Once upon a time, Germany was the embodiment of fiscal stability. Today, it is the worst performing major developed economy in the world. High energy prices due to Russia’s war in Ukraine and rising interest rates are among the reasons for the decline. But wider structural problems, such as a shortage of skilled labor, lack of innovation and slow wage growth are also pulling the brakes on Europe’s economic engine. The cocktail of challenges recently prompted Finance Minister Christian Lindner to describe his country as a tired man in need of a ‘good cup of coffee’ of structural reforms. So what changes are needed and how fast can they be implemented? Video features interview with Clemens Fuest, President of the Ifo Research Institute.

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    #Germany #economy #growth

    Farmers blocking roads trains at a standstill the worst performing major economy in the world last year not to mention a 17 billion Euro hole in its budget Germany once the beacon of European fiscal stability is struggling to help us understand why I’m joined Now by Clemens F president of the

    EO economic research institute and a close Watcher of the German economy m Mr fo how did we get into this mess I think it’s a combination of factors of course the German economy was hit very hard by the energy crisis by The Fallout of the Russian attack on

    Ukraine uh the country has managed to adjust to that more or less but it has kept us in recession and now we’re finding it difficult to get out of this recession and this is related to a number of factors uh one being that um in in a more medium-term manner some of

    Our key Industries are in a difficult transition the car industry with Electric Mobility then with high energy prices the chemical industry is struggling so it’s a number of factors some of them are homemade like high taxes um more and more bureaucracy uh and all these factors are a bit much

    Now and perhaps unsurprisingly then a lot of people are feeling very discontent the farmers are angry rail workers are on strike again are German wages too low is that what this is about German wages are rising at the moment uh so wages as such are not

    Relevant for Farmers but uh for uh uh train drivers yes but German wages are actually Rising quite quickly so in a way it’s surprising that this is not driving consumption and one explanation would be that people are not so confident about the future and save their incomes rather than consuming them

    So that is one factor and it’s related to this question yes we have managed these short-term crisis but the what is lacking is a longer term perspective for returning to economic growth that’s what’s lacking and I want to talk about some potential Solutions a little bit later

    But staying on that issue of workers because one of Germany’s biggest problems right now is that it doesn’t have enough of them here is a chart The eepo Institute produced which shows the extent of that problem you can see the breakdown of sectors at the top and the

    Share of companies that say they are in need of workers now Mr fo the skill shortage is one thing but that of course comes on top of the fact that German Society is aging very fast what do you think needs to be done to stabilize the labor

    Market uh uh one thing is that the workforce is aging and shrinking in particular in the coming years but another factor is that if if you look at ours work we see that more and more people go on part-time work and here the good news is we can do something about

    It so currently uh our social transfer and tax system creat strong incentives to work few hours you know just a part-time and by reforming that we could get more people again to work full-time of course there are other factors Child Care doing more for immigration uh so

    There is a number of reform that could help here but just to clarify are you saying then that one of the biggest problems is that German Workers aren’t working enough uh correct if you look at individual work hours they have declined significantly over the past years we we

    Shouldn’t forget we have 46 million people in the workforce that’s a record at the same time uh everybody’s complaining about uh not finding enough employees how can that be now the answer is if if we look at work hours uh the number of work hours hasn’t really increased the number of emplo employees

    Yes but individual work Time Has Fallen very strongly and that explains um why there is such a shortage of Labor Supply so if you were all of Schultz how would you sell that to the electorate uh I think this is an easy sell in fact I would say we need to

    Reform our tax and transfer system so that people who work more also have higher net incomes currently for a significant part of the population it doesn’t pay very much when people work more because they lose social transfer they pay very high taxes and by reforming that uh we can generate more

    Employment without a great cost to the government so I really think this is one of the few areas where we almost have a free lunch and um we should eat it if it’s free well there’s that question of a free lunch but at the same time there’s a 17

    Billion Euro whole in Germany’s budget um how are we going to fix that well the government has decided to fix that through some uh let’s say budgetary Maneuvers but also uh increases in some taxes and uh I think uh what’s behind that is a bigger

