Today we take a look at I W T Deeside Ltd, Fourth Avenue Zone 2, Deeside Industrial Park, Deeside CH5 2NR.

    We speak to many staff about what we are doing and pause our activity for a long time in the hope to reassure them that nothing wrong is happening.

    Eventually, we are recognised by an onlooker which de-escalates the situation.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    The video will go on social media in a week’s time it be you’re not the first person that’s been here in the last three four months across all the sites and every site has asked you to move along for for exactly same reason a person with all the camera rigged up

    Well actually done what you’ve said he’s actually done what you said he was very like you he was very rude and didn’t give any information right as soon as I asked the police to come in at and he disappeared so welcome back to the channel guys

    Today we’re here in dside taking a look at iwt Composites a lot of thought left just taking some bits and Bobs inside this there but how unusual is this eh spanning from one side to the other you’ve got the remains of a roof an old roof and then I presume this is the

    Goods and is it car chassis or trailer chassis do they make trailers here we can see a couple of uh trailers here actually let’s have a look at this 60 years of engineering Excellence so is this what they make I thought that was made by EA

    Williams or do they just make the chass of them I don’t know an IA Williams Tipper there so the building oh there’s two buildings one to the right there oh and there’s more trailers as well in the yard over there so yeah definitely some sort of trailer chassis so let’s jump onto the

    Website and see exactly what they say they do so on that signed does there we can actually you see it says EA Williams trailer site so the composite materials which are of course very strong here at iwt are used to make the trailers and it looks like we have a bit

    Of a a staff canteen behind the fence there to my left and of course staff don’t take too long to come and speak to us is there a reason why you’re recording of course is there a reason why you’re recording Factory of course there is yeah sorry of course there

    Is there’s a video being made about the company all right so it’ll be published in a week’s time all right just we w’t let we just been told you don’t mind what’s it for it’s for a video that’s going to be published in a week video for what a video

    For yeah video for what for us not for you about you right so who’s ask for it uh it’s just been selected by who no you know we got you know confidential things and you we don’t really want to advertise what got say anyone can see it I

    Know sound a bit Cy about what he about to say as well yeah um would you like to tell me more about your business what the company business yeah build trailers yeah would like obviously I’ve told you I’m making a video you’ve told me you’re making trailers and

    What’s in the composite what materials make it up for the Eiffel Williams compos yeah do you want to tell me more what reason so can I reply with the same no you’re videoing us I’m outside on the public pavement I’m going to make the video I’m going to make a video it’s

    Going to last 20 minutes it will include the Drone and then I’ll be gone we don’t want to drone over the building sorry really don’t want to drone over the building the law allows it for what purpose for a video stock we don’t want publish what stock we got on

    Site I’ve seen that you’ve got stock from the Google Maps image as well we don’t want it published did you want the Google Maps image to be published is that up to date will mine be up to date in a week’s time well yeah stock changes how much you PR if you didn’t

    Need test to someone else please no unfortunately this site has been selected by who I don’t want to tell you more than I’ve already told you just like you didn’t please respect that I don’t understand you want a video all site but you’re not prepared to tell us who

    Selected it for and why in a week’s time yeah you’ll see a video about your company right at that point where will we see the video uh you’ll see it on social media which one instagram YouTube I’ll just say all of them it will be published on all of them on the

    Same day for what reason you’ll find out in a week all right not really you can’t stop it I can pause my activity like I have done to reassure you that it’s all above board you’re not reassuring us if you don’t feel re of on that we don’t want publicized for

    People to see that could potentially cause break or anything like that I’m I’m a photographer right my job here is to get the footage on the ground then get the footage from above so have you been employed by somebody to do this or is this a personal it’s been this site

    Has been selected and I get paid right okay selected by who from Point View someone wants to see what stock we’ve got y you’re powerless so you’re you’re aitt someone wants to know what stock we somebody wants to see your site your business where you’re located what you

    Look like what you’re up to how clean the place is ETC there’s an interest in your company I’m here to get the footage for the video that’s being made it sounds like you’re trying to stop me from doing that is that right we’re not happy with people videoing stock levels do you do

