Another BBQ about how we’re doing at this point, preparing for the protest on Valentine’s Day, 2024. Just ONE of many more to come if things don’t start changing soon for drivers getting a better share of the profits!

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    #lyft #uber #driver #rideshare #delivery #extracomfort

    What up everybody that’s right the barbecue live  and in session right now hey I had to eat dinner   first CU y’all know me I gotta eat before we get  started this might be four five hours I don’t know  

    Because when I don’t eat I’ll be like man I’m  starving but I don’t eat when I live stream I   see a lot of people doing that like it’s mukbang  or some [ __ ] is like people will be sitting  

    There eating and [ __ ] trying to talking I’m I  can’t do all that no I’m cool on that [ __ ] what   up Logan my brother what’s good what’s good  hey is the sound coming in okay is it choppy  

    Or anything like that cuz I know sometimes man it  sounds like it be picking up then all of a sudden   it’ll crackle and I’m like start the live stream  over again damn it but hey man you hey you back  

    In uh Co cool Aon said first no you got beat you  an NGB Logan was already up in the spot already   y’all be quick man y’all be on it but shoot know  uh what this is we got two weeks two weeks to the  

    Protest man and everybody’s out there trying  to get this money in right now I know NGB you   up there doing deliveries you and Logan y’all both  doing deliveries right now today I tried to do hum  

    So I had hum running all day long today I started  it probably about 8 o’clock this morning when I   dropped off my private ride didn’t get a single  hit I went to the gym and everything I was getting  

    Uber hits but I wasn’t taking that what up high  fact my brother Robert ree this is good hello to   all the good drivs ref slavery that’s right Samir  you know it brother you know it yeah Jasper Waste  

    Management next week hey we all ramping up man  we ramping up what up Susan what’s good lady hey   I Shi your stuff out last night so you should be  getting it pretty soon Nicole she’s even in the  

    You ain’t sleep it’s nine o’clock what you used  to get up early in the morning and start doing   delivery she like I’m up right now what up Jace  what’s good this is mer my man Merl at Las Vegas  

    Is President along with the 300 ready for the  214 strike we own it brother we on it yeah man   I had hum running today I even I drove all the way  from downtown just kind of cruising just taking my  

    Time listen to music and everything no hits yet  no hits but hum is still working man they still   busy and everything out a few guys say they like  doing hum because it kind of picks up on weekends  

    So I think I’m gonna try that daytime maybe nobody  uses hum but Uber was hitting but it was all trash   no it was no surge whatsoever all trash go gig  it what’s good brother yes it was all trash I  

    Was like yeah I’m not doing that nope nope hold  on let me turn my fan a little bit it’s getting hot there we go now I got some air going yeah man  but hum hopefully it start picking up because I  

    Was looking at their base rates the base rates  start at $5 that’s the lowest you can get is five   bucks and then you get I think it was something  like a dollar per mile and like 25 cents a minute  

    Something crazy like that 35 cents a minute but  it was I’m like that’s not bad you know if if the   base rate is $5 and you’re getting a dollar a mile  then once you hit let’s say let’s you drive five  

    Miles you’re going to get 10 bucks because and  plus you’re gonna get more than 10 because you   still getting the per minute with that so if it  takes you like 15 minutes to go that far you’re  

    Getting the per minute and you’re getting the  mileage with it so they still using like old rate   card they don’t use upfront what up slide two raw  yeah they don’t use upfront with hums so I’m I’m  

    Trying to get a ride so I can see how this really  works and as long as you get that the first ride   is five bucks so if you do something for a mile  you get five bucks do something for two miles you  

    Get like six bucks plus some change so I’m like  okay I I like this this will work this will work   so I’m just man I just I want to get home started  because Uber and lift they’re going down well lift  

    I can’t use because I don’t I even update them  they keep trying to make me update I’m like I’m   not updating hell no hell no look Samir smash the  like button that’s my man Willie Willie D with his  

    Podcast smash smash smash the like button I’ll be  rolling 11 but yes Samir and and everybody knows I   like the channel you know I love the fact that you  know we’re getting some views on the videos we’re  

    Getting people to get involved participate in the  chats and the comments and stuff like that but   like the moment I remember when I was doing the  videos like probably I don’t know two three weeks   ago we was getting a bunch of Facebook people  coming on because they were learning about the  

    Protest and stuff and the chat was I mean all the  comments were stupid I was removing more comments   and blocking more people off this channel than  ever before because I don’t [ __ ] with energy   like that I don’t do that like if I don’t like  somebody’s Channel then I don’t it don’t bother me  

    Look at that reservation airport $26 1.8 miles  a cash Banger get it Danny get it yeah but I   don’t go to nobody’s Channel like if I don’t like  something I just keep it moving I’m I’m that old  

    I know I can keep it moving without [ __ ] with  nobody I’m I’m like at that point in my life when   I want more peace and I want misery so I don’t  go around looking for misery searching for misery  

    Jumping on people’s Channel trying to argue with  them and be miserable I don’t do that I got my own   channel if I really want to do that [ __ ] I don’t  need to do that on somebody else’s channel so you  

    Know for a period we was getting a whole bunch  of like Facebook level people just drivers that   I never seen before YouTube names I never seen  before so I was like who the hell is all these  

    People I was like [ __ ] you need to watch some  videos remove comment then if they did it again   I’ll go through not only remove the comment but I  just block them from my channel cuz they they’re  

    Not paying attention to what’s going on so I’m  I’m one of those channels this is almost like   a channel that’s got subscriptions that you don’t  got to pay for because if I don’t [ __ ] like you   I’ll remove you off my channel that’s just how  [ __ ] works it’s like you ain’t gotta like me  

    Just keep it [ __ ] moving go tell somebody say  hey man I don’t like Jeff I can’t stand Jeff Jeff   yeah go tell that [ __ ] to somebody else don’t  don’t come to my house and try to talk [ __ ] in  

    My house to me because I just remove your comment  and kick you out it’s that damn easy YouTube gives   me that permission look say hey I’ve seen the shut  on Professor oh yeah Professor he’s got a few of  

    Them man like I said I sent him another packet  with yesterday so he’s got some stuff coming out   the pipe because he’s like I said he’s a bigger  Channel and he’s promoting and pushing you know   for better conditions for drivers and any driver  that stands with us about these better conditions  

    We all talking about it and and a lot of the  drivers out there oh we ain’t protesting we   don’t care what y’all do we gonna drive cool knock  yourself out you ain’t even got to come here and  

    Say [ __ ] it’s like they they want to be known  so bad to just be against the grain or known so   bad to be doing some [ __ ] that we ain’t doing  they come over to our Channel King James what’s  

    Up brother I see you in there they they come over  here and and the first thing they talk oh yeah we   ain’t what the [ __ ] are you here for why are you  here it’s like you see what we doing over here you  

    See the energy over here you see the flow of over  here if you don’t fit then get the hell you over   here for they love to be in the oh yeah we ain’t  doing it we then go to what where you appreciate  

    It go to where you want it what are you doing  over here you in the wrong damn classroom I be   kicking them comments out quick as a [ __ ] i’ be  like man get the [ __ ] up out of here I ain’t got  

    Time for that [ __ ] say what’s up I need some  of the hum reviews they weren’t that impressive   an to hear more about your experience yeah Ezra  I’m I’m trying man like I said today I had them  

    Running today probably for about maybe three four  hours total because I did it in the morning then I   went to the gym and everything and I left the gym  came home ate breakfast and all that stuff it was  

    Running the whole time and I never got a single  ping on it but I will tell you for some reason it   keeps saying connection lost I don’t know why like  if I don’t have it running in the foreground and  

    The background I don’t know but it just every once  I say connection lost so I’ll close the app reopen   it again it seems like everything’s working fine  so I’m gonna find out if they have to do a update  

    Or something on that app to make it stop saying  connection loss but yeah like I said I was on it   for about three hours a day had it running maybe  I was in the wrong part of town to get rides but I  

    Was up near Scottdale area after I did my drop and  then I came back down to temp where I was working   out and everything then I came home not a single  ping and like I said Uber was blowing up but it  

    Was all trash I didn’t take that one single Uber  ride it was all 100% trash it was like 10 miles to   get to somebody and I got it on video 10 miles to  get to somebody to take them like four miles and  

    They’re giving me $7 for it I’m like wait I gotta  go 10 miles just to pick them up and then drive   them like seven miles and you gonna give me like  four miles you gonna give me like seven bucks I’m  

    No I’m cool it’s like man y’all nuts I’m like I’m  not doing that no so that was Uber this morning I   got it on on video bunch of trash what up Frank  my brother what’s good hope you hit Jeremy up so  

    We can get his car worked out man said man exactly  Susan be like by Felicia see you but I don’t know   what the deal is with them people yeah you right  man it’s like those younger folks they just love  

    To argue and it’s like they come into the room  knowing this ain’t the room they supposed to be   in nor the room they want to be in nor what the  host of the podcast they even like so I’m like  

    What the [ __ ] are you doing here you in all the  wrong places it’s like you got the wrong energy   the wrong message the wrong YouTube person and  you still here get the [ __ ] out of here it’s  

    Like dude like smarting up a little bit and they  wonder why you know drivers or can be easily taken   advantage of because you got idiots like that that  don’t realize this ain’t the channel for you I’m  

    Not the YouTuber for you I don’t even [ __ ] with  you I don’t even like you so why are you here what   are you doing and it’s like cuz all I’m gonna do  is remove your comment and block your [ __ ] ass  

    That’s all G do I don’t need a million Subs on  my channel I got good people on my channel I’m   cool with the quality of people I got the quality  of drivers I got I’m not trying to get everybody  

    Because everybody sucks it’s like I only want a  few people on my channel I don’t want everybody   like I said this is like having a subscription  to a channel without paying for it because I   get rid of [ __ ] every day some [ __ ] I be  like remove comment uh block user from Channel  

    [ __ ] like don’t even come back I don’t even  want your ass back don’t come back yeah man you   got to block people because this negative energy  man it’s [ __ ] energy we over here trying to do  

    Better for drivers like I said it’s like going  in a game at Halftime you walk in at halftime   and and you hype and you mad as hell because you  down by 10 points you mad you arguing with your  

    Team hey man pick up your [ __ ] man dude quit  letting his ass get easy [ __ ] runs I mean you   mad because you know you can win this game that’s  how this channel runs over here we mad because we  

    Know we can win this game we know how this game  was played we made good money in this game so we   mad about that [ __ ] so they come up you guys  sound mad you goddamn right we mad we mad about  

    The money but you come over here mad about the  message if this message is not for you you can   get the [ __ ] on then we mad about the money we  mad about the apps we mad about the mistreatment  

    Of drivers you mad about the message over here  get the [ __ ] on it’s like this is not for you   so if like I said you can walk into any church  you want to walk in in America if you don’t like  

    What they talking about you can walk right back  at that front door but you don’t stand up in the   middle of church tell pastor you need to shut up  cuz this that you don’t say that [ __ ] you just  

    Go to a church that fits you better just like  YouTube go to a channel that fits you better   this [ __ ] might not be for you you got to go  if you don’t know how to go I’ll boot you the  

    [ __ ] out I remove your comment and block your  ass I just booted you the [ __ ] up out of church   see you exactly Jason ubg bz premium [ __ ] and  that’s the thing you got free subscriptions as  

    Long as you’re intelligent that’s all I say  you got a free but if you one of these dumb   [ __ ] oh you a idiot you stupid you burn you out  already [ __ ] you gone we can disagree all day I  

    Don’t mind disagreeing because disagreeing creates  debate so we can disagree but you come over here   disrespecting me disrespecting a drop n you gotta  go you gotta go you on the wrong channel for that   [ __ ] because you can start your own channel  you want to diss me start your own channel but  

    Don’t sit on my [ __ ] walking in my house trying  to diss me in my house kick you the [ __ ] out   the front door you can go on with that [ __ ] I’m  easy like that you ain’t gonna get no subs does it  

    Look like I’m worried about it [ __ ] I’m okay man  this this channel is doing okay what up all Scott   this is Brother Jeff have you heard about the  signal blocker some drivers from Asia using the   airports to block drivers from getting rides at  airport cues oh I believe it I believe it brother  

    Real [ __ ] because today I was watching the uh  Congressional hearing because like I said I watch   a lot of political stuff and for people that know  me they know that I know people like Scott narter  

    Out in Vegas you know Scott nard he was at the I  AP the independent American party I’ve talked to   this on a live stream before but he was one of  the directors of the independent American party  

    Back in 2008 and I was going run for a seat under  Scott nter on the I AP I was really going to do   that [ __ ] and that was the year that Obama got  elected actually but the the day that it was all  

    Going down I actually had a a custody hearing  for my first kid and everybody knows about that   too I had a custody so I couldn’t go to court I  mean I had to go to court I couldn’t do all the  

    [ __ ] that was required or whatever so but I was  watching Congressional hearing today and they’re   talking about how Chinese technology is now in  America now and the Chinese technology in America   is used for civilian purposes they’re doing [ __ ]  like that with Chinese Tech they’re testing it  

    They’re testing blockers they’re selling to to  people getting feedback on how their Tech is   working drivers got this technology man a lot  of uh illegal immigrant drivers are using this   technology a lot of drivers that are legally here  but they cool with with the way that this [ __ ]  

    Is going they’re using this technology and they’re  trying to say it’s like a bot it ain’t like a bot   when you purposely block somebody with technology  from getting money by by signal blocking so they   don’t get no R [ __ ] that’s not that’s not a  bot that right there is Criminal I think that’s  

    Criminal and the FCC needs to step in because yeah  they caught a Chinese guy red-handed at the Boston   Logan Airport I’m telling you all Scott man yeah  Frank you was watching that too yeah it was good   man I like watching those Congressional hearings  because you find out a lot of important [ __ ] of  

    What’s going down in this country oh yeah the FCC  man that’s federal charges man that’s Federal you   doing signal blocking that’s air that’s Federal  property right there so anything that deals with   techn techology and stuff man that’s that’s FCC  regulated this dude he GNA do some time and he  

    Probably just a damn driver you know trying to  feed his family using his old bot ass weird ass   app trying to block everybody’s [ __ ] he gonna  be sitting in jail for the next 15 years trying  

    To get a $20 [ __ ] ride it’s like you gonna  be sitting in jail for the next man you out   your damn mind it’s like no we ain’t doing that  this is money story these people wanted uh me  

    To pick them up at the hospital had a wheelchair  to look like Fred Flintstone car want to put in   my trunk I said deuces this [ __ ] say was a FL  they was sitting there with their feet pedaling  

    That [ __ ] it wasn’t even like a newer one they  just pedaling with their feet and [ __ ] that’s   funny as a [ __ ] keep an eye out for antennas  on roofs of cars at airports okay bet if that’s  

    What it is all right y’all heard him man keep  an eye out for antennas on the roofs on these   cars at the airports they got signal blocking  technology they testing on people and they’re   doing it in ride share because once you do signal  blocking and and ride shairing you can you say  

    You know what you can test the apps see if it  works oh yeah it works this P you know we can   block signals next they’re going to go to certain  regions and they can go to like a a area where  

    You know everybody wants to di 911 or everybody  wants to do something real click quick and you   completely just block signal out and they can’t  do it so signal blocking is a is a big problem  

    It’s a big problem and you see a lot of people  who get caught in jams if like when we go out to   the desert everybody can look at my Jeep videos I  got a gmrs radio because when you got issues with  

    Signals and towers and 5G and all that you got  to go back to Airwaves so that’s why we got gmrs   radios and our jeeps and everything you can kill  my phone but you can’t kill gmrs unless you can  

    Go knock the tower out you have to literally knock  the tower down because these are free signal waves   just floating everywhere you got to do something  different like I said [ __ ] we like Doomsday   Preppers in this [ __ ] we all got radios we got  our [ __ ] gmrs call numbers you know we got what  

    Ham radio call numbers we got all that already set  CU when [ __ ] hits the fan I’m W ROM 57 72 hit me up oh in Kentucky Airport another driver got call  oh there you go get them all man that’s what it  

    Is that’s what it is claudo what’s good what’s  good see not seeing upfront fairs of Passenger   destination all I see is how far away passenger  is for pickup yeah Julio you might be in one  

    Of those regions you might not have The Upfront  fairs in your region yet but we got it out here   in Phoenix we got it but you probably in a I don’t  know where you are so you might not have it see so  

    That’s why airport rid takes so long Delta Roots  is stupid now we know okay let’s mad Claud all   thank you brother Jeff the last video was awesome  keep going brother weed 300 oh yeah like I said I  

    Got another video coming on the pipe because I had  two drivers sent me some really really important   information about cancels and I’m like this is  good news right here but it’s not only good news   it’s going to create an audit people need to go  back and audit all their cancels trust me these  

    Apps are stealing people’s money like right  in our faces man right in our faces what up   black leg was a 300 check in my man nor said  I need my own channel for deliveries thought   about thinking about it oh yeah you can do that  and I’mma tell you about deliveries Nicole the  

    Thing about deliveries is that especially people  like me who don’t like the grocery shop and and   don’t know like the whole ins and outs of it you  guys are educating people on on the process of it  

    Not only that but how to do it right how not to  be slaved out because a lot of people that they   don’t have channels they just out there just like  these rare channels I’ll start my app at 6:00 a.m.  

    I turn it off at 6 PM my AR is 100% I don’t see  how these channels even exist those are the most   slave ass channels I’ve ever seen But when you  get a smart person who’s experienc they know how  

    Delivery Works they know what to take what not  to take how to set up things how to get you I   mean you’re creating a bunch of smart drivers out  there who are staying profitable and that’s what  

    It’s about it’s about staying profitable as long  as we got these damn we call them crumb snatchers   long as we got these [ __ ] crumb snatchers on  the apps the apps going to keep throwing out   crumbs like you go to the park and you throw out  popcorn to the [ __ ] pigeons that’s what trip  

    Radar is like popcorn to pigeons and all these  [ __ ] drivers oh oh $3 for six miles I got it   $7 for 12 miles I got it oh $11 for 26 miles  I’ll take it it’s like throwing [ __ ] popcorn  

    Out to the pigeons and I’m sitting there like  looking at these [ __ ] just SC I’m like man I   go through these rides like hell no all this is  garbage it’s like 50 Cent a mile 20 cent a mile  

    It’s not even like money per minute I’m just like  no soon as you turn around what happened [ __ ]   crumb snatchers they throw the popcorn out all the  little pigeon ass drivers come running up oh my AR  

    Is so high I’ve been driving all day I’m averaging  like 20 $30 an hour I’ve been driving for 12 hours   straight yeah exactly he was like if you gonna  drive for for 12 anything over eight hours in  

    My opinion you should be getting time and a half  just like at a W2 if you’re working over eight   hours they gonna pay you time and a half for  everything over that if you making $20 an hour  

    At a W2 for anything over eight hours you’re now  making 30 an hour if you’re making 30 anything   over that you’re making 45 an hour but in Ride  shars Like the longer you work the less you get  

    Paid because at the end of your day you getting  all garbage it’s like you’ve been online all day   just getting garbage Rod like man yeah Samir I’m  telling you man that’s what it is man that damn  

    Trip radar that they need to call that [ __ ]  you know the pigeon Park trip radar is Pigeon   Park cuz that’s all they doing is throwing [ __ ]  popcorns to the pigeons on that sh I be looking   through trip radar like you got to be kidding me  and that should be like another driver another  

    Driver another I’m like they really taking this  [ __ ] are you serious pigeons at the park man   that’s trip radar like where the pigeons at [ __ ]  throw them [ __ ] popcorn they be like [ __ ] all   eating and [ __ ] dooing all in the floor and  what the [ __ ] all you shitty drivers bunch of

    Pigeons look CLA I see this immigrant  driving a old ass Honda crb taking   every ride [ __ ] pigeon he a  [ __ ] pigeon he put the pigeon Emoji these [ __ ] I don’t want no pigeons  I’m telling you these mother I’m G start  

    Riding around with a bag in my car every time  I see some Uber cars I’mma throw a [ __ ] I’m   throw some popcorn out my window and just  keep driving I’m see if that [ __ ] stop   oh [ __ ] popcorn SC [ __ ] stopped me out  picking up the popcorn oh I got lunch you  

    [ __ ] pigeon [ __ ] turn around the corner  like God damn it knew it that’s the easiest   way to get that’s how you know [ __ ] driver  easiest way to do it just drive through the   lot just throw some popcorn out the [ __ ]  window see you start running they be like  

    Oh [ __ ] bro just threw some popcorn out  the window let’s go get this [ __ ] it’s lunch all those pictures coming from the Uber  guarantee promotions exactly Stephen you know   it Craig Craig what’s good my lady what’s good  exactly and that’s what it is all those people  

    Who who are who are on the Uber platform that’s  getting guarantees they’re the ones taking all   the [ __ ] rides and we telling them stop doing  that we like don’t do that y’all need to like   think about the profit margins because right  now that little extra dollar you getting per  

    Rod 50 Cent per rod for a dollar you’re going  like an extra six miles for1 doll that’s all   you’re GNA get because they’re like oh man I’m  getting like you know $ four doll to go you know  

    Eight miles okay you’re getting 50 Cent a mile  now you’re gonna get $5 to go eight miles if you   hit the bonus $5 for eight miles still ain’t  good you got to like I said you got to start  

    Compounding the money and seeing if you can do a  450 surge at a 450 surge or 450 bonus the farthest   I’m gonna drive is four extra miles I’m willing  to go a dollar but you can’t put a 450 surge on  

    Something that’s 20 [ __ ] miles I mean I’m not  gonna do nothing with it so you sound just like   a pigeon hey I know how we in Arizona we know how  those [ __ ] is like they be all over the [ __ ]  

    Place these pitches be out here man man I’ll be  telling these [ __ ] quit doing that [ __ ] quit   picking up them [ __ ] rides stop doing that  oh man I gotta get going and we see it we be  

    Like I said when I’m sitting with Lawrence when  I’m chilling and we’ll be seeing all that [ __ ]   coming through my trip radar it disappears the  moment it hits $7 for like 12 miles going up to   scotdale it’ll just disappear I’m like nobody  just took that $7 ride to go to Scottdale I  

    Mean I’ll drive up there for like maybe 15 bucks  not no $7 like man they crazy can we block the   slave drivers after they pick up a passenger  I know for real let’s block them in what you  

    Do is when you see them pick up a passenger throw  some popcorn on the ground the motherf gonna jump   right out the [ __ ] car oh popcorn that’s  how you can tell that’s a pigeon right there [ __ ] man what I haven’t driven for Uber in four  weeks and yesterday offered me a rod guarantee  

    1680 for 190 total garbage man that’s less than  $10 a trip because of this think for 1680 for   $190 at $10 a trip it will be 1,900 so that’s  roughly how much is that about $60 maybe 60 $6  

    A trip maybe I don’t even know how much that is  maybe it’s around about $6 a trip but even for $6   a trip that means your Max trip can be like six  miles if you want to get $2 a mile so about four  

    To six miles think about how many four to six mile  trips they can send you out of 190 trips because   once you start taking nature hikes you defeat  the whole purpose of it you can only go so far  

    Otherwise the the extra one even make no sense  it’s like dude I be seeing these fools chasing   $2 ride challenges oh it’s extra $2 I’m like dude  there’s no profit in that [ __ ] I can do like  

    Three rides and make what that challenge amount is  in three rides and you chasing that [ __ ] for the   next 50 60 rides it’s like dude think about it man  think about it do three Cash rides you just made  

    What they all well they’re going to give me eight  8 you can do three crash rids for $30 a piece 30   3030 and be done man so it’s nine bucks a trip  nine bucks a trip so that means you can do a trip  

    Up to around about eight or nine miles and get an  extra dollar for that if you hit it though so you   got to make but they also that means they got to  be paying you eight or n do for the first eight  

    Or nine miles that’s the sad part or you got to  have surge with it or something like that because   if you’re doing these trips at 50 Cent a mile  let’s say you go 8 miles at 50 Cent a mile they’re  

    Giving you $4 you get that nine you makeing 13  for about A8 n mile trip $13 for8 or9 miles so   yep anything over $9 it defeats the purpose yeah  so it’s like you can’t really you know get that  

    Far with it if they’re not sending you a bunch  of short rides if they start sending you nature   hikes you screwed because you like you’re driving  at a loss every time when you could just be doing  

    Short trips making bangers instead of trying to  get 190 trips you’re going to get close you going   to get about 171 trips and it’s going to end I’m  like dude I made I’m 19 trips short and they do  

    That [ __ ] every time just like they were doing  drivers not too long ago they were like timing   them out when they were getting close to the  end of the the challenge they were getting to  

    They would freeze their apps up pass the time it  would just freeze the app so many yeah so by the   time they got ready to do their next ride the  app was frozen like I said well I had to start  

    Driving hours later but it was already out of that  bonus period they froze my app up they be playing   people man they play people that shit’s crazy Man  play see there is mine no one touching him VI said  

    There is mine no one’s touching him ether oh made  18 bucks and 25 minutes tonight I’m not playing   any more games with Uber hey there you go that’s  that’s over $40 an hour right there 18 bucks and  

    25 minutes is over 40 bucks an hour so if you just  keep that up hey just keep doing it over and over   again just over and over again as long as that 18  bucks like for 25 minutes I would probably say I  

    Would do maybe I don’t know 13 14 miles and 25  minutes so that means in an hour you’re driving   26 miles in an hour which is good 26 miles an hour  is good because I’m thinking if I drive 30 miles  

    An hour that’s good that means I’m getting and  I can make you know $4 to $60 in that hour I’m   getting about you know a dollar2 doll you know per  mile that I’ve driven in that hour so you know 18  

    Bucks and 25 minutes is pretty good I’ll look at  minutes and I look at Miles because if somebody   tell me man I’ll give you you know $75 this hour  but you’re driving a 100 miles south of Phoenix  

    It’s not good because I got to turn around and  come back I gotta drive in my area to make that   $100 I’m like no I rather drive like you know  25 30 miles in that hour just cruising around  

    In my area picking people up dropping people  off and the shorter the trips the better like   the other night when I was with Lawrence we was  over at Jack In The Box I was doing all those  

    Short ass hops it was like you know there was at  Kasa where was that Jack in the Box they at Kasa   so I drove like a block or two picked them up on  Fifth Street took them to the dorms shot right  

    Back down Fifth Street picked up somebody else at  Casa took them to the it was just back and forth   all day everything was like 78 12 13 78 13 all I  was like this [ __ ] is easy right here but they  

    Kept trying to send me to downtown Phoenix and  I was like yeah we’re not doing downtown Phoenix   throw them pigeons some rice hey Frank that’s  funny that’s what some of these rides are they   R they make the pigeon blow up and [ __ ] they  can’t digest it it just starts expand it some of  

    These rides a rice they ain’t even popcorn they  just rice they [ __ ] these drivers up cars all   broke down and [ __ ] it’s like man so I need to  be a pigeon for 190 rides driving my car to the  

    Ground I’m good I know ride exactly it’s like I’m  not the rod shair pigeons that’s we the 300 they   the rod shair pigeons everywhere you go that’s why  anytime you see one of their chats all you gotta  

    Do is just put a bird in the [ __ ] thing like  man why does everybody keep putting birds in our   comments like on Facebook just put a [ __ ] bird  emoji and just don’t put nothing El just a bird  

    Yeah why are we seeing all these bird Emojis all  over Facebook and [ __ ] now you [ __ ] a bunch of pigeons it it’s like if they get offended by  a bird emoji that tells you how weak they are  

    It’s like [ __ ] [ __ ] you put a bird emoji  here if you want to I’ll laugh at that [ __ ]   mother I know I ain’t No Pigeons so that  [ __ ] don’t offend me it’s like you put a   bird there oh they keep putting these pigeons  in my comments if I see one more pigeon they  

    Be mad as [Laughter] a Rats of the sky  exactly I love that [ __ ] pigeons are   rats of the sky these [ __ ] are pige you  guys are the Rats of Rod share you [ __ ] pigeons that’s a funny [ __ ] R these [ __ ]  is the Rats of Rod shair you [ __ ] pig quit  

    Taking them [ __ ] rids that’s funny as it I’mma  do that [ __ ] I’m start putting bird emojis on   all that [ __ ] just a bird emoji man you do that  one more time I’m calling the police it’s like bro  

    It’s just a pigeon it’s offensive it’s like it’s  a pigeon what the [ __ ] you’re offending me man   D say hey what’s up J about to go out and grind  has been super dead lately oh man I didn’t make  

    No money I made zero dollars a day Zero I said  I went out and tried to do Uber and hum at the   same time and ubu was throwing Nothing But Trash  like two three hours straight trash and then I got  

    You know on hum I didn’t get anything at all not  a single ping at all so I just I called it good   I went I took a nap I ain’t dealing with that  [ __ ] I’m like [ __ ] I’m gonna go I’m gonna  

    Go do some health care I’m gonna go [ __ ] take  me a nap that’s my health care plan go take a   nap thanks for answering my question Uber support  have a clue sticking with LIF for now they have up  

    Front F New Jersey oh there you go Julio That’s  it man if you can see it up front go for it CLA   in the pigeon $3 let’s go it’s like [ __ ] open  up the app what you got man I got Uber XL Uber X  

    I got pigeon black pigeon X basic pigeon pigeon  [ __ ] [ __ ] like wait a minute like what you   got all those options on mother got all birds  down his [ __ ] phone we like dude we got Uber  

    X and Uber black we got Lux sh like mother I got  pigeon share like what the [ __ ] is Pigeon share   that’s what we got on our phones I don’t know why  Uber started sending us that it’s right next to  

    My black diamond [ __ ] you want a pigeon diamonds  hey I’m a diamond pigeon yeah [ __ ] what the Rats   of Roger I know Frankie is stupid that [ __ ]  stupid as a [ __ ] the Rats of ride CH he said  

    Pictures are the Rats of The Sky Ride flow is nuts  this is my question is do the signal blockers have   Commercial Insurance because we all know that’s  super important you can’t block us if you don’t   have commercial insurance for that signal blocker  that’s against a policy exactly man you’ve got to  

    Have FCC violation you know Insurance the [ __ ]  I’m just running signal blockers on my car I ain’t   worried about you that’s why you ain’t getting no  ride because you [ __ ] with me see Susan I’m in  

    Ocean County yeah man man man say dude I saw a  $80,000 Lex 4Runner doing Uber I was like that   [ __ ] the vehicle is in EXL bet the guy’s doing  50 Cent per mile yeah man etherman I’m telling  

    You man and then my girl Megan she’s down I think  she’s down in Florida too she’s got a big 4Runner   she don’t even drive no more because her car is  too expensive it’s way too nice way too nice so  

    She don’t even drive no more she like nope so  I’m not putting my [ __ ] on these platforms   now for these prices it’s like man and I agree  and that’s why you know I’m not even worried  

    About driving lift like I said my account is still  locked with lift because I won’t update but it’s   like I don’t care because lift ain’t paying  [ __ ] anyways I’ve been trying to drive lift  

    Lift just don’t pay money it’s too spotty I’ll do  like maybe two good days out of 30 days that’s it   two good days out of 30 is bad I’d rather have  two bad days out of 30 why do I have two good  

    Days out of 30 it’s like it’s not even worth my  time man [ __ ] that I gotta find something else   to do because like I’m thinking about getting  certified for forklift operator and seeing if I   can just drive a forklift or a warehouse you know  moving [ __ ] or something like that I’ll do that  

    [ __ ] for eight hours a day forklift operators  get paid good money and I’m like I could do that   I could do a forklift operator so I’m looking  at that I’m looking at um I was talking early   in the comments to somebody I’m thinking about  getting my auto Autos dealers license but in  

    Order to have a auto dealer license I think you  got to have like certain criteria like you know   a sponsor or something I don’t know how it works  in Arizona but I want to try to get because what  

    I want to do is buy like little pieces of [ __ ]  cars like you know because there’ be some badass   cars on Craigslist 1,200 bucks just transmission  blown $4,000 trans transmission blown that’s it   I’m like I could buy this car for 4 grand replace  the transmission build it up real nice sell it for  

    Like 10 grand I mean the car is probably Worth 16  but they just want to get rid of it I could sell   it for 10 grand instead of selling for 16 so some  else can buy it off of me they can either use it  

    Keep it or sell it for 16 like I don’t give a  [ __ ] I’m like I just want my time and money   from what I put into it make it a quick sale so  I flip cars a lot faster that way it’s like I was  

    Thinking about getting my Auto Broker license  to doing that [ __ ] yeah your driver K that’s   what I want man forklift dude that that look like  it looks like a job that would just because you   can work in those Cold Storage warehouses [ __ ]  like that you can work in like um at Walmart Cisco  

    Foods all that [ __ ] man because anything that  got racks that whole Warehouse rack system you I   mean it’s job security it’s job security you you  can go anywhere you want to go with a operating   with a forklift operator license anywhere you  want to a moving company for furniture anything  

    Man I know man just flip cars I’m on yeah I was  thinking about that but it’s like man I don’t want   to I want to be able to to go to auctions to get  like once I get my money up good I don’t want to  

    Have to deal with like the cheaper cars all the  time because I may not want to work on I might   want to buy something that’s Fresh Off Lease you  can walk in get a fresh off lease car for like 23  

    $24,000 but they’re selling for like 32 and it’s a  day flip like you can buy a car for $23,000 today   off lease 23 G’s and you can have thing sold  before you even bring it home you could take  

    Pictures of it at the auction as they processing  your paperwork before you even leave the auction   over at Manheim or adessa before you even leave  you’ve already sold it and a dealership will buy   it from because it came from adessa you’ll say hey  I just bought this from adessa dealers should be  

    Like hey we got somebody who actually wants that  car they looking for that exact same car we’ll buy   it off of you so it’s like okay I just paid 23  for it they may say Well it sells for 32 we’ll  

