Ex Welsh rugby fly half Rhys Priestland and Sportin Wales Co-Founder Alex Cuthbert analyse Gatland’s Six Nations 15, and talk of the blow to Wales after Zammit’s move.

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    Sporttin Wales podcast supported by Dragon B your go-to for Welsh sports News and Views hello and welcome to a new week and a new episode of the sporting Wales podcast with me G Hardy this is where we review and preview the sporting Wales week with the help of

    Special guests and our sponsor Dragon bet sporting Wales is co-founded by Gareth ankam and Alex kbut and you can find our sporting Wales magazine in various sport clubs gyms ledure centers and lots of other venues right across Wales and online now every week as I said we’re joined by two guests and this

    Week we have Alex cuber back to join us and former Wales Scarlet’s bath and car fly half Reese priestland Reese first time on the Pod welcome thank you yeah you excited to be here next to Kathy cannot wait can’t the enthusiasm is there definitely um obviously retired

    Now we’ve seen you popping up on TV doing some punditry you enjoying that I’m enjoying it yeah it’s um it’s a decent commitment you know working full-time and then you know I was out in Paris this week we again left half 4 on a Friday morning and back at 12:00 last

    Night so and then back in the office this morning so it’s a decent commitment but no I do enjoy it and in terms of kind of you say the office lots of fans won’t know what are you actually up to from like a Monday to Friday these days

    So Financial advising uh did my exams whilst I was playing um did all my training so um yeah just trying to get some clients at the moment but yeah really enjoying that it’s you know meeting people find out what’s important to them and stuff like that so um yeah

    I’m I’m really fortunate I’m really enjoying what I do and I think um you know that’s the biggest challenge when you finish something like rugby is like yeah going into something that you can see yourself longterm doing and and really enjoy doing it so I’m very fortunate I’m a good company and uh

    I’m loving it at the moment preparing for the next chapter I find really interesting with sports stars so when did you actually start thinking about that then so my plan well my my career was a little bit different probably I went off to UNI um never thought I was

    Going to be a rugby player um so finished my degree um in economics and then you know rugby I got my first contract I thought I’ll get found out soon enough um this last a couple of years and I’ll be back I’ll go to work

    In the city which was always my plan uh rugby ended up lasting a lot longer than that about 16 years so um once I was up in bath had the opportunity to do an NBA Masters in Business Administration so did that over two years um really

    Enjoyed that side of it and then ended up coming back to Cardiff just cuz probably my Network’s a bit stronger here than he was in in bath and um yeah just did did my exams whil I was my my advisory exams cuz you know I I knew I

    Wanted to be in finance but then speaking to a few um ex players who’ gone into Financial advising they genely seemed happy about about life and I looked more into it I was like yeah I can really see myself doing this long term and really getting a this this can

    Be you know as good a career as it as as rugby was for me so um yeah it you know I I I spent a lot of time investing myself in terms of qualification and stuff like that and um yeah thankfully I’ve landed in something that that I can

    See myself doing long term now and talking of tapping up clients and stuff is it rugby boys you go to First in your phone book anybody need any help not if they’re getting offer the same contracts I was offered last year um yeah no so it’s all sorts really

    Um young Sportsmen if you know the early you can get you start putting getting all your what’s it saying your ducks in order is it yeah ducks in a row ducks in a row you know the early you can start on that journey and and planning for for

    For sort of later life and um getting that discipline into the better so um yeah all sorts of clients really just trying to figure out um at the moment who who who I can sit down with an add value to yeah great Steph and Al how was

    Your weekend mate good yeah good yeah busy watched a lot an awful lot of rugby on the couch in the house uh lot of NFL as well and obviously just for the kids um uh partner Sarah she was out in the town so uh I had had the kids all

    Weekend I know Sarah she does tuck you up on every now and again doesn’t she she she is out quite a lot with the girls yeah I Fair bit I’ve got them notched down D so uh I’ve got a couple of golf trips B ready to add the days up

    Good good osprey’s win that that was a nice way to end the weekend as well yeah it was fair play you know I think uh a lot of people would have have written them off um especially the team that we we sent out in a young young Squad um

    The boys said it was like breathing through a straw out there it was terribly it was tough as hard the worst conditions I think the boys had there ever to play but came through you know three tries in the last seven minutes to win uh now we got home last 16 against

    Saila so exciting exciting to in that knockout game and um I do think we may send them down bro field so that should be good yeah interesting interesting we’ve got lots to crack on with today and Dragons bet James level will join us a little bit later on as well um it

    Seems to be really busy when it comes to Welsh sport at the moment constantly um and Lewis ream he did the dirty on us a little bit Al last week because we record this ree every Monday right and ls’s news came out on the Tuesday we

    Will get it um but did did you think that was coming because it was kind of mentioned of it in the past but no one took it seriously so what was it a shock to you uh yeah it was to be fair um I think I don’t think he knew he was going

    Until the Monday anyway I think he was obviously just trying to get a feel for obviously the the contract that he was offered uh for going out there but I think you just got to take your hat off to him really fair play you know it’s a

    Big gamble for him but for me I think for him it’s a win-win in terms of he’s 22 he’s got an opportunity to go out there he’s going to be you know looked after incredibly well the 10 weeks and he’s got a great opportunity to to try

    And you know work his way into NFL it’s going to be extremely tough you know the percenta of players from internationally going over it and actually claiming a spot on even practice squads is quite low but you know I think for me he’s in a win-win in terms of worst case

    Scenario if it doesn’t quite go to plan you know he’s still got his rugby background and I think most clubs would snap him up when when he comes back but great opportunity and for a 22y old to go live in Florida now you know it’s going be some life cuz I remember

