#youngmondayRKF #ruthkadiri247 #eddiewatson #nollywood #nollywoodmovies #latestnollywoodmovies2023 #mauricesammovies #mauricesam

    [Applause] Sweet ground nut come and buy your sweet ground nuts ground nut though come and buy a sweet ground nut banana banana banana Banana AET ah Benjamin hey hey F I’m fine how are you doing now I haven’t seen you all week my sister I’m fine that I thought you have gone back to school by now me why does the television house not work again I be you don’t have internet you

    Know my TV Anna has sped and I don’t have money for dat right now what happened so none of your classmates called to tell you tell me what Benjamin don’t keep me suspense now school has resumed now they’ve called off the strike when he why did you hear that

    Well I saw it on the internet to um they said government has called suspended the strike said student should res honor ah honor Better banana better banana Banana what is it what is it why are you back home school has resumed um the strike has been called off I can go back now Auntie have you finished selling the gr out I told you to sell not yet not yet not yet and you came back

    Home for what to tell you that school as is Young what is that supposed to mean huh what if school has resumed oh you want to go back to school right go back back your things and go back to school okay well I need transports all right then I can go and

    I’ll find a job and I’ll manage needs transport look around you take a look at yourself do I store money the house do I store money but Auntie I’ll pay you back I promise leave me alone you want to go to school right pack your things and go to

    School this gate is opened don’t disturb me auntie now auntie please Auntie Papa I got some thank you so what are you going to do now I think I’m going to find my father your father I thought you said your mother never mentioned him so how are you going to find him I know his name so I’ll search him on

    Facebook that’s not rather an impossible task but you know I have to now my auntie is not willing to send me to school so I have to find a way maybe he’ll help me aun Bill why is this woman like that now uhuh you made so much

    Money for that woman do you know in the past eight months since you got to this Village you sold gr what thousands of n for that woman h why people so wicked May was not Wicked Benjamin I put that one she took me when nobody else

    Would but you’ve done so much for her now she’s a good woman I ow her I Love she Like uh Oh my St from there what is the time morning I’m so sorry ma it’s past 7: a.m. and you’re still sleeping what about the Gres who will fry them me why will you fry them that you take them to the market I’ll go and fry them

    Now what of the house have you swept it HH is it me that sweep it jayen come what is it are you hungry huh you’re hungry did you hear him he’s hungry have you made food you have not made food you’re very stupid what have you done for me me tell

    Me all you keep telling me is you want to go back to school when you go to school don’t come back to my house did you hear me now will you going to make food for him yes ma come back here who sweep the house I’ll sweep him make food

    For him yes sir take him along come back take him okay don’t drag him yes Sir just Good more kill me sleeping on the Bed Auntie what is it H can I talk to you say what you want to say please and stop disturbing me um please do you know my father huh it’s just that my mother never told me anything about him but I think I can find him so that what will

    Happen I ask you again so that what will happen H oh so you think a man that rejected the pregnancy we finally accept the child dreamer stop dreaming stop dreaming even so Auntie he’s still my father and I would like to know him so please if you have any

    Information don’t let me regret ever taking you in H H I’m already regretting it auntie please when your mother died you had nowhere else to go I took you in now you want to go and find your father where was he when I took you in I asked you where was

    He if I could just AMA you want to go look for your father right the door is open go look for him but when you leave my house you will not come back again did you hear me auntie please oh leave me alone let me eat my food in peace leave me Alone wait wait Ah so how much you want buy him H how much much don’t check I pay 2,000 2,000 for all these clothes you know they see the quality of clothes why another look don’t wash now talk Madam why your mouth sharp like this I be talk Madam

    2,000 2000 too small I don’t feel sell 2,000 this cloth they don’t F supposed exchange plastic ah ah I bet talk mad this 2000 aun good afternoon 5,000 Nair why you car the problem and this not my clothes this M 45 buy them buy them this are my

    Clothes now I will slap you mad be like I Dr too much oh yeah bring money bring money this are my clothes now if I slap you you have I will beat you but why you selling my clothes are you the one feeding yourself HH do you know what I

    Do to get money to feed you to find for you if you cannot contribute your own quarter then you leave my house aunti but these cloes are for University if you sell them I won’t have anything to wear who told you you going back to

    School what do you mean I asked who said you’re going back to school because I don’t have money for school Auntie but I’m already in my first of University I can’t just drop out now are you going to be the first University drop out eh oh my listen to me cut your

    Coat according to your size if there’s nobody that will pay for your school fees then stop dreaming ATI I do so much for you I H on the streets I do all the choice I will take care of your son how dare you make me look so