    Give you like 27 so you can make four grand just  by putting your [ __ ] online that quick you just   post it online you make four grand you can say hey  instead of instead of trailing this to my house  

    We’re going to trailer this car to this dealership  they just bought it online right now man I’m   telling you etherman that’s what I’m saying man  10K profit per dude I see it all the time adessa  

    And Manheim those big ass auctions those are all  Fresh Off Lease cars and a lot of them are like   some of those cars are rare they’re rare cars so  you would get something that’s got like you know  

    Brown interior or something that’s got like black  runners on it that no other car like that has and   people really will pay a little markup for those  and their Fresh Off leas oh yeah man see ether you  

    Already know man leas Vehicles the easiest they’re  the easiest because people have taken care of them   better because they don’t want to get ding for  all the the repairs and all the issues and all  

    The miles so they really kind of baby these lease  cars a little bit so by the time you get it out   out of the auction or whatever it’s like buying  a new car that’s been maintained service you know  

    They got service records because it’s a lease car  so you got all the service records everything man   it’s like so I say buying fresh because I would  start off with the little cheap [ __ ] you know  

    Just making sure people in the apartment complexes  like hey man I’m just trying to buy a car I got   like 2 G’s I’m like dude I bought this car for  800 I did all the work to it tune up I put all  

    New brakes and everything on it I’ll sell it  to you for 2 G’s start like that where I can   you know get a few cars out build up that that  capital and with that Capital then I start going  

    To places like CarX and all that stuff I’ll start  going to the bigger car auctions like hey I got 20   G’s I want to buy that car right there probably  bid up to about 17 18 take care all the fees and  

    The taxes and all that stuff have them throw it  on the truck take pictures of it get it all put   it online before that thing even get home on  eBay somebody probably click buy it now you  

    Like sh buy it now like I want that car man I’ve  been looking for that man what is that like okay   buy it now little Buick rev Vu I I want that c  by it now says have you bought turo some cheap  

    Cars yeah claudo that too man churo is pretty good  all the Manheim online what up rer Professor yeah   he say auctions are the best all my SUVs bought  there Manheim online see that’s what I’m saying  

    Professor you already know man you already know  like I I wouldn’t want to buy from a private party   like once I start getting to the really good money  you want to buy into something that’s from Manheim  

    You want to buy something from adessa because  you want to get from an auction that mainly like   dealerships go to those are the big auctions that  dealers go to those aren’t the little bitty public  

    Auctions here and there Manheim man you find some  cars on I mean you see cars that you never seen   Bentley’s you see some bad cars on there and just  because they know that’s where they could sell   them the best pric is Texas Florida Arizona yeah  because they don’t have rust especially Texas in  

    Arizona they don’t have rust Florida cars they got  a lot of uh rebuilt titles and stuff like that but   once you can get it to another state you can make  the title not rebuilt but actually a clear title  

    Because sometimes it’ll be something easy like  water came up to the carpet and that’s it like it   got it was in a flood water came up to the carpet  so what they do is they would just like put the  

    Whole car out say no we’re not going to replace  the car we’re we’re we’re just going to like toll   it out and all you do is replace the carpets and  it’s like a brand new car I’m like [ __ ] because  

    I know when they when I bought this Jeep it had a  clear title and everything on it but when I bought   this is a 2011 Jeep when I bought it there was  a lot of mud up under the bottom like caked onto  

    The exhaust system and it was brand new carpet  in that jeep but it was a clean title so I said   somebody was off-roading with this Jeep and they  got into some mud or whatever they they hosed off  

    As much as they could replac all the carpets all  through it I bought that jeep at 100,000 mies I’m   at 257,000 miles on it now no issues whatsoever so  you just got to go you got to know what’s so old  

    Jeff I’m wearing the D-Day t-shirt as you speak  there we go the D-Day baby drivers deserve dollars   hey man like I said Thank you and I tell everybody  man thank you for giving us the the heads up back  

    In December because there’s a lot of people right  now saying you know we haven’t heard about the the   protest I tell them you’re just not on the right  channels man you got to get on these channels   you got to subscribe to these channels because  that’s that’s where the information is flowing  

    Through if you’re purposely keeping yourself out  of the information then that’s on you but we were   notified in December on professor’s Channel we  got notified once we got noticed we all started   making plans to save up to do what we’re gonna  do it’s not our the information is right there  

    I don’t know why people don’t want to subscribe  to these channels that’s on them we putting the   information out there hey if you if you’re  not in the loop that ain’t got nothing to do  

    With us because and I tell people we all put our  integrity on the line the apps don’t like us the   people who work the apps employees that watch our  videos don’t like us we putting our integrity on  

    The line for a lot of drivers like I said we’re  standing in in front we on front line they know   what we look like what cars we drive are they  know our names they know who we are we Frontline  

    We’re not hiding in the shadows trying to say  hey man y you got your protest no we Frontline   everybody on this channel Frontline and I love  that about the people on this channel because   they’re not scared to speak up they got you know  they’ll sit up there hey man I’m protesting with  

    You I’m right I’m right here man we doing it with  you and that’s what we need we need more Frontline   soldiers out there we don’t need these people  in the shadows hiding out well I’m not going to  

    Say whether I’m going to protest until the day  come no don’t be scared of these apps let them   know because the moment we start letting them know  that we’re willing to stand up for the money that  

    We deserve that we creating this economy that’s  when we start saying hey you know what this is   what it is right here we got a good solid group  of people a solid core of people so like I said  

    Professor I’m glad you you put that out there  like that and you gave everybody the two month   ADV advance notice because with those two months  we’ve been play we’ve been discussing strategies   back and forth and that’s why some of the videos  will say one thing they’ll say we all talking even  

    The drivers are talking on different channels and  everything we’re getting it up there what up Megan   I was just talking about you you at your 4Runner  I was just talking about you that’s funny that’s  

    Funny yeah what up Rob what’s up Robin yeah but  man but yeah and that’s why you know I had to make   sure and and that’s the thing professor before I  even the day I I created that design I threw you  

    A shirt in the mail that day and then to come out  did you turn around you say hey I need two more   I was like rolling laughing but it’s like I made  sure I said you know what since this is your this  

    This war right here this protest and this strike  this is your baby right here and I think a lot of   us are have seen you go at it by yourself for a  long time real [ __ ] you’ve been going at it by  

    Yourself for a long time and you never backed down  and a lot of people see you standing on your own   too seeing you out there fighting for it and and  all these other drivers out there oh man nothing  

    Ever happens with these protests no people protest  all the time nothing ever happened I’m like you   know why because it’s only one person doing it  duh everybody getting involved in it thank you   Professor I appreciate the Super Chat brother much  love and respect on that one my man I appreciate  

    That real talk man like I said I wanted to take  care of you first the day I made that design I was   like let me get this in the mail here you go got  it out but we’re we’re not sitting on the sideline  

    Watching One Man fight for us man you’ve been  fighting by yourself for a long time and a lot   of people see it nobody can ever go back and say  you never fought for drivers that’s one thing they  

    Can’t say and now it’s time for us as drivers to  not just lean on you for it but to lift you up and   stand behind you it’s a lot of drivers everywhere  being leaders in their own Community man yeah Rick  

    I’m telling you man love the rette professor man  love it I mean he’s a good dude man like I said he   he’s putting his he’s putting his Integrity on the  line which each protest he thrown which each thing  

    He said about Daren and David he’s putting his own  Integrity on line for a bunch of people he don’t   even know and it’s not a lot of channels out there  willing take that punch like that like I said he’s  

    Standing in front line with everything and so you  gotta give him his respect give him his credit   give him his flowers for doing that and now it’s  time for us to say hey all these drivers have been  

    Talking [ __ ] about the protest even I remember  last year probably not about two years ago when I   didn’t quite understand the concept of what he was  doing and I was like no man this is what we gonna  

    Do we gonna do it I was like wait a minute after  I thought about it I said you know what these apps   don’t even care about us even though we’re doing  exactly what we should be doing they still don’t  

    Care about us and so yeah I even I apologized on  a video and I said I eat my words on all that I   didn’t take the videos down because I want people  to see the truth on how I transformed from being  

    Somebody who was against protest to somebody who  understood what was going on the bigger picture   you have to see the transformation of intelligence  in the beginning I had to say oh it ain’t gonna   work ain’t nobody I was thinking the same thing  because I didn’t understand but after I started  

    Seeing what the apps were doing how the apps  were act and how they just kept playing us I   said you know what he’s right he’s right these  apps Don’t Care About Us trying to stand up for  

    The apps oh we’re GNA Drive we’re GNA support  the apps the apps don’t support you though so   yeah oh I’m telling you man South Africans they  hardcore and the thing is I was just watching in   at the United Nations the uh presidents of South  Africa and everything oh man he was coming down  

    Hard on something they got that they got the  blood of a warrior in them man they was like   he was at the United Nations meeting going in I  was like that’s South Africa for you right there  

    They they’re they’re bred to stand up for what’s  right I will tell you that much they’re bred to   stand up for what’s right and they not willing  to put their life on the line for it oh yeah  

    Yep Zulu are powerful man I hey professor I just  said that all the time I say hey man I’m Shak of   zulu when I walk in the building because I know  how them Zulus are man I say they they will put  

    Their lives up to it they were born to die for the  cause that’s really how Zulus are they were born   to die for the cause whether they’re 14 when they  for the cause or whether they’re 50 when they die  

    For the cause they were in to fight and stand for  what’s right and you can’t take that out of Soul   of them you just can’t you can’t americanize them  or you know put them in German no they’re going  

    To always be how they were because they remember  who they are and why they’re here and like I said   in the beginning I didn’t understand the concept  of protesting especially in R here didn’t get it  

    And all of a sudden I said you know what something  happens something happens said the gig shakul oh   yeah hey I already call myself that anyway I’ll be  like hey man I’m shakaz Zulu that would be sweet  

    Hey I’m I got a second Channel already I might end  up naming that gig shakaz Zulu that’s real [ __ ]   cuz I’m a fighter man I’m a straight warrior with  it I’m a straight Warrior and I tell people if  

    You’ve never seen the movie shakaz Zulu watch  that movie growing up I watched that probably   five times growing up that is a powerful movie  that will make you just like it will get before   February the 14 everybody go to Netflix see if  you can find shakaz Zulu the 300 and shakaz Zulu  

    Watch that exactly hey Rick for real the gig 300  man oh Chris I saw that the migrant gangs beat   up the cops in New York and got let out from Jil  Yeah man they beat those two cops up and then they  

    Just they took him to court and they just let  him out of jail said Okay We’re not gonna hold   him put him right back on the street that’s crazy  crazy so I have the out [ __ ] for you the shield  

    The Skins yours you want 300 plus 3,000 300,000  Zulus that’s what I’m talking about brother all   right sh Professor did you see that somebody this  was probably a month ago this lady she had a Zulu  

    Mask she had a Zulu mask they think they got it  from like a garage sale or something like that it   was like a million doll mask and they got it for  like 50 bucks nobody even knew what it was they  

    Had no idea it was a zul it was in the news like  maybe a month ago it was a Zulu mask they got it   from like a garage sale or a discount store people  thought it was fake it was a real Zulu mask like  

    It was millions of dollars for this mask I’m like  man don’t ever let me run into something like that   and it was like historic I was reading the news  I’m like that right there man people have no idea  

    Who the Zulus were I mean that was Million dooll  mask somebody bought it for 50 bucks didn’t even   know what it was Million dooll mask and they had  it all in the it was in the news and everything  

    And I know the people who sold it were upset about  it because it was saying how the couple was upset   and they wanted uh proceeds because they felt they  got taken advantage of cuz they didn’t know what  

    It was you should have watched shakaz Zulu lady  yeah he said I saw that [ __ ] I was said yeah   yeah Frank you saw it you saw it and they were  mad they were mad because they didn’t know it it’s  

    Like millions of dollars for it it was a Zulu mask  they didn’t even know what it was yeah toughest   men on the planet true Warriors man and and that’s  the thing man you gotta have that kind of a spirit  

    Going against people like these apps and and for  Professor to to constantly you you haven’t backed   down not once I’ve never seen you back down on  these apps you’ve been added added added that   that’s Spirit [ __ ] right there even when nobody  else was stand with you no other channel would  

    Stand with you nobody stood next to you you kept  fighting and if that don’t tell all these drivers   in the chat right now like i’ and I’ve said  it before you’ve built [ __ ] on your own too  

    You’ve built [ __ ] on your own too you never had  to jump in a car that was already in first place   you never have to get on somebody else’s back  to ride them anywhere you’ve done this on your  

    Own too and I think that’s why you’ve inspired  a lot of people to stand up for for drivers in   a major way now like not just talking about it or  making you know videos no but really really doing  

    This [ __ ] like putting our integrity on line  putting our lives on the line for this [ __ ]   and we willing to stand with you man and nobody I  can guarantee you right now nobody in the r share   Community is ever gonna forget what you’ve done  for the community no matter what [ __ ] we’ve  

    Talked back and forth about each other everything  else like that what you’ve done for the community   is massive and everybody knows it nobody denies it  nobody denies it and I think that’s why a lot of  

    Drivers are finally sitting up going you know what  I’m telling you Flex man at it was like you said   it’s the only way to learn it was a learning curve  and I think a lot of drivers need to sit back a  

    Lot of YouTubers need to sit back and really think  about what this man’s doing drop your ego like I   said I had to say my apologies I had to say you  know what man I’m sorry I had to come to terms so  

    If everybody sat down came to terms what this man  is really doing think about it on a major scale   he’s not scared to put his Integrity on the line  for all these drivers that he he don’t even know  

    These people and he’s willing to fight for them so  it’s like come on man y’all can’t just watch this   man go Flames by we all got to go down together if  he’s willing to stand up and fight for all of us  

    We all go down together and like I said that’s  Zulu Spirit [ __ ] if you ain’t seen it watch   Shaka Zulu that’s Zulu Spirit [ __ ] man thank  you Professor I appreciate that brother likewise   I can apologize right here yeah Susan that’s right  mad respect for the professor that’s right because  

    We’ve seen it man we’ve seen like his his work and  we’ve seen his he’s got a like I tell people the   one thing I love about YouTube is YouTube’s got  a catalog you can go to Professor’s page and type  

    Search in you can go to the search in and type  in any topic and whatever he’s talking about in   the video all those videos should pop up you can  find a video two years ago of what I’m talking  

    About he’s saying the same [ __ ] you can go a  year ago type in a topic protest it’ll say the   he’s got a whole catalog full of just material  like I said we can go back and watch sakaz Zulu  

    Movies when I was a kid so of course I can go  find some [ __ ] on his channel just go there   type in search and find you know a topic that I  want to talk about and I’ll listen to it and I’m  

    In there cooking breakfast sometimes I do that  with everybody’s Channel I’ll go cook breakfast   I’ll type in a topic and I’ll listen to their old  content because to me some of the old content is   the most relevant it shows consistency it shows  people being who they are they don’t change for  

    Nothing they don’t change for nothing and that’s  why I left the content on there of me disagreeing   with the protest at first when I disagree with  the protest that was the the uninformed or I   would say the ill-informed I was ill-informed at  that time but we learn if you don’t learn you’re  

    Not growing if you don’t learn nothing you’re not  grow you can’t tell me the most you should know is   what you learn in the third grade and that’s the  most you should know no because I guarantee a lot  

    Of us don’t think the same now that we thought in  the seventh grade or the 10th grade because we’ve   learned we’ve moved on and so when you start  watching older content of people you start   watching different you start learning more about  that person and who they are what they’re worth  

    This [ __ ] is not just for clicks and likes  this is is integrity online this is people’s   personality online so you really got to kind of  get to know somebody understand somebody and like   I said I learned I think I learned a lot about the  professor just kind of going through some of his  

    Older content realizing that many of us YouTubers  were going in the wrong direction many of us were   and I can’t keep going in the wrong direction  thinking we’re going to make a difference at   some point you see you need to change the rest  because just like everybody saying look at any  

    Comments the protest never work the protest never  work look at every comment protest never work   protest never work why hasn’t they worked because  we’ve all not participated duh Klick the light on   man so yeah was eating cherries talking about how  to need a cherry picking rods that was a year ago  

    Exactly he was already on cherry picking over a  year ago he was hey stop taking these [ __ ] rods   quit being pigeons like what say wishing you an  awesome night all of je friends and subscribers   a big thank you Pro Grown Grow Nelson Mandela was  on the streets protesting then became president  

    There you go historic historic right there  and people don’t believe it man they don’t   understand what this all means nothing’s gonna  happen overnight nothing’s gonna happen overnight   and I keep saying this protest is just one of many  I believe that we’ll all be appearing in hosting  

    In putting energy toward and I I even said on one  of professor’s videos because he was like man he   was telling Dar don’t have me turn the volume  up Dar and I comment I say dude when you turn  

    That volume up you just let us know cuz trust me  we ready we and we’re letting Dara know because   if darl checks out your channel we letting Dara  know he’s got people supporting him it ain’t him  

    By itself no more we’re tired of y’all trying to  beat on the professor tired of y’all beating this   man down tell everybody the Prof it don’t work he  always trying to do a protest he guess what it’s  

    Not he all he always trying to do it now we all  trying to do a protest now it went from he to we   we got a lot of drivers involved now Kev claudo  Jason Willis you know Robin we got Rick we got a  

    Lot of people in it ain’t him by himself no more  so we out here really trying to help him out and   help him do it because like I said he’s doing this  for drivers he’s not doing this for clicks on his  

    Channel he’s sick of this [ __ ] just like we are  he’s been how long have y’all heard this man talk   about private like I said I bought his private  ride course a long time ago over a year ago and  

    I actually put the video on my recently uploaded  content I put it on it just to prove to people   that I wasn’t lying when I said I bought his his  course over a year ago I put on recently updated  

    My first commercial using my BMW that was after  I bought his course learning how how to Market   myself in man because I didn’t want people think  I was lying like oh he’s just saying it because  

    He like the professor no I really did buy his  course over a year ago I really did do that   because I want to see the intricacies in order  for you to better yourself into any industry like  

    I always tell people go look at every channel go  look at every channel go get every resource you   can buy cars buy QR codes get private clients  if somebody’s teaching you how to get private  

    Clients byy that course because I guarantee with  the 50 bucks that I use to when I spay 50 bucks   for his private line course I put that commercial  out I’ve done probably 10 private rides at $50 and  

    Up so I’ve already 10x my money off of that course  I’ve already done it so I was like the course just   helped me stay mentally focused for what I wanted  to do and I can always like I said I got the login  

    I can always go back to it go through it look  at how to design a website build the website I   haven’t done that yet but I want to do it I want  to do it yeah Professor I’m telling you and like  

    I said private clients you’ve always been on the  Forefront of that like I said we say front of the   wave over here you’ve always rode the front of the  wave over here a lot of us were kind of short bust  

    To it but you rode the front of the Wave A lot  of people here already had private clients too   they’ve been doing it for a long time but people  like me I really didn’t do super private until  

    After I got the BMW when I had the jeep I had  a few it was here and there but once I got the   I love cash rods in the Beamer because you get a  lot more private rides in that is you get a lot  

    More than what these apps the apps will sell you  for 80 bucks and turn around and give you 35 out   of the 80 they just sold you for that’s slave  W wages man it’s like we can’t work with that  

    No you’re not going to sell me for 80 and give me  35 that don’t even make no sense just like Robin   or yeah they try to hit what they do had a $60  ride $60 try to give her $445 I’m like this is  

    What they do to people they charge these people  all this money but then give us pennies and be   like here you go you little pigeon they throw  popcorn out the window at us it’s like man man  

    Yeah telling you it’s private clients like I he’s  been on for a long time and a lot of us are kind   of like late to the party on it but better late  than never we still trying to learn about it a  

    Screw there that guy’s a [ __ ] by treating his  assets with the drivers like garbage I’m telling   you 1189 that’s right and I always say ride share  was built by drivers it wasn’t built by a app I   mean the infrastructure of it allows that the  finders the uh Riders to find drivers that’s it  

    But if the Riders are using an app and drivers are  not using an app as kind like what I went through   with hum today I had hum on today for about three  hours didn’t get a single ride but that’s how lift  

    First started out when lift came out they had  the same exact map it was the same outcome you   can be on lift all day never get a ride it’s  all in marketing all in just being patient all  

    In building and designing and it takes drivers to  do that you got Riders you got drivers that app is   gonna I can let hum run right now it ain’t nothing  gonna hit it because Riders and drivers build the  

    Industry the apps don’t build the industry the  apps facilitate what the industry needs but they   don’t get to run off with all the profits we do  that we do it it the ab only be a connection point  

    Between driver and Pastor period they should get  a sub fee like all other tech companies they act   like they’re leasing us or something exactly Boba  a finders fee let’s let’s have a you know get a  

    Finder you found me a ride thank you for finding  me a ride I appreciate that man you know here’s   10 bucks here’s 15 bucks for finding me a ride  but yet you know they’re saying hey we’re going  

    To take $60 out of this we’re going to take $40  out of this man you you don’t want to take5 $10   nope I mean we’ll charge a person $75 from the  concert but we’ll take about 50 of it and give you  

    20 be like that don’t make sense like well it’s  only a few miles it don’t make a difference the   person paid $70 for it I should have more out  of the 70 than what you’re getting out of the  

    70 all you did was find the ride man crazy crazy  yeah I never heard the professor saying you don’t   have insurance for that private ride exactly CLA  I’mma tell you cuz I’m going tell you about the  

    Professor has never well I’ve not heard I don’t  know if anybody but I’ve never heard him ber   rate a driver for trying to better themselves I’ve  never heard that if somebody said I’m gonna go out  

    Today and I’m trying to get me some private rides  going he never once said oh well you shouldn’t   do that unless no he says you know what if you  really want to know how it’s done and you want  

    To do it the smart way you can get the course take  a look at it go through everything make sure you   check off all your [ __ ] like I said I bought the  course a long time ago I know what I do need what  

    I don’t need I already know that I know commercial  person Insurance once I want to go full stream and   advertise and put you know magnets on my car and  I want to get rides from like companies and I want  

    To get rides from like hospitals I can patch  in with dayc carees and stuff like that then   I might have to get my commercial insurance  but me just giving a ride to somebody across   the street my regular Insurance works for that  Rod I got the rod share Insurance endorsement  

    On my vehicle already so I got Rod share I got a  motorcycle license I got all kind of insurance but   if I want to link in with a let’s say a daycare  transporting parents to and from for like say you  

    A picnic or a barbecue or either like you know  they want to use me as their morning Rod service   then I got to use a different level of insurance  for something that major and I know that much so  

    When I’m starting to get to that level I want to  have the black SUV already that’s what I really   want that black SUV yeah true true a good driver  automatically gets many referrals from his or her   client that’s right professor and that’s what I  tell people tell people take a picture of your  

    Car like you know this is my card here and I tell  people take a picture of it and send it to all   your friends that’s it just take a picture of it  because they’ll text me say hey I got this picture  

    From my friend you know this and that you give  your card out to one person that’s it you give it   to one person and they they just tell them take a  picture of that c send it to a few of your friends  

    Guaranteed somebody’s gonna call back because I  mean I can’t tell you how many concerts I ride   doing going to the gold rush or going way out you  know to the Avendale Speedway of different people  

    Who all know the original person I took I took  Brandon to start with now I take like four or five   of his people everywhere cuz they he tra he shared  my information with all of them so when they got a  

    Concert at they downtown they’re like hey Jeff man  this is Brandon’s buddy man cool hey yeah you took   us to the concert this day yeah I remember y’all  hey man are you anywhere in Scotsdale right now  

    Like actually I’m downtown they like oh man dang  we need a ride they do that all the time seriously   hey I never got a referral from my client  seriously you gotta but you gotta promote that  

    Because what you got to realize a lot of clients  are greedy some of them like you so much they   don’t want you to have no other person because  they want you available for when they want you  

    And my man Stanley Jenkins runs into that problem  every once in a while too because he’ll pick up a   group of people and he’ll give people cars and  he like we didn’t know you’ve been driving her  

    For that long and it’s like they get greedy they  don’t want you to be somewhere else and Stanley   Jenkins he says dude I got messages in my phone  from him saying that yeah they don’t share because  

    He said yeah I’ve been driving for her for like  a year she never told her she had a private Drive   we’ve been needing rides we’ve been needing it  need some clients don’t always share so you got  

    To make sure you let them know it’s okay be like  hey I’m G to keep you as a priority don’t worry   about it but you know just make sure you share my  information because it happens to everybody they  

    They they they get greedy with you so it’s like  they think you so good of a driver they don’t   want nobody else to have you they want you to be  a it’s it’s a double Ed sword that’s the thing you  

    Do so much great service he was say yeah I ain’t  telling nobody about my driver let them get their   own so you gotta kind of overcome that hump you  got to that’s specific with each client you got  

    To kind of let them know hey it’s okay to share me  it’s it’s cool I got you don’t worry about I’m not   ever going to leave you hanging I’ll be there I’m  not going to just like let be shared by so many  

    People I forgot you I’m going to remember you help  me build this so you know I’m never gonna leave   you hanging if you need to R in the airport if  I got something set up I’ll remember who you are  

    And I’ll kind of you know reschedule so I can get  you first you gotta let them know because Stanley   Jenkins is going through that same problem right  now in Memphis exactly what you just said because  

    He was texting me about that the other day I was  like man that’s the thing and Professor you’ve   been doing this longer than all of us so that  might be a really good video how to how to deal  

    With private clients that are scared to share your  information like I said Stanley told me the other   day so I’m pretty sure you probably dealt with  this a few times of people saying oh man you know  

    The professors oh he’s yours too I didn’t know  he was your they don’t even discuss it or talk   about it so it’s like once people start discussing  and talking about you being in logistics business   they’re sharing your information and sharing you  back and forth so that would be a good video just  

    To help people you know know because like I said  the course is good it’s solid it helped me make   my first commercial I started getting clients in  the Beamer off the bat I went and got my business  

    Cards made up real quick man it was perfect it  was perfect but there’s there’s intricacies just   like what you said serious Black Thought sometimes  people don’t want to share you if you’re too good  

    And it’s like how do we overcome that hump it’s  like man what up Rick hey buddy I just sent you   an idea for the r sheer professor’s course where  you could benefit from that okay bet you all right  

    You send it over all right cool cool all right  cool hey you have a good night Professor hey you   guys be out there be out there like I said we’ll  we’ll end up you know coming over to your channel  

    Because like I said the fact that all of us are  really linking our channels together and sharing   information and like I said I play you guys while  I’m I’m making breakfast I have ride she Professor  

    Going while I’m eating breakfast that’s how I stay  up to date on a lot of things and that’s why and   you even heard everybody heard me apologize about  the reading thing because now I see what it means  

    Because when I’m cooking bre breakfast I don’t  have to look at the screen no more dude it it   solved my whole problem and it’s like man that’s  some smart [ __ ] right there and some channels  

    Are set up like that they’re set up for audio not  Visual and the professor’s channel was set up a   lot for audio he throws visuals on every once  in a while like I do a lot of visuals a lot of  

    Emojis and memes and [ __ ] I’m more visual but  his is more like audio where you know he wants you   to hear what he’s saying and hear the information  coming out of pipe so you don’t have to stick your  

    Face on the screen you can actually drive around  and listen to his channel you to stick your face   in the screen taking your eyes off the road so  it’s pretty clever I like like I said sometimes   we think things through we think things through  and I’m like that’s actually a pretty clever way  

    To deliver the news just read it to people that  way we don’t got to sit around like me I’m always   reading the news all the time but I get a lot of  crazy news so it’s like man this is my quality  

    Video sucks not so no your videos are clear they  don’t crackle the sound is perfect I can play it   on my my speaker system and it goes through the  whole house like I can hear it through the whole  

    House like crystal clear no matter what room I’m  in some videos like even like Forbes like Forbes   Magazine some of their videos the audio was so low  I could turn my system all the way up and I can  

    Barely hear it so audio is mainly man mainly see d  right to clear the Cod j7 what’s good brother glad   y’all working out yeah yeah we will exactly what  is it we should all work together both Challenge  

    And fight back oh we are Rick real [ __ ] real  [ __ ] but yeah now the audio is perfect on that   channel I’m big with audio because like I said  not a lot of people have time to to listen I  

    Mean yet to look and watch the video because  I’ll hit it and I’ll just walk off it’ll be   playing commercials it’s like watching TV like I  don’t mind it playing commercials all right good   night Professor you guys be out there thank you  once again for the Super Chat brother much love  

    Much respect we got your back February the 14th  D-Day drivers deserve dollars this dday we gon we   G this is goingon to be doomed for them D-Day  is Doom for them but it’s dollars for us it’s

    Dday like we coming up yeah like for the professor  clear things up that we see in the news Jeff puts   a 300 spin on it yeah exactly I’m telling you  Kev that’s what it is like I said you got you  

    Got the the professional you know professor’s  page the professional way to to go through the   data and his data is 100% it’s a because like  I said he takes it straight from the source   you can’t misconstrue it me I don’t kind of go  off the source sometimes I just kind of dig into  

    The psyche of it behind it and why to me it makes  sense to me like I’ll read the news stuff and why   it makes sense to me and so a lot of times you  know I’ll even grab people’s videos off their  

    Channels and I’ll like just put it on my video  because I don’t like stuff to be misconstrued   sometimes because I don’t want to be like oh man  it got lost in translation I didn’t know what he  

    Meant I didn’t know what he meant nah I’ll let you  hear Straight From the Source that way I because   I know me I’ll go up on a tangent be talking  about random [ __ ] be laughing like [ __ ]  

    Like man I cannot believe immigrants and pigeons  are related like no man I just made that [ __ ]   up man what up Dems Dallas what’s up Queen what’s  good I made over a dozen private clients since I  

    Heard it here and changed the way I do business  in my state I’m telling claudo that’s what it is   man that’s what it is and and we’re like I said  we’re almost late to the party on private rides  

    We’re almost late I only been doing private rides  for about a year when I first got the Jeep I was   doing them but not at the scale that I do them  now not even close to how I do them now because  

    If we were I think if we were more proactive at  it years ago the apps wouldn’t be where the apps   would be fighting to keep us on their apps they  would be fighting to pay us but now we’ve made  

    It we’ve made those apps so lucrative made them  so profitable they can piss on us and it’s like   we still turn them on every day they [ __ ]  on us we still turn them on because we didn’t  

    Spend the time to build up that private base  we got people running to the apps paying these   absorbing amounts when they never had to do that  they could have been using us the whole time what  

    Up Drew they could have been using us the whole  time to get to like concerts to get to and from   work on scheduled rides like hey man just pick  me up every day like I do now I’ve been taking  

    A lady to work every day since I met her on LIF  I take her to work every single day ever since I   met her on LIF can’t tell you how much I’ve made  off of her and it’s like she saved a ton of money  

    I’ve made she’s still trying to buy a car but  in the meantime that’s my first appointment of   the day and now I’m looking for another person  in the area like Hospital workers I could take   two them from work cuz all the hospitals are up  there Banner Mercy all them little hospitals so  

    I could do them quick rides as soon as I drop her  off at the law firm I can shoot over and do quick   rides like all day to him from the hospitals but  I gotta find the client to do that but had we been  

    Thinking like this years ago we’d be way ahead of  the curve we’d probably be using the app only if   we got bored it’s like we be having enough money  through Logistics that where we wouldn’t need to  

    Use the apps but we have built these apps up so  high they they can turn around and [ __ ] on us   and they know us got they got us strapped for cash  because many of us didn’t save money many of us  

    Didn’t see this coming of them doing with the Lux  platform leaving us hanging with cars and [ __ ]   sitting in the driveway clean as a [ __ ] riding  Uber X I’m like I’m not driving that car uberX I  

    Can’t do it all the time I just can’t so sometime  when it ain’t surge when it ain’t nothing going   on that car stay parked I’m not beating that  car up for $3 $ four do all day I just can’t  

    Do it what up all Praises man this is hey Jeff  how’d you make your cars that you got your vinmo   info oh I made them at Vista Print because Vista  Print allows you to do the front and the back so  

    What like I said on the front I put a picture of  my car on the front right here so my car is on   the front and on the back I got all my you just  import your pictures so I imported cash app and  

    Vinmo there it is right there that’s what it says  right there it says uh use phone to tip direct and   secure and so that’s all I did I just I screenshot  them and I imported them over and I just kind of  

    Positioned them on the back of the card so that  was it what up like And subscribe Jimmy spread   this channel done hey thank you thank you brother  appreciate that abstract Echo yeah Uber taking 5K  

    A month yeah and we sitting here making 3 4K and  they’re taking 5K imagine if that was us with our   own clients so if Uber’s taking 5K we’re making  about three or 4K that’s $8,000 a month we’re  

    Telling you making that’s like $96,000 a year  we’re basically making 96 Grand a year but we   only taking home probably about 60 maybe 60 70  probably so it’s like wait a minute how is that  

    Even working out to where if we’re make you guys  we’re only making three 4K a month you guys are   making 5K a month on average and we’re making all  this money for the apps and we’re not even taking  

    That money home something just don’t add up man  something don’t add up we got a concert coming out   right now with 10,000 people no surges see all pra  that’s what I’m saying man and for a second you  

    Know I was thinking about them surges I was like  what if the apps don’t want to throw the surge   up there because it’s it’s throwing drivers from  other areas cuz cuz usually when you see a surge  

    Everybody leaves all the areas and flock to The  Surge especially if it’s worth it like $20 surges   25 surges if it’s $3 $4 I’m not leaving where I’m  at I’m not doing that for three or four dollars  

    But you start throwing $20 surges up there it  sucks in all drivers like mof to a flame and that   way all these areas are clear because I remember  back in the day when everybody used to rush to all  

