Meeting of the Victoria County Council (originally streamed on Facebook Live). Minutes of this meeting can be found on the Municipal website at

    Know when we’re ready. Dan, can you mute anybody that’s not muted except for Larry maybe? Cuz Larry’s sharing this? I believe so. and we are live folks. Uh good evening everyone. Like to bring Council Session to order. Uh also like to mention that we

    Would like to acknowledge that this meeting is being held in Unimacy, one of seven traditional districts of the Mi’kmaq, Maggie. Um the ancestral and non-seated territory of the Mikma people. So with that the agenda has been circulated. Uh any

    Additions or changes to the agenda? hearing no additions. We’d like to have a motion to approve the agenda as presented. moved by Councilor McNeil, second it. Council second. Second by Councilor Oregon, all in favor. motion pass. So, the

    Agenda has been approved. The first issue on the agenda tonight is the Energy Presentation by SWEB and Jason is available. Uh Jason, if you like to introduce yourself to council and please start your presentation. Absolutely, thanks for having me this

    Evening, folks. Uh my name is Jason Prize. I’ve been a development manager here with SWEB out of the Halifax office for a little over seven years now. Um so, tonight, I just wanted to provide high-level overview of proposed project

    That we have in the the deck area and then provide a bit information about the programs that the province is essentially pushing for here in Nova Scotia as part of the transition plan for our energy system. Uh just want to confirm

    Can folks see my screen okay? The PowerPoint that’s upfront. It’s great. I see some headphones. Yeah, looks good Jason. Perfect. thanks. Yeah. So, should be fairly brief but again, just wanted to give a bit of an overview of swim development. Uh talk about the

    Rate-based program and the Green Choice programs. Um very quickly, kind of give you an idea of how we select sites for Winds and Solar Energy Development. Uh the timeline that we would potentially look at for this project but kind of

    Typically what we look like, look after various projects and then, just at the end, just sort of go through kind of some key contact information for myself and potentially for someone from from Victoria County. So, smoke development, we’re essentially a North

    American subsidiary of WEB group which I have a bit more information on on the next slide but we develop, construct, and operate wind and solar energy projects throughout Europe and North America, mostly North Eastern, North America. So, we’ve been

    Based out of Halifax since 2010. Um built a handful of projects here over the years and then continue to develop kind of throughout the Northeast. Um Been around for about 25 years in Europe and probably a little over 10 here

    In North America. do a lot of community and first nation partnerships as part of our project. So, we’ve done a lot of local community collaborations here in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, and Maine and then in Europe, very similar MO for our group.

    We also have another office in Boston that we opened back in 2017 to help with our portfolio of small scale filter projects that we’ve recently put online in that area as well. So WB Group is the largest citizen-owned renewable energy

    Company in Austria. So, that’s kind of our, I guess you call it our mothership. Um and then, we have our North American branches and we’re involved in France, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, and France and then Austria is sort

    Of our our home base I would say. We’ve installed about 523 megawatts of wind and solar with a bit of hydroelectric. Uh very small scale hydroelectric. Um Also something we don’t really do anymore is hydroelectric. We’re primarily wind and solar. Um so, this

    Would be, we’ve installed about as much as installed the Nova Scotia. There’s about 616 megawatts of wind in Nova Scotia. So, we’re probably what one would call a medium-sized renewable energy group. Um so, yeah, we’re active in eight countries, two continents, Um

    Past five or six years, we’ve had a lot of employees to the group. We’re looking to expand in various markets. So, we’ve added some some extra staff to help with that. Nova Scotia, we’ve always been a a CLC type company. So, we’ll have

    Community liaison committees that we donate money to from the projects that are built and those CLCs are community elected and they manage these funds each year. Use them for various local funds or building upgrades, things like that. Uh we do have an existing project

    In Medeck. Um it’s a single turbine project and that project does have a CLC as well and that’s basically managed by the Bodeck Lions Club and there are various other ones listed here just to give you an idea of other areas where we have

    Those CLCs set up. So, back sort of the mid 20 10s, we built a handful of small scale wind projects throughout the province. Uh the turbine is the one up here in the far right in the eastern area. Saint Rose

    And Elma Dam were our other two Cape Breton projects in 20 16 and seventeen and then the other projects are scattered kind of in Central and Western Nova. Uh these are all single turbine up to four turbine projects. In 2019, we built the

    Wisconsin Wind Energy Project with the five turbine project. That was our first successful first nation partnership in New Brunswick. We’ve partner other first nations in Ontario and New Brunswick as well. Um but weren’t successful in RFPs at those times. Uh and as well as

    Part of our projects throughout Nova Scotia we utilize the CDF program. So community economic development investment funds for local investment and tax incentives for folks that invested in these projects. So, the programs that are essentially sort of pushing for

    New wind and new solar in the province are the two that are up on my screen now. So, this is essentially why you’re probably hearing more about New Wind Energy Projects in Nova Scotia in general or new solar projects. So, the program on

    The far right is likely to be released probably early 2023, maybe late 2022 depending on how efficiently the rate-based program is taken care of. So, I won’t focus on the Green Choice program this evening but the rate-based program was released

    By Ian Rankin sometime mid summer. The intention is to procure 3 hundred 50 megawatts of new renewable energy projects but the focus being wind and solar. Uh So, this would essentially add another 50% to our Wind Energy Fleet as

    A province by 2025. That’s the the target. Projects cannot exceed hundred mega lots. So, the largest project in the province at the moment is South Canyon, just northwest of Chester. That one’s around 100 megawatts. So, the project caps are around there. The time

    Frame for this first round of the procurement has been delayed several times. So, the intention is to in late April of next year with contracts likely to be signed at the end of twenty twenty-two for the offtake of the electricity from

    These new projects. And the whole premise of these new programs is to move Nova Scotia towards its 80% renewable energy target by 2030. So fairly significant amount of new builds coming up in the next four years. Um I anticipate that most of these

    Projects that other developers including ourselves are bidding will probably get put online by twenty twenty-five Uh some maybe late 2024 but highly unlikely I would think. A big part of the programs is essentially to provide benefit to local community members under represented communities,

    First Nation communities, and municipalities inclusive of Victoria County for example through turbine taxes or through direct partnerships and things like that. So, that’s sort of a a big I guess, a central tenant of this program and it will continue to be a

    Central tenant of the Green Choice program once it is released in the next year and a half So, before I show quickly what site we’re looking at potentially, typically, for a Wind Energy site, we utilize virtual data sets that give us

    An impression of what the wind resource would look like in a given area. Uh the Wind Atlas that the province has is useful. But we use a much more granular virtual data set to to help inform that. But what’s probably as important is trend

    Proximity to the transmission system. So overhead transmission circuits that are kind of within a hundred thirty-eight or 230 kilovolts. Um distance from homes or dwellings, low environmental sensitivity is fairly critical to us as well. Um and opportunities for you know to

    Provide benefits to local community members and kind of understanding the local socioeconomic situation and considerations on those fronts as well. the project is in the very early stage. Um the intention of our our public meeting a few weeks ago in Badek was was

    Really to to speak with the community and kind of understand if there was any local opposition to a potential new wind energy project. Uh we were looking to find out if there are cottages or camps in this general area. Um it’s

    Somewhat located just northeast of Big Hill Crossing road around the Lewis Mountain Road area. So, it’s entirely located on Attractive Crownland that we’re still awaiting feedback from the Crowdland office in terms of what’s available for land use for energy projects in

    That area. Um it’ll be up to about seventy-8 megawatts. So, we’re in the realm of 13 to 15 turbines roughly. Uh that’ll all depend on which turbine if this project’s ever bid or further developed. it’ll depend on which turbine we select to

    Build with. Uh that is a fairly arduous process with several different suppliers that provide pricing and service pricing that we have to account for in financial modeling to determine what’s the best value for the project. if built, it would probably power about 26,

    000 homes a year on average, which is fairly significant We’ve done some environmental studies on site for this project. So, we’ve done some reading bird work. It’s a pretty remote site so difficult to access. So, we haven’t done

    As much we plan to do more environmental assessment work in the new year if this project seems viable at present. It doesn’t seem like a a highly viable project because the region, the Cape Breton region scored quite low in terms of

    Priority in this RFP. So, it’s it’s it’s quite unlikely that a lot of the wind will get built in Cape Breton for this first round and maybe even for the second round in the Green Choice program. Most of the priority zones are around the

    Halifax HRM region as well as the sort of Windsor towards the valley area and then throughout the South Shore just a bit beyond Bridgewater. So, it’s it’s quite unlikely that you’ll see much built in Cape Breton in the next three to four years

    On this program specifically. Um obviously our intention is to continue kind of working the same way we have throughout the province and provide local benefits. Uh create a CLC group for this one. It may become the same CLC if the project’s ever built.