    You understand that you cannot stop me because if you don’t you’re next step is to call the police because if you think that something wrong is happening right now you’re not giving us any information at all if you gave us information you’re open and honest with

    Us you might be a little bit more than your opinion is that I’ve not given you no no information you haven’t given us any information so will you give me some information about what your composite is made of it’s anything else don’t look like fiberglass to me see you’re not telling the truth

    You you are site manager turn that badge over sorry turn the badge around you just G from that direction yeah cuz that’s the entrance down there okay so what can I do to talk to him now yeah okay I’m here PE pach the unit manager of that do you want to tell him

    Pete cuz normally I only say it once and then your internal Communications can do its thing talk to each other all I need to know is why why you taking photos of the site just said that Pete’s here to look after whatever the site yeah Pete’s looking after that unit brilliant I’m

    I’m the overall site manager do you want me to say it again I I feel if you’re taking photos up the site I better be right to ask you what you’re doing it’s very suspicious I’ve asked about what stock levels you want a video I want there you go I want a video

    Stock level why would you want to do that I don’t I’m here to take some photography from the ground and from above with the Drone a video is going to get published in a week’s time about this company and this site you’ll find out the context of the video in a week

    All I’m here to do is get the footage for the video so not even I know how it’s going to be edited right okay so I’m not going to come on your site I’m staying out just like the Google car did they took footage Google went over they

    Took footage I’m doing the same if you think of it like I’m a a Google plane and car that’s it I’m what company you’re working for I don’t give out any information that’s private but you’ve just asked me to have a lock on iPad and I proba openly showed you it didn’t that

    Show me anything everybody here’s got all company details on them I’m not hiding anything IA Williams I WT yeah it says eier Williams on the sign over there as well and on all the trailers yeah so you’re solely focusing on eier Williams trailers here with a manufacturing site we manufacture I

    Williams trailers yeah using the Composites the very strong Composites that are used in the Aeros space industry and stuff like that yeah no it’s not we manufacturing all types of trailers for all sorts of Trail oh yeah not the CER Williams no all types of trailers for Williams trailers a large

    Company we build all different types of trailers that’s all I know I’ll just do a quick search um that’s all it’s told me there I’ve showed you are you you mind showing me no I’m just a member of the public do you know if the police

    Came and they wanted to know I am I don’t even have to tell them cuz I’ve done no wrong no but don’t you believe we’ve got every right to know if you believe you’re um checking on the stock levels we’ve got on site like I said to

    Your colleagues if you don’t believe my story that I’m innocently taking photos yeah if you don’t believe that call the police ask a few questions just like you asked me you asked me colleague yeah I’m asking be quite and with you but I I just don’t understand I don’t understand

    What you’re doing it’s not the first time that this conversation’s happened yeah it’s happened at least four times don’t treat all the same don’t treat us all the same well don’t treat me as if I’m because there’s a lot of sites been selected on this industrial is this the

    Fourth time you’ve been to this site what you oh no no no fourth fourth time today that I’ve had this type of conversation hopefully that explains your the off daugh and approach the manager and say this is what my intentions are I used very suspicious I

    Used to do that right but when I go in they say no right and then I’m I’ve come out and I’ve done it anyway and it’s rude so I just try and do it without being noticed get get away to the next site I’ve paused my activity to talk to

    You when you say when you say it’s the four times happened today by by this site or other companies other companies on you can see there’s a consistency people are worried about what you’re doing in terms of sight security you can understand that can you understand that

    Once I explain to them I’m an innocent photographer they go back to I’m only asking for some detail like youve asked me I’ve asked you so I can just check up on it and making sure everything you w checking up me believe me so do you not

    Find that suspicious do you know that bike there I’m not interested inik you know that bike I use the bike for the sole reason that I cannot be traced but I’m not interested in the bike you’re interested in tracing me you want to find out my name I’m interested what

    You’re doing and is my site secure is anything you’re doing going to compromise my site you never good know employ you just got to take my word for it okay is it something I need to get the police to be involved if you’re not being I’m trying to work with you here

    But please use the police if you feel that you need to okay I will wait for them okay I’ve paused my activity to talk to you to try and reassure you if I failed I apologize you failed because you’ve given me no information at all

