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    You remember that story with a bike H that story with a bike whose story your story that’s when I got F yeah that on oh yeah yeah like I had a small accident I had like a couple jumping out of the bushes while I was cycling I managed to stop but not

    Like properly on time so the lady let’s call her a lady she fell down and like an idiot I stopped to help her I was completely lucky because the like the the from the fudge cutter the bread cutter U just sprinkled in my eye like that I don’t know something sparkled so

    I managed to go on the side otherwise otherwise I might have felt a bit like sliced bread for a while so but he didn’t manage to catch my my finger uh the biggest victim was my bike because L Resort I just picked it up and started fudging the guy

    But with the bike the only thing I had with me so he’s like okay fine anything in your hand because a becomes a weapon yeah how can you hit somebody with a bike simple I I wish I have you grab it from the horn you grab it and you start

    Hitting she did become the victim the biggest victim of the night because uh he slashed he managed to slash both of the tires but um he did suffer more than the bike so it’s okay we had the victim as long as I wasn’t the biggest victim I was okay but

    That’s when I stopped cycling in Bucharest so yeah don’t get deceived by Val’s face he’s definitely capable to harm you even if it’s with a bike only I actually I completely dislike violence yes I I completely dislike violence no for selfdefense please don’t don’t try to fudge me selfdefense self bro me not

    Like it but we have to do what we have to do so that’s how Valley quit cycling in the capital of Romania but that was like a long long time ago so that was like I don’t know 10 10 10 12 years ago hopefully things have changed at least

    The community at least I could feel the sense of community in like in the area hello so you could literally feel and sense and hear the sense of community because like the first person that noticed what happened blocked the doors of the car and after that it was

    Like a chain reaction so all of them with the cars around they were communicating everyone is blocking their car so you could hear like ah so no one is coming to help me Shy ah people are just protecting themselves they helping wow wow it’s okay feeling alone in a

    Cloudd I could yeah you could you could have put in like the back lonely I am so lonely you could you had a bike you know um you know I took so I had to walk home next to the bike of course because I had

    The flat tires on both SL tires um I went home I was living in a flat so I I don’t even remember at what floor I was I changed the bike left it there um came back after a few months the bike wasn’t even there anymore so they even stole my

    Bike did you fix it no no no no no at least they had to fix the tires I didn’t fix those tires okay I saw here a very funny thing where where I’m jogging I saw I saw I don’t know how to I don’t know how to call it in English but somebody

    Secured its bike on the you know it’s a triangle and here are the wheels triangle and wheels for the bike you know so they they secured the bike here now in one day it was a bike when I went there second day both Wheels disappear and it’s only the triangle there it

    Still secure to the fence the frame okay cool yeah yeah yeah yeah and they took also the ho you only have the triangle the the frame the frame yeah frame the frame the frame the frame anything else what do we have there was one that I heard like a guy

    Went to the pub I left the bike at the entrance but he could see the front wheel the only problem he had it was an easy release so you know you have like the front wheel you can just uncp and take out the wheel when he came out from

    The pub only the wheel was there mhm so he walked home with his front wheel it happened to me in uh oh I went for a beer in shortage I managed to go into the restaurant Short did London um I managed to get into the pub ordered the

    Beer came outside bike was gone chain was gone everything nice and clean organized no but respect for the guys they cleaned up they didn’t leave a mess that was like environmental they they care about this things so I like that you see you have to appreciate small

    Things in life yeah I would have been without the bike I would have been without the bike and I would have had to clean the mess as well that would have been like yeah it’s much better they just clean yeah so they offer full service they remove your bike they clean

    After it m proper proper people I like

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