the sun’s defense editor good friend of the th Jerome starky Jerome good morning um for shaps to go so far as to call out the Russians and China and talk about an unstable and irrational world I mean I spoke we spoke to a couple of

    People last week to B cwood who intimated this is a cold this is like 1939 now of course people will say are you warmongering the world’s the world’s at an interesting position isn’t it I mean I don’t think that’ll come to a shock as anyone we’ve got the conflict

    Russia’s invaded Ukraine uh you know the first and largest War uh in Europe well certainly the largest war in Europe since the end of World War II we’ve seen what’s going on in Israel Gaza with Israel and Gaza and then you know just last week now the UK and the US

    Launching air strikes into Yemen and that’s not to mention uh the other conflicts or the other potential Flash points I should say with China over Taiwan clearly tension Brewing there especially with the recent election and Grant shaps mentions North Korea often one of the countries that’s you know one

    Of the the malign actors as uh London and Washington often refer to it uh but involved already so North Korea you know the prospect of perhaps the UK going to war with North Korea might seem very very distant but we know that North Korea is already supplying shells

    Ammunition shells to Russia and indeed uh Russia has North Korean ballistic missiles into Ukraine so all of these countries potential conflicts interrelated and the concern being that either discret uh Wars and conflicts erupt in each area in each theater was the word that Grant shaps used or somehow they are more closely

    Interrelated and then we’re looking at the really terrifying Prospect of a World War yeah youve used the term distant there particularly talking to to North Korea what was interesting is Grant chaps laid out a time frame and he said what could happen within the next five 5 years what message do you think

    He was trying to convey and and crucially who was he trying to convey it to it’s really good question I think the main message was one of urgency and Grant shap said in the Q&A that came after the speech that actually one of the main objectives of that speech was

    To try and rally the UK’s allies particularly NATO allies to follow what he said was Britain’s lead in increasing defense spending now Britain is near the top of the table in NATO for def defense spending we’re by no means at the top in fact we can certainly look at countries

    Like Poland and the way they’ve responded in the wake of the Ukraine crisis really ramping up their focus on defense you know ramping up their focus on buying in the sorts of Hardware I I was going to ask this and and and without being cynical I think it I think

    Wallace went paint because I think he wanted more money I think I don’t want yes it’s an election year but with what’s happening in the world I think questions are being asked there was that figure there the day we once had 25 frigs we’ve now got six or seven

    Certainly with everything that’s going on is this not as much as a call to our partners uh not even a pre-election thing but is this not finally the government understanding that we have cut back so massively in all defense spending that we need to change that is

    It to talk subtly to the public perhaps who might be cynical of spending more money when there’s such a cost of living crisis going I don’t know Jeremy I think it might well be that I think it might also be a message to the government to the prime minister we’re in an

    Interesting situation where we’ve got a defense secretary who was on record during his uh brief campaign to be the conservative leader where he said he thought defense spending should be 3% of GDP we’ve got a chancellor who said exactly the same thing he said uh 3% and

    He promised to reverse the cuts to the Army when he was running to be conservative leader Point Rishi sunak on the other hand is known uh within defense circles to be reluctant to give defense more money and certainly during the last round uh of sort when when the

    M OD was looking for a better settlement they were talking to Boris Johnson Boris Johnson was the one who ultimately was signing off the money perhaps uh against Rishi sunak judgment or preference really interesting The Wider picture of this we’re going to look a little bit

    What’s happening uh in the US on the program and the of course the election there as well if Donald Trump is elected how might that sort of change the power structure in NATO because previously Donald Trump was supportive of totally supportive of NATO and therefore of Ukraine if Donald Trump is elected might

    That change things which makes Grant shaps call for everybody on the global State particularly in the west to sort of Step Up does that sort of add new weight to that 100% I mean if Donald Trump is elected what comes with Donald Trump is uncertainty and I think many

    People within the sort of you know military geopolitical security Community would argue that you know uncertainty plays in the immediate terms into the hands of our enemies but Donald Trump was very clear that he thought NATO allies Europe needed to pay more for Europe’s defense and that message did

    Get through and that message you know worried a lot of uh NATO Nations he he could be described as right though couldn’t he and and if you take your first point it could be what shaps is trying to implicate one of the things that I thought certainly is how

    Ineffective NATO has been in the last few years and maybe it needs to look at itself but it is interesting that the Tory party with everything that’s going on Jerome seemed to be focusing on this and I like your point I didn’t know that that shaps and both hunt when running

    For the leader were asking for more money so another headache for sunak but just very quickly because we are really tight um people will watch this and some will say you’re warmongering we’re not at all are we I mean events I think speak for themselves uh we certainly um

    You know we have to be very careful I say in terms of fighting choosing making the difference the distinction between Wars of choice and Wars of necessity but this is about preparing for Wars of necessity always good to have you on your own thank you so so much for coming

    In this morning pal thank you Still’s come here on talk today the palace allegedly celebrated the truth being revealed behind libet’s name and the darts Wonder kid Luke ller mixes with his childhood hero the M on Sunday’s Anna melov the former labor adviser Mike Buckley here to take you this morning’s

    Papers do stay with us we’re live across the UK for Tuesday morning this is talk today and we’re coming back in three don’t go anywhere we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online we on your smart speaker as well criminals using XEL bully dogs as

    Weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any your will because

    He delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off

    In the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a f or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently

    Sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come

    From Kell in winter is cold that’s is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan should have a great big orange sticker over here so saying watch out vegan

    About the weirdest plank that we’ve had in 3 years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC Mouse man MC M he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of

    Mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually IDE this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK

    Party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to resol yes cuz I cannot continue

    My work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve

    Asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can

    Agree on that Welcome back to talk today 25 minutes past 6 here’s what’s coming up in the program coming up next we’re taking a look through the papers as the Royal insiders react to the truth about lilb but’s name don’t miss that we’re going to be live in Iowa after getting a

    Reaction to Donald Trump’s victory in the first Republican cus and before seven kidy scoffield live from La as she reacted to last night Em’s first though NZ how’s your weather I do indeed and before you do that what have you got to do CU you missed it happy birthday

    Oliver four years old today is that Oliver William Robin car 4 years old today happy birthday mate see you later on he listened to that when he was asleep before sorry wrap up warm Oliver it’s a cold One times radio sponsors talk TV weather good morning cold once again for today and once again there’s the risk of snow in the way of wintry showers but also some significant amounts of snow falling across some Northern areas really tricky driving conditions for this morning across parts of northern England

    Northern Ireland later around parts of Scotland during the evening Rush Hour as well the cold continues over the next couple of days then as we head into the weekend mild air pushes through with a lot of wet weather and potentially another name storm before then a widespread Sharp Frost this morning the

    Risk of snow and ice for Northern irand most of Scotland the northwest of England and Wales currently there is snow falling Across The High Ground in particular of Northern Ireland and Northwest England and a slight covering to low levels another area of rain also pushing through turning to snow across

    The central belt of Scotland later that could cause some uh tricky driving conditions this evening other than that there’s snow showers across Northern and Eastern parts of Scotland and that snow across Northern irland and Northwest England will push down further south towards the north of Wales possibly

    Towards the Midlands later most most of the snow will be Across The High Ground of these areas but there could be as much as 20 cm whereas to low levels we’re looking as much as 5 to 10 cmers of snow whereas further south for Central and Southern parts of England

    And Welles today after a frosty start plenty of sunshine but staying very cold once again now into tonight we continue with the snow showers around Coastal parts and we continue to see that rain s and snow sink a little further southwards down towards Central parts of Wales perhaps for the Midlands as well

    Again a slight covering crosses areas there will be the risk of ice with the snow and the rain and the sleet across northern areas uh further south sharp Frost once again and then tomorrow we will see uh plenty of sunshine across many areas it will be a fine Winter’s

    Day but it will be yet again another bitterly cold one uh there will still be snow showers affecting many Northern parts of Scotland for parts of Northern Ireland perhaps a few trickling down towards the north of Wales otherwise mainly dry and sunny but another cold day in store for all areas of the UK times radio sponsors talk TV weather thanks now straight to the paper review even the mail on Sunday’s Anna mover the former labor adviser Mike Buckley here on Tuesday morning good morning morning are you well very good how are you good thank you very much indeed Anna straight

    To it front page of the mail render uh rushy vows to get say front page of the male snore that’s that’s no the male great but really I’m so bored this say the United kingom I like it when a headline has to do obviously caps and

    Underlines yes so the prime says I will defy two Tor Vice chairman uh join Revolt over migrants Bill his election Supremo warns MPS they must unite I asked a question earlier I’d love yours and Mike’s take on this we’re 12 months from an election controlled by parties

    Is not what it was do MPS now vote for what does it right for them or do they care about do do you understand what I mean yeah yeah no I think it’s a really good question um I think people like Damen green who you were asking about he probably is in tune

    With with his constituents because a lot of the MPS like leanderson who are revolting at the moment um are reflecting their I mean he’s a he’s got leave massive leave vote um so you know the red wallers are concerned about their voters who are exre um supporters and are definitely worried about these

    Things so I think some of it is um really does reflect it do you understand that people must be bored to the back teeth mark of this situation ation honestly politics in general but certainly Rwanda it’s not going anywhere is it I think you’re absolutely right

    And Ry C just makes him look weaker and weaker where continue to pursue a policy that I don’t think is ever going going to come to rtion and what this demonstrates again is that he just cannot he cannot control his party he’s got MPS on both sides on his incredibly

    Rightwing side like Le Anderson and on his more moderate side saying we’re not going to support you over this bill in particular but I think he’s making that situation worse by continue to pursue this bill I don’t think it’s going to go anywhere but you’ve got MPS like Le

    Anderson they’re looking to their constitu think oh they’re going to how I vote they’re not going to how he vot in the end they’re going to vote on party but also let’s be honest we all get very excited about these things in Westminster but Lee Anderson and Brendan

    Clarks Smith they’re not even ministers they’re Junior I never understood M Lee Anderson a deputy party chairman and he’s completely to the opposite of I mean is that it’s not exactly a big job it’s not exactly it’s still a job mate it’s still a job but you know yes rishy

    Sunak is facing a crisis within his own party but he hasn’t exactly got cabinet ministers resigning when that happens then we’re in trouble and that makes you think how CR itical is this crisis is a lot of it hot air and a bit of PR really

    So people can say look I tried to protest 100% a lot of this is people like Lee Anderson and a lot of you know the other um right-wing of the party right now lining up for what happens after the election so they’re thinking right if there is a big defeat I want to

    Have looked like I fought for this um which is my question is there in the next 12 months on let’s say on the Tory side if they’re looking at that poll yesterday Mike there’s going to be election wipe out 170 seats a labor Landslide by 120 are they all have they

    All got one eye on what I can say after I didn’t agree with rander I didn’t agree with this right they’re thinking about that they’re all thinking about their next career move and in Le Anderson’s case have no idea what that might be but obviously that’s that’s one

    Of the things that he’s thinking about interesting mik there are some grown-ups in the room and I think there are some MPS who do say actually I’m very unhappy with sander plan but I’m specifically voting for it to keep the party United so that works both ways a lot of them

    Are stomaching a lot because of an election year well we’re going to hear from some of the one nation Tories a little bit later Dam next Deputy Prime Minister for 5 minutes under Teresa may later should we look at some more sort of international repercussions Mike

    Front page of the times the world is on a perilous path to war within five years we were just talking about this with the sun’s defense editor Grant Chap’s words were re I mean pretty pretty tough talking yesterday they were quite unusually blunt I suppose on defense matters for a sitting government

    Minister but no he was very clear that we’re living in an increasingly unsafe world I think we all know that I mean really since certainly since Russia invaded Ukraine um almost two years ago now obviously that war is still continuing and we are participating in

    That as our you know the rest of Europe and the US and so on to try and protect um Ukraine and then of course you’ve got the war in and the instability in the Middle East but then you look at China and Taiwan and you look at North Korea

    Continues to beligerent where it can and I think there were new you know there’s a new war of words from King Kim Dr this morning towards South Korea so we are living in an increasingly unstable world and that does put the onus on us to make

    Sure that we are taking care of our own defenses it’s really interesting Mikey because I didn’t know this hand on heart you probably do because you’re better than me but Jerome starky told me that that that um both Jeremy Hunt who’s now Chancellor and in fact shaps when they

    Were both standing individually to lead the Tory party both said we want to spend more on defense I would cynically suggest again maybe I’m wrong it’s election year isn’t it one of the things for Tory voters like is a strong military and strong borders am I cynical

    To say on the back of those NATO exercises Anna and Mike am I cynical to say that this is playing to the very people that the Tories need to get back on side I think it is and it isn’t but I think it’s undeniable that the world is

    A lot more dangerous um and and also that a lot of the leadership uh that should have been there globally has just been missing in action for years now and so many countries can’t even get in the same room together um so I think I don’t I don’t think it’s completely just

    Electioneering okay Anna quickly cuz I want to do two more in the mirror a front page Royal insiders yes this is the story isn’t it yesterday that uh the queen was reportedly Furious that the the name lilb but was used and I absolutely believe that’s true because

    That was her and her sisters because they couldn’t say the word Elizabeth yes and all of this has come out of Robert hardman’s book which is being serialized in the daily mail this week he’s on this show later in the week my friends watch out for that um it’s a cracking read and

    The mirror is now responding with reaction from current royal sources saying they’re actually delighted that uh this news has come out finally because of course the palace it’s all don’t never complain never explain um and where whereas har and Megan can go on and publish books and and and publish

    Um uh say whatever they like the royal family can’t really defend itself so AIDS are privately saying they’re actually quite pleased that these comments came out quite interesting Mikey that they actually have done something about this actually to be fair I think Anna’s right the palace it is it

    Is interesting and is and if this is true that the queen was was sad up and and angry about it it’s just sad is it I mean this whole situation with them and and Harry and Megan is is just desperately sad as well I think about her actually I

    I think whatever your Republicans royalist whatever side of the political fence I think what she did for 70 years we all had total respect because because she we knew nothing else I hate the fact and I’m not going to start Harry Megan that that that caused her anguish before

    She died and I genuinely feel that she was probably the one solid thing in my life but from my parents for 70 years there’s a part of me that thinks so and I wonder what you you you make of it we say sort of the palace are relieved I

    From what I understand of the queen I don’t think she would want this story to have been made public and sort of all being regurgitated particularly sort of revealing that she was livid or that she was really sort of angry about this and it’s all you know resurfaced again which

    Doesn’t help a family that you think may be trying to come to some kind of more harmonious moment that was very balanced but it is historical record there’s a there’s an there’s a public interest hugely to to and I think it’s doing it now is much more sensitive than

    Obviously doing it when she was alive which is what har and Megan I think there’s real anger in the RO household about what they’ve done to be fair Mikey uh final one for this Telegraph front page what’s this about British bosses planning the biggest hiring spe spree in

    The G7 so well they haven’t this is this is one organization PWC one of the big four accounting firms they’ve done a survey of brsh bosses and what they’ve de said is that more British bosses want to increase their Workforce this year than is true in some comparable nations

    In the g7s people like Germany and France whatever so they’re talking up the British economy which is nice because not many people do talk up the British economy in this day and age so this is definitely something to celebrate of course this is a forecast it isn’t it is doesn’t bear out reality

    And in reality as we know the economy is flatlining and we’re with borderline going into recession so this is a little bit different from what the actual Financial figures say nth GL me and that’s the bank of England Glo me what a shock that is but that’s

    The key point and I think if the bank of England the real risk is after every time we have a recovery period the bank of England goes too strong the other way that’s happened pretty much every single time we’ve had a crash and then a rebound so what they’re warning is don’t

    Be too gloomy don’t talk down the economy because it actually will then impact how quickly we can this is the Telegraph and its election year am I being am I turned into a cynic what’s just never but I mean it’s interesting see I’ve done this job too long thank

    You gang so good um Mike and an are off to have a donut they’ll be back in just under a you’ve been getting in touch with your views opinion specifically we threw out this morning should sunite resign if he loses the Rwanda he won’t lose it today but it could unravel could

    It not yeah Jennifer says it doesn’t matter if he succeeds in getting the rille to work he should resign regardless the conservative party needs a new conservative leader well Jennifer you know it could be 11 12 months time we see exactly that Avalon I don’t think we can squeeze another PM before the

    General election if Sun resigns will failure to deliver the Rwanda screen I think you’re absolutely right bethan what a great name yeah says sunx Rwanda Refugee policy has always been more per formative than practical what a waste of money and time Cecilia uh sunak should remain in his role before he calls the

    General election let’s not put labor in number 10 before we have to interesting and William I think it’s better for the country if he calls a general election now well the labor party would say Amen to that but you know tough luck William that’s not coming anytime soon before as

    We heard the working hypothesis second part of this year Shu who might have voted in the American election CH soon AC resign with a media effect but I want Suella braan and Robert jenry to head the next government keep your thoughts and opinions coming talk today at talk.

