1. Hi Josh!
      did you get your China visa in your home country before starting the whole trip? Or did you get during your trip (eg. in Vietnam?)
      How long was your China visa? I believe it is normally only 3 months single entry, right?

    2. That's some undertaking mate, brings back memories of riding across Vietnam and China in 2013, I'm also from Newcastle, I'm watching your videos in order now.

    3. Hi Josh ! I've just watched several of your videos, and they're absolutly incredible. You must have had some serious motivation to ride all that trip, that's really inspiring !
      It looks like you have a little bit of experience now 🙂 so that would be very kind of you to make a video where you talk about your bike and why you choosed one like that ?
      I mean, concerning the position (quite high and forward, back pain ?), de handlebars shape (not so practical on non paved roads in Afganistan maybe ?) what you thought of disk brakes instead of rim brakes. Do you think a front suspension and wider tires would have worth the efficiency loss ?

      Thank you in advance !

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