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    0:00 – Introduction
    0:56 – Tip 1
    2:35 – Tip 2
    3:49 – Tip 3
    6:56 – Tip 4
    8:37 – Tip 5
    10:44 – Tip 6
    12:20 – Tip 7
    13:26 – Tip 8
    14:18 – Tip 9
    15:23 – Tip 10
    16:46 – Outro

    Concepts: league of legends,league of legends guide,lol guides,league of legends tips,league of legends coaching,how to get better at league of legends,skill capped,lol tips,lol tips and tricks,league of legends pro guides,how to improve at league of legends,lol coaching,skill-capped,league of legends season 14,lol s14,lol season 14,lol season 14 changes,challenger guide,lol guide,tips for climbing in league of legends,challenger coaching

    #lolguides​​ #leagueoflegends​​ #skillcapped #Season13

    In today’s video you’re going to learn the 10 most broken things you can abuse for Freo in season 14 with Riot only doing one month of balance test on the PBE well let’s just say a couple of things fell through the cracks tanks are on the rise and poised to take over the

    Midlane meta supports are becoming the new carry and Riot secretly buff lethality without telling anybody if you want to start off your rank climb with some easy LP gains well then we got you covered and why am I so confident well taking players and getting them results

    Fast is exactly what we specialize in at skill cap.com take our course and getting diamond in 30 days over 30 festar ings from satisfied customers saying how this one course alone is worth their entire membership or take our course on the best way to Jungle in Solo CU Perfect festar reviews with

    Users saying how this showed exactly why they were stuck at their rank we have the largest collection of Premium courses tailored for every single role and the best part is you can try out our service completely risk-free if you don’t rank up while actively using skill Capa you’ll get your money back no

    Questions asked so click the link in the description below to get the rank you’ve always wanted in season 14 all right now the first thing you should be abusing in season 14 are tanks and it’s because of some huge item changes firstly all the anti-t take items are either being

    Removed or significantly nerfed for example Divine sunderer is being removed from the game this gave bruisers an item that would deal percent damage based on the opponent’s maximum health this was perfect for countering tanks they replaced this item with a new one called sundered Sky a similar item but instead

    Of the empowered Auto attack dealing percent max Health damage it now just crits at the same time LeAndre which is the mage’s counter to tanks is getting hard nerfed it basically deals half as much damage to tanks than before and on top of all of this demonic Embrace is

    Being completely removed from the game that’s another tank busting item that did damage based on opponent’s Max health and this doesn’t even include the big change to Hall breaker which was previously dominating the Top Lane meta as it no longer gives you the big boost to your resistances like before that’s

    Just the first part the second part is there are some truly powerful tank items being added to the game the new kic rickr is insane giving you a Magic Shield after not taking damage for 12 seconds that will scale off your health so yeah good luck laning as an AP

    Champion against a tank as they can walk in with the shield clear the whole wave while it tanks your damage and just get the shield back by the time the next wave wave arrives in fact don’t be too surprised if you start seeing things like tank Zion mid because of this it’s

    Not just that one new item either the new force of nature is looking disgusting when at Max Stacks you will gain 70 magic resist that’s more than double than the 30 you would gain before on top of you hitting those Max Stacks faster at8 instead of 10 tanks also have

    Hollow Radiance now a new item that’s just a magic resist version of Sunfire cave and the new item unending despair which after 7 seconds in combat will deal damage to nearby enemies scaling off your max health and heal you for 250% of the damage dealt so yeah overall

    Tanks are getting some really big Buffs and that just may leave the rest of the rift underere equipped to deal with them at least at the start of the Season well that is unless you take advantage of on hit builds you see the only tank shredding build that didn’t get nerfed

    Or the on hit builds they actually got buffed R added a new item called Terminus this has a passive where your Autos will generate armor and Magic penetration up to 30% while also granting you armor and Magic resist per attack up to 25 combine this new item

    With rage blade and a blade of the Run King and you’ll shred through anyone including tanks a Bor rush into rageblade into Terminus is going to both hit harder and scale better than the previous season’s onhit builds keep in mind last season these types of onhit builds would always go Bor rageblade

    Into Wit’s End Terminus is now effectively replacing Wits End while being the much stronger item especially now as witz end is actually getting a less than ideal change for these on hit builds they’re removing the attack damage on it as well as the movement speed in place of a 20% tenacity bonus