    TV t287 treble 2 start your message at Oliver’s birthday with the message with the word talk all of my sons other ways four talking about the US the former president Donald Trump has taken a fairly big step towards being the Republican nominee in November’s us election with a dominant win projected

    In the Iowa caucus incredibly held off the challenges of Nikki Haley and Ronda santis this morning more likely than ever he will be the man who will go up against 82-year-old Joe Biden for the White House once again here is some of what the Donald had to say in Iowa just

    A short time ago check this out we’re going to drill baby drill right away drill baby drill we’re going to seal up the Border because right now we have an invasion we have an invasion of millions and millions of people that are coming into our country I can’t imagine why

    They think that’s a good thing it’s a very bad thing and you know they’re coming from prison and jails they’re coming from all over they’re coming from countries that most people have never heard of and they’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums they’re being emptied out into our country and

    They are terrorists many terrorists are coming in the big night is going to be in November when we take back our country and truly we do make our country great again thank you very much everybody wow joining us live from Iowa is the political advisor and po to James

    Johnson James good morning good evening whatever uh you’ve been there with Trump supporters many people this side of the pond are open mouth but I’ve lived in America I know what Middle America is coming is he Donald he’s coming he is indeed uh I was at the

    Trump Victory party where you saw those comments filmed from and uh obviously you’d expect it to be euphoric it was Trump supporters um but they are very happy that their man got over the line with more than 50% of the vote and that was the key totemic number for Donald

    Trump tonight if he’d have got below 40% a lot of people would have said he’s lost his grip on the primary if it got been between 40 and 50 it would have been good for him but you know not amazing he’s got the best case result

    Here over a majority um Nikki Haley and Des santis fighting out for second place uh you know this is this is a great result for Donald Trump and uh it’s hard to see now how he doesn’t end up as the eventual nominee James can you just

    Explain for all of us used to the sort of UK electoral system what is a caucus where where are we because there’s a long road to go isn’t there yeah absolutely so these are a series of contests that happen uh from well today uh right through uh to to the

    Summer um and basically what they do is they elect delegates to go to this big convention think sort of Tory Party Conference but with consequences um in the summer um to elect uh the you know to nominate the uh the nominee for president and all those delegates are

    Formed up based on how these different states vote now Iowa is the first one of these and it’s a little bit different from the others it’s a caucus and it’s been absolutely F fascinating being here for it because it’s not a vote throughout the day you know 7:00 a.m.

    Till 10: p.m. like we’re used to in the UK there’s nothing happens in the day and then at 6:30 p.m. across the state people go to primary schools community centers gymnasiums they hear some speeches and then they fill out their secret ballot and it’s all over in half

    An hour um they’re counted up and then uh the winner is is announced and it only took a couple of hours uh for for jump in very quickly you say that that all of these whether they’re caucuses or whether they’re primaries each state sends a number of people from each party

    To go to this big convention and vote how many go from Iowa uh there there there’s around uh you know what Jeremy embarrassingly I don’t know you have to have 270 or something to get the nomination and each state depending on size sends a number of

    Delegates is that right so IA might be two Philadelphia might be eight New York might be 10 is that how it works yeah it’s a bigger number so you need around 1,200 to get a majority um but uh but yes basically and Iowa is a small

    Proportion of that uh so you know the big States come later in the cycle but Iowa matters because it sets the agenda for the others and it’s going to be really hard for the others to try and get steam now after Trump’s decisive win here yeah the starting guns really sort

    Of fired isn’t it um Trump obviously totally jubilant and presumably boyed because there’s a few states where there are some more sort of looming legal challenges ahead I don’t think that’s going to bother him too much well it’s not and the reason why is because every time one of these court

    Cases comes up Donald Trump goes up in the polls and uh I’ve speak spoken to voters about it and the reason is is they think it’s political persecution um and I spoke to a voter uh last week um and he said to me uh I like it I like

    Trump more now that he is being uh pursued in the courts and I said well why is that you know why um maybe some British befuddlement about it um and this chap looked me back in the eye and he said they want to get him out of

    Politics and that means that he’s strong that means that he’ll go after them it’s really interesting because as I said I liveed there and the thing about Donald Trump and of course this side of the pond we look at all the criticism some of the misogynistic things he’s done and

    Said and terrible and I get and I absolutely get that but if you go and I will keep saying this to Middle America they will tell you and people people never get to this point because they talk about the other stuff understandably economically America was far better off under Donald Trump

    Whether people like that or not and I’m not sticking up for Donald Trump that is also a major factor can I ask you about you talked about Dan santis and Haley Nikki Haley I I have a I have a theory in my head you might laugh at it you

    Might say Jeremy you’ve gone nuts I’ll tell you how I think Donald Trump can win the presidency of the United States of America and prove a lot of people wrong is by asking Nikki Haley which might already happen because he compliments quite a lot I can see her being his vice

    President you know what Jeremy it’s not it’s not most absurd idea because uh his advisers still don’t rule that out uh when they ask him who do you want to be you know when when they ask the advisers who do you want to be vice president uh

    Uh they they do not rule Nikki Haley out of the equation and she does reach out to Democrats and Independence I’m not sure though that that’s how how Trump thinks I think Trump wants a yes man or a yes woman I’m not convinced Nikki Haley’s that can I ask really quickly

    James you we’ve just listened to what Donald Trump said at that party and if you are an American voter and you find some of what he said a bit distasteful what are people thinking if they don’t feel that Biden really does it for them or Trump that kind of

    Category of person who is going to manage to persuade to vote them vote for them well that’s the million dollar question and uh it reminds me of a quotee from a recent UK Focus Group which actually applies brilliantly to the US Choice as well somebody said about the choice between sunak and

    Starma it’s a bit like choosing the best looking person in the burns unit um and that’s how American voters feel about this choice they despair it um and therefore it’s going to come down to two things one turnout who can get their base out and two Independents voters in

    The middle and for a long time those Independents have sort of cringed at Donald Trump they haven’t quite liked his style but now with Biden and such low approval ratings uh they are warming up to the idea of a second Trump term and it goes back to what Jeremy said

    They feel like the economy was better they feel like the Border was more secure they feel like Foreign Affairs was more stable um and that is a pretty compelling and simple message to get across if you’re Donald Trump at this election James thank you so much more

    From you in the next few weeks really appreciate James Johnson there in Iowa yeah well from Iowa to La we’re staying State side as the me took place last night KY scopi has all the details that’s right happy birthday Oliver successions Kieran caulin says he might be making another baby and Joan

    Collins is the hottest 90-year-old ever the 75th annual prime time emys was anything but boring we’re talking highlights next this is talk today good morning we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as

    Weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he

    Delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off in the

    Police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently

    Sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so £140 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our

    Unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan should have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch

    Out vegans about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous man MC M man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of

    Mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf reform okay party

    Hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem s this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do I’m you’re going to Res yes course I cannot continue my work

    When I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call her grou is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a

    Mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that

    Ah they are welcome back to talk today what is it 10 to 7 on ol’s birthday now last night we saw the EMS take place in La where succession be for the bear were the big big Winners well the annual awards ceremony was due to take place in

    September but was delayed because of the Hollywood writer strike well it all did get off yesterday joining us to tell us more is the show Bas reporter Kinsey scoffield Kinsey good morning um big Winners succession the bear tell us more that’s right I think we knew we

    Were going to hear the succession theme song uh you know a gross amount of times when we saw that they were nominated 27 uh times but the Ensemble tooma trophy for most outstanding drama series Britt um Matthew mcfan won for best supporting actor in a drama for succession Sarah

    Snook who’s Australian won outstanding lead actress in a drama Kieran culan won lead actor in a drama uh beating out his co-stars Jeremy Strong and Scottish born actor Brian Cox but got on stage and propositioned his wife for baby number three I’d say that was a highlight of

    The award show everybody got a big kick out of that um Elton John live farewell from Dodgers Stadium one for outstanding variety special and this secured s sir elton’s egot status know this now e got that is an Emmy Grammy Oscar and Tony so now he has he’s like one of like less

    Than 20 individuals that has that unfortunately he wasn’t in the room to receive it but he did release a statement saying that he was incredibly humbled to be joining the unbelievably talented group of egot winners uh so congratulations to him sounds amazing um it says he a friend of talk TV well

    Friend of Piers Morgan Joan Collins she gave itward she’s 90 she was described last night as the hottest 90y old on the planet this gives us all hope kins come on let’s be honest it really does she looked absolutely stunning last night she presented the award for outstanding

    Limited series and that was beef that won and the internet blew up with how absolutely gorgeous she was and nobody can nobody can believe she’s 90 years old 90 Rosie was amazing it is amazing better than you look now look at her she’s 90 kiny can you tell me about the bear I

    Hear so much about it I haven’t watched any of it um clearly it’s excellent what’s it about so it’s about this Chef oh you know what it honestly is if you’re a a young woman just looking at Jeremy Allen White who’s also a celvin Klein model

    These days he plays like this this guy that’s struggling with all the he plays the bad boy that you want to fix but he’s a chef he’s a brilliant chef and he’s working through all these problems and it’s a very edgy and raw show uh that people are really really liking but

    I do think that their actors um who won took home quite a few Awards this evening you are really attracted to that cast you feel for that cast and you know they’re just very relatable characters like in an edgy you know like gritty kind of way in terms of without being

    Bored this this was all postponed of course because of the uh the the the jeel writers and actor strikes that took place kins um I was reading something the other day that said La is not what it once was the film business is not what it once was has television Netflix

    That whole sort of you know box set that’s all sort of drama stuff is that taken film over or is it catching up is there more interest is it more financially viable that side of the pond nowadays I think if you’re an actor or an actress that are trying to make a

    Name for yourself streaming’s opened up a lot of doors for you because now there are 110,000 more opportunities for you to secure work um but if you are somebody that really is dedicated to that old hollyw Hollywood um Playbook or or strategy you it doesn’t really work for

    You which is why we saw the Str so you know I it’s not the same it’s not old Hollywood you’re not going to move to LA and a studio is going to fall in love with you and put you up in a nice home and send you to dance classes and

    Secure you know you’re not going to get like the five picture deal but you are you know likely to stay busy here because streaming has opened up a lot of doors for people and digital content kiny we’ve seen sort of some of the repercussions already from those strikes

    But this time in a year’s time when award season starts to come round again where are the Reaper cussions going to be in terms of delays to Productions is there kind of going to be a bit of a hole in new shows that we’d be expecting to roll

    Out I think so I I do think that we should anticipate that however you are going to see you know other shows um that had to hold off we’re seeing a lot of things coming out now um that had to hold off because of the strikes the

    Releases so uh for for instance I’ve been doing junkets like crazy for movies that were shot years ago I went to to Masters of the air the premiere last week I was in the same theater as Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks no big deal but um that they started shooting that in

    2021 and so a lot of things are actually being able to be promoted and seen now for the first time because they wanted the big Hollywood premieres and they wanted to be able to do all the media that that can’t happen when there’s a strike going on kin love having you on

    And two things one is come to London soon uh the other is um more importantly than that um we managed to do a whole interview without mentioning Harry and Megan isn’t that brilliant I’m high five high five Kinsey bless you thanks so much sweetheart Take Care thank you

    Kinsey there is lots more still to come on talk today we will debate aren’t we excited the Rwanda plan can it work is it needed what the hell is it all about that is next you a talk today it’s Tuesday morning we are live across the

    UK and we’re coming back in three do not go anywhere we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a

    Dog can turn you know what I love about t today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any your will because he delivered the ref rendum that he said he would deliver the Tores love a scrap

    You can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have

    Turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by as Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we

    Saying it’s cost about 140 million £140 million so far so40 million pounds so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin B

    Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat for a if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of

    Mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous man mous he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz

    Film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut

    Down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not do an interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was

    Controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should Hass stay in power and are they a terror group

    You’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV this is talk today with Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright a very good morning it is 7:00 on Tuesday the 16th of January it is and you’re we talk today my friends on TV radio and on your smart speaker and these are Tuesday Morning’s top stories oh the reand Rwanda

    Rebellion the Prime Minister faces down a mutiny as dozens of his own MPS threaten to scuffer his policy we’ll debate that this hour and here Labour’s view on the matter a dire warning as the defense secory says we are in a pre-war world with enemies Gathering all around

    Us we look at the a real risk to Britain and the 91 felony charges haven’t dented Donald Trump’s re-election campaign as he gets a landslide victory over his Republican revivals in the Iowa caucus and here we go another cold day with wintry showers and also some more significant snowfall that could cause

    Some serious travel disruption today I have the details very soon I’m smiling because it’s Tuesday and I got lambasted in the first hour cuz I got one word wrong morning righty how are you I’m very well thank thank you Jeremy the Republican re rals I’m loving it news

    Headlines with Emily Rose Adams good morning Donald Trump has won a landslide victory in the crucial first contest in the race to become the Republican candidate for November’s us election projection suggests the former president has stormed to victory in the Iowa caucuses after becoming the overwhelming favorite to be the top pick amongst

    Republican members the prime minister is gearing up for a showdown with members from his own party when his controversial Rwanda Bill returns to the commons later Rishi sunak is facing a big dilemma over whether he should toughen up the plan to appease those on the right of his party who could

    Potentially trigger a rebellion former conservative adviser Charlie rowley’s told talk today that the pm has a difficult but not impossible task ahead of him it’s a very difficult position um but it’s not impossible um I’m a interal Optimist and I know that uh the conservative party both of those wings

    Will find a way through to make sure that actually uh this legislation delivers what it says it’s going to do that people that come into this country legally that do need to be deported uh can be deported to Rwanda that will be for UK judges to decide it would be for

    UK ministers to have that say a video released by terror group Hamas reportedly shows the dead bodies of two Israeli hostages it was holding in Gaza the footage which is narrated by a third hostage reportedly shows the bodies of 53-year-old Yosi sharaban and 38-year-old at TA fki militants claim

    They died in IDF strike however Israel strongly condemns the claims as lies bosses from the post office in fij Jitsu are to be questioned by mes later as they investigate delays in compensating wrongly accused sub poost Masters the faulty software developed by the Japanese Tech firm saw more than 700 sub

    Postmasters wrongly convicted for fraud and theft and former sub postmaster Alan Bates who led the campaign for justice will also appear before the committee and some parts of the UK could see up to 20 20 cm of snow today as the Arctic Blast from the north takes hold a yellow

    Weather warnings in place for Scotland Northern Ireland much of northern England and North Wales throughout the day those the headlines I’ll have another update in an hour uh thanks em so our top story is this today rishy sunak Flagship Rwanda immigration plan is going to be front and center of a

    Fresh Commons debate the prime minister is today stitching staging I’ve caught some kind of bug some kind of speaking bug the Prime Minister will stage a last Stitch bid it’s the only time I’ve laughed over Rwanda it’s so boring this is brilliant well it might not be boring because RIT today has got

    To try and win over those right-wing conservative MPS there’s about 60 of them is there who are trying to defeat his legislation so how have we got here talk to these political correspondent list if it’s JD is here to tell us more good luck Alysia take it away thank you

    Jeremy so what actually is the Rwanda scheme well following a drastic increase in the number of people crossing the channel in April 2022 then prime minister Boris Johnson announced a plan to deport migrants arriving in small boats to Rwanda for their Asylum claims to be processed on the 13th of April of

    That year the policy was eventually signed for a duration of 5 years by then Home Secretary pretty Patel and then in June the first deportation flight to Rwanda containing just seven people was cancelled only minutes before takeoff before a ruling by a judge at the European Court of Human Rights the end

    Of October of that year saw Suella bravman take over from pretty Patel as Home Secretary and by November the 23rd she admitted that the government had failed to control our borders on June the 29th 2023 the Rwanda deal was ruled unlawful by the court of appeal with

    Judges concluding that it was not a safe country to forcibly Deport Asylum Seekers too with bra out and cleverly in sunak faced a vote in the Commons trying to force through the bill after appeasing One Nation Tories those are the ones towards the center of the party he won the vote 3133 to

    270 so what did today’s votes actually mean well MPS will debate and vote on the plans in one of the Bill’s many stages and there’ll be plenty of amendments tabled too the deputy speaker will decide which ones are selected fantastic thanks cissa joining us now with more on this are human rights

    Rights oh god I’ve caught it lawyer David a who believes the bill will pass but will continue to have delays and Deputy leader of ukip Rebecca Jan thinks the government are gaslighting the public we’re going to hand over to you to Frankin because we can’t speak um

    Let’s start with you if we can uh David um my view is very simple um many people think that this is just a hill that sunak didn’t have to die on uh he did a deal with braan to get the job probably doesn’t like the policy anyway is now

    Stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea it’s cost so much money we’ve still got 170,000 people to be processed and yet as we enter election year this is going to determine his leadership isn’t it good morning to all I absolutely agree with you I mean I think you hit

    The nail very very well on the head I mean you know that that what we’ve got at the moment it doesn’t that even the proposals it doesn’t protect the genuine Asylum Seekers it doesn’t give any of the side of the Tory party what they want so it does nothing for nobody apart

    From the people Smugglers so you’ve got a significant problem and you know I’ve said many times before even if this passes this stage you still hav you have another stage of the the bill Wednesday tomorrow um you then got to get through the Lords and even if it passes in

    Whatever form it may you’ve still got to battle with courts whether they’re here or in the European courts there is no way that anyone is going to Rwanda I firmly believe anytime soon uh Rebecca Jane great to have you on thank you for

    Joining us in talk today um I I I I fail to understand and you can help me out whether it’s flawed or not why the hell has sunak put his entire Premiership which is in trouble anyway his entire focus on something that nobody seems to find right yeah absolutely couldn’t agree