    Have you given me your name I don’t want to know it but have you given it to me I’ve showed you my badge you asked my badge I showed you that badge I just showed you and I just showed you my shirt the question was have you my

    Name’s on the I didn’t see it I saw I will you looked away cuz I’m not interested what I’m saying is have you volunteered personal information to me if I give you my personal information you’ve requested and I’m trying to work with you so I feel it’s it’s a two-way

    Conversation work with me right I’m going to get the Drone out you watch the screen with me and tell me what I don’t know about your site tell me what happens under the roof in certain areas of the building that’s how you can help me and that will make the video much

    Better for the client we’ got copyright on our designs and our products why would I share that just say this is where we do the welding this is where the materials get mixed stuff like that that will help but why would I want to give you that information and you’re not

    Giving me the Bare Basics of who you are and who you’re working for I’m why would why would I give you that information just to be helpful to me that’s all but you’re not being helpful I’m asking for a two-way conversation but you’re not giving me anything what do you want to

    Know what’s the basics that you want to know who are you who you’re working for what what’s it in relation to let me understand stand and maybe I can help you you can call me DJ yeah if you want to I’d rather your name to be honest my

    Name’s re stavis what’s yours no unfortunately I never give my name out but you can call me DJ and that might make sense when the video comes out the video will go on social media in a week’s time it you’re not the first person that’s been here in the last 3

    Four months across all the sites and every site is asking to move along for exactly same reason a person with all the camera rigged up well is actually done what you’ve said it’s actually done what you said he was very like you he was very rude and didn’t give any

    Information but as soon as I asked the the police to come and attend he disappeared I wait which which then made me even more suspicious which is why I’m here speaking to you now so I’m trying to work with you please forward call the police please let me finish I’m trying

    To work with you so why can’t you work with me if I give me the I don’t need to I’ve you don’t need to but you want me to give you one information yes I do yes I’m a is that how you work I’m a

    Cheeky buer is that how you work this is how I work right I spend 5 minutes reassuring the company but you haven’t reassured me cuz you’ve not fa if I failed conversation ends please escalate it to the law enforcement who will help you out we will do we will do yeah do do

    It sooner than ler we’ve got you on CCTV so it’s fine I’m not hiding my face no I’m not saying you what I’m saying this person that you referred the last person did yes see I’m Different well you’re not different you’re still he G me nothing either and you haven’t have you

    Ever seen anything of what he filmed have you ever seen any he moved on as soon as the police came cuz he stopped filming the minute I came out let’s get to that stage and you’ll see how went if other people have asked you to move

    Along don’t you see a pattern people are sus you’re acting suspiciously you’re being suspicious never moved you’re not working with us you’re not giving us any information to work with you it doesn’t work like that does it yes it does you just me for information which possibly I

    Can give you when I understand the context of what you need it for okay I know no longer require any information from yourself okay so are we done no I’m still suspicious about what you’re doing what are you going to do about it you need to do we’ll contact the

    Police now we will we will contact the police because don’t I don’t like what you’re do you’re not working with me okay well I’m sorry that I couldn’t reassure you um let’s let’s finish pointless conversation for me for yourself and for the police only because you’re being very suspicious and

    Secretive all I’m going to say to the police is that I’m doing some photography for a video that’s going to be published in a week that’s it that’s all I’m going to say that’s fine private property yeah do do you think drones are allowed over private property yeah but

    You’re doing it for a purpose I know drones fly over but you’re purposely videoing certain sections certain sections I’m going to get the whole lot going to do a perimeter shot going around and I normally have a quick look at the um anything that I find interesting

    Really so not stock not vehicle reges not staff faces like you’ve been applying so I haven’t apped anything is it a camera it’s going to pick up anything isn’t it you going to what are you getting out what are you getting out we trying to understand the context of what what you

    Doing who’s employed you’ll find out in a week that’s fine we’re just seeing this confid confidential information in there within well hope it’s not on display that’s why there’s barriers that’s why there’s fencing because we need to understand who’s coming on on site who’s going off I know you haven’t