    The concerts I would go to opposite directions  and make a killing because nobody will be out   driving and I’d be out there making a killing on  all those rods out now it’s not like that because  

    The apps are so broke if you leave The Surge area  you’re going to get base rides you’re not getting   good rides if unless you’re near the surge area  you’re getting a bunch of Base rides so I don’t  

    Do that opposite direction [ __ ] no more it don’t  even work because everybody used to do that and we   used to make a killing we us say hey everybody go  downtown where a surgeon everybody go downtown I  

    Go north or east and just be doing like little  bar hops all night 20 bucks 20 bucks six miles   you know $25 n miles all night long Uber caught  on to that [ __ ] now you’re gonna go nine miles  

    You ain’t got no surge you getting like seven  bucks that’s all you getting man say check out   voo transporting patients to doctor office there  in Arizona yeah we got I know a few people that do  

    Voo I know a few people that do that so it’s like  Y what Kev say Jeff did that video make sense on   how you can see what Uber charges A customer  from the app it’s also a good idea to figure  

    Out how much to charge for private rides yeah see  and that’s the thing K I took a nap right after   that when I got offline I went and took a nap and  I woke up made dinner so I still gotta watch that  

    But kev’s got a video on his channel and it shows  you how you can see what Uber charged the customer   from the app he’s got the video you don’t have to  go to the website and all that crazy stuff you can  

    Stay within the app and find out how much the  customer is being charged that way you know how   much to charge for your private rides because Kev  and it tells you that before you even get to the  

    Rider right it’ll tells you how much the person  got charged because I haven’t seen the video yet   I got to go watch that video because I really  I need that information that’s the information   I’m looking for how much did this person pay for  this ride that’s what want to know and he’s not  

    Even going through the passenger app to do it he’s  going through the driver app to do it he’s finding   out how much people paid through going through the  driver app so yeah definitely I want to see that  

    I want to see that video man if you got a link  for it Kev put the link in the uh chat and I’ll   pin it at the very top if you put the link to that  video in the chat I’ll put it up top so everybody  

    Can go see how we can find out how much uh Uber’s  charging people and hopefully I can go through the   steps and do it myself and everything look Jess  said what up Jeff I’m out here picking up these crumbs I’m out here picking up putting  up these crumbs don’t be a pigeon Jesse  

    Don’t be a pigeon they throw Uber throwing  popcorn out of the park are you like picking   up all the popcorn and [ __ ] like don’t be a  pigeon Jesse don’t do it be a dove fly away be  

    A dove you got to flowers in so long suckers  like them [ __ ] them crows and [ __ ] that   was on the cartoon we was little Heckle and  Jackle them two crows so long [Music] suckers

    Man what up Solomon my brother what’s good man man  hey Jesse hold up for a second let me I gotta do   something for Jess oh where did Jesse go here  he is right here yeah I know people be like  

    People like man why you got so many moderators  I’m like because people can I need people to   like post links and do stuff like that everybody  helps out on this channel man like I said this is  

    One of those channels where you know this is a  driver’s Channel there we go all right bet I’m   gonna put that up top wait let me let that thing  drop back down I’m G let it go up once and then  

    I’m G add it up hey but this is a channel where  a lot of drivers help each other this is not one   of those competing channels where we try to hold  each other down and everything and that’s what I  

    Love about this group man I’m telling you and not  a lot of channels have a group like that come on   come on hurry up pin pin there we go all right so  I just pinned kev’s video on how you can see how  

    Uber is charging how much Uber is charging the  rider so that way man I want to watch that video   too because that’ll be easy so I can cruise up  and be like hey I know you PID $32 for this ride  

    I’m only getting $ n this is what we gonna do  I’mma charge you man I’m telling you Aaron we   got weapons over here man we got weapons we got  weapons are you welcome Paris we we tell everybody  

    Heyy we bring weapons to to the war over here if  if we can figure out how to get money in our bank   account even if we just scratch and Claw away at  it every little ride every little transaction we  

    Scratching and we clawing just like what Robin  did we scratch we claw we get that money out   because we know there’s money in there because we  know these people are paying good money for these  

    Rides during an inflationary period we know it so  why are we locked out of the money we ain’t got   to be locked out of the money we got ways to do  it that’s right Mar this this is the 300 Premiere  

    Channel 300 premiere that’s what hey that’s  probably a good name because Rick been telling   me about the 300 name we might do 300 Premiere  the 300 Premiere but see I know I was little I  

    Used to watch the 600 Club remember the 600 Club  it was like that gospel channel it came on like   at 11 o’clock at night we’re like the we half of  the 600 club we the 300 club man this is IA the  

    Professor is or was here hello Mr Professor yeah  he was in he had to get going or whatever but he   was in for a while but hopefully like I said he’s  G he’s gonna drop a video soon because you know  

    Um uh seriously Black Thought had a good thing  him and Stanley Jenkins both have an issue with   getting Riders private writers that don’t want  to share their information with other people so   I like like I said I may have that problem and  not even realize it that’s probably why I’m on  

    Like I said one guy I got like four or five people  off of him but it’s kind of weird because now that   you know Stanley Jenkin said that and seriously  said that I’m like that is kind of weird how  

    I’m not being shared within other groups to that  degree so it might be a re a way how we can get   over the hump of getting our private clients not  to be scared to share our information because a  

    Lot of them are greedy they oh man I got a driver  I got he got a badass car man I got a driver and   you know how people want to be one up like oh man  I got a private driver dog I don’t use Uber and  

    Live I got a private driver and they don’t want  to give your information out so they can have a   private driver it makes them feel good I gotta  man my boy come up in a big old black Navigator  

    Cleaned up all I gotta do is hit him up he come  up man swoop me and my girl up that’s how they   like they like to feel special like that so they  don’t share your information with nobody said his  

    Video is age restricted shake my head how’s this  video age restricted my videos are not for kids   so it’s like all my videos are not for kids they  already know that all the 700 Club that’s what it  

    Was Jason the 700 Club I knew it was something in  that thanks for correcting me it’s the 700 Club   not the 600 Club the seven and I remember that  that used to come on about 10 o’clock 11 o’clock  

    At night I used to love watching that [ __ ]  it was so cool it was so cool thank you Miss   MB great show tonight Jeff hey it was a different  show like I said I started out you know wanting  

    To let people know about the protest and how we  gonna get this done and and the the games going   on with these apps Professor dropped through so  that was pretty cool like I said show love to a  

    Lot of people in the chat what up Ela John what’s  good what’s good and like I said and and and to   actually have oh that is a great video great  information cool cool claudo I want to go watch  

    That yeah but to actually have you know the the  originator of what we plan on doing you know what   I’m saying all these projects we got coming out  the pipe and we I don’t plan on ever superseding  

    Or trying to trying to jump over like his mission  because he’s always been one to set the protest   he’s always been the one to set the strikes he’s  always been the one to come with the ideas the  

    Rational the we the reasons and I don’t think  you know most of us as YouTubers we not going   to overstep that that’s just not our territory  our territory is just to support them that’s it  

    That’s our territory and and I think Dara and and  David and all those guys need to look at him as a   serious player in the game saying hey he really  influences drivers he’s an influencer he can get  

    People to say hey he can get other YouTubers to  say hey we need to follow torus and we need to   figure out you know how we can get involved in  his mission and this is like I said it’s only  

    Gonna get serious and I think D-Day is gonna be  February 14th I think dday is gonna be again and   probably March or may D-Day may be every time  D-Day pops up that’s driver deserve dollars and   every D-Day shirt’s gonna have a different date  on it so it’s like have a February 14th D-Day  

    You may have a July the 4th dday shirt you might  have five shirts hanging in your closet all with   different d-days on it be like I participated in  each and single one of man and that’s what this  

    Is about this is when he says hey this is the next  D-Day start saving money get your business cards   get your business cards because like I said  we got a lot of channels out there fighting  

    For drivers not drive for [ __ ] we got a lot of  channels fighting for drivers to get their money   get your business cards start racking up these  clients and it’s okay if a client if one of your  

    Clients has two or three drivers because you may  not be available all the time so sometimes you may   say Hey you know I’m actually I’m out of town but  I got a guy who’s cool and he he does pick up the  

    Same way can you call them this is his number and  they may say hey you know what we appreciate you   doing that you cool man you cool okay cool just  watch this video all right bet bet see like I  

    Said I’m gonna watch that video too man I want  to see exactly how to do this because I want   to know how much is the video you just pinned is  restricted how is it restricted young boy do are  

    You old enough to be on this channel young boy is  probably you’re young huh that’s why you got young   boy 24 it’s probably restricted to people over 18  young boy is like 13 years old I’m just young boy  

    Like [ __ ] I got kids what do you mean tell my  kids I’m 13 goddamn it they stop asking me for money D we have $50 I’m only 13 young what up 34 exactly exactly all my content  is 18 and over young boy he ain’t even 18 this all  

    18 and over young boy is like 13 He said I’m 34  mother I got two kids they walking room Dad how   in the hell are you a dad you 13 years old I  ain’t got no money stop asking me for money  

    I’m 13 [ __ ] this said no kids I tell hey 34 with  no kids Mann I had my first at 28 second at 34 and   I was it I was done so like I say if you if you  can make it through life and the thing is and I  

    Tell people you know having kids is not horrible  it’s really not bad it’s it’s bad when you got   kids that you don’t want to invest time effort and  energy into that’s bad it’s just like having you  

    Know anything in life that you don’t invest time  and energy into but if you want to invest time   and energy into kids having kids could be the  best thing because they could finish all your   projects you got stuff to leave them stuff to  give them you got something to look forward to  

    I mean kid having kids is a whole new dimension  of life and to me it was never like a burden yes   it’s an uncle and it’s the same way because you  can teach your nieces and nephews stuff you can  

    Tell them things that they never find out you  know you know how to shoot a basketball right   how to dribble how to keep your elbow tucked in  when you making shots like little things like that   that they gonna carry through life and they’re  remember that [ __ ] later I’m like oh yeah my  

    Uncle young boy you know he told me that when I  was like seven how to keep your elbow in and not   have your elbow out when you shoot little stuff  like that man Big C what’s up thank you for the  

    Super Chat brother I appreciate I’m late but I’m  here Pastor Mac and cheesee please what up Jeff   that’s what we talking about Brother P we done  with the popcorn [ __ ] yeah parents I believe   that man having kids is probably the best way to  leave your legacy real [ __ ] and see and that’s  

    What it is man it’s it’s a way that you can put  information and invest information into a kid and   that kid will return that because even my little  one I had cussy my little one ever since was like  

    Six by the time he was about 10 he understood  like he’s the gamer of the family so he’s big   on computers so he sits there and he talks about  games computers systems everything else he’s the  

    One that got me involved with YouTube I was never  involved in YouTube he was this kid would sit   there I’m like dude what you doing watching his  family eat breakfast I’m like what this was that   weird ass kid watching his family eating breakfast  I’m like why are you sitting on YouTube watching  

    Somebody eat breakfast that’s just what people  do I guess and it’s like and he got me like hip   to what YouTube was really so I dug deeper into  it and he was like you can put your repairs on  

    Here people can watch you do repairs and you can  put your Jeep I mean he was telling me all kind   of [ __ ] and I was like this little kid so I was  like I’m G listen to you and that’s what kids do  

    They return the energy you invest into them if  you put [ __ ] energy into them you might get   [ __ ] energy back now you can’t be super nice  to your kids you can’t be your kids’s buddy so  

    If you be super nice to your kids your kids now  put you on the same level they’re on and they’ll   try to overstep you all the time they always  going to try to push the envelope always got  

    To keep your [ __ ] foot down on them let them  I’m still a parent [ __ ] don’t don’t play with   me I’m cool with you we can laugh and joke and  have a good time but don’t [ __ ] with me though  

    And that’s why I tell you can’t be friends with  your kids your kids are your investment they’re   not your friends they’re your investment you’re  putting them there for this planet to have when   you leave that investment is still going to  be here so don’t try to be friends with your  

    Investment that’s your investment it’s like [ __ ]  it’s like once you’re done you’re done it’s like   all right I’ll put enough in you now put that  [ __ ] into your kids and [ __ ] I gotta go I  

    Got to go retire this is my kids are 14 months  apart to the day my daughter is 720 and I’m 820   and my son is 920 swimmers a good Planters uh  720 820 920 damn that’s crazy that’s crazy and  

    Both of my sons are both February kids because  February kids are actually that means the moms   got conceived right after tax season so you know  accountants we busy with tax SE and we don’t do   [ __ ] in taxes ex eat sleep [ __ ] shower eat  sleep [ __ ] sh soon as tax season over with  

    Let’s have some kids and now both of my kids are  February kids so I call them tax babies who them   my tax babies right there [ __ ] when tax season  was done yep let’s have some [Laughter] kids   it’s like all you February anybody who’s born in  February they probably got their income tax check  

    They got their taxes filed was happy as a [ __ ]  like yeah got them taxes file let’s have some kids see my dad’s a February baby I’m tell you  young boy yeah your parents your grandparents   like you know what we just follow them taxes  we got that [ __ ] out the way let’s have  

    Some [Laughter] kids you’re 55 do you like Father  time you’re 55 you like Father time he got that   big old beard we got that big beard down there  he he can be Santa Claus for Christmas man that  

    Mother be getting people I’m getting a little gray  just a little I I would let it grow a lot because   I used to let it grow down to a point but I’m like  I start looking weird and [ __ ] I start looking  

    Like some kind of [ __ ] Marvel Superhero Like a  Villain and [ __ ] walking around trying to say hi   to people kids hey little kitty they like like  man let me shave this [ __ ] off I look like a  

    Super villain [ __ ] this see my son born December  31st I got the last day for f hey claudo Claudio’s   probably like hurry up get that [ __ ] head out  c i can claim him get that head out [ __ ] baby  

    He’s like he looking at the clock [ __ ] looking  at the baby looking at the clock like come on girl   you got to push you got to it’s December the 31st  push that [ __ ] out we can claim him push him out  

    All this [ __ ] could be a right off Hurry Up Hold  My Hand this is killing me I’m having labor pains   girl I don’t give a [ __ ] you need to push this  kid out he’s a write off you got like a $155,000  

    Credit coming out your ass right now let’s go all  the doctors and [ __ ] like this guy right here   I’m about that money [ __ ] I’m about that money  you can push this baby out right now $15,000 tax

    Credit say push push I need three G’s he said you  get this [ __ ] out before 11:59 we got 3 G’s girl   come on don’t even care about her she like she  worried about that money this is my brother’s  

    February 13th another tax Baby Kev tax babies  Abra say I can’t even grow a beard when I try   looks like a road map I know mother be laying  on the floor it’s like like little roaches be   crawling and [ __ ] roach like hey I’mma cut  through the mountain range on the I know my  

    Sides man my sides are like porcupines I do not  like growing the hair on my side of my face it   is way too coarse that shit’s like a porcupine I  can’t even lay in bed with my side hair I [ __ ]  

    Sit up [ __ ] pillow still stuck to my face big  ass [ __ ] pillow it’s like velcro and [ __ ]   man it’s like that [ __ ] is not normal hair  I was and I was thinking about getting like um  

    Getting waxed like they can wax the hair so it  takes it completely out because I got to shave   like every two three days and that [ __ ] like  I’m walking around like a [ __ ] Brill oad I’m   sticking every [ __ ] thing [ __ ] I walk out  the house I got lint towel lint hanging off  

    My face and [ __ ] if I don’t shave like damn  what’s all stuck to your face [ __ ] tow lint   put my shirt on I got black balls all over  my face and [ __ ] like man say wax and see  

    That’s why I haven’t waxed yet people say it  goes too low and when the hair grows back it   starts curling back up up under the skin so I’m  like I don’t know what up Flex what’s good B said

    Indu hey I’ll pay for the inducement because  this I’m still come out ahead we’ll pay for the   inducement how much the inducement cost like 1,00  we still come out 1,900 up come on push this baby  

    Out let’s go was say February the 1st from 1 P  p.m. to 3 p p.m. in Minneapolis drivers protesting   at state capital in front of the govern’s office  okay that’s tomorrow so anybody in Minneapolis   from 1 P.M to 3 pm drivers are protesting at  the state capital in front of the governor’s  

    Office this is in Minneapolis y’all so anybody in  Minneapolis know you even know a dri minute send   him a text be like hey bro did you know tomorrow  you guys are protesting 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in front  

    Of the governor’s office just let people know cuz  when when B start showing up like like I said when   I was saying hey man when we protest let’s just  leave the apps turned off another driver came  

    Into their comedy say Jeff I love your video and  [ __ ] like this but I think you’re on the wrong   track a protest don’t work and the strike don’t  work unless people show up at the picket lines he  

    Said I don’t I’m not knocking your video dog  I’m tell I’m not knocking what you’re saying   but to leave the apps off is counterproductive  and I was like you’re right I tell talk man we   conversate we debate on this channel I I you  could disagree with me all you [ __ ] want he  

    Came respectable about it he came respect man  I disagree with you on this [ __ ] is because   you know I like the video and I like how you’re  doing it but I don’t think you thinking it through  

    Leave the apps turned on man kill the [ __ ] Ser  this and I love when drivers can watch a video   and they got constructive criticism instead of  destructive criticism I love when when we agree   on things could let me know we’re on the right  path that’s my 11-11 we agree on something okay  

    We’re on the right path we’re in agreement we’re  in agreement just like I agree with the professor   in a lot of things we’re in agreement we’re on  the right path together we agree we agree but   if I have constructive criticism about some say  hey instead of turning the apps off let’s leave  

    Them on because and the the driver gave me all the  reasons why you can kill the search you can flood   the apps you can possibly crash the server a lot  you can do if we all just leave the apps on and  

    I’m like I like the way you think that’s pretty  cool I like the way you think and sometimes it   it and like on this channel we debate there are  a lot of intelligent ass drivers on this channel  

    People who have ran their own companies people  who know R are inside and out very experienced   drivers on this channel so for us to talk back  and forth is is kind of like what Elon mus is   doing with that neuralink [ __ ] we’re a bunch  of Link brains correcting each other affirming  

    Each other we’re doing a lot of [ __ ] on this  channel man that normal channels don’t do does   it help to keep the Riders uh app on as well well  with the rider app I think unless you’re really  

    Requesting a ride it might not do anything I  think the Riders have to actually request a   ride because with the driver side it shows us  is being available with a rider I didn’t know  

    If you could go offline online I don’t have the  rider side so I don’t know if you can go online   offline with the rider’s app I just thought you  have to request a ride then it goes into a queue  

    Somewhere but if you can um like with the rider  side I don’t know that’s that’s kind of weird I   never thought about that unless you can go online  offline not doomsday share the day that’s it they   buar the customers pay somewhere in the app  you’ll never find it yeah yeah request then  

    Cancel still Janette said just request and cancel  so abstract there you go right there request then   cancel that’s it that’s how you that’s how you  mess it up on the rider side request then just  

    Cancel like I need a ride no I don’t actually I  do no I don’t I’m not going nowhere actually I   changed my mind just keep doing that [ __ ] all  [ __ ] day this is the 14th I I’ll make it love  

    With the app running hold up honey let me decline  this ride I know you got a you gotta like velcro   to the Head board you like mother trying to hit  the button and [ __ ] girl you riding too hard  

    Hold the [ __ ] up I can’t touch that like damn  girl slow down reverse cowgirl this [ __ ] like   hold the [ __ ] up I’m trying to hit the goddamn  she like why do you got this phone sitting on  

    My back in doggy style what the [ __ ] are you  doing with that phone I’m trying to clim these   riding girl hold the [ __ ] on hold pull hair  [ __ ] hit the app like yeah [ __ ] what what   it’s like neighbors looking through the window  like man they some weird [ __ ] man I told you  

    Claudo was weird man y’all didn’t believe me this  [ __ ] in there doing some weird [ __ ] with that   phone they looking right through your window  that motherfucker’s weird he’s playing with his   phone during sex he’s a weird one you peeping time  [ __ ] get out my window man I don’t think I can  

    Watch you no more claudo I don’t know what the  [ __ ] you doing on feu to 14 but this is some   weird [ __ ] you doing these [ __ ] peeping all up  in your window and [ __ ] I used to enjoy watching  

    Claudo but I don’t know what the [ __ ] is going  on he’s playing with the phone and pulling hair   and doing reverse calish he’s he’s crazy this  motherfucker’s [Laughter] nuts [ __ ] claudo   got [ __ ] in Sex Therapy school I don’t know  what I saw last night Sir you’ve been a Peeping  

    Time for 15 years and you’re finally going to  quit I’m finally GNA quit I’ve seen enough I’ve   seen enough I’ve seen a [ __ ] febr 14th reverse  cowgirl playing with a [ __ ] Uber app I’ve seen enough clao got [ __ ] breaking they  [ __ ] Psychopathic behaviors and

    [ __ ] he said we riding Uber XL here go he said  [ __ ] we riding uberxl goam hey we I’m this is a   passenger pickup baby you riding Uber XL she’  be like why do you got that Uber XL tattoo on  

    Your stomach I thought it was was like thug  life no [ __ ] this is Uber XL you about to   ride right here clao the only [ __ ] with the  Uber XL tattoo across the stuff motherf got   Thug Life Trace Palmer lost Palmer all kind of  gangs and [ __ ] from LA and this [ __ ] got Uber

    XL like what’s why you got uberxl all these  [ __ ] in prison got these hard ass gang   tattoos this [ __ ] walk around with Uber  XL cuz I be riding them [ __ ] boy Uber XL this mother got everybody in prison  like I like to get my tattoo removed  

    And I would like uber XL too can I get  Uber [Laughter] black no man you’re a   white guy you can’t get Uber black  oh I’m just saying man I’m pretty hung like man C got [ __ ] getting Uber tattoos   and sh live lucks cause girl you  in luck tonight [ __ ] you in

    Luck Marv got lub exhale [ __ ] lub xale he got a   [ __ ] thing of Ky jell in  his hand lub xale let’s go girl [ __ ] y’all [ __ ] D they’re [ __ ] D  robbing something wrong with these dudes I’m   telling you they they always [ __ ] up the live  streams they [Laughter] always [ __ ] clao he  

    Always [ __ ] up this ain’t him time to wake up  they always doing some dumb [ __ ] these [ __ ]   he had to start that [ __ ] well I’m having sex  to her [ __ ] F I’m GNA [ __ ] be declining R  

    See he always going off track [ __ ] always go  off track every time I’m gonna get Uber light   see you just get the tip that’s it this  is Uber light you’re just getting the tip man man man y’all [ __ ] us y’all got me over  here choking he say what does that mean cuz I’m  

    Why I can’t get Uber black man can dream  can [Applause] he Uber black XL Premiere   [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] Kev got all the  [ __ ] tears on this Su godd damn it you   going on the ride of your life girl let’s  go just select a ride you getting it can  

    I get Uber shared two girls walk in sure can  C the only [ __ ] out there with Uber shared   on his stomach everybody got like uber he got  Uber shared why you got Uber shared I love the vaj that’s me I’m cev the Uber shared  specialist nobody else do Uber shared but

    Cev she get to trip to pound town  is pound town on the app like yeah   [ __ ] is right there let’s go like  girl you TI me $1 I’ll pull out and cancel CL I’mma pull out and cancel oh  Uber pet doggy style only [ __ ] doggy  

    Style only I don’t do no other Style no  other I can’t do missionary upside down   reverse Cal I just do Uber pet [ __ ] that’s  doggy style that’s it doggy style that’s it   that’s it I’m Uber pet like motherucker  you’re boring that’s all you do that’s it  

    I’m Uber pet you want to get done in Dogg  style hit me up Uber pet say anything else   I don’t [ __ ] with you gotta call Kev  for that [ __ ] I’m Uber shared bring a friend U sh specializing black lesbians Kev  is still with that black lesbian [ __ ] they  

    Walk around yeah we just both on a ride is  it okay yeah we got you we got Kev for you   hey Kev you busy right now we got a uberX Shar  two black lesbians requesting a ride to pound

    Down I’m telling Uber I’m not there [ __ ]  said I’m not your [ __ ] pay me more than   this stripper dollars Uber that’s Uber they  be throwing out stripper dollars for tips and   [ __ ] how do I get a $1 chip that’s [ __ ]  money every time you see your [ __ ] when  

    You see your app show $1 it play that song  by salt and pepper [ __ ] what you call me [ __ ] say Uber roadhead I know instead of  instead of Road repairs instead of roadside   assistance you get roadhead assistance like I  need roadside assistance mother we get roadhead  

    Assistance that’s it we don’t have Roadside we  don’t know what you’re talking about this is a   new version of uber this is Vegas Uber telling  you Flex these [ __ ] crazy man shitet that   [ __ ] said Uber pet eat pigeons my Uber  pet eat pigeon God eat them [ __ ] tacos  

    Eat them fish tacos we got Uber pet what’s  uber pet [ __ ] I eat fish tacos everything   [ __ ] that’s it [ __ ] Uber Eats what’s Uber  Eats hey spread your legs I ate them fish tacos like this mother got Uber Eats what you  got Uber Eats on your stomach for what the  

    F oh you don’t know that [ __ ] only do one  thing that’s it you that mother eat taco all day that’s how that [ __ ] [ __ ] sound  [ __ ] Uber e that [ __ ] pop on your   phone it’s got a big ass tongue  hit the screen and goes like what  

    Is that oh it’s time she just ordered  Uber Eats I’ll see you [ __ ] in the morning you’re like damn this [ __ ] what you G  man [ __ ] she delivering all night she need that   Uber Eats sus they wild help front truck not  yesterday ho [ __ ] they going off tonight I

    R you know that [ __ ] hey Flex it ain’t just the  phone it’s the [ __ ] phone pop up in the big ass   tongue go like oh [ __ ] Uber Eats I’ll see you  [ __ ] in the morning like bro where why every  

    Time his phone ring like that the [ __ ] like man  he he just run this mother run out the door with   that u e [ __ ] how much is he getting per hour  I don’t think he’s that kind of uber reach man  

    He’s got a different app he’s got the new update  she got Uber he got boober on it two big titties   hanging on the front boober we got the we got  the new update this is boober boober X [ __ ]  

    Instead of Uber X this [ __ ] is boober triple  X like what the [ __ ] app is that is is Uber   XXX what the [ __ ] is Uber XXX is that like a  super bit car no [ __ ] this is the good Uber  

    Download this [ __ ] yeah boober XX exactly  man Mr Perfect is back in the building man I   ain’t even get a notification happy to see Jeff  live man we in here clowning right now this is   careful you don’t want YouTube to shut you down  they haven’t had hearings on this channel yet  

    Facebook is getting hammered in the herand what  yeah well Facebook the the issue about Facebook   and I’ll tell people this man they don’t they  let anybody get on Facebook that’s the problem   and they got weird [ __ ] hashtags they allow  there’s to be certain hashtags that if you put  

    A hashtag on something that says it should just  flag the whole comment not even put the comment   at all instead what Facebook will do is it’ll  take you to where the hashtag supposed to go   like it’s crazy [ __ ] I’m like man you can’t  do that it’s like let’s say let’s say I’ll put  

    A hashtag like you know kill somebody and it’s  and it took me to a whole website for ways how   to kill somebody that’s the kind of [ __ ] that  Facebook would do and it’s like no you can’t do  

    That you gotta like not let that [ __ ] happen  the [ __ ] is wrong with you man Facebook is   off Facebook is just off man hey D Dallas says  You Hell Jeff I’m in the garage now oh yeah hey  

    Dibs you know I’ll be over here clowning I’ll be  acting stupid like a [ __ ] sometimes it be them   though they the ones getting started in them  condiments booger eats I know she instead of   uber condiments they got Uber Eats condoms  that’s it just Uber e condom like what the  

    [ __ ] you got a condom with Uber on this [ __ ]  like yeah dude we got the new app we got the new downloads hell no young boys wrong with that  one D Dash mother said D Dash [ __ ] hey you  

    Know that that’s when it’s late at night it’s  two o’clock in the morning say where you gotta   go oh man D Dash oh you gotta do door Dash no  [ __ ] D Dash I get this some dick [ __ ] I’m  

    Out this is D Dash that’s it got to go drop  off D be right back and she the Uber on the side D Dash with Uber Eats said Uber meets these [ __ ] stupid  Hey old B that’s what you like hey I need  

    I need more than one gu to roll through  I need some Uber Meats [ __ ] Uber Eats I   need Uber Meats [ __ ] [ __ ] two dudes  up at the door damn man she called you   too yeah she called me too welcome boys  this Uber beats tell them large Mar sent

    You [ __ ] hey Jeff what come with a lobster [ __ ] I’m against the clam  said of Instagram insta clam y’ W Grub Hub turns into porn hub I know  for real like [ __ ] what you over there eating   [ __ ] Grub Hub grubbing on some [Laughter]  tagos you know you know what it is when when  

    You see a grub hub sign but you got two Hershey’s  Kisses that’s the nipples right there like [ __ ]   you got Grub Hub with two Hershey Kisses at the  end of it you got to go over there and look some  

    Nipples I need some grub hub tonight two Hershey  Kisses after like what’s some Hershey Kisses for   right there oh I know what’s up [ __ ] that’s the  arola I gotta get going surge area instead of a  

    Surge area you just got an areola area that’s  it it’s like what the [ __ ] is that on your   map it’s like a big ass titty yeah man that’s an  areola area we don’t got surge no more we just got

    Areola the the nipples in the dead center that’s  where you got to go right there [ __ ] [ __ ] like   what’s wrong with these apps nowadays man  these apps are all jacked up yeah [Laughter] yeah man hey y’all stupid man y’all stupid  go y’all coming on with all these dumb ass  

    [ __ ] apps y’all [ __ ] all these apps up 76  pumps the pump by The Rao is nice 76 pumps for   $50 the pump by pay ratio is nice like one  two [ __ ] get the n n I’m tired all right  

    That’s $77 damn seven man I’m tired man I’ve  been up all day Uber is killing me like what   kind of uber [ __ ] is y’all doing man none of  you [ __ ] want to work man what the hell is  

    Wrong with y’all he we all just tired all  the [ __ ] time now [ __ ] I ain’t got no   energy no more [ __ ] says that chasing [ __ ]  motorb that’s the sound that come out of your phone Postmates that should be bad Postmates  [ __ ] Postmates this is bad Postmates what’s  

    Bad Postmates that mean you going to get chained  up to somebody [ __ ] bed when you walk in don’t   do it Postmates don’t do it [ __ ] don’t don’t  do Postmates unless the the the customer adds   the safe word in there if the customer don’t  give you the safe word before you show up you  

    [ __ ] that’s bad Postmates [ __ ] mother just  show at the door hey Postmates here you get   yanked in the [ __ ] house like whoa like you  chain to a [ __ ] bed po can I call the app no   [ __ ] you here you here now what’s the safe  word you should have asked for it first you  

    Locked in now [ __ ] you here for a minute I’m  having to work more than four hours a day yeah EXA post B the devil street so I know Uber living  [ __ ] up with the wrong one [Laughter] man real   [ __ ] real [ __ ] y’all killing me man  that’s the devil’s three some Postmates  

    You don’t want to do no Postmates [ __ ] that’s  the bed Postmates you know chain the [ __ ] up   see yourself on [ __ ] Tik Tok look we got  a driver mother be like ah help me somebody

    We got him we we hit bad Postmates on his [ __ ]  ass we got him man that [ __ ] funny as a [ __ ]   manstead of Chase The Surge chase the motorboat to  Serge that’s funny [ __ ] telling you man y’all be  

    Wilding the [ __ ] out but man yeah so hopefully  like I said we got two weeks man we got two weeks   to get it together I think what I want to do like  tomorrow I’ll try hum again well yeah I’m G start  

    Probably hum probably around about think got to  drop off 8:00 get go out about 8:00 probably Drive   till about 91 somewhere in that area because I  know between 9 and 11 they got some surge that’s  

    Kind of up North so I’ll probably use Uber for  a little bit you’ll see on the apps that I was   doing all the surge was up north between 9ine and  11 nothing down south where I was so I’m G try to  

    Do do hum and go up north do some Uber up there  and just kind of like high tell it back home but   tomorrow man we got to start getting money CU  like I said this has been the slowest week for  

    Me in a long time Uber I don’t even know how  much I made on Uber I’m I’m starting to make   more now on my private rides than I’m doing with  Uber and I think Uber is starting to realize that  

    Which is why they’re moving over to venmo and  all his other crazy [ __ ] they realize a lot   of us man they’re like we we see these drivers  online there we ain’t hitting up custom support   complaining about [ __ ] we ain’t doing nothing  they see us online all the time and they see us  

    Doing rides but then all a sudden they just see  us drop the [ __ ] off and they like something’s   going on because these drivers like we used  to have online time running all day long now  

    We’ll do like a ride or two they don’t see for  like three hours then we start riding again they   be like wait a minute something’s going on yeah  don’t we get the drop off [ __ ] yeah them cast  

    Rides been great man and there a lot of drivers  out there that’s willing to take that risk they   they’re speaking up for their money now man they  speaking up for their money and I’m proud of them  

    Because we we see a lot of drivers out that’s in  other areas they pigeons man they [ __ ] pigeons   chicken [ __ ] pigeons they be sitting there like  oh man I don’t have that certain type of insurance  

    I can’t do that so I’m not GNA do that I’m not  gonna put myself at risk bro you ain’t never gonna   have no money you ain’t never gonna get you think  the apps are gonna take care of you if you willing  

    To take all these rids for [ __ ] you think the  apps are really gonna want to just stop and say   oh man you know what we see you not making a lot  of money with us let us start paying you a little  

    More so you can make a lot of more money with us  no as long as you keep working for those those   [ __ ] dollars they’re gonna keep saying well  we got somebody who’s willing to do this [ __ ]  

