This is a catch-up version of James O’Brien’s live, daily show on LBC Radio from the 1st of February 2024

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    This is LBC from Global leading Britain’s conversation with James O’Brien 3 minutes after 10 is the time some names get you do you get this or is it is it me I some names really if you said to me what did Laura trop become in 2023 I would have said something like

    Commonwealth cycling Champion I’ve just got the name Laura Trot why have I got the name Laura Trot associated with cycling is there another Trot we got two trots one’s a cycling and wants a politician I thought I thought that um I thought Lotty had made a mistake then I

    I just buzzing upstairs going l no lty Laura tr’s not a chief secretary to the treasury she’s a cyclist but quite often when I think the news readers on LBC might have make made a mistake there’s a little voice in my head that goes ah it’s probably you mate it’s probably you

    That has made the mistake and so it is on this occasion as well um she is indeed Chief secretary to the treasury this week um I actually on a much more serious note a quick word on one of the other stories that lty mentioned there which is the resignation or or the the

    Departure from politics of Mike frier a Justice Minister who is stepping down at the election and has cited a string of threats and incidents in culminating a an apparent arson attack on his constituency office in December as as reasons for his resignation and uh I think with some justification reasons

    For the campaign of abuse um could be Loosely described as his pro-israel views he’s not a Jewish politician although a lot of his critics um seem to think that he is he is however a fairly passionate advocate of the two-state solution that Benjamin Netanyahu seems

    So Keen to wash his hands of so so once again evidence that uh people motivated by should we say incoherent Fury often end up getting everything wrong sympathies and and good wishes to Mike frier I I think you’ll allow me to mention that Daily Mail chooses to put

    This story on on its front page which um given a report that the Joe Cox Foundation put out last week about the uh abuses that many MPS face none more of course than Diane Abbott uh it is probably a moment to reflect upon the fact that when the uh terrorist killer

    Of Joe Cox who of course shouted out slogans that could have been lifted wholesale from the pages of the Daily Mail when he was sentenced The Daily Mail elected to put the story on page 30 so good to see them putting a a story about a politician facing um facing

    Abuse on on the front page on this occasion well done them 5 minutes after 10 is the time I I don’t know how much explanation you need this there was a Laura Trot there was a Laura Trot and now she’s Laura Kenny so I’m not going mad that’s

    Two trots two Laura Trot honestly you wait your whole career for one Laura Trot to come along and then two pop up at the same time two the two yes I thought so I thought thank you finally someone’s paying attention mention I don’t know what you know about growing

    Up with an Irish name long before Nadine Doris took to Twitter to accuse me of all manner of uh disgusting views regarding islamist terrorism uh by D of having an apostrophe in my surname I along with all the other Irish kids at my prep school would sometimes find

    Ourselves abused in manners that we would now recognize as racist for supporting the IRA by D of having an Irish name my dad of course had a had an Irish surname the same surname as me that’s often how it works and his Irish surname replete with apostrophes would

    Often appear on the front page of the Daily Telegraph which was and remains an avowedly unionist organ and that resulted in actually on the subject of hate mail that resulted in some fairly Grim items appearing in his mailbox when he was the Midland’s correspondent of the Daily Telegraph I mention this

    Because for a younger generation It’s probably hard to imagine the United Kingdom itself self being a crucible of hatred and vitriol I’m I’m speaking about Great Britain really I’m speaking about Mainland Britain um based upon essentially sectarian violence and sectarian killings the the prospect of a United Island was but a distant dream

    Even for supporters of it and Believers in it I I you know I remember it it’ be about um when to get in 79 B then there was an election in 83 so it’ be 1983 I was such a pushy little fellow at my school I wanted to take part in the

    Elections but it was mostly six formers and and I was a couple of years off the six for and of course all the major parties had been snapped up by the big boys so in Chadley corber in werer in 1983 I stood as the sdlp candidate that’s that’s specifically

    Northern Irish political party speaking to the good the good pupils of a of of a of a fee paying wtia boys school attempting to persuade them not to vote for the conservative part for Margaret Thatcher’s conservative party or Michael foots labor party but to vote instead

    For I think Jerry Fitz sdlp and and of course the sdlp and subsequent leaders went on to play an absolutely invaluable role in in the peace process and in the journey towards in the completion of the Good Friday agreement so growing up Irish growing up with an Irish name I

    Didn’t go to Ireland till I was well into my 20s my first ever trip to Ireland was quite was for very good historic reasons actually very good historic family reasons uh I was invited to a boy Zone concert so I I grew up thinking I was Irish and feeling I was

    Irish even though I’d never been to Ireland being Irish essentially involved which rugby team you supported in the Six Nations and borrowing a shamrock off one of the Omani Brothers on St Patrick’s Day to to where at school that that was about it 8 minutes after 10 is

    The time but the but the politics of it became more interesting to me as I got older and the more I understood the more inevitable it seemed to me that demographic change more than anything else would would eventually see a majority of people in Northern Ireland wanting to return to the Republic of

    Ireland return is a is a slightly inappropriate word to use actually the the history of the island of irand is is a is a is a complicated uh and and intricate business but but the concept of a unit island is not and the more I understood about birth rates and population

    Movement and demographics the more I thought well yes but probably not quite in my lifetime but eventually there will be a majority and then the importance of that majority would grow and eventually the pressure of the majority would have to be respected and deliver a United Island you could say at this point

    That’s not an opinion it’s counting but of course brexit changed that rather The Good Friday agreement changed that because the Good Friday agreement essentially meant that there wouldn’t have to be that period of consolidation once there was a majority of people in Northern irand who wanted to be part of

    A United Island as opposed to part of the United Kingdom there wouldn’t have to be a a a sort of hardening of resolve the minute there was a majority or as soon as uh the question was put to the people that would be enough to change the course of of that country’s history

    History the the the Good Friday agreement essentially put in place a button which when pushed activates a pleboy activates a simple referendum the result of which in conjunction with the same result in the Republic of Ireland that’s something that people often Overlook you can’t sort of make Northern Island part of a

    United Island while the Republic of island is saying no thanks we’re fine as we are but that that changed everything although it probably wasn’t fully appreciated at the time on this side of the sea which is almost always the case with matters Irish in general and Northern Irish in

    Particular um and then brexit came along when of course Northern Ireland was compelled not only to leave the European Union against the express wishes of its uh electorate but also to deal with or to endure becoming the worst kind of political football as the dup used uh their Leverage over Theresa May to

    Essentially fly in the face of what the population of the country had called for the dup remain committed to essentially a much harder brexit than the one that even Boris Johnson managed to smuggle through Parliament and that I think puts even newer pressures upon the process the notion that brexit sold to the

    British public as some sort of uh stiffening of the United Kingdom some sort of strengthening of the United Kingdom will probably end up hastening its genuine fracture it will probably end up being a crucial Catalyst for the actual collapse of the United Kingdom the United Kingdom in its current form

    Will cease to exist in fact presumably there might be a couple of anomalous Islands uh nipping around the coast like the aisle of man or something but I’m not entirely sure forgive me but if Ireland becomes United does the United Kingdom cease to exist and Great Britain becomes the descriptor for what will

    Remain so you know you your faragist quotes Patriots End quotes committed to the idea of making the United Kingdom uh Sovereign and Powerful will actually Bear full or at least a large amount of responsibility for um destroying the United Kingdom in its current form well done Lads of course at

    This point it is customary to remember that everybody knew exactly what they were voting for so when you voted for a stronger United Kingdom you were crystal clear that you were actually voting for The destruction of the United Kingdom in its current form but I could be getting

    Ahead of myself uh Michelle O’Neal and Mary Luke McDonald the uh leader and Deputy leader of the um shim Fame party speaking at stormant on Tuesday describing the prospect of a United Island being within touching distance as the party prepares to claim the post of Northern Island first Minister for the

    First time first minister and Deputy first Minister are relatively meaningless terms uh we had it explained to us all the well didn’t we by the belf telegraph columnist Allison Morris earlier this week it essentially just defines or determines who shakes hand first with a visiting dignitary in terms

    Of exercise of power within the executive oh beg you pardon within the legislative and the executive actually if my a level politics is correct they are uh they are equal roles one is that it’s almost like a ro well it is a rotation you take it in terms to be

    Deputy and and first minister in in the context of um in the context of stormant but it is quite a moment really uh orbe it that I might need a little dilution from people better versed in Northern Irish politics because you know a shin Fain politician saying that a

    United island is within touching distance for the for the first time in living memory is is a bit like in one sense it’s it’s a bit like a a brexiter talking about a sovereign Britain being a good thing you know I mean they would say that wouldn’t they they would say

    That wouldn’t they so there’s the question um forgive me for personalizing it I’m 52 uh I mean fairly good Nick but I could probably be particularly at this stage of life I could probably be looking after myself a little better but within reason let’s say 25 years shall

    We when when and how and of course if so the prospect of a United Island something which 10 year-old me giving a speech in a gym in wer to 140 utterly baffled well no about 125 utterly baffled school boys and 15 other Lads with an apostrophe in their name it was

    A Catholic School 15 other Lads with an apostrophe in their name all voting for me um I couldn’t even tell you why it just seemed historically unfair that that the island of Island had been split down the middle I I want you to tell me

    I want you to tell me the when how and the if and ideally we’ll get many different questions to each one of those many different answers to each one of those questions how do you think it’s going to happen when do you think it’s going to happen and of course the if

    Becomes do you think it’s going to happen that should get us going 0345 60 6973 but I also want you to tell me what it means either to you or to history what does it mean for an awful lot of people listening to this these are theoretical

    And largely nebulous Notions if you grew up in the 70s and the 80s as I did then they will be rather more significant you’ll be rather more aware of the importance but for anybody younger than that it’ll be like oh yeah okay really it’s two separate countries I didn’t

    Realize that I went there and you can’t even tell anymore since since uh the Good Friday agreement so when how and if and then what does it mean to you hit the numbers now you will get through 0345 6060 973 is the number you need the time now is 10:16 James O’Brien on

    LBC James O’Brien on LBC 19 minutes after 10 is the time uh Neil describes himself as a 38-year-old Irish listener in Forest Gate and he puts things rather poetically United island is like a man walking on Mars for me I’d love to see it in my lifetime but I’ve got zero idea

    How how the hell they get there well we’re here to help Christopher is in Belfast appropriately enough Christopher what would you like to say yeah hi jams would my second time um speaking to you but I’m still nervous about speaking to you everything like that it’s only

    Me well just the one thing um I work as an historian of um Ireland and Britain and just the one thing or the kind of the Nuance about this the first kind of new is that it’s not necessarily uniting Ireland it’s reuniting Ireland because Ireland has always been United as one

    State and as one Island for hundreds for thousands of years um and it was only in the 20th century that then gets divided because the unionists insisted upon having a partition of the island in that sense so I but I you’ve done it already I did say it was complicated because if

    I had said United and independent Island then you wouldn’t have had a a quibble with that description exactly exactly no and as I said it’s just a new yes it is you’re right UL well exactly and just Allison Mars is a great great commentator she’s a really

    Important writer over here in h Northern Ireland at the moment she’s really significant but this the significance of uh Michelle O’Neal becoming first minister is that that was essentially what the unionists and what Britain tried to make sure could never ever happen in Northern Ireland’s history was that you inbuilt a Protestant and

    British majority of the state at all times and so it’s it is more significant than just being the C the deputy first Minister and the first Minister historically significant as a I think what I was doing and what I was alluding to there was the idea that um that

    Jeffrey Donaldson was never going to accept it for for sort of ideological reasons whereas um and of course he has but but yeah historically you’re correct in the in the shortterm political moment I think what I was alluding to there was was the was the disproven idea that the

    Unionist could never go along with it almost for reasons of Pride yeah no definitely definitely and I think it has changed and that is an important aspect of the peace process for stop has to make to kind of um to detoxify yes some of these kind of

    Things because there is there is still a huge toxicity to all of these issues especially within Northern Ireland that isn’t and it’s that toxicity that I think is probably not understood yes in England Scotland Wheels is about how toxic these issues can be that’s why the Scottish independence ra in 2014 I

    Thought was really important because it did Veer into toxicity at the very end but the fact that the Scottish people were able to have a discussion about whether they left the union or not and for it not to become violence is an important example for Northern Ireland

    Now to kind of see that you can have discussions about the ending of the United Kingdom or not and it doesn’t have to involve violence because that’s the thing that you can’t turn the clock back once you’ve allowed the political violence to occur you can’t then

    Detoxify in that sense where it takes a long time so far as I can see to even begin attempting to do those things of course it yeah I mean it’s scars isn’t it scars that can be easily reopened what what role then I mean what do you

    See as the key catalysts in this process and most obviously the Good Friday agreement but brexit as well oh definitely yeah know brexit is the key thing and that’s why I V A brexit go on tell me more tell me more I mean obviously traditionally I now have to

    Tear your head off and bounce it around the studio before turning you into a viral clip Christopher but I’ll spare you that for the time being what to explain the logic behind that well because I could see in 2016 when the debate was happening um that the Good

    Friday agreement is up in the air that that is essentially brexit was a vote on The Good Friday agreement and was because as if you’re born from 1981 onwards in Northern Ireland you have never been asked about the Good Friday agement never been asked about the actual peace process itself and so that

    Was the only way I could see that as a newer than Irish person you would actually definitively have a say over the Good Friday agreement or you could endorse it or not was through that that that brexit uh referendum and all the people I voted on the same side as now

    Tear their hair out they’re all unionists you’ve preempted my next question which was to say how widespread a position was yours because you you describe it with ineluctable logic but it’s a that passed a heck of a lot of Voters and commentators by at the time