    Wicked all that I ask is that you help me go through school at least Auntie this are the clothes that my mother bought for me I W have anything to wear this CL are you okay mad to fight I buy again I buy Market bring my market down so this get hey see

    You wi go no one buy go I I bring another if I slap you if I slap you move your hand move your hand move your hand I beat you now are you stupid then you came alone and my life became Beau beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and then you came

    Along and my life became Beautiful so beautiful oh so beautiful and I will tell the world that you are a miracle and I have been strong so long chasing it all yeah I know what it means to be here bab oh I know what it’s like to be alone nobody want to come closer life

    Was so blurry just like a war no want to T to more like a pron in your and then you came along my life became Beautiful thank You came alone and my life became Beautiful so beautiful so beautiful I’ll spend every hour this really nice oh sir I all right let me help you no I can manage look I’ve told you we in the village now stop me I drop the okay front of my parents okay I’m sorry I forgot but you ready to go

    Inside now no no no no yet just give me one minute I’ll take conf few shot sir it’s late already and we almost spent the whole day on the road listen listen the sun is about to set and there’s something about taking pictures in this Ambiance just give me one minute please

    All right please you can do this tomorrow I promise I beg you all right fine let me let me help you one more one more thing I I want to beg you not to tell your parents that you drove all the way down with us I understand you you know

    They think you took the flight and we drove down down alone like we brought the car to the Village it’s fine I have your back okay I got you thank you and thank you for saying yes to my crazy ideas I know sometime can be very very

    Crazy thank you let me help you no no no I I beg you I I I manage you list we the village now I can help you okay please good luck all right let’s go let’s go Good morning good oh good morning boss I hope you slept well oh yes I did I enjoyed it so much thank you for asking though thank God good to hear so we’re going around today right yes yes but just me just you yes just me why I

    Mean please boss you have to let me do my job and not land me in jail what if something goes wrong I mean you could get kidnapped you know good up relax kidnapped in this Village come on I’ll be fine don’t worry but but look boss I’ll be fine good Luck see don’t worry everything will be all right now don’t worry how tell me how m is not willing to send me to school I know I know eh so just how F now if funny I could set myself to school I would but I can’t pay

    It what if you left without telling her see I’ve heard of girls that breed ha to make end meats you say you do that one now or even get a job I tried working before I to B when I was in school but it didn’t work out the manager most of

    The staff wanted to sleep with me what’s wrong with human being now I don’t know ah can just fine girl without trying to sleep with her H I don’t know what to do classes have started and I’m still here because I don’t have transer money to go to

    School Benjamin don’t worry I know how hard things are for you and your father I can manage thank you I’ll find a way I’m sure I’m sure thank you sh oh no no who is that and why is he giving the children snacks who he has to ask for their parents for

    Permission first now can’t you see let me hold this around let me take your picture I’ll give you more all right I’ll give you more just just put it together and hold yourselves I want to smile smile what do you want with the children sorry excuse me are you talking

    To me no I’m talking it to myself what do you want with them what what take back your biscuits if you want to give the children anything ask their parents for permission first I I don’t think why I I don’t see why you’re concerned about that I’m gifting the children biscuits what’s

    Wrong with you what are your intentions with them why giving them snacks young lady I think you should mind your business at this point this is my business this is a village community and I can report you report put me why what am I doing wrong mama what is he

    Saying he’s pretending not to know what I’m talking about what are his intentions with the children I think you must be you must be insane why why ask me that of n question who is insane are you mad see first let let’s go and see the elders immediately what what are you talking

    About I’ve done nothing wrong oh youve done nothing wrong okay now give me my camera I hope I hope I’m fine I’m fine you’re fine I’m fine good I’m fine you’re sure those idots didn’t hurt you I’m just pie right now you see that was why I kicked

    Against you going out alone in the first place see I know how dangerous it is out out there huh now your father is away and my job is at STI don’t worry just calm down right I’m going to call out for you you you will trust me I will I got your back

    Okay thank you got your back thank you very much and what about the fools who reported you you know what I don’t really care about them right now I don’t care about them you don’t where did you park the other way to the car pleas we get them arrested you know but go

    Inside go go say HH what is wrong with you you reported the son of a titled man to the Village Council what were you expecting I didn’t know auntie I thought I was helping the children you were helping who who did you help tell me auntie I’m

    Sorry do not cause problems for me in this Village in do not cause problems for me in this Village did you hear me I’m sorry I was find 10,800 for your own stupidity you know what you’re are going to pay it back you will pay it back or