    Problem and that is a lack of public and private investment in Germany that has been around for some time and I think to fix that we need a major step my preferred solution would be uh a consensus with the opposition and an adjustment in the Constitution that

    Would would create a new investment fund uh for a longer period of time so digitization decarbonization infrastructure we need Investments here and we should come up with uh some kind of longer term plan uh to make sure that this investment happen ideally this should go along with cuts

    In public consumption spending uh but part of that also has to be financed through debt so in other words an end to Germany’s debt break not at all we can preserve the debt break it’s a bit complicated we can preserve the debt break but create a special fund the debt break leaves room

    For that create a special fund uh for these Investments uh the the hurdle is you need need a two3 majority in the parliament for that I wouldn’t dismiss the debt break the debt break has proved to be very useful because it forces politician to really discuss priorities and spending rather than uh financing

    Everything and solving all conflicts through debt so I think the debt break is successful it just has this problem that we now have some investment needs and the debt break says yes you can do that you can go into debt but you need a two-third majority for

    That I want to look at the perspective of employers now because the head of Germany’s employers Association came out this very week with a very strong statement he said we must be careful not to go from being the engine of the European Union to a museum of prosperity

    We employers have lost trust in this government our neighbors look at us with more concern than we do Mr F your reaction to that statement well I think partly this statement is Justified uh but only partly because it’s a bit exaggerated I think the government has managed the

    Energy crisis quite well so far so we haven’t had gas had gas shortages and I think that should also be acknowledged but I I support this statement in the sense that yes we do lack a convincing strategy for economic growth and our government doesn’t even have a consensus

    That it wants to have growth so there are parts of the government saying no growth is not so important in general we should focus more on climate change and I think that’s a seriously misguided concept uh so the government needs to get its act together and present a plan

    That allows us to deal with the challenges ahead like labor shortages decarbonization uh problems with infrastructure so this growth plan is lacking and Mr DGA said uh we need to get our act together and do something about it and I think he’s right in that regard okay well let’s talk about how to

    Get our act together um the country’s economic power Germany has traditionally been in the automotive chemicals and Engineering sectors but these are all areas that are both energy intensive and they’re also export Reliance so let’s look at Germany’s ranking when it comes to Innovation because it is not exactly

    At the top of its game as you can see here it’s trailing behind the likes of Switzerland Sweden the US UK and Singapore coming in at around number eight overall Mr H we’re talking Solutions here what does Germany need to do to become more Innovative more ready for the

    Future uh Innovation is key indeed and Germany has been quite good at Innovation but it’s more about what’s called marginal Innovation so improving cars a little more getting better machinery and Germany has struggled more with being successful in disruptive Innovations in new technologies uh we uh need to do

    Something about that so we need to invest more in uh research and development but we also need to create better conditions for newly created companies if you look at the number of newly created uh companies uh Germany uh is weaker here a lot weaker than the US everybody knows that but also weaker

    Than the UK so we need to do create better conditions for uh the creation of new companies that has to do with Capital markets with the tax system and so on and we also need to create better conditions for our existing companies to innovate Germany does have a lot of very

    Successful industrial companies even outside the automotive industry the so-called hidden Champions but um they are uh held back by bureaucracy a lot of bureaucracy by high taxes um by a lack of qualified employees and we need to do something about that and create better conditions about them and if we do that

    I think we’ll also be better in Innovation you mentioned earlier that parts of this German government are more interested in tackling climate change than in promoting growth I’m wondering do you think those two things are possible to achieve at the same time and and is it necessarily wrong to focus

    More on climate change than on economic growth I I I think it’s wrong uh to pitch one against the other it’s wrong to say we don’t want to grow generally anymore we want to focus on climate change it would be correct to say yes climate change needs efforts that will

    Uh reduce growth or at least require some sacrifice in terms of consumption but to be able to deal with that we need more growth more economic growth not less we need to be more effective we need to have better work incentive we need to innovate more grow more but grow

