In this video, James Allcott takes a tactical look at the Arsenal victory over Liverpool 3-1 in the Premier League title race.




    👉📸 @jlallcott

    James Allcott content focuses on Premier League, Champions League, EFL Championship talking about Manchester United, Arsenal, Liverpool, Man City, Tottenham, Barcelona, England, Chelsea, Jurgen Klopp, Erik Ten Hag, Mikel Arteta, transfer news, tactical analysis and much more. James has made content with Mark Goldbridge from the United Stand, Rory Jennings, Ben Foster, Spencer FC, The Club, Thogden, JaackMaate, ESPN and many more.

    #PremierLeague #JLA #football

    This was the moment yeah oh D oh no what’s going on here he looks like he’s not going to kick it I’m not sure he’s going to kick it yeah that was uh that was the problem we’re going to have to talk about V van djk in this video guys

    Liverpool have lost they have lost away at the Emirates Arsenal are in the title race guys you are always in the title race I’ve done a lot of content this week and a lot of people talking about the fact that Arsenal aren’t really in

    It it’s a lie now this game was down to fine margins we will explain that but Arsenal utterly deserve this one utterly utterly utterly deserve this one we’re gonna have to go through the goals we’re gonna have to go through what in my opinion when it comes to lineups I think

    Klopp got it really wrong really wrong in this one and he spoke about it in his interview himself I’m really pleased he did bring it up himself because I think it’s a an interesting element of it and look the goals are the things that matter so let’s go through the goals

    Because I mean it was a car crash wasn’t it let’s be honest for quite a few of them apart from the first goal and this is where I want to talk about some big time players for Arsenal that in these big games moving forward are players that actually in the games against the

    Lesser sides when you’ve got the ball when you can utterly dominate these not might not be the kind of players for you but in a game like this when you want to safeguard the center of the pitch when it’s about being really really smart players like havs and also teams

    That will play a high line as well when you play against those teams players like hav and players like georgino are absolutely crucial and odard as well um I don’t know if you guys around the world were able to watch it in the same mode that I was but you’re able to watch

    The whole game properly uh and it was absolutely fantastic and the first goal is a great example of what they did brilliantly but it’s also a example of the vulnerability that Virgil Van djk has to play Within and the risks that he consistently takes I think we did this

    For the man city game I brought up the fact that van djk sort of cheats and and the reason he cheats because he often he kind of has to he has to sort of read the game and make those those big moments now in a different kind of game

    You wouldn’t have to make those same um risky movements but in modern football in the way that Liverpool play and overall it’s worth doing he takes those risks um and it pays off but as a general as a someone like who’s a center midfielder let’s say let’s have a look

    At the sort of tactics element of it here because as we go through the goals it’s really important to say that say someone like Gino let’s use him for example if georgino plays here and he is sweeping and wants to sort of cheat and push and he did do that actually it was

    De rice who stayed a lot of the time played as a double pivot a lot more they had a bit of a a box to be honest especially when they didn’t have the ball I’ll show you that in a little bit but someone like jogo in terms of him

    Reading the ball if he reads tries to read the ball and they play around him you’ve still got other players if we switch that round and make that someone like Virg van dijk and the decisions that he’s having to make if you get it wrong it’s a goal and today was one of

    Those days but this is this is also a good example of havit doing really really well and getting the credit he deserves despite the fact of him not being able to actually score the goal at the end of it so what’s really nice here is that there’s this triangle that’s played

    Between these guys here Gabrielle havitz and havitz obviously havitz is Center forward so hit’s really should be up here sort of holding his ground being that Target man at the times he did that of course but in this moment he was looking to to drop deep and help with the press and what

    That does is it takes a lot of players out of the game and this is the one goal that wasn’t down to utter calamities but taken out of the game taken out of the game taken out of the game taken out of the game by him dropping deep getting