    You start to death in this house now will you go go to an’s place and get my son for me or I beat some Senses Into Your into your Score take this Make me to do know okay Beni find we should have asked questions we should have asked questions I dragged you into this it’s my fault how are we supposed to pay this fine now eh my father and I barely have enough for ourselves it’s my fault I caused this

    Sorry I think we should go and beg him more I I mean I mean he the son of a titled man who happens to be the wealthiest man in this our village ah I finished I’m tell sorry sorry [Applause] sorry see I’ll humble myself and go and

    Beg him I think maybe that’s our only option but do you know where he stays I think I knew his let’s go Sorry so the both of you are the reason I own almost lost my job huh we we are sorry sir we are sorry well you can keep your sorry to yourselves okay anyway he’s not going to be able to speak with anyone now he’s yet to recover from the

    Trauma that you both put him through with the last incident hey uh uh a doctor is coming from overseas to take care of him a a doctor from overseas but sir we have very capable doctors here M and how is it your business how they spend their

    Money huh s please please sir let’s just go and beg him I promise after that will be out of here but I just told you you both not good for his mental health eh you do not deserve a second meeting with him the best I can offer is to allow you

    Beg me that’s if I allow you you beg me and then I transfer it to him that’s all but look look that is all I can offer okay if you’re not good with that then leave this place and don’t ever come Back sir please wait please wait please please what are me to do now Benji it’s getting late yes it is I have to go I can’t stay I haven’t sold anything you can go but I can’t leave here without apologizing no see that Finance to be cancelled Beni see don’t worry go I’ll beg for the two of us I have stayed but you know my auntie

    She’ll be fierce that I haven’t sold anything you can’t go I’m so sorry for all the trouble I caused I’m Sorry O oh Go He how much is this this is 2,550 naira for the grut why didn’t you finish selling the gr since morning I just start selling it on time that’s a very stupid excuse how many times have I told you not to come back to this house if you if you have not

    Finished selling the grut how many times I was trying to beg the young man that I offended so that he would wave the fine what has that got to do with my grand H what has that got to do with my grand I I didn’t want you to pay the

    Fine me pay the fine so you actually thought I was going to pay the fight HH but you’re very stupid you’re very very stupid now will you stand up pick this way and stop Yes pick it pick pick it you feel like don’t finish selling it rubbish Girl like don’t finish selling that grut I going the stubborn young man has refused to sir please I’m sorry sir sir please I’m sorry I’m sorry please I beg I don’t know you now I mean I didn’t need any answer any answer please please forgive me I mean forgive us yes please forgive

    Us where’s the companion she’s not here I mean I’m begging for both of us sir I’m begging for the two of us hold on let me get something straight so I should forgive her in our yeah no no no I mean yes sir yes yes forgive what’s your name what’s your name sir

    What’s your name Benjamin Benjamin good luck yes boss please inform the Town Council to wave up the death yeah thank you sir God bless you sir God bless you sir what of my friend om who is that the my companion you want to beg in on our behalf

    Sir sir sir hey hey hey it’s time for you to but let me just talk to him now make me please please no please sir please pleas please no my sleep please Please and then you came along and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and I will tell the word that you are a miracle and I have been so long chasing it all Are you a fool are you a fool what are you doing what do you think you are sleeping beauty who gave you the right to sleep when you have not sold my ground out I couldn’t sell the the ground out because it was getting late yesterday bro you’re crazy I’ll sell them today

    You’re crazy you’ll sell them today h who sent you tell me who sent you to come and punish me I say who sent you aunti I’m sorry you’re sorry huh these girl were supposed to have been so since yesterday what are they still doing here HH you’re very stupid you’re very

    Stupid I feed you I cloth you and I give you shelter yet to talk to me tell me stupid things I’m what is wrong with you come back here come hey hey hey come back here come back come and take the ground out and finish it you will finish it after

    Nobody’s paying me for taking care of of you what is wrong with you carry it oh go go you have to finish that Ground come Back and then you came alone and my life became beautiful so beautiful so Beautiful Hey yes sir how much B do you want to buy do you really think I want to buy what you’re selling HH that what you think there’s 50 N ground nuts and there’s um 200 N gr nuts which one do you want wow look at you acting all

    Smart like you don’t remember who I am the guy you insulted and embarrass yesterday what you think I’m going to take that nonsense from you again you think I walk around embarassing people anyhow what’s wrong with you huh listen I’m not going to that nons from you again or anybody

    In this Village do you understand me um what trick is this now huh what what trick is this stand up Hey hey stand up Wait hey you okay hey are you oh my God are you somebody help she she’s not moving somebody help k K wake up help somebody help hey are you okay yeah all right listen doctor said you should take this 2 in the morning and turn night okay yeah he also said you should try and eat a lot of protein and vegetables your immune system is very weak okay well what are my