    With you more this bill is absolute nonsense and this is not what is going to win Ria general election because it’s not going to happen what he wants to be seen to be doing is that he wants to be seen to supporting immigration because so many people in the country are crying

    Out for him to do so but he has absolutely no intention of doing anything about it so what he keeps on doing he’s rolling himself out saying the right things thinks that he’s appeasing people but actually everything that David says is always right and the whole bill is completely unworkable and

    Quite frankly nothing’s going to change except for we’re going to waste a heck of a lot more money David one of the big sort of points of contention is about whether people who come here and have a ruling then get the right to appeal or not Rishi sunak is saying to the those

    On the much further right no I’m not going to say it’s okay to say no appeal at all but the problem is we don’t seem to have come up with a system that when people arrive here they get assessed in a way that everybody thinks is fair and

    Quick well exactly I mean that’s one of the the the other problems you’ve got I mean from the human rights perspective I think everybody does should have the right to appeal but the problem that we’ve got is that when the initial applications have been looked at they’re not being looked at quickly efficiently

    Effectively or with with with with strength they’re taking too long they’re not being done well now if they’re done properly in the first place then the right the reasons for appeal will be smaller but again even that area is a complete an chaotic mess and and so it’s

    Not just you know stopping the boat we we need to look at every area of DAV can I jump in actually and put this to both of you um because it’s quite interesting as to say if you take a a cross view of of of this whole thing I haven’t met

    Anybody who seems to I mean people will say to me you know if one if one plane takes off if you can find a commercial you know airline that wants to take uh migrants to to Rwanda if that happens it’ll make a difference I don’t personally think it will you talk there

    About we need processing quickly efficiently effectively I get so angry I put this first to Rebecca it’s 2024 we’re supposed to be the fifth most successful nation in the world there are 170,000 people waiting to be processed we hear over the weekend the home office have lost for goodness sake 177,000

    People starma suggest doing it abroad so that they’re not here everybody knows this is a problem why are we incapable in this country of setting up a system employing people and dealing with these cases I’m with David there will be effective refugees but right people in this country are fed up with people

    Coming here disappearing into our society and taking advantage financially when the rest of us are struggling Rebecca that is a fact yeah the the country is completely broken it’s not just our Asylum system it’s every single aspect you know tell me one thing that actually the conservatives have done that have been

    Good for the country you know we can’t keep on denying the truth you know I was sat on a different TV show last night with a conservative MP I was telling him what a mess the NHS is we all know we can’t get an appointment for Love the

    Money with a GP a hospital waiting list are an alltime High and the MP sat there and told me that this record spending in the NHS the conservative party need to stop they need to put the hands up say guys listen that Rebecca that’s that’s great but even when people play the political

    Game let me put this to David what Labour’s idea starma says I’m going to process this these claims abroad so that people aren’t here and can’t disappear but there’s nothing substantial for them and everybody just says to me well it’s a problem all over Europe it’s not going

    To go away there are human rights but there’s also people taking the Mickey David I agree I agree I mean I think you know that one of the problems that I see is that it’s all become about politics and who wants to be the next prime

    Minister who wants to be the next Home Secretary who wants to win votes you’ve you’ve villainized Asylum Seekers to do that and the problem that you’ve got is that this is a a medium to long-term clear plan that needs to be put in place in all sorts of areas and across the

    Globe not dealt with on a knee-jerk press release policy basis which is what they’re doing and until someone does that now it’s not a very vote-winning thing to say we we’ve introduced a new plan that’s going to train better the people that look at these claims it’s

    Going to do it quicker that’s going to bring more judges make it more effect effective because that’s not going to happen in a month had it been done you know 13 years ago perhaps when the the the Tores were first in power we we might be seeing the effectiveness of

    That we’re not and that’s the problem that we’ve got until people have a sensible Global solution to this it’s not going to change in the meantime what the prime minister is trying to change is getting this Rwanda Bill literally off the ground Rebecca it sounds to me

    As though you would be part of that center right group of Tories saying You’ got to toughen this up or it’s not worth pursuing well yes I do class myself as being center right however no I wouldn’t say that because it’s never going to work it’s just

    Ridiculous what do you think would what would no one kind of seems to have that answer well first of all the things that MPS need to actually be voting on is saying that they have absolutely no confidence in Rista United to do anything whatsoever what I would do with

    The boats it’s really simple send them back to France make them stay in the countries that were safe that they’ve gone through to come here it Rwanda is just nonsense get rid of it completely start getting tough have a hard Border in the sea stop sending all of our money

    Overseas and actually properly deal with this situation and it is a very tough and difficult stand and Rich doesn’t want to be unpopular with the rest of the World by saying sorry Britain’s f we’re turning everything back and we’re not actually dealing with this we don’t

    Have the facilities to cope we need a hard stop on this situation for the next five years and then look at controlled and sensible immigration and David sorry as you just said so David I I I’ve argued with every immigration law I’ve ever been on with except for you because

    I think you see it and you’re honest and you’re open let’s just take what Rebecca just said because it’s true let’s put aside for one minute the absolutely true comment that you said that there are refugees uh who deserve Asylum we proved as a country that during Ukraine what I

    Want to hear from you is an answer that nobody’s given me France is not a war torn country we are giving 500 million pounds of British money for the French to basically leave the problem to us they don’t Patrol their beaches people in their Waters end up here nobody wants

    To see the deaths but there is a feeling David a alongside a desire to do what’s right by people who genuinely flee water on countries there are many people in this country saying hold on a second it seems to be us we seem to be the last

    Border of call we are all struggling and yet we are seemingly being I’m not saying overrun all those Dreadful phrases and bravman but we seem to have the Mickey taken and I think that’s where people’s frustration lies do you understand that absolutely and I think one of the problem that we’ve got and

    This is something that’s the conservatives a few years ago were looking at addressing is that whatever policy we put in place when we look at the Randa one however it gets through whether it does or not it’s going to face two issues the Human Rights Act and the European Court’s human rights and

    Until we change those existing laws or disapply them and their institutions in in Europe and obviously the the Human Rights Act here legislation we know that this legis legislation if it ever gets to legislation is going to come acrop with those two issues and that’s the problem we keep pushing through things

    Which we know are going to end up in the courts so change the things that we’ll put them in the courts first as best we can and then put the legislation through now a while ago they were talking about getting rid of the Human Rights Act and

    Replacing with the Bill of Rights that kind of quietly vanished and the purpose one of the purposes of that was to stop these types of challenges going through so we’re proceeding anyway with this legislation knowing very well it’s going to come ACR with all the echr is it

    Relevant does it work for today Rebecca or does it need updating because the far right of the Tory party will say you know sweepingly get rid of it the rest of the world well people will say oh you can’t do that because it was written and

    We’ve got to behave I get that but is it effective is it right for today it doesn’t work for today in the slightest you know when I say and I do believe that we absolutely should leave ECR and when I say that you know people coming from all directions go oh you

    Don’t want human rights give it a break we’re a decent country full of decent people who do genuinely want to help we will create our own human rights that right for our country and we will effectively look after the people that are here because that should be our

    Primary concern and right now it is our least concern David you must sort of be despairing you know in your job you’re trying to protect the rights of the most vulnerable people people and the system we’ve got in the UK right now doesn’t seem to actually do that effectively and

    We still have this absolutely horrid unsustainable problem of people risking their lives crossing the channel if we could scrap Rwanda start again what would your pitch be to the prime minister to say we can come up with a Humane deterrent that protects the most vulnerable yeah I agree I mean I think

    One of the things we need to do like I mentioned is is look at the international law that we’ve got so for instance if we look at the ECR we look at the the how the the human the their interpretation in Europe of human rights has changed and expanded since it was

    First implemented now you know from a human rights perspective I you know I want to see protection for those whose lives are genuinely at risk and they’re in need urgent assistance that is something that I think you know we absolutely must protect around the world I think what we’re seeing in Europe is

    An absolute Widing of that where you know I mean I’m I’m a gay man for instance and I even in England I get discriminated against a few things here and there that doesn’t mean in my view that I should be able to go to American claim Asylum um but

    That’s a lot of I’m not saying everyone there’s there’s a lot of issues now in in in Immigration and and illegal immigration where people are having s similar things where they’re being able to claim asylum on the basis of things which really aren’t where their life is

    At Urgent and immediate risk you know what I love I love your honesty and I do love talking to you because you look at all sides I that’s the point what what frustrates people I think I can speak for many is that we are a decent country

    And we’ve proven ourselves to be decent but a certain cabal of people will jump up and down if you don’t want to welcome every single person from every single country who’s having a bad day by saying they’re coming from a waron country they’re being discriminated no not all

    Of them and actually the the biggest failing for Rwanda and the biggest failing of the Tories and this needs to be said is that it doesn’t act as a deterrent because if I was a legal or an illegal migrant I’d look at the United Kingdom and i’ go I’m going to get there

    And disappear into their society Rebecca J because they don’t do anything about it it’s an easy give isn’t it yeah I know it’s absolutely ridiculous we’re not even we’re not a deterrent we’re actually literally a destination people see this whole wonderful new life that we’re offering to people and obviously

    It is a lot better than whatever they are coming from even if it is absolutely broken for us but this is just a ridiculous load of nonsense that he’s just used as sign bites for rishy sunak and the conservative party to make it look like they care they don’t care

    Labor are going to be even worse the country is in an absolute State and what hope do we even have when you know West Minister is just filled with idiots well we’re gonna ask I could speak to these two all brilliant thank you very much love it to find out exactly what their

    Plan would be David Rebecca thank you both so much thanks G of course this story is going to dominate the day’s agenda and therefore it’s on the front page of many of the papers let’s have a brief look at them the mail this morning leading with the prime minister vowing

    For the first time that he will overall European judges over the Rwanda plan the Metro focusing on the Rochdale child sex scandal reports they say 96 groomers are still free we’ll talk about that very soon and the sun continues its exclusive story of the love cheat England footballer Kyle Walker who’ll be AOW

    Again but this time it’s with his wife I was terrified when I read that this morning now then let’s return to Rwanda that’s a change and get the view of the labor party joining us live from Westminster Shadow pay Master General Jonathan Ashworth Jonathan welcome to talk today my friend good morning how

    Are you good morning I’m a little bit cold but I’ll survive come on man you want to be in government if you want to be in government you got to put up with the cold um in just that’s very true very true where do you want to start do you

    Want to talk about unemployment figures or do you want to go straight to the Crux of Rwanda because we’ve just been talking about it what it’s down to you my friend go on well I’ll just say on the unemployment figures that have just come out I think the the key thing is that

    Again shows that our employment rates have not recovered to where they were pre pandemic and we’ve got these huge numbers of people two and a half million people out of work now for reasons of sickness and that’s because perhaps they’re suffering from a mental health condition or they’re waiting for a hip

    Operation or a knee operation a knee replacement or a hernia or an eye Cataract and I think that really reveals that the desperate state of the NHS really driven into the ground after 14 years of the conservatives is now pushing people out of work put putting people’s livelihoods at risk so you’ve

    Got to start fixing the problems in the NHS and a labor government will deliver 2 million more procedures in the NHS so that people can get that hip operation or that hernia operation or get that mental health care which is obviously good for them as individuals Jonathan it

    Means they can also return to work as well Jonathan I agree with you I mean they’re quite boring the figures they say they’re unchanged at 4.2 let me put something to you we spoken many times before I would take exception to one thing that you say two and a half

    Million people you say are sick mentally all disabled I absolutely just so it’s there and it’s out there except there are many people who are long-term sick who are disabled who have mental health illnesses but I think you need to acknowledge as a party there’s also many

    Many within that figure I’m afraid you won’t like this who don’t want to go to work because a benefit system has proved nothing more than a career choice I think that needs to be said Jonathan that needs to be tackled as well well let me tell you a proposal

    That I put forward which is a significant welfare reform proposal because I think people should work I think work is transformative it opens doors it helps people build a life uh and a life on benefits is no life one of the reforms that I’ve put forward is

    That if you’re on sickness or disability benefit you get you get more than that what you would get on the unemployed bit of Universal Credit uh and many people quite understandably uh feel worried that that if they’re too sick to work they would they they would lose that

    High level of benefit so one of the welfare reforms that I put forward is that people should be supported and helped into work and if it doesn’t work out for you because of your sickness then you can return to the benefit but you’ve got to incentivize people

    Absolutely to move into work and that is a proposal I put forward as a welfare reform proposal the government could be getting on with that actually um because it’s it’s not a very it’s not even a change in the law it’s just a change in

    The rules so they could get on with that and I hope that they do get on with that because I think it’ll help a lot of people try out work and work I mean work if you are out of work at the moment for reasons of mental health actually if you

    The right job could help you this is the this this is my point without getting on this is my point without getting on a soap box I I’ll say it again I acknowledge mental health illness and sickness but there is unfortunately a number of people who have either got

    Used to being on benefit and I think that they should be giving something back to Society for two reasons one because it should not be a career choice but too it will incentivize them to get out get something on their CV get motivated and give them something back

    As well Rosie sorry off the Soap Box Jonathan good morning thanks for joining us um the cost of living particularly often comes up in attention when we talk about things like defense spending I wonder if you agree with the comments from the defense secretary yesterday saying the world is on a perilous path

    To war within five years if that is the case the labor party must be looking at you know are we going to bolster our defense spending keep the same reduce it rishy sunak says look I want to promise 2.5% of GDP would you match that well the world is very frightening

    At the moment isn’t it and keeping our uh country safe security our commitment to Nato would never be uh questioned under a labor government that is one of the absolute foundations uh absolute top number one priorities keeping this country safe in terms of the overall um future projection for defense spending

    Well there’ll be a budget in March there speculation there may well be another budget later in the year we’ll obviously look at what um what plans what money the government put in and then and then closer to our Manifesto uh or when we announce our Manifesto in general

    Election we’ll make it clear what our future plans are for for spending but let me absolutely clear with your viewers uh there will be no compromise there will be no giving in on defense we are utterly committed to Nato and we’re utterly committed to the security of the

    Citizens of this country so no compromise but you can’t give us clarity now even in terms of how much a priority it would be in terms of spending well it is a priority but we’ve got there’s got to be a um uh uh Jeremy Hunt is’s the chancellor you know of

    Course he’s going to do his budget in March there’s lots of speculation in the newspapers that there’ll be another what they call a fiscal event here in Westminster it’s pretty ugly phrase but it’s basically another Announcement by the government about how much money they’re putting into different

    Departments so we will see what the government say because iess I guess what it is draw up your own own gu what it I guess what it is and I understand I’m beginning to understand Manifesto not done yet don’t want to make a commitment interesting comment this morning that

    You might like to react to I didn’t know this until Jerome starky told us this when shaps was running for the leader when hunt was running for leader they both wanted 3% of GDP so more spending on our Armed Forces this story as Rose he says about you know we’re at a

    Crucial time cold Wares it could be electioneering but but you want to assure our viewers that that labor if they are elected will spend money on defense because one of the things one of the big things about the labor party we know this we’ve talked before about you

    Know people think you’re going to pay unions every single penny they’ve doubted in the past Labor’s commitment to the security of our country that would be a fair and honest question would it not let me be absolutely crystal clear a labor government will spend and invest in defense of this

    Country we’re looking for for more clarity that that would be great Jonathan because Rwanda again well to fair enough what you’re asking is fair enough but we’ve got to wait for the government account understand the final set of accounts that’s the point let’s look for some clarity if we can because

    We know how the labor party are going to vote later on when Rwanda again uh turns up I think we’ve just had a big debate about this could you I know this is difficult and a bit of an ask but in a nutshell summarize Labor’s alternative strategy to the Rwanda plan

    Well the random we don’t think it’s going to work and neither the Tor MPS because they’re at each other’s throats today and they’re going to be squabbling on talk TV all day about this they’re completely divided Rishi sunak is weak not able to get a grip of it look this

    Is the third piece of legislation that they brought to try and stop the boats and they keep failing to stop the boats because in the end you’ve got to have a crossborder plan to go after these people smuggling gangs these people smuggling gangs who order boats now to

    Order they don’t sort buy them off or something they actually get these boats manufactured to order this is a big criminal Enterprise and you need to work cross border uh with your different Security Services and your Police Services to really go after them and you look you know governments do this around

    Ter on terrorists they do it on drugs traffickers so they should be able to do it on people Smugglers they should be able to smash these gangs and that would be our approach in terms of interesting comment as as as Rosie said between David ha a human rights and Rebecca

    James from ukip i’ I’d love your response this and we’ll let we’ll let you go because you need a cold weather payment in a minute um it it it’s such a frustrating thing for so many in the United Kingdom and whilst I acknowledge and many people do that we absolutely should allow genuine

    Refugees to to this country as we’ve shown in the past we opened our doors with Ukraine the labor party I think and every party needs to understand whether the do gooders don’t like what I’m about to say that there is a huge number of people Jonathan who are are frustrated

    With the fact that this country is seemingly always the place people want to come to we’re seen as soft we we take people from wtor countries but France isn’t wtor everybody knows that a that a that a tent in Cala is not as good as a

    Four-star hotel and in the grip of a cost of living crisis the length of this country people are saying hold on I can’t get a doctor’s appointment I can’t do this and we’re letting people who shouldn’t be here that’s what people need to understand needs changing does the labor party understand that