    We were to pursue this project, we would hold additional meetings with more visual impact assessment information to share. as well if this project is pursued by us, we would follow through with the full environmental assessment and then, host additional meetings specific to the

    Environmental assessment for the community. So, again, very early stage in the project, and my intention, I guess, was to really just inform council that it’s, it’s basically still a fairly early stage of the development process, but it’s important for council to be

    Aware of it, in case we do continue to engage the community or any landowners, then, if there are questions and you’re at least are aware of the of the project. In terms of timelines, we’re essentially in this blue block which is the

    Development block Project construction is the green and then operation. So, any project that’s bit into these procurements will operate for 25 years with the potential to operate longer depending on whoever’s running the utility at that time. If the crown

    Office is amenable to extending the lease for the project depending on the just the condition of the wind turbines at that time as well. What we often see in other markets is at the end of life for a turbine, then, a lot of

    Developers will repower. So, bring in a newer turbine and swap out the equipment. Um we are in the process of site analysis, First Nation Community, and stakeholder engagement. Um it’s it’s somewhat likely that this project will not get bit into

    This RFP based on the criteria that noted earlier, the transmission system in Cape Breton looks to be fairly congested and not ready for new wind. So, I think until the thermal assets remain online and Cape Breton, it’s quite unlikely that you’ll see more

    New generations. So, until those pool plants are retired or taken off, their generation profile. We probably won’t see a whole lot built in Cape Breton at this scale. So, just a point of interest, I would think. So, in the future, I

    Guess, this is the last slide. I just wanted to create a channel for communication between Swad Development. I’ll be leading the development group here in the province. Uh so, I’ll be the main contact for the project and with Victoria County with other

    Municipalities I’ve been dealing with. It’s typically been the CAO who has put their hand up to remain in contact should there be any changes to the project or any progress to report. Um but I’ll leave to to Victoria to decide Um I suspect

    That this project would probably be the lowest on our priority list for submission. So this is more of an information session from my perspective and we would certainly be in touch if we plan to to bid this project next spring but again my

    Thoughts are it’s it’s highly unlikely that we will. That’s essentially when I wanted to bring forth to you folks tonight so. If there any questions, I’m more than happy to Yeah, thank you very much, Jason. No, that, that’s great.

    Uh, gives us some information to go on. Maybe what we’ll do is we’ll go around to the counselors and see if they have any questions. Maybe we’ll start with Councillor McNeil. Sure. And, and if there’s anything I can answer this

    Evening, I’ll send a note back to the group tour or sometime this week. And now thank you Deputy Warden and and thank you Jason for the presentation and and bringing it to council for us to to have a little bit of

    Knowledge about it. Just one question. Uh we have have you been in consultation with the Mi’kmaq people in the area because of the it looks like it’s close to their moose hunting grounds and and everything in the area. So I’m just wondering about that.

    Yeah, the very early stages for me I been in contact or trying to be in contact since last fall on not specifically this project but my approach to for station engagement based on other jurisdictions I’ve been active in is to engage every

    Community regardless of the location of the project. So, what I tend to do is provide a a rough sort of pin of each project site to each community and welcome them to provide input and feedback on these projects regardless of if

    They’re proximal to the band office. So, I’ve yet to hear back from the communities in Cape Breton. I did I hand delivered invitations to each community in that region of the province to invite Chaping Council from those communities to discuss the project with me.

    I have felicited some support from the province and the assembly of chiefs to kind of help with contact informations on. So, I suspect that sometime early in the new year, they’ll be a more comprehensive discussion with with those communities. Thank you. Uh

    Thank you Councilor McNeil. Uh Councilor McLeod. Uh thank you. Um I I I went to your community engagement last time. Mm hmm. Uh yeah. Uh so we was there the warden and the directors and the development officer. Um do you have a good turnout that

    Day? In the jackpot? Uh good turnout relative to what we typically see. I think we had probably 3035 individuals that that showed up which was pretty great ehm I’ve had you’ve had plenty of meetings where we have just a few people or or

    Ten or a dozen that show up. So this could could turn out good feedback. Okay. And my question will be and not in that time we are we check the location and was we have made our strategy for tourism. It’s about trails.

    And what’s one of the concerns about the location because our strategy is going for that area. Um so you have second location in in case the location will not go. not at this time. I mean, we have several other project locations

    In the province, so. No, no, I’d say here in Caribbean. Yeah, not at the moment. We we weren’t aware of the tourism. I wasn’t aware of the the tourism proposal but we’d be happy to take a look at it and would certainly take that into

    Consideration in terms of this project plan. Okay, yeah, because this is a great project. So, we have a lot of guidelines. So, I you know, the maybe you can find a second location in case. Uh the study goes now but just for it’s a

    Comment for about you know you’re doing all these engagement and I suppose it’s a great project but. Certainly. Is there a is there a proposed location map that I could take a look at from someone from council or the planning room?

    If you want to contact the CEO, and then you can just give you, you can talk to them, yeah, and they, yes, have the thank you. Yeah. Yeah, we have that information, Jason. I can pass it on to you. Excellent. No,

    That’s great. Appreciate it. I, I, just one comment too. I think that’s sort of the, the benefit of these conversations, five years in advance of construction or four years in advance. We can have a lot more information to, or intel from

    You folks to, determine if it’s a viable project or not. So, I do appreciate that. Yeah, exactly. Thank you. think of having some technical difficulties here, but Councillor please. Thanks, Deputy Warden and thank you Jason Paris. yeah. Jason,

    Thank you for that and my concerns are similar to Pearl as is that on the Lewis Mountain Road there there. I know there’s been a lot of work done on the trail system through there both for hiking, snowmobiling, and ATVing and

    There was a lot of people concerned in this area as much as we want. Green Energy We. don’t want it like on hiking trails and that sort of thing. So, I wonder it is a possible for you to put them in, put

    Windmills in industrial parks instead of in scenic areas. sometimes, it really depends on how close those industrial parks are to people’s homes, right? So, typically wind farms or wind turbines are recited, you know, in exceedance of 600 meters from a house for

    Example. We’ve typically done at least a kilometer from a home. Uh so, that’s sort of the, we’d like to continue doing that in Nova Scotia. There’s enough onshore land area to do that type of distancing and setbacks from from folks’ homes. So, Again,

    With more information on the land use in that area, we’d certainly take that into account to help inform the project site and and if it seemed like the project couldn’t coexist with current land use, then we would definitely take that into

    Profound consideration in terms of whether or not the project’s viable. Does this power stay in Nova Scotia or does it get sent somewhere else? The intention for Nova Scotia Power in the province is to keep as much of this in the province as they

    Can. Uh to to meet those regulations of 80% by 2030. The the province technically needs to be purchasing or producing X gigawatt hours of renewable energy power that with essentially mostly stay in the province. I wouldn’t doubt that on a windy winter night where

    The province might produce a lot more wind energy than it needs. Some of it might go across the border to New Brunswick. Um but that’s not the intention of the programs. Thanks a lot. No problem. Councilor Patterson. Councilor Patterson might still

    Be on mute. Yeah, you’re still muted there, Fraser? going through them and going through my phone. Hello, can you hear me? Well, you can hear you now. That’s good. Thank you. Okay, good. Uh Jason, just a question about the technology. Um sorry. The

    Timeline 2030 seems pretty aggressive. That’s nine years away until someone my age nine years is a blink of an eye and you see now vehicle manufacturers, advertising, duty models. They’re going to have 30 models of electric cars by such and such state and so