    Words yeah um about that before g go day there already destroyed my is going to kill me where did he drop listen listen how much is it worth I’ll pay for them okay no no just tell me where did it listen I will pay for them how is it w again

    Never mind that just tell me where did it fall down I’ll go and find it what do you want to find destroyed already that was destroyed where did it drop by V Road you know Fain listen I said I will pay for them

    No no no I’ll go to find it I’ll fix it I have to fix it I get you can’t fix what his destroyed already I’ll fix him will kill me if I don’t listen Omar Omar my Waitu my ground knocks I just going to kill me what am I going to do calm down to Cal down I mean your tree is with good Lu okay listen listen okay just okay just stand up stand up okay clean yourself up here think I I think you should have this no

    No no no don’t worry you already helped me with the with the medical that’s just TR good luck here take this no no you already handled my my medical bills and I still owe you for embarrassing take all of it no no no no no no no no take take it

    Take it all right I think this will sort it out sorry sorry okay I think this will get you new gr out and sort it out right come no don’t worry I’ll manage I can drop you no no no don’t don’t worry my I no thank you thank you again I’m Sorry So how is the world most beautiful woman though Doing oh come on Mom you know I’m saying the Truth I’m I’m fine Mom I’m fine I mean it’s amazing over here trust me I wonder why we don’t call me often ah yeah that’s right you know what Mom I’m seeing live three whole different L now and I really love it and you know what I’ve noticed about

    This place mom the poverty level here is on another level like people are really Struggling yeah I hear of you you guys wonderful work here you know I mean helping the you the scholarships came I Mean I mean that would be very good mom be very Good trust me mom he’s very good he’s so Good all right Mama I too later okay right love you Bye Stand up from there are you done the whole house you have grand to sell auntie why did you hide this from me my mother wrote me a letter why did you give it to me what are you talking about where did you get that in your room so I asked you

    To clean the house my room and you go about investigating eh Auntie why did you give this to me oh now you’re now interrogating me you’re interrogating me how dare you see it was not in my position to give it to you okay Auntie but she wrote in her

    Letter that by the time I received this she will be dead you should have given it to me so what you want to do ehh you want to fight me you want to fight me come and beat me beat me beat me you want to beat me you’re very Wicked

    You’re very Wicked you’re very very Wicked I took care of your mom until her last days when she died I brought you in and started taking care of you now you’re insulting me you’re insulting meama you see how Wicked you can be you’re so wicked but she died 9 months ago you’ve

    Had this letter for 9 months you should have given it to me I wasn’t here when she died get her from here take Jaden inside now Jaden take him Inside your father’s information is in that letter will you go and see him I I I don’t Know if you want to go and same you can go and same but you will not come back to my house why not why why would you want to go and see your father or is that not what you wanted HH when you leave my house you’re not coming back

    But I haven’t made up my mind yet my oh my things are not going on well for me I’m trying to make and meet I can barely fend for myself and my son you’ve done a lot for me already and I’m very grateful for that I know that none of my

    Other none of my mom’s other relatives agreed to take me in I’d be out on the streets if it were for You so you know I have done so well for you I’ve been so good to you right okay so school will have to wait yes you can go to school some other time for now we have to focus on making money yes that’s if you know I’ve done something good for you okay Hey hi hi hi there hi hello how are you how are you okay you go first how are you I’m fine I’m fine thank you um I didn’t I didn’t know I’ll would see you again honestly me neither um I thought You’ gone back going back to where to the

    City who told you I stay in the city I still gr not here and I know nearly everybody here I haven’t seen you before really yeah oh I’m I’m still around I mean I’m the son of the soy I’m still here you know can I can I take a picture of you

    Please sure sure let me bring down my b no no no no no please just like this I mean in your in very real form yes just hold app P from the right there just give me one sec one sec okay try not to look at me okay just

    Do your thing all right just freestyle all right thank you I like to smile like that Beau beautiful beautiful oh my God thank you so much thank you looks so good you want to see thank you come Tak the she really nice so nice nice right nice right thank you yeah you like it yeah these are so pretty m you’re so good thank

    You so what are these pictures for are you like a photographer uh photographer I guess you know but this is a project for a project on Rural living for me yes yes I’m to submit these pictures in grad school for evaluation so I can be admitted for

    Graduate study grad school so that means you’ve graduated yeah last year you’re so young you too um thanks for the pictures I really like them you’re welcome yeah you’re welcome so what happened you didn’t sell granuts today it because of the incident oh no