    Yeah I totally understand and that’s why if people who shouldn’t be here they should be sent back but at the moment it’s not the government who control our borders it’s these people smuggling gangs these criminals and villains are controlling our borders the government have completely uh failed on this

    Approach this is why we now got the third piece of legislation with Tori MPS aren’t even happy with it you got one Deputy chair of the Tor party in the mail on Sunday saying it’s sort of hinting it’s too weak and wanting the House of Lords to rip it apart and two

    Other Deputy chairs of the Tor party today saying it doesn’t go far enough I mean it’s a shambles and I think it just in the end exposes that every time Richi sunak tries to project that he’s a strong leader he’s just more exposed as being weak and desperate uh and the Tory

    Party are divided from top to bottom I think Jonathan one other problem we we hear smash the gangs that phrase has really sort of been drilled home from the labor party to the public but it’s not as though those processes aren’t already happening and you must know it’s

    It’s not as it’s not as simple it’s not as straightforward is that things like offshore processing different returns agreements with other countries what other things are you looking at as part of that package to say we’re going to better manage illegal migration well one of the incentives of

    People coming here is there’s such a backlog in the Asylum system that the pro that the applications don’t get processed speedily if you’re not speeding up the the applications you can’t send people back and of course they did they they uh Ry will you believe this he announced at the

    Beginning of the year we sorted it all out and people started looking at the small print it turned out I think it was like 177,000 people have just gone missing yeah don’t know where they are I mean that whoever you are sorted it out whatever side of the political Spectrum

    You’re on it is an absolute blight on this country and and for us trying to take all sides on talk today I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again the labor party put people up every single day you seem to be a honed machine you

    Seem to have a message I’m sure it’s going to be harder the reality if you get into government but as ever Jonathan thank you thank you for your honesty and thank you for joining us now get inside and get starma to make you a nice Brew I certainly will good man thank you

    Jonathan Ash Shadow pay Master General thank you so much lots to come here on talk today Trump wins in Iowa crushing his Republican Rivals and the NHS gets retired doctors back to work mail on Sunday’s Anna Mel over the former labor adviser Mike Buckley back for part two

    Of this morning’s papers please do my friends stay with us it’s just on 7:30 Tuesday morning it’s Oliver’s birthday we’re coming back in three don’t go Anywhere we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online onun your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love

    About talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I’m I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any your will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman

    She’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swear an off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any

    Substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140

    Million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter

    On talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegans about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a

    Branch of McDonald MC Mouse man MC Mouse man MC man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden this decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunac and the current conservative

    Government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solved this is

    Really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes than going to do you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually

    Not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group is possible have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only

    Place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love Perry we can agree on that uh welcome back talk today at 7:33 here’s what’s coming up on the program my friends in just a moment we’re going

    To dissect Donald Trump’s big win in the Iowa caucus overnight if you’re not sure what a caucus is we’ll explain we’ll ever to receive more financial Fairplay Che charger Shabana her is here with all you sport just before 7 and with Rwanda back on the agenda in Parliament we’ll

    Get the take of senior One Nation Tories and former cabinet minister Damen green after eight first though n how’s your weather on Oliver’s birthday happy birthday Oliver it’s a cold one wrap up warm especially if you’re heading up to space with your rocket I believe that you’ve received for your birthday Brilliant times radio sponsors talk TV weather good morning it’s another cold one out there for today and over the next few days with snow showers and more significant snow affecting Northern parts of the UK anywhere from the Midlands northwards through today could see as much as up to 20 cmers over High

    Ground mainly for Northern Scotland 5 to 10 cm around lower levels and this could cause some really tricky driving conditions this morning and this evening as well further south it looks fine then as we head into the weekend we see a bit of an Abrupt change with mild air

    Flowing through wet conditions and yet another name storm is possible until then a widespread sharp Frost this morning the risk of snow and ice for Northern Island Northwest England and Wales and most of Scotland now we’re seeing snow already falling across mostly The High Ground of Northern

    Ireland and the northwest of England and there’s another area of rain moving through turning to snow quickly across the central Bel of Scotland through uh this afternoon and this evening’s Russia could cause some issues there’s also snow showers to contend with across many Northern areas of Scotland and the north

    Of England and Wales heading down towards parts of the Midlands a little later but for Central and Southern parts of England and Wales mostly fine and dry today plenty of wintry Sunshine but it will be bitterly cold for all areas now into tonight A lot of that rain sleet

    And snow clears off into the North Sea so it becomes mostly dry and clear but any snowy surfaces across parts of the north are likely to turn icy so that will be a hazard of before the morning as well as that we are going to see a widespread Frost forming and also this

    Area rain will start to flirt with the Southwest coast and could possibly bring some wintry flurries through the night along some Southern counties of England but at the moment it looks to be offshore so for tomorrow it will be a mostly dry day lots of sunshine again

    But it will be a frosty start and there will be the risk of ice across northern areas snow showers will continue to affect Northern parts of Scotland the Northeast as well with further accumulations and for Northern Island too maybe a few flurries across western coast of Wales and England otherwise

    Mainly dry and sunny but yet again another bitterly cold Day times radio sponsors talk TV weather NZ thank you now the mail on Sunday’s Anna mova and former labor advisor Mike Buckley are back in the studio to look through the papers again this morning morning to you both um Anna should we start with what’s been happening in Iowa

    Um some extraordinary comments from Donald Trump his celebration party we’ve looked at already for anyone who’s unfamiliar and this is in the mail online um what is a caucus what does it mean for Donald Trump so it’s the first big test first big step of the Republican nomination so the rep the

    Iowa caucus Works slightly differently from a primary um but effectively it’s Republican members balloting who they want to be the next uh leader to challenge um the election and Donald Trump has got a his toric Victory I mean it it’s good news for him on two fronts

    Not only has he won by a big margin it also has completely split the vote between Nikki Haley and Ronda santz so he’s basically also has his opposition totally divided and he’s got a clear run next and also the other news overnight is vivik R ramaswami has dropped out and

    Said he will endorse Donald Trump which is another big boost for him Mikey the the whatever people think and they will I made the point earlier whether people like this or not uh Middle America would will tell you that economically they were far better off if we get away from

    The rhetoric um this could be the most Remar remarkable political comeback in I would think US History certainly one of them um I mean the the irony in all of this is that Biden is actually had a very good presidency when they they the lowest approval rating in the history of

    The world but he but he under him they’ve created hundred, thousands of jobs per month would be way way more than were created under Donald Trump but that but you understand don’t you this is the point if you look at and hate Optics as the only reason in politic

    It’s about how people feel you can’t look at him in five years and think that man could should be the leader in ide go around the states there are a lot of places that are really really not in an ideal world he would not be standing and

    They would they would Democrats had a plan with that woman didn’t work and they really should put up somebody else but I mean we should all I mean obviously great night for Donald Trump terrible night for the rest of us I mean this man is is is no fan of democracy

    Full stuff I butan he said Point black that he would be a dictator from day one if you got reelected we we could be looking worst case at the end of US democracy and he’s also said that he will pull out of NATO and disband NATO

    That leaves us Europe and the UK facing off against Russia you know the you read the press that the security services over here have started slagging him off and NATO doesn’t make any difference to the American people I live there and I’m telling you can’t everybody laughed at

    Me and Mike Gro a year ago he will be the 47th president of the incredibly serious for us it’s incredibly Ser yes it’s incredibly serious precis comments like your saying oh it’s a good night for him but a bad night for us well it’s precisely comments like that that people

    Get annoyed about and that is his voter base look at pundits and they look at people sort of saying oh this is all terrible and that’s say actually don’t be patronizing we want this guy yeah them up it’s terrible for the Western World terrible for the whole planet look

    A bit closer to home in Mike because we talk Endy NHS waiting list the doctor strikes have made them worse a strategy getting retired doctors to come back that might might help bring down waiting times what’s the plan so I mean this is this seems on paper like a very good

    Idea I think so this is recently retired senior doctors in their 60s and 70s and the government have decided that they can effectively work from home reviewing scans or doing video consultations with people seems like a great idea bring some extra capacity which is solely needed into the NHS granted this is the

    Government desperately trying to fix its own mistakes over the last 13 years because it hasn’t invested in Workforce hasn’t trained enough doctors etc etc um but nonetheless this is a very good idea if it enables these people to go about their lives of their lives but invest in

    The NHS and contribute where they can that’s a very very good thing I love that they’re called inheritors Consultants give them they’re not in Australia I’ve got a plan Anna and mik very quickly about the these Junior doctors they moan um they want 35% because their loans that they have to

    Pay back I would if it was down to me I would say I absolutely am going to train you I absolutely am going to swallow your deal you you the the the fees you have to sign a contract that says you can’t go to Australia and New Zealand

    And you have to give back to the NHS for 10 years that’s what I would do I think a lot of people agree with why the hell doesn’t somebody I want to get to one particular story H Anna not this one measles what’s this in the mail well

    Measles um cases of measles have have doubled in a year this is a really serious point it’s because parents aren’t giving the MMR jab to their children and this is an increasingly uh worrying Trend the proportion of Jabs are 5-year-olds who are jabbed with MMR

    Is the lowest in more than a decade and all of this is because of this growing antiva movement that frankly has been fed by covid fed by the mismanagement of the vaccine and the vaccine roller afterwards obviously it was great getting the vaccine quickly but the way

    That since the the the the pr job basically has been done has just fed into people who are antiac all anti all vacines and then Mike potentially dangerous consequences to that narrative incredibly dangerous and in this goes back to a doctor midon years ago before covid who who claimed that the MMR jab

    Would lead to medical problems for children so loads of parents then decided not to give the jab it was complete fantasy there’s no truth to it whatsoever the J is completely safe if you watch this you have children you haven’t got your kids vaccinated please get them vaccinated because MS m rebella

    Their terrible diseases or do what my mother did who’s dead this is a fact and you all laugh but you know what I’m going to say don’t you we got sent to parties when we were kids to get measles and Ms we went if if somebody had

    Chicken we were sent you think that’s bizarre that’s absolutely true much to get TRS though I’m completely with you perfectly sensible with please go and get the draft um should we move on to something page front page of the Sun and uh Anna should I leave this with you yes

    Do we hold up the front page what do we do no I think we’ve got the front page of the sun this is this is about well just put yes Kyle to be a dad again Kyle to be dad again which is is true and

    This is Kyle Walker and and the the the trouble is Ex-Wives now strange wives pregnant with his six child and we walked in this morning to the front of the Sun and I work at the same bu saying exclusive Stars baby number six but this time with his wife so we’ve mocked this

    Up and there is Jeremy kle and the Beautiful Victoria because we’re having baby number I was actually a baby I know I was like this morning I was like what what what what but it wasn’t me it was car Walker but Vic that’s for you when’s the baby coming very soon uh

    A week on Friday at 7:15 cuz I’m playing golf on Saturday afternoon are you feeling prepared um for what for this turbulent thing that’s going to happen in your life turbulent is it may I’m very good with I’m very good with poo I can’t do sick okay you charming I

    Don’t have Charming Charming any good nappies Mikey yeah old people whatever Kyle Walker this story is extraordinary though isn’t it I mean I it is I mean the twists and turns so he’s had so he’s got the children with his wife who who kicked him out when he had a second love

    Child with well no he had three kids with his wife he had affair with this girl and had a baby then the wife took him back then he had then he then he went off quietly and had another one with the the woman and while he was

    Doing that he’s had another one with the wife very complicated how’s he got time to kick a football how’s he got time question or to manage all of these very complicated family Dynamics should we move on to a last also I love looks very cheerful doesn’t he look at him there he

    Looks naked that’s what in the mirror Mike an activist touring the UK with a microwave on his head because he’s Fed Up with ultr processed food I mean I agree with him on the grounds that Ultra processed food is killing us all and making us all sick and reducing our life

    Food spey making a z etc etc I mean he’s completely right this does seem like a little bit of an odd way to publicize that fact and to tackle the issue I mean if I bumped into that person on a tube or indeed sending outside the houses of

    Parliament my mind would not immediately go to I need to stop eating Ultra processed food this is think this is actually quite odd and I is nice to be set because usually people are say you know which I get people watch this and they’ll go yes but it’s right that we

    Canest yes it is but but listen Mr idiot nobody’s get your mic’s right you’re not going to get be like just stop o get out of my way nobody’s going to go right I’m going to stop microwave orals cuz the man on the tube’s going a microwave it’s basically a really rubbish superhero

    Isn’t he he’s like the world’s worst superhero I love that brilliant microwave man exact we are talking about him he’s just had some a nice sort of minute minute maybe of press well Mike C man is very welcome on to the program Anna thank you you very much so much

    They’ll be back in just under an hour you’ve been getting in touch with your views and opinions because it is really before you sort of do a deep sigh it’s really thny what’s happening in Parliament today when it comes to the vote again about Rwanda so you know and

    One question we can ask some of these MPS later on is when they vote for the Rwanda plan is that in effect a kind of a voting confidence in the Prime Minister and is it and is it for the government or are they trying to protect

    Their own seat Danny I think sunak is trying hard to make the Rwanda Bill work but he should definitely resign for announcing 2.5 billion in military aid to Ukraine our leaders can secure funding for keev but have absolutely no money for our NHS and other public

    Services well G says I’m not a fan of sunak but I believe failure on the Rwanda Bill does not warrant his resignation it also sets a bad precedent for our future politicians it’s awful enough that the toys change their leader every few years uh Trisha or trer I

    Should say sorry our politicians should never have placed this country in a position to need Rwanda deal in the first place we have absolutely no idea what sort of political or religious belief these military middle military age man I think middle age arriving on our Shores what do you think talk today

    At talk. TV Tes to 87 tr2 start your message with the word talk but right now coming up next talk sports Shanah Hearn is here good morning thank you Rosie Premier League clubs Everton and Nottingham Forest find themselves in hot water for breaking financial and sustainability rules L goalkeeper m Ys

    And manager Serena vman win once again at the FIFA best Awards and Andy muray is out of the Australian Open and has suggested this may have been the last time he plays at the tournament all coming up for you next on top today good morning we’re here thanks for joining us

    You’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well Tred most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about sport today we do it all sunak sella

    Scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other

    The the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swear an off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a

    Tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £40 million so far so £140 million so far result nil absolutely nil

    Are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking for a liit if you’re walking

    Towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in about 3 years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous

    Man MC M man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got a house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz Phil sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK part hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is

    Really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do I’m you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your

    Question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group possible have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that

    Is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that welcome back to talk today 10 minutes to 8 time for sport now where Everton and

    Nottingham Forest have both been charged with breaching the Premier League’s Finance rules it comes as Everton were already deducted 10 points in November for a breach of profitability and sustainability rules which the Cub are now appealing joining us to discuss this Shanahan uh talk sports legendary Guru

    Can I just put this in in terms so yesterday the Premier League have said that both Nottingham Forest who spent an awful lot on new players and Everton are going to be deducted six points this has already happened to Everton I read this morning Everton are going to plan to to

    Say it was all about the stadium the big big question for any football fan is there’s 115 charges outstanding against the powerful Arab backman City and if those were brought to the biggest Club they’d be playing in the isian league this is a fascinating story now if you

    Are see a sports broadcastter are working in this story and you’re talking about Everton and Forest and what maybe another six point deduction for Everton and where that will leave them with now be 19th in the table it’s got nothing to do with the fans it’s got nothing to do

    With Shawn D it’s got nothing to do with those players as to why they are now in this situation okay financially they got it wrong they’ve admitted they’ve held their hands up nauy and Forest have held their hands up we saw 17 18 transfers come in in the summer that they came up

    To the Premier League so we knew there was a red flag there at that moment in time however what man city have done have not cooperated they say we deny 115 charges therefore their case hasn’t been pulled forward these other clubs further down the league have complied and

    They’ve had to H their hands up and say not a good look is it it’s not a good look for the Premier League you know if you’ve got a number of asteres you know next to clubs with Point deductions that the best league in the world come the

    End of the season it’s not great what does this mean then for ting and Nottingham Forest what do they do next so they’ve got three month they’ve got 10 days to comply and and and hit back shall we say but they know that they are complying um with the F the the

    Sustainability rules they have admitted to where things have gone wrong if they are found then their hit with a six point deduction what I don’t understand is forgive me does this not open a huge debate on people who get to buy premier league clubs unless I’m wrong if you run

    A business you try and follow the rules so why aren’t these damn foreign owners and it is for in this instance right these consorti from America and the guy that owns olympo sport Forest do they not understand shouldn’t the Premier League be more if you like stronger in

    Allowing people to Black Ops who don’t understand the system well this is it and they’re trying to get the shop in order now at the Premier League they’re trying trying to get a hold of it now but we are close the door when the hores

    Left stable the top four and the top six are almost protected in this situation and what day do they decide that’s it Manchester City are gone we’re going to drop them down to if Manchester City let’s put this into terms if they have those 115 charges upheld they would be

    Literally out of the football league they are far more complex than what we are led to believe now what are the complexities how can you just say no I deny the charges against me and then it goes away for a while we are led to believe that may be a hearing on these

    Charges come late Autumn we have said pep Garda speaker in the past and said if this is the case and we’ve done this so incorrectly I’m no part of it I want it out you know we’ve heard this in the past hold them to accountability it’s