    Speaking to him over two years ago in the Autumn camp and I was asking him what he’s going to do once his contracts up in Gloucester you coming back to Wales or whatever he I’m going to go to the NFL I was like okay just thought like a

    Throwaway comment but fair play to him he’s like gone for it and um yeah like like Cy said there I think it’s a win-win for him you know he’s he’s such a talent such um physically so so gifted and um yeah he’s literally going out there and living the dreams so it’s

    Going to be hard work but uh very jealous of him yeah so 10 weeks is the is the pathway training camp and if he makes it from there yeah Al there’ll be like an Academy Squad with more money for him but and then his 53 man squad

    Then then he’s into the serious serious money the 750 year whatever yeah that’ll be an awful tough ass I think so he goes out there I think for the 10we training camp and then what they do is they pick there’s about 40 of them out there international pathway players gone there

    They average on six players get out of that into the the next pathway Squad bit and then that’s when you you can earn a little bit of money he’d be on you know maybe 130 Grand I think my my agency was trying to say and then if he gets onto

    The wider Squad then that’s when you can start earning some big money but over there average salary in the NFL is about 2 million so you know it’s we’re talking big numbers but then once you get into the 53 that is when you’re talking massive money but I think he’ll have a

    Couple of years to obviously get into that and hopefully he gets every opportunity and like re said this 10 weeks is massive really you know he’s got to learn the game I I know he probably knows quite a bit but just the Ines of the tech technical side of it is

    Going to be massive and it’s going to be completely new and alien to him so it’ be interesting to see how he goes I don’t know if ree knows this but um Gareth Anam text me and said ask Cy about him on the pathway so you’ve actually attempted the pathway program

    Before the NFL yeah yeah I did it in 2016 uh to travel to Tottenham Hotspur training ground met a guy out there who was part of the Jagua Jacksonville Jags um and he they were saying they wanted me for a tight end which I think more of

    A Long Snapper Long Snapper yeah but um this was like sort of par halfway sort of near the end of Six Nations and I would have only probably had about four to five weeks training it like zam’s obviously having 10 weeks I would have only had four to five weeks and I don’t

    Think it would have been enough time I was out of contract I was a lot older you know I was 26 27 so um and I needed a few operations at the time I think as well so but it was a great opportunity to go and and meet the guy you know and

    Enjoyed the uh the you know the occasion and and um the chance to to to do it but yeah it was good fun and like bri said very jealous of too Fair it’s going to be going to be a good fun I really hope he makes it cuz it would be so amazing

    To have a Welshman playing in the NFL and involved but it is a tough task as you’ve explained there um I think Rees is fair to say instantly a lot of people said oh it’s about the money this move but I don’t think it is at all it’s

    Something that he really wants to do and now is the perfect time for it to do it so young because if it doesn’t work out he can come back to to Japan to France to Wales to England and play rugby again yeah exactly and if you look at Zam he doesn’t

    Really he s breaks a old isn’t he he did that documentary he’s you know he’s much more than a rugby player he’s a he’s a personality away from me he’s got he’s he’s a brand really isn’t he so um I think this just adds to do Lewis ream

    With the brand and um yeah you know eventually might be Financial Financial move but for now I just think he’s he’s got the opportunity to go out there try something that nobody else has succeeded in from from rugby uh well definitely rugby in in the northern hemisphere yeah

    And um you know he he could be the he could be the first so I think that that’s probably something that really excites him yeah cuz he signed with rock nation which is Jay-Z’s agency so the brand deals will definitely come if there’s a certain level of success out

    There you know um the connections Jay-Z’s got you know it’s going to happen simple as but financially you know even if he comes back to play here I’d imagine you’ll get a better contract than he’s been offered in Gloucester which is rumored 300K a year there yeah

    It’d be um obviously depending on how well he goes out there he he’s going to have it any option really I think Japan would be probably a good option you know he’s for him M he’s never really seemed to be and you know he wants to be more

    Than that he wants to be well known not just in rugby but he’s it was well documented in his documentary wasn’t it about how he wants that world Fame you know he wants to live the high life and you know this is the start to what he

    Thinks that could help him get to that you know I think rugby is probably a little bit stagma at the moment in terms of the way it is I guess commercially and I think I guess for him like re said um commercially it’s going to be massive

    Isn’t it for from a UK guy going over to America he’s you know they’re going to love him out there I think and if he puts his head down and works hard he he could really get some reward out of it yeah let’s hope he does it I think we

    All wish him well from from here anyway and um you know if he’s back in 10 weeks time then we benefit from that don’t we but hopefully for him he does it it was kind of um it was my you know when take that splitter back in the day and all

    The girls were upset and then when Zayn left One Direction they were all upset him leaving Wales for me the other day was that kind of feeling the shock and kind of think think I’m never going to see him score a try for Wales again but

    Maybe we will maybe we won’t ree what you reckon did you reckon he can go far out there he’ll do it out the 10we program um he’s he’s definitely got the physical ability to do it like like cuty mentioned earlier like I watched quite a bit of NFL and it’s the in intricacies

    Of of of it’s such a specialized game um but you know I I out of anyone that’s that could succeed it’s it’s probably him so you know I I don’t his point of difference is Big isn’t it his speed is is up there with the top level in sport

    So that’s you know it’s a great starting point but like we said the the technical side of that game is massive you know you got kids that have played it from it’s like someone from NFL trying to come to rugby and be like you know

    Trying to figure out will he have to put weight on you think or is his kind of is his weight okay I I don’t think so there’s Turner it that is he yeah that’s what he was mentioning I was watching the NFL on the weekend and um Sky Sports