    No no it’s um prices have gone up in the market so my aunt decided to wait until the prices go back down oh I I understand so you leave with your aunt oh yeah it’s getting late I’ve been not to the house but to though I have to go like right

    Now wait I I I I didn’t get your number alone my life became Beautiful so beautiful to feel sleepy think I want to go to bed now yeah good Night you’ve been staring at her pictures all day isn’t it just so nice the way the camera just captures her excellent well you’re right she’s really very photogenic and good luck yeah yes I think I have an idea yeah what what kind of idea how old come what yes

    Well I think you should go to bed good night good Night I don’t think she’s coming today I mean we’ve been waiting here for hours now and you’re tired you need to you need to rest trust me just just wait a little longer please she might just come just wait small please a little longer look I just wish we know her

    Place it would have made things a little more easier but we don’t know now and I really try to look for the address you know I don’t know the whole Community to fre better banana better banana good sir no no no please drop with the whole side thing my name is

    Stefan yeah I’m looking for your friend my friend yes your partner in crime mean the one who sells Gran out with you yeah why what’s for I have a proposal for her proposal yes a business proposal I’m going to pay her well eh okay ah in that case I’ll take it to

    Her let me drop this first I don’t leave her from here sir don’t go anywhere okay okay don’t go Anywhere hi Omar hi he says he has a big business plan that will bring you plenty money big business yes I I have a business proposal for you I want you to be my model model yes she’s a very good model when she first joined us into this our small

    Community thought this was a mod so will up the job as long as I’m fully closed sure yes of course he would be of course you see my you have nothing to worry about okay you’re in safe hands all right thank you all right thank you Benji thank you

    Thank you all right I see you Around you want help me I got a job aun what job as a model so how much are you going to be paid 20,000 per job H 20,000 is it for a day or for a month for a Day auntie I think like God finally heard my prayers

    Because now I can finally go to school and do something I’ll have enough money see when they pay you for that job give me the money let me keep it for you m I have have an account now and I called my classmate she said that I can

    Still come back in time for exams so all I need to do is save up some money and will you stop with this over Saab attitude of yours what is wrong with you how many times have I told you that there’s no money anywhere for any school H and

    Besides we have to change our goal M we have to plan for another goal we have to save money so that we can relocate to abroad you know my husband is abroad H um but Auntie has he called you you know you said that you haven’t heard

    From him will keep quiet as he called you is he your husband HH he is my husband and the father of my child yes he keeps in contact so when they pay you that money you give it to me let me keep it for you let me

    Save it so that that we can relocate abroad did you hear what I said did you hear what I said yes aunti how many have you counted how many have you counted you didn’t count you want you want to go to school count this let me know how many sorry sorry so

    Beautiful so beautiful then came along and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and I will tell the world that you are a miracle and I have been strong so long chasing it all yeah I know what it means to be here oh I know what it’s like to be

    Alone nobody want to come closer life was so blurry just like a war no want to tend to more like a pron in your soul and then you came alone and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and then you Came well thank you for today thank you for an amazing day of shoots it is so well thank you I can’t believe I earn money doing what I love so you love modeling I enjoy taking pictures you know what I think you should try modeling looks so good in pictures

    I will thanks for helping me discover that you’re welcome so what do you do apart from Sing Grandma well I’m in my first semester of my first year in University I still remember when my mom and I saw that I first got the admission we’re so excited but now that the strike

    Has been called off I can’t go back wait hold on you mean your school is in session right now and you you’re still here why it’s a long story but I’ll return When I can I’ve told my friend to help me get a deferral letter letter

    Y eat your food don’t look so shocked to that cold thanks why would you tell your aunts about your deal with st I feel like it was the right thing to do besides how will I take a break from selling Grand to Grand model oh my you can always pretend you

    To sell Grand during the day then at the end of the thing you got REM some cash to her now after the whole sales that be problematic now besides you know I don’t like lying plus things are hard in the country how would we be struggling and I

    Don’t I have spare money and I can’t give her see I don’t know what to tell you again suit yourself see your ant does not have the best intentions for you that woman will take all this money and Jacka i p you you think okay I’ll be playing I don’t know she’s

    C I don’t know she do that yeah good look yeah B so what did you find I I found out she just lost her mom few months back and she had to move in with her auntie so um nothing much just that I didn’t seem to know

    Much about her but they know a lot about the Auntie okay so what about her auntie I discovered she had some issues with her husband I mean the husband sold all the properties and relocated abroad so she had to come back to the village with her son that’s what I found out

    But I’m worried boss why are you digging into ‘s life why listen I I I feel sad forar do you know she wants to drop out of school oh that’s a normal thing these days I mean consider during the state of the economy people drop out of school