    Been on to site but there’s a reason for it it’s called site security I’ve seen someone acting suspicious I’m not happy with the information you give me so I feel I’m well within my job role to come and speak to you and I’m trying to but you’re still not giving

    Anything could I have remain silent you could have but so could I have I volunteered to talk to you and pause my cuz if you’d have volunteered you’d have approached the site you’ve called in and you said listen I just want to do a bit of this that’s that’s volunteering what

    You’re doing now you’re only bring forward cuz I’m asking you a few questions as soon as this gentleman as soon as this gentleman approached I paused yeah even before you came yeah I’ve given everybody the same reply just filming in innocent photography at this stage yeah at this stage if somebody

    Makes a negative video that you really don’t like with the footage you’re going and talk to them but right now you’re talking to me and what I’m doing is lawful and I think what I’m doing is lawful that’s fine so but when somebody is so like if I’m

    Walking my dog doing something normal flying my kite doing whatever I want to do out here playing with my remote control car and you continue continue continue to want more information want more of my time I I I’m now saying I’m going to end the conversation and I’m

    Going to continue my lawful activity whether you respect that or not that’s down to you all right okay and I’m going to continue asking questions so there are no flight restrictions in the area I just show the camera just for evidential purposes sometimes the flight restriction pops up after the event I

    Just prove at the time of flying there’s no flight restriction so this is an air why would it pop up after the event I’m just trying to understand like a light show and firework display sometimes uh flight restrictions in a certain area come only for a period of time that

    The event takes place football matches for example some some days you can fly the football stadium some days you can’t but at the time of flying just prove that there’s no restrictions it’s all about covering your back cuz when my footage goes online it’s funny that you

    Should say covering your back so you can understand why I’m asking questions to you now anything happens tonight this evening over the next few days you’re likely to be the person that we’d want to speak to because it’s very suspicious all right do you get where I come from

    You know it’s suspicious Behavior you’re H sight someone filming and all of a sudden something happens trailers like I do get why you’re so um so suspicious right because trailers are a desirable item before I came I only knew iwt Composites I didn’t know AA Williams I’ve only spotted that there

    And the fact that it’s on your workware means you solely working for them aren’t you this is an EA Williams customer this no we are IA Williams oh you are we are iaam you are EI Williams we manufacture IA Williams the company’s called does that say EA Williams on that building

    All that building if you walked if you pass the the entrance you walked along this fence and there’s another barrier so is SE company then no same company same company different unit that does composite we build we manufacture trailers so the composite material is not used to make the trailer or it is

    It’s to make a roof for a trailer so the actual and another composite the actual shell there what material is that sh what what what you in your technical words what’s that part of the trailer what you pointing out that yeah the chassis that’s steel steel

    Did you call it a chassis what’ you call it chassis yeah steel it’s made of steel not composite or anything like that it’s made of steel so the composite material is used for a hood on a trailer and other elements we do other all depends on the product different we do we do

    Trailers for all ranges of usage I couldn’t list them all that’s how many we do we do x amount on this site and we have other sites across North Wales that we buil build different variants on so your material comes in flat and you’re making it into that no I can’t dige how

    We do it obviously you don’t want to tell me too much for obvious reasons no I I can’t tell you everything because obviously you know copyright we’re we’re a large company and giving all our secrets away to keep it basic on the internet you’re making them from scratch

    On this site we we it’s an assembly site okay okay so we put it together it’s like all the pieces for the flat pack come here and we put it all together and you Outsource parts of that to other people it arrives in bits and Bobs and you just put them all together

    Yeah and the composite side of things is used for other Industries as well as the EA Williams product no we purely we Supply ourselves so that building there supplies only that side of the building well not that side of the building other buildings within the company okay it’s interesting stuff

    But I visit many sites it’s not just you not just targeting you anyway it is strange that everyone keeps on asking you to move along isn’t it no they don’t the company next door do you know Edge yeah Edge transport the director came out there and she asked the same

    Questions and then uh 5 minutes later she was reassured perfect conclusion give me some reassurance so I can get back to my jobed you’ve given me nothing I’ve tried my friend you’ve given me nothing the the rights of the photographer in the Drone flyer out on the public pavement are they being