    In an environmentally friendly way that’s the message I think it’s seriously misleading to say oh let’s forget about uh this focus on growth and focus more on climate change um nobody will follow Germans or will follow Europe if we go down that route and nobody in the world will like that

    Strategy so we have to demonstrate that we can reconcile climate change with economic success we also have to be open about the fact that yes some sacrifice in terms of consumption will be needed but uh we need to show that economic success can be combined with climate protection if we don’t um other

    Countries will say we focus on growth and forget the climate and that would be very bad


    1. It is a combination of broken politics making decisions based upon ideologic or ethical superiority point of view plus finger pointing and low risk tolerance culture between public. Why this insane paper work is needed in Germany? Because they want to avoid accountability and blame 3rd party always if things go wrong. That is such a toxic culture.

    2. And nobody is talking about broken pension system here in Germany. 99% of young people wont be able to get even an amount the government took as pension scheme. I.e unsustainable pension is another form of taxing people.

    3. Can anyone fix broken Deutsche Bahn? Can anyone calculate social cost of your sbahn being delayed by every 5 minutes? Stop sending tax payers a bill but fix something you useless bunch of amazing individuals.

    4. Clemens Fuß ist kaum ernstzunehmen. Wenn man ihn einlädt, sollte man seine Aussagen kontextualisieren – oder mit denen anderer Ökonomen kontrastieren. Die Sinn-Schule ist Mal um Mal an der Realität gescheitert. Zeit, dem Rechnung zu tragen.

    5. This isn't known internationally, but Germans hate technology. Older generations have no respect or patience for emails or the internet. Newer generations are better, but not when compared to international peers.
      Once you realise that most of Germany's economy is run by 50yo managers who prefer pen and paper, it actually becomes impressive that German innovation makes the top 10.

    6. Very knowledgeable guy!
      The key is to reform the tax transfer system!!
      The ultra-rich people barely pay taxes while the working class pays overly in relation to their income. This is completely unfair and urgently needs to be fixed. Work must be the key factor to create wealth, not wealth itself.

    7. Self-inflicted, anytime I hear Germany, I imagine how a country's Leadership will jump right into a shark pool because another country said jump, how is that even possible, It's quite unfortunate, that your competitor can instruct you to destroy yourself and you follow the instruction.

    8. German economy suffered due to Chinese products flooding their market and many german companies moving their factories to China , but soon another Asian star economy India will outpace Germany its a matter of just 18 months , most economists believe . Im referring to GDP by nominal terms

    9. 📝 Summary of Key Points:

      📌 Germany is currently facing economic challenges, including a recession caused by the energy crisis and fallout from the Russian attack on Ukraine. Key industries like cars and chemicals are struggling.

      🧐 The lack of confidence in the future has led to people saving rather than spending, resulting in discontent and protests among various groups. Germany also faces a shortage of workers, exacerbated by an aging population and a preference for part-time work.

      🚀 To address the budget deficit, the German government has implemented budgetary maneuvers and tax increases, but the underlying issue is a lack of public and private investment. A new investment fund focusing on digitization, decarbonization, and infrastructure is needed.

      🧪 Germany needs to invest more in research and development to improve innovation, particularly in disruptive technologies. Creating better conditions for companies to innovate is crucial.

      🌍 There is a debate about prioritizing climate change or economic growth, but both can be achieved simultaneously. Germany should focus on growing in an environmentally friendly way to encourage other countries to follow suit.

      💡 Additional Insights and Observations:

      💬 "Germany needs a convincing strategy for economic growth that addresses labor shortages, decarbonization, and infrastructure." – Head of Germany's employers association.

      📊 Germany is facing a shortage of workers due to an aging population and a preference for part-time work.

      🌐 The German government needs to present a plan that addresses challenges and encourages innovation to ensure future success.