    The ball and then in the end the ball makes its way over to zenchenko if we move it on one more you’ll then see havit has made a very very quick move here and those Third Man Runners are really really important you see zenchenko here and the important thing

    With all of this is this man here odard throughout the game was constantly free and he was constantly utterly fantastic for the team be it in terms of out of possession and the Press I thought he was superb but also just stepping into the other side of the pitch and actually

    The side of the pitch that he’s probably not used to being involved in or you wouldn’t think that he is involved in it as much as he is because you generally would consider him a player who’s normally in this area here but by coming and getting involved first of all the

    Center of the pitch is safe it georgino and Ry in this one but he is able to take out players and leave spacing behind but it doesn’t happen if you don’t have a third man Runner and also sacka who you’ll see in a second’s really important in this

    First goal so havit drops deep they get through the Press zenchenko is um is looking for Martinelli but I think one thing that is a problem for Liverpool when they play sorry a problem for Arsenal yeah for Liverpool when they play Arsenal is Martinelli they can’t handle him and ultimately he’s always

    Living in their minds rent three free and the important thing to say here is that everyone’s focusing about canate here and no one’s really concerned with Kai havs even Trent himself Trent’s thinking if I stay up and stay pressed as long as I keep the ball away from Martinelli who’s obviously here then

    I’ve done my job but odard brilliantly comes and gets inv D and by getting involved but also as I say importantly hit’s making that run he’s then able to make a fantastic pass but the person that has to take a massive risk and is’s therefore going to have to take some be

    A bit of a the full guy is Virgil Van djk is Virgil Van and you can see from his body language here VG van djk has a decision to make and again if we go back go watch that video The Man City video he has a decision to either like hold

    The line up or stay in line basically or jump into odard cuz he’s seen him in that space face now it kind of goes against the idea of what clot wants to do with his team is that they want to be on the front foot and they want to press

    High but I think with someone like V van djk I think he’s made the wrong decision here like totally when there’s so much space and again importantly that third man Runner of Kai havit we move it on one more he’s made that move towards odard great I mean it’s really really

    Smart and genius play from odard and importantly again you can’t see him on screen here but sacka is kept is keeping it really really wide he’s um he’s underneath me so because you can’t see him what that means is that you’ve got Gomez here and canate who’s concerned about Martinelli and this

    Huge gap for habits to get into and van dijk needs to he’s got to read that he’s got to play the percentages for someone who does take risks he’s got to take the the the um he’s got to play safe there has to play safe there and he doesn’t

    And so if we move it on you can see it’s It’s Too Late by this point but it’s down to havit as good play now havitz goes through and as you can see you can see sacka there now and that’s why Gomez can’t get tighter and can’t help out um

    Van dijk and again another reason why van djk has to wait he has to stay and I don’t know what he was doing there o of all the mistakes he makes and we’re going to go through the other goals this is the worst one in my opinion because

    If he stands still still and stays there havit is not going to outrun him and as a team they’ve still got you know 40 yards to to sort of work with if it doesn’t happen but it did havit should have scored himself um but havitz was a real threat throughout the game I

    Thought it was really really impressive we’ll come back to Vil van dyk’s problems but CA had a stinker as well for one of the goals and it’s interesting for these two goals both involving the goalkeepers I think for this one it’s not on David ryer but for

    The next one it is on Allison that’s just my opinion feel free to disagree with that I think the important thing to say with cba’s goal is that first first of all you’ve got a header here go and win your header it’s LS Diaz you should

    Be winning that and I think that’s one where this is the top of the top here so at this level you can’t make those kind of mistakes and you certainly can’t compound it by making another mistake and there’s there’s an element here of of of being a little bit too clever a

    Little bit too cute at certain times and that’s why the comparisons with celra and Van djk are always there if we move it on you can see that’s the first mistake the second mistake I think look I screenshotted it here on purpose because from this point there’s