    He was chatting and uh they were saying about how he was looking at a kick return okay but no there’s there’s all sort you have got some massive massive if he was as a wide receiver you got some huge units there you’ve also got some smaller ones just quick so you know

    You don’t have to be a certain size or or height or or whatever there’s there’s Ro there there’s room there for for for different shapes and sizes a little bit less than rugby you don’t get the the extremes they’re all they’re all fit good good good athletes but you do get

    The old smaller on so I don’t think size being an issue for for him okay good well be wish him well um also last week the same day Warren Gatland did actually name a six Nation Squad as well um it’s going to be a new cycle as we know after

    The World Cup but um Alex first of all you’re not involved in this squad because you’ve had lots of injuries so from a personal point of view give us an insight into how kind of you felt on the day when you kind of not announced in

    The squad and how you’ll find the next few weeks with six nations fever kicking about well I already knew I wasn’t going to be in I haven’t played in a long time um I thought you retired not named it m come on mate I’m still got a few more

    Years left no but um no obviously it’s a very very young Squad you know it’s um well documented in terms I think it’s a squad that I think the W public are going to have to be patient with in terms of uh maybe gaining results or how

    Well they do obviously within the Six Nations um you know this week’s going to be a big week in terms of settling them in and learning the game plan and how they want to play I just don’t see the usual Warren gatland’s teams are usually quite physical want to get over gain

    Line I I just don’t see too many ball carriers too many players to do that so whether they change the way they want to play in terms of maybe a bit more speed and Pace trying to get wide channels trying to get the the main weapons you

    Know people like Mason Grady I think they need to get him involved as much as possible because he’s probably one of the best athletes in that Squad so it’d be interesting to see how they how they work that and and how they want to go forward average age is 25 race five

    Uncapped eight who have never played six nations before since they first kind of venture into that it will be challenging but like have you are you excited about kind of a young crop starting the cycle and going through it even though it will be difficult for Wales yeah I think so I

    Think if you look at it I’m not too sure who else they could have picked this the situation we’re in now um and to be fair a lot of those boys are in there they they they deserve to be there they’re not just actually let’s give a young guy

    A goal maybe come good in four years a lot of these younger boys have been playing well some of the better players in Wales this year so um yeah I agree with it’s going to be tough the six nation is always always tough you know you got France Ireland who are you know

    Very two well some of the best teams in the world um you know England will fancy their chances as well so and Scotland have been playing well haven’t they so they’re a settled team Scotland aren’t they that’s the trouble you know they’re playing well so going be a tough game

    That opener against Scotland you know because like you said they they they’re a solid team they’ve been together for a few years and we’ve got the opposite in a full house principality yeah we’ll be behind them but that’s no no forone conclusion at all well I think the one

    Benefit for us is that I don’t I think Scotland know how we’re going to play so we know exactly how Scotland are going to play you know they’re going to play on the front foot in terms of their back row and obviously Finn Russell pulling the strings now they got a pretty solid

    23 haven’t they whereas Wales I don’t think they know we probably don’t really know our best 15 you know going into that game so it’ be interesting you know we’re going to probably try and catch them off guard but like I said I think the experience is massive in six nations

    In in big games like that and um we are lacking that but then we’re lack we’re what we’re lacking in that we’re gaining in a lot of young players in terms of the Fear Factor they’re just going to go out there and want to play and they’re

    Playing well you know there’s a reason why they’re there because they’re doing their job at the club so yeah we’ll talk about number 10 in a moment ree if that’s okay but Gatland as said today um write us off at your peril these are his words uh do that and you could get

    Caught with your pants down um nobody wants that today let’s be honest is he says basically after that in the quote that you know if we beat Scotland we go to twickham if we can get a win in twickers then it’s all about momentum in

    The Six Nations but then they got to go straight to Dublin after that as well do you know what I mean so is that gamesmanship from Gatland from the off and he’s he is a master of it to be fair yeah two big ifs first two games like

    Scotland have probably had the upper hand recently and they’re a far more settled Squad um and in England you never know what you’re going to get get with them um but yeah um he’s to be fair to him he’s always he’s always talking about momentum and it’s come it’s proved

    True in the past where you know teams Welsh teams haven’t been um they haven’t been backed to do that well they get that one win and it is a bit of a a Snowball Effect then but like I said that that first game against Scotland is

    Going to be so tough so it’s a massive if where they get that that victory yeah David Jenkins uh new captain now obviously um second youngest Captain will he be there this this week so I think he can be there to what half of the week yeah it’s how it usually worked

    I don’t if it’s changed but they be there Monday to Wednesday and they go back to there because it’s the IRB yeah some in some regulations so every Club has to release them for for three days and then um they’ll go back and play the premier playing this weekend yeah um so

    He’ll be there Monday to Wednesday so how that’s going to affect preparations though that’s not ideal guys that’s that’s why they want players in Wales you know because they get access to them for the full two weeks beforehand yeah but it’s the same for Finn Russell for

    Example he’ll have to go back to Bath this weekend and cam red path people like that so um you know that’s that’s one of the big reasons that the coaches want players in will is because they get the access to them for the full two weeks before the tournament and that

    Extra week makes a hell of a difference doesn’t it in terms of just whether they want to get the the conditioning week in or or knowledge and learning I think that’s what they’re probably going to try and get a lot of this week but it’s also as well those those boys playing

    Based in Wales their focus is solely going to be on Scotland now whereas these other boys come in for three days do a bit of Fitness get beasted do a little bit of prep because EXA played yes well if you take the EXA guys for example they played yesterday so they’re