    Yeah no one no one I know no Republican I know um voted brexit apart from me I’m the only one I know who did it that’s fantastic thing it still it still makes me kind of laugh whenever I see all the unionists and dup supporters because

    You’re saying what did you what did you think was going to happen that’s no no exactly that was the thing that that kind of I could see but that’s I mean um I am different I am weird I recognize that exactly J and and you prioritize the unific or the reunification over

    Anything else as well which which which puts you in a you know there’ll be plenty of Republicans who perhaps don’t they may be a little more pragmatic about about other issues or a bit more patient might be a good way of putting it so I moved to the final question

    Which is how and when H I think conceivably within the next five to 10 years good it will occur really and because well because in the South now if the assembly gets back on the running you’re going to have Michelle O’Neal as first Minister but in the South they’re going to have their

    Election at the end of 2024 beginning of 2025 at the latest I think it has to occur but the Shen is the is poing as easily the largest party in the southern Parliament so they’ll become the um the tiik in the South so they’ll be leading governments on both sides of still falls

    To the still Falls to West Minister to blow the whistle on referenda though doesn’t it it’s not something that t-shot can do autonomously it it does EXA and that’s that’s the real issue and that’s where I kind of hope that um if Kier starmer

    Gets in he would see the kind of um W historical necessity of allowing Ireland to have a referendum like this but it is in the same way that it was up to the Scottish people to decide what to do it’s up to Irish people to decide what

    To do I tell you what Christopher as if as if K starmer’s inbox wasn’t busy enough eh complely completely but I hope I don’t know but you know I hope and I kind of and he is a sensible politician I think actually k starmer i don’t agree

    With with how how much to the center he’s going but at the same time I accept that he is is an intelligent H Man actually he an intelligent guy actually I think and that he would see if there was a shinpan government both sides of the border that that is an historical

    Thing it becomes an an irresistible Force as it were Christopher I I remember your your first call to the program I’m grateful once again for your for your cool expertise um uh tinged I I think with a with a little optimism given your personal feelings but it’s optimism backed up with evidence my

    Favorite kind of optimism thank you mate 27 after 10 is the time Michael’s in County Luth Michael what would you like to sayy lo I know I know I know stop it carry on all no I just wanted to talk about the correlation between by the way

    I live in County D I live in the North what it is it’s because I had a caller from Lincolnshire the other day from and do you pronounce it I can’t keep up I I’m just going to start SP what what town are you in so I’m in D dark and

    Cently D do I’ll start again Michael’s in D do Michael what would you like to say well I’m from I’m from County D jams across the border every day for work proves that yes it proves to me yeah it’s a border I drive down the motorway it’s not it’s nothing the the

    The the unit on the dashboard changes you know that’s all that’s all it does you know sure yeah and and the currency but no I just want talk about the correlation between brexit and not just not just the prospect United Ireland but the the interest that people of sort of

    My age took how old are you J well I’m 27 I was actually I was yeah I was at University uh during the 2019 election right and uh we ran we did an all nighter in the student radio station and we were seeing what the result was and

    Stuff and I remember i w i i i walk back I walk back from the radio station back to the back to my digs and the going off because of the you know because of the result and I thought none of these people who you know the the sort

    Of ERG supporting people none of these people actually have any idea of what that’s going to mean for me when I go home you know I was I was I was at University in in in at University of Chester but it was it was up in

    Warrington you know yeah so um we done that they were celebrating essentially a tin full of that Boris Johnson had told them was full of jewels but they were yet they were yet to open the tin yeah and that that that election campaign really really open like I did

    Vote uh I did vote against uh leaving the European Union in 2016 I had a vague I was I think I was just 18 then but I had a vague uh understanding of of it then but but that 2019 election really really up my eyes so so it has focused

    The mind of many Northern Irish people on on well two things politics in general and the completely disproportionate influence that that Westminster has over the province over over the region over the country yeah exactly and and it’s not just like it didn’t just open my eyes to politics it

    Really reinforced my I’m from a Catholic uh you know nationalist sort of background went to a Catholic school now but I didn’t really have any any sort of opinions on you know thing I played El football and stuff probably would have called myself Irish but sure but when I

    When I come back from University just my last ter actually got cut short by Co but but when I come back I I had such a re sort of reinforced sense of my sort of Irish nationalism and republicanism because of how I seem that we were treated by the Westminster establishment

    And how little regard they had for the north you know and and something that I keeps getting confirmed and and reinforced with every new wrinkle of the uh of the sort of brexit aftermath Michael I’m I’m a little late for the news it’s the only reason I’m moving on

    I love that idea of of of not political but but slightly disengaged young person being absolutely uh uh drawn in by this and and and rendered as he said himself more Republican than he was in the first place something else that of course all the people who sold you brexit either

    Didn’t understand or or didn’t tell you half past 10 is the time you’re listening to James O’Brien on LBC ly moley is here now with your headlines James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC 10:34 is the time weird isn’t it how how that dreaded b word and I do appreciate some people

    Wish that we never had to talk about it again I I feel for you I really do but it it’s a bit like um I suppose it’s a bit like insisting that you never talk about an Arsen attack after uh uh it’s finished and the conversation moves to

    The question of rebuilding and repairing it’s just an impossible dream that that you have there and I know you didn’t realize you were contributing to the Arsen attack when you voted in 2016 but Camy badok do you remember on Monday she told Parliament that the talks over a

    Trade deal with Canada were ongoing ongoing negotiations after um they they stopped because well very few people in the British government had understood what being a third country would mean and Canada Was preparing to put I think 250% tariffs on some products in including cheese um and other things uh

    Well someone’s decided to just check in with Canada on whether or not Cammy bonut was telling the truth and I think you might be interested in the answer which uh which we’ll share with you in just over 10 minutes time uh Gerald is in Belfast to steer us back to the to the

    When the how and even the if of it of a United Island what would you like to say Gerald hey hey James um I’m ringing from Belfast firsttime caller welcome just just a couple of observations on on your topic A very wise man here once said you can’t possibly unite Ireland without

    First uniting Northern Ireland I firmly believe that and sadly James despite the fact that the Good Friday agreement achieved the miracle of stopping the Gastly and barbaric violence that we had here for 25 years it was like a slow Civil War yes it has done absolutely nothing to unite Northern Ireland and my

    Position is if you try to unite Ireland without uniting Northern Ireland first you’re going to get into very big trouble well I I I yeah yes who was the very wise man can you was it you no it wasn’t me but I have been told that it

    Was John Hume but I’m not 100% sure that I was about to say I wouldn’t I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was John Hume I I I mean we’re talking about degrees aren’t we because the cessation of of of hostilities the cessation of violence is

    A step towards unification or or or or some such but it’s not of I mean you’re not talking about a 100% support for a United Island surely no actually that was my next Point yes imagine we have a pleite a pole whatever you want to call

    It I’m sure down south there will be a strong vote for United Ireland so I think that’s almost a given in Northern Ireland you could easily get a brexit outcome you could easily get something like 52 48 5149 and if that was for a United Ireland you’re in very dangerous

    Territory rubbish I’ve got personal experience of a referendum where the result was 5248 and it’s all gone everybody lived happily ever after what planet are you on Gerald so that’s a question of timing as well so even though they may have the power to press the button they would be

    Shin Fain on both sides would be well advised to perhaps wait a while but how long when do you think Christopher thought 5 to 10 years I sense you don’t no I sense a poll in that time okay absolutely I think if there is a poll in

    That time it’ll probably be to remain in the union but I may be wrong about that really but what re what really worries me is this whole thing of losers consent if we had a narrow poll in favor of United Ireland we can’t assume that all

    Those who were on the other side of this are simply going to go along with it I I think my understanding of Northern Ireland it’s still a very dangerous place the violence is is over one would like to think for good but the place is not United it’s still a very deeply

    Tribal and sectarian society and I think very often that isn’t understood in England James well sort of slightly Rose tinted post Good Friday agreement view from the other side of the sea but but you you I mean we’ve only alluded to brexit previous callers have made quite

    A big deal of it I think correctly let me read you this which I think speaks for a lot of people that I have heard from over the last few years if you’d asked me at the start of 2016 to vote for a United Island I’d have said no I

    Come from a nationalist area but the whole issue for me was a non-runner relations between the UK and the rep public were good we were both getting the benefits of EU membership now I’d be first at the polling station it’s all come down to brexit and the and for the

    Pro brexit unionist parties in Northern Ireland not only misjudging the results of the referendum um or or the Constitutional status of Northern Ireland they’ve also alienated a number of Voters who they need um to to secure a remain vote in any future border pole I get that from from what you might call

    Moderate unionists as well that the the unnecessary chaos and the and the presumption of the unionist parties has has hemorrhaged support in some quarters the pro the problem is people like Jeffrey Donaldson were warned that brexit would destabilize Northern Ireland from a unionist perspective yes Jeffrey got it into his head that brexit

    Was going to make Northern Ireland ever more British when many people warned him no it’ll make it ever more Irish yes of course and it will make it less British so what he’s been doing in recent days is a desperate repair job um toy and undo some of the damage that his beloved

    Brexit caused so as in the UK where brexit has been a Monumental disaster in my opinion in Northern not an opinion that’s just counting well there you go I I don’t think the brexiteers ever thought or were ever carried about the impact of Northern Island I’d go with

    The never cared well same has never thought and certainly if they ever did think about it they never understood it and that is the uh uh the mark really of of of the people who like to call themselves brexit te Gerald thank you it’s coming up just gone 2211 you’re

    Listening to James O’Brien on LBC um Gerald has nailed it writes Nigel Boon in Belfast there is still so much um near racial hatred on both sides over here that probably is a bit Rose tinted from over here Nigel because it is by any measure a lot better than it was the

    Question is what might be resurrected or revivified by um by a referendum by a pleite and and I mean it’s too serious to joke about but you know we have learned some fairly Grizzly lessons about what happens when referendums are governed at least as much by emotion as

    They are by evidence Luke is in Derry uh Luke what would you like to say well in terms of your question as to when and how they’re they’re sort of interlined and they speak to uh one of your previous callers as far as the next 5 to

    10 years is concerned I don’t see that as a a runner at all and I don’t think that nationalists or Republicans or shim Fame will be will be looking for that because uh anecdotally speak I mean I come from a nationalist background in da um and speaking to uncles aunts parents

    Who again grew up in that nationalist background saw the uh discrimination my father grew up in the shadow of the box I would have heard the gunshots and Bloody Sunday they are more pragmatic um and uh a word that constantly comes up is what about my pension what about this pension that I

    Paid on day for the last 20 30 years yes so in terms of um when it’s going to happen I think that the the movers and shakers within republicanism want to and it sounds quite more but once those people they day yes and and ex except that a settlement could accommodate

    Things like that that that would be um it would depend a lot on who’s in Westminster and how much enthusiasm they have for the breakup of the United Kingdom which is an an odd thing for for the prime minister of the United Kingdom to contemplate and probably a very

    Difficult thing for any prime minister of the United Kingdom in the current context to be supportive of and I I think if if everybody’s being honest with themselves uh Westminster England I imagine if he did a a poll they don’t want us we’re we’re we’re a hindrance

    We’re we’re a drain well they’re the only people that won’t be asked were expensive um and as the way I look at it the people who want to remain it’s it’s almost masochistic they’re clinging to to somebody who’s trying desperately to kick them off well yeah but well I I

    Mean is the conservative and unionist party at least in name it’s more about prioritizing emotion over um principle isn’t it or or emotion over Advantage it’s it’s it’s it’s a brex thing like they would rather be on a boat with a British Bridge a British Admiral on the bridge that is

    Sinking than they would be on a boat with an Irish Admiral on the bridge that is or or or a Catholic Admiral on the bridge that is the the finest vessel that the Seven Seas has ever seen that’s that’s where the people you describe are coming from I think there’s a

    Particularly loud empty vessel over here who um who I think at Dum said I would rather uh I’m paraphrasing choke on my own blood in Britain than walk on streets paved of gold in United that’s precisely the point I’m making and it’s it’s incredible it’s very hard unless

    You are similarly and your brains have been similarly boiled it’s very very hard to to to get inside that kind of mindset isn’t it well they would they would class themselves as more British than than anybody in Britain yes you know yes and that’s part and that is

    Going to be the problem that Gerald um alluded to the question is how much attraction do those people get how much support do they Garner and how much damage do they do despite being in a minority in the event of the referendum result going against them in order to

    Try to uh going of use a phrase that is is talk about a cat among the pigeons in order to defy the will of the people Luke great stuff thank you it’s it’s coming up to quarter to 11 um after the break Cammy badok told Parliament on Monday that the negotiations with the

    Canadian government were ongoing um one journalist has had the wit to ask Canada uh whether that is true or not and you’ll find out after this James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC 10:48 is the time I I see Ed Davy has um published a piece in the guardian in the

    Last few minutes addressing the well fairly widespread attempts to pin a lot of responsibility for the Post Office Horizon Scandal on him he was the relevant Minister for I think 19 months um of the relevant period uh Ed Ed Davy the leader of the liberal Democrats will be speaking to us exclusively actually

    On there there something I don’t often say speaking to us exclusively on this program in in just under an hour’s time so um if there’s something that you think I should be putting to him or indeed something that you think he should be compelled to address then do

    Get in touch with me in all the usual ways that to give you an idea of of of of where he is coming from this morning the the headline on the article is I fell for post office lies and I’m sorry but I won’t be silent as Tories prey on victim’s

