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    Hello and welcome to Moment of Truth  on Labour Social. I’m Graham Hughes. Four years ago today the UK  did the stupidest thing in   its 400 year history. We left the European Union. For many of us who voted to remain in the  EU, Brexit is the turd that just won’t flush,  

    No matter how many times politicians like to  pretend that it’s business as usual, the fact   remains that we have imposed economic sanctions  on ourselves worthy of a loser of a major war. The EU was created to foster closer  integration across our continent,  

    Not just so we could break the seemingly  endless cycle of war that this continent   has suffered for over two and a half thousand  years, but so that you and I could live and work,   set up a business, marry, build a house  and/or retire in more than 30 other beautiful,  

    Peaceful, prosperous nations, no  questions asked. Not only that,   but we could buy and sell stuff as easily across  our own continent as we do our own nation. Peace. Freedom. Trade. Brexit smashed all that with a wrecking  ball. Had Brexit not happened, there’s no  

    Way Putin would have felt empowered enough  to launch a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.   Had Brexit not happened, our children would  have not have had their horizons curtailed,   trapping them on this damp cold  rock in the North Atlantic,   dramatically reducing their opportunities in  this otherwise increasingly integrated world.

    Had Brexit not happened, our economy  would be doing massively better,   there wouldn’t need to be a cost of living  crisis, there would be money for the NHS,   and three million people wouldn’t  have to be using foodbanks. Had Brexit not happened, the cost of our weekly  shop wouldn’t have become a lot more expensive,  

    With a lot less choice. Our fruit and  veg wouldn’t be going off within a couple   of days of purchase. And, as of midnight  last night, it’s about to get even worse. I just want you to take a second to  reflect on the fact that if you’re rich,  

    None of this affects you. You can still go live  and work anywhere in Europe, you can afford the   €28,800 you need in your bank account each year to  get residencia in Spain, you can afford a lawyer  

    To do the paperwork, an accountant to ensure the  figures tally. You can afford the £38,700 a year   you’ll need if you want to marry somebody from  France and you want to live together in the UK.

    You can afford the hikes in the price of food and  drink, postage, shipping etc. You can still afford   to travel around our continent, the exchange  rate that’s never recovered from the Brexit vote,   matters less. You can afford the extra pet  insurance and the vets fees for taking Fido to  

    Biarritz. You can afford the additional roaming  charges. Your children can still study abroad,   you can afford to pay for Tarquin’s finishing  school. You can afford to give your daughter   the wedding she’s always dreamed of, and  the funeral your dad would have wanted.

    You see, Brexit doesn’t affect the rich.  It only affects us: the little people. Here’s a quick list of just some of  the lying sacks of shit who told us   that Brexit would actually make our lives better: Nigel Farage, Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees Mogg,  Michael Gove, Richard Tice, Andy Wigmore, Aaron  

    Banks, Charlie Elphicke, Daniel Hannon, Daniel  Kaczynski, Douglas Carswell, Lance Forman, Larry   Elliott, Matthew Elliott (no relation), Marcus  Fysh, Patrick Mimford, Owen Patterson, Steve   Barkley, Richard Drax, David Campbell Bannerman,  Dominic Cummings, Nigel Lawson, Bill Cash, Crispin   Blunt, Desmond Swanye, Digby Pudding Jones,  James Cleverly, Kelvin MacKenzie, Harry Cole,  

    Rocco Forte, Tim Martin, Simon Wolfson, James  Dyson, Nick Ferrari, Paul Dacre and Rishi Sunak. What do these scumbags have in common? Aside from  the fact they’re all men? Yeah, you guessed it,   they all attended posh private schools. Did you?  No? Well then you’re shit out of luck… in this,  

    Our disgraceful oligarchy, a term that’s  come to mean “ruled by a handful of rich   arseholes”. And now, thanks to their efforts,  you can literally never escape to live your   life in a place where the size of your  daddy’s bank balance at your moment of  

    Conception doesn’t dominate your life  choices for the following 80 years. This is something I, and others like me, hope  to change, sooner rather than later. Unlike the   people who told you to vote for Brexit, I take the  freedoms of my fellow British citizens seriously.  

    And this system of vast and indefensible  inequality, which is pumping untold quantities of   untreated sewage into our once green and pleasant  land while blocking the exits, needs to end. And that starts with us acknowledging  what they’ve done to us, and vowing   that they’re not going to get away with it.

    That’s my take, let me know  yours in the comments below.