    Absolutely no excuse for for this to become a goal because you’ve you’ve got your arm out you’ve dealt with it by this point get rid of it and again in your own penalty area I think it’s on you to make the decision I think it’s on

    Him to get get it done get rid of it get to halim especially that as well you know look at that get to halim and you’re sorted the second goal for Arsenal actually artetta deserves some credit here because what people won’t have noticed and of course Martinelli goes and gets that goal but

    What is his starting position now you would have thought throughout the game that this is Kai havs and this will be Martinelli wrong he had made that change and I think this is once Gomez had gone from playing the left back to the right back he thought okay martinell is not

    Going to get the free reign that he had previously you’ve got to get through Gomez and then you’ve got to get through canate how can you hurt this team the most and so they thought maybe be that little bit more direct and so this is totally telegraphed he’s made that run

    He’s already on on his bike before the pass is made so it’s a ball in the air to try and make it a bit difficult for them and as we know what happens happens as we see from that original screenshot I think the important thing to say with

    The second one is that for me it’s Allison’s fault I don’t think the second one is Virgin van dyk’s fault but once again there’s a moment there where he can get across if he wants to and he doesn’t and and I think that’s going to be the frustration and this is what I’m

    Going to come back to when it comes to Virgil Van’s performance in this game is that he takes risks he takes risks and it’s that’s a huge when you’re when it’s just you and canate and you’re going to play the way that you’re going to play I think

    Sometimes there are games where you can try this stuff and there’s games where you where you shouldn’t and I think when you’re facing your own goal that’s that’s the moment you know I think when the ball’s high up and you kind of you got to deal with things then fine but

    When you are when you have your back to goal in particular look he he has a clear look to Allison they’ve been playing together for years and years and years and Allison can see everything so once that very clear bit of body language from V van djk goes to Allison

    Allison has to clear this one this one is on Allison but if you wind back a little bit before that could van dijk have just cleared it of course he could of course he could so it’s one where it’s like I’m not saying verg van dyk’s

    Bad you know I recently said that like he is back to his best but he’s playing within a system where he will always always always be taking risks and the third goal is another example of that before I get into that one thing we’re doing Twitter spaces on the JFC Twitter

    Account so if you want to be a part of it and a part of the conversation especially for games like this the guys are doing one right now well in a second basically I’m going to go check it out in a sec so make sure you check that out

    Thirdly I think there’s a reason why this looks worse for Virgil Van djk today specifically going forward Liverpool are normally so so strong and Arsenal fans stay with me here guys because we’re going to talk about how brilliant you guys were defensive but offensively you look it’s 91 minutes

    You got 10 men on the pitch you haven’t got a right back anymore and so you are you know highly exposed in this area but again that’s just to to provide the examples of of who he is and how he plays and how much pressure there is on

    His decisions all of the time because he you know talk about Jamie carer or any of these players they would have people with them so that if things go wrong you’ve got that contingency these center backs don’t play like that anymore and so with this one obviously the reason

    All this happens is because you’ve got Harvey Elliot there that shouldn’t be happening but it is what it is and trossard does brilliantly if we move it on one what I think is really interesting is this look so ver van djk is here and he has a look around the

    Back but if we have a look at that look and again I think there’s he is taking risks but he’s he’s very much alone here you know you’ve got Robertson over there his Center back partnership is now Thiago it would seem um he’s not involved obviously still making his way

    Back mallister so he and when he sees the Arsenal player here I think what he’s thinking is don’t allow for a cutback do not allow for a cutback so he needs to time his run accordingly in terms of going across because he’s the guy who’s got to get across there and

    Actually if you watch him run what he does he sort of starts a Gallop then slows it down and kind of gets in line with van dijk and again he plays chicken he plays percentages and there’s huge amounts of bad luck in this but the reason he’s now

    Thinking all I need to stop is this cut back this cut back here so he trusts Allison from that point of view but you know again playing percentages right so he makes his way across he’s in line with him and then the time that he does