    On. Uh has there been much advance in the technology of windmills in the last 10 or 15 years. Are they more efficient than they used to be or? Yeah. Uh yeah, I know that’s that’s a good question. I think it’s interesting because We’ve done

    A few public engagement sessions for other project sites in the province the last month. And I think the last time Nova Scotia was hit with a wind wave. No pun intended. Uh was probably twenty 12, 2013, 2014 So at least seven years

    Back. Um I’ve been doing this for probably seven and a half years and I’ve seen, so for example, the the turbine that’s up on in the deck is a two megawatt turbine. We’re seeing that was, we put that in, I

    Think twenty sixteen and we now see potential turbines that are six megawatts. So, three times the capacity and the only thing that’s really changing is the hop height is increased by 10 or 15 meters. The blade length is increasing from the one in

    The deck is 50 meters. Some of the ones that we’ve looked at are around 18 years in blade length. So, pretty significant increase in length of blade but the Nasell, like the actual generator is about the same size and they’re turbine manufacturers have understood

    That Noise was a concern so they’ve made some pretty big advancements on that for example so. new blades on several different turbine types have what are called serrated edge blades. So, it cuts the wind slightly differently and leaves less of a draft in terms

    Of sound Um the generators are quieter which is great. Uh some of the noise was coming from that as well and they’re more productive. So, what we used to see generally was a capacity factor of 30 percent. So, turbines were producing about

    30% of what they were rated for. Now, what we typically see is we’re in the neighborhood of 40 to 45%. So we’ve seen some pretty, especially in Nova so one reason why there’s a lot of windbuilt in Nova Scotia is

    Because the wind blows at a relatively high speed here consistently. So, it’s what’s called wiable distribution. We tend to have good wind for a long period of time. So, our our projects here for SWEB anyway, we’ve over produced by

    10 to 15% almost every year since we’ve put projects online. So, and most of the most of the turbine manufacturers like the tier one companies that we deal with. Most of them making similar advancements. It’s the same as car companies where there’s,

    You know, a new technology for suspension and then another company matches. It’s the same sort of thing in the turbine world where sound kind of studies have been done and so a turbine company will change technology. Now, the other ones

    Will will catch up to produce a Me Too project kind of thing. So, Thank you very much Councillor Patterson. We’ll move on to Councilor Oregon. Thanks Jason for the presentation. It’s an informative and but my question was brought to you by

    Commission or Councillor McLeod and Lanva. So, I’ll leave it at that. I got my answers. Thanks. Great. Thank you. Uh Councilor McDonald. Yes, thank you Deputy Warden and thank you Jason for the presentation. Lots of lots of information there. I’m just

    Curious, is it generally municipal lands that you look to place these projects like down the road or is it is there Crownlands that could come into play. this project site is located on Crownland and I’ll I’ll give you a quick, I’ll try

    And keep it short but for the sort of the initial kind of prospecting phase we did in the province, it seemed that Crownland was easy to get access to for win projects. Uh it it it sort of isn’t relative to New Brunswick. New Brunswick

    Has a very sort of ironed out system for obtaining Crownland leases for wind farms. There’s a lot more crown in New Brunswick. The Department for Crownlands is much larger in the in New Brunswick. Um So, we’ve realized that it’s not

    That easy to get a lease in Nova Scotia. So, this is actually probably one of the only Crownland sites that we spent much time on. All of our other sites are primarily located on private lands, not municipal lands at all, really.

    So, that’s the private land holdings from, you know, a large forestry company or a landowner that has several parcels that can fit turbines that are away from homes and but generally, speaking, it’s a bit easier to just run with a

    Private land. Um set of parce Thank you. No problem. Uh thanks very much, Jason. Just a couple of comments when contacting definitely our CAO would be the person to forward any information onto and she’ll distribute it to us so that that’d be greatly appreciated.

    Um I I and I think you’ve already heard probably one of our biggest concerns is our tourism is a very important market to us. Uh some of our trails were subduing and four wheeling and stuff are in the highlands and the big

    Advantages overlooking the the bays and the valleys towards the ocean and stuff. So, that’s why when we hear of a project, it’s it’s of concern. So, we’ll get that information to you and definitely you’ll be hearing more of it. Uh and just one, we

    Have a number of people also watching on Facebook and whatnot. I’m just wondering, Dan, is there any comments, any questions from the public for Jason before we move on? If I am now. No questions at this point, sorry. Okay, if I may,

    Just one quick comment on the snowmobile and ATV use of the area, the Wisconsin project that I showed you folks a bit earlier, is located just to the east of Bundy National Park, and it’s kind of, it’s essentially in the core of a

    Snowmobile trail system. Uh, so what, what we tend to do is we engage snowmobiled clubs directly, and work around any sort of winter plowing as much as we can. Um, the a project in Southeastern New Brunswick we haven’t plowed yet. Uh it’s

    Been online for two years. What we did is we bought a snow tracker. It’s a Polaris unit that we can get up into sight with without having to plow the road so it maintains the trail system. Um I’m a pretty avid

    Trail user on the in the mountain bike world. So I understand and appreciate from a hiking perspective as well that there could be impact to that type of land use. So we became to see if there’s any you know GPX GPS tracking that

    Folks are using in the area for those trails. We could use that as an overlay for our project siding and again, if it seems like there’s going to be any significant impact on what the community seems to really value, then, we’d certainly

    Want to engage folks more and and understand if it’s, you know, a go or no go kind of project in that in that contact so. Yeah, Jason’s just want to comment. I think you said that it’s you’re figuring it’s quite unlikely that this would be

    Going. Um because Bretna scored low on these? Uh in terms of the grid, Yarmouth County, so the whole Yarmouth region in the far west and Cape Breton, both of those regions specifically are the lowest priority for new generation. Yeah. Okay. So, is there any

    Point that you would know if it is going forward as an actual proposal? Uh if we were planning to bid it into the first RFP, again, things could change for the second round. So, just the way policy seems to work sometimes that Maybe

    The province will say, by the way, we’re going to take these pole plants offline in Cape Breton sooner than we thought and that could change the way this policy runs or the way those zones are scored. Uh we would probably know in in late

    February whether or not we’re going to bid into the RFP at this project And we would we would certainly know if the project will be would be successful at all. By the end of next year. But we would know probably by February. Yeah.

    Okay it would, it probably would make sense for you to touch, well, we’ll be in touch, touch base with our trails group also, because not even just the, the actual trail that the, four wheelers are passing, four wheelers, and, and snowmobiles because there’s

    Some viewscapes that are up in that area also. So, we’re kind of concerned if we were to develop some new look offs and they’re overlooking Yeah. Windfern. So, we can touch base on that. Certainly and I did maybe not that important for

    This conversation but we did hear from a few community members that mentioned there are quite picturesque view sheds from the other side of the Badore Lakes that would sort of be northwest of Sydney looking towards the so that was another concern that we heard

    At the meeting two weeks ago as well. Yeah. Yeah. So, our trails group would be more than interested in leading to give our view that as well. Absolutely. That’s great. Jason, also, I take it you’ve received a copy of the bylaw of

    Wind Turbines in Victoria County. That, if you have that information to you? Yeah, I I’ll have to double check my email to make sure it’s the most recent. We’ve permitted in that region before for a wind farm. Well, a wind project I

    Guess, a single winter vine but we’d like to understand kind of the permanent permitting requirements. Um Now that that’d be greatly appreciated. Uh once again thanks very much Jason. Really do appreciate you coming and sharing this information. Uh we’ll be

    Looking forward to hearing more and I’m sure you’ll get some more great information from our trails crew also. But thanks very much and look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Absolutely. Thank you. I’ll consider that a go ahead

    To sign off from the Council Session Great. Thanks everyone. I really appreciate it. Have a great night. Hey, guys. Uh next thing on the agenda is the approval of the Minutes from November 15th Uh they’ve been circulated. Uh can we take a

    Minute to look over those minutes, please? and can if there’s no changes, can we have a motion to approve those minutes as presented? I make a motion to prove to approve those minutes as presented. Uh second. Second. motion by Councilor Alonga,

    Second by Councilor McLeod, all in favor. contrary minded, hearing none, motion is passed to accept the minutes as presented. Uh any business, old business, or business arising from the minutes that Lian. Sorry, I was muted there. Uh so, I just have a couple of

    Things for Old Business Um a comment related to the request to have Nova Scotia Power, come to Council talking about that extra bill that we got. Um related to the streetlights. Uh I brought this up at our amens board meetings that we’ve had

    And amens is looking to bring Nova Scotia power to one of those meetings because more municipalities around the province have been receiving these bills and I think we’re going to discuss it there and see if it is something that we’re interested in paying.

