In this video, we’ll share our first impressions of Augsburg, Germany, the oldest city in Bavaria and one of the most charming cities in all of Germany.
    Augsburg is unique in so many ways. It has a beautiful old city with lots of charm and character, as well as some of the most iconic landmarks in all of Bavaria. We’ll also share some of the most important things to know about Augsburg before you visit, including what to see and do, where to stay, and what to eat! If you’re looking for a unique and charming city to visit in Germany, be sure to check out Augsburg!


    Good morning people we have just landed in Germany we’re in alburg to be more precise we’re doing a few days in Bavaria we’re going to be experiencing the German culture the German food the German people bit of German music German beer all things Germany quite excited

    For this this is where Natalia was born she lived here until she was about 11 years old so it’s quite cool for her to go down take a little trip down memory lane it’s an hour and a half flight to get here with hire a car no it’s not BMW

    It’s not a Volkswagen it’s a scoda but Beggars can’t be choosers so without further Ado let’s explore this Land Right one thing the Germans do here is have a Donna cab at any time of day so time for breakfast I’m so hungry I’ll eat anything right now I’m starving it took us ages to get here way longer than we thought on the way here and that told me

    There’s no traffic jams in Germany and there was definitely was a traffic jam Natalia is it everything you hoped and dreamed of yeah Tak it back to my childhood mad having these for breakfast that is honestly so good it’s got like a real nice garlic Mayo in it nice chicken

    Donna it’s it’s not even greasy or anything either is it it’s like it’s almost healthy I got a few mates at home that would love to eat this every day the amount of salad in there as well you got herds in there it’s banging that’s well nice another little uh Turkish

    Inspired thing out here is this this is a drink that is made up of yogurt water and salt Nat thinks it’s repulsive apparently but her mother likes it and it sounds weird so I’m going to try it I got you the man one I don’t know

    What the difference is the man one yeah I’d picked up whatever one but it says man on it oh it’s weird isn’t it yeah that is salty yeah it’s a salty yogurt yeah that is weird it’s not bad though it’s quite nice it’s meant to be refreshing but I think it’s repulsive

    It is refreshing go on try it try it come on Natalia try it I don’t like it your toast Buzz might have matured no it’s horrible it’s it’s refreshing though do you not think it tastes like sour yogurt like sour cheese yogurt it’s just salty you can have that yeah all

    Right that is actually very salty sometimes it’s a bit hard to swallow it’s like drinking sea water sea water with um with yogurt in it that’s where I used to get all of my stationary for school it’s still there yeah now you might be wondering why there are so many

    Turkish people here and why are there such a big Turkish influence here and the reason for that is basically because back in the day they had a real shortage of Manpower here in Germany and they brought in a lot of Turkish people as temporary workers to fill the gaps while

    They need to get a load of work done the Turkish people lik it here they they stayed here they brought their families here and it kind of just started from there it grew into the population it is today there are more Turkish people in Germany than any other country in the

    World apart from Turkey very interesting so that is why you will find a lot of Turkish people here in Germany and a lot of Turkish influence a lot of Turkish food Barbers all over the place they love it here and I can kind of see why

    It’s it’s quite a nice spot well the Germans are Leaps and Bounds ahead of us in solar technology there’s so many houses with just heapes of solar panels on a roof and the houses are all very big as well with heaps of land around them they got so much space

    Here the apartment we got here is bright Apartments this cost us 325 for three nights it’s a really nice little apartment really nice everything you need it’s comfortable it’s clean just like most of Germany actually every every everywhere I see mate it’s so clean here it’s crazy that’s just a

    Nice little bag of Heros on each anybody who knows me knows I don’t eat this stuff and you’ve probably had me lecture you at some point to not eat this stuff but they’re included and I can’t say no now just a quick nap before we go and explore arburg absolutely knacked after

    Our 1 and a half hour flight today it doesn’t sound like a lot but when you just got off 2 in the morning your flights at 6:00 you got to drive around for ages here we had roads closed we had traffic jams it’s been a nightmare morning I’m knackered I got a

    Headache I need a little reset and then we’ll go out and explore the Land all right as always our 30 minute nap turned into an hour and a half nap we got about an hour and a half lift of sunlight so let’s go and see what alberg has to offer look at this place one of the oldest towns in Germany

    This is alburg there’s really not many that are as old as this was founded in 15 BC by the Romans very old very old place look at this you got the pillars out the front in that it’s well nice I just like the atmosphere it is a nice atmosphere isn’t it that is

    Awesome English one yeah why not no that is not what you think it is it’s a uh it’s a banana it’s a chopped up banana Natalia says they’re good hell Mate it’s good is it there cing it and then this bad boy so we got two here a chocolate banana ice coffee comes at $1750 it’s quite pricey here but it’s a good spot look at this Friday evening sitting here in the square in alburg surrounded by the oldest city in

    Bavaria it’s a very nice atmosphere here it’s really nice what a nice evening this what this what it’s all about walking around I’m completely knackered that that one one and a half hour nap wasn’t enough I woke up with a banging headache and this is just fixing everything it’s