    Trauma um before that Camy Bok this week appeared before the committee speaking to um Liam burn at the uh business trade committee about her apparently quite petulant decision to call time on negotiations with Canada over a trade deal we need it because the sort of rollover that was in place after brexit

    Is set to expire I think on April the 1st and um if there is not a new trade deal in place then there will be all manner of problems not least for the automakers um for for for the car industry who would face tens of millions of pounds in tariffs because their

    Supply chain is embedded in the EU automotive industry um I my understanding of these matters depends largely on the work of excellent journalists like Peter Foster at the financial times who talks to us often and Graham lry A Politico who um who similarly keeps us up to speed with

    Unfolding developments um and before we hear from Graham let me remind you what Bok told the House of Commons during a debate on Monday when questioned by Liam burn who is chair of the business and trade committee it was it was in the house not not before committee she said

    This is a good opportunity for me to State explicitly that the talks have not broken down she said the two sides quotes have an ongoing rules of origin discussion End quotes but added we are also having multiple discussions with Canada on cheese in which we have not come to an

    Agreement um this of course reflects the fact that British cheese maker special access to Canada’s Market has already expired it expired at the start of the year so there we go the Secretary of State for business ex explicit and adamant that a the talks have not broken

    Down and and B there are ongoing discussions about rules of origin uh Graham langry is the UK trade reporter at Politico Europe and I think perhaps uniquely in the British media he had the wizard we of deciding to ask the Canadians grahe what did they

    Say Thanks James uh well I I am Canadian so uh you know I still maintain uh ties to Canada um Ju Just one one point it’s not that the UK Canada trade deal the current one will dissolve on April 1st it’s just specifically the rules of

    Origin yes uh issue the the the deal will stay in place until there’s a new one but this uh rules of origin provision which allows British manufacturers to use EU Parts in their products without paying tariffs without paying tarff precisely precisely that um the Automotive Industries Supply chains are you know

    Embedded into the EU so uh having these rules dissolve will be a big hit uh for British manufacturers and uh cars are in the top five exports that uh that that Britain sends over to Canada really about 745 million pounds a year precisely and that that’s in genuine Jeopardy you would say

    Well what could happen is is that those Vehicles will be taxed and and so manufacturers might not want to send as many and uh that really those tariffs really impact consumers in Canada who may not because those costs will be passed along to them they may not want

    To choose a British vehicle because it’s suddenly you know uh several percent more expensive so you went to Global Affairs Canada who who are the the relevant body for these issues and you essentially asked them whether or not they recognized the version of events that Camy Bok had shared with the House

    Of Commons on Monday I did and and they said that the idea that there are ongoing rules of origin discussions is inaccurate they also said that the idea that there’s multiple discussions with Canada on cheese that are potentially ongoing you K bat’s words are kind of vague exactly

    What she means um but there’s no discussions on cheese all of these things are tied into the negotiations for a new trade deal that badok walked away from last Thursday um as an expert in these matters yourself was this a sort of is she trying to play hard ball

    Do you think because we had during the last I mean at every stage of negotiations conservative politicians Pro brexit conservative politicians have given the impression that they believe that they have enormous heft and leverage at negotiation tables and and the reality often turns out to be otherwise do you think we’re seeing

    Another episode of that leaving aside for the moment the question that she effectively stands accused of misleading Parliament because that’s become almost PA of the course for the for this government but on that issue of heft and tactics what’s your reading of the situation I mean if this is a

    Negotiating strategy to get the Canadians to budge they’re not going to budge it all uh that as one Canadian official told me this strategy it will only produce a hit to to UK businesses um Canada really wants uh K bck to get back to the negotiating table

    Um it’s up to the UK whether or not they do that um but talks did reach a stalemate last Autumn and that was over Canada’s continuing pressure to try and get the UK to allow uh hormone treated beef that same issue with the United States trade deal into the British

    Market because Canada’s um like beef Market is tied to the US and they have very very similar standards and that’s a red line actually for Richi sunak isn’t it despite the fact that Jacob ree MOG told me some years ago he’s an enormous fan of hormone treated beef at least for

    Other people to eat um that that is a richy sunak red line which perhaps people don’t fully appreciate it is yeah um but I mean we uh we obtained some a leaked memo that was sent internally by by one of the the most senior uh trade negotiators that was

    Produced last June that Rishi sunak had actually directed Kimmy Bok and them to slow down trade negotiations with Canada and Mexico so that uh they could focus on getting a deal with India extraordinary stuff um where would you put your money come April the 1st will

    This have been ironed out or do you think we’re going to see a a cliff edge of sorts I think it’s really up to KY benock and whether or not she gets back to the table and and why wouldn’t she because she won’t get enough in return

    To to even sell it to readers of the Daily Express as a positive potentially she’s a she’s between a rock and a hard place really and I I mean if you look at it you know this is you know what trade negotiations are all about and they can be very

    Difficult and very acrimonious between two different countries you know Canada people like to think that we’re all nice and we like to think that that we are um but when it comes to trade negotiations uh beef and dairy are very important to the uh Canadian government because Alberta and Quebec are essential

    Provinces which produce beef and dairy are essential provinces to uh winning the next Canadian election of course going to happen in 2025 gra lry as always the the UK trade correspondent at uh Politico thank you for your time and and your Scoops the man’s a scoop machine I should add that um perhaps

    Speaking to the acrimony that Graham referenced there a spokesperson for Cammy bok’s Department the uh department for business and trade said we disagree with the assessment um so the Canadians have said no there is no talks k b says yes there are and her Department says

    Yes they no we disagree with the people on the other side of the negotiating table who say they aren’t having any talks with us at the moment and there you go in a another slightly nutty nutshell that is brexit Britain 1058 is the time and I back to the um other

    Consequence another consequence arguably a rather more epocal or historical consequence which is the likelihood of a United Island let’s let’s hop over the now invisible border all the calls so far from the north of the island let’s head to to Dublin Paul is there Paul what would you like to say James how’s

    It cuton listen H youve got you haven’t got much time so I’ll fly through this so I’m a Mongol I was born in England of Irish parents lived there till I was 10 then we relocated back to Ireland okay my life in England as it up to the age

    Of 10 was fine and no issues whatsoever Ireland was sold by the family as this idilic place to come came to Dublin in 1971 where a broad Coty accent bought and I had hell in school for the next however many years because I was just seen by all the IRA sympathizers as a

    Brit okay so Island certainly wasn’t idilic for me but the point I just wanted to make was was that you will and it was kind of mentioned you will never solve the problem and you use the term football ification all the time I do that’s the problem people wrapping

    Themselves in Flags you know so if you have a United Island which I think you will you’ll just transfer the problem instead of having the Republicans fighting for United Islands you have the loyalist freaking out and going going you’d still have a rump a rump of loyalist agitators and the question then

    Becomes where will the line be between agitation and something worse yeah and it’ll be a significant rump as well I think James and by the way I I I heard an interview one time with Andrew Trimble who’s a an exr player for Ireland coming from the Protestant tradition and it was about this

    Discussion actually and he laughed at one point and the interviewer said to him why are you laughing Andrew he say well I just want to let you know I only met my first Catholic when I was 21 yeah exra people go up the fs Road it’s all

    Green white and orange and murals are their Heroes grow up the shankill road which is a Stones throwaway a big walls separating it and it’s all red white and blue and all their Heroes until you solve the problem of people thinking they are the they they are a product of

    The land of their birth that’s the issue we should not allow the curse of the land of our birth dictate who we are and until they get rid of all that you will never solve this problem and and an echo actually of a of a point made previously

    And one that perhaps on this side of the sea we are sometimes a little bit naive about thank you Paul it’s just gone 11:00 David Davis singers were tucking into a bit of brexit today David Davis was on with Andrew M last night I don’t

    Know if you heard it Andrew asked him I thought very cleverly what what marks out of 10 he’d give to the success of brexit so far what do you think David Davis answered former brexit Secretary of course who not only insisted that we’d be signing a deal in Berlin on the

    Day after leaving the European Union but despite that astonishing display of ignorance ended up being brexit secretary and turned up for the first round of negotiations with no paperwork by any measure the man’s a genius so what did he say when marks had 10 for

    The success of brexit did he say two out of 10 four out of 10 6 out of 10 8 out of 10 or 10 out of 10 I’ll tell you after this James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC 4 minutes after 11 and uh towards the end of this houred

    Davy the leader of the liberal Democrats will be speaking to us exclusively about that story leading uh lot’s bulletin a moment ago the um the apology that he has issued over the post office Scandal and and um well I think his attempts to set the record straight uh um that’ll be here

    Shortly uh 5 after 11 is the time a bit of a change of pace now so a bit of a change of Direction remember it’s Thursday so Myster hour will be with us at 12 and I got some quite exciting news about mystery hour as well for you which

    Um you won’t want to miss but I I I don’t know what to do with stories like this I I well I think I do I think I just ask you to tell me what what is going on but what I don’t want to do is start from the position that it’s not

    True or that the people in the story are definitely and and 100% in the wrong it’s quite interesting how different organs treat the same story isn’t it I I I point this out to you on on several occasions so the Daily Mail goes down that road that I just described a moment

    Ago where they are essentially telling the people in the story that they are wrong the headline they’ve got is you poor things exclamation mark one in four men think women have it easier um and then they write story they write a story about a quarter of men age between 16

    And 59 who believe that they they have it tougher in life than their female counterparts the guardian perhaps predictably takes a rather more sophisticated approach to the story and describes boys and men from generation Zed as being more likely than older baby baby boomers to believe that feminism

    Has done more harm than good and I think that demographic breakdown here is probably more interesting than the broader figure it describes a real risk in the words of the researchers at Kings College of fractious division among this coming generation I think one of the many mistakes I’ve made on the program is

    Deciding probably this time last year or thereabouts that the um alleged uh people trafficker Andrew Tate was best ignored um I I I sometimes work on the principle that providing any Oxygen at all to people who are desperate for your attention is the wrong thing to do and I

    Think that’s the wrong thing to do funnily enough I think obviously when people become a problem even if they’ve become a problem in the shadows when it becomes a big enough problem that teachers and parents were were messaging me and contacting me privately to say you’ve got to talk about this we’ve got

    We’ve got a real problem we’ve got boys turning up at school with incredibly um misogynistic and uh uh sort of neander it’s not fair on neander but you know what I mean incredibly misogynistic attitudes towards women and they they there is a a failure to understand the the scale of the problem

    Well here perhaps is some evidence of where that problem has led um he is of course Tate himself is facing charges in Romania of human trafficking rape and forming a criminal gang to sexually exploit women he has talked about on the record about hitting and and choking women and described him self as

    Absolutely a misogynist so it sort of becomes a badge of Pride to be misogynistic in this world there’s a another person I thought was probably best ignored uh an author um called Jordan Peterson who 32% of 16 to 29y old men see favorably um women of the same

    Generation see him favorably just 12% see him favor favorably and he claims to speak up for demoralized young men and says that Tate offers forthright aggression as an alternative to cringing defeat Peterson deserves some sympathy uh in in recent years for I would never dream of describing it as cringing

    Defeat I don’t know what he means by that phrase but despite apparently being a cheerleader for this sort of a toxic masculinity you might describe it as he he has developed a habit in recent years of of bursting into tears in interviews and um I think he struggled quite badly

    With his own mental health and yet to my unted ey he seems to be one of the chief cheerleaders of of describing things like concern about mental health as as being a negative or undesirable so it is a confusing business isn’t it but what’s not confusing are the statistics the

    Proportion of men aged 16 to 29 who think feminism has done more harm than good is well at the very least it is worryingly High um how how you’ve ended up thinking that a you have it harder than women and B feminism has been a force for bad is to my 52-year-old male

    Eyes extraordinary truly extraordinary and I want you to tell me how it’s happened possibly by telling me about your son or your partner what what and and listen if I said to you is it is it possible that they have a point would youd be cross with me for

    Even asking the question because this is the problem I have when I say I think that it’s best not to give these people the oxygen of publicity but then the what plants flourish in the darkness mushrooms they’re like mushrooms you know people like me refuse to turn the

    Lights on and I’ve only got a smallest radio show but probably a slightly disproportionate profile on social media and and and elsewhere because there are you know only about two people in the entire country speaking from an essentially leftish position in in in Legacy Media everybody else is either

    Right-wing or impartial so if people like me don’t shine light into the into the mushroom farm then do the mushrooms grow out of control so when I say to you is is there any argument at all that these people might have a point what would that point be so what

    Would the proof be for you or for someone you know that feminism well crucially that women have it easier than men in the modern world what what are they actually talking about when a quarter of that part of the population a quarter of that demographic

    One in four UK males aged 16 to 29 believe it is harder to be a man than a woman now I only have daughters and obviously a wife so I I don’t have a particular insight into this I have Gods sons who have been briefly entranced by

    Andrew Tate before uh the adults in their lives myself included found out and we able to conduct fairly straightforward and obvious conversations about whether or not you’d want treat your uh um your cousin like that or whether you treat your sister like that or whether you talk like about

    Your mom like that and I’m probably very naive when I say that I found those to be very effective ways of defusing some of the poison that these Lads were ingesting but but where does the poison lead what would they point at what would they say was the proof that women have

    It harder than men um I beg a Parton that men have it harder than women 03456 6973 that that’s the bit that interests me most what what are their points what are their arguments what what where is their evidence what would a peton or a tate offer up a man who

    Speaks enthusiastically about assaulting women what would they offer up as proof that that that women have an easier ride in life than than men do even in the era of me too and discovering that the full extent of not just misogyny but also sexual abuse uh at almost every level of