    1. You sound just like me Graham. The uk's education system failed me first. The shitty comprehensive school in a dying post industrial town, filled with useless teachers cruising to retirement, were either to shit at their jobs to recognise my dyslexia or couldn't be arsed to acknowledge it and help. Consigned to the idiot streams (this was the 70's for context) I left with minimal qualifications and a deep contempt for an education system that wrote kids off like that.
      As luck had it, after a few garbage jobs a friend offered a place to stay in Greece. Within weeks I used the knowledge I'd accumulated while my school ignored me and got a job I could never have dreamed of running a photographic lab for an advertising studio in Thessaloniki. This was the start of many great and resonably well paid jobs all over Europe. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get jobs in the uk anywhere near as good and rewarding.
      I came back after over a decade of living and working in three countries on the mainland to make sure my elderly and frail parents were looked after as the ukssocial care system is a joke.
      My partner and I put our blood, sweat and money into setting up a small specialist engineering company. We were starting to do okay and thinking of investing in a new CNC machine to take the next step. Around £100k investment obviously borrowed against our home. Huge risk. Luckily we decided to hold off. Given that over 1/3 of our products sold to customers in the EU and the british market has been in constant decline the company became unviable when non tariff costs due to brexit killed the EU trade.
      I'm angry that all the opportunities I desperately needed have been stolen from young people and we remain voters by filthy gammons and thick knuckle draggers. I've made arrangements that should idie before I can leave I'm being cremated and scattered in my favourite places in France and Greece. I'm leaving nothing in the uk.

    2. It's worth listening to sanity checks like this because Brexiters have been all over the Tory client media over the past few days espousing their various versions of Brexit success (sic). A lot of them have regressed to the Express and Mail lines, not that Brexit has been a success, but that it's just as bad in France and Germany (indeed the EU, on the point of collapse!). Andrea Leadsom just resorted to lying, saying the opposite of what she said in 2016, that every business knew there would be checks. David Davis provided one of the most delusional interpretations, smugly claiming that we were doing better than France Germany and Italy, employment levels had gone up, trade with the EU had increased, all of his statements incidentally passed unchallenged, which is why we need to hear the truth on the ground, like the farmer who ripped Rees-Mogg a new one on GB News concerning the Brexit disaster for farmers.

    3. The sad thing about it is we let a handful of these people change the whole future of the UK for ever and just like you say it won’t effect them and I bet you my last pound they all have properties in the eu they can swan off to any time they like.
      The only thing brexit proved is that we live in a country of very narrow minded people who without there vote we wouldn’t be in this mess for ever

    4. I'm the first to condemn the criminals called Tories and their client media who should be in prison for mendacity, theft, corruption, corporate manslaughter and treason, but, let us remember that it was the people who voted for Brexit and they bear the larger part of the blame. We all had the same information/warnings but the Brexiters chose to ignore the warnings given by the experts (Tories: "we've had enough of experts") calling it "project fear". Even a child with an elementary knowledge of economics could see the utter madness of a country imposing economic sanctions on itself and the disadvantages of the loss of freedom of movement and human rights for the ordinary citizen (but not the tax avoiding wealthy elite). Further, the magnitude of self delusion demonstrated by the Brexiters regarding new trading partners willing to trade with a UK that cut itself off a major trading block and willing to break international law, is beyond belief. The famous axiom, none so blind that don't want to see is apt. These Brexiters, the major now silent, will never admit their stupidity, ignorant, xenophobia; they would rather Britain become a Third World state sinking into the abyss than lose face.

      As for stopping immigrants, Brexiters have achieved the opposite. We have lost a vital source of employment and taxes when Europeans fled the UK. They were hard working citizens and were vital for our agricultural/hospitality/construction/NHS and other public services. Instead, we have had an influx of refugees and other immigrants that are held up in camps/hotels doing nothing when they could be allowed to find work and start paying taxes, but this corrupt government would rather waste billions of taxpayer money on housing these people and on a ridiculous Rwanda scheme that will come to nothing. The Rwandan president is laughing all the way to the bank. Indeed, Rwandan refugees have come to Britain to escape its regime; UK granted asylum to Rwandan refugees while arguing country was safe. Four Rwandans were granted refugee status in the UK over “well-founded” fears of persecution at the same time as the government was arguing in court and parliament that the east African country was a safe place to send asylum seekers.

    5. What we should all care about is that a handful of extremely wealth,entitled, privileged and obnoxious people can continue to hide their ill gotten gains from the tax man and E.U. scrutiny………..