    Not going to do much today well they B on as well they won’t do much today maybe a little bit Tuesday and then Wednesday but they got to focus on whoever they’re playing on the weekend so it’s uh it is it is it is a challenge for those boys based outside of Wales

    Yeah and a weird on David Jenkins then because you got extra connections um is he the right man to do this you know obviously Jack and de are not are not fit would you be in your choice for Captain he’s doing a good job at a exra

    At the moment I think that’s probably why Warren’s gone there and he’s he’s a young lad um I did think maybe I thought Adam beard or Thomas Williams might have been a good shot in terms of just you know going through the World Cup um playing a lot of games you

    Know playing well I think just maybe a bit more experienced but I think DAV would be a good focal point in terms of the future and I think they just want to see how he reacts to to being Captain within the squad I think that’s just

    Something to look at he’s done it before though he he’s not scared to to name a young Captain is he Gat or all you know you’ll go for it and say this is what I’m doing yeah and I think there’s definitely something about DAV um I met

    Him a few times and there’s you know I’ve been nothing but impressed with him he’s got like hard Edge and he wants to get better and you know he’ll he’ll I think he’ll drive standards and and bring everyone along with him so yeah I think it’s a good good choice have you

    Seen that clip on social media I think he’s playing for the under 20s and he just walks through their team and nicks their water bottle I mean he’s he’s going to put it about and kind of lead by example that’s for sure which is kind of which is quite encouraging how does

    This affect the the starting eight then in the pack because if you’re captain in my head he’s starting so does that mean will Roland or Adam beard don’t start for Wales well we I was talking about this the other day we we were thinking maybe DAV could start six and then have

    Will and biry second row and then you’ve obviously then you’ve got probably Wayne Wright and um Tommy Rafel yeah I’d say that’s quite a good balance in terms of he’s a good line out option so you’ve got that cuz six at the moment I’m not sure who’s going to be sort of playing

    There it’s just whether they want to play with Tempo or with physicality that’s just the way they’re going to go I’m not sure re with them thoughts I agree with gats yeah yeah is it going to have they have to play differently a quicker game do you

    Think Wales to match the physicality of the other teams in the Six Nations yeah I don’t think too much will change there’s you know they’ve got theyve got a tried and tested way and when they get it right it’s it’s very effective you see them against Australia and the World

    Cup you know good strong kicking game good defense and and sort of capitalize on team on teams mistakes so um yeah I I I think they’ll stick to to the way they have historically played okay uh the front row slightly inexperienced but like you said ree he hasn’t had much to

    Pick from um Dylan Lewis being the one kind of he thought oh I’m quite surprised to see him in Ree your thoughts on that I’m surprised as well um I watched him play for quins against Ras in I thought he was unbelievable that game um just what he the work he

    Got to around the park you know Dills is going to give you that um and he was effective as well when he came down and play against Cardiff quinnn came off the bench and uh he play did he play 80 minutes that game as well near enough he still got the engine there

    Yeah and um you know what I’ve seen of him I’m watched loads of his games but he’s been he’s been decent this year so I you know I thought I thought be in the mix but obviously they want to go a different direction now so um you know

    I’d imagine Dills is pretty disappointed with that yeah he tweeted saying something on the lines of that he was really disappointed and gutted not to be involved Adam Jones one of his coaches of course has kind of backed him as well publicly um let’s get to this one this

    Is the big question everyone Wales talking about this at the moment who starts at 10 for Wales that’s the big question ree you’re the obvious one to come to First on this um Kai Evans you’re and lyd Tom Castello who would you kind of give the nod to um I think I

    Think costell start I think he’s been you know I haven’t I haven’t trained with the other two um so I’m might be a little bit bias but what I’ve seen of cost he’s he’s like great player he’s he’s well respected well liked um he’s Brave he’s got great skill set and um I

    Know they think a lot of him in that Squad so for me I think he he’s starting is his jersey to lose I know he hasn’t played a lot of rugby but I think he’s got enough credit in the bank over the last well probably World Cup camp and

    World Cup I thought he was good there so um I think he’s he’s starts Alex you’re noding your head there yeah I agree I think yeah he’s um a player that does he’s quite vocal isn’t he for for a young lad he will tell the Fords you

    Know where to be on or you know why aren’t you there in that sort of situation I think they stick with him from the World Cup as well I think they’re going to back him he’ll be the 10 for uh for a while I think cuz for

    For us Welsh fans I think the three we mentioned there have got around 15 caps between them so we look at the tens over the years your self re patchel uh bigger um we making a service some of there as well an yeah do you know what I mean so we got

    Four there that have got serious amount of experience and caps there so what’s the difference Rec in stepping up from kind of European rugby or Regional rugby to that International level everything’s a lot more you know you’re under the microscope the whole time um there’s a lot more pressure he

    Playing against better teams as well um and you’ll be expected to go in there and and and take charge of the whole week um but he’s he’s got he have good people around him and you know know it’s important for him or whoever is a 10 they don’t try and be someone they’re

    Not you have to you know you have to be true to yourself you lead that that week and that team the way that you see see fit and um it’s important because they haven’t got that much experience that they they have the support but they got loads like there’s some lot of

    Experienced players there I know it’s across the board it’s a young Squad but there are some players there with a lot of experience uh the nines will take a lot of pressure off them you know um G and Thomas especially got a lot of experience there and then you know you

    People like Neil Jen has been there done that you all as a player as a coach and he’ll be a huge influence on on on all those T there so um yeah I think it’s just important they they stay true to themselves the pressure is increased but

