#Priceofadmission podcast

    So I’ll go first because do what that that pH came out of my mouth somehow but boys we’re going to win this fight you think I’m a bad dude cuz I served in the SEAL Teams you’re dead wrong I’ve been pushed to the absolute limits of the human

    Body um resilience no it’s but resilience the race really has no end the thing that come out up to my to my mind when I if you can’t complete the loop in 20 minutes you’re out of the race when I use the phrase is is are you

    Familiar with the with the the tour to friends and the race goes on until no one is left happens every every year and summer in France France is like I think that is 2,000 miles that need to go after uh in 25 21 days no prize money just knowing that you have pushed

    Yourself to the absolute limit of your ability and the magine that comes to my mind is always I mean you you you you write uh 2,000 miles and and most of that time you have to go up you can always run one mile and all you have to

    Do is keep your mind from telling your body to stop so so for me is is that joy that you find while you are in in trouble is the the the positive that you find when you are in a very negative environment a on Mile Loop

    It can’t get any more simpler than this Chad’s coming in as the rainning champ and so all eyes are on him hey hey what’s up guys maybe my synonym for this would be maybe perseverance I think when we were all together were we in Mexico when we heard all about the 4minute

    Mile you remember that one where Roger B Navy SEAL I he I mean you know he’s made of skin and bone and blood just like I am I’m just going to crush that dude’s Soul Man Four minut a mile was was done usually when you stay

    Back here in the back you get to spend some time with every quitter his only option is to drop me he could turn it around Anything Could Happen we’re going to have a good time the keep pedling piece Fred We Own the Night start

    Moving go I is what it takes to win out here I can go a lot longer that really res you know resonates with me is the part like you know whatever the target lines are they’re they’re always just where we’re trying to raise the bar I’m going to be the last man

    Standing or I’m going to break my body

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