    For Less keep using them he’s working 60 70 80  hours a week and we paying him like [ __ ] and   he just won’t turn the apps off dude won’t even he  can’t even figure it out it’s like this [ __ ] be  

    Making a killing right now you making a killing  but yet instead yeah we got to comfortable with   these apps man make sure y’all create a summary  optimization of your cost and expenses and send   it in with your tax return they’re making threats  to us about audits yeah they gonna do that every  

    Year we’re gonna audit drivers we’re gonna audit  this we’re gonna audit that I’m like try if you   want and the one thing about an audit is this  an audit especially in something outside of a   tax Court you become a defendant they become a  plaintiff now most defendants like I said they  

    Can have um they can do an appeal a plff can’t  really do an appeal but a defendant can do an   appeal so a lot of times they won’t even take  you to court so even for anything they do they  

    Won’t they because they’re scared that you’re G  to be a defendant and you’re going to have your   ability to say I would like to have this case  appealed in this and you can look up so many  

    Appeals or one because once they get out of little  kangaroo courts and [ __ ] out of the tax courts   get into a real [ __ ] Court they don’t stand  a chance their own tax [ __ ] him up every time  

    It’s just how it is it’s just how it is yeah I do  my private rides with the app on just so they can   see where I I’m everywhere them tell be out there  get like [ __ ] them I’m gonna do it well I got a  

    Letter from them about canceling rods I get that  [ __ ] all the time especially on Li canceling   rods too much is going to put your account at  risk for for deactivation I’m like so I’m like   if you was going to deactivate me you would have  did it already you’re just you’re telling me that  

    So I’ll stop doing it you need me more than not  need you apparently that’s why you sending me   this letter cuz you can deactivate people for  any [ __ ] reason for no reason at all people   be just driving and they just get deactivated  so why are you sending me letters all the time  

    Saying you it’s a threat if you was gonna do  it you would have did it already it’s like   whatever yeah this is pth I’m just saying the JW  Point what did you say what did you say said was  

    That time in the mon can I make a reservation  for next month why I GRE Master private Rider   drivers what a great time to be alive witnessing  All America seeing the truth for themselves entire   300 million Americans be coming voters for  Trump let’s get it let’s get it like I said  

    And a lot of people are scared because the next  Administration now don’t you see how it’s funny   that all of a sudden that people see how big it is  to do something with the with the border wall the  

    Democrats and Biden are all of a sudden talking  about the border wall just all of a sudden they   never talked about it until now because they  see more Americans are upset about it they’re upset yeah they will deactivate you lip is  deactivating me before but I’m right back on  

    It so they deactivate you for cancer or they just  time you out like how does that work this is Jeff   seres are now as high as [ __ ] three to eight  Buck surges yeah exactly and then see the thing  

    Is au raes there were surges out the other night I  saw like 11 12 13 18 even King James he he text me   he says Jeff if surge is in your area I was like  well I’m a little bit farther south he says dude  

    All he served is like 11 12 13 within a minute  it was probably about a minute and a half two   minutes because he text me I hurry up and turn  the phone on as soon as I hit go online all that  

    [ __ ] disappeared everything he just text me he  said dude it’s surging bad in your area right now   dude 11 12 they don’t want nobody to get the surge  it’s [ __ ] you’ve got to be like there you got to  

    Turn your phone on real quick and hurry up and  trap them or something because they’ll take it   away like that quick yeah they playing games with  them surgeons man and it’s it’s bait they want to   bait you to an area by putting a big number  up somewhere but the moment they see you’re  

    In that area oh Serge is gone they gonna pull it  because they said we we don’t want to pay nobody   that [ __ ] for real we just want to get drivers  down there because we’re getting a few requests  

    From down there we can make some money so they  threw like 11 I think it was $18 it was crazy   and King James T say dude it’s surging bad in your  area right now I said [ __ ] I’m just a little bit  

    South of where I am man I looked at them surges  I was like oh [ __ ] let me turn my app on real   quick I can probably you know Paw Patrol man soon  as I turn the app onop that [ __ ] disappeared I  

    Was like so I text him back and said this is  what it says on my end now he was like oh man   they took it that fast I was like yep they because  they saw I was not too far from it it’s like oh  

    [ __ ] somebody’s actually down there like yep  exactly tell you young boy that’s what it is man   a carrot over your head that’s it the rise of the  private driver we are Uber and the companies they   own live we private drivers are Uber’s direct  competition that’s right and then I just heard  

    Too on uh professor Channel Dara Dara is trying to  force all drivers to go EV now like he’s trying to   get the US government to force us to go EV the  US government forcing a private citizen on what  

    Type of car to buy ain’t that some [ __ ] we’re  private citizens we’re how can you say hey we’re   gonna Force you guys to buy these type of cars to  drive on apps that can deactivate your ass at any  

    Minute I’m sorry but if you gonna force me to buy  a certain type of car you better give me some type   of guarantee that get the money to pay for this  [ __ ] cuz you as the government can’t mandate me  

    To buy a vehicle to do anything for a living just  because this company says we want these type of   cars on our apps as soon as we buy the car a week  later they can deactivate you for no reason can  

    You call the government hey Uber and lift just  deactivated me on the app well sorry man but I   bought this car because you guys said that we need  to buy cars to be on the app and we had to go buy  

    Cars so I tradeing my current B sorry I don’t know  what to tell you I don’t know what to tell you so   yeah the government cannot be involved this this  is not public business this is private business  

    So therefore my private car is my private car  that’s a private deal you can’t tell me Well Jeff   in order for you to work for this company you’ve  got to go buy Eevee trade in that’s like saying  

    You know in order to work for let’s say McDonald’s  in order to work for McDonald’s you have to buy a   condo you can’t rent an apartment anymore you have  to go buy a condo so you can work at McDonald’s  

    Why because we love to have homeowners working  in McDonald’s now it’s like we like to have EV   owners working at Uber and lift now if you’re not  making everybody in America buy an EV if you’re  

    Not saying everybody who’s a citizen of this  country has to buy an EV how can you force a   handful of us to buy EVS just to promote and pump  y’all agenda about global warming and [ __ ] like  

    That we get deactivated the next week we we ass  out we got this car sitting here now I mean lft   already did that [ __ ] with Lux the government  never stepped up for driver and hey man you kind  

    Of rug pulled these people they they all invested  all this money into vehicles to drive this certain   tier all put up this money and then you just rug  pulled them and now they don’t get a return on   their investment now it’s like buying crypto or  anything else yes Force independent contractor  

    That’s what I’m saying and it’s like hey thank you  Teresa thank you says we appreciate all you do for   us support and that’s the thing they can’t force  us to go buy these cars as independent contractors  

    Because they can deactivate us at any minute but  darus is reaching out to the US government saying   can you force people to buy EVS it’s like bro what  kind of [ __ ] is this like for a corporation to  

    Go can you force Americans to do this that’s like  forcing us to eat white bread can you force them   to eat white bread if they work but we don’t want  them to eat wheat bread can you just force them  

    To all just have to buy white bread can you force  everybody to wear Chuck Taylor’s now instead of   Vans just make everybody wear chucks now how can  you force somebody to buy a product that shit’s   CRA these cars are products and you’re forcing  somebody to purchase something that we we’re not  

    Even guaranteed to get the money for it’s not  like you giving it to us for free we got to buy   this [ __ ] this is on our credit this is coming  up our bank account and we have no 100% guarantee  

    That you’re gonna leave me like as a contractor a  well-paid contractor enough to pay this [ __ ] off   no you can’t just do that to people it’s like man  yeah I don’t want to EV there’s a war going on and  

    I’mma tell you something Robin I’m gonna tell you  something right now about EVS I respect everybody   with an EV I do because everybody wants to do the  novel thing do the great thing and all that [ __ ]  

    And I get it I get it but you got to understand  what a EMP is now EMP is an electromagnetic pulse   it is actual it’s real it’s real thank you Teresa  I appreciate that Super Chat they want you to be  

    In an evb caus the surveillance you and it drives  itself back to the warehouse then your bill is   delinquent Trump will stop all this [ __ ] real  [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying go Trump get them   but like I was saying Teresa the same thing EVS  electromagnetic pulses what it does is it kills  

    Circuit boards it kills circuitry and stuff like  that so if you have something that could be killed   by electromagnetic pulse look at all the storms  we’ve been having lately think about it all of   the storms we’ve been having lately thunderstorms  lightning storms harp you know what harp is harp  

    Is a weather weapon so if you got a weather weapon  you got everybody in EVS you’re controlling the   Thunder and the lightning and everything else in  the sky you’re controlling a EMP can basically   wipe out every piece of Mobility if everybody’s  driving in something electric you can even EMP a  

    Whole region say I want to do the East Coast you  EMP them it looks like a storm coming up everybody   that’s harp big storms coming up this and that  coming up that’s harp next thing you know all  

    The EVS are out what just happened in the cold  weather with all the EVS what just happened a lot   of people had to push EVS that [ __ ] is real that  shit’s not made up it’s not people were pushing  

    EVS through snow they were pushing things once  you alter the weather and you change the weather   you create issues with Mobility you can’t ta tell  people stay home don’t leave just stay home don’t   go outside you we they tried to do that during the  pandemic and people still getting outside so what  

    Do you do you want to you want a crash Mobility  EMP it that’s it alter the weather do something   electromagnetic post you can shut everybody out  with freezing cold weather you canut them out with   floods so they can’t move around flood everything  they can’t move around with floods then you got  

    Thunderstorms tornadoes emps are next they’re  just setting everybody up right now this is the   big setup right now yeah they can shut cars down a  push of a button yeah look at the weather look at  

    The weather yeah 45 had a meet with teams he told  them he wants China to build the cars here Robin   he we got Americans here we got am and all these  Chinese people coming up through our Southern  

    Border they’re doing surveillance right now all  the they had a big ass weather balloon when Trump   was here well that was Biden first start they  had a big ass weather balloon floating across our  

    Continent surveying our areas it was a big ass spy  balloon so they was like wait a minute why we got   a spy balloon when we could just put spies there  the [ __ ] we got a big ass balloon we could just  

    Send them up through the southern border you know  how many Chinese people are coming up through the   southern border all spies and everything like that  they even had the video showing all the Chinese   people stand at the hotels with Chinese writing in  hotels in South America South America Mexico has  

    Hotels with Chinese writing all in these hotels  because they’re expecting Chinese people to be   there they’re giving them instructions directions  telling them where to go what to do who to talk   to if you come in my neighborhood I mainly just  this is all English and Spanish You’re GNA see  

    A whole bunch of Chinese writing here because we  don’t really expect Chinese people to come through   at that level it’s like you can learn English  you can learn Spanish you’ll learn that here   but how are you in the middle of Mexico and your  hotels all these hotels along this journey path  

    Got all this Chinese documentation and Chinese  writing everywhere this is a setup you don’t   you don’t just go somewhere that’s like me going  somewhere and all of a sudden seeing a language   that I really only see the people of every blue  moon the whole place is in their language like  

    What the [ __ ] where where people are doing  that [ __ ] on they’re expecting something   they’re doing something they don’t need a spy  balloon to go across America just send them up   through the [ __ ] border that’s it yeah Biden  is soft yeah I saw a Tesla in San Diego drive  

    Through a flooded Street big C this is what I  think about electricity mixed with water this   is what I think I think about being in a bathtub  and a TV falling into the [ __ ] bathtub if you’re  

    In the bathtub and the TV Falls in a bathtub  you’re mixing electricity with water so if I’m   in a Tesla and I’m going through a flooded region  or something like that I keep thinking about a TV  

    And a bathtub because if I’m like do I want to be  the one that test out how many volts this [ __ ]   car really got in it do I want to be that one I  mean I know what’s going to happen if I drop a TV  

    In the bathtu so I don’t want to be that one I’m  not testing that I already know what that is but   if you telling me this car got this many [ __ ]  volts in it this many volts all it takes is for  

    One of these wires to be exposed one wire can be  exposed anything can be exposed not completely   waterproofed or something like that and you put  me in water it blows me up it it explodes or I get  

    Electrocuted in my own car because I think about  bathtubs and water that’s it so putting me in a   fully electric high power I’m like man I don’t  know I don’t know I just I don’t trust that yeah  

    It’s hard to put out fires in EV because of the  temperatures that they burn at the temperatures   are way too high plus with the type of compounds  inside of those batteries it just never goes out   I’m says I’m awake I’m awake you have to buy1  $10,000 battery not designed for 100,000 miles  

    Of annual driving yeah yeah and that’s the thing  I just I don’t trust you know the just the physics   behind it when when you start mixing in the  elements like I said a lot of people didn’t  

    Understand how it would work in cold weather so  you got a lot of people in cold weather climates   that own these cars that don’t charge well in cold  weather they just don’t charge well I mean people  

    Can say oh my car is okay well you probably don’t  live in a freezing cold place or you probably put   yours in a heated garage or a covered garage or  something else you’re probably doing something to  

    Ensure this car stays charged I don’t know because  I don’t drive a Tesla I don’t live in a cold place   but there’s enough complaints we’re seeing online  to say somebody at the factories didn’t see this  

    They didn’t see this so what do you do if you want  to freeze out everybody if America’s all got EVS   everybody in the world has EVS in 2030 nothing  but EVS all you got to do is harp these [ __ ]  

    Out freeze everything EMP everything you’re done  you you can’t do nothing there’s nothing you can   really do now when you have a old school car  like from the 70s the 80s stuff like that to   60s those don’t have a lot of electronics to  it they just don’t have a lot of electronics  

    So you can easily get around motherboard and  [ __ ] like that issues that emps kind of you   know when they fry out you know soldering boards  and [ __ ] like that like little motherboards all   the soldering gets fried and stuff like that this  really don’t affect it because you have straight  

    Wires going to ignitions going to batteries it’s  real easy Once you EMP something you’re frying   solder in on motherboards that’s it and that’s  all new [ __ ] that BMW outside probably won’t   even [ __ ] start you fry the motherboards and  that [ __ ] it ain’t going nowhere like click  

    Click click can’t go no [ __ ] where done so I got  this big ass 2011 Jeep sitting out there got that   old ass [ __ ] Escalade out there that [ __ ]  might run the Escalade might not it’s a little  

    Too electric but that jeep ain’t that electric  that [ __ ] is just basic as hell yeah I saw a   lot of EES on the side of the highway from from  uh fires in Las Vegas last year damn fires what  

    This is cinjun Jeff zo what’s cinjun like what  time uh should he be out next week during the   waste management 500 a.m. oh man I’m not going  on No 5 o’clock in the morning because the waist  

    Management don’t start till about I think they the  tea time is around about eight or nine maybe tea   times about eight or nine a lot of people gonna  be eating breakfast getting [ __ ] done this and  

    That they might watch the initial tea off a lot  of people usually go out because they’re drunk the   night before so a lot of people ain’t waking up  that early they’re going to start trying to show  

    Up around 11 stuff like that Wednesday is the pram  so yeah so what you want to do is is be up there   probably around about 9:10 5:00 am is real it’s  real early 5: am is early but everybody’s gonna  

    Start doing [ __ ] uh Sunday so make sure airport  is Saturday Sunday [ __ ] starting on Monday so   Saturday Sunday crazy airports if you can cash Rod  it cash Rod it because I guarantee it’s a whole   bunch of [ __ ] pigeons gonna be at the airport a  bunch of pigeons driving to Scottdale for8 eight  

    Airport to Scottsdale $8 8$9 n they gonna be doing  that [ __ ] all [ __ ] day it’s not going to be   surging like we think so what you do is if you me  I don’t know see that’s me with my small ass trunk  

    Again I love to show up and tell somebody hey man  all they areer me is $1 for this ride normally we   do these rides for 25 they like oh [ __ ] what  they charging us 52 okay they 52 and they giving  

    Me $11 out of the 52 okay tell you what we’ll do  this [ __ ] for $40 it’s like and I’ll do scottd   rid for $40 all day from the airport 40 bucks  all day I know man pigeons is crazy that’s what  

    The [ __ ] is Park pigeons a whole bunch of [ __ ]  Park pigeons chasing popcorn and [ __ ] you throw   them [ __ ] cheap ass rides out they [ __ ] eating  these [ __ ] can’t wait to see how many more cheap   ass popcorn rods they got [ __ ] pigeon rodes says  don’t put a rechargeable lithium battery in your  

    Pocket with keys if they touch the keys that can  heat up in your pocket and you feel like you’re   on fire oh Robin have you seen those videos on  YouTube about people with their phones in their  

    Pockets next to keys and [ __ ] like that and  the phone explodes in their pocket man people be   getting like third degree burns be blowing holes  in their legs and [ __ ] I never knew that see I  

    Keep my phone by itself in the lower pocket down  by my knee I do not put it in the S because ever   since I saw them videos like sometimes I’ll have  my keys I’ll make a mistake and put my keys in  

    My right pocket then I’ll put my phone in there  I’ll F them hit the keys I’ll take that [ __ ]   out quick as a mother I’m like d they hit the keys  I’m like nope not doing that put the MU in another  

    Pocket like dude my phone and my keys never touch  never touch because the keys got that signal that   signals to the car all the time I don’t know what  type of batteries in these phones but all I know  

    Is when I see them people’s pockets exploding and  [ __ ] cuz they got keys and phones in the same   pocket oh nope I’m done with that [ __ ] done with  it says Sweden has seen the coldest temperatures  

    Of the century when it turned 34 C they had to  cancel almost all buses the new electric buses   couldn’t handle the extreme cold Telly a 4run  they didn’t think it all the way through they   didn’t think it all the way through because what  they’ve been doing they don’t what people need to  

    Understand is that weather weather on this Earth  is a pendulum it’s a pendulum so as Extreme as   hot as it gets as extreme cold as it gets it’s an  equilibrium so when people say it’s global warming  

    We can fight back and say actually this is global  freezing because we’ve seen some of the worst   winners on record over the past maybe five years  I remember when it froze in St Louis and it was  

    Taking people like three hours to go a mile it was  that Frozen in St Louis people couldn’t even go on   a highway two threat just stuck ice everywhere  we’ve seen some of the worst winners it’s the   pendulum people say oh it’s global warming well  it could be Global freezing it’s a pendulum but  

    They’re only seeing one side of it global warming  global warming like no [ __ ] we didn’t had record   code [ __ ] we’d had some crazy stuff going on man  and it’s like yeah man and and I’m sitting there  

    Like was it Jeff you’re blessed with common sense  which is lack of to day and and Paris I’m GNA tell   you like that when we see all of these storms and  all these tornadoes and stuff happening and places  

    That they shouldn’t happen I mean my son he hit me  up he’s down in Port St Lucy one day he hit me up   he was like Hey Dad I’m like what the [ __ ] are  you doing man you shouldn’t you be in school he’s  

    I’m just waking up these [ __ ] had four tornadoes  in Florida he said yeah it was like four tornadoes   happened like you know 30 minutes away from us  I’m like what four he said one day it was like  

    Real warm and the next day it was freezing  cold I’m like in [ __ ] Florida y’all had it   was Freez it was freezing cold that it was like  warmed and it was freezing cold and it was like  

    Four tornadoes weather is a pendulum it’s got to  balance itself out it’s not going to be like super   hot then regular super hot then regular super hot  then no it’s GNA go super hot freezing cold super  

    Hot freezing cold and at some point it’s going  to start balancing itself out to where it’s like   this it’s only going like this and this because  right now it’s way up way down way up way down   so maybe it could be freezing cold temperatures  are the ones that are creating the extremely hot  

    Temperatures could be thank you charv for the  Super Chat brother Uber x r Uber Tri xx rated   that’s funny [ __ ] that triple X the 2100 attemp  will increase by 0.004 degrees exactly and yeah we   talking about global warming I’m like come on  man come on it’s like damn the entire economy  

    Collapsing these people act like nothing going  on telling you fantam easy Uber x r Uber triple   xrated that [ __ ] is funny this is man Dar said  in the interview it doesn’t have to be Eves it  

    Could be Rick Shaws as long as it’s in compliance  what’s Rick Shaws I don’t know what Rick Shaws is   cure leaf on Greenway Hayden and Frank l r is a  good spot to pick up during the golf tournament  

    Yeah cure Leaf yeah I’m telling you beu that’s  where I go I’m always on Frank lyd Wright I’m up   and down Frank Lloyd Wright all day because I go  to princess Puma Hotel on Scottdale road back down  

    Straight to Frank ly Wright Cruise back down there  by Twin Peaks the Harley area the Harley-Davidson   store all those little uh they got parties back  behind the Harley-Davidson store is all warehouses   and it’s all like uh big spaces they throw  big parties in all those big spaces so if you  

    Sit there and just you know hang out you’ll see  people walking out of the parties this year what   I’m thinking about doing have my ride share gears  on having all my private rides [ __ ] on as people  

    Hey man you guys need private rides to any hotels  or anything in the area you know you don’t have to   worry about Uber’s lifts I’m doing private rides  back and forth to oh you oh [ __ ] if you doing it  

    Already we just got to go to Princess Pea right  up here cool 25 bucks oh man 25 all day let’s   go let’s go Princess Pea is only like maybe up  there is maybe two and a half miles that’s it from  

    Frankl two and a half miles you’re getting $25  that’s it so Jeff Florida ain’t that bad hey he   said it was freezing he said it had tornadoes and  everything man it was four tornadoes and all that  

    How much I make last year at uh Waste Management  well it waste management was [ __ ] up last year   because we had the Super Bowl I made $3600 in five  days 3600 I got the video on my channel was saying  

    $3,600 and I showed all my numbers all my [ __ ]  on both apps and everything else like that but   again it was screwed up because we had Superbowl  Superbowl took a lot of drivers out to The Stadium  

    Downtown doing the crazy [ __ ] so we all were  up in Scottdale making [ __ ] bank now this year   there’s not two there’s not two different you  know events going on so it’s a that 3600 is a   once- in a-lifetime incident and it’s skewed I’ll  never make that much again ever in five days ever  

    I can tell you that [ __ ] with 100% guarantee  I’ll never make that much in five days ever again   it was screwed up because once you got all these  drivers trying to do downtown trying to get to  

    The Super Bowl trying to do all the Super Bowl  events trying to go everywhere and we’re trying   to do you know Waste Management on the other  end of town it was like and we didn’t have weo  

    Involved weo was not involved like it is now so  [ __ ] was way different back then so last year   it will be nothing I mean I’d be surprised if I  make, 1500 I’d be shocked if I made, 1500 I’ll be  

    Really shocked if I pull $1,500 a week on the apps  because I mean private rides if I can up private   rides I got it I got it but on the apps like I  said I made 3600 last year this year [ __ ] 15  

    14 I guarantee and I’ll be cool with that [ __ ]  because I know they gonna be throwing trash out   we got all these pigeons out there on the [ __ ]  road now Rick Shar is a tu to Jeff Don’t Say Never  

    Man I don’t know man it was last year it was it  was rough it was we had Super Bowl running thank   you Mary poppin I appreciate that thank you for  all you do for the drivers also for calling out  

    These apps you rock thank you Miss Mary Poppins  glad to see you back in the chat I ain’t seeing   you in a minute I’ll be bouncing around checking  out your channels and stuff like that laughing at  

    Your videos this you got this with them private  rides yeah I hope so I hope so and like I said   this this year private rides are going to be way  more easier to do because I think more Riders and  

    Drivers are discussing things right now so the  fact that that that a lot of drivers are helping   the economy by speaking to Riders by speaking  up about what we’re going through so drivers are   kind of forcing that change and forcing that that  comfortability for Riders to say okay then we’ll  

    Just pay you straight cash drivers are doing that  the apps aren’t doing that the drivers out there   talking and letting people know it’s cool and it’s  safe and getting them somewhere safely and doing   it safely and giving them business car drivers are  changing the industry right now in real time and  

    It feels good to sit and when I talk to somebody  and they already HIIT the [ __ ] already like oh   yeah man I told I talked to a driver the other  day he said you know you guys aren’t getting  

    Your tips and stuff like that yeah I’m just going  to pay you in cash drivers are making the changes   it is not the apps doing that every smart ass  driver that’s not no [ __ ] pigeon there not   no [ __ ] crumb snatcher all these drivers that  are talking and opening their mouths are feeding  

    The industry right now y’all feeding the industry  the right way so when I’m out there I’m chatting   with people talking to people letting them know  this and that you know when I was in Walmart I  

    Was telling a couple of people about you know  the the uh podcast at Walmart is like man I’m   G check out your podcast man I’m GNA check that  out like yeah man trust me they do you’ll learn  

    A lot from drivers I said you can talk to other  people in like that use Uber and LI or whatever   to check out the channel too man say because it’s  we’re just trying to help people out the apps are  

    Taking all the economy out of our neighborhoods  and not putting money back into our neighborhoods   through paying us drivers we’re the ones that shop  at the Walmarts around here we’re the ones that   order you know McDonald’s and Burger King and and  you know Mexican food we put all that money right  

    Back into our neighborhoods the apps are taking  that money away from us and not returning it so   drivers and Riders linking up and talking to each  other like all you guys that are doing rides in   your cities in your States and and not even being  scared to say [ __ ] that’s massive it’s massive  

    It’s changing the industry and the apps know it’s  changing industry because why would why would Uber   say hey we’re linking up with vinmo why would they  say that because they know drivers are changing   the industry we’ve always had the [ __ ] power  they keep trying to stop us with these little  

    Chess moves they doing but it’s like dude y’all  can keep playing all y’all want to not every app   is going to link with Uber China don’t even want  Uber over there it’s a lot of places that don’t  

    Even want Uber involved in their economy at all  because they know that Uber ain’t nothing but   a [ __ ] cancer they know it ain’t nothing but a  can it’s an economic cancer that’s spread into so   many communities taking jobs ruining jobs ruining  how things are set up trapping all the corporate  

    Profits people ain’t stupid cash app and venm mo  Zale now venm Mo they might have thought oh yeah   well we can we can actually use you know some  help from Uber talk to Herz talk to Herz Herz  

    Got their ass handed to him why do you think  they had they mooved Uber moved over to Avis   because Herz got they ass handed to him feeding  dealing with that [ __ ] cancer they dealt with  

    That cancer called Uber Uber made [ __ ] worse for  him made them invest in all these EVS they had to   turn around and get people to bring back just  to sale Uber is a cancer to the economy a lot  

    Of people know that and now we’re letting Riders  know that so I appreciate when I talk br br look   hurts hurts yes they love hurts yeah and and a  lot of people are talking to Riders out there and  

    These Riders are very receptive to the next driver  they meet very receptive so do not be scared to   talk to it everybody’s not reporting everybody  once they realize we’re doing this [ __ ] to   benefit each other hey I’m going help you save  $15 and you making me 20 on top of what so you  

    Ain’t even got to tip me [ __ ] you ain’t got to  tip me and you saving $15 you ain’t even got to   tip me I’m happy with making 35 I’m happy with  making 35 because they charging you 50 I’m just  

    Saying 35 because I don’t want to get you know  $19 it’s like no let’s help each other out and   when people are doing that and seeing that drivers  are willing to keep that money in they pocket oh   man [ __ ] drivers are changing the rare industry  in real time we’re seeing it everybody standing  

    Up everybody fighting it yeah setup guaranteed  round trips fa uh fairs paid up front I’m telling   you Rick that’s what it is man and you and you  set it up right give them your card get a down  

    Payment on it get a deposit on it let them know  you’re gonna be in the area they’ll do it they’ll   say hey man we’re ready to go we told you at 1:30  it’s uh 1 125 whenever you come back ready to go  

    You already on your way back cuz you knew it was  going to be at 130 you just sitting at Circle K   you like I did two quick rides real quick I’m back  at Circle K you should have pick up your private  

    Ride dropped them off you back on the app again  and a lot of times you know people are scared to   open their mouths about it and just like when I  was telling Professor earlier I’m glad he put his  

    Integrity online I’m glad he put himself in front  of the punches because now we see it’s encourag   other drivers to speak out online putting them  in front of the punches talking about private   rides we talk about that [ __ ] even with d oh  you ain’t got no commercial insurance you guys  

    Going get deactivated you guys are going to  get caught you got we still putting oursel in   front keep swinging if you want to we can take  it all keep swinging we so used to seeing one  

    Person’s getting swung on all the time now look  at all of us look at all of us taking all these   punches these drivers can’t swing on all of us  all these drivers is hating the way that we doing  

    [ __ ] seeing that how the economy has changed I  guarantee those raggedy [ __ ] is out here using   our same strategies everybody on here complaining  about Commercial Insurance talking about we can’t   do this is against policy again I bet these  [ __ ] is out there doing the same [ __ ] we  

    Doing but they sitting online I wouldn’t do that  if I was you guarantee these [ __ ] hey you know   what normally I get paid you know like 25 for this  but I’m only getting like nine I guarantee the  

    Same [ __ ] doing what we do but yet they want to  get online and talk [ __ ] acting like they doing   something important oh I’m Gonna Save the apps  I’m Gonna Save the apps I’m gonna talk [ __ ] on  

    Your videos and save the apps you guys are idiots  saying [ __ ] at a bar right now hey man I’m I’m   normally I get like $30 for this you know I do  it for 30 like hey wen’t you that [ __ ] online  

    Talking [ __ ] yeah you caught me you caught me  you gonna give me 30 or what it’s like exactly   [ __ ] we caught you talking [ __ ] and yet you  doing the same [ __ ] we doing don’t play we know  

    How the game work we know how the game work closed  mouths don’t get fed desperate drivers don’t get   breed that’s that Birdman [ __ ] pites like a  [Laughter] [ __ ] I SAR next video I make I’m   have a [ __ ] Birdman [ __ ] meme on that [ __ ]  so if all you [ __ ] pigeons Bo Birdman’s your

    Daddy I’m have to [ __ ] find a birdman song to  play with one of my shorts or some [ __ ] like   that all these [ __ ] pigeons gonna hear that  [ __ ] they like oh [ __ ] I think bird Daddy   just called us yeah exactly you [ __ ] pigeons  quit taking them [ __ ] rides yeah most private  

    Clients tip on top of the fair it happens so often  yeah Merlin hey the other day even it happened to   somebody the other day like they were telling me  they charged the person like 30 35 or something  

    They were giving them a discount the person  paid them more than what they even paid Uber   I don’t know who the hell’s somebody messaged  me that the other day they’re like yeah man I  

    Just did a ride you know and I told the person  like let’s say $35 they end up giving me like   60 bucks which is more than what they even paid  to app they were just happy as [ __ ] to have a  

    Cool ass driver people don’t mind paying us they  don’t mind paying us it’s the apps the apps don’t   want to [ __ ] pay us like big head hey closed  mouths don’t get fed ke just told you closed   mouths don’t get fed big Logan said desperate  drivers don’t get bread so y’all gotta go out  

    There b Miss B said Jeff you gotta do the hand  rub like this sh is you done or is you finished   I’m GNA say that [ __ ] to one of them haters  on my [ __ ] channel is you done or is you

    Finished which one is it you done or you  finished no oh Rick said that that was me   out of my neighborhood showed up cancel ride told  the guy I do for 4 he gave me that’s right Rick  

    You sent me that text I’m like somebody just  sent me that [ __ ] that was you because I’m   like I remember because it be coming [ __ ] be  coming through my phone so fast sometimes man  

    I’ll be [ __ ] half sleep it was Rick he did that  [ __ ] he text me that and and the guy paid more   than what the app was even charging him I’m like  man but see Rick you different though Rick you you  

    A straight up dude that that don’t mind speaking  up for your money you don’t mind speaking up for   your worth we got to figure out how to get you  know Riders to get that courage to even initiate  

    That conversation because a lot of them are  scared these [ __ ] got them scared oh man if   if you if you say something to a rider they’re  gonna report you you don’t have insurance you’re   gonna get reported they be scared as a [ __ ]  Rick how much money have you made doing this  

    [ __ ] private rides crazy rides tons of money  just giving people a better option that works out   better for them and for you as a contractor [ __ ]  these apps cuz these apps are saying that same to   the [ __ ] these drivers that’s what these apps  are saying but they want to sit there and play  

    You know cuddly cuddly cakes with these [ __ ]  apps oh yeah man you know I’m not GNA disrespect   the app if they want me to do it for $7 I’ll do  it for seven meanwhile this [ __ ] paid $38 for  

    The ride and you doing it for seven these [ __ ]  want to pay 38 for it just tell them hey man I do   this for $25 bet bet 25 damn I I just paid 38 25  is a good ass Hood hey here you go here’s 25 but  

    You was going but these little cutle cake [ __ ]  these goddamn pigeons out there is taking $7 oh it   it gets to my you know it goes towards my bonus  I get a dollar per ride bonus at the end of the  

    Week bro you take $7 plus a $1 bonus instead of  taking $25 that’s why these [ __ ] don’t make it   in business they don’t have it up here man profits  matter bank accounts matter and you see all these  

    People online look at my app look at how many  rides I did look at how many hours I’m a hard   worker look how many hours I put online Can’t  Nobody Do 84 hours I’m hustling look at this 84  

    Hours I’m doing you’re an idiot you pigeon it  does not take 84 hours to make that much money   it takes brains you could do that [ __ ] in a  fraction of the time with a brain but when you  

    Got a bird brain you pigeoning it with [ __ ]  goddamn popcorn all over the ground you ain’t   making it nowhere fast it’s a waste of opportunity  a waste of time man yeah Dalton is also crushing  

    It on that end yeah all d man because he’s got  them Teslas he sent me DT sent me me uh a video   of him and his wife designing their business  cards man them business cards is hot with them  

    Two [ __ ] tesas on front them business cards is  hot and I was like bro I said all you need because   he when he showed when she flipped the card over I  said all you need on the back because he’s got the  