    6. Agree with all you said. Perhaps you can expand in another video on the links between Russia and the Conservative Party funding especially during the period running up to 2016, with more on Rees Mogggs company selling its shares in Russian banks and institutions days before sanctions were applied in the aftermath of further invasion of Ukraine. Don’t forget to include Mick Lynch and RMT support for Brexit, as that’s going well for the membership of the RMT, not sure if he went to public school or was given a scholarship, but am sure he has more cash than his ex ship workers.

    7. Shows that Putin is behind Brexit. He picked up the country with the highest number of idiotic politicians, bred and fed in expensive schools but with no intellectual abilities who could foul a country where kids stop learning history and Geography at 12-13 years old, inyo voting for Putin's plan.

    8. Remember it was Gove that introduced an 19th century curriculum that is completely unsuitable for the 21st century. Too many plebs were passing their GCSEs and closing the gap with private fee paying schools. So he did what all Tories do to prevent people getting ideas above their station, he took a wrecking ball to it. That is also why Brexit happened, you cannot have people getting any ideas about equality.

    9. Totally agree with you, they are laughing at the rest of us . Can't we get brexit declared non and void in the courts as the voters who voted for it relied upon the lies spouted out by these disingenuous politicians etc and repeated by their right wing media friends?

    10. Most leavers voted because they promised to reduce immigration..people should be told the truth by the government instead they lie the media lie..i don't believe any of the politicians i don't think they run the country

    11. All those people that voted to leave don’t you dare complain about large queues at channel ports or in the airports you caused this get on with it

    12. Lies and corruption is not really doing as well for us common people as it is for those who control the Tories and the top of society i wonder how many of there children are living on universal credit ,none you say ,how many are struggling to get on the housing list none you say??? JUST KEEP TELLING THE TRUTH ONE DAY US THE MOST GULLIBLE JUST MIGHT COTTON ON

    13. Interesting where you put the threshold of ‘rich’ to largely ignore Brexit.

      I think it would be pretty high – well over 100K per year. Probably millionaire territory. Which all the Tory ministers are, of course.

    14. Any comment on Starmer lifting the cap on banker’s bonuses, promising to keep corporation tax at 25% for five years, refusing to tax the rich or put windfall taxes on the profits of the utility companies, introduce even more privatisation into the NHS,and refusing to lift the two child benefit cap which would lift over a million children out of poverty.
      Wouldn’t’ all the above policies be approved of by those oligarchs you mentioned?
      It’s very easy to attack the rotten, corrupt, putrid carcass of what is left of the Tory party , however, perhaps it would be more honest of you to discuss what Starmer and his’Blair on steroids’ Labour Party really stand for.
      His unconditional defence of Israel and their genocidal actions in Gaza should also be of concern to anyone with any humanitarian values.
      So, how about Graham, anything to say?

    15. Actually well put .Expected a dodgey rant, but mostly true. Only, in 1996 when I moved to Euroland, there were no food banks. Long before Brexit they had already become a thing…

    16. I told you this before on Facebook Graham…. I went to a private school, and I was very right leaning when I was a youngster. But I'm not, now… and many of my schoolfriends who went to the same school aren't now, either. Neither am I a rich person, although I could have been if I'd followed prescribed career paths. I think also that there are quite a few left wing people who are very rich and are quite charitable, however, if they give away ALL of their money, then their charity expires – so what's better? To propagate your wealth (benefiting you, of course) and benefit others maybe, or just give everything away and benefit a few, or no-one? The fact is it's not a simple dynamic, and your thinking has to be flexible.

    17. I agree with you, the trouble is the remain camp did not reach out to enough working class constituents, you had Gina Miller, fibdem and Tories like Anna soubry, it’s a shame we could not reach the red wall, the Tories promised the levelling up snd prosperity of the north saying they would be rolling in it.

    18. It’s true that Brexit will affect the wealthy the least so why don’t you create a video to explain why so many poor people voted for it because remember they all knew what they voted for we were told time and time again. Looks like you are doing alright it that flat though…

    19. Thing is, even the rich are worse off, too. They can screw more pound notes out of the proletariat, but each pound is worth less, and they end up living in a country where everything is broken so they have to pay more for services. It's idiotic. All because they can't even think through their own avarice properly.

    20. The sad fact is that your former leader Jeremy Corbyn didn't give much if any support to the remain campaign.
      Had Labour supported Cameron, Brexit may have been lost?

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