    Get the block off trossard is but is here so again is it something that is necessary could he have just galloped along and got it sorted is he struggling by being left vulnerable by the players around him are we expecting too much from him I think it’s a fair point as

    Well yes I think the answer for all of these things right it’s gray it’s not black and white but the risk you’re taking here is that because of everything that’s gone on here and you’re two one down I get it he is dicing with death and so when you’re

    Dicing with death and you get a bit L bit um bit of bad luck you die the reason it looks worse is because Liverpool offered absolutely nothing going forward that was down to two things one the lineup but two it was down to Arsenal’s defensive approach which was absolutely fantastic they’ve

    Been really impressive in those big games especially through the center of the pitch and and this is a great example of it and what they did was they kind of played a 442 out of possession odard was absolutely brilliant but the main focus here was stopping all of the passing

    Lanes um to vergin van djk and to canate at times as well so they could go side to side as you can see here there’s no way through at any time havit dropping in with odard odard starting the Press time and again and again I thought he

    Was his sort of vision both defensively and offensively was absolutely fantastic in terms of going around and sort of not putting out fires but kind of solving problems with his with his brain like just super super smart stuff but the same came from from georgino as well who

    I thought was superb and you can see him barking orders um in this screenshot and defensively they just look so so sound so so sound throughout the game and and that was a big reason why they were able to do it and again this is as as it

    Shifts across you can see that 442 okay that’s that pass that can come out here but they’re safe sack’s making his way Ben White is already on his way there as well every single Channel and passing Lane is is utterly utterly sort of stopped and I think that was the problem

    For them for Liverpool because in terms of getting the team wrong this is where they went wrong for me I thought the decision to play grenberg was just miles off it absolutely miles off it and the reason I say that is because what Virgil um what Young klopp said himself which

    Was we was we were trying out a new right-sided triangle now Chris pjac did an amazing video on this I would absolutely implore you to go and check it out if you’re interested in in Liverpool in any way obviously an amazing Channel but the important thing

    That that he spoke about and and klopp said it himself was when he talks about triangles the triangle that he’s talking about is these three now now if you’ve got that congested press let’s just get it set up here if you imagine it’s like this you’ve got this congested press here

    Right and then you’re looking to play through that if I bring in two players say jot out put Salah in for a second so let’s go find sabosa who I thought they were massively massively missing throughout the game and you put him here instead of graen bur that is a much

    Better team that’s where having players like sabar like who can get on the ball and turn or come out wide and be comfortable with the ball as well to sort of you know displace the opposition defensively so that’s one thing that obviously klopp hasn’t got Salah and

    Saos is supposedly injured but to bring in grenberg grenberg doesn’t want to be there he doesn’t want to be in these half spaces he’s just not that kind of player I think you know we did a video about him and Alonzo I think him in a

    Deeper uh position driving I see it I think it can work but in a game like this it had to be Harvey Elliot for me had to be Harvey Elliott and they looked to to eradicate in the second half so that um mallister wasn’t totally on his

    Own and and Jones came and got involved where is Jones I’m got him in there there we go but in this game on this right hand side Trent the reason he got taken off as much as anything I thought was that he was just utterly redundant

    Because he had no one to really kind of play it to and I thought jotter again similar idea right jot never really wants to be here he just doesn’t he wants to bend and make those runs and that’s why they have been great at times but that lack of variety and that lack

    Of a player like Elliott I thought was massively massively missing in terms of how they were going to get forward and win the game credit to Arsenal defensively got utterly spot on sort of the brains of georgino the brains of odard crucial in this one and you saw them in the stats themselves

    .41 XG against Arsenal you know Liverpool always create chances weren’t able to do anything at all in this game and in the first half not10 utterly nothing total nothingness the average positions explain the out position work that we were talking about in terms of that 442 the amalgamation of

    That and then from a forward point of view sticking with that width and in particular Martinelli on that left hand side almost being like an advanced forward always looking for him in behind and the work that havit did was crucial and Liverpool you can see it there so