    Um you know they’re all good players and and all good BLS so um I’m sure sure they’ll be fine and Kai Evans does he start 15 Al uh I think so I think I’m not sure if Cam wet is fit I know he took a bit of a

    Knock then in the last year his jaw so um yeah I think they probably go k his kicking game is pretty solid uh he’s pretty good under the high B um so they’re probably trying to get a bit of solidarity there in terms and then obviously on the wings and you’re

    Probably looking at Rio and uh Josh and then obviously Mason then I’m not sure where they’re looking at him whether as a center or as a wing but for me I he just needs to be involved in the game you know he’s the serious athlete in

    That back line and he’s the one that can do a lot of damage I think do you know what was funny um off Mike the other day I was speaking of Gareth an and he was saying to me um I reckon zam’s going to go 15 and then literally the next day

    The news all Chang and he’s gone so um that’s that it’s going to be exciting I think I’m excited for the six Nation but I think from what you guys are saying patience is what the Welsh Republic need with the team and just see how they grow

    Through the campaign um let’s have a quick look back at the results of the European Rec add in the weekend rassing 48 cardi 26 Scarlets 19 Edinburgh 31 Lions 28 ospry 38 and then dragons last night nine sharks 29 um we touched on the start of the Pod the osprey’s win Al

    On social media today a song that they’re singing in the changing rooms if you seen seen this race I haven’t they’re all singing Angels Robbie Williams so I was just wondering do you know the reason behind that song Choice wow that’s not usually our end of if we

    Win a game song I think that must have been there we I think we had a few new caps so I’m guessing that would have been uh from one of them because easy option to go for isn’t it and uh yeah they must have jumped on the bandwagon

    But yeah that’s an awful choice and that will be looked into when I get back so what’s what is the usual ospry song I think it’s a Dell actually which one uh um what it don’t went off to do one of them yeah we did it in travisa I

    Remember out in beniton the train room was open they were coming out and they thinking what are these boys singing it down yeah ree was what was your kind of favorite song from all your Years to you know celebrate a win with to Johnny Be Good Johnny Be Good yeah okay R rudri

    Rory mccon um after lockdown I remember that was our song for the for the back end the season he he’d get and do a little Cameo and um yeah love that great moment and those are moments I stay with you do you know what I mean from the

    Dressing room yeah they’re the best bits yeah the VIP videos like that I love when see that access is unbelievable um ree how do you assess the the Region’s kind of European campaigns obviously scarlet and Dragons very disappointed uh disappointing um obviously Ospreys cuty touched it

    Earlier they got a home last six home last 16 um we had one of those a Cardiff last year against sale like great de um especially if they take him down the brewery field they got decent decent chance there um I think Cardiff you know they haven’t had any wins but I I’ve

    Been impressed with them you know they’ve they’ve gone for toe-to-toe with some of the biggest clubs in in uh in Europe um they haven’t been able to stick with them for 18 minutes but they showed real intent a lot of the young boys um having a real crack some of the

    Players been really really good and um you know it it’s it’s brought the supporters along with them that you can see that they’re all buying into what they’re trying to build there a Cardiff they’re investing in a lot of youngsters which you know the hands probably forced

    There um but yeah I I think although they didn’t win I think they can be very proud of the the performances they they’ve put in yeah what about you Al I know you’re involved in the Ospreys but um you know you’ve done an amazing job with the Ospreys because you’ve like

    That win last night depleted team and Squad but to get that win that creates a nice bit of momentum going forward to hopefully what will be lots of the regulars like yourself coming back later on in season yeah well we got to try and

    Get back in now we but no you know we missed I think we got around 17 injuries first time sort of injuries sort of things so um yeah lot lot of boys to come back great win away um obviously we had good win at home against benon we had some tough

    Teams and mon Pell away we took a young team out there and that I think a lot of boys learned a lot in that game you know they they taught us a lesson out there um but yeah you know happy home last 16 can’t ask for anymore really can we I

    Think if you’re in European Cup knockout that’s exactly where every well I always really want to be in those sort of competitions so um good time to come back fit for really and what’s the focus then what’s the main goal for that squad for the season now well looking at the

    Six Nation Squad we’ve only lost four boys so we haven’t lost a lot and we got a lot of boys coming in so these next couple of League games we’re going to have near Enough full strength so we got a good opportunity to maybe try and push towards top eight and then obviously

    Just keep that confidence High going into the last 16 cuz last year we did really well up until the Six Nations and then during that period we didn’t win a game and we went into aar’s in a knockout game in the Champions Cup and we lost it just no momentum at all so

    Hopefully if we can just try and keep that boys come back from Six Nations add in and uh and go from there so yes exciting to go to look forward to anyway very exciting okay let’s switch to football then guys um pouth our gu three Cardiff City W cardi were ahead and then

    They just got battered basically uh Swansea lost 3-1 to Southampton in Southampton um tough task for them to go to Southampton they’re now second in the championship Southampton 21 games in defeated and Russell Martin is their manager of course the former Swansea City manager Newport County in the Welsh

    Derby beating rexam 1 nil um I don’t know what you saw of that because I know re you were out in wrestling anyway but an amazing atmosphere Rodney parade um Bo got sent off at 80 minutes and changed the shape of the game and Newport deserved that win as well and

    Quickly I want to ask about um Darby from a players perspective you could see from the Rodney parade crowd that it meant something to them for players does a derby win mean as much as it does to the fans re I think it does def definitely does you know will is such a

    Small place you know you you bump into these people all the time you know them from International um campaign and so on so yeah there’s no hiding from it the derbies do mean more it means more to the fans it means more to the players as well especially when you’re underdogs if