    There’s been some that have done a bit more work on this than we have. So, I’ll bring you an update when I have it from that. Um we had our Upland Session s this week. Uh this past week that just happened.

    Uh before we’re in person, one was a virtual session and there will be another session on December 7th. Uh that will be a virtual one for anyone that missed any of those and it will be for the whole county. Um we

    Are talking with Erica at Cape Brighton Partnership related to the housing survey. Larry, you brought up about where the status of the housing survey. Putting the finishing touches on that and looking to get that out and serve information that

    We gather from that will be shared once we have it. Um we have scheduled a meeting Fingers crossed Department of Public Works or formerly TIR for December 15th for a quarterly meeting. Hopefully, our roads will be back up and

    Running at that point and we can have that in-person meeting. I’ve also sent a request to develop Nova Scotia to put on public meetings for updates on broadband like they did at the very start of this but I’m still waiting to hear

    From them. Um and then one other thing you had Larry was looking to get work done on the sidewalks in Ingoneish. Um we’ve received a quote on that but I think it’s something that we’ll have to take to our next budget meeting coming up in

    February or March because it’s quite sizable. Uh what we have done on the work that we’ve done around that so far. So that’ll be something that we’ll be bringing forward. So, that’s what I have for our business. any other items? Anybody wants

    To bring up at this time? hearing none of that. I just want to make one statement also. I forgot to mention that the Warden does send his regrets. He’s actually a wood family in Calgary at this time. So, that’s the reason the

    Warden is not present this evening and we hope he’s enjoying his time with family. Uh well deserved. But moving forward maybe move to the next item which is the CAO report. Uh Leanne. Yeah so just want to bring you up to

    Date on some of the departments Uh from meetings that we’ve had. Bring some of the information that they’re working on. So we’ve received copies of our non-consolidated financial statements. And our water utility. We’ll be bringing forward the consolidated financial

    Statements to council soon and we will be looking for approval of those at that time. Uh Alex also attended an employment symposium meeting. She said it was really interesting over in CBRM. So she’ll be bringing some of the she’ll be applying

    Some of what she’s learned related to that. In recreation and active living. So Lydia talking about Dingwall. So we’re still waiting on our Akoa funding down there. Um but doing some work in a area. We’re looking for some solar light options for the walking

    Track. So, we’re getting some quotes related to solar lighting to put up around there. Um she’s also looking in the Cape North area to see if there’s anyone interested in a first aid course down there. Might be good for some residents. Also, the

    Babysitting course that is being offered through Bold is full. That’s being offered on December 11th and is actually, that’s right. There’s actually a waiting list right now for that to get into that. So we might look at offering another

    One in January. also was doing a presentation on the indoor walking track in Cape North and the outdoor walking track in Dingwall at the at a recreation conference that she was attending. Um she is also on health promoting steering committee, Uh attending

    Meetings for that. Uh she’s waiting back, waiting to hear back from my Nova Scotia on three potential hikes for the upcoming winter season. Um and she’s working on active smarter kids pilot project. Um hoping to partner with Rankin School

    For that. And meeting with the Accessibility Center at CBU and looking at some accessibility opportunities that could be coming up. Uh in economic development department, Erica, Erica’s pretty close I think to being through her first three months possibly. Uh she says

    She’s been very busy with phone calls. Um and she attended a meeting in Cape Smokey that hosted the Minister of Economic Development down there. Um pushed some broadband issues that we have and she said that the Minister of Economic Development was very good, was

    Energetic, and very optimistic. She has planned the bideck rank community engagement sessions. Um the schedules for those currently on December 12th, there is going to be a free skate at the arena and some members of the Cape Bread and Eagles are going to be

    Attending that. That’s from 230 to 430 and anyone all are welcome. Uh there’s going to be a board up there for any ideas that could be gathered from that. Then, there’s going to be two community sessions. One on the 13th, December 13th in

    Wagner, Cook from one until two 30 and then one on the 14th at the Badak Yacht Club. Uh that’s from 630 until 8 PM So gathering ideas what people are looking for for the after our last session. Um She’s hoping that she’s

    Going to get some younger people their ideas for this whiteboard that she’s putting up at the arena for this gate. Uh she is working on her economic development course that she’s going through. Uh almost done that. She has been talking to some land developers

    Down in Ingoneish about some different ideas down there. Probably something that you can’t really talk publicly about but it is happening. Um She attended a stories of oh stories of belonging which Perla was very involved in. Uh she said it was a great session

    And she said Councillor McLeod did a great job at that. Um in tourism, Dance Department, Dan’s been working with Nova Scotia Tourism. They’re changing up their website right now. Uh they’re rebuilding the back end data feed so there could be some changes on the

    That might actually affect our website because our website feeds from Nova Scotia Tourism’s website for operator sites on there. So, hope and it’s not going to cause too much of an issue related to that. Um he’s working with Destination Cape Breton.

    They’ve started an innovation committee and attended that meeting last week. He is also working on some tourism scenic areas, a list, a list of places where we could put windmills, quarries, all those types of things. Um he’s going to provide some guidelines from a

    Tourism perspective. Uh so which which is where have Jason Parisi come in and give our points of view related to that. Uh related to the pump track area. He’s been in contact with a potential investor and this investor would be interested in

    Helping move a project forward for a pump track. So, that’s exciting. He’s also attended a sailing tourism meeting. Um he’s gathering some data for placemaking Um also on the trail side. So, the RFP closed for sections one and two for trails development. Uh you

    Received three proposals Um they put recommendation together, process that we followed was solid. Um and we’ve moved forward and so the successful applicants have received their information and work has actually started on section 1 and section 2 will be

    Starting soon. Uh so, Dan has met with all of those. Uh given me instructions and work has started. In Public Works we are monitoring our water utility down there. Uh we’ve had some issues on our waterline as Councilor Oregon knows about

    Down there. Um our staff are working hard. They’ve been working with other municipalities also. We’ve had some crews from other areas coming in. A part of water utility line has been completely destroyed based on the road being destroyed. So,

    We have to actually wait for the road to be rebuilt for the waterline to be laid. So, it’s not just going in and fixing it. Um but we they’re working as hard and fast as they can. Um to get that up and up, up,

    Up and running. Um we are looking to purchase generators for our for our water utility systems. Um we have three new hires that have been happened. We still have a dingwall position that we are waiting on. Um and we are getting all our sites

    Prepped for winter. And we’re waiting on the scale light in Badak to come in. Um but we’re going to be putting up a light. It’s going to be safer than the system that we have there currently. Uh senior safety or senior safety officer. Uh from

    One of our roadshow sessions there was a senior there that had some concerns and senior safety has been meeting regularly, weekly with the senior, and getting some insight and bringing that information forward to see if there’s anything that can be

    Done. She has been getting some Email addresses for her newsletter. So, we’re hoping to move the senior newsletter to a virtual a paperless system. So, we’re gathering quite a few Emails related to that. She’s trying to create a Email list

    Serve. Seems to be a little bit tougher than than what we had originally expected to happen with that. Um working on age friendly and working with other senior safety coordinators heading to a senior safety coordinator meeting in Wolfville. She is working on

    Putting in a new horizons grant. Uh this grant will be utilized for seniors lunch model. Hopefully, something similar to what they have in Saint Anne’s for other community groups. Uh couple of other things, it’s been extremely busy related to down

    North. Um oh, most areas around Victoria County, they want to discount any of them because there’s been damage throughout most of the county related to the last storm. Hopefully, their will not be very much damaged this evening. Um We are

    Working with the province on another municipal modernization program. Um application grant. There’s a grant for figuring out how to get more people into the building officials or building inspector system. Um the province seems to be there seems to be some issues where

    Everyone is feeding off of each other or you get one trained and they take them somewhere else. So, we’re trying to see if there’s something we can do do to stop slowing down the process there. So, sort of modernize the system on that.