    Congested so unable to to get up the pitch and get in behind an absolute disaster for them and and that’s the final thing I want to say when it comes to Virgin van djk is that the style of play is worth it and this title race

    Comes down to to to the what you’re best at and those things coming out on top and overall I still think Liverpool win the league I’ve said that I think they will I think they get those players back this is one of those game games one of

    Those days but what will get them the title is that offensive side of the game because they do go all at it and so in games like this things will happen like this and Virgil Van djk will continue to make mistakes I’m going to use that word because he’s having to play percentage

    Defending at times because he doesn’t have that security around him so an absolute horror show of a a day for them and when it comes to Arsenal in terms of being in the title race it’s about the offensive side of Liverpool but for for Arsenal defenses win titles defenses win

    Titles and now I know again we’re staying in the gray because CBA has made a horrific mistake with this one but overall the defensive control is really really impressive and actually fin thing that I want to show you with that in mind is to have such a low XG as you can see

    No.41 but to not make many tackles not make many interceptions 11 tackles throughout the game eight interceptions throughout the game 15 clearances throughout the game there not a lot of effort going in there so it’s down to Smart defending great day for Arsenal huge day for Arsenal

    Good day for the Premier League in terms of the title race bad day for Virgil Van djk and for Liverpool


    1. No, the real reason Arsenal beat Liverpool was completely obvious. It begins with an R and ends with “eferee”, closely followed by “paid up”. 🤔💁🏻‍♂️

    2. Arsenal will run out of energy against Westham. Then we may talk about tactics. Arteta will not have a chance to celebrate like Mourinho. Disrecpectful against the true spirit of professionalism.

    3. I think a lot of people are sleeping on the return of Timber and Partey to this Arsenal team. I think these two players will make Arsenal a much more formidable squad. I think they will both be particularly important for the CL.

    4. VVD was back to last season performances. Far too casual, indecision. The mistake for the 2nd goal but also the 3rd. Casually ambling back towards Trossard instead of sprinting, standing him up, taking him wide and stopping any chance of a shot. VVD decided he would have a Sunday afternoon jog! Allison was not a busy keeper, Arsenal did OK but Liverpool gifted it to them. City will have watched that and not feel threatened at all by either side

    5. Rubbish Van dijk's mistake was not the moment!! It's was Saliba's mistake that gave them the goal. Arsenal were all over Liverpool and would have scored another in the second half.

    6. As a Liverpool fan, I didn't find our performance great whatsoever, and I thought even going into the half tied was lucky asf. However, I'm not too upset with it with all of the injuries and players out atm. YNWA!

    7. Lovely to see some analysis on how we played rather than our post-match celebrations and how "Liverpool played right into our hands", pretty pathetic from these pundits.

    8. No excuses Arsenal way the better team.

      However there is another day where Arsenal dominate the whole game, that second mistake/sending-off doesn't happen and they still don't get a win.

      Arsenal are all bark and no bite, all goals, even the last, were unlucky errors or deflections.

      As much as a Liverpool supporter it hurt to get played off the park. I think another day the post-match analysis wouldn't be as glowing for arsenal.

      Fair play though to Arsenal and hope they stick out the rest of the season on a high!

    9. Samism?? James says ‘dicing with death’. Like Virgil is making a dangerous salad and when he is getting his tomatoes ready he is ‘dicing with death’!!! Maybe its a combo of ‘dancing with the devil’ and…something else???? Maybe im way off i dont know

    10. Ripple effect- Trent not playing in traditional RB spot, Martinelli is constantly free, Konate has to cover RB and CB, Konate get spread too thin causing red card

    11. You are one of the only football analysts that I still watch, however, there are some things I don't agree with you on.