    Or if you’re class as underdogs for that game like Newport were well yeah I think their fans be probably a bit in terms of how much coverage Rex them are getting lately and they were like right we want to do one over on you and they did they

    It’s a pretty good result yeah especially going into their next round in the FA Cup isn’t it yeah the United game we’ll talk about that in a minute um also on car city quickly if we can guys um Errol bullet um said after the game he’s annoyed about transfers not

    Happening because they’ve had nobody and well documented to chase a lot of players um his contract’s up for for Renewal and that’s not been sorted and he said basically I may have to leave the club he said in a press conference straight after the game ree is the best

    Time always straight after the game to talk to a manager or should they give him a bit longer cuz he was so he was fuming basically when he came to talk to BBC sport yeah was he Turkish yeah Turkish yeah so hotheaded anyway yeah could be hotheaded and um you you know

    Emotions are so high after after you’ve played a game uh win or lose like usually lose you’re a bit more um yeah you can you can get dragged away with with the emotion of the game it spills over into the afterm match so it’s it’s quite tough to

    To to hold that against him I think especially if culturally he’s quite fiery I don’t I don’t he yeah so um you know maybe take you with a pinch of salt but um yeah he’s obviously frustrated with with his situation the situation of not getting um not being able to get his

    Signing so he’s probably just spilled over into his uh um into his afterm match thing I can’t see him walking away from his contract to be honest he probably a bit sketchy this morning is he thinking or yeah well to be fair I mean social media was full of worry this morning but

    Club have come out and said he’s not going anyway fine um and Carter City said also nobody’s done a lot of business yet it’s been a slow transfer window so we will do a business in time but you know in them situations as players um there was a call for like Joe

    Rals and Aaron Ramsey you’ve got to step in talk to the board make sure he doesn’t leave because the fans love bullet they don’t want to lose him so would that ever happen do you think or the players go I’m not going nowhere near the board I’m not talking to

    Anybody I can’t imagine that happening in football you know a lot of these boys just want their their weekly paycheck and just be right you guys deal with that you know the amount of managers they go through football and so forth they probably just thought no they deal

    With that themselves in rugby I know a few players that probably go up to the board and be like we need to get rid of him or so or keep him yeah yeah Le just looking name name name and shame no can’t do that okay I’d imagine it would

    Happen in football I think um you know as long as you been there long enough and it may be a homegrown player or something like that and you know you know I know people look at players as you know they just chase the Mone whatever but players do care I don’t

    Care how much you get paid you you do care about what you do and if you’ve been there long enough I think you know as long as the board know that that player’s got the best interest of the club and the whole Squad at heart then

    You know I I I would see some players having that the access to those those people wonder if de bruy would go up to man City Board and be like we need to get rid of Pep we’ve lost a couple of games I don’t think so I don’t know P

    Pep’s intouchable but to touch on what you were saying there re though I suppose if you hear about your Club going after certain players and you you naturally think well we’re in with a chance cuz there’s a connection between the manager and the striker or what have

    You there’s a chance for us to get them to improve our team you want that player to come in so as a player do you get caught up in that kind of the thought of a player coming so if you know that Kathy is going to come play with you

    Would you get excited about that and then be disappointed if he didn’t come it depends if he’s same position as he or not i’ be some bad stuff about that guy yeah um yeah I I know it’s definitely happened in the past where I’ve been at a club and maybe play with another

    Player and someone will come up the coach will come up to me oh what you think of this guy and then you know you give him an honest opinion on that player or or whatever so I think it’s important more and more people now have

    To make you have to make sure that that person fits your Club culturally as well yeah and you need to speak I think I think all clubs do it they won’t just go out and just meet that player they’ll ask people who have worked with them in

    The past coaches have worked with them ex- teammates and so on just to get a fuller understanding of what that that that person is I think everyone understands now that it’s so important that you build a good culture within you within in your Club it’s not just about

    That player what he can offer on the field yeah it’s more about him as a blo really a lot of it isn’t it now especially rugby in terms of just fitting the the way that each Rugby Club s this is rugby wise football it might be different but you know they’re

    Smaller squads aren’t in football so you got to make sure that they fit in yeah no one wants a bad egg do they kind of disrup in kind of any kind of positivity within a club it must be the worst thing possible because you can hear them in

    Corners maybe and kind of does that happen can you see clicks forming in dressing rooms yeah I remember been at EXA once before and and Rob axter down there he’s very shrewd in terms of who he signs and that joins in with obviously what the boys get up to off

    The field you know they’re very big social sort of club and there’s a few boys that have signed and not really bought into to that social side and they haven’t stayed very long so um yeah it’s something they definitely look at interesting okay let’s get dragons B

    James level on now shall we and look ahead to the weekends action James how you doing mate yeah all good he guys good good I’m going to start with the same question as always good or bad weekend for The Bookies it was all right this week don’t worry you can sleep easy

    Won a few quids so it was steak and red wine on Sunday night good weekend always good weekend is the book you know oh not always trust me we’ve had last weekend was bad but this weekend we’re all good with smiling um Newport did his big

    Favor against rexon so that was that was quite handy I’ll be honest you look like a different person to last week so it must have been good was I stressed no I’m only joking I’m joking and also with dragon B of course you can do lower league betting

    So um how did it go in the lower leagues as well it was busy this weekend so it was all the Wu cup so we priced up the wi Cup Championship all the way down to division five there was loads and loads of games going on but um it was good

    Stuff so the Traders have told me to mention they got four games exactly right on the handicaps which takes them doing must admit but I’m still giving them a king because they got both Wells wrong they bet both they had both Wells at three to1 they got best in the six to