    One other important thing to be aware of is that every item in the game in general will have less ability haste now so less spell spamming overall this indirectly gives a big buff to more consistent DPS Champions such as attack speed based on hit builds additionally as you’ll uncover later in this video

    Riot is making a lot of changes that are aimed at making games snowball less and last longer and traditionally onhit builds as well as the Champions that use them are more late game scaling Champions think of kale kgma and Varys just to name a few as Champions that

    Will shoot up in power with these items so if you’re the kind of player who likes to scale into a 1 v9 carry well there’s no better time than now to do that now if you’re a player that isn’t interested in scaling and instead just wants to snowball early well

    Surprisingly I have some great news Riot actually made a huge buff to lethality that has been going completely under the radar lethality is being changed so that it no longer scales with your level and just gives you all of it straight away so for example before in season 13 if

    You gained 18 lethality from an item you wouldn’t actually immediately gain 18 you would scale from 11.2 at level 1 to 18 lethality at level 18 now if your item says 18 lethality you get 18 regardless of your level in short this means every single lethality item is

    Basically stronger than before while at the same time since the Mythic system is being removed nearly every lethality item is also cheaper there are also three new lethality items that are looking incredibly strong the first one is voltaic Cy sword this is effectively replacing last season’s prowler’s claw

    Which is being removed it has the same stats except it’s 100 gold cheaper and remember The lethality it now gives is the full amount straight away the passive also now Triggers on any attack instead of having to Dash or stealth first like with Prowlers while slowing for longer the damage proc will also

    Reset Faster by using any Dash or stealth whereas prowers had a flat 5-second cool down basically it’s nearly better in every single way the second item to be on the lookout for is a new one called opportunity it’s insanely cheap at 2700 gold at first it does seem

    A bit lackluster as it just gives the same stats as other lethality items and it’s passive extraction which gives you movement speed when an enemy dies that you damage isn’t exactly super impressive however it’s the other passive preparation it’s kind of hidden op it will grant you 5 to 10 lethality

    Based on your level after being out of combat for 8 seconds it will then last for 3 seconds after dealing damage to Champions now that may not seem like much but you have to remember you gain the full effects of lethality in season 14 so let’s say you rush voltaic cycos

    Sword for the immediate Spike and then get opportunity second and our level 9 that would be around 42 lethality with those two items last season if you rushed any two lethality items at most you would gain 29 lethality at level 9 so you’re gaining 13 more lethality at a

    Lower price so yeah as you can imagine lethality builds now are much stronger early on and we haven’t even mentioned the third lethality item profane Hydra this is going to be the go-to first item Rush on most assassin mids and junglers it gives you incredible wave clear and

    Jungle clear just by purchasing one of its components Tiamat then upon completion you get an active that does burst damage based on the enemy’s missing Health this is on top of the item giving assassins practically every stat they want now I know in that example it was mainly focused on

    Assassins but 80 carries need to be on the lookout for these items as well specifically any 80 carries that were building collector such as Samira as it got a minor buff combining that with a new opportunity and you have a way stronger two item Spike than before you

    Have to keep in mind Triforce got changed where its passive no longer increases your base attack damage up to 18% so a lot of adcs that Rush Triforce in season 13 will be much weaker in the new season if they don’t adapt their builds in fact the new lethality item

    Hubris can also be a great first item purchase on adcs that snowball early especially if they benefit from raw attack damage like Draven if you generate a lot of early statues you can snowball over the whole game with a collector second purchase into a blood thirster so yeah if you want to stay

    Ahead of the curve jump on The lethality stacking train before it inevitably gets nerfed now if you instead prefer your one-shotting to come from Magic damage rather than ad well do I have an item combo for you to abuse Mage items got a massive overhaul in season 14 but there

    Are two specific specific items that stand out as being especially powerful it’s shadowflame and storm surge Shadow Flame’s passive was completely reworked where before in season 13 it would ignore Champions magic resistance based on the enemy health or if they were affected by a shield now it’s really

    Crazy both your magic damage and true damage will critically strike enemies below 35% Health dealing 20% increased damage on top of this it now gives 120 AP increase from 10 and 12 flat magic penetration instead of the 200 health I mean this is crazy it’s just pure raw

    Damage when you then combine this with the the other new item storm surge while that one has a passive where dealing 35% of a Champion’s Max health will strike them with lightning after 2 seconds these two items together could just delete champions from the game oh and I