    Not fair you look at Everton the fans are just up in arms feel sorry for Everton I really I do I think we all do have said just quickly they can assure its fans it will continue to defend its position during the ongoing appeal and

    If required to do so uh the impact on supporters will be reflected as part of that proc and I have to say something you as a football fan would understand this um what this has done is it’s galvanized not only the supporters of Everton the atmosphere at goodison and

    The players they look like a proper unit under D now and where D and Everton would be had the points deduction not happened but now for the it brings them down to 19th in the table and if the 10 hadn’t gone they’d be above the mighty West Ham exactly that should we quickly

    Look at the women’s game um and the FIFA best Awards Serena Vigman marry hers incredible two years in a row both of one of have won their categories M UPS of course for best goalkeeper in the world and Serena V been beating Jonathan yales who was the Barcelona head coach

    Won the Champions League who won the league in Spain and Emma ha of course so we can’t really argue with what both of them have done except Jeremy’s gonna go well they didn’t win the world cup so why did they win do that again on camera why did they win she don’t want

    Anything I just freezed that look and send it to her husband she’ll be single in a minute um can I just say also so before we go on um Emma ranu is playing she’s taking on Shelby Rogers in the first round of the Australian thing you

    Had to go at me because I said I just I I great potential just away two days after you said that she was off court with a sore arm she said the other day in a quote I’m good enough to get back to the top of the game do you believe

    That that’s true she is so young and so good enough and she spoke earlier on in the week saying that well earlier on the week or Tuesday it was last week she said having these RIS operations having that change coming back to her best for

    And not being in pain will be the key to her success Andy muray is out will this be this last time in Melbourne re definitely a possibility I agree with Lucy our editor it’s like Madonna you’ve had your moment you’ve got your legacy go back to Scotland and just get on with

    Your life stop being shady will it be Wimbledon though will he bow out and wmbl you do think though don’t you in all seriousness for a second you’ve won all of those things mate you don’t need to be being knocked out the first round

    W in his head how do you how do you let your mind say no and your body say no at the same time day every day I get out my body and my mind thank you so so much thank you for being here lots to come here on talk

    Today senior One Nation Tory Damen Green tells us what He makes of the Rebellion growing within his own party over Rwanda thank you this is talk today 3 minutes to 8:00 we’re live across the UK we’re coming back in three a good morning to you don’t go anywhere we’re here thanks for joining

    Us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about today we do it all sunak sella

    Scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other

    Other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing Al in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a

    Tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what do we saying it’s cost about 140 million1 140 million P so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only

    Going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come for CA in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin o salivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking for a liit if you’re walking

    Towards me and you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous

    Man mous he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this is important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunac and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behal reform UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if

    It’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to resign yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually

    Not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call teror grp is it possible to have a Ral I’ve asked you two questions should aass stay in power and are there a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV

    It’s the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love purgy we can agree on that on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV this is talk today with Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright good morning my friends just gone 8:00 on Tuesday the 16th of January good morning you’re with talk today on TV radio online and your smart speaker our top stories this morning oh yes Rwanda Rebellion the PM faces down a

    Mutiny as dozens of his own MPS threatened to Scupper his Flagship policy we will speak to One Nation T Damen green this hour a dire warning the defense secretary says we are in pre-war world with enemies Gathering all around us we look at the risk to Britain with a

    Former Commanding General and 91 felony charges haven’t dented the Donald’s re-election campaign as he gets a massive Landslide victory over Republican revivals or even rivals in the Iowa cor cuz I’ve done it now and cold again today with the risk of snow and ice could cause some serious

    Travel disruption out there this morning and for this evening’s rusher I’ll have further details a little later stop looking smug we’ve caught this today it’s who’s going to make a mistake first it serves you right for teasing me it serves you right because you tease me at

    6 o00 anyway a very mature breakfast show Welcome to it yes and I’m sure perfectly the news now with Emily let’s hope so good morning Donald Trump has taken his first significant step towards an election rematch with President Biden winning a landslide at the Iowa caucuses Us Media projections suggest he’s easily

    The preferred candidate for republicans in Iowa after getting the most votes in all but one of its 99 counties well Florida Governor Ronda santis has come in second with both men beating ex un Ambassador Nikki Haley overnight Trump hailed his victory and said should he take the top job again his first task

    Will be to tighten up the borders we can’t have that we can’t have that it’s not sustainable as a country it’s horrible and you know they’re coming from prisons and jails they’re coming from all over they’re coming from countries that most people have never heard of and they’re coming from mental

    Institutions and insane asylums they’re being emptied out into our country and they’re terrorists many terrorists are coming in the prime minister is gearing up for a showdown with members from his own party when his controversial Rwanda Bill returns to the commons later Rishi sunak is facing a big dilemma over

    Whether he should toughen up the plan to appease those on the right of his party who could potentially trigger a rebellion well Deputy leader of ukip Rebecca Jane has told talk today she doesn’t think the bill will make any difference this bill is absolute nonsense and this is not what is going

    To win Ria general election because it’s not going to happen what he wants to be seen to be doing is that he wants to be seen to supporting immigration because so many people in the country are crying out for him to do so but he has absolutely no intention of doing

    Anything about it new figures from the office for National statistics show the rates of UK unemployment remained unchanged at 4.2% in the three months to November meanwhile data shows wage growth has slowed but still remains well above the rate of inflation at 6.6% and the chancellor Jeremy Hunt says

    With inflation falling it’s heartening to see that real wages are growing for the fifth month in a row and succession has done it again taking home the night’s biggest prizes at the EMS just a week after big wins at the Golden Globes the fourth and final season of the

    Critically acclaimed series took the prizes for best actor and actress and elsewhere selton John was also among the winners for his televised live show you’re up to dates I’ll have more headlines at 9 o’ thank you so much Emily so to our top story today Rie sunak Flagship Rwanda immigration plan

    Will be front and center of a fresh Commons debate this week the Prime Minister will stage a last ditch bid to try to win over the right-wing conservative mpes who are threatening to defeat his legislation so the big question is how have we got here now talk to his political correspondent

    Alysia Fitz J is here to tell us good luck take it away Alysia thank you very much Jeremy so what actually is the Rwanda scheme I I kind of feel like a air hosted here with this airplane behind me it’s brilliant yeah ex so in April 2022 then prime minister Boris

    Johnson announced a plan to deport migrants arriving in small boats to Rwanda for their Asylum claims to be processed following a drastic increase in the number of people crossing the channel the expensive policy was signed off for a duration of 5 years by then Home Secretary pretty Patel in June the

    First deportation flight to Rwanda containing just seven people was cancelled only minutes before takeoff following a ruling by a judge at the European Court of Human Rights the end of October saw Suella bravman take over from pretty as Home Secretary and admitted that the government had failed

    To control our borders and then FasTrack to Summer 2023 the Rwanda deal was ruled unlawful by the court of appeal with judges concluding that it was not a safe country to forcibly Deport Asylum Seekers too a few months later with bravman out and cleverly in sunak faced

    A vote in the Commons trying to force through the bill after appeasing the one nation Tories he won the vote 313 to 270 so what does today’s vote actually mean well MPS will debate and vote on the plans and there’ll be plenty of amendments tabled with the deputy speaker deciding which ones are

    Selected Alysia thank you so much B of A Whistle Stop tour to explain how we got here on a plane well earlier we spoke to labor Jonathan Ashworth who’s not convinced the Tories will ever stop the boats this is the third piece of legislation that they brought to try and

    Stop the boats and they keep failing to stop the boats because in the end you’ve got to have have a crossborder plan to go after these people smuggling gangs these people smuggling gangs who order boats now to order they don’t sort buy them off Amazon or something they

    Actually get these boats manufactured to order this is a big criminal Enterprise and you need to work cross border uh with your different Security Services and your Police Services to really go after them well joining us now with I’m sure plenty to say on the matter is Damien green Daman good morning thank

    You so much for your time morning look you must sort of feel well tell us how you feel frustrated that this is a bit of an easy win for the labor party when the conservatives as a whole are not United onto what the best approach is to

    Take here yeah this is an important policy area for people um the government has put forward a proposal which I’m uneasy about but which I’m prepared to support because I I know how important uh unity in in the party is and and yes it is frustrating that some some colle

    Colleagues aren’t aren’t listening to the government and are putting down amendments but we’ve got two days of debate in the Commons now about this and I hope that at the end of that uh we will see the legislation go through unamended and and then go off to the

    House of Lords because the sooner we get this through the sooner we’ve got the chance of seeing some flights go after Rwanda and in the end you know all of this is not just um a Westminster Affair it is a a serious issue about how we stop people put putting their lives in

    Danger um by trying to get to Britain in this illegal and dangerous way Daman welcome to talk today really appreciate your time thank you for for coming on um the Tores are famous for doing this you would know this better than anybody we go back to 97 and master the Tory party

    From the outside is is tearing itself to shreds we have the one nation tourist you’re part of that who say in terms of what rishi’s put in front of us okay we have reservations but don’t you dare move it any further than that about making sure that people’s human rights

    Are adhered to and the the court of appeal has said you know Rwanda is not a safe place and then you’ve got this group of people on the right who say hold on a second this doesn’t go far enough let’s cut to the chase here the

    ECR is is not allowing us to to control our borders we should have say sunak let’s talk you with the Deputy Prime Minister under Theresa May with everything that she went through I believe and I think a lot of people would agree with me that sunak in this

    Position of his own making he made a deal with Suella Braven because he wanted to to bring down Boris Johnson and be the next prime minister let’s be frank about that the deal that he signed with soel bravman presumably was I’ll adhere or support Rwanda that didn’t go

    Well she’s gone he is stuck between a devil I the devil in the deep blue sea with the greatest of respect and it is of his own making and I’m amazed Damian green that he has decided this is a hill that he wants to die on because from the

    Outside the Tory party are not getting this right and it is countdown to an election it is count down to I think I think I don’t agree with that analysis about about sort of plots and conspiracies um and so on but um what it is now you know this is clearly a

    Serious issue uh that uh people care about and that the government you know governments get judged in the end on what they do on not what they say and the government has the chance to do something effective here one of my objections to the Amendments is that actually they make the bill less

    Practical because because the rwandans have said that if Britain does anything that breaks international law they won’t take part in the scheme and so if they’re not going to take part in it then there’s no point our passing legislation because you know the flights

    Won’t go off uh and so one of the things I want to see is that we we do use this as a deterrent we can only do that if we get flights off we can only do that if the rwandans are prepared to accept also Daman there’s so many there are so many

    IFS so many caveats to this plan can you tell me hand on heart if this goes through that by the end of this year we are actually going to see someone deported to Rwanda do you really think that’s going to happen do yes but but but to do that

    We’ve got to get legislation that will get through both houses of Parliament and I think it’s it’s much more likely to get through in its current form than in any of the the forms that it would be changed to by the Amendments of of various of my colleagues um but also as

    I say I think it’s much more likely uh that the rwandans uh will accept people in in their current form I can absolutely guarantee that if randons aren’t going to sign up to the scheme then no flights will take off mean understand let’s give flights the best

    Chance of taking off I understand that but I I I think let’s be let’s be frank you you’ve been in the Tory party a long time there was a poll yesterday that said that you’re heading for a Oblivion now whether you agree with that or not

    And and and I was brought up and the Tories are about secure borders and a strong military and low taxation you find yourself after 13 years in a pretty perilous position I don’t think you understand that the majority of people in this country do not see Rwanda as a

    Deterrent the majority of the people and strangely yes north of wat for Gap where you won the last election consider that after 13 years if this is the best the Tory party can offer the problem is that you are not coming up with a practical solution to something that people are

    Worried about for example and nobody can answer this I’d love your take on this Damian 170,000 backlog 17,000 and this government is spending its time trying to get one person on a plane if we can find a commercial aand that will do it to go to Rwanda why does your government

    After 13 years has not come up with a processing plan to deal with that 170,000 people because at the weekend the home office said they’ve lost 17,000 that’s what people are concerned about Daman the Asylum backlog is a significant contributor uh to the problem and yeah although I disagree

    With him strongly on this I thought Robert jri did a good job uh as immigration minister in bringing that backlog down uh and and you’re right to say that if we don’t bring the backlog down then we’ll continually have this problem but that is happening the

    Backlog is coming down it and Rwanda is one part of a a group of policies that are required to stop the boats which which in the end is what what this is about and Rishi Sun’s government has signed treaties with the French which have uh made it much more effective we

    Actually stopping more boats uh on the French beaches than before and also uh signed a treaty with Albania uh which reduced by 90% uh the number of people coming from Albania uh by this uh illegal route so effective measures have been taken Rwanda is the next step on

    This um you know we will all see whether it’s a deterrent or not I suspect um it will act as a deterr I think your average migrant would look at the United Kingdom right now Damian with respect and go an elected government can’t even get a buiness legislation pass their own

    Party the Lords and probably a core we might as well try and get there you talked there about an a deal with Albania which I thought was excellent there was a a figure last year about how there were lots of male criminals in our prisons who are Albanian and that has

    Dropped why hasn’t your government why can’t somebody give me an answer why haven’t you spent more time concentrating on getting agreements with other countries rather than seemingly chasing a policy that we all know isn’t going to work well I I don’t think it it is I

    Think it is going to work so I don’t agree with that but but also the point about Albania was that I think at one stage about a third of the total numbers coming across the channel uh were from Albania was certainly some quite High

    Figure um and that as I say has more or less been stopped now and in deed I think it was a 35% drop uh in the numbers last year from the year before so that was a significant practical and effective policy I think some of the public will think when your words Daman

    Were that you suspect it will be a deterrent you think that is really expensive and politically has taken up all this time for something that you just suspect I think based on the kind of rows going on in the conservative party and I just want ask one final

    Thing because we’re so short for time Daman do you feel frustration with your colleagues that maybe right now what they’re doing is looking after their own backs about what might happen in the next 11 months or so rather what would be best for your party and for the

    Country no I I feel frustration that what I think will be uh an effective policy uh hasn’t been tried yet for because of various objections in the courts uh and politically I want to give this policy a chance the way to do that is to get this bill through the House of

    Commons quickly and efficiently this week get it to House of Lords get it through there and then uh we can we can we can all answer the question of how much of a deterrent Rwanda will be Damen thank you so much really really do appreciate your time what’s going to be

    A very busy uh next sort of 24 48 hours do you have a quick look at some of the others morning’s front pages and the mail leading on exactly that the Prime Minister vowing that for the first time he will underlined as well overall European judges over the Rwanda plan the

    Metro focuses on the Rochdale child sex Scandal report they say that 96 groomers are still free for goodness sake and the sun you do have to look twice at this continues its exclusive story of the love G England footballer Kyle Walker and Al the footballer Kyle Walker who

    Will be a dad again but this time it’s with his wife what did what what were you implying there what were you implying this morning I tell you what 4:00 this morning dropped I he dropped it I don’t know and he Dro me bag and me

    Breakfast but there we go that’s if you don’t know uh you are going to be a dad again Friday week yeah 7 playing go on S now should we return to those claims developed yesterday that the late Queen Elizabeth was livid when she heard that Harry and Megan had named

    Their daughter after her now Palace Insider say her was so upset by the decision that she told AIDS the only thing I own is my name and now they’ve taken that we’re joined by the mail on Sundays editor at large which means she could be anyone Charlotte griffy Charlotte good morning good morning

    You’re at large in our studio I’m large I’m here it was really interesting yesterday Rosie and I were were covering this and and today I mean just just lay out what happened yesterday apparently the queen Palace sources on the back of this Robert Hardman book serial eyes and

    He’ll be on this show at some point this week that’s a guarantee um she was angry that this name Lili but was a very personal name between her and her sister because when they were young growing up they couldn’t say Elizabeth had been hijacked somewhat by Harry and Megan

    Today implications in newspapers that the palace are quite happy to if you like guarantee that this is true because they’re so fed up with the criticism from from Harry and Megan would that be fair I I think that’s fair I think uh the palace has been waiting a long time

    For some of these um how should I say Recollections may vary moments to slowly in the full course of time emerge to actually be incorrect In this case because if you remember at the time the BBC reported the queen wasn’t that happy about the name and the the sussexes came

    Down like a ton of bricks and then they expected the palace to follow suit and back up their denial which they didn’t silence instead said but still nobody actually reported well actually the queen was Liv and now and this is what the palace is so brilliant at they’ve

    Just played the long game kept quiet a couple of years down the line we’re finding out the queen was lied you know the susex is are getting their cof a little bit you already did you see that cut yester she apparently she said I don’t own the Palaces I don’t own

    Anything it’s all I own is my name I mean that’s quite powerful isn’t it so powerful and shows How Deeply hurt she was and a pictures is emerging of her being really hurt and if you remember at the time um Philip used to call her lilyette sometimes and Philip had only

    Just died so it’s just incredibly personal she’s missing her husband she’s got this whole circus with Megan and Harry that’s been rolling on for years and months and now this this sort of really hurtful thing has happened yeah I can imagine her almost sort of stamping

    Her fist they tried to use it as a positive PR and the queen clearly was unhappy Charlotte explain to people who kind of unfamiliar with how this type of Royal reporting works you say the palace have played the long game what is the strategy and how do they then slowly and