    Four and uh yeah they managed to beat who are they playing I can’t remember they beat the po har quins po harle quins that’s right yeah so they might to be po harle quins but um yeah that was that was a big one they got wrong but

    They did they did pretty well over the weekend and obviously it’s not easy pricing up those games yeah and TNS in the football the cup win did you kind of win some or lose on that one no I’m bets they got about 10 fans haven’t they TNS

    And about one personal bets on them normally so um yeah they were they were big odds on against Swansea Academy they won 5-1 yeah um so wasn’t exactly exciting stuff TS win again normal boring stuff I think there you go but this week is all about the FA Cup the

    Magic and the Romance of the FA Cup which we kind of should be really excited for as Welsh football fans because C cardi for out so they won’t be excited but otherwise these are the schedule games we’ve got um the TV schedule’s a bit weird they do that but

    We won’t get into the TV schedule whether we’re happy with it or not um Thursday night Bournemouth versus Swansea City Sunday Newport versus Manchester United and then Monday night Blackburn versus rexam um Alex and REE some potential giant killing this weekend what you reckon Al yeah well

    We’re obviously trying to get um what we what we come together two draws haven’t we with those two games on so uh we’re thinking rexon take Blackburn back to their place okay uh and then we’re thinking Swansea could get a nice draw against Bournemouth so is that going to

    Be your charity bet of the week is that what you’re talking about yeah dou on that okay okay we’ll get into more detail on that then what about Newport man united re you know are you are you a romantic you’ve played professional sport all your life right I be honest

    With you I go for any romantic bet I’m I’m there as James will find out over the next next course of the Year heart or brain what kind of rules for you in this moment well I don’t know I I S of fall in man united anyway so I

    Think my heart and brain probably saying uh United yeah well that’s all right you can say that my heart Sayed my my brain might be saying Newport um yeah it’s been tough really tough um you just don’t know what you’re going to get but um yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if that

    Ends up with the draw yeah okay okay what about you then Alex so you follow your football man united they’re not the they’re not the strongest in defense seeing Newport play against rexam they could get amongst them and maybe do a shock surely come on yeah well I think I I’d probably part

    The best and try and get that away draw if I was if Newport would you in terms of uh Revenue going back to allra would be pretty cool wouldn’t it but I think United surely that pitch is not as bad as it used to be is it and no it’s okay

    Yeah um I I can imagine him sending a pretty decent team cuz they’re out of every cup other than this one United so it’s only chance silverware in a way though right if you’re a player if you get a draw you’d be chuffed with that

    Right cuz you get to go play in Old Trafford yeah 100% um oh like one occasion for these these boys playing against man united I know they’re not the the force they once were but they still you know one of the biggest clubs in the world and um yeah what like what

    An occasion James like like gree here some of the Newport County boys have said they are Manchester United football fans um it’s going to be an amazing occasion how are you looking at it from a point of view from The Bookies then is there any hope for Newport well I’m

    Likely to be a Man United football fan as well because everyone’s going to bet Newport aren’t they no one’s going to bet man united they’re 1 to 16 man united those odds no one’s going to back them 10 to one the draw possible you know there there’s worse bets or you can

    Bet 25 to1 Newport County which is really I thought when we when we spoke about it last week I thought it’d be about 14 to1 but 25 to1 that’s a big price uh never a better time to play Man United than now yeah and and they’re

    Flying high after that rexon win F they may maybe have gone too early I don’t know but 25 to1 very generous I know Alex understands odd so 25 to1 if you don’t understand it that means if you bet 10 pound you’ll you’ll lose 10 pound basically you put a minimum bet on that

    On no for those who don’t understand you could win £250 if you go for it which should be good um okay so it’s it’s a mixed bag here and what about the odds for Swansea then they way at Bournemouth um how you see that one going big ask

    Again so Swansea a 10 to one for the charity bet I think ree you said Bournemouth swans draw that’s 9-2 four and a half to one and then Bournemouth a 1 to four to win of course Ivan Tony’s back causing problem last week when oh that’s Bren that’s brenford I was going

    To say they got domic salanki they’ve got to we need to worry about himank yeah so they’re four on bourou uh nine to two the draw and 10 to one swans okay and then Monday night um Blackburn and Rex how do you see that going we gone

    Four to1 rexam they probably would have been a little bit shorter suppose they’ve drifted after the defeat against Newport last weekend so four to one rexam 7 to2 three and a half to on with the draw and four to7 Blackburn do you know what I think there’s there’s

    Something in some of these G one of the well teams have got to do something it’s just picking the right one I suppose um for the Charity B which we mentioned um so those of you didn’t hear it last week so every single week Dragon bet are

    Given us5 pound each so there’s two teams I’m a team on my own and then Ree and Alex you’re a team this week and if we get any winnings uh the money will go to charity and we’ve got prostate cry and latch as our charity partner on this

    And um James there’s a reason why latch as well isn’t there yeah so actually ree I think you’re with Chris my spice tell me you were with Christian Williams this morning weren’t you I was yeah eyes everywhere yeah there you go see I know

    Keep an eye on you H so Christian he’s a brilliant brilliant Welsh horse racing trainer um I can talk forever about his talents and what he’s done as a as a race horse trainer but um as a family they even better and they’re going through a tough time with their daughter

    Betsy so she’s got um she’s having a few issues and lat to her children’s charity for cancer the the wildforce racing communities really got behind them this year they’ve raised a lot of money had a lot of initiatives and latch is a great charity anyway so just just for the

    Family and for everything latch does we’d like to donate some um some charity money towards them so if you can I don’t often say this but if back a few winner winner now and again we’d be uh we’ be happy to pay out Okay cool so for

