Garry McGivern Travelsonabike2 is bicycle touring England on 15th January 2024. Garry survived the sub-zero conditions last night and has decided to stay out for another night.

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    Stay safe and keep peddling.

    #bicycletouring #cycling #england

    Morning oh well that wasn’t as cold as what they said it was going to well I don’t don’t think it was anyway um I certainly wasn’t cold um really nice and snug um to be honest I think I saw that the temperature is going to drop as the um sun comes

    Up hey ho it’s fine um well we’re just cooking well cooking boiling some water for our new yours um we’ll have that um I think I am going up to Um uh devises today um yeah I’ve no need to go home just yet for a few days so yeah we just as well stay out so yeah well I shall get on with my noodles you go and well I shall speak to you all later goodbye look we’re all

    Packed up and heading off um I think I’m going to go into soulsbury um to start with um I didn’t rush to pack away um what is it it’s well it’s near enough eight 8:00 um I thought I’d Overlook in Solsbury and I just as well wait until

    It’s um a little bit light before we do that um as I say we’re only going up to devises which I think is only 30 m or so so it’s really not uh that far um if I knew of another campsite I would head um to that one

    But yeah you know what I mean so yeah so I think we’ll just have a little bimble God bimble around um soulsbury to start with and then we’ll head up to um devises probably not going to well doesn’t suit me just this little bimbling about but we’ll see how the day

    Goes right I think I’m probably better off stopping to turn you around I don’t seem to be very good at that while we’re moving lately right let’s turn you around right not too sure how much filming we’ll be doing today and just as I turned the camera around

    Earlier the the battery died on me um it seemed to be loads of life in it but well it just died so I’ll put that in my pocket so it might come back to life we’ll see later um we’re actually going a different way to uh the way we normally go and

    Normally we’re on the other side of the uh Valley not that you can see it at the moment we’re following route 45 I think it is and we’re going to go up to Asbury um we that head looking over there um and then we might head

    Up better just check which way I it’s down there talk to you again in a minute we is this way um we go back down um to well the normal sort of Route we take basically I think we were just on the opposite side of the valley as I just said

    Yeah did I just I didn’t know um probably said this um yeah might divert to um Stone Henge um have a little look around there yeah we not really been to although I think the way to get to it is probably not on a very good road from here but we’ll see

    Once we get a bit nearer yeah this is normally the road that we come up on and to the left or is it don’t think it is uh no oh I don’t know now right I’m very confused not there takes much this isn’t the normal road we take um

    Don’t know where we well rough idea where we are I don’t know for sure but fine always good to go somewhere uh a bit different that we haven’t been before um I’m beginning to get a bit too hot now so I’m going to change coats especially in the sun it’s really quite warm

    Turn you off Stonehenge I don’t think so must be an area then I Al thought it was just the stones this is all picturesque along here where are we West Asbury I think it is I think I well I probably have been this way before

    But cuz parts of it do look familiar I must admit that that Big Stone housee up there that looks very familiar I’m slight worry I’m getting some real pain across the tops of my shoulders and I know that is one of the signs of this myopathy thing oh God no we got bloody

    Hell right oh I’m going goodbye I think maybe we should be getting on that um path there don’t really want to be cycling along the a303 if we can help it all right let’s get on that path oh God oh my late might be able to see um Stone

    Hinge um once we get to the top of this hill if we do I’ll turn you back on well there it is I’m right in there right in the distance there where are we oh May than me doing it it’s somewhere there I think um I’ll take a

    Picture and put that up of it oh this is going to be good take hands here well that wasn’t too bad that was okay one of those right don’t know whether we are allowed this way but we are there we go can you SE Stone hinge in the

    Dist in the distance for you but it’s not that far away for me we was going to head um across um Solsbury plane um but the road um we were going to take says it’s um closed further up so rather than take the chance and get to

    Wherever this closure is and have to turn around we’ve come along uh uh this road what whatever this road is I think solry plane is sort of over to the right of us so I presume there the Army are On Maneuvers hence why the roads closed

    But this is fine don’t mind this road don’t what road we’re on I think we go through somewhere called shwon I think it is that wind’s definitely got a bite to it might me might have to stop and put another layer on definitely a chill Army on maneuvers many

    I wonder if they go where I’m going considering we haven’t had any rain for I’d say at least a week um it just shows how much it did rain all these pudles still everywhere I M safe still Lo it running off the fields that road that was closed or the

    Sign said it was closed uh back there and I think it probably was cuz there’s loads of uh red flags um flying and to the right there which is well red flag smell danger it’s a firing range we have been along this road before I remember all [Applause] the the firing

    Range signs and uh um there’s Parts where it says uh tank Crossing there’s one just ahead I think by looks of it in the distance there just coming ofone oh we’ll forget about that well we was going to go along the canal from there but I think we’ll go a bit further

    Down um we are in devises um temperature is really starting to drop now um what is it is only half 2 but I don’t think it’ll be a bad move to get set up nice and early say is temperature is definitely dropping I think we might

    Have to get get the old thermals out tonight but there’s already ice on the um can now shows up the um CH it is I’m we’ll be going down that oh I can’t think what they call all those locks in a row oh I’m sure we’ll remember it

    Soon although I think it could be quite muddy oh duck cane Hill that’s what it’s called I remember now don’t know this is it just come up that is hard work last time the Gango coming up there got might doing that tomorrow I’m I am thinking or wondering

    Um maybe heading down to sort of the New Forest Way maybe don’t know I shall ever think night I usually come up here tomorrow morning that’ll warm us up thank you this power hasn’t improved right there we are is locks I remember how many there are well that one was number

    42 and what that is how many there are but we’ seen all this before anyway need to get in that rather cold coming down that Hill you old you old Missy let’s get to that campsite let’s get set up chilly night tonight


    1. Yes Gary like wee spin out, bit cold camping , I no how getting sore shoulders it way you grip handle bars turn your wrists bend arms Easy on old joints Be safe , 👌

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