    And last but not least, I believe everyone knows or should know that the village of Badak filed a motion to start a dissolution process and they have a meeting scheduled for December 2nd at the Ian Brewery that I will be attending. Oh,

    That’s great, Leanne. Thank you very much. Uh staff are doing a lot of stuff on the go right now and please extend our appreciation to them because a lot of hard work’s been going on especially with the conditions lately. So, we

    Really do appreciate everything they’ve been doing for it. Um, is there any other new business or is that it? That’s all I have. Just one question, Deputy Warden. Uh I noticed in your written comments that Carla is leaving the partnership? Yes.

    Um so Carla has informed us that she has taken a position I believe it’s principal is the title. Um she is going to Marconi campus and FCC. So we wish her well on that. Whoever’s going in their big shoes to fill.

    Uh. Yeah, sorry. Is that a meeting on the second open to anyone that wants to go? the meeting so I don’t have all the information related to it. Uh because we are not hosting it. We are we’re but I believe that

    It’s open to the public. It is open for all residents of the village. Um any residents that are there are I believe are eligible to vote. Uh for whatever they are bringing forward. But it is open as far as I know to the public.

    Thanks. but if there’s any any questions, please contact the village the village office for that information and I believe they’ve sent out some some paperwork. Wait, there was a notice in the mail and but contact the village office. Uh any other questions to

    Leanne before we move on? Uh hearing none, I’d like to maybe we’ll take a ten-minute recess. So, take a 10-minute break here and we’ll return in 10 minutes which would be at 604 We’ll be back at 604. Thank you very much. Can I be right

    Before we leave? Can I just give one more little bit of an update? I forgot to mention this one. Um related to the storm, there are some areas that the roads are not travelable, travelable. Uh so, want to give you an update on

    That. Wednesday’s collection route which is Barb, Perla, and Bruce. Um there’s portion, portions of the Oregon and West Tarbet Road. Um that will not be collected. On Thursday’s collection route which is Jackie and Norman. Uh from War Road including both unnamed

    Roads on either side, Stoney’s Lane and Fairview Road up to the New Haven Depot and on Friday’s collection, the Barra Glen Road. Unfortunately, we can’t travel on those roads at this time. So, Leanne, is there going to be exception because they’re

    Going to have abundance of scurbish because we weren’t collected last week, right? Right. Yeah. Um yeah, we will have to do something related to those ones. It’s just, we just can’t reach them right now. It’s just unsafe. Or the road

    Is closed. So, yes, we will be making some type of arrangement and we’ll get that information out. Well, that’s great, Leanne. Thank you very much. So, we’ll take a ten-minute break and we’ll see you in 10 minutes. Uh hi everyone. Just waiting to

    See as Councilor Longva or McLeod back and also Jackie had a question? Yeah. Leanne, could you clarify again? Is it from the bridge? The in between the two bridges in New Haven? or up to the depot? Are are the houses on the White Point Road?

    Are they going to be collected for garbage? I just want to make sure before I put a post out there for everyone to to see, you know. Yeah. So, we’ll be putting a voyant out related to it. Um but Jackie’s district So, it

    Says from War Road including both unnamed roads on either side. Stoney’s Lane and Fairview Road up to the New Haven Depot. Yeah. And just a question on the Barraglen role. I know they’ve been working on the Barraglen role and it it

    Might open in the next day or so. If that’s the case, we’ll. If it opens, they will be back on for Friday. Uh but as of right now, so we’re wanting people to know right now where where we’re expecting to not be

    Collecting. Exactly. But if but if things change from the roads opening up, by all means, yes. Thank you. So, for me, it’s Meadow Road in Oregon Road. Barb is Berb is portions of the Oregon and Oregon and West Target Road. Uh it says, we

    Don’t go down the rear bearish wall so the washout doesn’t affect collecting those residents. Oh, okay. But hopefully this list isn’t going to increase with tonight’s rain too. Just to confirm that there’s no collection in District eight? Uh Norman, you were Thursday Uh

    So, you’re, there’s, everything that I mentioned there, I believe, was Jackie’s district. So, nothing is affected on your side. However, the trucks are traveling around the Chevy Camp. So, they may be delayed. Cool. In your area. Thank you. Yeah.

    I think we’re all back. Fraser’s there. Uh yeah, we’re looking good. So, we’ll move on here. Uh maybe we’ll start off with the Taxation Update Thank. you, please. Yup, sure. So, as of today, we are at 1 point4 million outstanding compared to

    One 9 million this time last year. So, that’s a total of five hundred 000 ahead this year from last year. So, we’re talking impressive work done in our tax department. Uh of that number nine hundred and 77 thousand of it is current. And

    454000 is arrears. So, reminder letters have gone out again. They seem to be working based on our collections. Uh December 14th, Tax Sale by Tender is on our website and is being updated weekly. If there are any changes to it. Currently,

    It includes eight properties and four of them have had notices physically posted on their sites. Uh the second ad for that will be in the Cape Breton Post on December 11th. Uh as a reminder, our next tax sale will be a public auction

    Which means an in-person one here at the courthouse, January eighteenth. Um currently, that includes eight properties as well Uh and we will have another tax sale soon after that and we’ve already received some title searches related to that. So, we’re ramping up on

    Those things also. Uh just one thing to note, the village tax bills were sent out by our staff. We’ve been contracted to do that on behalf of the village. They were sent out on November 19th and we are also collecting payments on behalf

    Of the village. but very very positive progress related to tax collection. Now, that’s greatly in and again, send our appreciation down to the staff. They’re working hard and definitely seeing the results and it’s it’s great to see. Yup. Absolutely. Thank you. Uh next

    Is the Department of Public Work Concerns I’m. sure there’s probably lots to note there. Maybe we’ll start with Councillor McDonald and move around the table. Uh yes, thank you, Deputy Warden. Uh actually, I don’t have anything to report. Uh my end this

    Evening. Uh that may change after this evening but we’re we’re good on this end. Thank you. Thank you, Councilor McDonald. Uh Councilor Oregon. Where do you want me to start? Now I know of all the guys that are out there. I have the

    Contractors are working like crazy to repair our roads. I just ask people to please be patient. Um they’re they’re working as hard as they can. I would just like to have more updates. Uh I’m I’m getting people to calling me and I was

    Talking to Eugene. Um he hasn’t updated me yet but I asked him for you know any little tidbit that if somebody calls I can get the information out to them about the road situation and the ditching or the sides of the roads or anything like

    That. That’s all I ask. Uh we’ll we’ll pass that on. I’ve sent a few texts to Steve but I haven’t received anything back. I’m I’m I’m thinking I might not be at the top of his list right now either and that’s understandable. Uh and another

    Thing for them a lot of people are complaining about to the erosion on the the water. The Atlantic Ocean. Um I’ve had a lot of people down in New Haven. They would like Armourstone and stuff put in be so they don’t flood out again

    Over you know another storm. Um some said that the rock was removed when we put the water lines in. Um they would like to see it put back again. That’s going out to Fair Fairview there. But on the point in New

    Haven. Uh it really washes out there. So maybe Public Works can look at that when they get a little less unbusy. In the area. Thank you. Uh thank you Councilor Oregon. Um moving on to Councilor Patterson. Uh no, we can’t hear you there,

    Fraser. no still nothing. There’s a note that says if you push star six for unmuting and muting the phone was something that sent to Fraser. No, sorry, Fraser’s still not hearing you. Maybe if we skip him Larry while he’s getting

    His phone up and running? Yeah, we’ll move on there, Fraser. Just keep trying there and we’ll move on to Councilor Longva. Okay. Um well, I’d like to say a huge thank you to Steve MacDonald and all the crews that are working on the