    Forgot to mention storm surge also has 10 magic penetration so if you combine these two items together along with Sor shoes you will have 40 flat magic pens now there are two main ways AP Champions will want to be making use of this combo if you’re a traditional control Mage

    Like cnra or Oriana then you’ll first build a new item Caster’s companion which also has a passive that does burst damage this is because you’ll need the Mana from it early on you can then build Shor shoes into storm surge into Shadow flame then build a void staff next for

    The percentage magic penetration and you’ll basically be doing true damage to squishy targets with three item passives that proc to increase your burst now if you’re a Mana list Champion or just an AP jungler that doesn’t deal with the same Mana issues as laners you should consider rushing the new rocket belt as

    It now only costs 2500 gold you get the super valuable active for cheap and then can Rush storm surge into shadowflame after think of Champions like Ekko Elise and Evelyn also if you don’t find Value in that rock rocket belt active you want to just rush a storm search Champions

    With mobility in their kit already like Diana will be terrorizing the rift with this new item as it’s incredibly overpowered and speaking of all the new items one role that’s receiving massive Buffs due to item changes are supports Riot is removing all the starter items for supports with only one to pick from

    This new support item is called World Atlas and it’s pretty busted you not only gain passive gold from it but you can also generate gold with chargers that activate from either damaging Champions or by killing a minion a nice change is now killing a minion grants

    You 20 gold no matter what type it is while granting your nearest Ally the full kill gold this means prioritizing Siege minions with your charges is no longer a thing here’s why the new support changes are so busted firstly the new item grants three gold per 10 seconds whereas the old support item

    Only granted two once upgraded it will then immediately Grant five gold per 10 seconds whereas again the old support items only granted three same with the final upgrade on top of all of this the new charger mechanic just outright generates way more gold than last season support items so yeah supports will now

    Have a lot more gold to spend than last season and keep in mind your support item upgrades when you generate 51,000 gold from the item so since you’re now generating more gold from the item itself you actually get to upgrade it sooner if all of this wasn’t enough at

    Your final upgrade you get a pick between five new support items that are like 1,000 times more powerful than last season’s upgrades I’m not even kidding Celestial opposition gives you 40% damage reduction for 2 seconds after taking damage from a champion after wearing off it will unleash a shock wave

    Slowing for 50% souls to slay will grant you and a nearby Ally with the lowest Health 120 bonus health and 90 movement speed for 4 seconds when you slow or immobilize enemies blood song grants your next attack after using an ability an additional 75 flat damage and applies exposed weakness increasing the damage

    They take by 12% for melee and 8% for range and Dream Maker grants you a blue and purple dream bubble every 8 seconds a heal or a shield on an ally blows both bubbles to them the blue bubble reduces 140 incoming damage and the purple bubble grants 90 bonus magic damage on

    Their next hit and remember all of these upgrades are free so these support upgrades are actually looking more powerful than full items you have to purchase combine all of this with the fact that the Mythic system is being removed which means Riot effectively lowered the cost on any previous support

    Mythics from 2300 gold to 2200 and supports can now combine the power of these mythics together instead of only having to build one basically what all of this means is don’t be surprised if support becomes the new strongest role at the start of season 14 moving on many

    Players are excited about the new void grubs added to the rift last season prior to these new monsters a rift Herald would spun at 8 minutes instead this Rift Herald was so valuable that often everyone would just stop what they’re doing and rotate to it at 8

    Minutes to fight over it this is because for whichever team got that Rift Herald they could then use it on a tower before turret plates fall at 14 minutes and easily swing upwards of 1,000 gold to their team so keep in mind that 8-minute Rift Herald is now gone and in its place

    Are the three void grubs that spawn even earlier at 5 minutes so does that mean everyone needs to drop what they’re doing to roam even earlier now well no quite the opposite Riot themselves have been repeatedly saying how they’re trying to reduce snowballing in League keep in mind for each void grub slain

    You get a stack of touch of the Void which will cause your basic attacks to apply a true damage burn to Towers at five Stacks you spawn a damaging void Mite when attacking structures and at six you’ll Spawn Two here’s the thing only three will spawn at 5 minutes they

    Then take another 4 minutes to respawn once you’ve taken them down this means you won’t be getting five or six Stacks until around 9 to 10 minutes at the earliest it just isn’t like the old Rift Herald where you’d see a chance to drop it and suddenly inject 1K gold to your