    Tesla symbol on the back I said you need to put a  QR code on each side of the Tesla symbol you need   to put zel venmo cash app just put two QR codes  on the side but the card is is Flawless the card  

    Is flawless I mean I with the with the two he got  the model Y and the model 3 I think sitting on the   front man both of them white clean as hell just  the way that they the angle that they’re shaped  

    And everything it makes you want to take a [ __ ]  ride them cards are nice my card it only shows   like the front of my car that’s it that’s all it  shows I wish I would have set it up like how he  

    Has his card set up when my next set of cards I’m  gonna do like how he did those I’m gonna have my   car bigger sitting at an angle like that so it  shows the whole card not just the front end I  

    Really like how he did his cards it it gave me  an didal and I was like damn man them cars are   sick sick got his number and everything up on the  bottom I’m like dude this [ __ ] is them cars is  

    Hot them cars is hot and I was like man you just  gave me an idea for my next cards that’s all I   know because that [ __ ] it makes you want to use  it imagine taking that Tesla card out sending him  

    Two white badass [ __ ] Tesla with custom wheels  and [ __ ] on it going I’m calling this for I ride   right here this is who I want to pick me up [ __ ]  that [ __ ] I’m calling this dude right here and  

    That’s how you sell yourself that’s how you sell  your service you don’t let Uber and lift sell you   that like no no you sell yourself that’s it share  the forbs link for passengers to text go viral   among passengers to passengers what’s that what’s  the Forbes link for passengers to text and go  

    Viral among passengers to passengers I don’t know  what that is Teresa I don’t know what that is it   was it a link on there hold up for a second let me  try let me try something where’s theres at uh let  

    Me see all right Teresa I got you in as a m right  now so if you want do me a favor and share that   link whatever link you got just share that link  and tell us what it is because like I said we got  

    Bit Cav’s link up there right now bit Cav’s link  is telling people exactly how they can see how   much the rider paid so it can help you negotiate a  better price that’s what this link is about so I’m  

    Gonna go watch that video after I get off this  live stream because I it it’s going to help me   tomorrow definitely it’s going to help me tomorrow  because I want to see exactly what’s going on [ __ ] said the brakes in my car  barely work but I don’t give a

    [ __ ] this [ __ ] sliding around corners they be like what’s wrong with your  brakes [ __ ] I’m drifting ain’t nothing wrong   with my brakes I don’t think you’re drifting I  think something’s wrong with your brakes [ __ ]   I’m Tokyo Drift just get in I think something’s  wrong with your brakes ain’t nothing wrong with  

    My brakes motherucker hit that [Music] corn  like this [ __ ] sideways the whole ride I’m   drifting I don’t think he’s drifting I think  he needs new breaks he don’t want to admit it is I’m getting that competition hell yeah  Rock I’m telling you man it’s called the JW  

    300 Mafia That’s it so we have a little  group on telegram about nine drivers so   far if there’s anybody that wants to join the  group in uh Vegas or Arizona hit me up the JW  

    Thr Mafia Rick what you can do man is um go  grab the link go grab the link from that I   think you can grab a link for people to join and  just put the link on here I don’t know how that  

    Works like I still haven’t downloaded telegram  man I gotta download some [ __ ] to my phone I   be making sure my phone ain’t got I’ve been  taking off videos clearing up [ __ ] space   and everything on my [ __ ] I because I had to  put hum on there so I had delete a whole bunch  

    Of videos move [ __ ] over to my laptop just so  I could put hum on there because I hate using   all my Ram I like my phone to move fast so I  just take a lot of [ __ ] off keep my phone  

    Moving fast but yeah he gets a little bouncy  on the speed bumps too with shocks and struts gone be you stupid you stupid gets a little  bouncy on the speed bumps too with the shocks   and the shuts gone got no struts no shocks  no breaks mother you got Uber drift T be  

    Like man what did you just come up man that’s  Uber drift man that [ __ ] sick mother got no   shocks no struts and the brakes is gone that  [ __ ] was fun I’m thinking about calling   him [Laughter] back this mother like Mom can  we get Uber drift again that was pretty fun be  

    Like I’ll be there in a minutes mother like like  damn my kid loves your car please never get it   fixed don’t worry [ __ ] I’m not like cool all  right there it is right there okay that’s the  

    And that’s the telegram one right Rick is that  for telegram what is that for what’s that link for [ __ ] roller coaster ex like he ain’t never  getting this car fixed this [ __ ] like roller   coaster ride without going to the carnival what  the man say bro they stealing on Sho and pay  

    Orders I’m calling them as soon as one hour  is over what so what they doing man how they   stealing on shopping orders what are they doing  see Nicks in there he’s cool uh oh wait a minute  

    Yeah all right I’ll see right there okay Nick is  in there he’s a cool cat yeah yeah Nick all right   talking about Uber all right so that right there  all right let me see something real quick uh I’m  

    G try to pin Ricks up there replace pin Okay cool  so I just put Ricks up there I took Cavs down I   put Ricks up there so Kev his pen is going to be  in there for the first half of the live stream so  

    You can always go get Kev so you can find out how  to do you know how to see the passenger price and   everything on there now RX is up there but that’s  the actual chat for telegram and everything so  

    People can pass messages back and forth yes the  telegram group okay cool cool I’mma download   Telegram and I’ll get in and I’m in rer Lisa’s  group on Discord like but that’s the thing I don’t  

    Know how to work this score but I got it on my  it’s my kid [ __ ] but every I open it and it’s a   whole bunch of [ __ ] on Discord I’m like what are  all these [ __ ] groups that my kid is in man it’s  

    Like I got to I got to [ __ ] figure out how to  undo all these groups he’s got way too much [ __ ]   going on on his Discord account because I took it  from him because he don’t use it no more and I was  

    Trying to use it but it’s like holy [ __ ] man I’m  G have to go [ __ ] I’mma go to a YouTube channel   and see how to work Discord because I need to get  all this [ __ ] cleaned up his Discord account is  

    There’s a gazillion [ __ ] things going on I’m  like dude you screwed this account up so bad and   I got rer Lisa in there and I think I got another  group I only got two groups it’s about a 100   [ __ ] groups in there just [ __ ] notifications  like crazy and I’m like always putting stop  

    Notification stop notification stop notification  I’m like dude what did you do to this damn thing oh rer Professor I like love that first 10  drivers 10 free codes to Jeff subscribers private   code chauffeur driver course use code Uber Jeep  AZ hey that right there all right y’all got it  

    Right here man the first 10 drivers Professor he  just blessed us right there first 10 drivers 10   free codes all right Rick I’m G have to replace  those real quick with this one all right there  

    You go that’s it’s up pinned up in the chat  the first 10 drivers 10 free codes to Jeff   subscribers private code Uber Jeep uh private code  or private chauffeur driver course user code Uber  

    Jeep a there we go so if you guys want to get  that course like I said it’s got a lot of good   information it’s it’s like a lot of information  it’s like over information you’re going to have  

    An abundance of information so you can choose your  own Direction Where to go because and that’s how   I used to do when I was corporate I always gave  my boss too much information I would only do it  

    To my boss you’d always say Jeff don’t you too  thorough you’re too thorough you’re giving too   much information only give what people ask that  way you know you don’t create more questions   but I’m kind of like how the professors I like to  give thorough information I give an overabundance  

    So you don’t have to ask me much and like I  said Thank You Professor we appreciate that   brother we appreciate that so if anybody’s ready  to start going down at that private chauffe fur   course you want to start getting like I said I’m  trying to buy a black SUV Logan’s been sending  

    Me Expeditions and Navigators and everything  else like that to my thing because I’m really   trying to come up with the money so I can get a  black SUV just to get started like I said I got  

    The Jeep I got the Beamer but it’s you need a  black car you really need a black SUV for some   of these rides because that’s what people people  are really accustomed to that’s we’re looking for   but doing that show for driver course right there  Uber GPZ appreciate that Professor appreciate that  

    Say he’s pulling for drivers man he’s out there  pulling for drivers and if you guys got success   with the course real [ __ ] if you got success  with it don’t be afraid to speak about it because  

    Just going through that course it gave me enough  courage to to make my first rer my my first video   for using that BMW so I used it and now like when  people see it or whatever it this and that people  

    Say oh man know you do private rides in that car  I said yeah yeah I’ve sent people that link before   and they go dude that car looks nice it looks  different now so I need to redo a video I need to  

    Redo it yeah that’s right K that’s what I do under  promise but overd deliver yeah that’s what it is   man man yes so Professor he hooked us up with that  man what up Chris D back again tag team back again  

    The r the r Professor is the voice of the drivers  I’m telling you man and he’s never been different   never been anything different and he’s one of  those people that that’s willing to see people   succeed because if you if you succeed and you  remember the source of your success always give  

    Back to the source always say hey you know what I  and I tell people even on my channel I would have   never made it this far in life had it not been for  a lot of people and a lot of people will help you  

    Along your path in certain ways that some people  won’t they see you and they want to use you but   some people will give you something they say hey  I want to give you something I want to help you  

    Out and as the professor just did I want to give  you something I want to help you out use this   information because information is power use this  information and start developing something and   once you start doing that man him and Sero make a  great couple yeah they hey they be out here trying  

    To do it man they got two of the biggest channels  on YouTube right now that’s that’s dealing with   drivers right now and dealing with what the apps  are doing two of the largest channels so and I  

    Tell a lot of people watch every channel out there  I don’t tell people not to watch the rer guy you   have to watch everything watch everything I just  choose to watch the professor more because I’m  

    More in line with the direction of what he’s doing  that’s just me though it could be some else like   in more in line with what Sergio’s doing and all  that I just watch the professor more because I’m  

    My energy is on that level and I really want  to you know emulate and help what he’s doing   for these drivers out in the community that’s  just me and like I said and he keeps everybody  

    Up to speed I mean he drops probably about five  videos a day so you’re not going to miss anything   as long as you’re sub to his channel and you get  him like I open by my home page he’s right on my  

    Homepage so I always click like on the video so  I know that I watch it because I watch so many of   his videos I have to a like to make to make sure  I have watched that already because I’m always  

    Watching them as they pop up on my home screen but  he keeps you in the loop and it gives us something   to talk about like when I talked about you know  UK you know standing up and with the taxes and  

    All this stuff I got that information from his  page I’ve run some of his video stream on some   of my videos too because it’s in line with what  I’m doing and YouTube actually looks for that   they look for similarities in videos and they say  since this person watched this video they might  

    Like your content so I tend to watch more content  that’s more like the direction and the energy of   what I’m doing it’s just it’s how it works out  and that’s how information that’s why I think  

    This protest is going to work that’s why I think  it’s going to work because we have so much energy   behind this so many drivers out there that really  the light switches turned on because we’re seeing   the reality of what’s going on we’re seeing them  steel tips seeing them steel fairs seeing them  

    Play us we see the reality and now we finally got  the platform to speak about the reality nobody   Shields it you go to Professor Channel I guarantee  you could talk about whatever happening on this   channel you’re not going to get blocked or flagged  or booted off The channel it’s not going to happen  

    So what you do is you go to a platform you speak  and you find like energy you find common energy   and that’s why when I got the uh message the other  day I ended up putting that into a video today  

    Showing how she was getting 445 she contacted and  got up up graded to an XL she got over $40 for   that ride that was a nugget for all you XL drivers  out there we’re not Excel drivers I’m not an Excel  

    Driver so it’s I can’t use that but just the fact  that I can’t use that don’t mean I shouldn’t give   you that nugget same thing what the professor just  did he’s already a private chauffer he’s already  

    Got people working up on him but he’s willing to  give you a nugget to say I’m going to lift you   guys up if you want to be lifted up I want to give  you another tool for your tool box if you need  

    Another tool your toolbox here it is right here  yeah here’s his channel right there   Astor yep yep I promoted for sure I’m telling  you because most of us don’t realize man private   drivers we are the fight against these apps these  apps are not going to treat us right they’re going  

    To try to bonus out all the new people they’re  not going to bonus out anybody with knowledge   and experience with with writer true driver  education they’re not going to try to pay us   like that so this is what the battle is about it’s  about are we going to say profitable are we going  

    To have the tools for the trade are we going to  be able to to navigate Logistics and do things on   our own without relying on these apps to sell us  for $70 but give us $30 out of the 70 we we can’t  

    Live like this we can’t keep doing this we’ve got  to turn that corner we’ve got to turn that corner   and like I said I’m glad you know on December the  31st you know the professor and I we we kind of  

    Put you know reality on the on the table said this  is reality dude what we’re talking about what how   we’re treating each other is is not right it’s not  healthy for you I or the r share Community it’s  

    Not healthy for anybody involved and I appreciate  it he came up with that because like I sometimes   it takes a clear a calm perspective to look at  things and say Jeff we got to do something bigger  

    You’re latching on to the wrong type of enery  we got something bigger sitting in front of us   I’m working on protests I’m working on this I’m  working on that I can’t be [ __ ] with you Jeff  

    I can’t if you want to help drivers you need to  understand what I’m trying to do I’m like you’re   right you got a good point you’re right you got  a good point cuz I know sometimes how I could be  

    But every once in a while you get into the locker  room like I always talk about that in sports you   get into the locker room and you sit down and you  really talk about what we got to do on that field  

    Out there we can’t be out on the field arguing  in front of all of these fans can’t be in on   the field arguing in front of all these people  we went to the locker room this is not what we  

    Doing man we gonna go out there we gonna win this  [ __ ] it’s drivers against the apps we got to go   out there and win this [ __ ] and I say you know  what you’re right you’re right let’s do it and so  

    I’m I’m glad you know what happened on New Year’s  Eve with the with LT doing what they did and with   Uber was doing what they did because it it really  like I said every time people have funerals more  

    People start coming together because sometimes  it take a tragedy to make people really step up   and see what’s really important about life and  that tragedy was occurring and that’s when the   professor I said you know what there’s something  bigger going on man than the [ __ ] that we’re  

    Playing with back and forth there’s something  bigger going on and it woke us up out of our own   little Skirmish and said there’s a bigger battle  a much bigger battle that we be much better at  

    Fighting on the same side we be much better at  fighting that I couldn’t help but agree I couldn’t   help but agree and so sometimes man you gotta you  got to do it he said get the [ __ ] on Jeff says  

    Goodbye see you we be doing that Jeff the crazy  thing I’m looking forward to the 14th more than   Waste Management Jesse I’m telling you brother woo  the 14th because I think this time it’s really we   are really organized we’re getting more organized  we’re getting better at this I think a lot of  

    Drivers were like just rad tag crws and stuff  like that in the beginning because nobody was   really comprehending what the professor was saying  so you know sometimes you gotta like let’s say you  

    Got a general in the Army you got a general who  says this is what we do okay cool but then you   have like little lieutenants up under that that  actually talk to the Troops directly that’s kind  

    Of how this war is going You’ got a general saying  this is what we need to do this is when we need to   plan our attack now you got little lieutenants  all of us satellite channels we’re nothing but a  

    Bunch of [ __ ] lieutenants that’s all we are so  we talked to our troops this is what we do we’re   coming in this way we’re gonna do this we’re  gonna do that we’re gonna do this we already  

    Got our directive we already know what to do we  already know what the purpose is is to is for the   betterment of drivers we even got drivers going  against us drivers going against us fighting for  

    Them we the wrong we the 300 I tell [ __ ] we the  300 we the wrong ones you want to go against you   don’t want to mess with us so it’s like you know  we got the director from the general now we we  

    The we the 300 coming up on around this flank we  coming this way and when the 300 come through hey   we do the best we can do for any driver that wants  to do better we do the best we can do for any  

    Driver that wants to do better if you don’t want  to do better you might get walked over because we   trying to feed families we trying to make sure  everybody got money in their bank accounts that   nobody’s struggling that if you need your brakes  fixed fix your brakes that’s what we trying to  

    Do that’s what we coming for we’re coming for  money it’s like man see Obama is a part of the   piz gate Barry soda was never born in USA should  have never been pressed born in Indonesia yeah   was uh the good professor says good to bring  our International brothers and sisters into  

    Our channels good people UK drivers Australia  New Zealand sa Europe yeah and I’m and I’m GNA   tell you something we also got Canada I’ve seen  Canadian drivers on your channel Professor there’s   been Canadian drivers on your channel talking  about Canada supports you Toronto supports you you  

    Know Queensland over there like in um Australia  I’ve been seeing a bunch of different countries   so this is different this is different for a  lot of the drivers out there saying oh protests   don’t work protest I don’t think any protest  has ever been a two-month process of planning  

    Two-month process of getting Energy building  up savings moving forward we’ve never seen a   protest I’ve never seen a protest in Rod share at  this magnitude I haven’t if anybody else has it’s   news to me but I’ve never seen a protest reach so  many continents so many country on the exact same  

    Day people with the same sentiment people saying  the same thing people with the same agendas of   going out proving the point to these apps that we  are the drivers and that we deserve the dollars  

    That we out there earning this is not the say like  I said a lot of us are excited I’m excited for the   14th I know I’m doing a live stream that day I I  would like to make it like three four five hours  

    That [ __ ] might go for 12 hours I don’t know  if YouTube servers crash during my live stream   that’s how you no Sergio was promoting in last  week we did a by the way uh video together he is  

    Also contact journalist he’s in and see that’s the  thing a lot of people like I said Sergio a lot of   those guys they work they work in the shadows  a lot so once you understand you know the the  

    Psychology and I’ll tell you how War works and  how battle works you can put all your strategies   upfront you can’t put all your battles right  on the table for for the engineers at the ABY   and for all these people to see sometimes you  got to retain some of that information we’re a  

    Very vocal Channel over here we can put stuff  out there that’s really not you know deeply   embedded into what this whole battle is gonna be  about but there’s players I’m telling you there’s   players probably behind the scene people like  Sergio people like different legislators that  

    Know what’s going on but they’re not vocal like  we are they working with us they just not saying   nothing right now the 14th is going to be very  interesting just be ready I hope it that’s why  

    I had to say that’s dday that’s dday the the 14th  is going to be dday and I’m glad that we chose the   14th because they ain’t been showing us no love  every holiday no love showing us no love so how  

    Ironic in the day of love we gonna return that  same energy back man I love that [ __ ] was so   perfect it’s like the day of love oh we returning  that same energy since we ain’t been getting none   guess what y’all ain’t getting none either man  that shit’s you cannot script something better  

    Than that so was like the apps are going to sit  there they going to have Val they going to see   Valentine’s Day every year like when you look at  you look in history they used to call it what the  

    Valentine’s Day Massacre that’s what it’s gonna  feel like the Valentine’s Day Massacre man this is   he probably thinks the only way to fix situation  is to legislate through government even though he   doesn’t want the government to get involved and  I’m going tell you about legislation if we can  

    All we need to get honestly like my man time to  wake up he’s not in the Stream tonight but he got   hurt doing deliveries the other day and we talk  about this all the time on this channel about not  

    Having workers comp and stuff like that he got  hurt doing deliveries yesterday I think I saw   him on glitch Dash’s live stream so he got hurt  he can’t even do deliveries right now he tore  

    His like ACL or something weird like that so this  man is not making any money right now he’s down so   I’m like he’s like well I’m gonna start doing ride  share again because I can’t get out of the car you  

    Know my ACL tour or something like that so what  that means is that if we can get legislation to   give like I said we should have oosha protection  we should have same thing as the mail carriers  

    Just some kind of protection for people who are  getting out of the cars walking up and downstairs   walking across sidewalks walking through parking  lots walking through snow and water they should   have some type of protections they have no  protection whatsoever zero protection if they  

    Get hurt walking some tacos across the concrete  they’re done they don’t get no more money they   don’t get benefits they don’t get anything that  can’t be right something’s wrong with that to me   something just wrong with that oh yeah Prof you’re  right together we are victorious divid we fall  

    We deserve better pay better safety and wrongful  deactivation to stop stealing our money everything   you said brother everything you said I’m calling  you General Jeff shakaz Zulu leader of the 300   I’m tell you man I’m I’mma have to put I’mma  have to get the whole shakaz Zulu logo I’m gon  

    Go find that logo I’m gonna make me a shirt with  shakaz Zulu on that they gonna realize we ain’t   playing we coming with that energy this time this  this protest is different this one is different  

    Because I think a lot of us believe believe from  what we’ve seen from just what we’ve seen in the   last three holidays even in the last six months  of driving ride share the the audacity just the  

    Way that they’re treating us the way they’re not  giving us money the way they’re stealing from us   like right to our faces I mean it’s it it’s  getting out of hand it’s getting out of hand  

    And it’s those pigeon Riders out there that don’t  care they don’t care oh I’m gon Ste Drive I don’t   care I’m gonna go out here and get this money I’m  G do this I’mma do that they’re not seeing it man  

    They’re not seeing it but we we’re not going to  let them change us even today the comments oh   one dude’s like oh man every driver I talked to  either never heard about it or they said they’re  

    Driving that day I said that’s cool we ain’t  got to deal with them we’re not worried about   them for all I know your comment could be true it  could be false it doesn’t make a difference we’re  

    Doing what we do so whether or not your comment is  true and everybody you talk to don’t know about it   or they’re still driving or whether you just  bullshitting me it doesn’t make a difference   we’re still walking forward you don’t stop a whole  Army of people walking forward don’t stop because  

    Hey man they said that they’re not we don’t care  get out the way you goingon to get walked over get   out the way so y they can drop comments all they  want on my channel everybody GNA be driving you  

    Guys are stupid you guys are idiots have a nice  day we still walking forward and they think this   is the first protest is the only one no this has  been probably the fifth or sixth protest they’re   slowly getting bigger slowly getting bigger and  you think this one’s massive oh wait till the  

    Next one this one should should spark a little  a little nerve with somebody it should it should   hit a nerve this one should hit a nerve especially  with the riders that can’t find rides and going to  

    Be getting decline all day it’s going to hit their  nerves they’re going to complain they’re going to   complain so much the apps are going to say we need  to open up our profits a little bit more because   we got Riders complaining and Riders taking more  private rides now than ever before that’s what  

    We’re trying to do that’s what we’re trying to do  get people to say hey we can’t rely on the apps   for a ride anymore I’m tired of being reliable  for you paying $80 and me getting 32 I’m tired  

    Of being that reliable if if you’re paying 80 I  should be getting 70 I should be getting 65 I’ll   be that reliable but to be getting $30 and you  paying 80 I don’t want to be that reliable anymore  

    I don’t want to be that reliable so no decline all  day long decline Jeff go pick decline Jeff they   got decline turn the app off shut up it’s like  Jeff paint your face like Camala the Head Hunter  

    From ww back in the day oh Cala I forgot about  Cala oh yeah that was my guy that was my guy King   Cala that was my and I was just watching something  about WWF because they had um somebody just passed  

    Away with W I can’t remember who it was but  I remember Cala I grew up in Memphis watching   wrestling with Jerry Lawler man all these guys  man the Midsouth Coliseum I love wrestling I grew   up watching him it was fun say I’m subscribed to  both Jeff’s Channel and R sh professor’s channel  

    Oh thank you Paris and see that’s the thing  and I tell people you’re not going to be in   the loop unless you subscribe to either one of  our channels I mean subscribe to both because if   you’re in the loop Loop is just information and  we’re not ever going to give information to get  

    People to to not make money all the information  we’re giving you is to try to make more money   that’s it that’s it see how much you want to bet  they say the same thing about Malcolm X Marther  

    King it won’t work telling you Dante protest work  as long as people keep protesting never give up   don’t let them defeat you because one didn’t work  out how you thought or the second one didn’t work  

    Out how you thought or the third one didn’t work  out how you thought look at every protest that’s   ever been done in history systematically there’s  a reason why we have integrated school systems   right now it wasn’t the the the most popular thing  at one point in time it wasn’t the most popular  

    Thing but now now you go to a school that’s not  integrated it feels weird it’s like holy [ __ ]   where all the white people at it’s like it’s all  black people in here or you walking like damn  

    There’s all white people in here where all the  black people at I mean to walk into an integrated   School you feel like this is how the world looks  we’re preparing our kids for the world this is   how the world looks when you walk into Corporate  America this is how Corporate America looks it’s  

    Race involved this is how a neighborhood looks  when you come into a neighborhood it’s every race   involved so when you have an educational setting  you want people to have you know the capacity to   think and to talk and to read and debate people of  all Races you don’t want to just quarantine people  

    From One race from another race because then when  you put them into a real world setting they don’t   know how to act that’s why I tell people from the  hood especially from the hoods I’m at make sure  

    Your kids travel that’s it I don’t give a [ __ ]  about rims I mean I still shop at the Goodwill I   don’t give a [ __ ] about clothes make sure your  kids travel why why they got travel we could do I  

    Could save that money no when your kids travel  they open their mind to other worlds out there   every human you talk to is a whole another  world they have different experiences than   you they have a different background different  parents grandparents aunts and uncles or friends  

    You talk to more people you get traveled you  go out there already trust me you’re gonna be a   well diversed person ready for this [ __ ] Earth  you’re gonna be ready for this planet but when   you trap yourself in a small ass ho you become a  pigeon looking for [ __ ] popcorn that’s what you  

    Become where that little $4 Rod at it’s like man  oh Merlin there you go brother there you go I sign   up already Professor thank you too Jeff you’re  awesome oh Merlin so you like me like I said  

    We signed up already man I appreciate that thank  you Professor for the free signups you just gave   us oh pre hey man Professor he’s legit with that  one man I love that the fact that he’s willing to  

    You know help people get more in line and like  I said we’ve got to share our experiences with   private rides so more people because there’s so  much misinformation about private rides out there   so much oh you don’t know what you you don’t know  you this and that you’re going to wreck man I’ve  

    Been driving since I 15 years old I ain’t total no  car out I’m 50 I haven’t total a car out yet I’m   50 so from 15 to 50 I’ve been driving the same way  what are you talking about you don’t even know my  

    Driving style you don’t know I don’t ride in the  curb Lane like everybody else so I don’t wreck my   cars like everybody else it’s rare the only time  I’m in the curb Lane is if I’m making a right turn  

    All people wrecking the curb Lane I don’t drive in  the curb Lane I ride the middle to the left that’s   just how I am and all you gonna wreck you don’t  know my driving style dog I I do this driving  

    Is what I do that’s why I love to drive because I  do this I feel comfortable doing this I know when   it’s too much traffic for me I know when there  crazy drivers out who just woke up out of bed and  

    Don’t know what the hell they doing I know when  people are speeding through traffic doing this   doing that and I say let me back off I don’t speed  up to keep up with them to be mean to them and try  

    To block them and no that’s stupid [ __ ] I see  people doing it all the time in traffic speeding   up trying to block people and I’m like dude what  are you doing if he wants to speed through back  

    Off let him wreck his car you you sit back relax  because they guarantee in about 20 minutes that’s   car gonna be put on a flatbed because of the way  he’s driving don’t try to block him in don’t you  

    Stay away from his car stay away from him keep  your car Safe Keep Your Life safe I’m gonna block   him in I’m not gonna let him over I’m like too  much just too much yeah z bar yep the buck doesn’t  

    Stop in United States there’s a big world out  there I’m going to Cub and Spain is year I’m time   to travel Dante I was just saying today I want to  go to Portugal I got buddies in Portugal I’ve been  

    Friends with since like 2014 and I’ve never been  to Portugal it would be cool Raj your professor   there you go brother 2024 no more being nice don’t  be a pigeon driver be a giant ostrich on steroids   driver that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m  saying all these little pigeons out there be an  

    Ostrich you got to put the fear in these apps put  the fear Everybody’s scared of an ostrich biggest   bird on the planet Everybody’s scared of because  they know the talents on the ostrich can kill a  

    Man they’re like what like six six inches long as  the talons on an ostrich trust me you want to be   an ostrich you don’t want to be a pigeon it’s like  and we got way too many pigeons out here trying  

    To drive acting like they really doing business  I’m like you’re not doing business you’re doing   busy work this is employee minded work you’re  a contractor you should be looking at profits   bottom line don’t look at well I was busy all day  so it was good were you profitable all day though  

    And what were your profit margins are your profit  margins growing or your profit margin shrinking as   a business person you have to know these things  they call it Trend analysis if you’re not doing   a trend analysis of how you’re doing you could be  doing business worse than what you used to do so  

    If you’re doing business worse than what you used  to do you made a change somewhere that you have to   undo and say you know I need to drive differently  or I need to make better profits my bank account’s  

    Going down something’s happening a lot of people  there all they look at is their screen and they go   oh look I made $1,400 this week but they don’t  tell you they drove twice as far say well you  

    Drove twice as many miles as you drove to make  that 1400 so last week you drove like 800 miles to   make 1400 this week you drove 1600 miles to make  1400 so your profit margins are different for the  

    Same amount of money you making so you’ve got to  be a business mind to be involved in Riot share   and we’re letting a lot of people like did you  just see they got 12,000 employees like Professor  

    I haven’t check your channel yet because I’ve been  on this live stream but I saw another Channel and   I don’t know if you talked about it already but  there’s 12,000 UPS employees or something like   that being uh let go they’re talking about over  12,000 employees let go these I don’t know if  

    They’re internal like workers or they’re drivers  but just think this could potentially be 12,000   more people instantly trying to sign up for the  apps instantly because they have no other way oh   well it’s going to take me you know two weeks to  get on so let me you know do something this it’s  

    Gonna take me a few months to find another job  all these people are GNA flood to the apps because   they keep hearing oh man it’s so busy my apps  stay pinging they never talk about profits though  

    So yeah what up William Mills my brother what’s up  Serge just doing a show of di of a driver he knows   that the $5 fairs was getting can’t supplement  the driver’s business plus the rer professor is  

    Going to be on his show soon oh yeah and and like  I said I’m so glad so glad that Sergio started   doing screen recording because it’s true and a lot  of people listen to Sergio whether you like him  

    Or not whether up or down sideways a lot of people  listen to so when he’s logging the truth you can’t   now you see why his videos are going viral because  he’s telling the truth he’s showing the truth  

    There is no rhetoric to what he’s screen recording  he’s showing exactly what’s going on in La what’s   going on in California people want to see the  truth truth that’s all we want to see we don’t  

    Want to hear rhetoric we don’t hear this and that  the moment he started selling the truth I think   more people really started paying attention like  you know what Sergio is is starting to understand   the frustration behind a lot of drivers not only  is he understanding it but he’s showing it on a  

    Frequent basis now he’s got riers talking he’s got  people talking he’s showing it on a more frequent   basis the apps can’t can’t say [ __ ] to Sir  they can’t Sergio stop showing the truth Sergio  

    Stop they can’t tell him that he has to show the  truth he can’t just all no no exactly can’t buy a   pack of gum this is what I’m saying real [ __ ] I  mean it cost like four bucks to buy like a couple  

    Of packs of Mentos you can’t even buy that but  they got us out here this traffic doing this this   is crazy crazy they will start driving out after  their unemployment runs out yeah I’m telling you  

    Man I’m telling you what up DB what up Jeff do  DeAndre coming at you from the AZ baby kicking   my feet up at the barbecue what up DeAndre my man  yeah but hopefully like I said if the professor  

    Can drop a drop a video about the because I’m not  going to do a video about the UPS drivers because   I think we have enough news channels out there  that that really dig into the meat of it and we  

    Can discuss what can happen about it but this is  good content for his catalog he’s got a really big   catalog of a lot of good information like I tell  people man I’m a I’m a YouTube Watcher I don’t  

    Even have Facebook on my phone I don’t and I don’t  want it because there’s enough information to feed   me on YouTube where I can go to somebody’s Channel  and just type in a topic I want to talk about I  

    Guarantee there’s a video on on the rer channel  on the professor Channel guarantee let go to his   channel type in so you know I want to see what it  sure enough video pops up should it be like a year  

    And a half old you’re like damn and you’ll get  your information out of that I’m I’m an archive   guy I love history historical trends when when as  an accountant the first thing they tell you is to  

    Go over the old system and how he’s doing the  old system you generate Trend analysis based on   Old information comparing it to new information  if you don’t know where you’ve been you don’t   know where you’re going if you’re just starting  today you have no idea where we’ve been you got  

    To Look Backwards look back at where we’ve been so  you can understand why we’re upset right now why   we’re pissed off about what we’re getting paid why  these rides are trash why these rides are garbage   why we’re fighting about the same stuff and it  just keeps going downhill that’s why this protest  

    Is different we’re tired of it man we’re tired  of it yeah the rer guy has a live stream every   Tuesday the rer professor does videos daily I’m  telling you like I said and and you can sit there  

    And his videos are quick I mean they’re anywhere  from let me say 5 minutes to like 15 18 minutes   so that’s that’s something that you can easily  watch if you know you only got like 5 10 minutes  

    You want to watch some before you like head out  somewhere just hit the video walk off my videos   are more like longer they’re for like people who  just like you out all day just drive and just like  

    Man I just want to click play and just drive so  you don’t gotta mess with no channels and [ __ ]   like that but I be rolling say what up Matt my  man my man Matt is in the building he can buy  

    Crusty Dusty though if they don’t sale half price  [ __ ] Sergey had a video talking $3 rides trying   to prove nothing taking $ three rods to trying  to prove nothing pigeon that’s the first thing   I thought about when I saw that UPS article  there’s going to be 12K new drivers only apps  

    Yeah man the brother had a lot of great content  H over there and subscribe that’s right Rick man   and I tell people archives is is what you want to  really see I look at a lot of like documentaries  

    I watch a lot of old movies and documentaries but  I also look at a lot of old kind content so when   you find somebody with like a thousand videos on  their Channel that’s good that’s a good Library  

    You go to somebody’s channel has like 13 videos  you know nine videos they’re building their C   they’re building their content you go to somebody  that got 500,000 videos oh trust me it’s some it’s   some good content in there it’s just like going  to the library using the [ __ ] Dewey Decimal  

