Doing something a little new this year and hopefully it will be entertaining to watch, a bit low production at the minute but we will figure it all out in time

    Should be good to look back on these videos in the future, doing this all for myself but as I’ve said it should be pretty interesting so why not let other people have a little watch

    Next video should be a bit less talking and more riding👌

    So things have changed a little bit I’ve decided that I am going to start documenting what I’m doing mainly for myself but uh kind of feel like if anyone wants to watch it why not nothing to hide so it’s 2024 New Year it’s January and we’ve decided to go back into biking

    Again now last year I got up out of Ireland spontaneously and left country and decided to go solo for a while um and yeah I wasn’t going to get anywhere in Ireland same with a lot of young people the story is not new there everyone goes off to America and Australia so

    Spontaneously in the summer last year I decided to buy a house by a place not really a house a little apartment and yeah move to the other side of Europe and go figure out what I want to do in life and go pursue my dreams Chase whatever I want to chase so

    We’re going to give it a go for a while and why not document all of it it’s not every day you get to move to the Mediterranean go pursue Your Love of biking or just get to live life in general so I come from a mountain biking background

    As most people will know I insert probably the last clip of me riding bikes which was about four years ago so I used to race bikes I used to ride whenever I could so I got fairly decent at it and then grew up got to the age of

    About 17 and I don’t know whether I gave it up or I lost interest or I don’t know what but um ever since I gave it up it felt like I’ve been missing a little part of me and I’m definitely not too old to get

    Back into it I’m only 20 I’m nearly 21 I’m kind of in my prime age to go give it another go so I went back mountain biking for a bit and it was good I won’t lie it was it was good mountain biking but out here I found my real passion and

    It was Road cycling I’d never really done a lot of Road cycling I’ve of course done Road cycling for training purposes but never competitively or anything like that So really it’s it’s a different cat of fish Al together so I’m getting into it I’m pushing myself and back training and why not document my little journey of where it takes me um just why not no doubt I’ll be all over Europe riding bikes as I was back

    Five six years ago but maybe a different sort of bikes and always you meet the coolest people in the world riding bikes some of my lifelong friends I met just riding bikes in random forests in Ireland or the UK or out here in Spain I met so many cool people riding bikes and

    It’s the same again you know five six years later I’m meeting so many cool people so definitely going to be some cool Adventures who knows where I’ll end up we have a few trips planned um we’ll drag a few people along whoever wants to come and yeah I bought

    An apartment online last summer without even seeing it in person spent my life savings on it bit of a gamble but um you got to do some things in life to get places I felt like this was my opportunity to get out of the life that I was in so here we

    Are we are currently in week one of living here place is a bit of a mess still have no internet no entertainment Source no nothing so yeah we’re still working things out but of course I’ll document how it’s how it’s going how living on my own

    Is um yeah we’re going solo for a while but yeah looking forward to it I’ve had fun I’ve been living in Spain now for a few months just getting used to it this is my first week uh living alone in my own place so

    Yeah I uh I left the nest and uh found myself 2,000 km away um not knowing very many people but uh that that’ll soon change so we shall see it should be a fun little adventure for the year oh the club Clos to 6 and I Us in the club till

    6 it’s like I don’t know what time it is but it’s damn early anyway and uh I’m looking forward to it what is that noise Street preaches

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