    Roads. They’re doing a fantastic job out this way. Uh they have a couple of very big jobs on the Oregon Road and on the rear bear swaa replacing bridges but in the meantime, they’re doing taking care of a lot of the smaller jobs and the

    Folks on the Tarbet Road asked me to pass along their sincere gratitude for the work that they did. could get out. Um there was I did get a call from a constituent on the Oregon Road that’s very concerned about another brook called

    Phillips Brook. Which is not washed out but is in has a lot of damages once they do repair the other bridge. They’re hoping that they will be doing work on that one as well. Um they sent me pictures of it and

    It looks kind of rough. Um also there’s a brook on the Meadow Road just south of John Montgomery’s and well, it’s in need of repair but next year, I think the other part of their row is getting done. So, probably you’ll get done but in

    The meantime, they really need a guard rail placed on that bridge because I took a drive over and as of now, you could just drive right off the side of it. There is nothing stopping you on both sides of that and it’s been like that

    For a long time. Um I’d like to thank Public Works for the new road sign that they did put up on the Gala College Hill that constituents had been asking for. It looks great. Um and I’m wondering if the streetlight at

    The Badak Bay exit was ever fixed. I did ask about wrote lines being painted on the new section of road from Englishtown Ferry to Beresois and and I did get an answer on that. They’re just waiting for the rain to stop so they could

    Do some painting because it’s it’s on their list. And Steve McDowell got this list. I sent it in earlier. And and I know he’s doing a great job and very busy. Thank you. Ah thank you Councilor Longbach. Uh we’ll go on to Councillor McLeod.

    Okay, thank you. I send my concerns but my internet is not working so I did all these things will go just to step. Um I know I’ll probably work. It’s very busy right now. Thank you the same for always keeping the

    Staff to making the the best for the county. Um I don’t have any updates on any of my roads besides the storm. So, I’m just would like to send the my concerns. Uh the Middle River will be the Cabo Trail, Goldbrook Bridge, collapse and

    Kidva went to the MLA, went to see it and talked to Steve McDonald and I say their engineers are stirring the best approach for that. And hopefully the proposals will be coming soon for that bridge. That’s the only update I have.

    Um the west side Miller River as you know is about very bad shape so now it’s worse. So it’s one of the concerns. Uh the janking line. Uh the river will be need gravel. Um because I have my child’s cross. Uh on

    Mariali Road. They have full potholes and need gravel. Uh website, big is in very bad shape. Uh washer is some wet shaft and some part of the road and the beach there impossible. Uh Zion Road is the same, Nick Gravel and some parts of the

    Shops again. Um we have the bridge in the men’s in Big Medic. Uh we would like to be inspected. Uh they are more stone is not being replaced for years and have signs of erosion. So the next flooring will be of course in the

    Springs of eh residents are very concerned about that bridge. And for the last I have a 2026 Cava Trail. This is ongoing issue since last year. But with the rain there’s more wash up and in the lane. And I

    Would like to see ask if they can tell me he’s he’s a private road or Publi Road. Because he’s so needs to be fixed. So we’ll I need to know who is going to be fixing that lane. And that’s it for for now. And

    I will send all these messages to to to send it to Steve. Thank you. Uh thank you Councilor McLeod Councillor McNeil. Thank you Deputy Warden. I and I would like to pass on my thanks to Steve McDonald and and the work his

    Workers and the local contractor that’s doing the work on the dirt roads around the area. That being said, there’s still a lot of work that has to be done. Barragoyan, there’s a number of culverts failed. Uh but luckily, that better was

    Repaired and also the Red Point Road was repaired earlier in in the spring and that saved the road quite a bit. Uh the Red Point Road at the entrance by the track needs to be looked at. Saint Colomba Road. There

    Was a washout at Nash’s Hill. Uh the has to be addressed. Gillis Point Road, they they just patched an area that needed to be patched probably about 3 weeks prior to the storm. Basically, the water just lifted the whole patch and

    Placed it the side of the road. So I don’t know if they’re going to lift that patch back and put it on. But but that has to be addressed too. Uh areas of the Johnu George road has to be looked at. And basically all

    The dirt and gravel roads has to be graded again. Uh they’re in bad shape. Uh with with that being said converts throughout the district and I know throughout the county has to be looked at for issues like the storms that were likely.

    They’re they’re upgrading the roads but they’re putting small coverage in and it’s not like every road on the that was upgraded here. Where the converts were were washed out or water went over it. So the converts have to be looked at

    That they’re putting in areas again. And they’ve taken out bridges and putting small cupboards in. It’s not working. So TIR has to look at that policy. So I just want that to be addressed and I’ll send all these concerns to Steve

    McDonald too. Thank you. Thank you, Council McNeil. Just a couple of things here, I guess. I wish I could be as appreciative of all the work that’s going on throughout the county because as of today, we’ve been one week and we have

    Seen nobody in Indonesia, nobody. Um I, I I’m kind of at a loss. Uh we’ve been in contact. I’ve gone through Leanne. I’ve gone directly to Steve. Uh Keith’s been involved a number of times. Um you know, they say that I understand

    There’s priorities and the number one priorities is if there’s a road cutting people off. Uh we had Doucets Road here, eight homes, a number of seniors, one seniors, ninety-three, not in the best of health. Uh as of last after

    Thursday, I had to make the decision to ask a contractor to put gravel on the road just to get the passable to get them through but we have a number of contractors here in the area and I and I’ve driven and

    Through the county here. I flew over Neals Harbor today. I see a ton of contractors out there doing work in all different parts of the county. We have contractors here sitting at home, still have not been contacted, never been contacted

    And they’re the guys that usually do the transportation work as contractors here in the area. For some reason, you just have not been called. Uh that’s as of four o’clock today. So, to me, it’s unacceptable. Um you know, if if I had I got

    That road filled in. They they’d still be cut off back in that area. Uh south of Smokey, the shoulders are totally gone 3 to 4 feet deep. I’m really scared. Right now, we’re having extremely heavy rain here in Ingoneish and I’m kind of

    Nervous that it is going to undermine the roads even more. Um you know, they have the only positive thing we’ve been told is that the province has been here to inspect the bridges. Uh I hope that’s right that the bridges have inspected because

    We will have school buses starting tomorrow with things are okay after tonight. We’ll be on the roads again but we need these contract contact us. They gotta be called out. The work that’s here in Ingoneish could have been completed by

    Now and would have been in good shape going in tonight. But totally unacceptable that no contractors have been called and no one’s and as far as we’re concerned no one’s been here to look at you know the infrastructure hand in the

    English area. So again hopefully this will get to the right people and I’m hoping my contractors be called out because we do need them ASAP. And that’s all for Ring and Ish. Thank you very much guys. With that, we’ll move move on

    To motions and oops, sorry, go ahead. Sorry, Larry. Um the warning Morrison sent me his Public Works Concerns Uh. so, I just want to read it. Now, go ahead. Nope, that’s great. Okay, thanks. Opera Queen Street a power substation completely wash out. Uh Mile

    Bro Colvert on Hilltops Question Blocket with Debris, Council Floating on a joint properties. I will send that to Stephanie with Steph. No, that’s great. That’s it. Thank you very much. Uh we’ll move on to Motions and District Concerns What. about Fraser?

    Oh, sorry. Uh Fraser, did you get back on? No Fraser still, no volume. No, no, bleach at all. Possibly, he could type them into the chat and we could read it. That works? Yeah, if Fraser, if you want to type your concerns and

    Maybe what we’ll do is move on to motions and of and concerns for the districts and Fraser, if you want to type them in, we’ll go back to you and we’ll start with Councilor McNeil, your functions or concerns, please? Thank you, Deputy

    Awarding that. It’s just one item I I just was looking for an update on the water study. Uh Yeah. So, water study is waiting for the water audited water financial statements which will be sending off to them at least in a draft form

    And then they’ll plug that into their template or whatever the run whatever projections that they have based on that and then the consultants will be coming to council to meet with us. So, we’ll be hearing from them once we send them off the

    Financial statements. Okay, thank you. Uh that’s it Councilor McNeil. Finished. Uh moving on to Councilor McLeod. Thank you. Um I have a call just a couple ones. Uh I would like to say send a letter to thank you to Garland, Paul, and

    To further and the business and community to just just a comment to thank them for the parade was last Saturday and was well attended. The floats were a very well decorated. They do it to excel in job for for in Saturday. Um I in the

    Same form I would consider a letter to the Public Works our, staff, the the hybrid area before decorated and was amazing. The people was very happy and just tell them good job for that. And we hear yesterday the formal MP Mark

    Akin lost his father so wonder if I can, we can send a condolence to the family, a king family, the part of the council. I will make a motion for that. Uh seconder for that motion. Uh second by Councilor McNeil, all in favor. contrary

    Minded motion passed. Thanks and I would like to make a motion for take a thousand dollars from my district budget for Middle River Fire Department. motion on the floor, seconder for that motion. secondly by Councilor McNeil all in favors. Contrary minded.