    Every day I believe she’ll be fine she will she’ll get back to school when she can afford it yeah I I heard my parents spoke about one scholarship program thingy okay I could talk to them about Omar right don’t you think that will mean doing too much doing too much she never

    Asked you for any financial assistance right look good luck these days people don’t ask for help just scared of being mocked and laughed at but clearly I need help right yes I I I think so yes okay uh I should run along with the other assignment all right all right right do thank

    You Be quiet be quiet what this now why you sh me to go out don’t tell p stick today no step I can take the day off ah where are you going to I want to find my father your father how you know I told you that my mother left me a letter

    She was his address inside but where is he now isn’t the place far from me and don’t forget what your auntie said though if you go looking for him you cannot come back here again I know but I checked the address it’s not far it’s only like two

    Bues away still in town oh are you sure what about if he has changed location now let me just go and check and then I’ll come back I’ll be fast understand now I hope you find him more thank you let me go and look the door Qui not looking very Well You are the reason I believe in love with you it’s perfect just like the flowers you are the reason I believe in love with you h perfect just like the flowers you are my soul with your beauty ignited her fire in me I don’t want too

    Much all I is you you are my soul with your beauty ignited all for you’re in me I don’t want too much all I is you you make it easy you’re loveing his true something about when you told me everything would be all right you are the sweetest feeling I know You bet banana better banana bet banana Benji hey hey you don’t fire my friend come on now don’t say that not joke now joke how are you Benji I’m fine said you give her off yes I did I give a want her to rest me too I wanted to rest boy look

    At me today is beautiful yeah it’s wonderful I I love the Ambiance out here today it’s nice Benjamin I’ve been willing to ask you something okay um why is Omar refusing to return to school see someone needs to SW some Senses Into that girl’s head I told her not to give her auntie

    The you are giving her from this modeling thing but she refused hold on I I’m not F I don’t understand okay it’s a long story but I’ll try to make it brief okay Omar’s mom died so she had nowhere else to go she had to move in with her

    Aunt am I supposed to BU in school both strike POS things and now Aunt has refused refused to send her to school because there’s no money om is going through a lot she went to look for her father because she needs help and you can imagine I a threaten

    That if she goes looking for him she should not come back there’s a lot going on with her and I hate to see her suffer please please don’t until I told you anything no no no it’s fine I I understand okay I completely Understand Om is going through a lot she went to look for her father because she needs help and you can imagine I AR threaten that if she goes looking for him she should not come back there’s a lot going on with her and I hate to see her Suffer hello hey amama how are you hello can you hear me hello where are you Hello Stepan what are you what are you what are you doing here I didn’t know where else to Go And then you came Al and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and then you came along and my life became Beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and I will tell Are I went to see my Father what it means to be here oh I know what it’s like to be alone nobody want to come closer blurry hold on um good even sir I’m here to see Mr Edmund Moses I’m here and who are you who is there uh somebody I said who are you who are you looking

    For um my my name is omasa and please do you know F sh she gave me this letter so she’s my mother I am I am your daughter sir what are you doing here I came to find you listen if you do not have something important to say leave and never return

    But I’m your daughter she she says so in her Leave But I thought he he’d at least be happy to see me you know but he wasn’t I’m s You I don’t have anybody I don’t have my mom don’t say that okay I don’t have my dad you know a Lun man don’t don’t say that don’t say that okay don’t say that ifil ifil even my auntie doesn’t want me she doesn’t even want to send me

    To school it’s okay I don’t know what to do it’s okay your mom it’s okay just breathe all right easy just take it easy okay okay see I can still go home no no no no it’s really late you know what just spend the night here

    Okay okay yeah but I don’t have any female clothes here but I do have a shirt you can wear though don’t worry I’ll sleep in my dress no no no no he’s really big trust me he will fit perfectly all right and have some toiletries in the guest room so you

    Could have a fresh shower okay all right just follow me so you have a fresh bath okay thank you Just and then you came alone my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and then you came Alone fresh ground nut come and buy a fresh ground nut sweet ground nut come and buy a fresh ground nut hi oh my hey I was hoping you’d pass by really yeah I got you something sorry it’s for your back please don’t tell me believe good

    Luck thank you for helping me that day I’m being so nice and I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused it’s fine it’s fine I’m okay don’t believe good Lu does your back still hurt believe me Omar I said I’m fine and why are we not taking pictures

    Today why are you selling granuts my auntie insisted I sell granuts today and I can model tomorrow oh yeah oh you know what that’s that’s very sad I don’t want my mother coming in tomorrow looking up Bor because of the sun I’m carry no way don’t worry you can’t buy everything no

