In this episode I cycle from Trento to the foot of the Stelvio Pass at Prato Allo Stelvio Prad am Stilfserjoch on some of the most scenic cycleway in the Alps. Episode includes route notes and tips.

    One more packed up ready to go I’m going about 15K past Balano bosen today so about 85k roughly not raining yet but it’s forecast to rain this turned out to be a great little Camp spot the traffic noise wasn’t too bad with the earplugs in so after tonight I head to a little

    Town at the base of the stelvio pass and then I’m hoping to ride up stelvio pass the following day and without weight probably just two front paniers and the handle bag with the Drone and stuff in It I think it’s pretty much cycleway all the way today along the river to Bano This head wind sucks I haven’t had Tower wind since I left Rome this Valley must be really fertile just grape Vines all the way Through Well the sun is poking through I’ve seen my first bit of snow on a mountain way up in the distance I don’t know what this meat is but it is so good I just found it a little cycleway side stall with fruit fruit and meats I got like four of these big

    Sticks I’m going to smash all them down there’s some sun on those mountains up there first Sunshine I’ve seen on Mountains well that little stop has been a massive pickme up picking up those apples that meat eating all that salami or what whatever it was I think it was German it was called Otto the little stall and the sun’s out which is beautiful after having that overcast morning in the

    Headwind and now the headwind seems to have dissipated or I’m sheltered from it this is just magic now it’s definitely started to change flavors a little bit from Italian to sort of German Austrian notice the little subtleties shapes of roofs and like the houses and stuff I’ve heard a little bit

    Of German this morning when I went back to that same place where I got the apples to get bananas there was a different guy and he came out I asked if they had bananas he said nine so yeah it’s definitely starting to change since trento getting closer to that mountain

    With the snow on it right up the middle out There that’s good I just went and got groceries I’m all set for tonight tomorrow morning these cycleways through the towns so great the cycling infastructure in Northern Italy is just so much better pales in comparison to the South it’s fantastic so I’m just on the outskirts

    Of B Bano Bose so I’m leaving the Euro 7 to go up this Valley that’ll eventually tomorrow take me to the base of the Stelio pass I’ve just stopped at this little picnic table it’s times like this when the sun’s out it makes it all worth

    It I was starting to wonder why I was here it was really getting me down and today’s just been has really turned around it’s really Beautiful the bike traffic today compared to every other day has been not comparable like it’s so many people today and I think it’s because the quality of the just the ride the experience the cycle way the surrounds it’s just super Good well I’m nearly at Camp it’s not even 4 but it’s all right I can dry off the tent tent’s been wet for days so I’ll give me a chance to dry stuff off look at my pitch I’m in the shade this is gold everybody else has chosen

    Sunny spots I don’t know why you do that there beautiful shade here it’s not crowded this is beautiful this is so nice there’s a restaurant there’s a pool there’s to showers and toilets obviously just got to go and pay probably 10000 just cooking up my dinner got uh

    Potato onion tomato carrot and noodles and just met a nice guy Sebastian from Germany he’s ridden from Austria today 130k over the stelvio pass yeah great guy been to a Australia stove’s just cooking away here boiling up the veggies pretty good day overall weather came good up to stelvio tomorrow well to

    The base of stelvio and up the stelvio the following day well I’ve just set off June 7th heading to the base of the stelvio pass got to go up about 650 M today I’m doing about 64k and there’s a little bit of sun peeking through on the mountains up

    There just trying to come through hopefully the Sun comes out again like yesterday cuz it was so magic Yesterday well that was by far the best campsite actually had power supplied to the tent sites it’s only a small tent area but it had shade and yeah having that power was a massive bonus cuz now I can probably go another week without staying in a hotel provided

    I can continue to find campsites or stealth Campsites I wish Australia had cycling infrastructure like here it’s so good you can go through little towns and barely touch the road I had to stop for a coffee this place is too Nice the sun is out again it’s f fantastic I’m so pleased just pray it out tomorrow for the CIO this Cycle Way is just brilliant I had no idea it’ be soyed away all the way up this Valley Unreal look at this this Trail Magic on the cycle way juice boxes and water and fruit how good is that just sitting on the side of the road on a little stool I’m in heaven this is brilliant I don’t need any of it but how good is that this is just

    Magic this is brilliant this is what I was dreaming about back home little cycleway paths through the elps just magic in the sunshine you got to love It the magic water fountain it continually runs but the water level doesn’t rise and it doesn’t seem to be a hole in the bottom of it magic it seems like such a wholesome healthy place to live in the elps I bet there’s hardly any crime people I bet live um a

    Lot cleaner and healthier and so many people out on bikes so Many it looks like they’ve laid a pipe straight up that mountain that would not have been Easy there’s so much agriculture in the Alps I didn’t expect like all the way up this Valley it’s it’s been farms and Crops Protein power break found a nice spot by a little Pond here in the shade beautiful My first Bridge with a roof I’ve seen these on YouTube in Europe it’s a first one I’ve been Through okay getting closer to the snow and I’m only a few K from my little town where my camp ground Is well I’ve got to my campsite at uh Cen Hine just drying out my stuff and I’ve got a view of the mountains snowcapped mountains in the background while I’m all set up I went and got a Coke and the woman gave me nice Go full of ice I’ve got my

    Pistachios to have snacks with loving life and it’s not raining I’m cook dinner soon yeah get get an early night for 1800 M climb up to 2760 M I think can’t wait I’m doing a new Brew tonight well it’s the same brew as last night but I

    Put salami in so I’ve got tomato onion carrot and potato and now I’m going to put the 2minute magic noodles in Oregan is going to be Wicked okay root notes this was a fantastic ride as you can see on the legend here it’s 59.9 km of cycleway and the entire route’s only 63.7 so it’s almost all cycleway and same with the next day from vpan v v piano to praam Stiller Jo that was

    Almost all cycle way as well just really good and camping Gala near Vilan V piano was just a fantastic T site it’s not very big if you’re in peak season you probably want to get there a bit earlier the Riders usually come in around 7 6

    7:00 and if you’re there before 5 or 5 you usually definitely get a spot um but yeah it has power for the tent area there’s a couple of power outlets and it was just really really nice great facilities really recommend that and the T site at keeran camping on the second

    Day it had power to the T sites but you have to have an adapter for RVs or Caravans to fit into the outlets um I really recommend getting one of those I didn’t have one um and it would have been really handy but yeah this is this campsite was good too no complaints


    1. Nice job mate, we’re looking at going back to Europe this spring, and looping from Basel over to the Danube down to Ljubljana and back some how to Andermatt Switzerland. Keen to see where you’re heading. Cheers Conrad & Lee

    2. Great ride. Doing Nth Italy this September/October this year and can’t decide between lake Garda/Stelvio or go across to lake Como/Majorie….after your vid…Garda/Trento etc looks beautiful. Great series on your trip 👍

    3. hi Steve, glorious instalment. I watched it twice. the emotions Val Venosta (from Merano to Prato allo Stelvio) gives you are unmatched.
      people there speak German as their first language because no later than 100 years ago those territories were Austria. after First World War Austria found itself among the losers, people in the Sud Tyrol woke up one day and they were told they were Italians.
      I also find it odd when I'm over there when people offer you "nine" of something and then won't sell it to you, go figure.
      till the next

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