    Motion passed. And I will ask to the district one, two, three four and five. I talked to Warren Morrison, his agree, if we couldn’t each of us stay from our digital budget for a a family skating for every Saturday so we’ll be like a

    Five five Saturdays. So for free skating. So I would like to ask them either agree with that? Yeah, how much? Council It’s around like 100 bucks. Yeah, sure. Good for me. Yeah, good for me. Okay. So, we’re good to pray. Just to be sure,

    Perla, that’s for five weeks. Yeah. It’s for the the for the winter. But I can I can send you the information but I okay. I can send the email and they they can be agreed after. Okay. Thank you. Yeah. Okay. I will

    Send it by email and they can agree to just put for the family skating. Yeah. And that’s it. Thank you. Okay, thank you very much. Uh just before I go on Councilor Patterson is nothing really to report in the district. and

    Paul has a question. Yeah. No. Thank you Deputy Warren. I just forgot one item. I’d like to to make a motion to take $1 000 out of my district budget for the local food bank. For this time of year. Thank

    You. We have a motion from Councilor McNeil, secondary for that motion. Second. I can do it. Second by Councilor Oregon, all in favor. contrary minded? Motion passed. And Fraser says all is well in his district. So, that’s great. Uh moving on, I believe next

    Was Councilor Longvaugh. Okay. Um a big, another huge thank you going out to Lyle Donovan and EMO for everything that they’ve been doing out out our way. They’ve had helicopters flying in with food and supplies for the people that

    Are stranded on the side of the river and I heard today they’re building well they’ve built a road that’s helps connect some of the people. And well that was TIR that did that. But they’re also putting in a bridge across at the rear bear

    All. So, big thank you to them. And I had a letter from Lyle Donovan saying that he had received a phone call from a constituent in former councilor Merrill McGuinness. Um and he contacted him in regard to the state of emergency in BC. In

    Regard to the major flooding going on there. And he stated that he thought it would be a nice gesture for the municipality to make a donation to the emergency efforts going on. Out there. of around a thousand dollars. So, he asked

    If that he brought to the attention of council That was prior to our own disaster. Am I not? It What else? Oh yes, there was a constituent asked if there could be street lights put on the rear Berisois Road now

    Because the road and the river have completely changed direction and it’s completely dark out there. So, lights so that everyone can see where the new road is going. Uh because it is very close to to the river. and I also wondered if

    There was any correspondence back from the letters written for Adam and Ruth Shore about busing and also about the the house that was dangerous and tarbit. I wonder if there was any any news back on that. Um I was told it was going to be

    Brought up a council today. Um And I also had a question from another constituent asking if we have committee minutes that he went looking on the website for like the because we have a part for committee reports. He said is so is there a section

    For Committee Minutes and I didn’t know how to answer that. Uh so currently no there’s not committee minutes that are on there but if there’s a request they can certainly make that request to and John Bane is coming to council on December

    15th related to that property. Okay. Thank you. Anything on the busing? So, no, I’ve not received anything back? Nope, nothing related to that. Okay, thank you. And you had another concern there. if you’re looking for money, that would be a motion that

    Would have to be passed Yeah, it was well, it was Meryl McGuinness that asked of Council wanting to give a 000 dollars to the Emergency in BC. So, I don’t know if it’s Merrill that would make that motion if that is a motion that

    Is even something council wants to talk about. We’re going to ask you to look into it and see how it goes about and maybe bring information back on it and we’ll make a decision on it. That would have to come from a counselor though.

    Also, Councilor Longbite in regards to the streetlights. Of course, you have your own district lights but anything up and above that would probably might be worthwhile contacting the Department of Transportation to see if they are interested in putting

    Lights might be the best bet for that one. Yeah, I think so. I don’t have any lights left but I think it would be like infrastructure that’s needed on that road. So, I’ll just add it to Steve’s list, I guess. Yeah,

    Good idea. Good idea. Thank you. Uh moving forward, Councilor Oregon any comments, motions. I’m getting a lot of phone calls from our constituents. They just want to be informed. Uh if I know sometimes they can’t be but I like our water. Uh it’s being

    Shut off. Um some people just were getting in the shower and we lost pressure and everything. I know sometimes it cannot be. But if if we could be informed a little bit sooner to get the word out. So I I do know anytime there’s a

    Scheduled outage we are letting everyone know Um if it’s unscheduled, it’s really and right now, we’re sort of in a state of disrepair for the whole, the whole area. Um but we’re working hard at getting as much information out as we

    Can. Um and those residents, hopefully, they are signed up for the Voyan program because we’re putting everything through there. It’s as going out as quick as it can. Um when when they are signed up for that. But sometimes these breaks are happening or low

    Pressure. That is just something that we just can’t control right now. So unfortunately until the system is until the road is put back in there. Uh it may be something that that there might be some some breaks and some

    Low pressure that we just can’t control at this point. Unfortunately. I’ve been relaying that message because I was one of the people had no water and I just just I didn’t know it was coming either. So, I mean, you just gotta take it

    Day to day. We had a visit from the Premier here. Um he flew over the area and stopped in at the hospital and spoke with the staff there. I wish he had time to go to the Highland Manor because I mean, their staff is

    Affected too. I want to thank the people that have opened up cottages and are taking nurses and cleaning staff overnight Um also but a lot of people haven’t mentioned our fire services. Um they were displaced for a a few days.

    There’s fire trucks parked all over the place. Uh I want to thank the Cape Breton Victoria Regional Center for Education. I call Lewis to see if the temperature had went below freezing if we could place one of our fire trucks in the

    Garage at Cabot Education Center and he said he was all for it. Uh thankful we have to do that then our trucks are back in. And hopefully we don’t we don’t have to use them, but other than that, for to stay informed, that’s, that’s the

    Only concerns that I’ve had from our constituents, and hopefully things will get back to normal sooner, rather than later. Yeah, and we’re doing this, we’re doing the best we can. Yeah. I know. Yeah, but it’s been, amazing to see all

    The pulling together by all the residents. It’s really, really makes you proud. So, That’s well done. Yeah, that’s what we do. Thank you. Thank you, Council Morgan and yeah, I know everyone’s doing an amazing job. It’s great to see everybody pulling together for

    It. Councilor McDonald, any motions or concerns tonight? Oh, yes. Thank you, Deputy Warden. I was just wondering maybe we could reach out to Parks Canada and ask they put a signage board there located at the intersection of Cape North especially now with that rope

    Being the only from Neil’s Harbor back towards Cindy being the only accessible route due to the road construction that’s kind of taking place in Ingoneish and with the weather, how things are changing now, it it would make a substantial

    Difference because 5 1 one is not really updating. Obviously, because they’re busy, sometimes it’s a two-day delay and sometimes the camera in the French is not working intermediately. So, we have people come from industrial Cape Breton that are working be

    It AHS paramedics, nurses, whatever working I began and and also at Highland Manor. So, maybe could we just I don’t know. Do we write a letter to Perks for that? probably a phone call will do. Uh Norman, are you referring to the sign

    That was usually there each winter? Is that the sign you’re looking to have put back up? On this end, yes. Yeah. Okay, the the actual mobile side and stuff. Yeah, probably a phone call to Parks Canada would be the best bet to probably Dean

    Lafriend at Parks Canada. Okay. Could you maybe just forward that number to me, Deputy Warden at some point in the next day? Yup, nope, not a problem. I’ll I’ll forward the contact information onto you. That’s great. Uh anything else

    And the only other thing was I have a call from a gentleman in regard to avoiding a buoyant alert act. He’s concern was that when the call comes in on his phone, it’s coming from a Calgary Alberta number like without Colin’s body comes up

    To his Calgary, Alberta. So, he was thinking that most people would look at that and they could say, a what do you call them? Telemarketer. Yeah, call them. Spammers, whatever it is. So, they don’t answer. Is there any way through the cami that

    We could change that to be like Victoria County Alert System or? No, that the that’s the company that we’ve contracted this through. But if they are using their cellphone, they could put it in their info, that it’s buoyant alert, that

    Is calling. Uh, so like, add them as a contact, that’s what I’ve done. Um, so then I know that it’s foreign alert, that’s, yeah. Okay. I just wanted to clarify that because they were asking. No, sorry, I don’t believe so right now. No?