    System you got to go up to that search box type  in something that interests you and watch like   nine videos [ __ ] pop up and just choose whatever  you want to watch it’s like man yeah exactly and   that’s the thing the old stuff from New Year’s  Eve and waste management I’m telling you Rick  

    Man Waste Management last year was crazy but that  was also based on the Super Bowl being here and so   I tell people you know events can can be like  you can steroid an event real quick you could  

    Steroid your weekly pay real people say oh man  we did great that’s because you had a you had   a game that week that’s why you did great and  every other driver didn’t have a game in their   city that week so you can’t compare your weekly  earnings to somebody else’s weekly earnings when  

    You had an NFL game this week and nobody else  had an NFL game so that’s why I tell people I   don’t compete with no other drivers it’s hard to  compete because we’re not all driving in the same  

    Time zones with the same events in the same cars  with the same traffic you can’t compete you can’t   compete with each other you can only help each  other that’s all you can do because I guarantee  

    Somebody that’s got a sports team in a city or  two sports teams in a city may always do better   than somebody with no sports team in a city that  doesn’t mean the person with two sports teams is  

    A is a better driver the person with no Sports  teams at all might be a higher profit margin   driver than the people with two sports teams  because the ones with no teams has to drive   at a higher profit to make a living so they’re  only cherry-picking and taking good rides and  

    Doing certain they don’t have a game to rely on  but then you go to a city that’s got people with   two game like we got sports teams in in hockey we  got it in baseball basketball and football and we  

    Still going broke four sports teams in Arizona and  we still going broke so you can’t tell me sports   teams are what’s going to make you a lot of money  no smart driving makes you a lot of money and I’m  

    Telling you man what what do you say uh time to  get offline Uber send me 10 rides in a road below   50 cents all right Nick that’s crazy say what  Professor come up there all right Professor you  

    Have a good night brother you have a good night  brother says hit me up when you go to portug we   have family house in casz just outside of Lisbon  my sister can show you around you’ll love Portugal  

    Port is also beautiful Al gavari has breathtaken  I got a lot of bike riders over there man I got a   lot of motorcyclist guys over there they’re all  married they be on a beach eating and drinking  

    And having fun I know a sheriff there’s a Sheriff  over there and he wants to hang out too he’s one   of the old bers I know he actually used to be a  sheriff now they called him the sheriff but he  

    Was one of the sheriffs over in Portugal so yeah  man I definitely want to check her out when I get   in Lisbon man I’ve seen pictures of lisbian man  lisbian is beautiful lisbian is beautiful if you  

    Watch um what’s that what’s that uh show Heist  money Heist money Heist got Lisbon on there I   love Lisbon Lisbon is a beautiful place historic  historic so definitely man if I go to Portugal I   will be hitting you up Professor I will and I  had the professor I’ll have uh the sheriff and  

    Everybody come pick me up and will our crews  down just be like what are you doing with all   these police I’m like this is the sheriff what do  you mean he’s one of my buddies he was like man  

    So we got a sheriff over there also up in Denmark  we’ve got one of the old Fire Chiefs he was one   of the uh most historic Fire Chiefs he’s one of  my buddies up there and and Finland and Denmark  

    And all those are I think he’s in Denmark because  I remember I tried to ship him some stuff one time   and he got hung up in customs and we were going  back and forth about he was like dude next time  

    Just make just say gift don’t say this I was  like oh my bad so I started learning how to do   custom shipping with like you know all these guys  overseas they taught me how to do custom shipping  

    A whole lot easier so they don’t got to pay a lot  but I did uh I think they ordered something one   time he ordered an exhaust system one time he says  dude I had to pay twice for my exhaust system I  

    Had to buy it had to pay the same price at Customs  I was like what he’s like yeah I don’t I don’t   import a lot of [ __ ] man so yeah I got some it’s  some really cool people overseas man I love those  

    Guys man like I said they they’ve always hit me up  every once in a while especially on Instagram and   stuff like that just to making sure I’m I’m still  alive and well I’m not riding as much as I used to  

    They’re like yeah man we just check on you from  time to time I’m like yeah yeah still here so if   I get to Portugal I said Professor I’m g hit you  up man and be like hey I’m landing I’m I’m finally  

    Here man first time ever I I really want to go  to Portugal I’ve seen enough I’ve seen enough   and that place Portugal New Zealand and Australia  I think those are the three places I really Ghana  

    And Ghana a lot of people go to Ghana and they say  once you go to Ghana you never want to come back   to America so those are like places I really  want to go because I watched enough you know  

    Documentaries and [ __ ] about them and I’ve seen  this the history I’ve seen like the people the   shopping districts and all man the food bazaars  and all that stuff dude America’s cool trust me   America’s cool I love this place man it’s where I  am but it’s so much outside of this country that  

    Just blow your mind with with like Humanity like  how things really are outside of this country just   the way people live and Portugal is one of those  Easy Living places like people have really nice   spots that Overlook the ocean and everything they  go downstairs they eat these little meals on these  

    Little platters they got like their little dips  and stuff like that they got their little beers   and their Champagnes and all that stuff and glass  and all that stuff it’s way different and it’s   every day it’s not like a special event it’s just  how they live it’s like Jesus well we’re going to  

    Ride down to the Beach real quick probably you  know grab a bite to eat this and that they’re   going to cruise up the coast and and that’s just  what they do every day it’s like that’s it that’s  

    It and for us it’s like a vacation to them it’s  like Tuesday I’m like I want to come over there on   Tuesday [ __ ] I want to go over there on Tuesday  no that’s a vacation to me no man it’s just [ __ ]  

    Tuesday it’s just Tuesday like all right so  they used to be worth it I don’t work one NFL   game this season oh you didn’t work all right all  right cool cool say I can’t compete with just cuz  

    He leaves me in my Elantra in the dust Jesse you  wow man but the thing about your Elantra you make   way more high-profit margin RIS than I make I’m  running like 25 miles a gallon on Street Highway  

    Is better but 25 miles a gallon on the street and  I mainly do streets because the highways I’m on my   third windshield messing with these highways I’ll  be staying off them highways I’m like nope because   out here they got rocks get stuck in people’s  Treads so as you’re driving on the highway  

    All you hear is tick tick tick tick TI tick tick  all over your windshield anybody in Arizona will   tell you they call it the Arizona pinstripes  when you got the two B big blue duct tapes on   your windshield holding on a brand new windshield  because everybody gets the Arizona pinstripes they  

    Said what’s Arizona pinstripes two stripes of blue  tape holding on a new windshield everybody has   that because You’ be going on the highway TI like  somebody’s throwing rocks at you the whole time   like man because people driving through driveways  or they’ll be cutting through corners or going you  

    Know cutting through an Alleyway to get somewhere  else and little bitty rocks get stuck inside of   their Treads and as they’re driving highways  they’re hitting bumps those rocks are finally   loosening up and they’re coming off the cars so  you’re already going 6070 they’re going about  

    6070 that rock is coming at you pretty fast that’s  why I’m like dud I just stay out the highways like   n I’m cool on that [ __ ] I’m like he was like  dude you get better gas mileage I’m like yeah  

    You go through windshields a whole lot faster  too I rather just like lose a couple of miles   per gallon then keep replacing my windshields over  and over the Jeep’s on his third one Cadillac’s on  

    The second one the Beamer on his third one I’m  like all out here and I only been here for like   five years I came out was 18 yeah six years I’ve  been here for six years in February six years and  

    I had more windshield people in my driveway than  ever before I even got videos of that [ __ ] on   my channel getting new windshields in all the cars  it’s just that’s Arizona man you get rock stuck in  

    Your wheels and you just driving on the highway  you’re talking to people in the car yeah yeah   so how you guys tick tick tick I’m like oh [ __ ]  big ass chip in the windshield like God damn even  

    The one I got right now brand new one it’s got  a little Nick in it damn near dead center Little   Nick I’m like this is a brand new windshield says  what is our ultimate goal of febru the 14 protest  

    Nick the ultimate goal of any protest don’t make  a difference what you’re protesting is attention   if you’re not bringing attention to it it’s not  a protest you have to bring attention to an issue   without bringing attention to an issue what what  is the point of you even taking the time off what  

    Is the point of you protesting what is the point  of you even talking about it if nobody’s listening   to you protest how many people are complaining  about this protest this protest we a’t heard about   the protest that it’s bringing attention it’s  bringing so it’s working it’s bringing attention  

    Media’s already talked about I already seen a  couple of news uh things on YouTube talking about   the fabr 14 protest you see a lot of new people  talking about coming in on the protest and stuff   like that bringing attention to the situation  that the rod share industry is not what it used  

    To be drivers are now living like dayto day it’s  not even check to check sheet it’s day to day you   can drive today make $200 you can drive tomorrow  have a blowout the money you just made yesterday  

    Fixes your blowout and you back at zero again  we’re living dayt day now that’s how bad this   [ __ ] has gotten we used to be able to make you  know four or 500 have Savings in the bank we can  

    Have a car repair go out and get the car fixed  and still have money in the bank now the money   you just made is going out the door now that’s  how bad it’s getting you can’t you can’t yes  

    Ride the ride [ __ ] you I mean my buddy Chad he  was talking about man I I got to go [ __ ] make 20   bucks man I’m almost run out of gas I go to make  20 bucks to put 20 bucks in my car I was like damn  

    That’s how bad it’s getting that’s how people are  riding around sitting around doing this and doing   and it’s like we’re not making the profits we’re  paying bills at the house we’re getting groceries  

    For the house we’re doing what we got to do for  the house and we’re like okay now let me put some   money back into the business let me put some tires  on the car let me put some gas in the car how much  

    Money do I got left $13.97 holy [ __ ] I ain’t got  nothing to put back into the business so am I out   of business because I ain’t got no money to put  back into business the protest is to let people  

    Know this is how it’s going now it’s never been  this bad for a lot of us a lot of us so unless   we speak up about it and stand up about it rers  how do we make these corporations so much money  

    How do we make them so profit why are there stocks  so high but our personal private stocks in our own   lives so low our private personal stock has never  been this low in our lives we’re the most you know  

    Diminished Val value industry out there when it  comes to contractors but we’re one of the most   wealthiest companies when it comes to the tech  side of it so why is the tech side worth so much   but The Human Side not worth [ __ ] that’s what  this protest is about bringing attention to that  

    So if people don’t hear that people don’t want to  hear that people don’t [ __ ] cool cancel their   [ __ ] ass and keep it moving because there’s  a driver out there probably just like them and   they could sit there for four days waiting on a  [ __ ] ride well I don’t give a [ __ ] about y’all  

    Not being paid you don’t want to go get a real job  tell you what sir I’m going to cancel your [ __ ]   ride right here so I going to give me a real  job is that cool with you I’m going to cancel  

    Your ass and I’m going to go in here and fill out  application so I’m going to cancel this ride and   walk in here and F applicate Well you got to take  me to where I gotta go [ __ ] I’m listening to you  

    You just told me if I don’t like doing what I do  then don’t do it go get a real job so I’m dropping   you the [ __ ] off right here I’m GNA go do go get  me a real job thank you for the advice well don’t  

    Don’t get a real job right now what the [ __ ] you  mean not right now this [ __ ] ain’t worth nothing   to me and you just told me if I don’t like doing  this [ __ ] go get a real job so I’m G to go get  

    A real job get [ __ ] out of my car I don’t work  for Uber no more you got to get out [ __ ] don’t   like that because that [ __ ] affects them now  see people don’t give a [ __ ] unless it affects  

    Them when it starts affecting them now they want  to care about it just like all these drivers out   there we don’t give a [ __ ] about y’all protest  we don’t give a [ __ ] about y’all Pro I said okay  

    Cool everybody stay online let’s push the surge  down to the [ __ ] everybody stay online surge is   gonna [ __ ] crash the moment none of these [ __ ]  get surge all day now it affects them all it’s   because all you [ __ ] sat online and didn’t take  no rides we didn’t make no money like we wanted  

    To make guess what we don’t make money like we  want to make every [ __ ] day and you don’t seem   to care about that so you don’t make money on one  day that you think you want to make you think we  

    Should care about that we trying to say we don’t  make money every day like we should be making and   you said I don’t give a [ __ ] Jeff so we said  okay if you want to make money on Valentine’s  

    Day and you don’t make that money we don’t give  a [ __ ] dog we really don’t that’s one day you   ain’t make money we doing this [ __ ] every day  we don’t make money every day so that’s what these  

    Protests is about man it’s about getting people  getting people to wake up and realize hum humans   made this industry technology didn’t make this  in technology is taking over this industry and   if we sit back and allow Tech to take over this  industry then we sat here and let them [ __ ] do  

    Just like people say we’re allowing our country  to be invaded right now when you allow something   that’s your tolerance the point of elasticity you  can look up the point of elasticity it’s the level   at which you tolerate something and you finally  snap that’s your point of elasticity I think a  

    Lot of us got to the point of elasticity we’re  starting to look right now and say okay this is   our [ __ ] breaking point this is it because in  economics and finance they have this thing called   point of elasticity you got equilibriums and you  got points of elasticity points of elasticity is  

    When you finally break equilibrium is where  everything’s copesthetic so when your price   your supply your demand everything’s cool but  guess what these greedy [ __ ] do we see there’s   a good equilibrium drivers are happy apps are  making a little bit let’s let’s let’s change  

    The equilibrium and see what happens so they  change the equilibrium they push it to the point   of elasticity where do people break as far as how  much they’re willing to pay where do people break   as far as how less they’re willing to drive for  okay that’s the point of lasticity therefore this  

    Is our profit margin right here we figured out a  good equilibrium right now we can charge people so   much per mile and they’re cool with it and we can  pay drivers so much per mile they cool with it and  

    That’s our Gap in the middle we found the point  of v through pushing our points of elasticity   now we [ __ ] all that up we [ __ ] all that up  cuz like I said we going to sit here sit our ass  

    Online and decline rides all day they’re going to  be like dude our acceptance rate and our decline   rates across the boards went through the [ __ ]  floor on Valentine’s Day what the hell happened we   didn’t pay surge out there were too many drivers  on the market nobody was getting picked up what  

    The [ __ ] going on it’s like yeah man thank you  Miss Teresa everyone please remember like this   awesome chat Channel man this is what we do see I  see that’s why we don’t need everyone to protest   just enough people to notice that’s right Nick  that’s why I told people give a [ __ ] if they  

    Protest or not they’re going to be out driving  let them we’re going to be sitting at home online   we’ll see how much surgers out there now when  they sit on Valentine like I said on Thanksgiving  

    We didn’t get paid [ __ ] Christmas we didn’t get  paid [ __ ] New Year’s Eve a lot of people didn’t   get paid period and so on Valentine’s Day they  really think they gonna go out there and do some  

    Major [ __ ] because oh there’s a protest going on  we fa [ __ ] make Bank you idiots ain’t driving we   F to make Bank on y’all dumb ass we okay go drive  have fun at it we G to see how many [ __ ] man I  

    Was getting $3 rodes all day $4 rides all day it  never surged all day on Valentine’s Day what the   [ __ ] happened on Valentine’s Day you know what  the [ __ ] happened you know what it is [ __ ] you  

    Know what the [ __ ] happened don’t play stupid  it was a protest going on and the protest works   and you see people sitting there man I drove  all day I can’t believe these ragged ass ass   man I made $192 on Valentine’s Day taking the  man I yeah the protest worked then it worked  

    Because you noticed that drivers can change the  algorithm you know notice drivers can change and   alter the pricing which means we can change and  alter the profits if we can change and alter the   profits we’re forced to be [ __ ] with now because  the apps no longer can count on well we’re gonna  

    Make all these people drive we’re gonna make  all these profits on these people’s backs and   this and that oh trust me a lot of people that  day gonna be doing private rides they gonna be   rolling up like a [ __ ] hey man ain’t no surge  out I’m getting paid $9 for this ride normally  

    You know I get paid at least like 25 and I’m  getting $9 people be like oh well we paid 51   for this what you paid 51 for this why am I get  $9 then that’s what it’s going to be ain’t GNA be  

    No surge out there so unless all these drivers  open their mouths all these drivers open their   mouths and get these people to do cash rides guess  what they ain’t gonna get no [ __ ] money so we  

    Gonna force all these people that want to go out  there and drrive talk oh you ain’t got commercial   insurance yet guess what all you [ __ ] gonna be  doing cash rods all day how much money is the app  

    Gonna make none so y’all gonna sit around doing  cash rides all [ __ ] day talking about some well   if you do cash rides you gonna get get you gonna  get deactivated guess what y’all [ __ ] driving   all day so if that’s your logic doing cash rides  goingon to get you deactivated you got a choice  

    To [ __ ] make then I mean you said it you got a  choice to make either you gonna drive all day and   go broke you’re gonna take your chance on cash rid  to get money and according to your logic you might  

    Get [ __ ] deactivated so now it’s time to play  chess what you gonna do what’s your move [ __ ]   what’s your move we done made a move we sitting  there thinking what’s your next move we made our  

    Move what you got so yeah everybody H out be boy C  it actually real [ __ ] the rate they paying Z man   the last three holidays have been garbage garbage  I don’t think I probably drive another holiday I

    Won’t say hey Jeff uh was there a protest today  because I didn’t make [ __ ] the struggle was real   brother or I think what it is these these apps  are ramping up they’re especially in Phoenix like   they got sales meetings going on because they’re  selling rides they got marketing campaigns sales  

    Campaigns they have sales meetings they do all  of this [ __ ] just like any other Corporation   so they’re sitting around trying to figure out how  are we going to sell rides trap the ride so these  

    People cannot take the ride from under us we need  to come up with stuff in the algorithm we need to   come up with stuff in the systems they’re working  their ass off right now they know we coming that’s  

    Why they linking up with venmo that’s why they  trying to get all these Riders they sending out   cancellation notice to everybody now canceling too  many rides can get you deactivated you know you   you got some suspicious activity on your account  they sending this [ __ ] out to everybody they  

    Scared like a [ __ ] right now they scared they  sending all these warning shots to us all these   warning shots they sending out don’t send out no  warning shot send out some surge if if you don’t   like the way we drive and send out [ __ ] surge  you wasting your time sending us warning shots  

    Send out an extra five dollars go ahead put you  know $50 for the next five rides put that [ __ ]   out don’t send on no warrant shot y’all got time  you [ __ ] got money in the [ __ ] bank you got  

    Time send out some [ __ ] money stop playing  games with drivers because the more you play   games with drivers the more we gonna fight back  we’re not gonna just lay down because you I’m   gonna deactivate you knock yourself the [ __ ]  out I’m G become a cash Rider 100% of the time  

    Then you deactivate me I’m nothing but a c and  that’s my car my nice piece of [ __ ] sitting   outside that’s you selling for 7080 a pop so for  you to get rid of that [ __ ] out there and for me  

    To use it and that’s all I got oh I’m hardcore  with that [ __ ] now so you is the or losing   inventory you losing inventory you was banking  on that [ __ ] you charging people $80 and I’m  

    Getting 30 and 40 That’s you making money with  that car out there I’m not making money with that   car out there which is why I’m [ __ ] protesting  so if you’re gonna tell me Jeff we gonna kick you  

    Off the app because we tired of making money with  your car and tired of breaking you you telling me   that you telling me you gonna kick me off the app  because you tired of breaking me and you tired of  

    Making profits on my car how stupid does that  sound you gonna kick me off the app because I   want to eat too that means you don’t give a [ __ ]  about me so why do I even got my car on your app  

    To begin with if that’s what you telling me to my  face we don’t care if you eat or not Jeff we need   your car for profits you can’t undercut us Jeff  we need your car for profits like [ __ ] I need to  

    Pay for this car I need to pay for the house where  I park this car I need to pay for the body to eat   food of the driver that drives this [ __ ] car I  need clothes to put on the body of the driver that  

    Dri so if none of that [ __ ] matters to you and  all you care about is using my car to make profits   for you don’t give a [ __ ] about me so why should  I care about how you feel as a app how why should  

    I even care I’m going cancel you do me the [ __ ]  favor do it do me the [ __ ] favor because like I   said I don’t even use lift no more lift wants me  to update [ __ ] lft because I don’t know what I’m  

    Updating for y’all ain’t put no more money on my  app so what the [ __ ] am I updating for I ain’t   never seen a better ride with any update I’ve  ever done I’m not getting better rides so what  

    Is the update tell me call me on the [ __ ] phone  hey Jeff we send you an update this is what the   update is is really doing okay we need to see what  kind of like Merchant transactions you’re doing in  

    Your phone so now you’re giving us the ability to  look at the following apps Merchant activity we   we can look at your cash app your vinmo your zel  that’s what we’re doing now that’s really what  

    That update is for Jeff I mean if you really want  to know we don’t give a [ __ ] about what video   game you’re playing on your phone don’t give a  [ __ ] about who you’re really texting we don’t  

    Give a [ __ ] who you call every once in a while  we just want to see your Merchant activity so   you’re giving us permission to see the merchant  activity in the following apps I’m not update  

    [ __ ] that not updating CU I don’t know what they  want me to update for I’m not getting no money on   it any [ __ ] ways so what does it bother me to  not update I’m not getting [ __ ] on it anyways  

    All I’m doing is giving him permission to play  in my [ __ ] phone for nothing so no I’m not   updating so I download and hum hopefully they  start picking up I gotta go do my cash rods go   out there get my cash rods going because they  know fighting fighting drivers that know how to  

    Develop cash rods and Market ourselves with our  nice pieces of equipment oh they they won’t make   it that far they need our equipment and without  our equipment what you say they got a bunch of   [ __ ] pigeons that’s it they got a bunch of  pigeons out here doing rides and the pigeons  

    Don’t care because a lot of them they got to do at  least 30 rides in the rental car they got they got   30d they got to do 30 rides you probably have  your phone on on auto update crits you better  

    Take that [ __ ] off a auto update because a  lot of times you don’t have a update it might   be on automatically update I don’t have [ __ ]  on my phone on auto update sometimes I ow my  

    Phone is like 31 apps need to be updated I don’t  do I’ll update every app I would like to update   if I don’t use that app I don’t update it I’ll  update all my banking apps update my my Merchant  

    Apps when it come to any other app I don’t even  update it m be like you don’t want to update you   know this type of keyboard no because I type just  fine why don’t need to update the [ __ ] keyboard  

    I type just fine with the keyboard I got would  you like to update your emoji app all I add is   laughing faces the [ __ ] any [ __ ] ways I don’t  need other because you [ __ ] is a joke so all I  

    Need is three laugh laughing face take away every  [ __ ] emoji on my phone except the three laughing   faces cuz you [ __ ] is a joke only need three  emojis that’s it a joke laughing face and maybe a  

    Middle finger that’s the only emojis I [ __ ] need  all the other [ __ ] is just garbage it’s like man see Chris you updated nine months ago  I updated November the 17th see you up I   updated you haven’t updated yet so man ask why  you haven’t gotten an update you got the the up  

    Before the update before the [ __ ] update  so your phone don’t even realize it got to   be updated I’m surprised your [ __ ] ain’t got  a dial up on the [ __ ] like you ain’t   updating so [ __ ] long your shit’s like them old  rotary phones you gotta [ __ ] do like this three  

    Six four two one three like damn Chris you ain’t  update your phone yet no dog I still got the old   [ __ ] you hop in this car look like the bat  phone sitting there like dude what the [ __ ]  

    Kind of phone is this I ain’t updated like I don’t  need that [ __ ] on my phone dog this is a phone   from 1988 though man [ __ ] I ain’t updated  I don’t need that [ __ ] on my phone how are  

    You getting Uber rides [ __ ] call my phone hear  that [ __ ] ring Chris like dog how you getting   Uber through a [ __ ] dollar phone like that I  don’t know I ain’t updated [ __ ] they just call  

    Me when they eat a ride man this [ __ ] stupid  Chris ass like and we going from the 300 soon   to the 3,000 private drivers every passenger  Uber’s biggest competitor growing stronger by   day that’s right MREs hey and I’m GNA tell you  right now all these drivers out there hating on  

    Us and hating on what we do they they using  our strategies they using our tactics that’s   what they doing and I ain’t mad at them that’s  the thing I’m not mad at them I want them to   be out there drumming up cash rods because when  the apps realize that even these [ __ ] pigeons  

    Out there ain’t taking up the pigeon [ __ ] no  more the pigeons ain’t taking it they be like D   why is everybody declining and canceling rid like  crazy all of a sudden what the [ __ ] man we ain’t  

    As the apps we ain’t making the profit margins  we ain’t making the revenue numbers we used to   make I want the pigeons to take these strategies  that’s why we put them online we put this [ __ ]  

    Online for everybody it ain’t no secret we put  it online for everybody they the idiot oh no I   love Uber I’mma Drive Uber non-stop until I  die my mother I’mma Uber my [ __ ] casket to   Hell goddamn it Uber hell like [ __ ] that [ __ ]  I’m laying that [ __ ] with a uber light on whole  

    Casket going straight down to the [ __ ] ground  Uber light I’m going ahead tip you when I get down I hear phone R in the trunk hell them  you stupid see you ain’t right [ __ ] phone

    Ring she Stupid with that [ __ ] I don’t has  the phone is Chris I say hi how can I take your money likeing hey how can I take your money like  who did I just call the person you’re about to  

    Give your money to what do you want I’m start  answer my phone like that [ __ ] hey how can I   take your money uh I’m calling for Jeff yeah how  much money you got for me is that how you answer  

    Your phone with everybody yep like [ __ ] that I  learned it from Chris [ __ ] that [ __ ] how can   they take your money oh yeah all I know is the ti  will turn and it will be too late for these zaps  

    To catch up and I know Boba and I think that’s why  you know cash app ran or um uh Uber ran to venmo   because they know they see what’s coming down the  Horizon they want to get data they want to hurry  

    Up trap data get new drivers in because once they  start trying to get rid of people for what they   can see going on between these Merchant apps and  everything oh man every time this guy canceled  

    Somebody that same person is in his damn vinmo  you know an hour later the hell then this person   he cancel this person she’s in this VMO like 10es  minutes later what the hell man they that’s what   they’re doing this [ __ ] for they went they  went have to vinmo for data they don’t need  

    Them as they got stripe as a payment system what  do they need vinmo for they don’t so what they’re   willing to do is say hey we’re willing to [ __ ]  purchase something from you guys we’re willing to  

    Purchase data we’ll give you this much money per  transaction if you allow us to see the data for   real we just want to see the transaction data  that’s all we don’t I mean we’ll give you guys   exent you’re doing transactions anyways this  is going to be more transaction on your server  

    Which is more transaction fees so all we want to  do is just see the data that’s it we just want   to see the data all right bet that’ll work for  us that because these [ __ ] don’t know these  

    [ __ ] have VMO thinking oh we gonna get more  money we gonna be involved with Uber now oh man   this about to be crazy transaction we involved  with Uber now not realizing Uber driver already   been doing this [ __ ] already we already been  using vimmo so [ __ ] where do y’ where y’all  

    Think these transactions are coming from [ __ ]  some of my transactions in my phone says live   some of them say Uber I’m like scree that [ __ ]  out damn Jeff you catch on quick brother because   we’ve been using vimo so they know we got a lot  of transactions going through them anyways but for  

    Uber to sit up there and go hey we gonna give you  guys way more transactions and they like okay so   what’s in it for you guys Uber uh we can actually  see the transaction data that’s all we want that’s  

    It we don’t want [ __ ] from you we don’t want you  guys to [ __ ] give us and next thing you know hey   you’ve been deactivated for what for using vinmo  for to do cash rodes how do you know that [ __ ]  

    Because they’re buying data from vinmo that’s how  they know everything so we got to tell [ __ ] hey   use my use my cash app use my zel why not venmo  venmo’s on some other [ __ ] right now say we’re  

    Not gonna do that unless you can actually get a  ride without using that like let’s say you go to a   concert and you pick somebody to concert and they  go I’m like hey I’m doing rides right here they  

    Go oh do you do a venmo yeah I do venmo cool cool  now can Uber and lift see that sure they could see   it because if you’re their driver and you know  they they’ve done something with this Rider and  

    They can see the transaction data of this Rider  who’s used VMO before like you can see they can   all say oh damn Jeff Watts Jeff Watts Jeff Watts  Jeff wat holy [ __ ] so you’ve been using Jeff  

    Watts did you know he’s one of our drivers yeah  well we see him all down your [ __ ] friends list   you use them every Monday at this time use them  every Monday at nine o’clock you use one of our  

    Drivers without using app what what’s wrong well  he he I do a better transaction with him he he’s   okay with the money okay with the time and now  they got to come up with a new system of how do  

    We get these customers back that are doing cash  rods what are we seeing going on we seeing them   paying lower fees because they’re doing a vino  transaction they’re paying the driver less the   driver’s happy because the driver’s making more  how can we go in and supered and get that money  

    Back how can we get those customers back that’s  all I give a [ __ ] about well first thing we need   to do is deactivate that [ __ ] driver that way  we can scare all the other drivers and say hey if  

    You guys out here doing Vino transactions we’re  gonna mess up your Uber account we ain’t making   money with you [ __ ] anyways so all you’re doing  is making us hungrier and I’m tell you you make a  

    Dog hungrier he’s gonna find some [ __ ] food we  ain’t gonna sit around most dogs like my dogs my   dogs will go hungry because I fed them their whole  lives they’ll go hungry if I don’t feed them these  

    [ __ ] do not know how to leave the house and go  scour the neighborhood for trash and which trash   cans to by because dogs remember [ __ ] by smell  sight memory they know where to go to get the good  

    Food they’ll say oh man behind this dumpster every  day this is where the good food is stray dogs know   that I’ve got domesticated dogs they would they  would starve to death if they got out the [ __ ]  

    Front door they would know what to do so we we  like stray dogs in this [ __ ] if you cut me off   oh trust me I know how to eat I’ll find a way to  eat because I’ve been doing it for a long time I  

    Will find a way to eat yeah my doctors ate some  of my Pizza exactly exactly and it’s like [ __ ]   and our dogs your dog he’ll probably go to a  pizza part he’ll remember a smell of pizza hey  

    Man there’s a pizza place around here because  I remember that [ __ ] smell it’s about all he   remembered but most domesticated animals just  like W2 workers W2 workers most of them just   domesticated dogs that’s all they are they do  what they’re told sit okay you can go home okay  

    Can I go take a piss sure you can go take a piss  it’s time for a break right now thank you hey do   I can I go can I get tomorrow off work sure you  can is they’re just domesticated dogs that’s it  

    That’s all a W2 worker is I was a W2 worker for  the most of my life I was domesticated I mean at   that point in time if you told me to go out when  I first started my first jobs at McDonald’s and  

    Everything else if you told me at that point in  time you need to leave the house today and go make   some money I’ll probably sit at the [ __ ] bus  stop like what are they talking about I need a  

    Job man I need a [ __ ] job go out and make I need  a job now we know how to make money now a lot of   us ain’t domesticated no more we’ve been out there  now we know how to make money we know where to go  

    Where the people are where the concerts are how to  chat with people how to talk to people how to you   know go through our phone and tell our friends and  family people in our neighborhood I got the next  

    Door app I’ve already posted the protest on my  next door app also I posted what I do on my next   door app so I downloaded nextd door the other  day and I’ve been posting on that [ __ ] like  

    Crazy in my neighborhood I know how to eat now we  the [ __ ] are ABS scared of we ain’t domesticated   dogs they want a bunch of W2 workers on they  [ __ ] those they still domesticated I need  

    Somebody to feed me I need somebody to feed me I’m  going hungry I need somebody to feed just turn the   app on we’ll feed you look there’s $3 go eat that  oh thanks $4 go eat that $11 for 20 miles go eat  

    That okay $80 80 hours a [ __ ] week out eating  yet you can feed yourself in 30 hours way better   than that so if I know I can feed myself in 30  hours what these [ __ ] doing in 80 hours I don’t  

    Want to be domesticated I’mma stay a stray dog  I’m gonna be a dog out there eating how I’m GNA   eat soy Jeff ate my cake my cat ate my cake hey  cats do eat cake they they weird they like that  

    Frosting man cats love frosted this is B James  said I’m serious mother hate my pizza see when   the door closes God opens up a window that’s right  that’s right and when once they shut us out oh  

    They just gonna make us hungry that’s all and it’s  a lot of people out there like I said the w two   people and and especially all these ups workers  who just got let go 12,000 of them depending on  

    How long they’ve been there what they got to do  a lot of them they don’t know what to do they’re   stuck all they’ve heard about on YouTube and all  they seen is hey to drive Uber all you gotta do is  

    Turn your app on they ain’t never heard nothing  about profit margin they’ve been a W2 employee   they don’t know about profit margin they’ve been  a W2 person they have an accounting department at   the job they work at the accounting department wor  about profit margins they don’t they do whatever  

    They do at the company so now they’re and Roger  all turn the app on and watch the money come   through ooh $16 yeah $16 for 42 minutes but they  don’t see that [ __ ] $16 oh yeah they’ll take  

    That [ __ ] they oh man 8 $8 for 30 minutes take  that because they’re D all they see is the 16 and   the eight and this and that that’s why they put  those numbers real big the apps will never tell  

    You the average per minute or the the average per  hour and the average per mile on the side of these   r it would be nice if they said hey here’s a ride  for $12 but the average per minute is you know I  

    Mean the average per hour is $24 hour and the per  mile is actually 75 cent per mile they’ll never   tell you that you need to download par solo [ __ ]  like that just to see that information what up Kev  

    Thank you brother brother the Super Chat man I  take care got a 4 AM airport reservation thanks   for pining the video drivers helping drivers oh  brother we going to do it man I’m going go check  

    That video out myself after the live stream a lot  of people man you helping out a lot of people Kev   appreciate that brother especially the XL drivers  out there people like that man because they know  