    No no no no how much is what you’re carrying I’ll pay don’t worry no I insist can just have this no no don’t worry don’t worry I insist let me pay no no no don’t worry I’ll find a for you that that’s not funny now now know what to do to you just

    Have take it are you sure yes thank you thank you thank you for the bum all right be okay okay I was sry taking a picture of this thing here nice any I’m going this way right so she didn’t find out no anything I don’t want you feeling

    This way okay so she didn’t find out no listen I don’t want you saying this type of things okay you’re not alone but I am listen you have me now right I’m now in your corner my mom died 9 months ago I’m sorry to hear that ATA was the

    Youngest sibling she had and out of all her siblings she was the only one who took me in oh y that see CES but I don’t blame them things are hard they find it hard to F for themselves as well so um your auntie maybe all she’s a single mother no she

    And her family used to live in the city before her husband sold everything and relocated wait she let him do that yeah it was presumed that he would come right back but it’s not the right thing to do yeah how long has it been now four years four

    Years and she still thinks he’s going to come back for them yeah she’s saving up to go and find him where do you travel to Canada so your auntie maybe saving enough to travel to Canada to find a husband I just pray he comes back to them because that’s the only way they

    Can find him yeah I hope so too anyway I wish your aunti maybe all all the luck in the world too things are hard she needs some all Right Look into my eyes and tell me what you see best fire deep inside burning just for you every day I want it more Your Love Is All I need I know what you going through and I promise to be here I’ll be here for you in the dark

    And in the light every day and every night I’ll be here by your side I’ll be here For we here for You hold okay no all right let’s let’s let’s I want you to go down L time go down for me all right get down nice hold it hold it hold it are you okay yes are you sure you’re Comfortable can you like can you like lean like like you want to lie down yeah nice good good thank you thank you perfect thank you perfect thank you I are you okay yes are you sure hold on hold it hold it are you are you fine I’m fine are you sure you’re

    Comfortable are you sure okay all right nice okay that’s It are you sure you’re fine yes just wait me um sorry I don’t know it’s sh nice but thought she would have been more creative with the dress but it’s okay it’s okay sorry so nice turn out yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect wow it’s really hard today man thank

    You I don’t know I don’t know I just can’t find my favorite picture yet cuz they’re so nice but this has to be the short this one this this this this this this has to be the shorts honestly a very nice shot sorry sorry you know what I have

    Something to apply on your body when I get home you do yes I’m so I’m so sorry okay thank [Applause] you I it you so much but I ask if we’re comfortable you said yes I thought I could bear it did you you just say be it I’ve told you if you’re uncomfortable speak up but it’s my job and I listen you make me look like a wicked

    Boss you know what sorry let me just help you don’t worry I can do it no no let me help you don’t worry I can do it I I I brought some hot water Stefan why don’t you have your B with hot water stepan just calm down okay you should try hot water

    Right no don’t worry I’ll help you with this okay just go upstairs and have your bath hot water you’ll be fine huh yes sorry Huh in okay see my body has stopped itching it’s like a miracle i s gr me on a scale of 1 to 10 how angry are you 1 million stop it’s not funny at all it’s not funny I mean I ask you if you’re comfortable he said

    Yes look come if you’re if you’re uncomfortable just speak out say something okay I know sometimes my imagination can run very wild I don’t want to hurt you you’ve never hurt me so speak out when you’re comfortable okay is that why you’re upset okay so are we no longer friends you

    Wish oh my goodness you li Auntie good evening um why are my bags and clothes outside so you thought I would not find out eh will you down KN down here KN down so you thought I would not know oh you thought I would not find out aun

    What I talking will you shut up how dare you look me in the face and ask me such a question after lying to me P what did you shut up you a disgrace H you a very big disgrace why did you go there what was the reason for you to go

    There a man that never wanted you H look at you you thought I would not find out you went to see your father who Auntie I’m sorry I just wanted to see if he if what if what a man had never wanted you from the

    Start oh so you thought he was going to jump for joy and welcome you back home was very stupid curiosity got the best of me I promise it won’t happen again I’m sorry it will not happen again yes you know why since you went out against my will you’re leaving my house

    You saw your B outside right you’re leaving my house auntie please where you get that from here I’m sorry M it won’t happen again I promise pleas you touch me I will slap you get out of my house aunti please get out of my house please

    Ma I said are you deaf get out of my house also get out of my house hey come in come in sorry take it easy sit here yeah here hey I didn’t know where else to go I I’ve gone to Benji’s Benji’s house but he’s traveled he sorry sorry take it

    Easy you know my doors are always open to you know right I don’t know what to do Stefan my aunt doesn’t want me in her house anymore look listen you can stay here okay I don’t want to inconvenience stop saying that now when have you ever inconvenienced