    Jack, do you have a comment? Has everybody else reiterated? Just want to thank hospital staff, staff in Hollywood Manor, they’re doing all the traveling. EHS paramedics, it’s three three hours on the other side of their time to come in

    And just hope for things will get back to what another new norm will be. And that’s it sir. Uh also, if Councillor Patterson maybe put up your hand if you don’t have any other comments to make or are you good? Okay. We’ll work on

    Your technical issues for next time. Uh Councillor Oregon, you have a question? Not a question. I forgot to mention this Larry and myself and Norman got a thank you card from Cabot Education Centre for the donation he made to the the

    Meal tickets. Oh, excellent. Good, good to hear. Thank you very much. Um I am Juan Larry. Hi. Um so, the warden asked me to pass on a thank you to Councilor McLeod for taking part in the parade on Saturday. and I think it was her

    Birthday. So, thank you very much. Oh, you’re welcome. Thanks very much, Berlin. Happy birthday. Do, you have any comments or concerns from Councilor Deputy Warden? Yeah. Yeah, just cover one concern voice and knowledge really for the same for Belinda Gavin and

    The committee for organizing the parade and festivities, activities in Badak this past weekend. So, yeah, well, thank you. Well, yes, that’s the only concern for the wedding. Okay, thank you couple of things on on my district. Uh number one,

    We also want to thank Tommy Simmons, Adam, Adam for using the boat to go back and forth and also coop fisheries Buddy Burke. Uh greatly appreciate everything that’s been done to help transport people back and forth. Uh also, I’d like to

    Personally thank Retinare and Parks Canada who asked me to tag along with them today to I guess take a look at the the damage within the park and within Neil’s harboring and issues greatly appreciated and definitely a different perspective when you have a

    Look at it from there but great to see everybody working together. Um I’d like make a a I guess a motion. I’m trying to think I’m going to do this. Uh like to make a motion to send a letter of congratulations to

    Leona Stockley who was the librarian here in Ingoneish for 28 years I believe it was. Uh she retired last week after 28 years and she was an excellent employee and and helped a lot of people out over the years.

    So I like to make a motion that we send a letter of congratulations to Leona and I will work on getting an address for her. I’ll make that a motion and we can have a second for that moment. I’ll second

    It. A second. Second of a Councilor Longwell. It’s all in favor. I. Country minded. Motion passed. Um just wondering Leanne, have we had any update from the RCMP in regards to cost because we’re hearing stories and a lot of districts that cost are going

    Up quite substantially. Are we hearing anything what the increase may be at this time? Uh no, not currently but I have been brought up at our A Man’s board discussions around the province and usually our increase is probably

    3 2 3 and a half percent. Um but based on negotiations that they are in, it’s probably going to be sizable. Okay, yeah. If you hear anything, you’d let us know. Yeah. Barry, can you hear me now? Uh I can hear you, Fraser. Please go

    Ahead. Oh, good. I got the just that last question. Uh the meeting I attended in Ottawa last week, it was one of the major topics of discussion. Especially indeed provide policing for municipalities from right across the country. So they’re looking at

    Persuading the federal government since they made the deal to pick up the cost for it. So the whole lobbying of the FCM is is based toward that goal or whatever. And I just want to report too in Bulletry we were lucky. Um very little

    Damage some flooded basements. That was about it. Uh roads are intact and so on and so forth. And they showed pictures of the North part of Pretoria County on some national news as I think of all three major networks. So it’s it’s not the

    Point you want to make the news but at least it was it was brought out. Um the first day I was there of course that discussed the floods in BC. And by midday of that day. Uh the West Coast and the East Coast.

    They were talking about. So anyway so all the best to the other councilors who have been working hard. I’ve been following the emails. And I think Jackie commended Lyle for his work. I think he’s done a great job. And hopefully we’ll

    Learn some lessons from this and I think Larry’s point of construction standards have to be altered because what may have worked in the past obviously is not going to work into the future. So. Thank you very much. Thank you very much,

    Fraser. Um just a couple more things. Um just wondering if we could invite the Cape Breton Housing Authority to one of the next council meetings in the near future. Just discuss housing and guest ways of contacting and stuff but we can

    Make an invitation for them to to come to council. Be greatly appreciated. Uh and I think that’s it for me, for my concerns. So, we’ll move on to wondering if there’s any committee reports. Uh if I won. Councilor McLeod, please go

    Ahead. For for everybody, we have a meeting in the Victoria Transit. Um we still figure out some some stuff but I just want to let you know the the driver in North to talk to Amber and she said she have one full time

    And part-time candidates. They’re just waiting for still waiting for the paperwork for one. They come back from the vulnerable sector check after all the storms and that was a delay but she say she will hear more update by latest latest

    Next week but I will talk to her on Friday if I know anything else. I’ll just call email you to you guys. But it’s it’s almost coming. The bus driver. There is a is never forget and it’s we still it is still working in that.

    And I will come yes. I will come more more eh dates maybe and by Friday or later next week. Larry. Yes. Can I just go back to motions whenever when you’re done that on the yeah no that that’s great bro. That’s

    Great. Uh getting more colleges wondering on the start date. So as soon as you’re here we’d be greatly appreciated to hear the start date and Leanne please go ahead. Uh so for Motions I know that Alex had sent you all out the municipal grants policy.

    The changes related the amendments related to the municipal grants policy. So I’m wondering if there can be a motion to accept the new municipal grants policy. And then second step will be a repealing of of another grants bylaw that we have. So,

    Wondering if we could have a motion to accept the municipal grants policy? Do we have a motion to accept the policy as presented? Did I make the motion? Um motion by Councilor McLeod, a seconder for that motion, please? Uh second by Councilor McNeil,

    All in favor. contrary minded. motion is passed. So, Leanne, there’s a second part left to repeal the other, the older one? There is, yeah. So, the other one is there as a bylaw. It is an external organization tax exemptions bylaw. Um this

    Policy that we have in place now replaces that. So, I’d like to make a motion to repeal the external organizations tax exemption bylaw. Does someone make to that point, please? Uh huh. Uh moved by Councilor McLeod. We have a second replace.

    Second by Councilor Oregon, all in favor. contrary minded, motion passed. Thank you. Also, is there any more committee reports or was just the one from Council McLeod? If I don’t hear anymore? Okay, based on that, the next Council Session

    Just, having a look here Is December 15th at 130 please note the change in time. Uh also, we do have the meeting with Public Works with Steve McDonald earlier that morning and then council will be at 130 on December the 15th. So,

    Please mark that in your calendars and staff have sent out a an invite for for that meeting and that will be an in-person meeting in the deck in the courtroom. And unless there’s something else to come to council tonight, anything

    Else, please? only other thing on the agenda there was correspondents Larry and I I don’t have any correspondence that has not been forwarded on to everyone. Okay, based on that then, we’d like to have a motion to adjourn, please.

    Amoved. So, move like a house organ. Everybody have a great evening and we’re getting heavy rain here. Hopefully, nobody else is but please stay safe on the road tonight Yes, stay safe everyone. Yup. Thank you. Thanks very much, guys. Have a great day. Bye.

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