It’s the last Sunday in January and on this ride I take you to a lovely little village called Hebden in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales, not to be mistaken for Hebden Bridge in West Yorkshire either, where I found a lovely cafe called the Old School House Tea Room and with Grassington and Bolton Abbey nearby, it begs the question, what more could you ask for…
    If you are new to this great sport of cycling or are a keen enthusiast, like my self, with maps and a running commentary / Narration I hope this video gives you an insight into what is out there waiting to be discovered on your bike.
    I’m a cyclist and I live in the Pennines

    It’s the final weekend of January 2024 I decided to come out for a ride I’m up in my local Hills in the penines and this is CER which is near todan I’m going to make my way out of Lancashire and head towards the Yorkshire Dales there’s a

    Nip on the air and it’s quite windy and that could be a factor today but anyway I found a cafe it’s not too far from grassington and I want to check it out I’ve ridden past it many of times and I’m back out on my corner cooler it’s my

    Winter bike yesterday it had a full day in the garage being serviced cuz it’s getting hammered with all this winter weather so had new wheel bearings and new bottom bracket bearings CH in the cassette has been clean with an inch of its life and also the whole free Hub all

    The springs on the poles needed to be replaced cuz they started to fail so come on let’s go for a ride so I’ve made me way along the a646 which is the Burnley Road and I’ve taken a right onto redley road which I cycling along

    Right now and on my left I’ve got the industrial town of Burnley and then I’m going to take a right on a nice little back row that will take me towards worthon and Troon there you go Salford Lane this will take me to woron hello and welcome back people to another ride

    So yes this is Salford Lane we’re going to make our way towards wor Thor now just get past these two leure cyclists and this is a great little section of Road and I do like to put the hammer down a little bit albeit on this winter

    Bike as you can see there I’m just trying to pick some nice lines you’ve got to be so careful and mindful of cars you got to have your wits about you all the time but this is the beginning of the ride and I’m enjoying it already so

    Let’s have a look at the route we’re going to do today and you can see there as an overview where we are in the northwest of England and if we look in more detail you can see where we set off today just outside of Toman in CER where

    Made our way towards wor Thor where we are right now with Troon Kell Brook and Skipton along the way with Bolton Abbey Bon apple trewick and finally hepton which is where I had the lunch stop today at the old schoolhouse t- room and a cyle 4 3 miles at this

    Point so that was worse though and all of a sudden I’ve got this proper rural feeling look at this and the big hill in the background is Pendle Hill that’s a prominent feature in these parts and then next up was his big left-hander which is on X twistle road with Swindon

    Reservoir nearby and that was nice section of the ride and then I made my way towards a Ford and if you’re not sure what a Ford is it’s a river or stream Crossing in shallow water okay we cycle 9 and 1/2 miles got to be so

    Careful down here and we’ve got a Ford at the bottom so if ever you are in this region be very careful it’s wet and slippy and this was the first Ford on robbing house Lane and the next one just being around the corner which was on Southfield Lane where I crossed over cat

    Low Brook I cycled 9 miles at this point nice and easy and this section it’s really lumpy I mean I’ve been going for about 45 minutes and I’m properly warmed up now well we’re still climbing it’s quite a challenging section this we’re on Sheffield Lane just above Troon and we

    Got some fantastic views of the local surrounding Hills in the penines now these separate laner and Yorkshire as well and way in the distance will be howth the Brony land and wcer this is what a descent at 45 mph looks like on this road and this bike is

    Not geared to Pedal anywhere near that speed so I’ve got to get super Arrow here I don’t know about you but I love going quick on a bike and they always have done seen some was like kid so this is Tran 13 Mi covered and we’re looking for that sign that says y

    Collar and cycle Route 91 and we’re going to go right towards the old Rock Cafe if you look on the map that’s where I’m heading to Next but was it a road or was it a river well I’m 16 1/2 miles into the ride and I’m cycling down

    Hill Lane on near col gulf course this is quite a remarkable little stretch of Road or river stream this wasn’t quite what I had in mind feels like I’m going down a river bed well it’s become a bit of a cyclo cross again I’ve got definite grass in