    Team with little to no counterplay for the enemy sure you’ll do more damage to towers with the touch of the Void buff but this will be done slowly over multiple waves that you push in and you then have to repeatedly Auto attack the tower on each of these waves causing you

    To be overextended during that time basically consider the void grubs to be a nice boost to your team but it’s not essential like the rift Herald was you really want to take advantage of the fact that a lot of players are going to be overvaluing this objective at the

    Start of the season so instead of skipping things like jungle camps minions dragons ganks and Rams Etc in order to take those void grubs treat it more like a backup plan fall back on taking them when you have nothing else to do or as a response to an enemy

    Taking something on the other side of the map like dragon all right and now with void grubs in the game it means there’s only one Rift Herald spawn that will be at 14 minutes the problem with this is as we mentioned this is exactly what turret plates fall significantly

    Reducing the value of a rift Herald as using it on a tower won’t get you nearly as much gold and do keep in mind any gold you do generate from taking the tower is happening much later meaning it’s a smaller percentage of the total gold in the game don’t get me wrong

    Though the new Rift Herald is more powerful when used since you can control the charge does more damage to Towers along with spawning void mites you help take them down you can even reset the charge by destroying the tower then hop back in to rotate to another side of the

    Map to get picks there however a 14-minute rift Herald even when buffed is simply not as impactful as the old 8-minute Herald again this is completely intentional by Riot as they try to reduce the amount of snowballing in the game the side effect of this though is

    That relative to void grubs and Rift Herald dragons are now much more valuable you see most players remember dragons were nerfed back in patch 13.20 where their individual Buffs were reduced however they often forget in that same patch they also significantly buff dragon souls so with less snowballing in the early game securing

    These early dragons becomes that much more important games are going to be going longer and the dragon soul becomes a much bigger win condition than before and of course whenever Dragon becomes more valuable that naturally Means A Lot More Action in the bot Lane since they have a large influence over which team

    Takes it simultaneously Riot made a bunch of changes to the terrain that makes ganking bot Lane a lot easier firstly they added this new gank path on the red team side secondly they removed this giant wall that would force players to move through River or take a very

    Long detour deep into the enemy’s jungle Riot has now destroyed that wall and in its place is a much quicker path to take as an alternative to the river combine this with a new gang path on bot Lane and you can start to see how it’s looking a lot more vulnerable than

    Before and thirdly if we take a look at the other lanes starting with top you’ll notice R have actually added a wall making it harder to gank while in midlane they pushed the brushes further back into the river letting them spot ganks earlier they also removed this

    Easy gank path on Mid now forcing anyone taking it to have to tank quite a few turret shots so when you take all these changes into consideration you start to see how getting your Bot Lane ahead is going to be a very powerful strategy in season 14 and another new addition to

    Summoner Rift are the void versions of red and blue Buffs once the baron spawns at 20 minutes the next time a blue or red buff respawn it will rise as voidborn Sentinel and voidborn bramble back resp effectively this transformation also comes with increased durability making them harder to take

    Down that’s only due to the insane benefit you get when doing so once slain blue and red will grant their Buffs to the entire team of the player that takes them down meaning your entire team can have all red Buffs and blue Buffs at the same time the only exception is that any

    Dead allies at the time of the takedown won’t receive the Buffs similar to how Baron Works here’s the thing this is way more powerful than players realize as stealing the enemy’s Buffs will also Grant your team these Buffs while denying them from the enemy what this

    Means is past 20 minutes in order to snowball effectively you need to be stealing the enemy’s Buffs on cool down and here’s a nice trick what you can do is actually prioritize stealing the enemy’s Buffs first whenever they spawn instead of taking your own you then keep

    Your own Buffs alive and avoid taking them the Buffs you stole will last 2 minutes so once the Buffs expire you then go into your own jungle to take yours to refresh them this will grant your entire Team 4 minutes of red and blue Buffs the best part is these red

    And blue camps respawn every 5 minutes so you can just cycle this for the remainder of the game giving your whole team near permanent red and blue Buffs there’s another void monster that’s been going under the radar and it’s the new void scuttler and it’s actually a game

    Changer just like with the red and blue Buffs after 20 minutes all following Rift scuttlers will spawn as a voidborn scuttler when slain it will send out a massive Squire’s Bloom effect revealing all Champions and Wards in a large surrounding area and similar to scryers all Wards revealed this way will be