    Clarity then Ree and Alex what is the charity bet of the week you’re going for so we’re going for obviously Rex him to draw yeah and then you wanted to do a double with the swans and Bournemouth okay so you’re firmly placing the blame on Reese for that one yeah 100% yeah I

    Was trying to get I’m trying to get um a guarantee with the horses this week but my mates have got a few Runners but he said none of them are going to win so okay well there’s a tip from you then yeah that’s my tip yeah ree are you

    Happy with kind of Alex’s part of the draw there with the reom draw yeah yeah yeah on there so James what’s the odds on that one then so so the draw double I’ll have to work that out but we’re going to have about I tell you what

    About 25 to1 on that if you so so both teams to draw yeah was that right yeah I give you 25 to one and then you’ve got G you told me you were going to go for Newport to win yeah I am yeah that is

    Also 25 to one now we are trying to raise money for this charity not just I know just throw it away about lose by more than less than one that could be a good one do you reckon I I do fancy genuinely I think they can do it Newport

    I really do and you’ll laugh at me but if it happens and I like Man United a lot do you know what I mean but I do think if they get amongst them they get they score first man united could just be now we’re done with this so um think

    Of the Charities mate we want to win money well I’m not going to change my bet you can’t you can’t bully me to change my bet okay it’s not going to happen right okay so that’s our charity bet of the week um any other odds for us

    To kind of keep an eye out on the app on the website yeah we’ve got plenty of odds we’ve got a few Louis uh lrz specials up so thought be quite interested so obviously the shock last week so um he’s we put him at one to three to make a practice squad so

    Apparently um was it eight to the 13 International Players last year made a practice squad um eight 1 to three to make the practice squad and we’ve got him um at 10 to1 to actually get drafted after that so we don’t think he’ll get drafted but we do think he’ll make a

    Practice squad okay that’s interesting isn’t it it’s what we spoke about wasn’t it average on six get through so yeah one to three lampon yeah if I was him I’d put better on myself as well do you know what I mean okay I’m happy with that um in terms of cardi City there’s

    Been a bit of problems and cont controversy around bullet this morning and kind of over the weekend um will he still be there at the end of the championship season well we’ve actually changed the odds on this since so just recent just the last hour I think Dalman

    Said that he ain’t going anywhere yeah um so we’ve kept him so we’re gonna have Bullet at to be there for the start of next season at 4 to six and no is 11 to10 uh we had it we had it the other way around this morning but I think uh

    Statement in the last hours made a bit of a difference the Traders lost their bottle I’m not so sure I think he’s trying to bully tan and I don’t know how tan had kind of react to that um but yeah four to six to be there 11 to 10

    Not questioning a board you know kind of it’s a brave thing to do isn’t it reys kind of to put the pressure on your board when you’re middle of a contract negotiation it is yeah um but where are they now they just outside the playoffs

    They or a few points behind well they I think they’re down to 13th now I think actually they’re a bit behind you know Champ’s brutal and they’re like couple of bad weeks you’re down looking below you and then couple of good weeks you’re thinking right here we go playoffs so um

    Obviously he’s he’s he’s he’s got experience he he knows what you know I’m sure he knows what he’s doing he hope he would well if he gives him an extra couple of quid for his next contract then uh maybe uh it could work yeah well played I think maybe the fear with that

    Bet James is that someone else will poach errow bullets because he’s been very very impressive he might be C if fans want him to stay the board do like him so hopefully the contract will work he’ll get that extra couple of quid Alex is talking about but I think we ought to

    Watch him being poached as well so um okay cool okay that there a good odds anything else in terms of the low leagues for us to keep an eye out the game of the week this week and what have we got for oh game of the week’s a good

    One I think proper proper cardi tear up this is we got St iled against the Buns St ilted against St Albin which is uh division three of the West East Central that would be a proper Scrappy match wouldn’t it you know you’d love to go down and watch that so St EDS are

    Looking for their first win of the season their bottom of the league okay but they have had a couple of decent matches recently I think they drew 27 alra Herbert in the game before last uh and the Buns about mid-table but we had them early favorites to win that league

    So um yeah that’s a proper cardi tear up match that if you’re doing nothing go down and watch that and I’m sure it’ll be plenty of needle good one to watch there you go I can I can see the rain lashing down on that one as well and

    Being a messy of fair James thanks for your wisdom once again this week we’ll catch you next week okay thanks mate cheers guys be lucky cheers mate okay and for you listening remember all your better needs are covered from the lower leagues to the top Leagues with dragon B

    The only place for Welsh sporting fans to bet so get involved with The Bookies that look after the Welsh sport but of course please gamble responsibly okay and there we go we come to the end of the Pod um ree plans for the weekend I’m not doing a rugby game this

    Weekend so catching up on sleep catching up on sleep yeah no travel so um I’m not sure what my plans are I’m sure I’ll find out in due course watch some sport you allowed to watch sport in the house or who rules a tell yeah I don’t really

    Watch much apart from sport really okay um you know try and people try and get me to sit down and watch certain things but I lose interest pretty quick so um yeah no usually Sports on if I’m there in the house yeah good good and Alex

    What’s your plan for the week and the weekend to come uh rest of the week got training and then i’ I’m off at the end of the week I think big weekend of NFL isn’t it so um that’ll be some late nights I think I’ll be tucking into that

    So yeah looking forward to that conference round popcorn and chicken wings out 49ers Here We Go Happy Days Reese thanks for your time Alex thanks for yours as well and it’s also been great to have your company at home or wherever you’ve been listening from today remember we’ll be back next Monday

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