    Cleverly and carefully actually get their side of the story across well I think in this instance what they’ve done is not denied but you know not divide denied with some very specific um you know wording and you know they they haven’t exactly said yes everything Robert Harden said is true but Robert

    Harden’s got hardman’s got some amazing insights for some real Palisades he’s quite trusted isn’t he he’s really well trusted he’s liked by the AIDS and they’re just you know they’re not denying anything and that’s of how the palace confirmed things a lot of people would say and we’ve had this discussion

    Privately that that you know certain people say here on this station me whatever you know are are very anti- Harry and Megan and I and I I would only rail against that in one way because I I said a lot and I haven’t said this to that that I I actually quite admired

    Them when they said we want to get out the Goldfish bubble I think the problem instantly was when you land in another country and say oh I’ve left because of privacy give me 100 million I’ll do whatever um it’s an ongoing debate isn’t it Harry and Megan you know are the

    Family ever going to reunite night what will happen will she do this will she that it’s becoming somewhat boring but one gets the feeling that they’re running out of road is that a is that a I I don’t know I just I get the feeling that there’s not a lot more that can

    Happen and we need to get on with our lives well we’ve said that many a time before there’s not a lot more than that can happen and then the next thing we find out is they’ve named their daughter lilyette and um you know and by the way

    It’s traditional to if you want to make a nod to the queen it’s traditional to use the word Elizabeth as a middle name not Lilith so that’s what I thought yeah exactly so they deliberately and it’s sort of what you said before they deliberately CED more publicity by

    Calling her lilibette if they just made the middle name Diana which they did and Elizabeth that would have got a bit of publicity but they went for Maximum Impact I’m not saying they don’t love the name Lily B for what do you say to the people that say that’s just unfair

    We’re picking at Harry and Megan and that’s not right well I think I think a lot of people say you know don’t take this out on a little girl who who’s Innocent but it’s not about that and and that’s what Megan and Harry will be saying over there in monito they’ll be

    Saying you don’t the Press are attacking my little girl we’re not attacking that little girl it’s about as you say courting publicity making a drama inviting their daughter into the circus by calling her lilyette not having that self-awareness to think well actually will the queen be honored by this and

    Also slightly bouncing her into the decision so I you know at the time reports said that they said to the queen we’d like to name her Lily in honor of you and they hadn’t made it 100% clear and they hadn’t given her the option to

    Say no they the way they went about it kind of telling rather than asking and now that side of the stories will come out so yeah should we talk about this new portrait of the king so local authorities that might be kind of police stations schools if they would like they

    Can have this portrait of the king what’s sort of the history of that and what does it look like well I think well I noticed first of all that here at talk TV you’ve still got the picture of the queen so I walked into new UK this morning having read this story and

    Majesty of the Queen’s portrait is still on the right I wouldn’t want you to take her down but maybe you could have them both up yeah I agree that’s ni side but I think I always think a rer Murdoch not my decision I think do you ever noticed

    When you go to foreign countries they often have the monics up in every single municipal building but we just don’t really have that tradition I think it’s a shame I think this could be a good moment to really encourage and Galvanize schools and hospitals and you know swimming pools you know anything really

    Just get get that get him up there want it this is it is it is handsome it’s sort of lovely Gold T it it might be a little bit photoshopped under the old crow’s feet I think but I don’t want to be unkind he look good listen I’m a big

    Fan I think he’s done a really good job in a short space of time I think realistically we won’t though will we I don’t think we’re going to see a new era in which the king’s up in every building we just as a nation we just don’t really

    Do that but I think we should it culturally really doesn’t fit does it yeah somehow it’s seen as undiverse or something like that I remember going to America the first time and driving down a road and everybody has an American flag in their garden and everybody has a

    A picture of presumably Donald Trump next year um and I I don’t think it would be a bad thing it’s a symbol of nationalism and some people are a bit nervous of too much n nationalism aren’t they so Jeremy’s going to lead the petition to have a picture of the king

    In the corridor at you UK it’s not it’s not down to me but I I mean with the queen I think the things about the queen very quickly is is that she was there for so long and and even those anti- royalists were just she was part of the

    Life yeah and because she was older people didn’t want to be unkind about her because she was a little old lady let’s face it by the end tough underneath though as we found and can be angry as well as we learned this week as well Charlotte thank you so much shege

    To have you on um still to come here on talk today the Minister tells people to ignore the negative poll results and we’ll tell you about the world’s first trillionaire the mail on Sund is Anna mova and former labor adviser Mike Bley Bley I’ve done it again our buck I’m

    Joking for a final look to this morning’s paper stay with us 822 we’re live across the UK we’re coming right back thank you we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speak as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as

    Weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he

    Delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the Poli a pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing off in the police

    To act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently

    Sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 1440 million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news

    Going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegans

    About the weirdest plank that we’ve had in about 3 years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC mous man MC he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of

    Mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz fil sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK

    Party hi kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to resol yes course I cannot

    Continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call h a terror group a Ral I’ve asked you two questions should

    A mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that

    Welcome back to talk today it’s 26 minutes past 8 here’s what’s coming up in the program nearly 100 men remain a risk to kids will reflect on the Rochdale review in just a moment on this show at around 8:45 a former NATO Commander gives us his take on the

    Rising tensions in the Middle East and before 9ine our talk today correspondent has the latest on Britain’s Arctic blast I can’t wait first though Naz Nick Elby out there in Armageddon or snowmageddon what’s happening in the warm Studio well in the warm Studio is not that warm is

    It really let’s be honest snow everywhere well it’s warmer than Nick ellby stop moaning woman he’s freezing it’s a really cold start actually for some Southern areas this morning U temperatures Dro down to minus 7 degrees celsus it’s going to be cold everywhere today with the risk of snow for Some time ready sponsors talk TV weather good morning it’s still cold out there for today and over the next couple of days with the further risk of snow mainly for northern areas of the UK anywhere from the Midlands and northwards and this is really going to cause some tricky driving conditions

    Some significant snowfall likely for Northern Ireland Northwest England and Scotland this morning and this evening’s Rush Hour could pose some serious issues on the roads as well as that we are seeing those brisk winds feeding in snow showers across northern areas mainly and then as we head into the weekend an

    Abrupt change to milder conditions wet and windy with the possibility of another name storm so this morning a widespread sharp frost a very cold start across Southern areas temperatures starting at around -7 degrees CI and there is snow already across parts of Northern Ireland Northwest England some significant amounts Across The High

    Ground there and there will be further snow edging in from the west of Scotland and across the central belt this afternoon this could cause some evening Rush Hour issues as well on top of that there are snow showers rain and sleep to lower levels likely but today we could

    See as much as 20 cm Across The High Ground of Northern Scotland 5 to 10 cm at lower levels for Scotland Northern Island northern England and the north of Wales the Midlands could also see a dusting of snow later on today but Central and Southern areas will be

    Mainly dry with plenty of sunshine so a fine looking day but it will be feeling cold with below average temperatures and overnight we see a lot of that rain season snow clear off into the North Sea but snow showers continue to feed in on those brisk Northerly winds again a

    Widespread sharp Frost in and the risk of ice on any snowy surfaces across Scotland Northern England the north of Wales Northern iseland where there are warnings from the Met Office tomorrow it will be a drier day but through the night and into the early part of

    Tomorrow we see this area of rain that may flirt with the South Coast now it’s still uncertain with the details but it could bring a slight dusting to some Southern counties tomorrow otherwise it’s snow showers again affecting many Central Northern parts of Scotland tomorrow Southern Scotland drer Northern

    Irland will see some those showers perhaps even western parts of England and Wales it will be another big bitterly cold day with below average temperatures again as Well times radio sponsors talk TV weather thanks now so the mail on Sunday’s Anna Melo from the former labor adviser Mike Buckley back for a final look through this morning’s papers thank you gang one and all 8:30 live across the UK Anna at the Times uh I don’t know

    Why we say page six and seven maybe go have a look uh sunac on the back of the uo pole yesterday said wipe out uh you’re going to lose everything basically worse than 1997 he says we’re on course uh we’re fine ignore the poll everything is fine everything’s going

    Very well uh well this is actually sunak and kiss are really United in this because it’s a funny thing where both sunak is urging all his MPS to ignore the poll and then Karm has been urging all his MPS to ignore the poll saying don’t get complacent don’t get

    Complacent um but of course the poll was front page of the telegraph yesterday and filled most of the paper it shows a total wipe out 11 cabinet ministers losing their seats every single red wall seat that was one under Boris Johnson being lost which is obviously going to

    Really uh spook a lot of the MPS who are planning to discuss amendments and vote in the next two days on Rwanda um there’s been quite a funny uh political sesow going on as well where hugar off the back of that poll actually distan itself s from it so you had yugu coming

    On and saying it was misrepresented created and then you don’t want anything to do with it yes so what what’s happening there do you think so I think they just they they didn’t like the way it was politicized even of course all these polls are politicized and are very

    Political and they didn’t like the way that um it was presented that if reform didn’t run then the Tories would basically be in a much better position so the the telegraph went in on the on the very newsy line that the reform plays such a key role in this election

    And if they chose to stand down just like they did in the um in in 2019 just as the brexit party did in 2019 then Rishi sunak will be facing a very different picture obviously places huge political pressure for them to try and come to some sort of deal might sound

    Cynical Mikey and watch him smile I think even if reform stood down it’s not going to make much difference is it no well and this is the point that an was just making so this youu go do stand by the poll but David froster and other conservatives who commissioned the PO

    Effective and paid for it they span it to say well if reform weren’t there then Ru s would still be fine and would wait next time but basically what they were doing was adding up the Tory poll rating adding up reform poll rating and assuming that all reform voters will

    Switch to the conservatives where in fact that isn’t the case any about a third of them was switched to the conservatives so rich based on this poll doesn’t have a hope but of course he’s going to tell the public and tell MPS oh don’t believe the poll has got nothing

    To do with reality what I mean as as you guys have said it’s the most authoritative Poll for five years because of the time energy they they put into it also they interviewed 14,000 people yeah and most polls interview somewhere between 200 and a th000 so this is much more robust the

    Conservatives will say the only poll that matters is the one on Election Day I guess Anna what you’ve hinted at is really interesting for the labor party they really don’t people to think oh we can rest easy that’s the other thing isn’t it because I think just like in

    America this election will really hint um hinge on turnout for both parties so if labor voters are suddenly become complacent saying because K starma is not a particularly popular politician he’s not particularly exciting he’s not someone who gets people galvanized he’s not exciting at all so so he has he does

    Have a risk that people will just say oh he’s gonna win and I’m gonna Mikey that that the maybe I’ve just become cynical at my old age they don’t want to give away too much because they haven’t you know the labor party in case it gets criticized nobody wants to

    Believe a poll they don’t want people to take it for granted it’s all it’s all a game isn’t it well whilst our country is on its backside K is far more popular than RI sudak which is which is in a way the only thing that matters but labor

    Are consistently rolling out politic I mean just last week they were talking about the Mental Health crisis that children face and the fact that so many kids now like the number I was staggered by this the number one reason for under 10s to go to hospitals because they’ve

    Got rotting teeth in in in the UK I mean that is absolutely staggering so K was completely right to set out robust policy on that and I’m sure they will be setting out more policy um of a similar caliber in the future as well we’re going to continue talking about this

    Because we’ve got more MPS on the program in the next hour but Mike let’s look in the times um the headline is girls were left at the mercy of abusers this is the review into what happened at Rochdale developing this time yesterday what did we learn I mean this is

    Absolutely just it’s staggering and it’s sickening just the public failure and it’s not just the police it is the police rosad in the greater Manchester area but it is also Rochdale Council that effectively just let hundreds of men I mean included this 100 that are still just out out and about doing their

    Own thing um they just didn’t take hold them to account even though again and again and again the police and the council were made aware of the fact that these teenage girls many of them were in care were being serly abused by these these these vile human beings and even

    When some of these men were brought to Justice they weren’t dealt with adequately I mean like one in raped this woman this young girl rather and then injected her with Heroin she died he didn’t even get convicted of manslaughter he got convicted of injecting somebody with a poisonous

    Substance went there three years nowhere near it you I wanted to talk about this yesterday and you have to tread really carefully in the world that we live in but Mike Graham said it and I think it’s the elephant in the room and I would like a genuinely mature response to this

    Before people jump up and down these are British Pakistani men grooming white girls let’s just have that out there there are people who will tell you that this wasn’t dealt with as effectively and as robustly as it should so there aren’t still a hundred and your appalling story is right for fear of

    Upsetting certain factions of our society I’d like your response to that because that is out there fact I mean I think the first thing to say is that they were not all Pakistani men and they weren’t all men a number of them were white men and it’s certainly the case

    That the majority of rapes and the majority of sexual offensers in this country are perpetrated by white men so he I’m not trying to make a thing I’m talking specifically here conc and I try and face those I I mean I don’t know enough about the detail to know whether

    This was not dealt with because of the ethnicity of um the Maj as you say the majority of the M question in this instance if that was the case then that needs to be dealt with but the whole thing is just is just I think one of the

    Problems is that the police over Decades of failures has completely failed to build any trust with any communities so how can they be policing them because then they get caught between essentially trying to then be overly use kid gloves this is what I’m trying to say I’m not

    Trying to I’m just wondering and it can be any type of situation it is an absolute stain on us on our country on our society and there’s still a hundred of these men you make the point some I I just wanted to put that out there we

    Were talking with Mike about this this is disgusting well and I think the other thing coming out of the review for me um that’s interesting is it’s not just about the failures to convict and the failures to believe victims it’s after PE after some of the men have been gone

    To jail and they’re out and then this review has interviewed women um girls now women who say they weren’t even told that they were being released from prison they weren’t even told that they’re going to be back in the community they’re seeing them around brale Burnham actually for actually

    Getting this report written because nobody else was going to do it not rdale Council not the police not the government fair play to Andy but it’s disgusting whatever you think should we have a little bit of like relief uh we’ve been talking about the Queen’s nicknames uh already on the program but

    On the in the telegraph this morning the queen we call her L to the family yes I love this story so this has also come out of Robert hardman’s book which is being serialized in the Daily Mail uh and queen queen Camila her family apparently years ago nicknamed her

    Lorraine because in French Len they took uh it means Queen and they took that and adapted it to Lorraine and ran it as a even before she had any Prospect of being Queen apparently she she is known for having a sense of humor she saw the

    Funny side and quite likes it but King Charles doesn’t not find it from it’s quite interesting asy whatever you make of the royal family um and I was a big critic of Camila she has won the British public over by doing I think a really impressive job I would agree with you I

    Think she’s done a great job and I think she’s quite widely respected she’s seen as quite a normal human being you know you know she seems to have that human touch you could imagine going down the public quite a laugh couldn’t you you know the book stuff she’s done about

    Domestic abuse against women I think she’s been really I think she’s been great impressive this is the story this is quite sad that he was on on Friday Sven the ex-england manager who’s been diagnosed with cancer in the mirror Mike I mean this is a just it’s just a really

    Nice story I mean obviously it’s incredibly sad that he’s been diagnosed with cancer at a genuinely quite young age Ian he’s only 75 you can get it at any age but still I mean he’s not ancient is he you know what I mean so he’s he saiding he’s got less than a

    Year to live pancreatic cancer so one of his dreams um he’s obviously had a very impressive career in football of his dreams was to manage Liverpool which he never actually did and he’s a fan of Liverpool fan of Liverpool as his dad was so apparently there’s a plan now to

    Make him Manager of Liverpool for a day for a charity match in March which would be a really lovely Al send off for him by the sport that he’s been dedicated to for all his life you know I love it it’s it’s a very it’s a very nicer an

    Incredible gesture on behalf of Lial football club I hope they do it it’s a good show we got time for one more darts in then the star 180 Luke ller has got a look alike Anna he does he does he met Sir Alex Ferguson and the internet’s gone mad they’re basically saying uh

    Who’s older it’s become a meme it’s become running joke about poor Luke’s um well I mean he’s apparently he’s what 15 16 he do looks older than Mike Buckley and he older but you know he’s had to produce his birth certificate and everything to prove that he’s not a

    Middle-aged man I have to say on just the most I don’t know I I just got into dance I thought the kid was extraordinary but he’s 16 years old he’s stcker isn’t it yeah he’s got the world at his fingertips quite literally hasn’t

    He no I mean in a very joke fashion NE I don’t really understand the rules I I did though get very invested in darts all of a sudden exactly for the bull the rules Mike Dart Sheffield and the pub I mean we’ve all played darts in that time

    Do I the kids just the way justad bang bang bang it’s amazing he’s going to have a great life as well fair play to him is going to be able to eat many kebabs and Mike thank you so much thank you gang so much loved it thank you so

    Much indeed you’ve been getting in touch with your views and opinions guess what about Rwanda thanks we can’t avoid it truthfully Danny says I think Sak is trying hard to make the Rwanda Bill work but he should resign for announcing two and a half billion pounds in military

    Aid to Ukraine alers can secure funding for Kei but have no money for our NHS and other public services Andreas this will make Mike buckby Smile not just sunak but everyone in West should resign for what they’ve done to this country the current state of our nation exposes