    XL they charging a lot of money for XL but they’re  trying to pay these people like cheap ass rates X   rates and [ __ ] like you helping a lot of people  Kev appreciate you putting that link up there man  

    This is Jesse this guy right here is a special  man told you I have a GI Jeff Jesse what’s good   brother there a lot of drivers just cut the app  on 8 hours straight like W2 jobs they don’t frame  

    Their days on the best hours yeah and that’s the  thing we know we know better than the drive when   there’s no surge because we’re burning time  burning gas putting our vehicles at risk for   damage anything like that we know we can use  the same amount of time to make twice three  

    Times the amount of money so we can just park  the car at the house Park take a nap go clean a   yard up I got to spray for weeds because it’s been  raining a lot and I’m getting weed so I got to go  

    Buy some weed killer so thank you Kev I’m G use  that money to go help me buy some weed killer I   got to go to Home Depot in the morning already  got the the food coloring so I’m going to put  

    Food coloring in my weed killer and spray all the  weeds around the whole property because I’m like   I’m not driving right now so I might as well just  go buy some weed killer and just kill weeds all  

    [ __ ] day I’m not g to do no cheap ass rides all  day forget all that it’s like I want to help the   neighborhood look better I my house looking like  a [ __ ] abandoned house sitting on the corner  

    Say dude it’s a lot of weeds over there that does  anybody live there it’s a nice car there but damn   look at all them weeds it’s like so I gotta get  up and do some weed killing tomorrow [ __ ] that  

    [ __ ] it’s been raining a lot see and and that’s  the thing a lot of these drivers like you said Z   they’re straight W2 brained they walk in they see  $24 oh $24 but they don’t see us for like an hour  

    And 11 minutes and I’m like dude that’s a long ass  ride for hour 11 minut $24 uberX shared oh my God   that’s a lot of money i’ I’ve been seeing $3 all  day and $4 all day $24 and they take it they don’t  

    Even think about the profit bars behind it they  don’t think about all the gas they just all the   opportunity they picked UP24 $4 to drive like an  hour clear up somewhere down some highways through   traffic and everything when they could have made  $24 on two rides not even going nowhere they could  

    Have stay right there and just $24 just driving  in the circle I got a $12 ride here with tips and   Surge and I got another $12 with tips I ain’t even  went nowhere instead they got $24 go way up here  

    Way over here way down way up for the same amount  of money they ain’t had to go nowhere they could   be in the same parking lot just sitting there just  like I did my last video about me driving I was in  

    The same parking lot talking to Lawrence my one  ride when I was talking to Frank Williams that   got me out of the parking lot then I did the two  cash rides after that got back up to Mesa drove  

    To the parking lot where Lawrence was and I’m  just me I’m just like going in circles Lawrence   he was there sometimes sometimes he wasn’t so he  was doing rides too so we both just in the same  

    Little Tempe area just doing Circle rides that’s  it just doing Circle rides you I was like by the   end of the time I stopped man I had about 50 $60  in that hour just doing Circle rides about 50 60  

    Bucks an hour just doing this [ __ ] not even  going nowhere but yet they be like oh y’all put   that back up there y’ I think everybody sign up  for the professor’s course by now so appreciate   that Professor for putting that link up there  I know he’s probably right now working on some  

    Content and everything for tomorrow getting  this out but yeah man we got to get private   rods up they don’t understand the reward comes  from opportunity more than time and effort man   opportunity cost Z opportunity cost and for people  that don’t even realize what opportunity cost is  

    Look these words up not only look these words  up but understand these words these are things   that I learned in seminars a lot of people don’t  have to learn these in seminars we learn them just  

    From working in life from common sense a lot of  people’s learn based on common sense so when you   say opportunity costes other people they’re like  dude I know what that is that’s the opportunity of  

    Me losing money trying to make this money yeah you  got to look at the pros and the cons you got to   do Trend benefit cost benefit analysis you got to  look at that is it gonna cost me more and benefit  

    Me less is it gonna cost me less and benefit me  more it’s Trend analysis let me put this up here   for you real quick man there you go Kev I got up  there and like like you said z a lot of people you  

    Know when we sit on these channels and we talk on  these live streams and stuff like that about how   we do business why we do business the type of  money we’re looking at some people they don’t  

    Understand it they think we’re just turning on the  ABS and out there driving they don’t realize the   trans transaction analysis that has to be done  for a driver to be a considered a good driver a  

    Good driver is not saying you made $2,000 a week a  good driver probably made 800 a week because that   good driver made $800 a week probably took him  10 hours 10 hours of driving to make 800 that’s  

    A good ass driver but you thinking a $22,000 a  week driver is good but it took that [ __ ] 84   hours to make two G’s 84 hours to make two G’s and  it took somebody else 10 hours to make 800 and I’m  

    Like dude it like the one night when I made I made  500 twice over the past couple of months made 500   in one night twice over the p and each night  I probably worked about between five and six  

    Hours each night so it took me about 12 hours  to make a grand 12 hours to make a grand so if   in 12 hours I can make a grand 24 I can make two  grand so if I’m making two grand in 24 hours you  

    Looking at the person making two grand in 84 hours  that’s 60 hour variance right there it took me 24   hours to make what this [ __ ] made an 84 a good  driver doesn’t always have to make a ton of money  

    He has to make a ton of profits that’s the trick  to it right there because a lot of people think   oh man you didn’t make 2 G’s like I made well you  didn’t make the same profit margins I made either  

    Because I could drive on a quarter tank of gas  make 250 bucks somebody else it might take them   a whole tank of gas to make 400 so you use three  quarters tanks more than I use and you only made  

    Twice as much as I made because if I did 250 time  four I made $1,000 in one tank of gas but you only   made 400 in one tank of gas you got to look at  the profit margins so you’re $600 under me for  

    Using the same amount of investment same amount  of time so you’ve always got to look at it from   from a business aspect and see how are we doing  this [ __ ] how we really running this business  

    Man hey you got to have confidence in what you’re  doing work working outside of a job not everyone   has that yeah what up Dez about to hit the road  all right man hit the gym there you go brother  

    And like I said if you don’t have confidence in  yourself it shows it shows and and people really   leaning and relying on these apps and these apps  know people who don’t have self-confidence because   it sees the hours they put in on the apps they  don’t see no no time building their own business  

    Building their own you know client base trying to  find somebody who they picked up four times on the   client on the app they picked up the same person  four times on the app but yet they never want to  

    Ask this person hey you wouldn’t just do this as  a cash ride because I’m only getting eight every   time I take you to work I’m getting eight bucks  like damn I paid 28 see I done did you five times  

    So five times I got 8 so I made $40 but out of  the five times I’ve been driving you you spent   140 Soo you spent 140 I’ve only made 4 40 out  of the 140 you spent why don’t you just pay me  

    Because I could have made at least 100 because if  each time I would have took you for 20 you would   have saved 8 times those five rods and I would  have made you know 20 times five so I would have  

    Made a 100 you would have saved $40 in the same  time frame but the apps know these people don’t   have the self-confidence to have that conversation  with these people because y’all even seen before  

    I picked up even my videos I picked up the same  person like one or two times but then the next   time y’all saw me what happened I was in a Jeep  with him doing a private ride to a comedy show  

    And I told them hey this will be a $60 ride or  something I told him like that they end up give   me a $100 bill said hey here you go now I could  have took them on the app because the second  

    Time I picked them up it was like wait a minute  this is all too too fam I’ve seen y’all before   we laughed and joked about it because I was trying  to get them to listen to some music that they was  

    Like dude I’m the one who hip you to that [ __ ] I  turned around I was like holy [ __ ] it is you was   like dude I appreciate that [ __ ] so I was like  man listen to some Don Toler soon as he got it and  

    He was like dude I know one who hit me to that  [ __ ] so it was like man so that’s the second   time I took them and now that you know when I had  to get them down to the comedy show they was like  

    Why are we gonna try to use the app we got picked  up by the same dude twice in an amazing [ __ ] car   great personality bumping the same music we H  hipped him to in every [ __ ] thing hit him up  

    They hit me up took him to the comedy show and I  said I’ll bring the Jeep this time y’ ain’t never   seen the Jeep I’ll bring the Jeep so I picked them  up in the Jeep loud ass sound and everything else  

    They was like damn this [ __ ] loud like dude this  Jeep gets down it’s eight I got what 5 8 in Subs   in this [ __ ] 5 8 in Subs in the big ass 10 four  six and a halfs and two tweeters in the front that  

    [ __ ] Jeep sound like a goddamn concert in that  [ __ ] you need earplugs and a Jeep is inclosed   the whole back everything that [ __ ] is loud  that’s why I tell [ __ ] that my volume goes up  

    To 42 the most I can turn my volume up is to seven  that’s it once you put it at seven you’re done you   can’t go past seven your ears can’t handle it the  volume goes all way up to 42 I go to seven and you  

    Say that’s enough the whole [ __ ] Jeep is shaking  I got big ass yacht boat speakers in the back the   speakers is blowing you in the back of the head  the Jeep is the whole experience man I had to take  

    That [ __ ] off the apps I wasn’t getting paid  enough to drive [ __ ] in that I put a lot of   time money love building that [ __ ] Jeep I built  that [ __ ] Jeep and these [ __ ] gonna sell me  

    For $80 and give me25 $30 on some [ __ ] that  I built [ __ ] that I’ll drive you in that one   if you willing to pay me I’ll take you in that if  you’re not willing to pay me I’m G have to find me  

    A cheaper car the Beamer right now is the cheapest  I got but it’s like I’ll find you a cheaper car   but you ain’t riding in my Jeep not for the price  these apps giving me you’re not riding in my Jeep  

    No I’m cool on that [ __ ] if you see not that’s  why you always see when I’m doing videos You’ll   see pictures of the Jeep as I’m going through  screens because I show people the car that they  

    Could have had had they been my private client  no I don’t do gopuff I haven’t done gopuff yet   I don’t even think I’m still on it I think I’m  active on it but I I haven’t even opened that  

    [ __ ] up but I’ll show people on on my screen hey  this is what y’all could have had had y’all been   my Private Client take my card so next time you  guys want to ride in something like this to dinner  

    From dinner let me know that this is what you can  ride in this is my private [ __ ] they go oh damn   that’s a badass that’s a nice ass Jeep man trust  me the [ __ ] I hit them air shocks that [ __ ]  

    Raise up [ __ ] the [ __ ] doors the steps drop  down everything comes out the all the LEDs and   that [ __ ] start going [ __ ] system start that  jeep is not a uber Jeep I might be Uber Jeep a  

    But I’m not Uber stupid a [ __ ] it’s like these  [ __ ] selling us a way too much [ __ ] money for   me to be pushing that jeep around for pennies on a  dollar them big ass tires guzzling gas down ain’t  

    No way in hell I can make money in that jeep no  way in hell I can make money with them them tires   using that engine I mean it will cost me more  to even get to somebody than what they would  

    Be paying me that [ __ ] only gets probably what  14 to 16 miles a gallon so I’m getting 14 14 to   16 miles a gallon that jeep so for every 14 to 16  miles I’m spending like four bucks I’m not getting  

    That [ __ ] so for 14 to 16 miles the apps might  pay me between $6 and $9 so between $6 and $9 if   I’m taking $4 off for fuel route the top that  means I’m really getting two to five dollar for  

    Every ride I’m getting $2 to5 that’s it so I’m not  making no money in that jeep that jeep is not is   not for those type of rides that jeep is somebody  who wants an experience who wants to pull up to  

    The [ __ ] spot with everybody stopping going  damn that’s a sick ass [ __ ] ride not oh [ __ ]   that’s a cheap ass Uber it’s like no that that’s  that Jeep’s not that’s a private ride vehicle man   say you ever consider pulling use Auto Parts and  selling them on eBay Jeff people make good money  

    Doing that on the side oh Z I used to do that in  St Louis when I was in St Louis I actually was   dating my girl Beth and we lived in Crestwood she  had a big ass Garage in Crestwood so we me and her  

    Used to go to the junkyard over in Illinois we  used to go to H pick aart so we go over to pick   aart over in Illinois because they had concrete  uh ground all their cars were on concrete not on  

    Mud so you you can go there clean and leave Clean  so we would go over to pick aart pick Parts off of   cars that were common so we get like turn signals  you know you get like tail lights headlights  

    Alternators weird [ __ ] like that and I take them  back and we put those [ __ ] on eBay or something   like that put them on Craigslist and on eBay I  was making a killing on Parts especially lights  

    Because people are always backing into the [ __ ]  tail lights man you just get a set of tail lights   and sell tail lights trust me you’re goingon to  make way more money you think because everybody’s   backing in this [ __ ] all the time they like damn  lots of three four doll rides but everybody was  

    Tipping okay if everybody’s tipping you getting  your tips then man that’s what I’m talking about   that’s what I’m talking about say this is hey  Jeff I’ve noticed all your uh women have white   girl names because my name’s Jeff Watts What Hood  mother [ __ ] you know name Jeff Watts when they  

    See when they see the name Jeff Watts they go  oh I bet this is probably some hot blind guy   Jeff Watts hot blind guy with blue eyes yeah this  [ __ ] probably bodyb builds he’s on yeah [ __ ]  

    I come walking my black ass around the corner  and go Jeff Watts oh [ __ ] you my blind date   [ __ ] I’m your black date I’m not a blind date  I’m your black date [ __ ] what well when it said  

    Jeff Watson I’m setting you with my friend Jeff  Watts I was thinking of some corny [ __ ] living   in [ __ ] Manchester I like Jeff Watts at least  not Tyrone [ __ ] I come around the corner like   damn you might as well just say it’s [Laughter]  Tyrone but it’s funny all the girls have white see  

    That’s the thing all of them haven’t been white  though they they’ve been all racist I’m dated   like Joey Joy she’s a white girl name but she was  black so it’s like okay her name’s Joy you don’t  

    See too many uh sisters named joy that was like  rare one who else um Jodie jod was Mexican but but   jod sounds white like who names their Mexican kid  Jodie her name jod Ramirez like usually you get   like Franchesca or some [ __ ] like that or you  know swaza whoever whatever [ __ ] Mexican names  

    Be you wouldn’t have her Nam jod like your name’s  jod and you’re Mexican what the [ __ ] but I’m   Jeff hey I’m Black and I’m Jeff [ __ ] have some  weird ass [ __ ] names then let me see oh man I  

    Got some funny ones out there Tara Tara was mixed  but Tara looked like Mariah Carey she had a twin   sister she look like [ __ ] Mariah Carey and she  was the army girl she was mean as a [ __ ] though  

    She was cool in the beginning but she got mean she  was an Army girl but everybody used to call her   Mariah Carey because she looked like Mariah Carey  like dead her and her twin sister look just like  

    [ __ ] they had the curly hair version of Mariah  Carey the long hair but it was Curly and brown   yeah ter and she had a cat I was a dog person  but she had cat so that [ __ ] wasn’t gonna work

    Out you know I’m playing one of misy I love  you brother hey love you too man y’all know   me man I’ll be having fun he said you just left  the tany bear that’s all [ __ ] then I’m trying  

    To remember this Asian girl name that I dated  I cannot remember her name to save my life I   didn’t date her that long though I didn’t date her  that long she I probably dated her for maybe like  

    Eight nine months I can’t remember her name for my  life though she was an engineer she was actually a   systems engineer but I can’t remember her [ __ ]  name for my life right now it was something like   Shireen or something weird like that I can’t  remember her [ __ ] name but it was like that  

    It was like Shireen I can’t remember though it  was a long time ago long time ago yeah updated   some weird girls some weird girls so Jeff still  you still on like hey D you know i’ be getting it  

    In man I’ll be getting it in but see and you  know because I was a corporate guy so I was   always busy always ripping and running always you  know so I didn’t have a lot of time to spend with  

    Girls I just didn’t man I was I was a corporate  guy I made a lot of money like I said both of my   kids was born in [ __ ] February for a reason CU  I was busy all year I ain’t [ __ ] with them girls  

    All year I ain’t [ __ ] with nobody soon as tax  season’s over with I’m not working you know 60   hours a week sitting in the [ __ ] office tired  as a [ __ ] leaving trying to work out it then  

    I can see both of my kids but tax season had to  be over as an accountant you’re on a [ __ ] time   frame your life is on a and that’s why I just quit  Corporate America I was tired of being a corporate  

    Accountant because you gota you gotta close every  month then you gotta you know reconcile what you   did journal entri for what you got to do because  you got next month coming up a whole lot quicker   than what you think so you’re always at work and  you’re always thinking in your head about [ __ ]  

    You forgot then once you done with the months  you got quarter coming up so once you close   quarter and if you publicly trade it oh you got  10 Q’s 10ks you got all this [ __ ] you got to   [ __ ] with because you’re publicly traded then  you got to do your semiannual quarterly monthly  

    All that [ __ ] to make sure you’re on track  for all your then when you at year end you got   monthly quarterly annual you know you got all and  that’s your life that becomes your life and after  

    A time I’m like dude I’m I’m not too [ __ ] nerdy  like that I’m out playing basketball I’m riding   my motorcycles and [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] having a  blast I’m painting bikes I’m working on trucks   in my garage having fun and Most accountants you  know they go home they [ __ ] sip their tea they  

    Read the [ __ ] paper in their little chair  with the lamp next to them and [ __ ] that’s   Most accountants me I leave the office I’m out of  that [ __ ] rabbit ass suit I got my shorts on I’m  

    Headed down to Sunset Park to go play ball and  [ __ ] shoot on these [ __ ] go to the gym ride   my motorcycle we willing this [ __ ] off through  [ __ ] Red Rock Canyon and they like what you do  

    Last night oh I I read You Know Better Homes and  Gardens and I looked at making a flower bed for   my wife what you do [ __ ] I was doing Willies  at like 90 M hour down to 215 we was hitting  

    The [ __ ] corners and [ __ ] they like you got  motorcycles like [ __ ] I race these [ __ ] we   be having F I was not a normal accountant I was  smart enough for the [ __ ] I just didn’t have  

    The personality for the [ __ ] I was like yeah  let me not do [Laughter] this yeah Thea I’m a   fellow employee with an accountant degree I only  work 40 hours a week Tork in most days I’m telling  

    You back in see back in our days we were just  converting from dos base to Windows base when   I did accounting so most of my career was done  in DOS Bas like Lotus Peach Tree [ __ ] like   that then they started coming out with peach tree  for Windows Timberline gold all that that’s when  

    We started doing windows then we started coming  on like Microsoft Excel all these crazy [ __ ]   Microsoft was little back then real little we I  mean we were still using computers with the big   BS we didn’t even have thin screens back then we  all computers with the [ __ ] big BS so when you  

    Work accounting in in um Casino the casino never  never closes so it’s a 24hour 365 job that’s it   and if they need you at 3 o’clock in the morning  because the bank of machines dropped and you’re  

    Like hey we got to come in we got to trap data  we got to do [ __ ] with the cage we got to move   reports around Casino need you your blackberry  will go off hey everybody come in within the  

    Next hour and a half uh we had a bank of machines  drop we’re about to trap data we’re doing this and   doing that we’re going to make sure reports are  ready for the morning we got to consolidate you  

    Got Caesar’s Manila you got Cesar Cesar Beverly  Hills you got Caesars you know Japan Tokyo Hong   Kong you got Caesars all over so you got all of  these people in different time zones across the   International Date Line all of us working  together all the time we all work together  

    But we’re in in different parts of the world so  just because you’re sleep don’t mean they sleep   they’re sending you emails and then when they’re  done you’re sending them emails and they’re sleep   or they’re doing whatever the [ __ ] so it was  like a non stop business that’s what a casino is  

    Because every casino is like all over the world  you got players everywhere all over the world at   any given time a lot of people from Russia a lot  of people from Russia come play in Vegas so you’re  

    Always dealing with Russian counterparts dealing  with all the host up there all of the banks up   there treasury departments so you’re never done  and casino is just not a it it’s not an industry  

    For somebody who wants to have a life that’s what  I say if you want to have a life if you want to go   corporate and you want to excel real far and you  want to have [ __ ] $500 suit $600 suits nice cars  

    That don’t have no miles on them and [ __ ] like  that cuz they’ll sit at the parking garage all   the [ __ ] time they ain’t going nowhere because  you at work all the time if you want that kind of  

    Life because you’re just that type of person knock  yourself out I had like nine [ __ ] motorcycles   I can’t tell how many cars I’ve had I was always  an outdoors person so to be an accountant and to  

    Be an outdoors person at the same time was kind  of like mixing oil and water it was not working   and I was like I’m not gonna give up my life my  aspirations to breathe to enjoy [ __ ] life just  

    To run [ __ ] reports all day that’s going to be  shredded in three years any [ __ ] ways cuz you   send [ __ ] over the mountains you know Mountain  Storage or with Iron Mountain Storage all they  

    Going to do is shred that [ __ ] in three years so  everything you ever did is going to be shredded so   I’m like I’m over this [ __ ] man I’m over it say  if you run to the same issues with women you need  

    To start looking at a different type of woman  period sometimes if you running into the same   woman it ain’t the woman it’s you because think  about it if you keep running to the same issue   all these people are different none of them  are even involved with each other it might  

    Be [Laughter] you see question can these [ __ ]  track you when you cancel their ride and do a cash   app right if y’all phone in the same space even  though Uber app is off well I don’t know because  

    A lot of times what I do is I would sometime I  could use airplane mode or if you don’t want to   use airplane mode just turn your location services  off that way your navigation and all your [ __ ]  

    Still work but your location services is off so  you can still run navigation and where they want   to go or something like that so if you’re nervous  about that you don’t have to be tracked all you  

    Got to do is just say hey I don’t want you guys to  have permission to use my app or use my location   service none of my data unless I’m on your app say  only when in use say man peris sayy I appreciate  

    That story about yourself Jeff oh man my life is  is nuts real [ __ ] my life is nuts and I tell   people that all the time because it’s like I’m  thankful that I’m you know to be 50 years old and  

    To be still alive and still be coherent not have  no [ __ ] health problems [ __ ] like that after   all the [ __ ] I’ve been through motorcycle RS I  like four [ __ ] motorcycle wrecks I’ve have total   three bikes I’ve only been hurt once that’s it but  I’ve totaled like three bikes been hurt once been  

    In you know several car wrecks I didn’t cause none  of them but I’m still here and it’s like man I’ve   lived a long time and I that’s why I like I don’t  put [ __ ] past you know just letting things work  

    Out I always tell people it takes a lot a lot to  like ultimately piss me off because I know I could   be mad about something for a minute laugh at off  this and that figure it out I’ll be cool because  

    I know I’ve been through enough I mean I’ll total  a motorcycle out people say damn you ain’t mad you   total that [ __ ] bike out no I’ll throw that  [ __ ] on the truck man it gives me a project  

    What yeah it gives me a new [ __ ] project just  throw that [ __ ] on the truck the [ __ ] you I   gotta go home order some [ __ ] off of eBay find  out what I [ __ ] tore up cut [ __ ] weld [ __ ]  

    I’ll rebuild the bike better this time it’s like  man and it’s like I’ll take a stock bike and make   it completely a Frankenstein bike out of two  and three different bikes out ordered parts   and cut [ __ ] in half rewelded everything back  together they go damn that’s a badass motorcycle  

    Like y told you gave me a project like [ __ ]  I already I know me I’ll total the bike out   and they be like damn what you gonna do now man  start buying parts it’s like I got a new project

    Now oh yeah use app info to Force app stop to  stop running oh yeah yeah that’s what you can   do getsmart real [ __ ] and I forgot that you can  go through and and you can use that use for stop  

    Once you use for stop it completely shuts even  the background service is running on that app   so you got to go to the settings go on the App  open up Uber hit for stop that’s it you’re good  

    To go I totally forgot about that well Susan  what Susan’s out almost 3:00 a. time for bed   thanks for the live stream catch you next time  all right Miss Susan hey you be easy out there  

    See She Out New Jersey see she’s way out there  but hey you know you family right here Susan you   you always family with us you’re always family  with us so stay in touch Susan and hopefully   you get your package within like a day or  two it should be there it should be there  

    So I haven’t I I think I sent you tracking but I  didn’t start tracking it myself but hopefully I   know you guys got storms and [ __ ] going on  hopefully it gets there because like I said   I cannot wait till you wear it and be like  you guys better protest with us you [ __ ]

    Pigeons this is Susan hinley telling [Laughter]  you like [ __ ] like all right see God had a   plan for you Jeff that’s why you still here while  we’re all here time to fight them as as independ  

    Contractors I’m telling you Robin I believe that  because why was I and and I say that why was I out   of all [ __ ] people put into an accounting degree  put into Corporate America knowing my personality   was not corporate American my personality the  money was amazing the perks man I mean free games  

    Free food comping rooms comping bar man we was  doing fun [ __ ] I’m cing all these [ __ ] buff   and [ __ ] we having fun I enjoyed the perks of  corporate I didn’t enjoy the people in corporate  

    Because corporate is like a snake pit and I tell  you that [ __ ] for real because you walk in and   you don’t even realize that you’re about to get  roled up for some [ __ ] that two or three people  

    Probably lied about to get you rolled up you  sitting in HR you finally start download that’s   why I tell [ __ ] I used to print out emails all  the time stacks of [ __ ] emails I’ll print them  

    Out so you open up emails and everything and you  let them know actually I didn’t do that let me go   grab my email so you start going through emails  you find out okay so that person was responsible  

    For it Jeff you told them two days ago they  was respons why did they try to tell me that   this was something yeah exactly I’m like who told  you that well that’s confidential information I’m   like you know what you ain’t got to tell me  that because I know who it was because it’s  

    Somebody who apparently wasn’t on this email and  it’s only a few people not on this [ __ ] email   that didn’t know that that person was responsible  for so you ain’t got to tell me who it was I can   figured out by [ __ ] process of elimination  the 10 people on this email ain’t got [ __ ]  

    To do with while I’m sitting here there’s about  four people not on his Emil and I bet either one   or two of them or all the [ __ ] got something  to do with it so I was always a clever [ __ ]  

    And I learned from one of my bosses a long time  ago this is what I it’s a trick this is how you   can learn who’s in your circle got your back  and who don’t got your back tell three people  

    Three different things tell them all true [ __ ]  you ain’t got to tell them a lie tell them three   different things see which of those things come  back to you through just people talking and all   this [ __ ] see what comes back to you that’s  how you can tell the [ __ ] you can’t trust be  

    Like hey man I’m going to tell you something man  but don’t tell nobody else though I’mma tell you   something two years ago I I walked my dog with no  [ __ ] leash and I got a ticket for that [ __ ]  

    You believe that [ __ ] I gotta [ __ ] ticket  dog see if that story comes back to you because   if that story comes back to you that’s your [ __ ]  mold in your group right there boss told me that  

    [ __ ] all the time Jeff always tell that you  could check who’s true in your group tell each   person something different see what comes back to  you that’s who you shouldn’t [ __ ] with I’m like   okay I mean that’s how people used to tell me all  the time thing tell three things and 10 stories  

    To come back to you exactly man and that’s what I  like to do man you can easily pit who’s who’s on   your and [ __ ] always wonder all the time like  you know I’ve had a few girls and they wonder  

    Why why the [ __ ] you know you got rid of that  girl you know this and that I don’t trust her the   [ __ ] you mean you don’t trust her I don’t trust  her it’s like [ __ ] I know what it feels like to  

    Trust somebody to trust somebody means anything I  [ __ ] tell you is never going to make it back to   me I trust you because even if I trust you and you  do tell somebody the person you tell you must have  

    Trusted 100% that that [ __ ] wouldn’t say [ __ ]  to me about it so I trust you and I extend my   trust to you but you got to make sure you extend  your trust to people that you trust 100% And if we  

    Got people like that around us like I tell [ __ ]  I can’t control information once you tell somebody   something you that that information is out of  your control you can’t control it now it’s out  

    Of there so I tell somebody that information it’s  gone but does it make it back to you if it make it   back to you that means the people you trust they  don’t have trusted people around them that’s how  

    That [ __ ] made it back to you so you got to make  sure you tell [ __ ] that I trust you I trust you   I’ll let you know if you hey man you know what I  heard about you man I heard you was wearing [ __ ]  

    Flip flops in a wedding one time was you really  wearing flip flops in a wedding like [ __ ] no   I wouldn’t wear no [ __ ] flipflops in what who  told you that [ __ ] Sheila who the [ __ ] told   you that yeah she I thought she was lying man  appreciate you telling me that you Dusty [ __ ]  

    No but for real though that’s how you got to do  it sometimes say let’s be honest we aren’t really   independent contractor independent contractors  set their own rates we don’t the only time we’re   truly independent is on a friends and family ride  true true the only thing we’re independent of is  

    We don’t have to turn the app on today but once  you turn that app on you’re basically an employee   that’s really what it is you’re once you as long  as the app is off you could do whatever the [ __ ]  

    It is you’re an independent they can’t call you  and fire you hey man you didn’t get on the app   today at nine o’clock you’re fired like [ __ ]  I’m independent I don’t got to get on your app but  

    Once you get on the app they can steal your tips  steal your fair not pay you for a [ __ ] Roger   they said it’s going to pay you for I’ve seen that  happen to a lot of people man they a put that on  

    My trip dude I’m I did that trip and I’m still  fighting to get paid for trip you’re an employee   they’ll steal all your money and do everything  else it’s like once you’re off the app you’re   truly an independent contractor setting your  own rat setting your own value saying what the  

    Moment you get on that [ __ ] app that’s why we’re  protesting we’re fighting to be treated more like   independent contractors we shouldn’t be lied to we  should be transparent if I know somebody paid $75  

    For this ride I should be I should be allowed to  negotiate with the app how much of that $75 do you   think is is fair Jeff I might go okay I’m going  26 miles $55 is fair for me let me touch I’ll hit  

    The $55 button they go perfect the ride is yours  we agree on something because we thought 55 would   be fair for you too Jeff but if another driver  says I’ll do it for 30 and I’ll say 55 [ __ ]  

    Oh sorry Jeff you lost the contract you wanted to  do it for 55 they took it for 30 sorry man better   luck next R we’ll we’ll hit you up with another  ride in a second cool I’m just chilling because  

    I ain’t doing that [ __ ] for less than that next  comes down the pipe hey Jeff we got another Rod   this Rod is for 36 minutes 22 miles what do you  think of fair prices for this 36 minutes 22 miles  

    Tell you what $30 I’ll do it $30 the app goes we  agree Jeff $30 is a fair ride that’s it that’s   independent Contracting I can negotiate my price  because if they say hey we charge the customer  

    $36 I say well $30 is what I do it for the app  might say okay we’ll we’ll take six that’s fine   CU ain’t nobody else taking that [ __ ] for less  than 30 everybody else is trying to say 40 45 and  

    The person only paid 36 you said 30 cool and each  person can independently negotiate what price they   want to do certain rides for and the app only has  like instead of giving us a matter of seconds to  

    Make a [ __ ] decision we only to give you three  seconds to make that decision Jeff five seconds   we give them a matter of seconds to make that  decision we say hey you know what I’ll do this for  

    35 rise the app now has three seconds to either  confirm or they’re not at rise they can’t have   us sitting there for 10 minutes going let us think  about it Jeff no you can’t think about it you only  

    Give us a few seconds to select a ride you give us  a few seconds to accept or decline so once I say   this is my price you got a few seconds to say okay  you’re locked in that’s it yeah it’s like Price  

    Line exactly you tell me hey Jeff we got this ride  for you is going down to Tucson we know you live   in Phenix is going to Tucson it’s 110 minutes or  110 miles and it’s an hour and 17 minutes I’ll do  

    It for $175 perfect because nobody else is taking  it so the person is paying 190 you’ll take $1 175   we make $15 on the deal cool cool say because the  app normally says 90 bucks 80 bucks that’s usually  

    What they try to give you to go down down a tucon  8090 I’m like no I’m not going way down for 8090   bucks because I gotta come back I’ll do it for  like 175 because while I’m down there I’ll do a  

    Few rides to kind of Stack some money do rides  do rides then I’ll come back on my own gas so   therefore I went down there did a few rides made  money came back yeah greens I agree that these  

    Appers like employees now because the pay seems  like my market is capped at $20 per hour no matter   the distance and that’s what we say a lot they’re  capping us they’re not giving us the ability to  

    Earn what we should earn on the rides given and  the quality of rodes green the quality of rides   we getting in at because they’re they got us doing  some rides at bars restaurants leaving concerts   downtown how are we only making like $30 an hour  how is that possible they’re capping us and we’re  

    Doing like three amazing rides one of them’s eight  one of them’s 12 and one of them’s 10 and I’m like   but they proba for the 8 ride they probably charge  25 for the you know $12 Rod they probably charge  

    37 and then the $10 Rod they probably charge 28  but yet we don’t get all that they’re making a   killing on our back making a killing on us in  that hour they make more per hour running us  

    Than what we make actually doing the driving like  I said it’s a travel agency that’s it so how is   a travel agency making so much more money than  the people actually doing the traveling [ __ ]   don’t make no sense oh well we’re a technology app  we’re a technology company we’re technology cool  

    I feel for you I feel for you because in a minute  Tech and Humanity ain’t gonna mix too well we’re   gonna start seeing what’s the deal is and we gonna  start saying you know what instead of us chasing  

    Behind Tech we’re gonna start talking straight up  the Riders that’s what we gonna start doing and   man yeah exactly green cobra it’s amazing how many  drivers don’t understand pigeons these are pigeons   you they throwing you know 20 crumbs out there and  they oh let’s go get these Crums we sit there go  

    Dude that’s popcorn what are you guys doing and  they’re throwing it on the ground don’t eat that   [ __ ] that popcorn’s been on the ground what’s  wrong with you guys we’re sitting in front of a  

    An Italian restaurant we can walk in here and get  plates of lasagna dude what are you doing we F to   walk in here and get some lasagna y’all eating  popcorn off the [ __ ] ground come on man have  

