1. 'To new places worth discovering'.

      Who wrote this? Did you do any A/B testing of the content before you released it? Who's the audience? Is this a pitch to central government for new funding? Sincerely hope so.

    2. Everyone except people with bicycle trailers that cannot get past the barriers.Despite being told that the sustrans mandate was to remove these barriers 2 years ago .

    3. Shame about the 100s of missing sign posts.
      i attempted the TPT/route 62.
      I managed about 1/3 of it but had to quit, the challenge was meant to be the ride, not desyphering the sign posts in Stockport where the TPT suddenly links up with several other TPTs going in every direction and constantly changing, you follow the TPT east sign, just to be told at the next sign you're now going west.
      I appreciate Sustrans is a charity, but it seems to me they'd rather make 100 routes badly than 50 done properly with consistent signage.

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