    13 years of complete Tory failure Trina says our politicians should never have placed this country in the position to need a Rwanda deal in the first place we’ve got no idea what sort of political or religious beliefs these people arriving on our Shores hold Steven will speak completely differently to Andreas

    And say the sheer numbers of young men relentlessly Landing illegally on our Shores is a major cause for concern there has never been a more urgent Time for strong leadership in our country talk today at talk. TV text 287 treble 2 what do you make of it all let us know

    Love to hear from you it is 20 to9 Now Grant chaps has warned Britain’s enemies are gathering around us and he said the prospect of war is intensifying in a speech he gave yesterday the defense secretary said Britain should prepare for possible Wars with China Russia Iran

    And North Korea in the next 5 years he added that it’s now critical for NATO members to increase their defense spending to at least 2% of national income joining us now as the former Commanding General of the US Army in Europe Ben Hodes Ben good morning uh

    Welcome to talk today thank you so much strong words from shaps yesterday I have my own Theory it’s election year uh interestingly what was told earlier on the show to us was that Great Britain currently spends 2.5% of GDP um when they were both separately standing to be the leader of the Tory

    Party Grant shaps the now defense secretary and J hunt the now Chancellor both said that they would spend 3% which is billions more um is this a response to what’s happening in the world and is it right what do you make of it well I was impressed actually with what your

    Defense secretary said uh what’s happening uh with the Russia’s attack against Ukraine uh the Hamas attack against Israel uh what North Korea is doing China these are all connected and our problem over the past few years is that we have failed to think strategically and connect all of these

    Different threats um this if we did if we thought strategically we’d be getting better organized in terms of our defense industry of working together with allies to protect all of the Strategic interest we have instead we have been reluctant to call things out uh even my own

    President who’s done a good job I think in helping Ukraine and addressing other problems even he is not willing to say that we want Ukraine to win to defeat Russia so I think your secretary is correct to say that if we are not prepared then the risk of a conflict a

    Broader conflict actually goes up he said we’re in this pre-war phase if we are then to better prepare what would that look like well first of all we I think it’s important when our elected officials speak to us as adults talk about the threat not in hyperbole but to be very

    Clear that if Ukraine is defeated for example listen to what Russia says I mean they say that the Russian Empire has no borders that they will continue on to reclaim what they think is theirs which are the Baltic states and of course those are NATO allies which means

    That all of us will end up being in a conflict if Russia attacks a NATO country where you have British soldiers posted in Estonia German soldiers in Lithuania American soldiers Canadian soldiers all in that area there so um we we know from history that the Russians absolutely only respect

    Strength they laugh at us when we when we talk about things but don’t actually do things this this war against Ukraine is the result of failed deterrence they saw we did nothing after they invaded Georgia they we did nothing after they invaded Ukraine in 2014 uh we in the United States

    Obviously they saw us in total disarray after the last election January 6 and the way way we came out of Afghanistan so I think the Kremlin believes if we look that bad that disjointed that we will be vulnerable so again I think what Mr shs said is correct and it’s it’s

    Appropriate to be clear out about the threats it’s interesting isn’t it Ben um you can sit this side of the pond and say it’s election year you can say Ben Wallace who was defense secretary for a long time left he wanted more money I think it’s interesting that the rhetoric

    Is now addressing you know the elephant in the room Russ and China described by shaps as having a No Limits partnership we’ve had Tobias Elwood on the show last week who used to be the chair of the defense select committee saying we are now in a position it’s not war mongering

    We’re now in a position like 39 there’s a cold war Russia and China and Iran are a danger and unless we arm ourselves uh we will we will find ourselves in in a difficult position but of course Ben you’d understand this the world certainly the United Kingdom and America

    In the middle of a cost of living crisis and that becomes that whole War fatigue argument which says how do you convince people to give billions to these wars when people are struggling to to get the very basic things they need to live their lives that for me is what

    Politicians needs to yeah sure uh but of course none of us should be fatigued about Russia’s war against Ukraine because all of us are sitting at home absolutely there no no British soldiers no American soldiers have even broken a fingernail uh in Russia’s war against Ukraine uh and I think our politicians

    Have to explain to our voters talk to us like adults why helping Ukraine defeat Russia is good for US economic stability preventing the spread of the conflict and of course the Chinese are watching the Chinese are watching to see does the UK does do the United States do all of

    Our allies in the west have the political will the defense industrial capacity and the military capability to address all of these threats uh if we don’t if they think that we don’t then I think the risk goes up uh and I live here in Frankfurt Germany and my German

    Neighbors are waking up to the reality so I mean this is a there’s a different tone uh in the conversation when I speak with my German Neighbors about the threat which is very important certainly Putin never would have imagine that Germany would be spending a lot more money on defense and getting serious

    About its role inside NATO Ben thank you really appreciate your time um what Grant chat was said was that the world was on a peril path to war within five years he declared this as sort of a pre-war phase we’ve been asking you you know are you are you

    Worried uh Brian yeah just a couple of these quickly actually shaps is absolutely correct says Brian about the pre-war phase what worries me more is that we have a complete bunch of Muppets in charge interesting beatric says if countries ever pass laws that would require military service from politicians that declare war you

    Wouldn’t see many world conflicts going forward across the world interesting keep your thoughts coming talk today talk .tv text to 87 treble 2 now still to come and talk today it’s Nick Elby on the snow mageddon sweeping the nation yes I’ll be telling you about the

    Impact of all this snow and what to watch out for this is talk today good morning we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how

    Well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about to today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he

    Would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing Al in the police to act without fear or favor the

    Co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of

    Money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so £140 million so far result nil absolutely n are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from CA in winter is

    Cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking for a liit if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan should have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s

    About the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man mc mous mc mman he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got a house full of

    Mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf reform UK

    Party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down tick Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do I’m you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot

    Continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call her is it possible to have a rational I’ve

    Asked you two questions should a mass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can

    Agree on that Welcome back you would talk today it’s 10: to 9 uh we’re here until 9:30 now schools across the north of Scotland have been closed because of snowfall in the region well the disruption comes with bitterly cold winds from the Arctic which were expected to bring snow ice to

    Many parts of the UK this week we thought someone who could face it head for us head on is talk today correspondent Nick Elby Nick tell us where you are and how cold it is morning Rosie morning Jeremy you know I’ll face absolutely anything for you guys and talk today I’m currently just

    Near abedine airport over my right shoulder you might be able to see some of the runway uh and uh there was a huge dump of snow in abedin yesterday afternoon in terms of temperature it’s probably aboutus two when that Northerly wind gets up the the feel is more like

    Minus5 at the moment transport Scotland have told people to expect severe disruption on the roads today the highlands could see 20 cm of snow today and then lower Ling areas of Scotland around Glasgow and Edinburgh could see up to 10 cm we’re expecting a huge dump

    Sort of midm morning I’m sure NZ will tell you more about that in her forecast and then also down into the northwest of England as well that yellow weather warning for snow and ice extends down into the northwest of England and Northern Wales I know that Chester Liverpool Manchester have had a good

    Dusting of snow overnight and we could see 3 to six hours of consistent snow across the northwest of England as well but as I say really heavy snow expected to hit Glasgow sort of midm morning time and and I think in terms of travel the

    Worst air the worst time is going to be the evening rush hour so police Scotland are just reminding people that that that will be really tricky they’re expecting disruption they’re expecting people to get stuck and if you do need to make a journey today they’re just saying make

    Sure you pack lots of extra layers I think I’ve got about seven layers on at the moment and also take water and some food in the car with you in case you you do get stuck um also this week I mean currently the temperatures across the UK

    Are sort of five to six degrees lower than normal and that is going to trigger those emergency payments uh for people on benefit so people could be getting 25 quid for their heating bills straight into their accounts as I mentioned I’m actually just outside a grit station

    We’re just by abedine airport these boys are working 12-hour shift at the moment there’s just a waste management van coming out of the of the gates behind me but we’ve seen a few gritting lorries coming in and out I spoke to the guys here at bord be who are running this

    Place and they told me yesterday 12-hour shifts we tried to set up an interview for you but they said they just cannot find the time to speak to the Press at the moment as much as they’d like to because because of that serious snow shower yesterday uh you know these guys

    Have been basically working around the clock they’ve been out all night we’re expecting a few more lores to come in and pick up some more stuff this morning um but yeah potentially absolute chaos especially across Southern Scotland this afternoon and then down into Northwest England as well on the roads if you’re

    In your car do be careful thank he’s amazing honestly and got seven layers on so hopefully staying warm enough said I want to be in television the poor man just sent the word just just very good taking the snowball but he’s not a forecaster he’s just a wouldbe reporter

    We’ve got the real deal in the studio do you feel guilty when you see him up there in Scotland doing the business and you’re sat here and address in the studio should that not be you nasan gaffer no straight forward straight to it um he talked about chaos in southern SK let’s

    Talk about the rest of the country as well you know well it’s the snow for today and the main issues are anywhere from the north of the Midlands northwards that’s where we’re going to see some significant amounts of snowfall as Nick mentioned there are several warnings for snow and ice enforced by

    The Met office today tomorrow the day after and it stays cold for those days as well now the snow areas of most concern are the merys side area Northwest England the north of Wales and Northern Ireland as well as the central Bel of Scotland both these areas seeing

    Rain sleet and snow Crossing eastwards and bringing up to 20 cm with the snow showers across Northern parts of Scotland that’s where we’re likely to see up to 20 cm every everywhere else 5 to 10 centimeters now this is this morning’s rush hour is going to cause an

    Issue and for Scotland I think this evening’s Rush Hour the rows are really going to be quite tricky perhaps not even a good idea to to travel at all today as Nick was sort of hinting at now they call this an Arctic blast okay how long is this blast expected to last for

    And when is it not going to be that absolute sort of bitterness when you go I like it well yeah you see it’s an Arctic blast because it’s winds from the north that’s an Arctic air flow that’s why the temperatures are so low uh they are this time of year should be

    Around 8 degrees we’re looking at highs around 3 to five but uh it ends as we head into the weekend we see more of a southwestlynnwood 4 minutes to9 lots more to come after the break including we have plenty more on the r over Rwanda with the Times

    Columnist Hugo Rifkin and one nation Tory Robert buin do please keep in touch with your opinions talk today at talk. TV TT 287 tr2 it’s 4 minutes to9 we’re live across the UK even the snowy bits we’re coming back in three we’re here thanks for joining us

    You’re with talk TV on t TV on radio online onun your smart speaker as well criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about sport today we do it all sunak

    Sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon have the

    Other the police are pro Palestine that is just not right you swearing o in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a

    Tragedy the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million £40 million so far so40 million so far nil absolutely nil are we only going to be

    Trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come for Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin book Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking for a liit if you’re walking

    Towards me and you’re a vegan she have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC Mouse man MC

    Mouseman mous man he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunac and the current conservative government are not conservative why

    Don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on reform UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if

    It’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually

    Not my job to answer your questions are you prepared to call a terror group is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should Hass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only

    Place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music for the many I love poetry we can agree on that on TV on Radio and on your smartphone this is talk TV this is talk today with Jeremy Kyle and Rosie Wright a very good morning it is 9:00 on Tuesday the 16th of January and you would talk today my friends on TV radio online and of course your smart speaker and these are Tuesday Morning’s top stories the Rwanda Rebellion the

    Prime Minister faces down a mutiny as dozens of his own MPS threaten to scuffer his policy a dire warning as the defense secretary says we are in a pre-war world with enemies Gathering all around us we look at the risk to Great Britain and 91 felony charges haven’t dented Donald Trump’s re-election

    Campaign as he gets a landslide victory over Republican rivals in the Iowa caucus and it’s still cold for today with the risk of more know across northern areas that could cause some travel disruption I’ll have the details later in the program thanks now it’s just gone 9:00 Emily has your news

    Headlines good morning Donald Trump has won a landslide victory in the crucial first contest in the race to become the Republican candidate for November’s us election projections suggest the former president has stormed to victory in the Iowa caucuses after becoming the overwhelming favorite to be the top pick amongst Republican members overnight

    Trump hailed his victory and said should he take the top job again his first task will be to tighten up the borders we can’t have that we can’t have that it’s not sustainable as a country it’s horrible and you know they’re coming from prisons and jails they’re coming

    From all over they’re coming from countries that most people have never heard of and they’re coming from mental institutions and insane asylums they’re being emptied out into our country and they are terrorists many terrorists are coming in the prime minister is gearing up for a showdown with members from his

    Own party when his controversial Rwanda Bill returns to the commons later Rishi sunak facing a big dilemma over whether he should toughen up the plan to appease those on the right of his party who could potentially trigger a rebellion and if he does political experts say

    He’s at risk of losing the support of the center who already feel the bill goes far enough new figures from the office for National statistics shows the rate of UK unemployment remained unchanged at 4.2% in the three months to November meanwhile data shows that wage growth has slowed but still remains well

    Above the rate of inflation at 6.6% well the chancellor Jeremy Hunt says with inflation falling it’s heartening to see that real wages are growing for the fifth month in a row a study suggests that 7,000 Hospital admissions and deaths in the UK could have been avoided in Summit 2022 if

    People had had all their covid Jabs experts found that between a third and a half of people had not had the recommended number of vaccinations and boosters by June the 1st 2022 equating to almost 27 million people in England alone the researchers found that uptake of vaccines was high for the first dose

    But got worse as more doses were offered and some parts of the UK could see up to 20 cmers of snow today as the Arctic Blast from the north takes hold a yellow weather warnings in place for Scotland Northern Ireland much of northern England and North Wales throughout the

    Day you’re up to date with the headlines we’ll have another update at 10 o’cl thank you Emily the only person not to make a mistake this morning it’s true you’re a legend legend back to our top story rushi sunak Flagship Rwandan immigration plan returns to the commer

    Today as you’ve heard where it would be debated by our MPS that’ll be fun well the prime minister is staging a bit of a last Stitch bid to try to win over right-wing conservative MPS who are threatening to vote down his legislation we thought it’ be good to kind of just

    Go back a little bit and remind ourselves of how the Rwanda scheme came to fruition this is our attempt to explain it to you well following a drastic increase in the number of people crossing the channel in April 2022 the then PM Boris Johnson announced a plan to deport migrants arriving in small

    Boats to Rwanda for their claims to be processed there okay the policy was eventually signed for a duration of five years by the then Home Secretary pretty Patel and then in June that year the first deportation flight to Rwanda containing just seven people was cancelled only minutes before take up

    Following a ruling by a judge in his pajamas at the European Court of Human Rights well moving on to October with n see swella bravman takes over from bretty patella’s Home Secretary by November she admitted the government had failed to control our borders take a breath forward to June 2023 the Rwandan

    Deal was ruled unlawful by the court of appeal with judges concluding that Rwanda is not a safe country to forcibly Deport Asylum Seekers too so now bra’s out cleverly’s in sunak faced a voting the commons trying to force through the bill after appeasing the one nation Tories he won that vote did he

    Just about 313 to 270 so what does today’s vote mean well MPS will debate and vote on the plans there’s many of the bills different stages and there’ll be chances for them to introduce amendments to in effect water it down or make it stronger it’s the deputy speaker

    Whose name I have no idea who it is will decide which ones are selected we got there right that brings us up to today earlier we spoke to labor Jonathan Ashworth who’s not convinced that the tourist will ever stop the boats this is the third piece of

    Legislation that they brought to try and stop the boats and they keep failing to stop the boats because in the end you’ve got to have a crossborder plan to go after these people smuggling gangs these people smuggling gangs who order boats now to order they don’t sort buy them

    Off Amazon or something they actually get these boats manufactured to order this is a big criminal Enterprise and you need to work cross border uh with your different Security Services and your Police Services to really go after them so how’s today going to develop well joining us in the studio Times

    Columnist Hugo riffkind and also political commentator Benedict Spence good morning to you both you’ve made it Benedict yeah Hugo let’s start with you okay it looks as though despite the chaos and the kind of posturing and the pr from different MPS this probably will pass what’s your

    Evaluation I think it will probably pass because it sort of a scraped through last time but I mean look that there are times there are times in British politics where you think either you’re going mad or everyone else has gone mad and in this Cas I think it’s everyone

    Else right this this policy is nonsense this policy has always been nonsense if they send nobody to Rwanda it’s obviously nonsense if they send everybody to Rwanda it’s still nonsense we had what people are worried about immigration but there were what three4 of a million net migration last year and

    Illegal Crossings of the channel 29,000 it’s about 3% it’s not if if the point is to alleviate concerns of immigration whether this nonsense policy works or not is immaterial what it really is it’s it’s a fight in the conservative party about um about it’s a posturing fight

    About how much they have to care about international law that’s what it’s all about can I just say bless you Benedict Spence I mean harder for you to get to our Studios today on the London Underground than it is for a migrant to get to the United Kingdom on a boat it

    Is I mean if you’ve ever want a vision of how you need to go to London Bridge station up in a morning when there’s an emergency on the tube it really is a sight to behold I think bre honestly honestly though this whole what we’re at

    The stages right now is it’s question of rak’s authority he needs to get this through so that he can get it out of the way so that we all stop talking about it because every time we talk about it it’s a reminder of the fact that the conservatives have had five years to

    Deal with the Small Boat Crossings and they’ve still not yet quite got to that point he will then want to obviously move on to questions of the economy he wants to bring forward lots of tax cuts and tried to persuade us all that oh that thing that whole Rwanda thing yeah