      Liverpool are currently getting by on individuals pulling something out of the bag. Their play in this game mirrors that of a lot of other games. You've given Trent a free pass here. I have never seen a player less interested in defending who squares up like an idiot, every time he squares up it is easy to play round him. Hell, Martinelli literally did at one point, a good dribble, but Trent didn't even contest it. Shambolic defender. I don't even think Arsenal were that good (They were fine). Your prime example of them "defending well" shows 4 Liverpool players overextended, this is a consistent problem. Jones makes arbitrary and unnecessary runs forward, Gravenberch is a recycling 8 and out of position (I agree with you about Harvey). Liverpool have had great success with Bradley on the Right for 1 huge reason. He provides width, something that neither Salah, Jota, or Trent do. The reason Gomes is better than Trent there is because he consistently provides width. They don't overextend. Diaz then gets a horrible time of it and so does Jones because the whole team leans to that side and it is easy to stifle Diaz when he doesn't have space. He isn't Eden Hazard.

      In a nutshell, Liverpool's attack and midfield cheat forward, they do it all the time, which provides no opportunity for meaningful attack, progression, and therefore, pressure. Defending them was easy. It wasn't because Arsenal were any more defensively sound then any other team, it was because Liverpool failed to meaningfully construct anything because they are badly coached by Pep Lijnders (The Scourge of LFC). No team ever wins effectively by pushing everyone up the pitch and not building from deep. Next time you watch anyone that isn't firing properly, look at how much width they have across the pitch, a player should always be out there and never cheat inside (Be it a FB, WB, or RW/LW). Then watch pressure in the midfield. It gives midfielders space to put pressure on the game. Trust me. I'm the best armchair analyst I know 😉.

    12. Utterly deserved is a bit of a far stretch.
      The game was 1:1 at half time.
      Converting dominance into a result is a crucial part of the game which Arsenal failed to do.
      Liverpool came out a completely changed team in the second half.
      The Allisson van Dijk hiccup was definitely a game changer. The sending off did the rest and the third Arsenal goal was just a result of that.
      It was anyone's game up until the 2:1.
      A good first half might be great, but if all you got for is a 1:1, that can hardly be used to make a case for a deserving victory.
      But yeah, the Liverpool line-up was not the greatest. But what else did that squad offer without the benefit of hindsight?

    13. people really think arsenal is going to win the title after beating Liverpool ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh come on guy only one game arsenal has to beat spurs aston villa man utd man city is arsenal going to beat those teams i think not those team have got much more fire power then arsenal has so arsenal will finish in the top four but one game beating Liverpool nahhhhhhhh its a one of game Liverpool played really shite for the title Man City is the team to beat they will be there or mostly there till the end aston villa ain't out of it spurs ain't out of it Liverpool ain't out of it but time will tell arsenal vs west ham next Liverpool vs burnley man city vs everton aston villa vs man utd lets see who wins

    14. liverpool will come back much stronger they all know why they lost to arsenal Liverpool played shite for VVD he doesn't deserved to be captain at all trent shouldn't be advice captain i,m hoping bradley is back soon kick trent out put in quansah instead of VVD,

    15. Regarding the martinelli goal James, I think that one is partially on VVD. You can see in the replay that Martinelli actually nudges VVD towards Alisson's path, which means VVD has to duck out of the way to not clatter into his keeper. Alisson also sees this but he's already flown out there – the ball is behind VVD, there's no way for Alisson to move past VVD and then still move his leg sideways/backwards to then also get the ball.

      VVD needs to be clearing that

    16. one quibble – you said early on that Havertz wasn't going to outrun VVD but Havertz is actually faster than VVD and indeed faster than Konate as he showed on the break later in the game. People dont take Havertz seriously but he is a serious player and while he looks awkward he has good physical gifts

    17. The way that this is being played out speaks volume about liverpool than anything else. Arsenal scored one decent goal and 2 blatant defensive errors. Liverpool were never expected to dominate the ball at Emirates. Its a home game with all your players fit. This was the one game i would say they had all the reason yo win.

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