    Life for women Through the Ages so that I I want to know that um and the second question is probably easier to answer it’s how has this happened Professor Rosie Campbell who’s the director of the global Institute for Women’s leadership at Kings said that the fact that this group is the first to

    Derive most of their information from social media is likely to be at least part of the explanation she describes a Zeitgeist where Young women feel they can own the idea of feminist identity and young men hear a lot about girl power but don’t at this stage in their lives understand the inequalities that

    We know are in the world when you hit work and child care and that’s kind of where my point comes from is that I my life is full of women in their 40s and 50s who were every bit as talented and as ambitious as the men that they marri

    Or the men that they had children with and yet in most cases the uh the division of labor became such that the woman’s career suffered and the man’s career flourished now during the period of child rearing that there can seem to be perhaps some balance there and there

    Will be men who find themselves wishing that they could have spent more time with their children when they were growing up but when you come to contemplate the rest of your life that that most basic of in inequalities that is not Universal but is fairly commonplace and I think a fairly uncontroversial

    Observation find makes it for people my age absolutely impossible to understand how um young men can think that women have it easier so where does it come from and of course what is the evidence 0345 6060 973 is the number that you need it’s coming up to quarter past 11 the

    Question I’m asking you is built upon social media being blamed as more generation Zed boys and men actively regard feminism as harmful I suppose alongside the other questions I’ve asked I’m asking what that actually means what what does that mean either semantically or um in terms of impact hit the numbers

    Now you will get through I I did it didn’t I I forgot to tell you David Davis asked by Andrew ma last night uh what he would give brexit marks out of 10 did he say two out of 10 four out of

    10 6 out of 10 eight out of 10 or 10 out of 10 I won’t tease you with the answer I shall leave you to mull it over before we um resume this conversation in a few moments David Davis the former brexit secretary who insisted that we’d be

    Signing trade deals in Berlin the morning after brexit and the German car industry and the French wine industry and all the rest of it wouldn’t possibly tolerate the notion of us having um uh tariff free friction at our borders absolutely adamant that they needed us more than we needed them proved wrong

    About every single element of the promises that he made to the British people told Andrew ma last night that he would give brexit eight out of 10 and that I’m afraid is an indication of just how Bonkers everything still is James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC 18 minutes

    After 11 this is interesting this T say i’ be interested in seeing what the demographics were that took part in this survey I’m black almost 50 with a 21y year old boy a nephews age 21 to 27 this is something that they’ve never thought about or considered as they have other

    Barriers and factors which make life a little more difficult skin color being the obvious factor and I completely get where you’re coming from Leon but actually minority ethnic men are most likely to follow Tate with with more than a third agreeing that he raises important points about real threats to

    Male identity and gender roles where the figure is closer to 12% so um way way below half when it comes to white men I don’t know what to make of that but it flies in the face of what you would have presumed what you do presume Leon which

    Again is probably another reason why we should talk about this stuff more even as we find a lot of it distasteful Conrad is in Holland Park Conrad what made you pick up the phone hi James um it just so coincided that uh last weekend I was having a

    Family dinner with my friends and um we got into a massive ra about um homophobia racism misogyny it all just kind of like erupted and there was a point where at first I thought you know okay maybe maybe it’s a joke but it just got more intense and I believe the

    Reasons embedded with it and by the way this is with um Jamaican group and I’m South African myself okay and part of it is cultural pride and then the other part of it I believe is how social media is um intoxicated us into you know believing that our opinions no matter

    How crazy they are are validated to there are others out there yeah we used to be able to leave that to Radio phone in Conrad but now it’s everywhere what um what do you mean by cultural Pride well so basically for myself my own Heritage um my mom’s white South

    African my dad is tuana speaking to Black South African okay so you know over the past five years in London I’ve been hanging with a lot of Jamaican people and been learning more about their culture um and I think at the moment don’t don’t don’t say anything

    You don’t want to say I I don’t because I’m I’m hoping to learn from you but I don’t want to put you in un I just don’t want to I just don’t want to misrepresent anything exactly that’s what I mean yeah uh basically one of my

    Good friends he was like um and this is more about homophobia not misogyny okay and he was like you know it is according to rust ofering culture you know that is not okay no homosexuality and I have he felt he has an obligation to uphold his

    Culture no matter what and I kept on going and at one point I left the table cuz I you know I’m sorry I can’t do this and he came to me said man I’m sorry but you just have to understand I I would not be a man if another man did that to

    Me and at that point I realized that there was a lot of fear in that a lot of fear yes and I it’s not it’s not confined to rest of fism there’s a heck of a lot of religions that that that um preach similarly and end up with with

    Similar consequences I’ve spoken I’ve spoken to a few on the program and I do and and fascinating though that is and I’d love to talk about it again I do I want to steer you back to the misogyny and the question of how cuz you’re young I said I think you

    Said how do we know this is new because especially was it an all male Gathering I mean men throughout the ages when they when their when their Gatherings are un unleavened by female presence that they can say things and express views that they wouldn’t dream of of saying in

    Other companies so how do you know that your generation’s problem is is new in the context of social media and other influences and influencers well James I was raised I was brought up in an old boy school yeah um in South Africa and this was about

    Started school in 2014 so at this point you know social media was just kind of on the rise it was there but it wasn’t as prevalent and it wasn’t as Insidious as it is now and even in an old boy school I felt that you know yes there

    Was a certain level of misogyny which I think you could kind of attribute to the immaturity but it didn’t feel that bad but since I would say 2019 especially with the rise of Tik Tok right I think there’s been a massive change because things have become so specific and the

    Reason why I kind of know this is at these family gatherings there are women involved they are the minority figures there’s two other women with us okay and we not me sorry yeah well I guess I am part of the problem um well but as a

    Group sorry I’ll come back to that but as a group you know you get into this mindset and it can be so VOC on love that you know the women who are there like you know honestly they not fine with it but they just like they get overpowered they’re

    Bombarded they’re sort of drowned what what are we talking sort of blatant objectification and and or worse or or you know men have the right to do this because the you’ve got the Trad wife movement growing at the same time this idea of um wives being completely

    Subservient to to to their husbands what what sort of thing what do you think you routinely witness from your friends that I as a 52y old man who’s closer to you I think in Outlook would find shocking what what what what are the sort of headlines or highlights for want of a better

    Word um the double standards is a big one especially with uh promiscuity you know like my friends it’s you know for a male to have multiple partners at one time that’s acceptable but um for his partner to have you know the same thing it’s a complete betrayal um so that’s

    Almost a notion of ownership again isn’t it or or a yeah yeah yeah once again a word that’s thrown around is wife you know I want a wife um and it’s not rarely intended in you know a marriage is supposed to be a joint partner where

    You share your lives with each other um equally through health and sickness but that’s not what’s happening here it is ownership 100% um and and and and how many of your group uh are kind of following the the figures like this Andrew Tate character is that is that some something that’s part of

    Their sphere when Andrew Tate first came on the scene before you know um everything was found out about him yeah a lot of people went into him they like what’s the appeal what’s the appeal Conor in a nutshell what is it exact I read you what um this is really

    Interesting actually from Shelina who was also in touch yesterday she does a brilliant podcast here at LBC she says the reason that ethnic minority men and also Muslim men find traditionalist men like Tater peeling is because it gives them a male privilege in a hierarchy where they are already low down so it’s

    Easier to keep their own ethnic minority stroke Muslim women down in order to give themselves some status and it’s therefore easier to blame women who have even less voice to push back which you just described almost word for word than the overall hierarchy it’s better to have some power than none the same

    Applies oddly to young white men blaming people of color for quotes taking over End quotes it gives them power in a system that has taken away their power but it says in both cases hey look over there it’s the brown people’s fault or in this case it’s it’s the women’s fault

    That resonates with me that makes sense do you think um I I suppose a part of it is that when Andrew Tate you know comes on the scene and uh let’s say a man with you with um liberal views I take it you’re you’re kind of repulsed

    From the get-go aren’t you well I didn’t know enough about him to be repulsed actually I thought he was just all about big cars and sort of ostentatious showing off of money I I just thought he was a a therapist’s dream really in terms of insecurity and and and fears

    About is I I I presumed he had a terrible relationship with his mom if I’m honest with you I didn’t really think about it much more deeply than that well I but then I was repulsed then I was repulsed and and that that plays into perhaps what both you and and

    Shelina have said conr thank you I’m going to crack on cuz quite a short of time for this topic and it’s there’s a heck of a lot of people that want to talk about it Ben’s in Reading Ben what do you want to say hi um I’m a student

    I’ve uh sort of I’m late 17 and um it’s so much more widespread than people think among young boys it’s so there’s what is put it into words for me Ben the the the it that you’re describing it’s this sort of um anti-liberal um nationalism it’s not just about things

    Like LGBT it’s also about sort of left wing rightwing it’s um there’s hatred of immigrants is very very prevalent I mean obviously there’s I’d say it’s more anti-trans I’d say is the biggest one it’s huge um I’d say if I ask than average boy in my college it would be

    Maybe 70% of them anti-trans okay and and not even just like and where’s that where’s that coming from because oddly there’s some brilliant research out today by best for Britain that that Carol vman was showing me earlier showing that the newspapers that I obsess about are are increasingly less

    Influential the massive majority of people who read all of the newspapers that I blame for most of the country’s ills the readers actually want a change of government so their ludicrous Shilling for the Tories and client journalism isn’t working where where are where are your generation getting their anti-trans rhetoric from newspapers they

    Have no influence on my generation know it’s gone it’s it’s all social media it’s things like Tik Tok for example if they’re on and the problem with that is the algorithm there it puts you into people who have the same opinions as you so it’s just a massive Echo chamber so

    If you’re anti-trans you’re going to see anti-trans things you’re GNA get more and more for your Mill or so where does the idea come from that that women have it easier than men do you think because so they see things so they these people who post this anti-trans stuff and anti-

    Women stuff yes they they find this data and they they cherry pick it so they’ll see something like the one I always see and as sad as it is and horrendous as it is they always mention the male suicide rate right about how it’s considerably

    Higher than um women or I don’t know how it always has been as far as it always and um they take this data and they say oh automatically it must be worse than men and worse for men I think prison probably reach for prison as well would

    You at this point okay um and they they see this as like but they don’t take into the other things and they see oh well they’re equal under the law and they take all these sort of sort of dog whistles and they’ll mention things like the gender payam say oh it’s not

    Actually real because the law actually protects it or something but they don’t take into account like the biases and the it’s is like they see they take things for safe like um face value and they don’t want to do any Research into it they just take so you start from a

    POS because this is I think the thing I’ve always found odd it’s a desire to be grieved it’s people who want to be victims definitely definitely which takes you know brexit’s turning behind every it’s around every corner today isn’t it but but this desire to actually so people with privilege because as men

    Obviously you have privilege you you you you you want to believe that you’re actually being victimized and the proof is the proclivity of of of men to commit violent crime or or the proclivity of men not to talk about their feelings and therefore end up struggling to cope with

    With their mental health and taking the worst imaginable decision I mean it’s it’s so self-defeating it makes a bad situation worse the approach that you described there’s also um the other thing I see especially on Tik Tok I I I can’t believe most of it’s real but I’m

    Pretty sure like these sort of um like reform UK they’re like the ukas party they they spend or they have thousands of people in the comments of these videos saying I’ll be voting reform UK I’m done with the Tories I’m done with labor and it’s like I don’t believe it’s

    That am if you if you went off polling just by them comments thousands of them it will be every single person will be saying vote reform UK and I know their polling is not high enough that’s Richard Ty’s party is it yeah so is that Astro

    Turfing is that the word it has to be I I think but is that is that the word if if it were some sort of orchestrated marketing or or public relations campaign and we we don’t know that although like you it seems a little odd

    That um uh polling should be so low when what you encounter on social media is apparently so high that I think that is what what what the technical term is and yeah well that I mean it’s odd isn’t it how those kind of anti-immigration tropes do always go hand inhand with um

    As Ben describes them anti anti- women tropes it is odd that um but less odd the more you think about it we’ve use the word othering an awful lot on this program over the years and it doesn’t really matter what the target is a certain type of person can’t wait for

    You to give them permission to attack it 11:31 is the time lty moley how’s your headlines James O’Brien on lb James O’Brien on LBC it is 11:35 uh mystery hour on the way at 12 your weekly opportunity to um achieve the sort of intellectual satisfaction not available anywhere else on your radio before that this is just interesting isn’t it and it’s worrying and and I

    Think there is a danger of I mean in some ways it’s the it’s KL Popper’s Paradox of Tolerance isn’t it it’s it’s it’s tolerating the in tolerant having a conversation about stuff that you find obviously troubling um is probably important even when you don’t want to have it and arguably I

    Remember Sheila fogy started talking about Andrew Tate when I was still fairly persuaded that it was wrong to give him attention or to give him uh oxygen and and in some ways it is obviously wrong to do that but in other ways it isn’t it’s important you can’t

    Look if if young people are being poisoned not to talking about the poisoner is a really stupid position orbe it one that I foolishly adopted myself 11:36 is the time so the question the basis for this conversation is fairly obvious uh research showing that gen generation Zed increasingly see

    Feminism as harmful and crucially think that that it’s harder to be a man if than it is to be a woman this is one in four UK males and you know the fact that 20% of young people on social social media know who Andrew Tate is should be worrying but 20% have a

    Favorable view of him what what what is it appealing to where would the evidence be that most people would find absurd that it’s easier somehow to be a man than a woman em explains they tell them they’ve been denied the privilege by which they mean power that their mythical forefathers definitely had