    The middle of the road and it’s not really a road it’s like a track and then it became a really dirty gritty grav Trail and just for reference to the northeast of fidge reservoir oh well we’ll crack on we’ll see where it takes us I’m sure we’ll end up on a

    Road again at some point suppose that’s a beauty riding on your own there’s no one to have a go here well we found a road and uh like a service road and again we’re absolutely in the middle of nowhere I love it a Niner Lane led me on

    To cob Lane where I was over 900 ft above sea level and The Descent down there was pretty good allbe A bit gnarly I cycle 19 miles and this would lead me into kelbrook with sof and Herb next where I’d be cycling on the a56 which is

    Also called skips and Road and i’ be heading towards the Bron roundabout which would then take me on to the a59 where I could make some time up because with a pushing wind is a pretty fast Road I’m taking advantage of a fast road to make up for loads of lost time I

    Ended up in kelbrook and then I’ve gone through a and just climbed over a th and Craven there we’re doing like 25 M hour here so I’ll make up some ground now I’ve covered 32 miles now and I’m on that lovely Lane it’s called Green Lane near hton

    East I’m working my way towards Bolton ABY where I find the b616 now this road is absolutely knock out every time I come here I’m always blown away with it it just feels like James haret it’s hard to you got to be here to see it it’s brilliant you’ve got

    A lovely single Track Road with Fields either side of it and you’re in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales and all that wind seems to have died down it’s actually quite a pleasant January morning now and Bon AB is just in the dip over there so come on let’s keep going he Bol

    Abby good coffee there behind me so this is the spectacular Hall at Bolton Abbey which is located at the southern tip of the ory Dales it’s a 14th century for a gate house and it’s the Duke and duess of devonshire’s private Yorkshire residence and it’s described as the ultimate spot for an

    Exclusive Escape well we’ve got our first lambs of the year over there where I live it’s a lot later it can be March or maybe April and on the right here is Bon Tower we stay back to the 15th century and it sits high up above the river WF so we

    Got past Bolton ABY then I went towards Bon I for right went over the bridge and we’ve now got the river Warf on our left so grassington is ahead of us Burns’s ahead of us but I’m looking for a small place called hebon and that’s where I’ve noticed a

    Cafe on quite a few rides so let me just stop here a minute and just ad Maya the beauty of the ory alses dry storm walls they stand out and really nice grass you’ve got large sweeping Hills and Valleys you can hear the running water from the streams I’ve got s poost here

    Apple tree with quarter of a mile ply bridge that way 8 Miles Skipton Bolton Abbey Bon pass through them already you can just name drop so many places when you here it’s kind of like the key to getting everywhere so come on let’s crack on let’s keep moving the bike’s over

    Here he looking a bit dirty now and so I turned left off stang’s lane and made my way towards headon I was only 3 miles away at this stage and I was really really enjoying the ride I think if you get out and cycle around these Lanes you’ll totally get it an

    Apple Tree Wick was next and again this is another one in special places some good campsites around here some nice pubs and I’ve got burnsa there way down below and that looked busy and the river Warf is never too far away and so the cafe stop was next and it’s situated on

    Main Street just before the B 6265 and this is the road that will take you to pely bridge which is to the East and grassington to the west and Grim withth Reservoir he’s just to the north I think that’s the cafe there I’ve got a feeling that’s it y the old Schoolhouse

    T- room let’s go see if they do black pudd in I so the number of times I’ve cycled past this Cafe never called in I was actually quite looking forward to it and it looked like all the tables are full and I needed to get my feet warmed up

    But a couple of Walkers kind of let me sit at the end of their table which can make filming a bit awkward at times but I was craving a really nice cup of tea and like the saying goes it was made in Yorkshire and that hit the spot sometimes it’s the

    Simple things in life that make all the difference and in the end I opted for a sausage sandwich with a bit of cracked black pepper there were no black puddings on this occasion and quite often in the coffee stop I used the Garin to start to plot

    Routes next where I can program in nearby towns or villages to head for just in to take a wrong turning like I did the other Week and for pudding the millionaire shortbread also went down a treat and I knew that that would get me home I’d already cycled 43 miles to this point but it had gone halfast 2 so it was time to hit the road cuz I knew that I’d be riding back home in the dark

