Relive the final kilometer of the Stage 2 and WÆRENSKJOLD Søren’s victory!

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    A massive acceleration on the right hand side from one of the Border hands for is trying to get across to be L but has lur timed this to absolute perfection so many times we’ve seen L lur almost take victories we know he’s descending he just is having a terrible time but lur

    On a Punchy finish like this could be absolutely perfect Lauren ven gold is there with his Uno X te they’re trying to line this one up but lur is still got a little bit of an advantage for total energy it looks like the style of Ni Den have Uno

    X got enough 500 M to go it’s still Pier La of total energy he is still there he is still holding on they’re desperately trying to close the gap now Uno X are trying to fire with ven gold is p going to get it on the line it’s a Furious

    Sprint lur is caught here goes sain valence gold sain valence gold all the way to the line he was the favorite faren skull takes it foro X Mobility


    1. Latour should not have been looking back that much. When will teams drill it into their riders that looking back puts you at a disadvantage aerodynamic-wise.

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