    Despite all the actual demographic data about poverty wages and political disenfranchisement so a sort of mythical past in which men like me would have enjoyed dominion over other men but most importantly women I mean you wouldn’t have done would you the clan leader the the Earl of the Mana might have done but

    He would have had DW Senor over your own female family members inide so anyway I’m I’m I’m getting distracted Jose in Portsmouth Joe what would you like to say hello James hello J hi um yeah I’m the founder of CE uh I’m CEO of engendering change and we work with

    Various organizations to try to kind of promote equity and inclusion and we do a lot of work in schools and most of that around relationships and sex education um so I’ve done a lot of work on this both with boys and with teachers and and

    Sort of in education um and I’m also a mother of two boys who are 11 and 17 and so I feel like I’ve got yeah I suppose quite a unique grip of what’s going on did IDE what we should do when did you become aware of the need for an

    Organization like the one you went on to found and how um well my background’s in teaching so I it was very evident to me um I used to say that I was really I thought it was a real shame that things hadn’t got better since I was at school

    And now I would actually say in many ways they’ve got worse and the urgency to act I think is more pressing than it ever has been and that’s against a very difficult climate where our government um after making relationships and sex education statutory have then really undermined

    The entire thing you know by whipping up moral Panic okay uh sharing lots of kind of rhetoric which is not evidence-based which has criticized what’s happening happening in classrooms and so schools find themselves in this really difficult situation where we really need expert evidence-led rsse or relationships and

    Sex ed and yet at the same time the government is making it scary to deliver and so schools they know they’ve got to do it but they don’t really know what they’re doing and unfortunately a lot of the interventions which schools are doing to address misogyny and things like porn unfortunately although often

    They’re well- intended the impact of them is to further kind of ghetto wise boys and often when teachers you know they’ll be sent round of PowerPoints by one you know senior leader who perhaps doesn’t have much expertise themselves it’ll go around to all the staff who

    Have had no training it’s like it’s like it’s like the teacher who was put in charge of the cricket team 20 years ago who’ never never held never held a cricket back before indeed it is and this is so easy to get wrong and if you

    Get it wrong it’s almost worse well I think well of course it is because you add you add an extra level of of of bogus victimhood to well that’s probably an unhelpful phrase to can you tell me and and I I appreciate that the you know the full gamut of your experience and

    Expertise we’re only going to be able to nibble at the edges of it but if if I had a teenage boy in front of me who believed that it’s easier to be a woman than a man or that feminism had been a force for bad and I said why is that

    Mate what would he say back to me what would he say how what what would he say what would he say yeah well when I said why do I say why do you believe that what’s your proof what would he yeah I think a lot of young men are finding

    Themselves in these real Echo Chambers online and I don’t know if you’ve read many what’s going to be Echo what’s going to be Echo well it will be things like women hate men okay uh there are loads of feminists who want to see men killed so there’s all these videos out

    There I very much doubt they’ve been made by actual feminists sure but you know it’ll be like me you know really negative towards men and saying the world would be better off without them okay it like celebrations of international women’s day which I I am a feminist and regard as really important

    But which leav many boys feeling like they’re not listened to I only chuckle I only chuckle because of what Richard Herring does every year on on on International men’s day because it is there is one it turns out but um but the refrain from the kind of kids you’re

    Describing is always well why isn’t there an international Men’s Day you haven’t you haven’t properly answered my question cuz you’re describing the echo chamber you’re not really describing what is echoed within it how is your life as as a young boy worse because you’re a boy than it would be if

    You’re a woman the the mythical threat on the horizon I I I understand that they do the same with immigration there’s some people over there who are going to steal your Birthright going to steal your biscuits going to steal your jobs but what what do I believe as a

    15-year-old that that makes my fortunes inferior to the fortunes of a 15y old girl in the same classroom do we know you yeah you believe you’re a victim you believe that you’ve been left behind you believe that girls are favored over Boys in school and in society you believe

    That your teachers and your parents don’t know what they’re talking about and often that is true that’s always part of radicalization attempt exactly attempts to address this further entrench it when it’s not done effectively they believe they are being lectured at and preached to rather than

    Listen which is why the work you do becomes um so important and and more challenging than perhaps people on the outside might appreciate and I look forward to talking to you more Joe I know that my friend and colleague Natasha Devon is a huge huge admirer of

    Of the work that you do and she of course moves in similar spaces but the clock is against us it is 11:43 the clock is against us not least because the leader of the liberal Democrats uh s ed Davy has today um well essentially undertaken uh a challenge to to the

    Narrative that sees him being blamed more than any other politician perhaps for the uh post office Horizon Scandal he’s in a piece for the guardian this morning under the headline I fell for post office lies and I’m sorry but I won’t be silent as tor’s prey on

    Victim’s trauma and Ed Davy will explain a little bit more about that and what he means um after this James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC it’s 11:46 and you are listening to James O’Brien on LBC um mystery are on the way at 12

    Before that well I I wonder if you know what the following politics Ians have in common we do it in in descending order Kevin Hollen rake Dean Russell Jane hunt Paul Scully Kelly tolhurst Andrew Griffith Margo James Anna subri Joe Swinson twice Jenny Willet the right honorable Norman lamb and Sir Edward dve

    MP um they have all if you don’t know this and if you do frankly you should get out more but they have all um been the the the relevant Minister for the post office during the 14 years and counting now in which the post office Horizon Scandal has folded but I I

    Suspect with the possible exception of Kevin Hollen and Joe Swinson that if I’d asked you to name those ministers the only one you would have been able to name is Sir Ed Davy which is part of the reason I presume why today he has elected to write an article um

    Apologizing for falling for post office lies um but pledging that he won’t be silent as tor’s prey on victim truma and Ed Davey the leader of the liberal Democrats and MP for Kingston and serton joins me now good morning James what precisely are you apologizing for well

    When I was post office Minister um 11 days in um I sent a letter to Alan bat saying I didn’t want to meet him because government owned the post office didn’t run it uh that obviously annoyed him quite understandably and it took me 5 months to meet him I wish I’d met him

    Earlier and I’m particularly apologizing because when I listened to him a very reasonable man uh and his concerns particularly about Horizon computer system and I put his concerns to the post office um I didn’t uncover their lies and their lies were really quite profound particularly on the horizon

    Computer system what worried Mr Bates was that the sub postmaster was they were told the subst was the only person who could uh enter their their budget their financial system on the computer uh and there was no possibility of remote access um and Mr debates was questioning that and so I questioned the

    Post office on that and said look is there remote access are there any bugs in system is it robust and I was told categorically that it been independently assured there was no remote uh access now we subsequently learn I mean years later that was a complete and utter lie

    And they knew it there was a report from eron Young in 2011 while I was the minister that the post office received saying there was remote access so they lied to me and what I’m apologizing was not seeing through those lies I mean Post Office lied kept lying to other

    Ministers to the judges to courts uh and that lie was only finally exposed when an Insider from Fujitsu blew the whistle and we had a BBC Panorama in August 2015 then we had the high court in 2019 um but I I feel I should apologize for not

    Seeing through those lies though I have to say it would have been pretty tough of course and yet it’s now the 1st of February 2024 and and and you’ve referred back to various milestones in in this Saga at which that apology probably became necessary or at least desirable um the

    Latest of which would probably be the the 1 of January when when Mr V Bates versus the post office began to be broadcast on ITV to to extraordinary effect as as I think everybody know so why has it taken you so long well I mean the story is is horrendous uh I watched

    The ITV uh drama and you know you can’t be anything other but distress for the the maybe thousands of post Masters who were affected and I said very early on that I regret it I should have said I probably should have said much earlier except that I should have said sorry

    Earlier why didn’t you um well I felt it and I don’t don’t know why I just probably should have said said it I was saying regret and I felt that was getting over that that point but um yeah I probably should have said sorry earlier what what what happened here in

    This interview earlier this month last I was lied too why not draw a line under it then just apologize can you apologize to post masters of course I regret that’s not an apology well I’ve said of course I think it really is well why don’t you say I am sorry well I I’ve

    Said time and time again that I deeply regret not I that I was that I was lied to that’s not apology I was lied to on an industrial scale why can’t you say sorry well of course I I I feel that um I’m right to express regret for not why

    Can’t you say sorry it’s the least they deserve look what they’ve been through just say sorry for your part in not having gone to the answers my heart goes out to the hundreds of people not enough to say sorry hit and I I deeply regret

    That we didn’t get to the bottom of the lies that were told Paul brand at ITV there giving giving you the third degree um and today you are saying sorry why yeah I probably should have said sorry to Paul brand I really and I regret not

    Saying sorry and if I gave a lot of regret yeah well if I gave the impression that I didn’t feel deeply uh uh sorry for the hundreds of families who who suffered sorry for for me not meeting Alan Bates earlier and uh not seeing through the lies of course I should say

    Sorry for that and have you been in touch with Alan Bates since the drama unfolded yeah I’ve I’ve contacted him waiting to to hear back but he’s incredibly busy and in demand obviously he certainly is um I I I ran through the list of ministers who had held the

    Position that that you held and um all of whom would have had responsibility for this as as the story developed indeed many of them would have been in the chair why do you think you are your head is much further above the parapet on on all of these issues than than anybody

    Else who has held the the same role during the relevant period uh well this was was a very long one uh I think it’s even longer because Horizon came in 1999 uh so I I I I think I’ve just done a sum I think you had the job for 19 months

    Yeah 90 months out there 20 20 years yeah that’s right um I I the Tory press I think well the Tory party it’s election year I think they’re trying to get a scapegoat they they talked about blaming on on Tony Blair they tried to blame K St they’re trying to blame me

    And they’re trying to blame others and you do sometimes see this with uh of their friends in the Tory media that they try and find scapegoats and try and distract people and they’re distracting them from the concertive is apping record in government aren’t they I mean I think this is the most shocking

    Government I’ve ever ever witnessed I’m determined to to lead the liberal Democrats to beat lots of conservative MPS and you can see the conservative party clearly see us a threat that’s why they’re attacking us what do you mean when you say you won’t be silent as the

    Tores prey on victims trauma well when you’re weaponizing something like this which is a tragedy I mean we should actually have the Forefront of our minds the hundreds of sub poost Masters who need to be quickly and properly compensated they’ve already waited far too long they should be fully exiler uh

    And they should get the the truth from the public inquiry which I’ve supported and the Metropolitan Police invest criminal investigation and uh for the conservatives to put this into a sort of political weapon I think it’s just it’s unfair to the of postmasters why aren’t they focusing in on on getting that

    Compensation we we saw I think it was on the front page of the telegraph today Alan Bates is expressing uh real horror that the government isn’t coming up with a proper compensation package even now so you know I see it as my job I’m sure

    Other people do uh to to fight for the supp poost master for that compensation and you You Heard lots of conservative ministers jump and MPS jumping up and down about this but um I I don’t know if they’ve gone on to the AA today to to

    Back up Alan bit they certainly ought to be describing the settlement he’s been offered as as derisory and cruel uh most people listening at Davey will have watched the draw well most people who have watched the drama and who are listening today will will will struggle with the skepticism I I I understand

    That you say that well I understand that you were lied to um that that’s a matter of record and and thanks to to the work of of journalists like Nick Wallace in bringing whistleblowers forward um that that is now a matter of record not a matter of opinion but the weight of

    Evidence the fact that you had to essentially decide that hundreds of sub post Masters previously blameless pillars of their respective communities were all coincidentally defrauding the the the post office at the all stealing from the post office at the same time do you never get even the

    Vaguest whiff of rat during this period Well it’s interesting you say that because the numbers that I was told uh were much smaller I mean uh Alan Bates was representing about a 100 and when I put those sorts of questions to the post office they didn’t tell me about the

    Huge number they were Prosecuting what was really when you watch the the drama you remember that scene in that Community Hall when uh they all said that uh the post office said they were the only one with problems and then there was everyone who was the only one

    According to the post office and that was the way they treated uh their advice on how many this was being uh uh were being affected by this but 100’s still a big number it is a big number and that’s why I took his concerns really seriously and ask serious questions and not only

    Did they give me the assurances about that uh that the Horizon system was robust and been independently assured they said look uh these people have gone to court some people have pled you guilty judges have found them guilty are you wanting to overturn the the judge’s

    Minister so you that was a sort of situation you were this would be your civil servant saying that to you uh yeah I think on behalf of the post I’m not blaming officials I think the the blame lies fully and squarely on the post office are you going to name any names

    Who lied to you well the sort of the post people in charge of the post of at this time was first of all a guy called David Smith and then Paul lenel um they would have had other people in their team and one of the reasons I was so

    Keen to Champion this public inquiry after the high court case in 2019 when we we got the full exoneration of at leise uh Alan bat’s group was because I do think we need that public inquiry to get to the truth I’m delighted the Metropolitan Police have opened a

    Criminal investigation um I want to give evidence to that inquiry uh I believe I’m going be uh cooled and it’s essential cuz I think when you think about the sub post Masters and let’s remember they should be the top of mind they have had horrendous experience horrendous some people committed suicide

    People lost their businesses their houses some people’s marriages were broken up I mean I have two supposed master in my inconsistency one went to prison for 16 months for something he did not do they should be the for the the right to the front of our mind getting that compensation fair and

    Generous and quick getting the exonerated so they can hold their heads up high as they I think they should now but they need that that that that publicly said and then they need to deserve the truth and they deserve system change by the way one of the

    Things I I wrote In My article today was I think this shows that the system is rotten on so many levels not just the way the right-wing press and the Tory party are weaponizing that’s part of it but the fact that you have these arm length boded like the post office where