    Perfect and you might be thinking it’s Friday evening and you’ve just ordered cake and a chocolate banana and you’ve not even had dinner yet and you’d be right to Fig that cuz we haven’t had dinner yet and I don’t even want dinner anymore had a Kabab for breakfast I had

    A horrible salt yogurt drink and now we’re having cake for dinner it’s all backwards welcome to Germany look at this it’s like this everywhere well nice real old school prop of large old quarters that key up there he’s a banker really very interesting is he I don’t know why he’s got a statue There look at this place Look at this as well I know if these people are living in here or what yeah I don’t know if it’s some sort of um some sort of protest seems like a little bit like a bit of protest does it yeah it does it also seems like they might be living

    There I don’t know weird fast is d that my friends is the alburger Dom it’s the cathedral here in alburg and it’s about a thousand years old more or less and it’s been restored a couple of times it was actually there was a church here before then about 200 years before that

    So 12200 years ago there was a church here and they sort of the Romans came and revamped it gave it a Gothic style and yeah it’s about Thousand Years old it’s pretty mad all right it’s now 7:00 p.m. and we are going to have our first Bavarian

    Dinner I don’t know what anything says on the menu our favorite I can’t read any of it Nat’s kind of tried to decipher some of it but uh failing miserably yeah we’re we’re winging it really well we could get the original viter a WEA schnitzel that’s black pork snitel with copf

    Salad probably going to get I want the other thing you said that cheese thing you want that one okay but you said you don’t want to share one so no I don’t want to share why can’t I have it on my own oh okay well it’s this one isn’t it yeah

    Yes swe as I’m going to I’m having the this is this is what I mean right this is why I don’t know what I’m having cuz it’s called the Alo Kasa um schnit kit what the how do you say the whole thing I don’t know Alit Al one maybe there you go that’s

    What I’m that’s what I’m going to have it has been decided what the one’s from Austria yeah why did we not get German one there isn’t there isn’t one cheers one thing I’m a little bit shocked at is that like no no speaks English at all really do they no uh it’s

    Obviously not a tourist spot this um it’s very German very authentic there’s no English menus no one speaks English he actually quite nice you know he kind of really immerse yourself in the culture of the German people do you know what I mean yeah it’s it’s good it’s

    Nice well we say this everywhere we go when when they big we just have to point and wish for the best yeah and I like that it’s kind of exciting you know I don’t even I can’t even say what I want um it’s cool I like it another thing

    We’re not doing on this trip is checking reviews before we go somewhere we’re cruising around and if someone’s busy we’re going to go in there in some countries we’ve had to go check reviews because we’ve either been there in low season or um it’s an area where there’s

    Not really many people so nowhere’s busy but we’re going here with somewhere that had quite a lot of people in here they’ got Bavarian menu it’s very exciting stuff I don’t know what I’m going to get it’s named umon which is for that Cathedral

    So oh that’s why I went in here and Dom and Dom yeah well that was alburger Dom yeah all right yeah I don’t get it it’s cuz it’s by the I don’t know by the Dom so I’m not going to attempt to say it obviously I’m going to put the name

    Of it on the bottom of the screen this is what I’ve got it looks good it smells good and it tastes good it’s like good hearty meals I don’t even know what it is what is this stuff again Kish thank you um don’t know what she

    Said what did she say like good Bon potato bonana potato um uh this is like it’s like potato pasta K it’s Spitzer I don’t know how to explain it all right it’s Spa with cream sauce and SLE cream sauce and uh it so it’s nice it I tasted yours M

    Nice I’m going to kill you you want to taste mine yes I do and Nat’s I’ll put that there okay now there you go that’s what Nats is I think yours is better than mine what is it pork I think so pork bacon and potatoes

    And like a sauce do half and half if you want on spitzler with a pork snitel it’s nice it’s very nice it’s like proper um it’s not it’s not like mad flavorful food it’s like more like homecooked real like you know you’re going to feel good when you wake up tomorrow you’ve been

    Nourished all yourselves well after a little bit of research after Nat failed us on what spetzler is speta is actually a type of noodle it’s not potato or pasta no they called they called pasta noodle that’s what they call it here yes yes they do the only difference is

    The way they make speta compared to pasta it’s a lot easier to make there you go yeah so they just it’s like a pancake mix they just make it up and it’s that’s what makes this sort of spatula stuff it’s quite dense isn’t it m it’s nice though it’s well nice it’s

    Like a really nice texture as well I thought I could just eat loads of it anyway going to finish up here we got got a 40 minute walk back to the hotel from here maybe a little longer and then tomorrow we’re going to get a good sleep get up early tomorrow there’s rain

    Coming tomorrow afternoon so we need to get out and get to where we need to get to um as early as possible whenever it opens what’s the place called noin No vanin we’re going there tomorrow and it looks really cool so yeah I’m excited for that anyway peace out I


    1. The banker Jakob Fugger was the richest man in the world at the time. He had a monopoly on copper and many silver mines. He influenced emperor and pope elections. He built the Fuggerei, the first social housing estate in the world. It still exists today. Rent €1 per year.

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