Martyn shows Rob the latest changes to the Haltech IC-7 dash set up in this Type R Evolution update. Lots of bespoke programming to take advantage of all the sensors on this special build, including coolant pressure, nitrous pressure and exhaust gas temperature. Super cool!

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    Pretty this is not hard I’ll let you off so all right I’m getting in the back right I’m in the back right so that’s your default screen can we take oh this doesn’t come off is it right yeah so that’s what it will always come on with when you uh reset the

    Ignition okay so what we got there we got oil pressure yeah oil pressure PR fuel pressure coolant temp oil temp battery voltage manifold pressure Lambda fuel level now with manifold pressure can I have it so it shows vacuum you know what I mean well uh it is showing

    Vacuum yeah but so it says minus no why cuz I don’t want you to so when I I’ve always got to do the maths in haven’t I no you haven’t so when it says 1.5 it’s actually only5 bar of Boost I don’t want manifold pressure we’re going to fall out

    Already why can’t I have it right keep in right anyway what’s that one on the left in the rev counter Lambda okay yeah Lambda yeah fuel level that works right y fuel levels there yeah yeah so again manifold pressure oil pressure fuel pressure coolant pressure coolant pressure EGT oh oil temp coolant

    That’s going to be my default page I think to be honest yeah possibly but then it’s also nice to have a proper speed there isn’t it yes that’s great and then much the same temp Stone one side pressure Stone the other lovely oh can you um press the accelerator a

    Minute see what the R cool and then we’ve got nitrous pressure as well yes in bar Jesus it’s about 9,000 PSI nitrous when it’s like fully charged up okay so I think it’s 9 140 bar the sensor reads up to so okay but we need to plug that in we we need to get it

    Calibrated okay all right so these are the ones that I’m still working on I say we could we can look at these in there and then decide what you want in there and I can just come out and just flash it in so I mean I I suspect that in

    Practice I’m going to use two screen yes you know I’m not going to be cycling through hundred I think if we can nail those first two yeah I’ll be happy so then we’ve got boost up and then that goes green high boost y medium boost and then low

    Boost that one do anything uh not yet yeah it turns the light on and makes it flash that one doesn’t do anything yet no okay yeah so let me just have another quick look at this so so that’s page one so what would I want on here would I

    Want ethanol content I don’t think so because actually once you set once you’ve set it you don’t need to keep watching it keep watching it and if and if it’s on a screen somewhere else so if I yes does it go backward that one this one’s default

    Okay that’s the one it’ll always start up on of course you want to be able to see RPM and vehicle speed when you’re just driving up the road yeah battery do I really need to see battery it’s nice I know does it is nice but we can put something else I wonder

    If we if we swap out battery and have ethanol cont then it’s there isn’t it yeah ethol and let’s have a debate about manifold pressure versus boost what is Boost hard to hard to see yeah it’s if you want to see boost it does it ining PSI and I hate PSI didn’t

    We have in bar before no okay no you can’t read it in bar you can but you you’ve got to you got to put in a multiplier in the ECU to subtract 10 from it basically or multiplier of 10 to get that to run backwards

    So fine leave it as it is so just stay there yeah I will grab that I will go and grab a laptop okay so he’s done a lot of work to customize the howtech display he’s written a lot of the spoke code through the can stream so that the howtech now

    Displays engine parameters that it doesn’t display from Factory so you spent quite a lot of time on that and so what we’re doing is we’re just finalizing the layouts that we’ll have on a few of the different htech screens and there are always certain

    Things I want to see and I want to be able to just glance at them and not have to scroll through that’s the whole point of a digital dash is that you’ve got everything right in front of you and you’re not having to scroll or look at different gauges around the place so

    He’s just going to fetch his laptop and we’re going to make a couple of quick changes but it’s looking fantastic I absolutely love the howtech and what you can’t see because it’s just idling is the fact that at the top you’ve got this row of uh d uh shift lights so that you

    Can uh also program those so that they do the things you want them to do it’s really clever I like a thin knob yeah prefer a thin knob to a fat knob I’m going to have to go into hardcore hacking mode it shows a minus think oh you’ve done it

    But it’s not the minus I need it’s the it should say -.5 or whatever not minus 50 what so in boost it’s now going to say 10 20 no it’s not but I need it to say 2.5 bar or 2.0 Bar you a different scaling Factor you’re a pain iner you know that you this is what normal people need it’s not it Ising it’s not great TV this at all I’ll tell you that cut the manifold pressure reading is sudden jumped to three bar and stuck there which is why the engine cut out oh 10 hours maybe shouldn’t really be a disposable item should it no it shouldn’t no what

    Was wrong uh the map sensor Martin thinks is faulty um but it’s almost a brand new thing we fitted it when we put the bigger turbo on on the old engine because we needed a four three bar map sensor four bar map sensor um but it’s in some funny reading

    So we got to replace it going go right so if you’re displaying manifold pressure up there in bar the manifold pressure is manifold absolute pressure yeah you can’t it doesn’t have an option to send manifold gauge pressure which is what you want to see yeah you can’t send it

    It doesn’t have manifold gauge pressure okay it can do kPa yeah Eng gauge but not manifold pressure it can do PSI engage engage but again not not bar you can only send bar yeah in absolute which is why it reads .5 not minus5 yeah I see okay

    That’s fine I can live with it right yeah I can live with it so we’re going to put the ethanol in battery and then we’re done I Think


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