    Respected in your opinion so we’ we’ve got a right to do this been rude to youe but once once a reasonable amount of time has been spent from the photographers perspective only am I’m only asking you give me a little bit of information you want more right but the photographer

    Didn’t even need to tell you anything right so they’ve spent a little bit of their time giving you something just to say L I think we I think you’ve had more from me than what you’ve given me well that’s your opinion right you’ve even got staff

    That okay be I don’t like to be an interruption to any business right um sometimes they lock it down they close all the gates and then speed up cuz I want them gates open I don’t want to interfere but the photographers outside they’re constantly being accused of of they’re

    Not doing they’re they’re just enjoying by us or um in general in general right so the videos are great when they highlight this they highlight the fact that photographers have still got the rights despite terrorism despite criminals despite us being wrongly judged you you might think I’m I’m only judging because you’re not

    Giving me anything that’s we don’t have to because if you imagine photographer going all the way down a photographer going all the way down just constantly having to it’ll be it’ll be there 10 times longer than what he should do on that industrial state so if somebody

    Came out let’s say outside your house and started taking pictures of your house and flying a drone over your garden how would you feel you’d be that’s no problem I’ll answer it in a house you probably ask exactly the same questions as I would wouldn’t you let’s

    Let’s I’ll answer it in a house you could be getting changed right so you could be naked you could have children these guys could be getting Chang you can see they wear all wearing uniform you could have children that are maybe in a paddling pool in the garden yeah so

    If somebody was taking photos or flying a drone around a house there would be different concerns and it’s the intent of the person so if they’re intending to get footage of somebody indecent police should be informed my intent is what I’ve told you to get the footage of a commercial building is that

    Something you’re willing to share with me me once you’re finished in a week’s time I have to stick to the format if my if I tell the subjects your subject here if I tell you too much it’s not going to make my video very good because you will have an

    Individual or a company or you basically you’ll have a head start you not allow to tell us if it’s a company that’s employed or an individual or anything in what context do you mean we’ll have a head I’d have a head start if you sh if you

    Were willing to share it with me I’ve got to carry on guys okay the police are on the way I am my friend yeah you know what it’s all about don’t you why did you stay so quiet because I’m at work thank you very much everybody that

    Knows who I am gets a key ring so just tell him there’s nothing to worry about is there he just videos industrial Estates and what happens vor’s going in and out and stuff like that and it goes onto social media don’t it yeah the page is

    Here look why why can you give me the information this chap has the format of the videos cannot change I’m asking for anything change that’s just ask for information so all of them are all industrial sites she goes around to and just takes the Drone up records it the

    Police come out and let him stay there cuz he’s on yeah okay now I know now I know what it is no flight zone we we promote the rights of a photographer and a drone flyer interactions like this make the video very interesting for people to see because are the rights respected how

    Much do I have to do to be able to carry on a lawful activity do I have to show you my passport my driving license my home address my full name no we don’t even need to show the police this information this is private why you just

    Tell me that was called DJ audit because you you have walked away and made my video too short the longer the video the longer I hear your argument the better and you’ve been respectful you haven’t been rude you haven’t put hands on me sometimes it gets physical I wouldn’t do

    That why would I need to do that you haven’t done that to me so they definitely would be no you’ve showed great self-control it’s not always the case all I’ve got to do now is fly around I’m going to add a 360° photo to the Google

    Maps listing so people can zoom in and have a look around and how how low are you intending to fly how low I won’t be no lower than 50 m and I can go up to 120 well now I know who you are obviously any issues then my email

    Address is on every video as soon as you see the video you could have contacted me straight the way with any questions you could have handed us a card and made it simpler if I tell people then I could have yeah if I tell people too much then

    That’s expected of a random photographer photographers shouldn’t be telling private information to every Tom Dick andary where they live what their name is we’re not asking that we were just asking for a website you could have given us with your details on it so we could view what you’re doing got to

    Understand we’ve got be you know it’s a security risk if there if we don’t know what it’s about which you know and we have a lot of people casing this site trying to provide people’s livelihoods as well out we keeping people in work so any security risk is what I’m saying is

