Robin tries to pass his first mock driving test and win the £400 prize money.
    Does Robin have the driving skills to pass his first mock driving test?
    #mockdrivingtest #ukmockdrivingtest #drivingtest

    Give me a lovely smooth drive not like when you when I first met you um is there anything you’re not sure about um am I allowed to wear watch in this yeah you can wear watch yeah well no I guess well today we’re doing a mock test

    With tell him your own name your sir Robin tell him where you from um I’m from London wimbl and tell me a story about learning to drive how many lessons have you done um well I’ve had three lessons here um I’ve had I this is your

    Third one yeah myd yeah my third lesson here um I’ve had quite a few lessons in London I can’t actually remember how many um but I did them quite Pally um cuz like exams kind of got in way um so I never really kept going at the right

    Times Well when I met him he did have the driveing test book when was the boook for it’s like 7th of February I think and I told him to cancel it and they kindly cancel it so it must be a smart guy but these dff Learners who go

    In and say oh well I’ll give it a go see how we see how it feels wasn’t temp to move it forward a week yeah so he’s not bad to be fair I don’t know what he’s like when he when the pressure’s on but what were you like when I first met you

    Um shaky beyond belief yeah you got better eh just basic car control was of a oh shoot a LW standard Um now the prize money is going up today tell them what you got the chance to win I believe it’s 4400 tell them tell them what you’re gonna spend it on I’m gonna give some of it back well I were I to win um some of it’s going back to my mom

    Um who’s kindly paying at the moment and that probably needs to stop yeah that’s good yeah I like that and then the rest will probably be used for a little holiday good right well but I haven’t spent it yet I’ll wish you the best of

    Luck can you see that all right uh yes I can yeah so £400 for this young man if he drive save for just 40 minutes yeah right have any questions anything um nope I don’t okay 38 to 40 minutes depending on TR you arrive at your destination at 12:59 p.m. you’re going

    To take in various traffic road conditions warm maneuver Pro trainer possibly control stop and you wind be driving independently by we have S of signs you’re going to do s can you see that yeah are we starting off with a s yes so you just follow it’s going to

    Last about 20 minutes and I’ll direct you back from there now throughout the drive I like you to follow the road ahead at all times unless you direct the bik signs and Mark I’ll ask you to turn yeah okay which I will do us in good time one question before we start tell

    Me how you check your powered Stam as went before starting the journey um you might have to turn the ignition on and then you could either turn your wheel either side and if it moves freely it’s fine or as you’re moving off You’ turn it to check sounds good to me you’d have

    To turn it on wouldn’t you Tock you yes excellent well I wish you the very best of luck drive safely 40 minutes 400 in the pocket for you I ask a question about the S quickly is are we facing that way along the road it’s currently showing us facing into a building don’t

    Worry just follow you the Blue Line okay but don’t stare at it just mainly listen if you not you have a quick glance but turn left at the end of the road left and then the S another work from there go on straight your stuff you want I’ll try my

    Best I’ve got a pedestrian there so I’m just going to the end of the road left the road left signal it’s close Junction so I’m just going to roll stop and and at the end of the road turn rate that s should surely work now yeah was going to wait till pass that

    Junction and pass that one actually turn right s John’s Road Mirror Mirror signal right it’s close to Junction so I’m just going to wait until I have visibility quite hard to see so I’m going to creep forward Yeah I went and save to do so could you show me how you to open and close your window yep I’m just going to I could you open it conveniently send the L Please at the end of the road turn right a690 than you now you’re driving when you feel ready M default number one Robin you pick a good place to startop welding away from the Junctions but you didn’t look over your right shoulder you’re not moving off safely had there

    Been a car or a cyclist there or if you look on in the video there’s a pedestrian to your right how do you start crossing the road and you pulled off because it was in your blind spot then you would have recorded a serious fault there and then

