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    Got stop on the we got to live your friends likeo you a Jud like R got stop on we got to leave your friends like Colo you be a judge like R what is happening YouTube I hope you guys are well today we are doing my bike fit for the 2024 Pro

    Season I thought I’d take you guys along and see if you can learn something I will learn something for sure let’s get into it so I’ve been doing quite a few bike fits over the years from different countries I’ve been to the V Drome a few

    Times as a ag group as well I was always looking for the details those kind of things now live in Finland and I also did bike fits as I said also Germany with the leading ones there in other countries and I believe the UK time

    Traval scene is kind of huge and they do have the best bike Fields so I was lucky to find one guy from the UK who does it online because at this point it wouldn’t be possible to travel over and do all those things in the future for sure I’ll

    Go to the UK everything from wind tunnel to V Drome going to be doing that as you guys can see we are here in my training room right now I did get a few upgrades before already to make sure there’s you know room to play with the position also

    Talked to the bike fit guy before I’m having my truit on I’m going to be wearing another truit next season really excited for that one but the reason I wear the truit is because the padding you know in the seat is thinner than the road bike pants and I want it to be

    Obviously thinner as it would be in the race so I got used to that position saddle wise I first had here this prologue saddle which is basically for sale if anybody wants to have it I bought it brand new for 160 bucks and yeah I’m selling it for 100 if somebody

    Needs it it didn’t work for me because it’s a bit for narrow hips uh which doesn’t work for me so I did get another saddle uh anyways one I wanted to get before there’s also a 3D what version of that before so that one I already did my

    Own little bike fit here here and I have really good impression with that one so it doesn’t Rob because I had another saddle for example the PN ISM saddle and it did Red the inside of my thigh and just aggravated hamstrings and stuff probably the reason why I had some

    Issues in the past one of them then as you can see this beauty here this is brand new I got uh for all the Kenyon people that will know that something is different this adapter here it’s a 50 mm each so 50 m in front and 15° angle

    As you can see I do have a 3D printed bottle holder as well that comes on top of that but obviously we first have to play it around with the position then of course I’ll be needing my shoes obviously also the helmet for the Star Wars nerds maybe some of you guys will

    Recognize this logo if not I’m not going to explain it but if you know you maybe also know this one and is another one right we got another one here nerdy stuff but the the armor strength and power um yeah anyways my helmet I need

    That one for the position I got my tools here this is the canyon kit for the different spacers um yeah this adapter only works with a 20 mm plus 2 * 5 mm spacer so 30 mm height is kind of the base that is needed and so as low as you

    Can get right now which I believe is anyways for me the uh lowest part possible I assume and yeah got all my tools here this one super important for carbon frames a mistake I did in the past um yeah I did 2015 Iron Man Copenhagen and they I didn’t have one of

    Those so what that is basically is uh the the bike guys know obviously gurus it’s a newon meter and with that you can determine the torque especially for carbon frames is important because if you decide to hand tighten those screws because each of those if you have a

    Carbon bike or you have a carbon frame new you do need to look at those numbers they’re not there for fun cuz if you overtighten them and just go by hand oh my oh boy you might break the frame and uh the whole thing is gone so really

    Important that I use thisday I did not have this when I started in the sport I think it was my third Iron Man or something was my first time under 10 hours was 2015 Iron Man cop making I believe and uh there was something wrong with the Stevens frame and something

    With the front they changed it later they had these four screws in the front as you can imagine it kind of grabs the bar it was a Trion bike but there was something wrong and no matter how I tightened it always loosen anyways I tighten really hard by hand and what did

    Happen was that the screws broke at kilometer 170 and yeah I mean it took forever to get was a bit dumb but yeah it was young back then but I kept riding was luckily flat cuz I had two screws left and it kind of went the steering

    You know it went this way and this way but I could kind of still steer it I thought I have to finish and have to keep going at the time to time so I went on cycling on the flat course was possible so um highly recommend to get