    Obviously you could be playing with people’s livelihoods that’s all I’m saying so that’s why that’s why I’ve come out to check what’s going on sometimes I find a problem with the fence I find a security weakness if I do I’ll tell you before I leave so I’m actually you you

    Didn’t know none of this but I can actually be helpful to situations as well I’m not here with ill inent and I’ve said that all along no that’s fine okay now we know where you are thank you very much okay thank you thank you

    Guys so there we have it as soon as they know who you are they walk away so now they’ve all gone back to work and left me alone let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so we thought the company was iwt

    Composites but it turns out it’s two businesses and they work hand in hand I for Williams next door it says that there is a sign on this building but I’ve not even been down there have I so let’s have a quick look to see the sign first of all iwtd side

    So there isn’t I for Williams sign at all this can go on Facebook yes mate yeah when will it be on a week I watch all your videos sound nice one I’ve seen you B I got that’s DJ yeah I’m surprised you didn’t speak up soona because they was going crazy yeah yeah

    So the scale of the site goes all the way back there look and I do know that trailers are a very desirable item easily sold and easily pinched and they do not want people knowing what stock they’ve got but stock changes all the time so by

    The time you see this video it will already have changed so the covered area which is no longer covered the old roof just there and all the bits the chassis of the trailer we just want to know Basics don’t we all different shapes and sizes down down

    Here and I wonder whether the police were called whether they are on the way or not yeah there’s a lot of money’s worth here I can see why they’re a bit suspicious and even more frames sub frames and Chassis and raw materials down here who would have fought it ehy ier Williams trailers

    Manufactured assembled here in dside we were spotted pretty quickly though the staff are very alert and the manager wasn’t too bad was he he was very persistent that is for sure and imagine if we had to pause the video pause our photography each time for that long that’ll be a nightmare you’d never

    Get any videos done but now and again we don’t mind I know that you guys like to hear the side of the company so there’s a nice long one for you toar here so we’re down at 50 m we said we won’t go lower than 50 m didn’t

    We and this is the closest we’re going to get to the trailers awesome so let’s get right up to 120 M get the whole site in one shot do a 360° photo for Google Maps and move on because iwt EA Williams trailers have had far too much time today haven’t They and here we have some IA Williams chassis and some subframes arriving so are they made off site then and they’re just assembled here well just like you said but so maybe not much is made on site you don’t often get to see the trailers in this state do

    You that’s all it is underneath and that’s where your suspension and your wheels will be mounted your mud guard and the frame the strength of the trailer already welded into Shape and that concludes the video from the EA Williams trailer site the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is just past this CCTV sign in the stones just there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you

    Do want the key ring good luck with that so as you look up the sign is there look so yes we’ll leave it there a very interesting convers ation he put his argument forward very well very very concerned about security and of course that is understandable because of what they have on

    Site yes if it was me I would have nighttime security here that is for sure but anyway good luck to them in their business and we’ll leave them alone if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up up for me and I’ll

    See you on the next one guys bye-bye for Now


    1. @dave4728 nice lie you fraud it says nothing of the sort trolling yourself you mean even gonna lie to yourself now hahahahah you don't call 101 for concerns it's not a number for busybodys it's a non emergency crime number you weird liar 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡 you love shaming yourself keep it up it's hilarious this.

    2. Dj ilove your videos. My only problem is your becoming obstinate.The site manager was very professional to you, you obviously did not have to give any information, but why not just say your a youtuber who does interesting videos about industrial sites, job done. Its ok telling them to call the police but you can stop that and still get your footage , granted not all the time but the police have better things they can be doing.

    3. Great video! @14:53 what's up with Pete (the guy in red) obviously being shown the phone of the guy who knows who he is? How did he not go bail out his co-worker? He went inside and disappeared? Pete. It's amazing how people think they have any kind of authority over someone else in public. Imagine walking up to someone in a park asking someone taking pictures of a tree or a bench, repeatedly, what their intentions were with the pictures or video.

    4. This proved your point, once they learned who you were, a youtuber, they left you alone, this is why not telling people who you are is important, like you said, an independent photographer shouldn't have to give their info to people for taking pictures.

      But they were still respectful and I'll give them credit for that, keep up the good work.