    You put close to the next park car leaving the front the move on the car up behind the car up behind the car leaving the front the move about the Car thank you you drive the new feel ready minor fals number two and three Robin you’re all back because you didn’t put it in the first gear and you not checked your blind spot again one more of them Robin and you are toast you’re very lucky there’s nothing in your blind spot sorry M the fault number four Robin um yeah you slowed down but when you went to change down match the gate to the speed of the car you just wen’t putting your clutch down and you do slow the car down behind but I don’t think that warrants

    To see is fold but you know you’ve got to put your clutch down to um change Gear could you pull up the convenient place on the left please thank you may you drive when you feel serious fault number one for you Robin that’s the third time you’ve missed the blind spot Robin so this is an habitual fault and it’s now become a serious fault

    Robin you know you’ve got to look over your right before moving off from the side of the Road after 400 y get right on the roundabout and take the fourth exit a691 Southfield way M of fault number five Robin I watch you look in mirrors now you have to react to what you see in the mirrors you’re going to move over to this right

    Lan the vehicle behind is quite CLA so you should have been telling that vehicle that you were moving over they are some impatient drivers on the road where at the first opportunity they they will try and overtake you so you should have pre-warned him that you’re going to

    Move over to the right had there been nobody there probably wouldn’t even mark this is a fault this is good work sir see you approaching the roundabout um there’s a wagon come around in the left lane now most learns would just stop and sit like

    A lemon but you see it’s come from 12:00 in the left lane you drive straight onto the roundabout so well done young man well Done take the exit A6 91 South Field way after 200 y cross the roundabout and take the second exit cross the roundabout and take the second exit series fault number two for you Robin Matthew is Matthew Dam me Robin you straight line the roundabout um you’ve got to keep it to

    The left when you go around roundabouts this is two lens I know there’s no markins but you should been keeping well to the left had there been a motorbike in the turn right at the roundabout he would have took the come out Robin um very simple while you’re doing this eyes

    Were looking straight ahead instead of looking to the left train your eyes to look to the left as you go around the Roundabout after 300 yd go left on the roundout and take the first exit B 6532 go left on the roundabout and take the first Exit Serious fault number three for you Robin Robin I’m I’m not sure what’s going through your big brain here but why in Earth are you pulling out in front of this van have a look at this picture here that van was on your on your right IM medor ride I don’t know

    Why you pulled out these flashed lights out us the C they were an Noy but Robin you you shouldn’t have gone you should have just Waited M fault number six Robin you leave the parking break on now I have had a pupils fi for this but the ones at a fi they’ve left it up to high High you’ve released it but you’ve just you’ve only one click off the off the

    Bottom so I’m just going to give you m a fall for this but had you left on a couple of notches then I would have told you to take it off and I would have given you a serious fall B was just the one notch so I don’t think that warrant

    Is a serious fault is that fa after 300 y go left on the roundabout and take the second Exit B 6532 Drive Bel Ground go left on the roundabout and take the second exit See here is Fault number four for you Robin Robin this is a very common fall fulfilling the driving test the satav said turn left second exit now you’ve took the third exit now you’ve done this on safely so it becomes a serious fault um to go to the third exit the mark and

    Tell you that you need the right Lan the left Lan is only for left and straight ahead but very common when we use Learners you’ve never seen this exit to the left and you’ve just gone round to the third exit silly serious fault this one Rob you just going off RO with told wor I’ll redir at the end of that W turn left And could you drive it forward forward it would be of your Cho you can do it on the left or the right hand side I’m not happy with that I that that toally up m Thank you m of fault number seven Robin uh yeah you have to chunt it backwards and forward so well done yeah you done all the observations when revers most lens would not looked and fail the test but you do the correct observations um remember there’s more accents when

    People reverse out of beers so keep them observations on but just a mind of fallish shouldn’t backwards and forwards well done if you just revers the car that way so the back of the car wants to go that way that’s car do I want to keep your eyes do than you

    And then take the next R to the right look the convenient this Thank you now you drive them when you feel ready see fault number five for you Robin Robin when you went to move off you left it in the third gear three times your stall and there was a bus very close behind um when the examiner stops you park and