    Ministers don’t have day-to-day uh control at all um and that model think is broken uh and I think how the system responds to crisis and Scandals is broken uh you know the laws around whistleblowers for example as I’ve said earlier The Whistleblower was core to finding the truth in this but our laws

    Around whistleblowers are pathetic they’re way behind other countries we need to make give much more support to people who prepared to blow the whistle and say there’s a scandal happening here and give them real prodection so that that they’re they’re not in any way disadvantaged by telling the truth have

    You been in touch with Paula venel at all since since the program was aired or since when did you last speak to her oh I think when I was a minister right and those are the only two names that that that you’re putting into the P the names

    That are already in the public sphere David Smith and Paul lenel because the phrase you use repeatedly is we were reassured time and again that the Horizon system wasn’t working who was g what was the nature of these reassurances and who who was giving them to you personally or your well when I’m

    Very occasion met uh the post office people but primarily I went through the officials that’s how you do it and after the the meeting with uh Alan Bates I asked officials and then of course I followed up and actually followed up with the national Federation of sub poost Masters who clearly uh

    Understandably not liked by Alan Bates and the sub poost Master because they went to their like a trade Union National Federation and they didn’t help them but but I didn’t know that so I went to what I considered to be the Trade union for sub poost master as the

    National Federation suppos I said Is it true you know I’ve had this case I’ve seen Alan Bates what do you think about it and they backed up the post office line Nick Wallace reses particular disdain for for for the for the umus for the um Federation of sub postmasters and

    It would be interesting to see what any public inquiry does regarding their role as as indeed it will one of your successes in in in the position and one of your predecessors as leader of the liberal Democrats Joe Swinson um the the forensic account Second Sight were

    Dismissed by the post office under under her watch should she be in the studio next after you do you think does she have questions I think Joe will speak for herself but I’m uh absolutely sure she was lied to uh as I was and Ministers of all political parties right

    I unlike the conserv I’m not trying to weaponize this I think labor ministers before me would have been lied to uh Joe and conservatives afterwards one thing i’ would say about conservative ministers which I think um they had the benefit of the Panorama program in August 2015 when John Sweeney the BBC

    Team with a fitsu inside whistleblower exposed this lie about remote access they had the benefit of the high court judgment in 2019 so you know that wasn’t available to to Liberal Democrat or Labor uh ministers and that was really the critical thing that Alam mates and

    Others had raised and it comes out in the documentary um finally are you fighting for your political life at the moment no no no no I mean what’s been really uh uh so encouraging is the way the part has responded to this really they’ve seen it

    For what it is they they seen the cerative party trying to weaponize this as a weapon uh they’ve tried to they’ve seen the conserve party pretty worried about the double Democrats actually because there are many many seats where we can beat the conservative MPS and help change this awful government so

    Davey thank you leader of the liberal Democrats and MP for Kingston and seron I always feel a bit silly at this point because it is a Thursday and uh after to that very important uh and serious exchange I I now have to remind you that it’s mystery hour next James O’Brien on

    LBC James O’Brien on LBC this is LBC from Global leading Britain’s conversation mystery hour with James O’Brien it’s 5 minutes after 12 a tiny little bit later than usual but I mean we call it mystery hour anyway it’s never actually an hour there’s a question for you no don’t please no

    Don’t seriously if you do you’re banned forever from the program um if you have a mystery that needs solving a riddle that needs unraveling an enigma that needs fixing then uh this is your chance uh weekly opportunity to achieve the sort of satisfaction not ordinarily available anywhere else on your radio

    Dial I’ll solve one quick mystery for you the bank of England has just announced that it’s holding rates at 5.25% so you can take that one off your list and we’ll start making another another one you ring in or someone rings in asks a question or who or why or what

    Or when a with a when even perhaps the occasional wherefore uh and then someone else rings in with the answer the Management’s decision is final and the management is me but rather excitingly these days latly in recent years there has been a prize there still is a prize

    For my favorite contribution of the day that prize is a brand spanking new mystery hour board game um beautiful bit of kit available of course at mystery hour or by submitting my Faceook contribution of the DAT you don’t even have to get the question right or or or

    Or the answer right or the question doesn’t even have to be good it’s just it’s entirely in the eye of the beholder and the beholder is me uh and the full terms and conditions regarding that conversation can be found at olie’s in exitor olle question or answer

    Oh my goodness hello hello you can’t be surprised just to clarify we haven’t phoned you I know but I’ve tried before never got on anyway anyway I don’t want to waste time um you know when you look on your phone and and it gives you the temperature for the day yeah and then

    Next to it says feels like something else yes how do how do they figure that out does somebody go out and stand in the cold and Fe so you’ve got the temperature and then you’ve got the feels like because of wind chill factor and and and what

    Else and shade and other issues that I don’t know what those issues are I probably shouldn’t have said anything so you’re going to have to help me out a bit cuz I’m not a Serial consulter of the weather app on my phone does the feel the feels like temperature is

    Different from the official temperature is it often yes more often than not especially like today was 6° feels like three when I got up this morning is that right it said six that’s quite a significant difference that’s a one 100% disparity there right there are so why

    How and indeed who idea who deter I live in exitor where the vet office is I should know really well I don’t know that you know I live in London where Parliament is but goodness me it’s not as if I could answer any questions at

    All about how on Earth we ended up with well I I tell a lie I’ve written a book about how on Earth we ended up with such an awful government but now’s not the time for me to plug my own products ol Good Luck winning the mystery our board

    Game though uh have we got an answer to that question why why does how do the temperature apps tell us that that the temperature is 6° but it will feel like 3° uh Renee is in Enfield question or answer hello hi can you hear me no oh oh this is

    Awkward hi hello hello hello hello hello no um hello can you hear me better now yes that’s incredible what did you do oh I I don’t know what I did um okay question or answer um I’ve got a question the Recently I went um on

    Holiday to Italy and I went on a plane and um on the back of the plane you got the plane code yes and you’ve got a flag yes but sometimes the flag is printed back to front and my question is why is that the case because um because when I

    Went off to Italy it was an air Malta flight and the the malti flag was printed back to front with the cross the other side and it’s not how allty Flags should look like so my question is why are the flags sprinted back to front on

    A plane sometimes well if it was an Italian flag and you were flying towards Italy it would be the correct way round but if you were flying it was an Italian plane and you were flying away from Italy it would be reversed no no I just

    Made that up you’re on the WR no I just made that up I’m nearly there I but it’s it’s not that at all uh I I’ll find out for you thank you so much pardon thank you so much can you hear me yes I can

    Hear you I try to get it on the board for you Reno stay safe 10 minutes after 12 is the time Libby is in nwit Libby question or answer answer it’s a question James carry on I I would like to know why there aren’t more left-handed people yes that’s a good

    Question um the reason I asked is that I’ve been working as an invigilator of my daughter’s High School oh and obviously sometimes it gets really really boring so I kind of amus Myself by counting how many leanders there are okay and I’ve noticed based on obviously you know in-depth scientific research

    But in the core exams It generally tends to be about one and 10 which have believe is you know number of left-handed people but in things like thir the M it drops dramatically really and again is some of the humanity subjects and the leers goes up above

    That sometimes you get up to like 4 in 10 and I just really like to know why it isn’t you know why the population do have something like a 5050 split so you’ve just thrown in the bits about further maths and the humanities as as as as interesting side orders cuz we

    Can’t I can’t look into all of this at the at the same time but I can look into why there isn’t a more even spread of of left hands I mean the obvious answer as I’m sure you know is evolution isn’t it and there being some sort of evolutionary disadvantage to being

    Left-handed or or advantage to being right-handed or both but I can’t think initially what that might be immediately I can’t think what that might be is it genetic do we know that it’s genetic do do do left-handed people have more likely to have left-handed children I don’t know cuz my parents are

    Both right-handed I’m Lefty my parents both right-handed none of my children is Left-Handed well that answers that questioned well it does in your all right so why is there we may have done something similar before but you know the rules Libby if I can’t remember the answer then the question has never been

    Asked why are there not more why is it such a small minority I I’ve got 10% in my head but goodness knows there’s a lot of stuff in my head that is absolute absolute beeswax so I don’t know why we’d think that was necessarily true uh

    1212 is the time Yan’s in Birmingham Yan question or answer all right James it’s a question carry on it’s about recipes and I want to apologize for putting your recipe the other week in inverted comers on Twitter I’m sorry mate what did what did you mean uh the Brussels Sprite

    Recipe I put the recipe word in inverted cameras and you oh you did didn’t you yes I’m so sorry I was not very happy about how can it not be a recipe it’s you’ve got ingredients you’ve got ingredients that you combine and it involves cooking so how how is that not

    A recipe youan I’m wrong and I was flipping I do apologize that’s all right it’s guys you you and Ed Davey everyone’s saying sorry on this program today um did you did you enjoy it I did God it tasted amazing it’s incredible right I even the cheese makers got in

    Touch with me S Santa girl sent me some free cheese in the stuff well they didn’t send me that much actually but I and I’ve got through all the stuff that they did but there’s three different types did you know this there’s the hard there’s the normal cheese which I think

    You used didn’t you you didn’t use the cream cheese no I thought you were talking about the crumbly one no and and and then I realized there was the cream one and I thought yeah yeah yeah so there’s the cream one and there’s the crumbly one but there’s a whipped one as

    Well which I hadn’t SE no no were I I think it might be VIP sort of level stuff youan you know like tap on the nose type territory and that that is not for your Sprouts that’s just for a nice little bit of baguette scoop it in the

    Bowl and oh man I actually had it for lunch yesterday anyway I digress best bit of marketing that company’s ever done sending me three tubs of free cheese question or answer it’s a question recipes my mother used to keep a load of old recipe books and she’s got

    Some that are incredibly old um and she the measurements were always Imperial yes for the more recent ones but she’s got some that say nothing else other than cup off yes um and she always explained it to me that that it was about proportions it didn’t matter how

    Many cups you had or how big your cup was just as long as you have three of them related to everything else then it was fine yeah and it all they all reference stick of butter which I know the Americans still reference stick of butter now I know what the weight of it

    Is that’s not the question the question is if if cup related to a cup and an object what was the stick yeah so because if a stick is denoting the weight then it can’t work in the same way that a cup does yeah so I I don’t but she never she

    Could never tell me the qu the aners the question she understood the the cut proportions bit but the stick was was was lost in the Mist well are we sure that recipes would refer both to cups and Sticks no that’s what I’m ringing well if they don’t refer to cups and we

    Haven’t got a problem have we well no you get cups and sticks in the same recipe you would that’s what I asked you a stick of butter and a cup of flour okay well I think there’s a sort of broad consensus on what a cup is because

    The the I know from Nigella nigella’s recipes always you press a button to turn it from English to American and then American back to British no it’s not the weights I’m worried about because my mom always explained that the cut was about proportions so you could

    Have any yeah but I I mean you put me in a very uncomfortable position because I think your mom might have been wrong oh okay I think there is consensus on what a cup is because an American Cup is different from a UK cup mate all right certainly on a rice maker

    You can’t be faffing about with cups it’s a really specific measurement and you know you put two cups and then top up the water to a certain level if you were using random cups of different sizes you’d have rice coming out of your ears would you not have two cups of rice

    And two cups of water but not if you no that might work but you’d not be topping it up to the level in the rice cooker where it says two CS you see true but that’s that’s kind of the evolution of the fact that there is now a standard

    Yeah I I mean there’s a question there somewhere I’m just not entirely sure we’ve pinned down exactly what it is so just general inquiries about cups and sticks why is it a stick why is it a stick is it a stick is it a physical

    Piece of stick is it it probably was it probably would have been a way for them to sell it back in the day wouldn’t it a stick cuz a block a stick you don’t want a block cuz it’ll go off quicker in the days before Refrigeration so I’m all

    Right thank you Mrs I’ll just have a stick there you go we’ll find out I like it youan happy eating happy munching try and get hold of that whipped one if you can seriously uh 12:16 is the time You’s in Birmingham of course I’m in wolver Hampton tomorrow night and I think it’s

    It’s the only gig I’ve done in the last since November the 2nd when the book came out or no October the something I think there’s still some tickets I think wolver Hampton is poised to let me down and be the only non-sold out event of my entire book tour but that’s um tomorrow

    Night at Wolf and halls in wolver Hampton if you fancy coming along it should be a good night uh 12:16 is the time James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC it’s 19 minutes after 12 you’re listening to mria uh with me we want to know why what’s the

    Difference between the temperature and what the temperature feels like how how do they measure it and how can they be so different often quite markedly different the Rene’s question about flags on a plane was even simpler than I thought my answer was a bit stupid because I gave the impression that um

    They took the flags off the planes and changed them depending on which direction they were flying in in but but actually if you think about American soldiers and epilates and stuff anyway the questions on the board why do the flags on planes sometimes face the wrong

    Way and sometimes the fa face the right way why are there so few left-handed people or if you prefer why aren’t there more left-handed people and finally what’s the stick of butter all about sounds like um it sounds like a tongue twist of that doesn’t it or or a nursery

    Rhyme Peter Piper picked it what’s a stick of butter all about uh David’s in chaps though David question or answer hi James great show I’m ringing in about mammals so humans are mammals we’re born we have an un unicable cord connected to our after birth yes the cord is cut

    Manually and clamped yes what happens to other mammals in the animal kingdom how do they manage their unbal cords how they can’t clamp them so what do they do I I I I think they just they just Chomp through them mate so how do they stop them bleeding out then because we