    5. What couldn't you just say you're DJ Audits?

      Not because the video would be rubbish but because the next legit photographer who isn't an auditor would be harassed.

    6. oh FFS this guy and his stupid conversion is going in circles for how long now, it's like watching a sprinkler, go round and round and round. you would expect people to be aware of private auditors these days, doing this type of stuff and educate their company employees to not engage, let them be and off they go. If they believe the drone does not meet the minimum requirements they are more than welcome to phone the police, but no, they rush out and think they can stop you, geez how long has GDPR been a thing now, do people not educate their employees. Companies who fail to educate their workers should be fined, like this lot here, completely oblivious to GDPR and how it works

    7. aboooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove… oh and get back to work!

    8. DJ you gave them to much time waffling rubbish they kept repeating themselves over and over again , he was a typical manager who loves to talk for talikings sake .

    9. I will be honest years I didn't have clue about relative Lawes too. Bu that just brought curiosity to find out. Some people and in fact most people have these assumeptions and thoughts and they dont want to change. I like how DJ being so polite and patient. He is truly showing class. While I would advise all the industrial sites managers to get to the bottom of it and be trained in it. Also security guards who dont display SIA badge can be prosecuted and sent behind bars for up to 6 months. People needs to educate them selves

    10. Firstly, I LOVE these videos.

      But I can see how recent imagery of stock and video footage is very different to Google earth shots that were taken a while ago in terms of potential theft access and company concerns. I think you have to bear in mind that it’s natural for companies & employees to think that footage could go into the wrong hands that day to encourage theft in the following days. I think once people start talking to you then that should make them realise what your intentions are but I can certainly see how people would get concerned with a dude outside filming, possibly with a mask on. Especially if they have never seen that before or if they have only ever seen it from actual dodgy people eyeing up stock.

    11. I've watched quite a few of these types of videos. People like you "Auditors" who film private property from public places. I'm not saying that I have watched every auditor but of the ones that I have watched, you are the best by far. I watched one the other day were a large group of people filmed outside a hotel for immigrants. They said that they had the right to film but then they all left when the police arrived. To cut a long story short .. it was a shambles.
      It would be nice if you went there and did the job properly. Just my opinion.

    12. The site manager for IWT was brilliant and his concerns were justified. Of course you could have got your video footage without disturbing anyone, but, as you admitted, the video is more about the interaction with security (and at times the Police) and the rights of the photo/videographer. To be fair the actual drone footage is quite boring.

    13. I haven't heard so much crap coming out of your mouth people are not really interesting what you are doing I need a pump that are interested in when you wind somebody up and you are floating over their business with more people watching your videos and whatever else you get paid for your work what you do the more folks you get all the more people are watching your videos the more money you will get from YouTube

    14. Some people Moan at DJ saying things like 'Get a Job' 'Nothing better to do'! Some Companies would love DJ Audits to visit and check Security and the grounds as if they had a Real Audit and failed they could lose a Contract worth alot of money. So hats off to DJ Audits and other similar Channels.

    15. wow what a knobhead so stupid it's just dripping of him , he could have made the firm look good ,but choose to make it look stupid no excuse for his anger, anger management class wouldn't go amiss here, if they asked nicely to see the footage and something was of concern ,the polite thing to ask is can you cut that bit and there reasons why , I'm sure an agreement could have been reach, doesn't part of his job role , i'v deleted some comments as he started to act like a human being ,and then he goes and spoils it by acting up again , so right back to a silly school girl who wet her knickers ,what a shame

    16. Honestly m8 you are an embarrassment and really annoy photographers who have had to qualify and taken degrees ..u pick up a camera phone call yourself a photographer and demand respect …lying wassock

    17. People who ponce of someone elses business make me sick. You get paid for potentially harming their business through IPR or security is lost on you. You take your money and sleep easy

    18. Doesn't matter what's the law you would not be happy having a camera flying through your bedroom……it's got something to do with respect. By the way in most Europe this is illegal for a reason…..cheers from a guy with manners and a drone too…..

    19. The employee's think they own the public access the road the public sidewalk and the air way above the building and property looking suspicious isn't a crime how dumb is this owner

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