Careless driving

    The Highway Code says:

    Rules for cyclists

    ‘At junctions with no separate cyclist facilities, it is recommended that you proceed as if you were driving a motor vehicle.’

    ‘Position yourself in the centre of your chosen lane, where you feel able to do this safely, to make yourself as visible as possible and to avoid being overtaken where this would be dangerous.’

    Using the road

    ‘Leave at least 1.5 metres when overtaking cyclists at speeds of up to 30mph’

    ‘DO NOT overtake where you might come into conflict with other road users. For example approaching or at a road junction on either side of the road’

    ‘You should remain behind cyclists, horse riders, horse drawn vehicles and motorcyclists at junctions’

    Road users requiring extra care

    ‘On narrow sections of road, on quiet roads or streets, at road junctions and in slower-moving traffic, cyclists may sometimes ride in the centre of the lane, rather than towards the side of the road… allow them to do so for their own safety, to ensure they can see and be seen.’

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