    That didn’t happen oh and we have got the numbers down by the way which was what I promised I promised to get them down to zero but I’ve got them down slightly but that’s okay and I think that that’s at the stage where we’re at now where the prime minister is

    Literally just trying to say it’s okay guys I’ve got control over my own party when in fact everybody knows that he doesn’t I mean earlier Hugo we were speaking to Damen green who said I suspect that the arounda plan will be a deterrent that it you know the conservatives themselves don’t even seem

    Hugely convinced that this is a this is a really really good plan I mean look at the cost and the chaos that it’s caused in the meantime you wonder is it still now just far far far too late for the prime minister to say got to give this

    Up he’s going to have to push forward with it it’s far too late and that’s his own fault look richy soon didn’t think it was a deterrent when he was Chancellor James cleverly you described it in words that I cannot say on television you know they all think they

    All think it’s they all think it’s nonsense it’s his own fault he didn’t basically he he it was a sort of nonsense Boris Johnson let build let’s build a flying airport let’s cut to the chase that’s what I that’s what angers me listen I happen to be a Boris fan and

    I understand party gate brought him down but this man this this this unelected Tory leader and unelected prime minister showed straight away in my humble opinion where his morality was if you disagree with something and you’re prepared to go along with it just to get

    Braan on side to get her support to get into number 10 then you’ve made a bed you’ve got to Lion straight away he’s now faced with a situation where the centes Tores who uh you know the wets I used to call them right they say oh

    We’ve got to worry about this the ones on the right are going this doesn’t go far enough he’s in no man’s land and it’s his own fault and he has chosen a hill to down and keep saying it and I don’t know why I had to he could have

    Swept into Downing Street and said this is rubbish I’m doing my own thing but it’s not just him it’s all of them they all know they having a bogus argument about a bogus thing that won’t make any difference to the to the actual concern that is purported to address they know

    Why Benedict why don’t they just say bigger picture here what’s really important is that we’re just consistent and we get on as a party rather than infighting because you know come the end of the year when we all go to vote at least a party that can stick together

    Would be stronger than one in disarray I think the problem is that the Alternatives when it comes to immigration and immigration is now a huge issue as it has become because they’ve made it because they’ve not acted on it the true solutions to immigration are not very popular

    Ultimately if it includes speeding up of processing that ultimately will mean a lot of people have their applications rejected or approved that perhaps needed more time to be taken over if you want to deport a lot of people it’s very expensive to do and as we’ve seen with this government’s decision to Outsource

    That to commercial airlines rather than paying for their own planes actually it can be very difficult because passengers and Pilots say no we don’t want anything to do with that you can’t say okay let everybody in because you alienate an awful lot of is it is now a significant

    Issue in just about every constituency but you can’t say send them more home because you will end up sending people who deserve to be here and who need Sanctuary home as well why haven’t we got a processing system after 13 years tour power because it’s expensive that’s

    Why they don’t want to do this ultimately because it’s very expensive it’s very bureaucratic it involves a huge amount of infrastructure building if if nothing else they need to hire more people in the home office which is this thing that they’ve been trying to streamline for however long that is the

    Ultimate issue is that you know if you want to put people that are not in hotels you need to build specialized detention centers that’s going to be unpopular because it’s a bad look and because it’s expensive and you planning permission that’s the problem is that

    This they thought was going to be a very easy out we’ll just send a few people over there it’s faster easy to build things in Randa and that’ll be enough that’ll say to the people Smugglers and the people want to come oh you might end up there but no ultimately they’ve

    Managed to make a hash of that as well so now they’re going to have to go down the expensive and unpopular routes if they want to get it resolved but they’re not going to Benedict you go hold right St there because Stills come here on talk today well ask conservative MP

    Robert buckin what he makes the proposed amendments to the Rwanda bill being being table by the socaled five families it is 911 stay with us for coming back we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online onun your smart speaker as well

    Criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak so scun I rather like David Cameron I don’t

    Sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he would deliver the tor’s love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks with sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other the police are pro Palestine that

    Is just not right you swearing off in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a s were a tragedy the amount of time it’s taken

    The number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zilt the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we saying it’s cost about 140 million 140 million so far so £40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta

    And Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the Jeremy Corbin B Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan you have a great big

    Orange sticker over here saying watch out vegan’s about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC Mouse man mous man M he should be easy enough to catch this

    Guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after watching a Tom Cruz film sunak and the current conservative government are not conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology

    This has been a party political broadcast onf the reform UK party kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solved this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s own camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re

    Going to Res yes cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not joking did you feel Elvis was controlling I’ve been answering your question you answer mine it’s actually not my job to answer your questions are you prepare to call Hass a terror group

    Is it possible to have a rational I’ve asked you two questions should aass stay in power and are they a terror group you’re refusing to answer either of them that is very telling talk TV is the only place where you get the truth you’ve done a book on poetry poetry and music

    For the many I love poetry we can agree on that welcome back approaching 9:15 Tuesday Morning latest day MPS will be debating the ongoing Rwanda plan in the Commons as Rich sunite prepares to face down the Tory Rebels well that’s actually the not boring bit to what extent are the conservatives causing so

    Much chaos within their own party we’ll continue to hear from Hugo riffkin and benefit Benedict Spence there in the studio in just a moment but first let’s hear from one of the key players in today’s proceedings former Secretary of State for justice Sir Robert Buckland

    Who joins us now thank you so much for your time ultimately how are you how are you feeling heading into this afternoon this evening when everyone comes to vote that the biggest problems you’re facing right now are from your own colleagues well I I I think that um this particular

    Policy is a subset of a subset when it comes to migration and we should remember that I think James cleverly was right a few weeks ago and he said it’s not the be all and end all however when we pass legislation I think we’ve got to

    Try and get it right and do it as properly as possible and that’s why I think in this case although the bill isn’t a very long one I think even less would be more that the problem with adding Clauses and amendments to the bill is that in fact we we’re going to

    Create more work for lawyers and more delay and that’s why I think actually streamlining this bill would be A Better Way Forward Sir Robert welcome to talk today thank you so much for coming on um we talk about deterrence people will tell me in the Tory party that if one

    Migrant takes off between now and the general election that sends out a very positive message I put to you what I put to everybody all morning out of frustration call me a voter okay I do not understand sir after 13 years right how your party the government has not

    Looked at this situation and gone we have 170,000 people in ble you can throw figures at me but at the weekend the home office announced that they’d lost 17,000 people to the people north and south of this country who are struggling they will go why can’t we process it

    Here and get it done and why are we not able to make those choices because we in those red wool seats we can’t see a doctor we can’t go and see a dentist we are struggling and people in this country Robert are saying I think for

    The first time yes of course we should look after people from war torn countries but France isn’t War torn we’re soft and we need to be stronger people want that well J the frustration that people feel about this is something I understand and share I talk to Residents

    Every week about these issues and I think what gets to people is not the sense that we welcome uh genuine refugees it’s that the enforcement procedures when people have exhausted their rights of appeal just don’t seem to work as well as they should and that we end up with people slipping through

    The cracks and working frankly on the black market uh doing irregular jobs probably being paid way below the minimum wage that’s the reality of Life out there uh which is why I think the question of enforcement deterence is is a really important one uh you know we

    Solved the problem with lorri and the channel tunnel remember that we had problems with the trains people jumping on under trains that stopped but then of course it moved move to small boats because criminals will always try and find a loophole and exploit uh vulnerability and that’s the problem

    That we’re not just facing in the channel but our friends in Italy are facing in the med and right across Europe This is a europe-wide problem and your point about other safe countries is a proper one which is why it’s not wrong to look at third countries to try and

    Help us deal with this Challenge and other countries like uh Italy like Austria and indeed Denmark have been trying to and if fact in Italy’s case successfully doing deals with other countries to help deal with the processing of a surely with respect Robert jumping in you did that with

    Albania we were we were talking a year and a half ago on this station that Albanian male prisoners were maybe 25% of foreign criminals and a deal was done with Albania and that’s righted itself what I’m trying to say directly and I’d love an answer right is why is sunak

    Choosing to die on a hill that is going to make no difference when he should have and I think previous Prime Ministers should gone right we’re going to get a processing we’re going to get tough a lot of people I got a text from somebody who says thousands of people

    Have come into this country some of them legal some of them illegal our country’s on its knees your government is not going to win the next election yes it tries to prove that the British people understands that frustration that’s all I’m saying no I get that J I don’t think

    It’s a question of either or I think rwanda’s a part of the process you’re right to high like the successful Albania deal in my view getting deals with other countries that are the source of this issue I is abely the way forward we saw a direct relationship between

    That deal and the collapse in the number of Albanian males coming here and indeed a reduction in small boat numbers last year if we can reach deals with other countries I think that will certainly crack it so Rwanda for me is just a part of it yes it gets a lot of attention

    Because it gets debated here on the floor of the House of Commons I don’t make an apology for wanting to get the law right but ultimately Jeremy you’re right that you know if we just focus on this one policy we’re missing the bigger picture here which is concerning people

    And that’s the message I keep on repeating to my colleagues about the uh challenge of immigration but thenert you must be so frustrated that this is taking up so much time but also an extraordinary amount of money that actually it looks like you and your boss the Prime Minister having to pretend

    That they actually think is going to work well it is uh res I mean the amount of resources being spent on it are considerable I mean I think this is something genuinely new what we’re doing here is not just asking uh uh Rwanda to whole people whilst we

    Use UK law to process them we’re actually giving the whole responsibility to Rwanda and that in itself has been I think the big risk here because that opened up arguments to say that Rwanda was not safe that’s why the Supreme Court last year uh disagreed with the

    Government uh but we’ve continued to uh use this framework I mean I to be fair I think the new treaty signed with Rwanda uh contains a lot of important changes and improvements to the systems they’re going to use news which I think now change the arguments that we can use to

    Argue that it is a safe country and that’s why I think today uh making sure in the debate that everything that Rwanda has said it’s going to do is going to happen seems to me to be a very important underpinning of this if we’re going to deem Rwanda to be a safe

    Country then the facts better follow that uh law otherwise we’re going to be rightly accused of legislating to say that uh you know left is Right Robert we’re going to have to finish you you’re my daughter’s MP by the way you’re doing a good job uh thank you very much indeed

    For being on appreciate look Hugo Benedict is still in the studio Hugo Robert’s talking about risk isn’t there a real risk here that the conservatives just lose credibility when it comes to their claim they’ll stop the boats what do you mean lose I mean has that already happened I thought that was that

    Interiew that was just really sad he’s he’s not a stupid man he’s one of he’s he’s one of the smartest story MPS out there I’m one of the sest story story MPS out there and yet he’s forced to defend this policy for the sake of party

    Unity that he knows his nonsense he said the resources were considerable it’s been a quarter of a billion pounds they’ve spent on this a quarter of a billion pounds I think that’s already Point Benedict but the Hugo mates you look at them I’m not convinced that cleverly thinks it’s any good I’m not

    And that’s the issue and it’s just taken over everything but again you know what is the alternative is which Tory MP do you go to their constituents and you say right well we’re going to build a Detention Center that can take 20,000 people it’s just like the houses they

    All want it done but they don’t want it done it’s going cost a lot of money and then how do you say to other government around the world by the way we’re going to buy a plan the home office is going to buy you know 747 or something and

    We’re just going to land with you know however many hundreds of your citizens and you’ve got to take them back I mean that’s what a a stronger government would do but actually this government isn’t going to do that not in a month of suay talking about strong leadership I

    Cannot let you both go without a quick reaction to the news overnight Donald the Trump completely crushing every rival in the Iowa caucuses to santis and second Nikki Haley third Donald some extraordinary speech we won’t go into he is going to be the 47th president of the

    United States and I’ve been saying it for a year you think I’m nuts well you did Hugo not now well um there’s look I think it’s still not a given that he would beat Joe Biden it’s still not a given it’s still not a given that he gets the nomination Nikki Haley could

    Pip him to it look I where do you even start I mean I thought it was remarkable that there was a significant proportion of of America a majority of America that considered Donald Trump to be the answer answer to their problems and that was before he’ even spent four years proving

    That he wasn’t so um so why there I mean there are there are sometimes you just need to throw up your hands and accept that America is a much much much for more foreign country than we like I’ve lived in Middle America we only have about a minute Benedict your response I

    Think that the impact that Joe Biden has had in Middle America actually has been that disastrous that most people actually do now look at Donald Trump and think well actually things weren’t quite as bad under him but the main thing is foreign policy you know since Joe Biden

    Has entered the White House things have really gone to pot in a lot of places around the world and I just think that they don’t view Joe Biden’s rehashing of Barack Obama’s appease Iran policy as a particularly good one now that the Middle East is on fire China sa rattling

    Over Taiwan oh and a war has started in Eastern Europe I think that ultimately is what it comes down to do you want the guy who wants to do a nuclear deal with Iran or do you want the guy who blows up kasm solmani just because he can I think

    Ultimately most Americans would side with the latter it just feels like Americans are choosing from extremes that’s what that’s what they’ve been given a man who could be in prison and pardon himself you think we’re screwed a country I don’t think Americans care much about foreign policy and I think

    Jaan spent a huge amount of money let carry on I really appreciate you being here Hugo the legend that is Benedict I made it eventually spent thank you gentlemen that’s it pretty much from us from on us on tour today we’ll see you tomorrow from 6 uh bit more of Jeremy

    Though next have a great day here’s the weather in N times radio sponsors talk TV weather hello today continues cold with the risk of snow particularly across northern areas anywhere from the north Midlands northwards there will be particularly heavy snow across Northwest England the north of Wales parts of Northern Island seeing snow this morning and across the

    Central belt of Scotland as well as Northern Scotland as much as 20 cmers Across The High Ground to low levels around 5 to 10 cmet so tricky traveling conditions throughout today for Central and Southern parts of England and Wales though it looks mostly fine and dry but

    It is Bally cold everywhere and snow showers will continue through tonight across many parts of the north but the significant snow will clear off into the North Sea from parts of Scotland and Northern England it will be a widespread Frosty night and the risk of ice as well

    On any snowy surfaces across Northern Ireland Scotland Northern England and the northwest of Wales as well then through tomorrow it will be a drier day although snow showers will continue to feed in from the north so still affecting parts of Scotland perhaps Northern England and Northern Ireland

    But otherwise mostly dry with plenty of wintry Sunshine but again it will be feeling bitter cold Everywhere times radio sponsors talk TV Weather we’re here thanks for joining us you’re with talk TV on TV on radio online on your smart speaker as well they have made a statement condemning Hamas we expect to see the crown revisit Harry’s anti-semitic Halloween costume criminals to using XL Bully dogs as weapons to threaten others no matter how

    Well trained most dog owners will tell you a dog can turn do you know what I love about talk today we do it all sunak sella scon I rather like David Cameron I don’t sort of bear him any ill will because he delivered the referendum that he said he

    Would deliver the Israelis are very conciliatory all they want is to be recognized the timing of this hamus attack comes because there was the expectation there was going to be a deal down to normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia the Tories love a scrap you can almost see this coming around the tracks

    With sella bravman she’s heading up one side and richy soon at the other reshuffle usually very dull this one has booster Rockets attached to it certainly the tone has shifted in terms of what Rashi sunak has done the question now is what he does next the police are pro

    Palestine that is just not right you swearing Al in the police to act without fear or favor the co inquiry seems to have turned into a sort of pantomim there’s not really any substance to it it’s hard to know whether it’s a fce or a tragedy talk TV has spoken exclusively

    To a member of the Blade Runners do you have a message for sadique Khan we’re not stopping until you stop the amount of time it’s taken the number of illegal migrants currently sent by us to Rwanda zil the amount of money it’s cost we’re saying what are we

    Saying it’s cost about 140 million £140 million so far so40 million so far result nil absolutely nil are we only going to be trusting sources like meta and Google where is our unbiased news going to come from Kell in winter is cold that is from the jemy Corbin B

    Kevin O Sullivan is the worst presenter on talk TV sitting on his fat ass talking if you’re walking towards me and you’re a vegan should have a great big orange sticker over here saying watch out about the weirdest plank that we’ve had in three years hundreds and hundreds of

    Mice in a box which he walks into a branch of McDonald MC mous man MC Mouse man M mous he should be easy enough to catch this guy shouldn’t he I mean he’s got house full of mice this is a major Summit President Biden decided this was important after

    Watching a Tom Cruz film do you think people underestimate how important music is for this country it’s about 10 times the size of the fishing industry so the music industry although it looks fun and glamorous it’s a tough tough industry sunak and the current conservative government are not

    Conservative why don’t you leave that party and come to one that actually shares your ideology this has been a party political broadcast on behalf of the reform UK party hi off kids think all they have to do is take pictures of everything just shut down Tik Tok problem solve why did that

    West ever think she was worth her full payoff is anybody who’s working for an instit tion funded by the taxpayer worth1 million and I would say absolutely not this is really unfair what what what’s unfair if it’s on camera we’re not doing interviews yes I’m going to do you’re going to Res yes

    Cuz I cannot continue my work when I say I am God I’m not


    1. All this talk about Rwanda, yet no mention of the fact that Rwanda has sent 6 of their most needy to us, yet we have not sent even 1 to them. The whole thing is a bloody joke.

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