    Clampers to stop our presumably to stop ourselves bleeding out so I think they uh I think that they have evolved differently from us uh okay and therefore they don’t need to worry about bleeding out yeah so gorillas and chimpanzees very similar to us I just I

    I I was thinking about it I thought this is a good one well it is I mean do animals have belly buttons is this is a sort of obvious follow-up question to this isn’t it and are they outies or Ines and are they OU or Ines um I I I

    Mean I I know that cats bite through them I’m not joking cuz we had cats as went or some friends of ours had I’ve seen cats giving birth I’ve seen I’ve seen cats bite through an umbilical cord but I don’t know why the the blood supply from the it’s

    From the placenta isn’t it so it’s going to have something to do with the placenta isn’t it I don’t know why I’m even muddling around on this one it’s not as if I’m going to stumble across the answer by accident is it in the cont context of this conversation but it’s a

    Good but I know that cats bite through them so that’s part of your because I mean your question was literally what do mammals do to yeah but I was spe specifically thinking about primates because we a primate and I well you should have said that because I mean

    Theoretically by having witnessed a cat biting through an umbilical cord I have theoretically answered your question you have yeah but I’m going to leave it on the board nonetheless marvelous all right apprciate cheers David stay safe 22 after 12 is the time Mike’s in torton Mike question or answer

    Answer please James carry on mate so it’s the flank question on aircraft try not try not to try not to make the rest of us feel too stupid right no it’s it’s reason straightforward you say so you imagine you’re looking at a flag pole

    And the flag pole is to the left of the flag flying that’s the part that’s called the Hoist is at the effectively the nearest the flag pole the bit of the flag at the far end is called the fly and if you are looking at the flag such

    That the flag pole is on the left it will look to be the right way round go the other side and look at it so the flag pole is on the right of the flag the flag will effectively be backwards so on aircraft bodies they’re effectively like a flag pole so from the

    Starboard side it will be the right way around and from the port side no the wrong way around from the port side it will be the right way around from the Star side it will be backwards so I mean to make things even simpler you just

    Need to imagine that the tailin was made of glass and you only had a flag on one side uh yeah yeah that would work there you go so that’s what I’ve done there you see as a radio expert is I’ve painted a picture in people’s minds Mike

    Whereas you were relying on your verbal skills to describe it and I have I have created an image now in people’s minds in which they immediately understand what you just brilliant describe so between us we’ve done words and pictures what a team what a team round you can

    Keep the round of applause though mate I’ve got them coming out my ears thank you no thank you oh hang on qualifications uh I I’m a glider pilot we don’t have Flags typically yeah we don’t typically have flags on gliders but I’m a bit of an aviation buff so I

    I’ read that years ago if what if you were doing a bit of gliding near a near a border of another C would you need one then well the the club record from the club that I fly out in Devon yeah so imagine they’re taking off early in the

    Morning and flying all day without touching the ground the club record is Germany no seriously I had no idea yeah yeah puty amazing effort by a chat called will well done will some years ago what what’s the appeal of gliding as opposed to a small engined plane well I think

    It’s the difference between sailing you canvas and a power boat so there’s kind of a bit I think a bit more skill to it you’ve got to read read the sky read the weather work out how it’s How how it’s all going to pan out on the day a bit

    More to it and and you’re a bit more in tune with nature I suppose aren’t you as opposed to battling it as it were that’s I’ve always been I think I’m too old now I don’t know about you but I’ve become less bold as I’ve got older um but I

    Would have really loved to go on a glider flight when I was younger but now I think I’d get the Willies no you don’t need boldness there’s a saying in flying that you get old pilots and bold Pilots but you don’t get old bold I’ve never heard that

    Before I rather like it thank you Mike stay safe don’t be bold don’t be bold you can’t help being old none of us can 25 minutes off 12 is the time Jennifer is in Stilton Jennifer question or answer hey buddy you’re okay very well mate how are you Jen I’m well I’ve been

    Better so um I I keep sorry if I stumble on my words by the way take your time I keep having Strokes um so I’ve had two and because of that I have I keep on having MRIs Oh my days okay so this is where the question comes from so so I

    Have my MRI and I’m fascinated I appreciate that they’re obviously the um the picture is sort through a magnetic field but they are so loud like it’ll go clunk CL they are extraordinarily loud I I oddly for for reasons that I won’t go

    Into I I I was in the room with an MRI scanner just two weeks ago Jen and I thought it was like a really bad drum and bass DJ there was a kind cuz some of the noises coming out of that machine well they give you they give you

    Earplugs they give you earplugs yeah but still and it goes that’s it trying to visualize it yeah but I I just I and obviously given technology these days and you thought someone might have come up with a quiet one by now prely sound waves they’re probably sending sound waves through your brain

    So they can’t know not that no no they can’t because you can have it on all different parts of the body great do you know you won’t believe this but every year on about four separate occasions something happens in my life that makes me think

    Oh I must remember to ask that on Myst and then every single time I forget and that is only about two three weeks old that question for me and I really and there it is you’ve got it you’ve got it in there I’ve been sent I’ve been sent

    Just for it sent from heaven and thank you for for all the presents you keep sending in as well it’s abely generous of you the the the crinkle cut the seab brook Pawn cocktail crisps went down particularly well at Christmas that I did feel bad about thinking about how you’d get them home

    On public transport I’ll worked it out I at them all yeah I them on the day they arrived Jen you take care of yourself all right stay safe and stay strong I’m sorry for what you’re going through it’s 28 after 12 is the time why are they so

    Loud if you’ve never been I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy but my God they’re loud uh 0345 6060 973 Lewis is in Putney Lewis question or answer answer James I’m here to correct the record yes cuz I answered this about two years ago on this and then I looked it

    Up and found out I was wrong oh hang on well first of all can we can we withdraw Louis’s Round of Applause please Keith thank you very much carry on leis so the technical answer I gave a couple of years ago was we don’t actually know and the technical answer is still we

    Don’t actually know but the theories have updated oh go on so they think handedness is linked to bipedal in mammals because you get uh only get left-handed kangaroos or Redang and it’s due to a part of the brain which is in the left hemisphere I’ve forgotten it’s like bgc2 yeah of course

    Which is linked in humans to Tool use and they think because back in from archaeological data like cave paintings it was always um right-handed tool makers and they do think that back in back in the ages of History All Humans would have been right-handed like all the Andals were right-handed okay and

    It’s a random mutation of genetics that has caused left-handedness to come about because certain Sports combative sports like boxing in MMA left-handed uh boxers and Fighters have a better win rate than right-handed ones because most people who are right-handed expect a blow from the the corresponding hand yes of course

    But don’t but if you’re left-handed you’ve got that advantage and so they they think that also corresponds to a potential slight Advantage so although there is a lower level of um left-handedness in the population it’s it’s a it’s a gradually increasing one and like the Ladi said um so so so it is

    Actually evolution in action yeah that’s really interesting so so and it’s the opposite of what my original presumption was that there must be an evolutionary disadvantage to it because it’s in such a small number but in fact it started from scratch in in in the history of humanity and because it provides some

    Advantage in some circumstances it’s going up not down yes and that’s correct and like you and you won’t see it in other sports like darts for example that that there’s no advantage to being left-handed there or right-handed well that’s a lovely answer what about golf uh I don’t know about golf I would

    Assume the same because it’s not a competitive sport you’re not likeall you’re doing most of your training most no most of your sparring with a with a right-handed fighter you get used to it and then you get in the ring with a left-handed fighter any clocks you want exactly uh

    Qualifications please uh a degree in medical genetics and I looked this up a couple years ago to make sure that mystery hour was correct because whilst the disgraced former prime minister might not correct the record I will look at that leis showing the way shining a light and uh and damning damning the

    Disgrace former prime minister Boris Johnson at the same time uh Round of Applause for leis it’s about his millionth just take one away and give him give him another one back straight away Amelia Cox is here now with your headlines James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC quite a lot of

    MRI related action coming in now thanks to janning Stilton uh this is from Paul in Manchester I don’t know why it tickled me uh he goes I had an MRI and I was so bored I identified the various noises as follows he actually uses the word thus one my favorite words uh Star

    Wars phases that’s that’s yeah should I do all of them or would that be weird uh avanguard 50s score melodrama yeah that’s it’s a sort of thumpy drummy one isn’t it I can’t do that one mate I can I barely do Star Wars phases bouncing ball followed by pneumatic drill we all

    Recognize uh Tommy Gun stamping machine that turns into a nuclear reactor alarm that’s that’s another one that I recognize the bouncing ball but heavier you got a lovely way with W ball in fact looking at this all laid out on my screen it looks like a poem in the first

    Two scans there was also a hammonded organ occasional techno beats we had quite a lot of techno be beats and an occasional tapping like kids are viewing you through the oneway glass it is a it is it is a veritable popere of sound effects most of which as genit tests are

    Incredibly loud now that’s a very jolly MRI related contribution to the program this one is less cheering for me at least although it’ll probably tickle you Dean’s been in touch he says I had an MRI last year James uh it was at 10 a.m. and they asked me what radio station I

    Wanted on my headphones so I said LBC please and afterwards the nurse said he goes on a bit doesn’t he after one of your monologues hey you can’t do that outrageous uh Duncan’s in Richmond Duncan question or answer hello mate it’s a question please carry on has the

    Gestation period for our species always been the same or has it changed through Evolution H why’ you ask we’ve just had a baby she’s N9 weeks old now and I was watching her in in in a break time a rare break I was watching a a documentary a National Geographic

    Documentary and these little baby monkeys can grip their mom on day one yeah and I thought you know our baby as all all human babies are completely helpless so oh so would have we when we were monkey you know years and year Millennia ago as we’ve evolved were we

    Able to do that and has it has it changed and funnily enough monkey gation periods seem to be shorter than ours are are there any other mammals that are utterly there are quite a few that are utterly helpless when they’re born but not not very long not for very long yeah

    I mean if you think of horses they can they can walk on the first day of birth first day of life can’t they so we we’re just so underdeveloped so has it always been like that or did we well hang on a minute that’s a bit anti-human mate it’s

    A bit humanist maybe maybe all the other animals are overdeveloped have you ever thought of that well yeah it could be so what what has it always been a nine Monon I pres has it always been N9 months I presume it has it’s a nice question surprising how many questions

    Have a sort of evolutionary flavor on this program it must say something about the stuff that we that we wonder about Duncan congratulations on the new arrival I I’ll try and get you an answer to that uh 12:38 is the time what have we got why why do temperatures feel like

    And we got two temperatures on on the average app one will tell you the temperature and the other will tell you what it feels like what’s going on there we’ve done the flags on a plane we’ve done the left-handed that was Lewis uh stick of butter what’s a stick of butter

    All about what’s a stick of butter roll sounds like a George for song What ises sck A butter roll about uh umbilical cords what do other mammals do with umbilical cords don’t look at me like that that was just off the cuff s comedy references um why are MRI scan scanner

    So loud and have humans always had the same gestation period uh I like all of these questions this week Sandra’s in Helston in Cornwall Sandra question or answer it’s an answer on hi um it’s an answer to to the umbilical cord question yes so um the umbilical cord doesn’t

    Contain a huge amount of blood and it will only deliver blood for as long as the placenta is still attached to the wall of the uterus as soon as the placenta detaches is no longer an active blood flow oh you can just chew your way through it chew your way through it and

    Then it’ll just probably wither off a bit at well like the our infants do you know we clamp and cut the cord we try and do delayed cord clamping now because the when the baby is born a third of its blood volume is still in the placenta so

    We give it time to come back yeah it’s called placental transfusion and that protects them against childhood anemia and stuff like that so then we clamp and cut the cord and effectively that there’s a valve inside the abdomen at the umbilical cord base that then closes

    So that blood flow is no longer part of its circulating volume isn’t that interesting so the so the majority of animals will when the cord has stopped pul iting just chew through it in mammals that are really tall so like elephants and giraffes I knew you were going to say

    Giraffes they their infants fall to the ground and the cord snaps oh Lord but because they’re larger animals they have a greater circulating volume so they can afford to lose a little bit so it doesn’t affect them adversely well that’s a very comprehensive answer Sandra thank you what’s your

    Qualifications I’m a midwife I could also answer the gestation question you’re not allowed to I’m not allowed to got very strict very strict rules very strict rules but you have you’ve got yourself a round of applause so you thank you very much and congratulations to last follow ah yes to Duncan and his

    And and and and his partner thank you Sandra love that’s a lovely answer that sometimes you can tell as an answer comes in that you’re never going to forget it and other times I’ve forgotten it before the program was finished I don’t know why I guess that some people

    Are good communicators I’m not going to insult anyone by suggesting some of the answers we’ve had already that I’ve already forgotten but I should always remember Sandra’s answer I think um until of course someone rings in and asks the same question at which point no doubt you’ll be queuing up to point out

    That I’ve already forgotten the answer I said I’d never forget Deborah’s in swansom Deborah question or answer it’s a question carry on when when somebody passes away yeah and they have tattoos oh yeah do those tattoos retain their color do they go instantly do they not

    Go do they not do they not remove them and give them to the family well I never thought well possibly they photocopy them for posterity I don’t know I don’t know and I I hesitate to ask why you want to know now that I’ve made two very poor jokes

    About the prospect of of oh no you don’t want to ask me you don’t want to ask I’m not going to ask I’m not going to ask but I mean what what makes you think they might change just because the skin has changed the canvas has changed

    Therefore the art might have changed as well well I’m not sure because for some reason in my head I’ve got it that your blood has got something to do with your skin so the blood’s gone then would the skin would it change happen I mean