    Me but what if I work for you I can cook I can clean I can wash enough enough stop saying that I’m never going to let you do any of that listen just take this house as your house okay I’m so sorry it’s fine it’s okay you know what I think you should

    Freshen up now okay just come with me right come go get this thank you so much Dad thank you I really do appreciate this means a lot to me that thank you good how many times have I won you about Bing into my room I’m I’m sorry I forgot I’m

    Sorry anyway um Dad accepted to give on scholarship really yes yes and I want to go and bring the news to her personally but stepan um omma is not around she’s left what do you mean is not around she’s left what do you mean by that she’s gone like she’s she’s not she’s

    Gone she gone gone to what are you doing here where is she get out of my house how did you get my address who gave you my address are you just going to be shouting at me or will you listen to me I will not I will

    Not listen now get out of my house where is she what do you care after you rejected her I will not I repeat I will not ask you again where is she look at you you’re so Shameless so now you know she’s your daughter maybe and you know your man her

    Father you know you her father right where is is she she’s gone I sent her away you did what yes I Did I wanted her not to come looking for you but she disobeyed me if not that my sister wrote your name and your address in that letter how could she have found you maybe you sent your own child out of your house forget is your child how could you do that and

    She is also your child you know I never wanted her I never wanted to keep her you know how many times I cried to AB and she will not die do you know how pained I feel whenever I look at her every day I feel so pained so you were my

    Mother how could you do all those things I’m sorry om we are not beit parents we handed our responsibility to Auntie Felicia even not that she insisted that I keep the child she will not be here today will you shut up how could you say such a thing to her face with

    You look om man the truth is we were very young when she got pregnant of you I was scared my father was very straight so we handed you over to Felicia who raised you so you thought she was your mother she will always be my

    Mother you will never be my mother I am never going to call you mom why did you come back here I thought I told you not to come back here I thought I could beg you to take me back I guess I was stupid and

    You why did you come here I thought he said never to look for you it was never my intention look never my intention to send you away my child maybe came looking for me sometime ago and she said you may come in search of me and when you do that I

    Should send you away how could you do that why would you do that to me because I wanted to take the secret to my grave I didn’t want you to know that that that that I gave gave bir to you am I that bad of a

    Child am I that bad that didn’t want me what Jaden what’s the difference between the two of us what my where are you going anywhere as long as it’s far away from the two of you and I really wanted you to like me ever since I was little I knew that you never

    Did at least now I know why don’t ever look for me I’m not Returning Oh hey okay yeah fine sure yeah so my promise you’re my responsibility from today h forth you’re too young for that who say so you get tired eventually is my thing right there keep on doubting me just like the first time we met you doubted my intentions with

    The kids you know that was a mistake yeah I know om my you don’t tell me anything you don’t talk to me just keep everything to yourself I’m just not used to expressing myself so you see me as a stranger then no of course not you’re my friend it’s

    Just my mom was my only Confidant and when she died I listen is there another thing right there he always take me away from the picture I’m here now for you okay I’m here now I don’t deserve this you don’t deserve you what was that you’re too good to be true even our

    Friendship still feels like a dream to me and listen it’s no dream okay you’re my responsibility now but I’m going to guide I’m going to protect you with my life okay with your life why would you do that so beautiful and I will tell the world that you are I it

    All I know what it me be here oh I know what it’s like to be alone nobody want to come closer life was so blurry just like a war no one to more like a in your soul and then you came see don’t forget me that never happen you’re not

    Serious so you be going back to school AB be yes but after I see stepan’s par trust me I can’t wait to see you honey Steph St man n bro please help me thank your parents through their small business scheme my father was able to raise some

    Cash Mr you know what I’m very happy we could help you Benjamin for real thank you thank youy I’ll miss all friendship I miss you Benjamin I miss you don’t forget to call me no problem know good luck you okay yeah okay Sure good luck let’s move it my life became beautiful so beautiful oh so beautiful and then you came along and my life became beautiful so beautiful so Beautiful and I will tell the word that you are a miracle I have been strong so long chasing it all yeah I know what it means to be here oh I know what it’s like to be alone nobody want to come closer life was so blurry just like a

    War no one to tend to more like a pron in your soul and then you came alone and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and then you came alone and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful I spend every hour of every day keeping you safe oh keeping you

    Safe and I will tell the world that you are a Miracles I have been strong so long chasing it all and then you came along and my life became beautiful so beautiful so beautiful and then you came along and my life became Beautiful so beautiful so Beautiful beautiful oh so beautiful Lord


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