    Break neutral cancel signal chill your beans and you see thank you driver when you feel ready don’t forget to put it in first gear the bus driver he be bitting Feathers sorry sorry Sorry about the roundabout turn right it’s the third Exit minor fault number eight Robin you made good progress along this road so well done with that but when you go for fifth gear you rush it and you put it into third had you just corrected the F straight away I would not have marked this but because you’ve left in third

    All the way up this road then you’ve getting a gear fold the round about all the road ahead it’s the third exit the RO here Min default number nine Robin you miss your left armor you’ve got this bus Lan on your left hand side there could have

    Been a motorbike coming down there uh you did use your middle Mar and that’s the only reason I’ve not given you aers fall but if I was coming down here I’d be having a couple of D check so I have time to react if there is anything coming down the the bus lane

    Serious fault number six for you Robin Robin you’re looking you’re looky this wasn’t a dangerous fault there’s a car on the right hand side and if I had come been come past you you would have crashed into this now this is down to your eyes again you need to train your

    Eyes to look to the left when you’re going straight ahead at round about you’re just looking straight ahead and when your hands when you drive a car your hands really do follow your Eyes and you’ve just G up Ro so I’ll redirect you up the roundabout turn right the fourx and come all the way back around so we just retrace slow steps and come Back serious fault number seven for you Robin Robin well done with a busy he went over take the bus and uh the bus suddenly indicates and moves off and so he had plenty time to give W to which is good had a pupil fail for this the other

    Day they went overtake the bus but the bus put the indicator on my P was well back and they didn’t see the indicator they tried to overtake the bus as the bus was driving along the road so this is good awareness I’m planning from you but you slowed all the traffic right

    Down behind us because you couldn’t change gear you weren’t putting the clutch down Robin to change gear you done this earli on in the mock test I only give you minall because you slow them down just the car behind down a little bit but this time you slow

    Everybody down down um so series fault number seven just for not putting the clutch down Robin just not try put the sorry definitely fa can you just pull up on left behind that white Car right um turn the whs off we won’t go about how do you think you’ve done I failed that’s how you would drive when I first met you yeah really really go how many serious Falls three or four seven yeah what your mom call uh Catherine Catherine Catherine you’re

    Going to have to spend more money on this guy DM the um oh dear where do we start right first one as soon as I seen this one I knew you feeling what’s that called isn’t like that area of the road what’s it called when moving off what

    Have you got to check um blind spot did you check your blind spots when we first moved off yeah I thought I did at the car park you did every other time after that never checked them once yeah um next serus fault com roundabout you’re going straight ahead second exit you’re in the

    Right lane and then you whip it over to the left lane like that can you remember if there been a motorbike there you made me jump there if there been a m bike you would have took them off when cars see you to the right where do they

    Think you’re going either across or um all the way around yeah so what you could have done there was just to save that comat R but then you whip it across to the left the next one is it this round about here um you at the round about turn left there’s a van

    Coming to your right with the headlights on yeah you rushed out of there and what did he do to you let slay and we he’s flashing the lights out here cuz you shouldn’t have pulled out you just rush that next one oh this round about here

    C see has turn left second exit where’s left second exit left in where’s second exit though that one there where did you go all way around to need that L you need to go that way you needed that L that’s slightly Bend and next one the

    Stolen can you remember yeah what G you got to put it in first w what was behind us bus a g big bus behind us and what did you have to do the first time you sto went like that with the bus everybody being sitting in the bus doing

    This um but you done it three times the next one came to this roundabout said follow the road ahead third exit let’s follow the road ahead third exit um left L yes you had the choice well done but did you go on the WR V uh

    Into the middle went to the right L then you whipped it across again another serious V yeah the examiner wouldn’t Mark that again because they’ve already committed the sin for and the last one clutch yeah you’ve got some work to do young man


    1. Oh Robin, well if you're going to fail go big! Some of that was a bit scary to watch, you need some good lessons with Ken, He'll get you right. £400 in the incinerator just like that. I don't know why people start flashing and blasting the horn at Learners, I think it just makes it worse by stressing them out even more. We were all Learners once, I'll have you know I was Peebles champion at stalling on Roundabouts! Good Luck with your lessons.

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