    Assume as as as the body dries out it would change but not not immediately on death I wouldn’t well I’ll find out what happens to your tattoos after you die yeah Cy that’s I really want to know what you want to know now but I can’t

    Ask you cuz I can tell well will it make my two jokes look really insensitive no you promise cuz you can’t just say it won’t and then I end up looking really insensitive no why you to know well because I’ve got tattoos oh that’s so I just wonder whether they would you

    Know eventually go yeah you could I mean I don’t no I won’t do any more poor jokes I think I was riding by the seat my pants already on that one so what will happen to Deborah’s tatto is in the in the horrible event and and hopefully long-distant event of her shuffling off

    This Mortal coil 10 12 even 42 is the time Greg’s in gler Greg question or answer hello James it’s a question how are you you’re right yeah very well I want yeah I want to know why albums are called albums right um I actually know

    This but carry on do you well the word album means white or alus means white so we’ve got the Beatles releasing the white white um you and I probably put photos in a photo no Alba men Alba men is white yeah but that comes from alus

    Meaning white oh okay go on then yeah so and if you if you look if you look up the word it says alus or album yeah but so what so but Al bum as in a collection of things has nothing to do with uh the color white it’s it’s according

    To any source that I’ve seen because I’ve been curious about this for a while it it stems from the same Latin word meaning white I see I know why they’re called albums even though there’s only one of them but that’s not the question that you’re going to ask is it but I’m going

    To answer anyway because it gives me a good opportunity to recommend that everybody visits the brenford musical Museum or the musical the musical Museum in brenford which I read recently is facing Financial struggles postco and where you will have most entertaining and enlightening time particularly in

    The field of panas so these these were incredibly desirable uh items in in in the sort of turn of the century late Victorian period know them you’d have a pianola in your house and you’d have a load of things you know the pianos that play themselves and and you’d have an out so

    That you’d have a collection of music that you played in it and that was called an album and then that slowly evolved as as you know to become just one record and you’d still call it an album which is both interesting so why then do stamp collectors collect their

    Stamps in a stamp white well that’s the point I’m making now is that this is not fascinating though it is and timely and and also community-spirited of me to recommend the musical Museum in brenford where they also get PL Greg they also have a fully functioning Whit organ

    And it’s one of the only places in the country where you can watch a silent film with full whiter compy yeah full whiter company so you can watch like an Errol Flynn film or something like that and there give them another plug another plug the musical Museum in brenford and

    There are a few people in the country who are still expert at playing and all the that’s of course where the phrase bells and whistles come from because they can play all the bells and whistles so you’ve got things like you know Stage Coach sound effects and bells ringing

    And horns and it’s all coming from the same amazing organ you can go there and and and watch it but they are I’ve read this week struggling and I think it was in the local paper so do find but anyway what’s it got to do with white is the

    Question you’re asking it is yeah I mean white you and I have a similar age um we probably used to collect photos and we put them in a photo could it be could it be that the the white contains the yoke well but well Al Alba men yes Alam men

    Is is theegg white is the egg white but what came first the latin stem word which means white what came first though the album or the Egg so what does a stamp album have to do with an egg white it contains the stamps in the way that

    The egg white encloses the Yol okay that’s interesting so next time I listen to the uh the official um on another radio station listen to the official white charts on a on a on on a weekend I shall remember is to do the Y I’m not giving myself a round of applause for

    This as things stand just can I just give a quick shout out to the glider guy because he gave the old and bold Pilots um uh quote and that was quoted in a Disney film in the 70s called the black hole by a robot called Vincent and I’m a

    Proud owner of the limited edition of one of the original soundtrack whites soundtrack whites well played I it’s all happening on the show today today isn’t it um I like that question actually but there may be why is an album called an album when the root of the word would

    Appear to be from the Latin for white 03456 06973 great work Greg 12:47 is the time James O’Brien on LBC James O’Brien on LBC 1250 is the time what what happens to tattoos when the bearer perishes have humans always had the same gestation period uh why are

    MRI scanners so long we’ve done the umbilical cord and what’s the stick of butter all about and um what was ol’s question I’ve forgot on Ollie’s question I’ve even written it down I can’t read my own writing oh yeah the temperature I’ve written sorry I you sometimes my

    Doodles get in the way of my doodles Jack’s insane or Jack question or answer it’s answer carry on mate so why are M scanners so loud yeah so it’s in there’s a bit of a cluer name for there magnetic resonance imaging machines it’s toar L magnet spinning around and changing

    Direction through the different sort of imagery on you well I mean I I’ve got I’ve got I’ve can large things spinning around quite often they don’t make anything like the racket that an MRI makes it’s a changing direction as well and the proximity you are to it and it’s

    Very heavy so the Machinery used to move it it makes a lot of noise as well yeah I I suppose before I start expressing more skepticism of what your qualifications are I should well skep what your answer is I should establish what your qualifications are qualifications I’ve had an inordinate

    Amount of Mi scanners in my lifetime and ICE scam in my lifetime oh you poor thing and you asked you got you develop a taste for it Jack you start sort of thinking oh I love this one this this is my favorite track I I can fall asleep in

    Them now it’s can you really yeah gosh um and you’ve asked presumably in the hospital what what I’ve asked radiographers watch the big noise and they’ve it’s the Mechanicals the Mechanicals of moving the magnet essentially yeah right that’s a perfect answer Round of Applause for

    You thank you are you still having a lot are you still in the in the woods as all right and you all fun of them it t the life into well apparently you can put me on the radio and then a nurse will come

    Up to you after us and say PL me he goes on a bit doesn’t he so I’ll be next time there’s that to look forward to Jack take care of yourself mate thank you for that the cracking answer uh 12:52 is the time um so Jack’s gone in on the MRIs

    Greg asked the question about the albums Darren meanwhile is in Plymouth Darren question or answer it’s an answer carry on the answer to the F like temperature versus the actual temperature yes please it’s the function of your human body’s ability to get rid of uh our our body

    Heat so the actual temperature and the FI of temperature would be very similar in like winds and fairly average humidities around about 80% yeah but if the wind is increasing therefore makes it windier makes your body’s ability to lose heat even faster therefore it feels like a lower temperature however if humidity

    Increases past 80 up to 90 95% your human body ability to sweat uh decreases massively therefore it feels like a higher temperature well I never and how do they put a number on the temperature do they use calculations do is it an algorithm into which you punch humidity

    Temperature um wind as well as um UV index as well so they don’t send someone out into the street well they wouldn’t would they cuz with a I think they did that once and and then we got a calculation from that we don’t do that that’s a cracking answer thank you what

    Well hang on what are your qualifications I’m a uh a meterologist in the Royal Navy oh that’s a cool job it’s a pretty cool job that is a cool I I mean you live and learn you never crossed my mind that you so you does each ship have its own meterologist or

    Do you work from Shaw uh so most will have their own U most officers are trained in some way sh form in meteorology is that right but then we also have a sha uh establishment which then gives uh support to other other units and and which is where I work and

    You’re a uniformed member of the royal Navy as well that’s right and on the left side of my uh uniform the flag is the right way around well played very well played Round of Applause for Darren that’s called comedic callback is well done mate uh 12:54 is the time David’s

    In Manchester David question or answer answer carry on uh about tattoos um so I was fortunate enough to be with both of my parents at the time they passed and held their hands and when a person passes uh almost instantly you can see the skin the color of it and the texture

    Change my dad had had lots of kind of Sailor type tattoos and when he passed his skin became kind of translucent so you could almost see through it but the the and I don’t know the scientific reasons but the colors do slightly change so in my dad’s case some of the

    Reds became slightly more Vivid the blacks became a little bit duller but the tattoos were still there um and I visit visited him a few times before they closed the casket um and then they were still there and even over time the the skin changes and I guess it would

    Depend what uh it was I think was Brenda what she has done when she is with when she passes because my dad was embed my mom wasn’t um so and the texture of my father’s skin was very different to my mom’s because she wasn’t in bomed and he

    Was so well you C I don’t know what the scientific reason is for that but she’ll still have her tattoos and they’ll still be there for her family to to see when when uh when they visit her when the time comes what a lovely answer I’m sorry you’re so well qualified to answer

    It really David well it happens to us all doesn’t it this is very very tattoos or not tattoos or not a round of applause for David please thank you lovely stuff uh Dan’s en cro and Dan question or answer hello James mate it is an answer carry on um albums

    Yes um the word can also be translated as blank and so s to Spanish blank Blanco so so you you’ll have a photo album that you get as a blank album and you put it inic B Al it goes right back to the early 19 it no it goes back

    Further so it is white it’s the thing they used to have it in the marketplace in Ancient Rome so you’d have a chalked up space that you could then write stuff on like you know as a jumble sale this Thursday at 2:00 or sorry in like a

    Jumas sale this Thursday at so so Al Al bu or Al albo or something so yes that’s it exactly and then you tie that into music with the blank music sheets where they would then write the notation that then became a piece of music which then

    Became an album and that’s how we’ve got Modern Day albums music beautiful so a space into which you put stuff essentially but it’s got nothing whatsoever to do with eggs uh no unfortunately qualifications uh I’ve been a touring musician for 20 years and did some music theory study that’ll do

    Nicely Round of Applause for Dan please thanks mate thank you mate and darra is in Manchester Dar question or answer answer James on the MRI question it’s Steward’s inquiry Steward inquiry or or or or a simple embellishment and Improvement on the original pretty much a your’s inquiry nothing actually moves

    In an MRI scanner it doesn’t actually spin right so there’s three real things in an MRI scanner that make the noises so when you walk into the MRI scanner there’s a kind of a background noise that makes a kind of a Dunk Dunk noise every couple of seconds that’s what’s

    Called the cold head that’s a compressor recompressing the helium right so that it compresses it back into liquid helium because it’s a a main magnetic field the main coil is bathed in liquid helium it’s a super super conducting magnet wow then there’s the what we call an RF coil

    Radio frequency coil which sits kind of closest to your head and that makes those kind of chirpy noises the cheap cheaps they kind of high pitched noises SS a bit like being in a fax machine doesn’t it having an MRI scan yeah and then and then outside the RF

    Coil there’s a gradient coil which is what makes the kind of big more more substantial banging noise a detailed answer but I sense youve you’ve barely started and Sheila fogat is already in the room so that’s that’s the three things that the three noises nothing

    Spins but what we do is we rotate the magnetic field in the coil nothing actually physically moves and there the three things that generate three different types of noise extraordinarily detailed answer what are your qualifications Dar I have a PhD in neuroimaging and Psychiatry well that answers that question thank you very

    Much thank you very much thank you great great stuff I think we’re done aren’t we I board game come on Mean KY this week we going to give it to Duncan because he didn’t get an answer and he’s got a new baby so dun Duncan and and Duncan’s

    Partner will be able to play the Myst hour ball game when perhaps baby’s not sleeping that well in that it’s only 9 weeks old she it is isn’t it so we there were a lot of contenders this week and Jan stilton’s already got one because I

    Know that she she took it to hospital and everyone on the ward enjoyed playing it as well so there you go um that’s it if you missed any of today’s show you can listen back on catchup on global player the official LBC app where you can also pause and Rewind live radio

    Download it now for free from your app store or head to Global coming up at 4 LBC it’s Tom swri but now it’s time for Sheila fog James O’Brien on LBC


    1. 14:20 Ireland hasn't always been united. Half of it was under Viking rule at one point and at other times it was a number of squabbling kingdoms that evolved into the provinces of today..

    2. We’ve had several comments from Manx Politicians who are stabbing the back of those who actually gave them their jobs; about talking about Sinn Fein publicly in a restaurant.

      Back stabbers the lot of them.

    3. 📝 Summary of Key Points:

      📌 The speaker acknowledges the existence of a problem regarding the belief that men have it tougher than women, particularly among young men.

      🧐 The speaker emphasizes the importance of open conversations and challenging toxic narratives to address the issue of toxic masculinity and promote gender equality.

      🚀 The speaker highlights the role of education in shaping attitudes towards gender and calls for the inclusion of gender equality education to teach respect and dignity.

      💡 Additional Insights and Observations:

      💬 "It reflects a lack of understanding and empathy, and it perpetuates harmful gender stereotypes."

      📊 A quarter of men aged between 16 and 59 believe they have it tougher than women.

      🌐 The speaker encourages listeners to share their experiences and thoughts on addressing toxic masculinity and promoting gender equality.

      📣 Concluding Remarks:

      The video addresses the concerning belief held by some individuals that men have it tougher than women. The speaker emphasizes the need for open conversations, challenging toxic narratives, and educating young people about gender equality to address this issue. They call for listeners to share their experiences and thoughts on how to tackle toxic masculinity and promote gender equality.
      Generated using TalkBud

    4. I wouldn't presume the South would vote for a united Ireland. Most people I know would consider reuniting to be detrimental to the economy of the Republic. Not to say that's right or wrong but that is the general consensus among my peers here.

    5. Also to the misogyny conversation, there's a large group of boys/young men who are basically incels. With little to no love or meaningful friendships in their life are desperately looking for leadership/hope and are often finding it in all the wrong people who then lead them down some really dark paths

    6. Sorry means accepting blame. The fact is all 3 major party's at the time were responsible. Chose and implemented by New Labour, continues to the Coalition then continues to the last 12 years of majority Tories, Question should be – why did it take the Tories so long?

    7. Just regarding the caller speaking about pensions if Ireland unite, this was 1 of the scare story’s used in the Scottish referendum, and continued to be pushed by the media to scare older voters and was swiftly debunked but the damage by the unionist media was done

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