    Some self-respect y’all doing these $ three four  doll rides man come on man have some self-respect   I don’t need to have self-respect I’m busy I’mma  stay busy all day I’mma just drive around all   day I don’t need self resect I need to get money  you’re not getting money you’re getting popcorn  

    Off the ground that’s basically what you’re  getting so it’s like half the time and like   I said I ran Uber today I didn’t make no money  on Uber made no money on Li that’s cool that’s  

    Cool because I know what the money I can make if  I end up getting this hum going who hum like I   said hopefully tomorrow like I said I gotta get  up damn I gotta get ready to go to sleep anyway  

    I gotta get up and do my private ride early in the  morning and if I can get hum activated tomorrow be   ready to see U be ready to see a a video Drop of  how the hum rates work I really want to and like  

    I said if we can build this app to get hum to  work then that opens the door for us to trust   other apps now we don’t have to rely on Uber  there’s going to be so many auxiliary apps out  

    There dude I want to have three four apps on my  phone of R here at all times I want to have hum   I mean my home girl Dem Dallas she’s trying to run  what fair share I want to have so many different  

    Apps on my phone if I can have three four apps  on my phone at all times bro you can’t help but   hit something it’s like if they throw a handful  of baseballs at you and you just swing you gonna  

    Hit one of them but if all you got is one app  on the phone you gonna strike out a whole lot   before you hit a home run You Gonna Keep striking  they throwing one ball but let these [ __ ] throw  

    A whole handful at you you’re gonna hit something  that’s why I tell people you got to run multi apps   you got to run multi apps all the time how many  declines you have to make before you get a good  

    Fair all pairs it depends on the night because the  night I was sitting with Lawrence over there by uh   Jack in the Box I didn’t have to decline much I  maybe declin one ride every three four rides one  

    Rod every three because they would send me a good  ride and as I’m dropping it off they’d give me one   back it’ be like point eight of a mile back to  take somebody one mile so i’ be like cool so I’m  

    And it would be for like eight dollar seven or  eight dollars and I got a $ three tip you know   make it $1 for like two miles so I’d be dropping  them off go back and then something else will pop  

    Up same thing would happen I was still in that  bonus zone so because I wasn’t in a surge I was   in a bonus Zone I didn’t have to use last ride  I just left it on because the bonus Zone was  

    Huge $4.50 bonus zone so it was everywhere so I’m  driving around and I’m grabbing all these people   from the bar that the club that I was because they  had a shooting at Fat Tuesday so I’m picking up  

    Everybody from the bar across the street from Fat  Tuesday taking them back to the dorms so it was   perfect I didn’t have to decline a lot of rides  normal day like today I think I declined all six  

    Rodes in a row that was sent to me all six didn’t  take a single one I mean it was horrible horrible   [ __ ] was like 10 miles to get to somebody to do  a Four Mile ride for like seven bucks I was like  

    Man hell no I’m cool on that [ __ ] cool yeah the  problem is Uber monopolize R share market and need   competition I believe it’s slot to raw and that’s  why man I’m glad you said that I’m glad you said  

    That because competition if you look at like the  antitrust laws and everything out there all the   Sherman Antitrust Act the Sherman Antitrust Act  and all these laws that were already set they   don’t just like we had the phone companies Back  In The Day The Bell the Bell companies like Bell  

    South and all these companies they were getting  like uber they were too big they were getting so   big they were taking over all the phone services  in America so they had bail so they had to break  

    Up in like the Bell South and you know Bell ATB  all these they had to break it up the government   broke that company up because it got way too big  Uber is the same way I think it’s way too big and  

    If the government never steps in and says you guys  aren’t allowing people to compete and ride your   companies because nobody nobody even is can Market  to them because when somebody markets you like hum   or another Rod share service people go well I  don’t know what kind of cars do you guys use  

    And stuff like the same ones on Uber and lift but  we can’t break into it well why do I want to go   with you guys if you already using if I’m already  using Uber and lift you guys are already the same  

    Cars on Uber and lift then why don’t it just stay  with Uber and lift I mean what is the benefit of   me using you guys if you guys don’t even have  a whole lot of drivers just using the auxiliary  

    Drivers off of uber and lip that’s why we got a  protest that’s why we got to tell people we’re   not happy with these apps you guys are investing  into a horrible [ __ ] app you’re investing into  

    A slave ship once we can break up this slave ship  maybe the slav ship will break itself apart maybe   it will crumble in at some point maybe the  US government will step in and say we need to  

    Break this up because of the sermon and our trust  act you guys aren’t allowing competition you guys   are not allowing drivers Uber because what should  happen is this is how the government could really   help out and I’ll tell you how this [ __ ] Works  let’s say like if I was the [ __ ] president and  

    Trump needs to have me for vice president and my  main thing on on the ballot is going to be ride   share and delivery I don’t want to [ __ ] with  like you know Cuba I don’t want to [ __ ] with  

    Iran or Ukraine I just want to deal with r Shar  and delivery people want say what is the vice   president of the United States of America under  Trump doing he’s only dealing with r Shar and  

    Delivery that’s it he don’t deal with [ __ ] else  hey Jeff we got a war going I don’t give a [ __ ]   I’m deal with r Shar and delivery that’s it but  this is what I say every driver should have on  

    Their phone a main app just one main app just like  and what should happen is your main app has all   the apps on it like all of them it has like uber  live hum we rides all this so it has Uber Eats  

    Everything that’s your main app that’s your main  all you do is highlight which ones you want to go   like check a check mark so check mark Uber check  mark you know maybe hum check mark lift there only  

    One so you got those three checks then you hit  apply once it applies it sends you to a database   all of these apps send rides to one main database  and those rides are filled out to everybody that’s  

    Got these Rod so I could get a lift Rod right now  Uber ride but once I’m in it once I get that Rod   the other rides become inactive until you know I  click allow transactions so now that I got three  

    Rides going hum Uber lip Allon ride request like  the customer says I need a ride it’s kind of like   a price line or an expediate thing I need a ride  I’m going from here to here they they hit enter  

    It goes into the database each app comes back to  him saying yes it’s an aggregate ride search each   app comes back saying Lia do it for this price  Uber do it for this price hum will do it for  

    This price rid will do it for this price you know  and you know uh fair share do it for this price so   the customer just Taps fair share because I like  that price so they’ll type I like fair share but  

    You know I don’t know I like lift too yeah so fair  share left let’s see what so it sends the ride out   back to the database real quick and it says hey I  got a fair share driver six minutes from you but  

    I got a lift driver 15 minutes from you and they  go Boop that’s it I’ll do fair share that way all   the apps get a fair chance at getting the same  Rider and all the apps have the same chance at  

    Getting the same driver is allowing us to be on  every app allowing them to use every app yeah and   it’s like yo I got like I said it’s like that a  aggregate ride search I just need a ride I want  

    To ride from one of these three apps instead of  saying I can only go through Uber I gotta search   the no you send it to a search engine and that  search engine says we’ve got these drivers in  

    These areas which one do you want I’ll take the  fair share one and there you go it sends a ride   out to the fair says hey you got three Riders out  there in fair share on their way to you right now  

    That’s it and that way Uber and lift don’t have  a lock on the market because the market is a true   database that’s your Market the database that  all these requests go to becomes your market   right now as long as somebody’s on Uber they’re  on Uber and they’re not on lift they’re not on  

    Hum they’re not nowhere else they’re not on Fair  Share they not on WE rods they’re all locked in   so you send them to a database all apps have fair  game now they’re all fair game the apps have to  

    Say I need to price my [ __ ] so the customer  chooses me and I need to pay my drivers so my   drivers select me on the check mark when they say  apply I want these three apps applied I want to  

    Drive for these three apps tonight apply so now  that driver’s in a database saying I drive for   these three apps if they want to do door Dash this  cool select those and hit apply so now they’re not  

    Doing Uber LI or they’re now doing Uber Eats  door Dash and Spark that’s all they’re doing   so the only way you going to equalize this Market  out is to put all the apps on the same database  

    Let all the drivers attack the same database let  all the riers go to the same database and let the   best man win with their pricing because right now  it’s Monopoly it’s marketing that’s all they’re   winning for Uber wins because of marketing they’re  emailing every [ __ ] body through contacts why do  

    You think they want to go through vinmo they  can get everybody’s contacts so if they going   through everybody’s contacts finding out who  you’re related to where you going who you’re   doing what you’re doing with they see they can  start sending you [ __ ] requests all to your  

    Vinmo app through your email through everything  else hey you get $10 off of uber ride tonight if   you want to go out and get pizza oh I was think  about going to get pizza we know you was think  

    About going to get pizza because we look at all  your venmo transactions you eat a lot of [ __ ]   pizza so we giving you $10 off to go get pizza  oh how did they know I like pizza they see all  

    Your vinmo transactions paying Sally for pizza  paying Jack for pizza paying Tony for pizza you   always eat pizza [ __ ] so we giving you $10 off  for pizza but the only way the government’s gonna  

    Break this [ __ ] now I’m telling you dem’s Dallas  this is it they they got to break down the way the   barriers of Entry not only for us as independent  contractors we should be allowed to to contract  

    To a database say hey I’m out tonight I’m driving  tonight Who’s Got Money who’s got money and the   writers should say hey we want to deal with some  independent contractors and stuff tonight too you   guys got any independent contractors Uber says  we got some independent contractors Li says we  

    Got some independent contractors H fair share we  got independent contractors where they at they all   sitting on this database put in where you want to  go put in how much you’re willing to pay because   we already know how much each of these drivers are  willing to say hey I’m willing to drive tonight  

    For $2 a mile oh it’s a concert night H maybe $4  a mile concert night oh it’s a big ass okay $6 a   mile okay how much this much per hour and that  way once the person puts the criteria in to the  

    Database it kicks out all the available options  they have and they just select the check mark   check mark check mark apply that’s it yeah $2 mile  minimum and see and this is what hum is hum has  

    Five a mile I mean $ five is the base Fair $ five  no matter what you do five bucks and it’s a dollar   per mile it’s something like 20 something cents  per minute 30 something I don’t know let me look  

    At it let me not [ __ ] with you let me open this  [ __ ] up and see because you’re gonna be like   Jeff Li I’mma go rate card let’s see where’s the  rate card at there it is rate card okay so this is  

    A you ain’t gonna be able to see that [ __ ] it’s  all [ __ ] up ah okay so it says pickup charge $0   they don’t pay you for any pickups but in ride  your base fair is $5 distance $1 per mile time  

    25 cents per minute so basically that’s what I get  on my base for on my bamer $5 is my base fair so   no matter what I’m gonna get five bucks and now  I get a dollar per mile for everything 25 cents  

    A minute so if it takes me four minutes to go  a mile that means I’m at $2 a mile as long as   I’m going a minute if I’m going four minutes to go  each mile four minutes to go each mile will pay me  

    $2 a mile because I’m already getting a dollar  mile for distance now give me the other dollar   Mile in time so that means I just gotta [ __ ] and  you can do four minutes a mile because you can do  

    Four minutes and what you could do 15 miles let’s  say you could do that like if I say I’m gonna go   four miles or four minutes you could do every  four minutes I think is what you could do an  

    Increments of 15 so you have to somehow do that  15 times in an hour in order to get $2 an hour   even if you did it seven something weird like  that so you can get $2 a mile on hum and you’re  

    Already getting $5 R off the bat you’re already  getting $5 R the bat so just for me showing up   I’m getting $ five you jump in we go a mile I get  $6 based on base fair and distance but if it took  

    Me four minutes I get another dollar because it’s  25 cents a minute so I only went one mile and I’m   getting $7 in one mile because I get $5 plus one  for distance plus one for time that’s on hum I  

    Can get $7 a mile so if somebody says only got to  go a mile all I gotta do is make sure I just take   four [ __ ] minutes that’s it it’s like okay why  are you driving so slow shut the [ __ ] up can you  

    Speed it up no I can’t well we got a old lady next  to us pushing a walker past your car can you go a   little [ __ ] faster I know that lady leave her  alone why is she passing us why are you going so  

    [ __ ] trying to get this dollar goddamn it but  no I wouldn’t go that damn slow yeah beer bcks   I’ll be like [ __ ] I’ll be burning the [ __ ]  out request a ride from current location to 02   miles cancel the ride on nonsupporting drivers  who said protest will never work let’s show them  

    Who’s crazy and they be pissed off man I’ve been  driving all day to pickups and getting canceled   driving all day to pickups getting canceled  driving all day to getting yeah wait for it two   months from now now home CEO accused of sexual  harassment trust me and and it’s going to be a  

    Main investigation set by Uber in the Department  of Justice Tony West exactly the hum CEO accused   of stealing grapes from Walmart like [ __ ] they  grapes I wasn’t even stealing them I was buying   them well you ate two and that affects the weight  you’re going to prison for 10 years for eating two  

    Grapes [ __ ] come on they gonna find something  like I said you can get up to $7 a mile with hum   if you’re doing like one mile trips and you’re  only and it’s taking you four minutes to go that  

    Mile that’s $7 minimum and you can easily go it  could take you four minutes to go a mile because   when traffic builds up you ain’t going no [ __ ]  where you can go it could take you four minutes to  

    Go one mile two miles you don’t win eight minutes  so in two miles you win eight minutes so you went   you got your $ Five Doll you got your $2 for  distance then you got another $2 for time so  

    You got n 9 to go two miles so instead of $7 a  mile you went down to$ 450 a mile because that   $5 slowly gets eaten into the farther you go your  base Fair gets eaten into it keeps getting smaller  

    And smaller the percentage so the less miles  you go that base Fair looks pretty good once   you go five miles that base fair is now equal to  your five miles you’re gonna probably get around  

    About two three doll a mile after all what said  and done so it’s like so you might want to keep   that [ __ ] just low Keep It Low yeah Daryl  canel’s home CEO yeah yeah I’m charging $3  

    A mile Kim ain’t playing $3 a mile they stupid  they gonna put home SE on a waymore and bring   him to Mexico [ __ ] like why are we here a AA  mother under underlay e e [ __ ] Speedy Gonzalez  

    And [ __ ] underlay underlay it’s like man what  the [ __ ] am I doing I was just trying to go   to Taco B H these [ __ ] sent me to [Laughter]  Mexico actually [ __ ] with the drivers to see  

    The boy C their Opportunity by booking and cancer  rise in exact second that you won’t be charged is   funny and a good idea man that [ __ ] will be  pure comedy that would be pure comedy just just  

    To make an account to [ __ ] with these drivers  all day but you know them they’ll be mad oh you   guys [ __ ] up our money our way to make money  we [ __ ] up the ways for the apps to make money  

    That’s all we did you just got caught up in the  battle this is there will be casualties I’m sorry   there will be and it might be a few of you drivers  that act like [ __ ] pigeons out there it might be  

    So this is a battle this is a war don’t step on  a war field if you don’t want to get want to be a   casualty of War just stay out of it but if you’re  gonna be in a battle you don’t know what some of  

    These drivers might do you just don’t know can’t  nobody stop no driver from doing [ __ ] like that   [ __ ] set and rides and then hurry up and Cs on  that [ __ ] when they ride around the corner you  

    Can’t stop nobody from doing that this is a battle  Zone we’re [ __ ] with the apps so the apps don’t   make money so yeah and War the Traders are the  first ones they got to go walk the plank [ __ ]  

    Walk the plank they walking off the ship walk the  plank R PIR [ __ ] Jack Sparrow and [ __ ] like   a [ __ ] but that’s what it is though man like  a lot of drivers you can’t stop no driver from  

    Having her own idea of how they want to affect  the apps that day they might say Hey you know   I’m just going to sit here and Order rods [ __ ]  they [ __ ] with people what the drivers going to  

    Say well you [ __ ] with our money man you [ __ ]  with our you know what we told y’all mother what   we was going to do we y’all knew it was a battle  day you chose to walk on a battlefield on Battle  

    Day thinking you won’t get shot you walked on a  battlefield you like walking through the middle   of the battle hey I’m here fellas how you guys  [ __ ] big ass Cannonball hit you right in the  

    Top of the [ __ ] head say I’m we a bulletproof  V on 14 just in case I know it I’mma ride around   in the [ __ ] tank [ __ ] this I’m ride around  the tank with [ __ ] Uber on the side of that  

    [ __ ] Uber tank I’mma blow your [ __ ] car up you  better get out the way I got drivers right there   oh sh she pulled it out I was wondering what it’s  gonna say again yeah we at War on vday you know  

    What man like and we’ve been planning this [ __ ]  for like what two months now two months we’ve had   plans and a lot of drivers want to sit out there  and pretend that they don’t know what we’re doing  

    Pretend that this is going to be some innocent  us sitting at home planting [ __ ] Dand lions in   planner boxes we ain’t planting [ __ ] in planner  boxes we are at War we will have these apps on we   will be seeing activity we’ll be stopping Revenue  like our Revenue gets stopped our tips get stolen  

    That shit’s intentional to do what they did on New  Year’s Eve that [ __ ] was intentional so to sit   up there and think these apps gonna do intentional  [ __ ] to drivers and drivers won’t have recourse   we won’t do [ __ ] back oh we could [ __ ] with  these drivers all day they’re just a bunch of  

    [ __ ] pigeons [ __ ] these [ __ ] we can sit  up there and mess with their money steal a tips   still a fairs we can you know give them half the  tip half the fair we can do this and that keep  

    Their bonuses thrott them down so they can’t hit  the bonuses we could do this [ __ ] all day and   you don’t think drivers are gonna sit around and  be like you know what I think we need to stand   up we need to do something different because  sitting around just taking this [ __ ] knowing  

    That they doing this [ __ ] and ain’t nobody  saying nothing about it we need to do something   different they can’t stop any driver from doing  that any driver out there driving on Valentine’s   Day acting like they don’t know what a protest is  about acting like it’s not about activity about  

    Action about notice about you know getting the  word out doing things to make sure we’re heard   casualties casualties of War man casualties of  War get caught up in that [ __ ] I told y’all  

    Look on the 15 on the F February the 15th there  gonna be a lot of [ __ ] on Facebook mad I can’t   believe these stupid ass [ __ ] I drove all  day I made $95 I went like 300 miles I kept  

    Getting canceled on I know was some old stupid  ass drivers doing that [ __ ] casualty of War somebody says send driver send Dar a Valentine’s  Day C with driver demands yeah I know drivers who   charge 300 each way just taking them from Orange  County to Hollywood this is on the day of Super  

    Bowl hey they getting their money they getting  their money and I hope they do I hope they get   that because they deserve that these drivers were  out there putting that [ __ ] on they want to do  

    That man get that $300 each way do two [ __ ]  trips 1,200 in a day don’t even do no more than   that 300 there get another one 300 there three  you got your 1,200 you’re done for the day be  

    Cool with it don’t even get greedy with the  [ __ ] be cool with it like I made 1,200 yeah   LIF and Uber luring their bonuses or nothing they  know Valentine’s Day is coming oh yeah these these  

    Little 50 Cent bonuses and [ __ ] like that man  so Uber and lifting they could be playing with our   money don’t play with people’s money that’s one  thing Jesse man because a lot of us you know we  

    Got bills we got debt we relied on these companies  to support us like we supported them we turn these   apps on and we picking up clients all day we’re  putting our lives on the line we putting our   vehicles on the line we’re investing a lot of  money into fuel maintenance air filters weird  

    [ __ ] tires we’re we’re trusting that these apps  are going to be fair about it not steal from us   so when they start stealing from us when they’re  not fair about what we’re doing how we’re playing  

    This game and everything [ __ ] them it’s a battle  Zone they started the war we never started the war   I did videos a long time ago talking about man I  think this is a war on wages [ __ ] started going  

    Down it started I’m like this is a war on wages  man what the hell is going on I ain’t never seen   money this low for how many hours you putting  in I started man I remember I used to work like  

    Eight hours 12 hours online time 12 hours making  you know 6 700 12 hours damn near $50 an hour 6   700 12 hours of drive time now 12 hours [ __ ]  I might make 400 half that money I was normally  

    Making half that money I’m like there should be no  way I’m driving the same car same city same driver   and I’m making half the money I used to make in  the same time frame it’s like no man this is a  

    War on our wages they’re going after our money  they’re retaining all the profits they’re going   after our money now so we got to stand back up we  now fight back they want to play that game like   I said Checkmate [ __ ] this is Checkmate it’s  time to start passing out your business cards  

    In public to people who want private rides and  see Kim this is what I do I did it twice already   because whenever I’m at Walmart I see people  out front with their baskets and you can tell  

    Who’s like looking to get a ride because they’re  standing there with a shopping cart full of [ __ ]   and they’re looking at their phone they’re either  waiting on the ride or they are they’re looking   for one or they already just got one I always tell  them hey I saw you standing here waiting because  

    I in my wallet oh here’s my wallet right here  finally got my wallet with me I keep all these   [ __ ] cars right here in my wallet all these  cards are in my wallet look at this [ __ ] all  

    I keep all these tucked in my wallet right here  and I tell [ __ ] when I’m walking out the store   I see somebody waiting with a with a shopping  cart full of [ __ ] hey I live in the area if you  

    Happen to you know need a ride you need to ride  to the store this and that hey here’s my car make   sure you shoot me a text so only two people use it  so far I only had to take two people to the store  

    But is the fact that it’s two people that I would  have never gotten anyways and luckily they live   by Walmart so it’s like a quick $10 ride I got to  go there anyways so it’s like I get the 10 bucks  

    I go in I buy like laundry detergent or whatever  hell I Gotta Buy anyways but I got 10 bucks to   help me pay for some [ __ ] around here I’m like  dude I needed that 10 bucks because I got to get  

    This I got to pick up some more you know body  wash I needed that 10 bucks so just for me to   go to the store to get the money take somebody to  the store use that money I just got to buy me some  

    Body wash buy me like I got four big ass things of  deodorant now because I bought the twin packs so   I buy twin packs so I bought the twin packs then  when I took somebody to the store again I forgot  

    I already bought the other so I bought another  set so now I got two packs of twin packs sitting   in my bathroom I’m like over deodorant [ __ ] that  [ __ ] I’m o like a mother [ __ ] I OD what you do  

    Man you take some drug [ __ ] I over deodorant  I just eded [ __ ] in Walmart like I just ow I   think somebody about to die on all three he said  he OD [ __ ] I over deodorant already got this

    [ __ ] like [ __ ] you know [ __ ] you know  we driving way too much [ __ ] OD what you OD   did you take you took some drugs you want some  Molly you want some perk [ __ ] over deodorant   I done bought this [ __ ] already [ __ ] I’m o  Jeff’s got more deodorant sticks than Pedro’s  

    Homeless bike delivery [Laughter] Army you got  more [ __ ] the doing make sure you get Raisor   for volentine they like oh the [ __ ] homeless  bike delivery Army [ __ ] that [ __ ] I’m using   jigs off on the movie Saw as my profile pick  when I’m [ __ ] with them drivers let’s play  

    A game or they gonna see that [ __ ] pop up  on the screen and be like I want to pick this   dude up his [ __ ] got the goddamn the jigs off  you say don’t lower your rates with people who  

    Want Uber rates remember your private driver  oh yeah oh yeah like I tell [ __ ] my rates   stay because I know what I’m worth but if I’m  picking up people from apartment complexes like   right behind Walmart there’s about four apartment  complexes right behind Walmart I tell people all  

    The time your best bet is to find Walmarts buy  apartment complexes people do not want to wait   for rides they hate standing there they only got  to go and they willing to give you 10 bucks you  

    Going like 0 five of a mile seven that’s as far  as you going Uber’s Gonna Give You $3 for it $3   these people willing to give you 10 one dude gave  me 20 old dude was out and I had my Uber shirt on  

    He says hey man you mind you know Drive I got $20  you mind you drive me down my apartment it’s not   too far down the street or whatever it’s in that  whole [ __ ] shoing CRA this was when I was still  

    Driving the jeep I was still I Ain had a beamer  yet I was like oh hell yeah cool man D SL me 20   [ __ ] bucks doc what’s good he say am I high  or is Jeff live [ __ ] man you done [Music] OD  

    Doc you OD man you over deodorant you done  bought too many scks of deodorant at once   you OED over deodorant yes I used to go out with  a homeless girl was great I could drop her off

    Anywhere he’s stupid he I used to go out with a  homeless girl it was great I could drop her off   anywhere that’s [ __ ] up Z can you take me  home [ __ ] you can start walking from right  

    Here you live on the street any [ __ ] ways  you good Z just kick her out the car you’re   home [ __ ] drive off man man man yeah my man  G Greg man yeah I got my two white baldheaded  

    Voodoo dolls hanging ready to poke them with  needles I’mma give me a [ __ ] I’mma give me   a uh I’mma give me a Prius [ __ ] voodoo dog  just keep sticking a Prius Tire mother I keep   having Flats what the [ __ ] is going on keep  sticking a Prius Tire yeah [ __ ] yeah it’s like  

    Oh [ __ ] man my Prius went flat again [ __ ]  s home with a Prius Voodoo [ __ ] this car I   see you oh that’s time man time he’s got Time’s  Got a weird sense of humor weird sense of humor  

    This [ __ ] is funny as hell get sweetheart  candy M or cancel ride man y’all nuts y’all   are nuts [ __ ] y’all starting to get me laugh  my eyes are starting to burn now have them show  

    Up to the to the gay CL City then walk to their  car with your phone I screaming world [Laughter] star you set that [ __ ] ass up he said have show  up to the gas Club in the city then walk into  

    That car with your phone I was screaming World  Star Drive off drive off these [ __ ] set me up like hell no that’s funny [ __ ] that’s  funny [ __ ] that’s like Chappelle Show   said goodbye I know it that [ __ ] funny  as [ __ ] and then what you should do is  

    Have like a gay person like go around to the  driver side like talking in the window like   hey you an Uber driver right yeah yeah just  have like set him say hey go over there and  

    Talk to that D ask him if he’s a Uber driver  ask and like lean into the car like okay how   [ __ ] lean into the car booty shorts on  like a [ __ ] comeing world star [ __ ]   look surprised [ __ ] be talking mother look  up like oh [ __ ] they set me the [ __ ] up go

    Go I know too late got you [ __ ] world star put  this [ __ ] on Tik tock y’all [ __ ] stupid he   said here we go I’m telling you J man these  [ __ ] crazy [Laughter] man hey T hey [ __ ]   Sanders these [ __ ] on here will have you  dying laugh like said they always got me  

    Crying laughing man they be killing me killing me  I just hope other rare apps hurry up and expand   uh Nation rides yeah they got to get out there  green cobs they gotta get out there man [ __ ]  

    I might have to do that World Star [ __ ] on  somebody I’m G set a [ __ ] up World Star Z is   stupid sorry I gota go I got a$3 rideway [ __ ]  pill out kick up rocks and every [ __ ] thing  

    Gay dude fall on the ground oh like man you  just took off and almost ran over a gay dude   what’s wrong with you [ __ ] world star I’ll  find the gayest dude I can find [ __ ] booty   shorts and cowboy boots with a [ __ ] shirt  tied up around his waist be like hey go out  

    There and ask that dude Uber driver go start  just start talking to him here’s $5 go out   there ask me if Uber driver okay [ __ ] about  that [ __ ] I can run around the corner world star Z is stupid for that [ __ ] that’s funny  as [ __ ] like oh [ __ ] these [ __ ] don’t set  

    Me up got you [Laughter] [ __ ] that shit’s  [ __ ] up zck is stupid man is stupid they   look at the camera like I like women in  pills off I like women pills off like a   [ __ ] no you don’t world star got you  [ __ ] got you man the sto com was the  

    Best I’m telling you man from Uber horse a  old lady with cement bags the white girl in hell hell [ __ ] [ __ ] y’all [ __ ]  be wilding out man whing out [ __ ] is   one30 in the morning we this [ __ ]  laughing like it’s goddamn 900 p.m.  

    [ __ ] wrong with y’all my dog’s outside  mad like dude I’m trying to come in and   hang out with you I can hear you still  awake like [ __ ] that [ __ ] world star tell the God as him you know what it is got you

    [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] dut I swear to God I’mma  do that [ __ ] one day I’m G [ __ ] world star   [ __ ] for real world star probably get drop  kicked in the process say y’all all you going  

    To see me scream is World St I see a [ __ ] foot  kick my phone motherfcker drop kick me I’m phone   going to fall out I’m be rolling on the ground  and [ __ ] trying to get up and run they [ __ ]  

    Got me man they got me zck these [ __ ] set me  up y [ __ ] stupid man all right man hey man I   like to thank you guys for jumping on this live  stream [ __ ] we at four and a half hours man  

    This is crazy crazy but I had to get on live  tonight man I had to man I appreciate y’all   even for rocking with me this long appreciate the  professor for swinging by man giving out 10 free  

    You know Subs to to his course big Kev he gave  us the lowdown on how to you know get find out   how much Riders are paying so man and his thing  is still pinned up in the pen so make sure you  

    Guys look at this live stream because I put about  three or four pens on this live stream tonight and   if you’re watching the end of it trust me go  back to the live stream we had some good pens  

    Up there tonight man good good pens up there oh  yeah Paris man thank you brother thank you said   great live stream please do it again are we  gonna be out like I said I I’ll probably be  

    Dropping another live stream in a couple of days  but mainly I want to get out and drive tomorrow I   want to get out and do hum and let you guys know  how hum go so I’ll probably be dropping a video  

    First then I get back on live and we’ll kind  of discuss it but appreciate you guys jumping   on the live stream and always always a good time  with these drivers always you know great energy   people willing to fight for drivers you know  and and it’s it’s gonna be a battle Zone man  

    It’s gonna be a battle zone of 14th I can’t wait  to see how this goes down I think everybody’s   excited for I’m excited for it because I want to  see the reactions of how people you know they oh  

    It’s not going to work oh trust me 14th will be  The Telltale sign the 15th everybody’s goingon to   be mad oh I can’t stand you [ __ ] yeah we told  y we was coming we did 300 we was coming around  

    With our Spears and our Shields [ __ ] like yeah  swords and everything oh claudo no problem no very   welcome very welcome brother hey claudo coming  through hey claudo started a whole like laughing   session earlier man I’m be having sex on the 14th  declining [ __ ] M hey that whole part of the live  

    Stream was crazy that [ __ ] was crazy oh thank  you guys Miss tenica Sanders thank you guys hey   thanks for the Live Jeff all right Bo we real  [ __ ] Jesse Jesse hell with the phone in the  

    Trunk man but I’m G let you guys get out still  making some money and everything I’m about to   run in here grab me something to eat at 1:30 jump  in the shower so when I wake up in the morning  

    I’m already clean I can just do my private ride  jump right into the Uber Jump Right In The Lift   I mean right in the hum so hopefully you know we  make some money man we got 14 days 14 days to do  

    This so let’s get it together let’s everybody get  their money together as much as possible get your   business cards made Jesse I’m going to check you  out on the street man hopefully I’ll see you this   week before this weekend get here we’ll end up  linking up downtown or something like that but  

    Oh Kim hey you gonna start it back over it was  pretty good in the beginning you gonna see like   I said the professor stopped through it was all  love you know what I’m saying I’m glad you know   he’s he’s making his rounds through different  channels that’s supporting his his protest and  

    All of us are supporting it so I’m glad he’s going  around checking on people and he offered you know   the the free courses and everything everything  like that for the first 10 so I appreciate him  

    Doing that for everybody too say get you that cake  donut yeah keep them gay PS out of your hum they   might get the wrong idea you ain’t getting in  my hum hum hell no scir peel out like a [ __ ]  

    All right Miss Kim hey you guys check out the  live stream from the beginning I’m about to go   show I’m about to eat first shower up sleep I can  hear the dog scratching the door right now because  

    He knows when his live stream is ending he’s a  smart [ __ ] he’s like hey I think he’s ending   it it’s time to go in and play man say keeping  out for that coffee should be coming soon cool  

    Brother thank you time to wake up I checked  last night at the at the box and everything   I didn’t see I was like I’ll get another day or  two so I appreciate that brother much love and  

    Respect on that my man so hey I’ll see you guys  in the morning I won’t be dropping a video in the   morning like normally but I will be dropping one  later in the afternoon so FX said hey what’s good  

    Hey we just about to jump offline man y’all hey  enjoy it let’s February 14th can’t I can’t wait   get your popcorn ready can’t [Music] wait we going  to do it brother we G to do it I can’t wait to get them


    1. Let’s show them what we’ve learned. Let’s take a play out of their playbook and use it against them on V-DAY They held our money ransom on New Years to prop their Stock and paying less day by day

    2. I'd pay 3 to 5 a month for your podcast content. I really think you should do members only. You have quality ideas. Honestly, I've used some of what I've heard you say with my 2 businesses and on one I've seen extremely good and effective results. Non gig related business by the way.

    3. Just banged them in the head, $100 cash ride. Feel so good!!! Lol! Got me a date for Valentine's Day And i don't need a GiG ride!😂😅,

    4. Jeff 25 .dollar. Saw couple walking to bus stop near bar hey need a ride. Was free for local but That way. Some distance .I can do it for 20. Bam . . His sister stopped for some hair style . . Man it was all good vibes . Gave em my number. . bam ….

    5. Uber recruiting illegal immigrant drivers in Los Angeles
      (alt account for privacy)
      Yesterday I was told by a few members of my church that Uber has been pushing to get more illegal immigrants with AB60 driver's licenses to sign up as drivers by telling them that they can use a TIN instead of a social. They have apparently been sending recruiters out to these communities and telling them that driving for Uber pays more than picking fruit or working as janitors or whatever else they do.
      This is the last straw for me. They mistreat drivers, which causes a shortage, and then they replace them with illegal immigrants in order to avoid raising payouts. It's disgusting and I might quit entirely if this happens.

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