    Which isn’t a problem I’m quite used to it and I’ve got some good lights on my bike and that felt like a never- ending pot of tea was good Value little CA that well that was a really good Cafe and one of the factors that I needed was to get my feet warmed up and it was really warm in there £12 for all of that I’m happy and sometimes you got to be careful you can’t always film in these

    Places is I had to sit next to a couple as well at one point um but what a great little stop that was I saw the return leg saw me continue on the B 6265 where I passed through grassington and I made my way towards craco where I forked right then onto the

    Road that takes me to Fleet Lane near the level crossing at rilstone I then passed through hon and took the G Grave Road and says a lovely road to ride your bike along with places like flas nearby as well and looking ahead at that fantastic orange glow on the horizon I felt like it was a race against the Setting

    Sun at 54 miles I passed through gagra where I then got on the penine way which is also Church Street as I crossed over the river air and took a right at the Mason’s arms onto Mountain Road and at this point the sun was just about to set

    And then it had a rside mechanical and that wasn’t good news but it was Repairable well I’ve just h a right pot all down there in a puddle my God I don’t know I said on the [Applause] bike on this Su of here it gets dark very quickly as I made my way down this very lonely road and I was contemplating do I get to gisburn and go over the tops over to Black ho or do I make my way towards Barn Oldwick and then use some traditional

    Roads to get me towards Burnley and eventually the outskirts of Tod well we’ve done over 76 and 1/2 miles now we’ve completed the loop on the map final leg home on red Le’s road so we’ll make our way over this top Section and it’s absolutely pitch black there’s no lights up here and complete the final leg of this fantastic Ride He


    1. Evening pal sorry I just missed the livestream but watched it & looked like another good ride on some nice back roads & lanes , I was out around quernmore Tuesday morning and in the sun it was actually warm on the climbs was great . If you wasn’t in Morecambe today you have a stunt double mate 😂

    2. Ahhh old school tes rooms. Cracking cafe and nice sit outside in summer. Actually nice cafe at barden tower as well and at campsite at Appletreewick. My fsv though is the riverbank at Burnsall

    3. I agree that was a fantastic ride, the coffee shop looked very nice, great to see the good old Yorkshire Tea that was always on my mums menu, it’s a household name wherever you live, it has a very distinct flavour and more refreshing than some brands, pity about the pot hole being filled with water makes them impossible to see, I’ve hit many in my youth, believe it or not in all the years I spent riding round the country side I never had a puncture thank goodness I wouldn’t have had a clue how to mend one 😅 riding home in the pitch black with that orange glow on the arisen was a picture, nice one Darren 👍

    4. Very enjoyable. Last Thursday I did a ride that was inspired by your content. Set off from work at Lancaster headed to Glasson Dock, Scorton, Marshaw then onwards and upwards to Jubilee tower went back to Lancaster via Caton. Got off work at 2:30 and made the most of it, cheers.

    5. Great video Daz, but out of respect would you slow down when you pass a couple of "leisure cyclists" because the last thing we need is someone flying past on some sort of converted hybrid thingy making us look like we are cycling through sand!😊

    6. Great video Daz. I agree that crossroads are like the gateway to the Dales and beyond. Brought a lot of memories back of doing the c2c last year

    7. Hi Daz what a man what a ride had a caravan at Sedbergh I recognised some of your rides. Looking forward to doing some in summer going to kip in the car all the seats come out of the back built a proper bed and have a portable toilet just like a little camper van 😊

    8. Great ride Daz, longer days are on the way. Looking forward to more videos. You are keeping me inspired and i've been out on my bike already this year. Makes a change from when I usually starting in March! haha

    9. I'm freezing just watching you!!
      I've got a new E-Bike,
      ( I gave my second hand Ebike to a good friend!)

      So,,,,If you notice a Blur going past you,,,
      ~That's Me!! Lol!😅

      Great to see you,
      ~ I think you ought to have a Kayak with you!
      (Lol 😆 and water wings?!)

      That's beautiful Countryside indeed!!
      Thank you very much for taking us with you!!❤
      Andréa and Jasper. . ..XxX…

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