    Reduced to 1 HP before this change if a rift scuttler spawn near a baron or Dragon it would barely matter sure you take it for the move and speed boost Circle and vision but it really wasn’t a huge priority now if a voidborn scuttler spawns near an objective you absolutely

    Need to prioritize taking it without it you’re going to have to rely on your support and other teammates to be using control Wards and sweepers to gain vision control and let’s be honest that does not happen in Solo Cube instead only one person hint I’m talking about

    You can take the voidborn scuttler and then just clear all enemy Wards in the area while guaranteeing they won’t get caught out as it reveals so much around them I promise you players will be sleeping on just how important these voidborn scuttlers are so pay attention to the Scuttle spawns after 20 minutes

    And look to take them as soon as you can all right and if you want to truly improve and see results fast in season4 then come join us at skillcap tocom we focus on the things that actually help you climb ranks and simplify them so they’re easy to understand we have the

    Most extensive collection of Premium courses tailored for every role still skeptical don’t worry you can try us out completely risk-free if you don’t rank up while actively using skillcapped you get your money back no questions asked so what are you waiting for start season 14 with skillcapped by your side and

    Click the link in the description below to get the rank you’ve always wanted all right and that will wrap things up good luck in your climb in season 14 and we want to thank you for watching and we’ll catch you in the next one


    1. the new items for supports have good passives, but at late game are absolute garbage since they dont give you stats, so basicly at late you will be much weaker than in last season since you are playing with 5 items compared to other champs who play with 6

    2. U say support is op but you have never actually played supp to see the in game difference first of all the reaally nerfed engage supps and buffed enchanters the wupp item gives u 0 usefull things early and u dont have pressure damagewise at all plus when u stack theitem these upgrades are almost usefull with how little they help and we all know that engage supps dont scale and the earlier they have more impact and with practicaly no extra stats early u do nothing early too thats thesystem plus u get in lane with 0 stacks in the item instead of 2 just dont think this guys know aboutthe game fr they just see graphs and stats

    3. I want to make a small adjustment to this video it is not all supports that are op this season only the mages, enchanters, and pyke/senna got way better but engage supports got put in the dirt so hard this season, they get their free item ok great but then what? You gotta pay for the expensive tank items and stay behind the enchanters in gold curve simply because they have no items anymore you have zeke's which no one uses, and knights vow which as an engage you also don't want that. I found every game nautilus, thresh, rakan, leona and alister have all been getting shit stomped every game because as the enemy mage or enchanters get their first quick item and their sup item the engage sups only have components to their first mediocre tank item simply because it is more gold to do so. You need to really dominate early and be lucky enough to start blue side if you have any hope staying on par with enemy enchanter and even then if the game is over 25 mins you fall behind them from just gold generation.

    4. I love how tank meta is. It requires squishy champs to actually learn macro and kite or lose. Too many adcs had too much DMG and didn't have to care about their placements.

      Adcs will feel this change the most and all the bad adcs at that. The ones who rely on broken supports or true DMG

    5. At 11:50 it is mentioned that void grubs are less important than first herald on the previous season, however, they are a team buff not like herald that only had impact on 1 tower.

    6. So this video says don't overvalue voidgrubs. But then other videos are saying everyone but the ADC should be roaming for them. IM PARALISED WITH INDECISION.

    7. Narrator exagerates everything to a cringe amount. β€œ1000% more powerful, Im not even kidding” β€œyou should abuse it before it definetily gets nerfed” β€œyou just have to abuse this overpowered item”. Leave the exageration for the clickbait thumbnail.

    8. We will not wait too much until we ask another durability patch because new mage items are so busted and the voidgrubs make games end much faster. Just my opinion

    9. I love like guides I watch are saying 2 totally diffrent things.
      here: void grabs are not that powerfull.
      there: it's better let enemies take first 2 drakes so you will be able take void grabs at this time bcs they are broken

    10. 9:10 min.: I play with a premate Doulbe Support Botlane. Things like Brand Seraphine, Swain Seraphine and Taric Seraphine and hell is this stupid. We outfarm every once in the Game and deals stupid high dmg and carry games while both have a Support Item plus we both have wards in the hole mid Game. I highly recomand to play doulbe Support Item at Botlane. Its sooooo stupid! XD

    11. I really wanna go for a subscription, but what does "actively using skillcapped"?

      Im a fulltime worker, whats the threshhold of this Phrase?

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