    You one of those any any of those nud meters that are out there actually got to check the time that I’m not messing it up so 10 minutes left and my wifey will come as well she’s just uh briefly away and we’ll be doing this with a zoom

    With the iPad so basically what we’ll be doing is this is kind of the view you have to imagine it will be Zoom link so this bike guy sees this and then we start playing around the base seems pretty good already for my gut feeling um I did some videos and testing already

    But there’s for sure some stuff to be done um to sit properly in a saddle that the glutes activated that’s important aerodynamic position important obviously so I’ll be doing the bike fit now we’ll take around an hour maybe a bit more I will check with you guys in afterwards I

    Won’t be having time to film during the session but I will check afterwards with all the changes that I’ve done I do have some pictures and some videos I made on my phone I’ll put those in so you can compare bit the position from before and

    After and uh yeah then let’s see let’s get a fast position because I will need it not just what’s important the highest possible watts and the lowest possible CDA that’s my goal everybody’s goal but uh you got to keep working on those things so let’s get to work and I check

    In afterwards kick when F the let me no you never come back come I’mma Be the best that you never never had I’m take that Let me all right guys done and dusted it’s been a good hour hour and a half thanks so much for met butell he really helped me out there super happy um massive changes and massive outcomes I can feel it and I did it in power as

    Well for example two weeks ago I did it with a different saddle I played around the other saddle it didn’t work for me and you know I did 2 minute intervals 20 times what was it yeah I don’t know 10 10 times 2 minutes or whatever it

    Doesn’t matter you to Max and I could bar barely hold 4 20 watts and I thought oh my God this is miserable and now you know I have still a lot of fatigue and I just did you know a minute 2 minute 420 watts and I could feel like I could hold

    It forever to be honest not forever but like 10 minutes easy so anyways very interesting so I can show you what we changed so one thing we did we did go 10 mm up uh no wrong 5 mm up and 5 mm forward then I also got more stack

    Height here we also went higher here here uh by a good centimeter um angle of course stay the same rest stay the same and yeah that did a lot to my position I can do a little filming now how that looks but wow I am Happy Okay let’s see so we’ll be going through a different Modi I still have the 420 WTS on one second so we’ll be starting at 200 WS uh some reps not reps but just you know I don’t have train today is my off day so fatigue will be pretty high so it’s a

    Good indicator that on fatigue how does wattages feel it’s based on my power meter so it’s a real power that’s going to be outside not some other one that might be a bit inate so 200 WS let’s see how it Looks so here I got a bit of homework to do so basically I have to strengthen my shoulders as you can see you can see it from the front now so when I dip in it’s kind of my you can see my shoulders are fairly broad so if I dip in my shoulders

    Kind of rotate in then you can see the difference so that I have to practice and strengthen for my shoulders so if I don’t do it I’m here and if I wouldn’t be doing this I’ll be riding like this in Ocean Side which is- 20 wats if I

    Train it I’m going to be here and you can see from the front aerodynamic resistance how that makes a difference okay let’s go to 320 Watts see what happens to effort and see what’s happening Here super comfortable such a big game changer like for the hip as you can see it super happy with the hip angle just you know you can feel how one thing that’s important for the bike F that you feel all parts of your my legs are activated not one area too much but

    For example quads hamstrings glutes especially also they’re all firing nicely it’s pretty easy to be honest but let’s do 420 WS this was 320 pretty easy easy is big word but it’s not should be easy if you want to R for an Iron Man let’s do 420 see how it

    Feels getting hot I’m on my helmet here still feels really good you know really nice and balanced it’s getting a bit warm here on my helmet this was my bike fit I know you guys didn’t see all of it but I try to integrate you in much as I

    Can very happy with this aerodynamic setup the good as I can be at this time in the future obviously Mel drone testing a wind tunnel all those things lots to come but happy for now doing what I can and uh let’s get after it let’s get back to training I hope you

    Guys are well and I see you in the next video would you let me back no you never come back I’mma Be the best that you never never had I’mma kick back when you fake like that I’m

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