      📣 Concluding Remarks:

      Germany is currently facing economic challenges, including a recession, labor shortages, and a lack of investment. To overcome these challenges, the government needs to focus on creating a convincing strategy for economic growth, investing in research and development, and prioritizing environmentally friendly growth. Balancing economic success with climate protection is crucial for Germany's future and to set an example for other countries.
      Generated using TalkBud

    10. If you force people to work full time when they're comfortable with part time jobs then you'll soon find that people prefer being unemployed and collecting benefits. Some people can't or simply don't want to work full time and should be able to work part time if that is their wish

    11. Great. Number of people in the workforce is 46m but can't find enough people for jobs. And the number of workhours / individual work time has steadily decreased. Yet, the German government is looking at reducing the workweek to 4 days! Looks like a recipe for disaster.

      I see five issues not just for Germany but for Europe broadly: First, the Welfare state needs a rejuvenation and makeover when it is being confronted by a rapidly ageing population. Second, immigration policy needs a radical re-examination that seeks to attract highly qualified labor, not low-end and illiterate people as Germany has encouraged in recent years. Third, the days of long vacations and reduced workweek is perhaps over and Europeans have to accept that sustained prosperity comes from hard work, a Protestant ethic that seems to be lost. Fourth, stop being a hand maiden to the US and build some spine to focus on, and encourage, national interest first. The energy crisis and the resulting inflation that has resulted in a tailspin for major European economies could have been averted if it had its national interests front, line, and center rather than accept the diktats of the US in return for almost no-cost Europe-wide defense. Finally, Fifth, Europe needs to find the roots of its success again in its civilization.

    12. „How did we get into this mess?“

      Simply! „We“ (as in – the elected officials) decided to buy social peace for everyone: keep wages low, taxes high, and pump all the extra money into a welfare state. So that now people can enjoy the idiocy called „Bürgergeld“ (tied in with Schulgeld, Kindergeld, Wohngeld and Whateveryouwishforgeld).

      Luckily, some of us left the country ages ago to study and live abroad, where they thrived and made huge progress. With three M.A. and one M.S. I managed to save in five years in Switzerland what I would’ve earned in three years in Germany. And I pay more rent in Switzerland than I did in Germany. Plus, I enjoy six weeks of paid vacation every year and can afford to travel around the globe. Germany is a place for those who don’t expect much, don’t need much, don’t want much, and above all – don’t want to work, because Father Welfare takes care of the elementary needs of a family of eight.

    13. He and people who prepared his responses are decoupled from reality. It is so obvious that he received the questions in advance and the responses were made in the office without going out to see the reality.

    14. Fire this economist! His denial that growth is the driver and accelerator of climate change convicts him by his own admission. Prosperity without growth is the only future. The German people are in the midst of an existential experiment to find the alternative to growth based capitalism. This guy is a useless commentator. We expect better from DW.

    15. going from working from 40 hours a week to 30 hours a week is awesome! I actually enjoy my work more because I am not that burned out and have time for my family and life. How about a goverment that cares about its residents and figures out a system that benefits and makes both happy and not just a "hurr durr make them work more"

    16. As a foreign observer, this video offered no tangible clarity on Germany's situation. The host and the guest exhibited some form of cognitive dissonance, rendering the dialogue akin to a skit in a mental institution. Good luck my German friends.🤷‍♂

    17. Because of the new eco religion which destroys 5hr country without any positive impact on climate.

      Wages raise by 4% while energy price and with yhat everything else costs 30% more with full deliberation by government.

    18. The bureaucracy legendary level and endless inferiority towards illegal immigrants instead of taking good, reasonable care of its own citizens – two main factors pushing this country rapidly down.

    19. German society is experiencing rapid aging
      An area requiring attention is the childcare system, notably the early closure of kindergartens on Fridays at 12-15 pm and the inaccessibility of primary schools before 8 am. After-school programs operate until 4 pm, maintaining a schedule consistent since 1950. Given the demands of modern work, particularly with people working in three shifts, there is a significant challenge in providing suitable conditions for raising children that will be future workers.

    20. Germany can do better, but despite everything, Germany will surpass Japan's GDP within the next two or three years. Germany will have the world's 3rd largest GDP only the US and China will have a larger economy soon.

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