In today’s episode we take a look at the Augsburg book of miracles, a manuscript from an unknown author containing miraculous signs through out the ages, a collection of renaissance art and religious stories that many thought would predict future events.

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    In 1552 a rather peculiar manuscript surfaced in the city of Augsburg one that was full of strange but also rather lavish and outlandish illustrations these images depicted all sorts of strange phenomena from shooting stars and fatal floods to swarms of locusts and terrifying monsters stories of ancient folklore stories of the Old

    Testament and the Book of Revelation visions that were spectacular Eerie Prophecies of unavoidable dread and disaster and of course no book of medieval Horrors is complete without mention of the apocalypse and the end of days that is coming for us all but it’s not all doom and gloom some of these

    Illustrations are certainly confusing but the vast majority are unique and creative in a creepy nightmare fuel but still kind of interesting way so join me today as we take a look at the book of Miracles and Embark and what I can only imagine is the equivalent to a Renaissance Acid

    Trip the manuscript was originally known as the orberg book of miraculous signs this was shortened to the book of miracles in 2013 when it was translated and published in English French and German we don’t know for certain who created this manuscript but we do know that they were an avid collector of some

    Of the strangest art the Middle Ages had to offer these illustrations give us an insight into 16th century Europe and its growing obsession with extraordinary signs sent by God now these are by no means new and unique ideas all throughout civilization we’ve always had traditions of Omens and prophecy we can

    Go as far back as classical Antiquity with the ancient Greeks and Romans the Bible itself is full of Prophecy in ancient Greece Homer discussed the behavior of birds and changes in the the weather rainbows and thunder for example were signs from the gods that could be interpreted as both negative and

    Positive the Romans called this prodigium or Prodigy in English it differs from the Greeks as to them it was mostly negative foretelling some kind of Calamity or catastrophic event the book of prodigies was created in the 4th Century ad by Julius obse sequins this covered events from the years 249

    BC all the way up to 11 BC the book of prodigies resurfaced during the Middle Ages in Europe or what is referred to as the Renaissance period it’s also important to note that this was at a time when the church had been divided into Roman Catholics and Protestants

    This in itself is known as the Reformation period this split resulted in propaganda from both sides each trying to use signs from God to bolster their views and beliefs due to the rising interest in the idea of Prophecy and signs from God the republishing of this work was a huge success another

    Major influence came from the imagery of Prophecy found in the Bible the olsburg book of Miracles attempted to mimic the structure of the Bible beginning with the Old Testament and ending with Revelation it wasn’t until the 15th and 16th centuries that we began to see Works similar to The Book of prodigies

    Resurface in parts of Europe Sebastian brentt was known for his articles in the broad sheets the broad sheets being the earliest forms of newspapers he wrote about monsters astronomical events and various other Wonders that could not be explained this was followed by the publishing of multiple manuscripts which attempted to compile these miraculous

    Signs together across Central Europe there was a growing concern for these types of signs mostly in part due to the interests in astr rological prophecy authors began to try and predict world affairs by using the positioning of celestial bodies and the citings of comets with the rise of Illustrated

    Broad sheets pamphlets and the early framework of news media these images were able to circulate and spread further and faster than before in July 1490 George glocken published a broad sheet that depicted what was described as a Celestial phenomenon near Constantinople the illustration depicts an armored Knight with three heads a crowned Sun

    The moon and a star the Knight is holding a maiden before him which has wings instead of arms the lower regions of a lion and a serpentine tail the woman is standing on two Shields bearing the letter W it has been suggested that this vision is perhaps related to the

    Northern lights and a meteorological phenomenon however this is merely an examp example of some of the Oddities similar to those that appear in the book of Miracles it also follows the same format as the majority of broad sheets there is an illustration followed by a brief description of the event a vague

    Attempt to interpret and explain the meaning which ultimately circles back to uncertainty and the idea that only God can truly understand lastly the faithful are reminded that they can be spared if they repent that is a very simplified summary of what we see in the book of Miracles but given that context I

    Believe we are more than ready to delve into the book itself so what exactly was the purpose of this book why have all these images drawn and collected in the first place the book of Miracles contains accounts and descriptions of miraculous signs that have appeared throughout history it

    Starts with accounts from the Old Testament and continues through Antiquity and the Middle Ages it eventually ends with signs from heaven that were described in the Book of Revelation the book’s Creator attempted to compile a record of all of the signs from God going as far back as the start

    Of civilization all the way until the end it’s essentially one big Omen made up of many smaller signs that all lead to one thing the apocalypse a rapidly growing concern at the time this work was published the first few stories from the Old Testament are familiar ones the

    Book begins with the great flood we see several images of Noah’s Ark along with humans and animals fighting to survive following the flood came the double rainbow symbolic of God’s covenant with Humanity we also see the signs of the zodiac symbolic of the 12 months of the

    Year this momentary piece is followed by the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah cities which Humanity saw burnt To The Ground by God because of their sins and wickedness many of the illustrations from the Old Testament are Visions from prophets we see Elijah being taken up to heaven in a chariot in Daniel’s Vision

    Which is symbolic of the end times four beasts emerge from the sea that represent the four kingdoms that will be vanquished and replaced by the rule of God ezekiel’s Vision concludes the Old Testament section in the book of Miracles now onto the Antiquity portion of the book which is where things start

    To get very weird the Golden Ball or the Roman Fireball of 76 BC depicts a golden ball that was seen in the sky over a Roman Kingdom the ball came down to earth landed and rolled around before eventually flying back up in the air to block the rising son this was Then

    Followed by a great Roman Civil War Scholars at the time disagreed with their description of the event some believed it must have been a shooting star others described it as balls of fire as well as night Suns and torches an article written by NASA over 30 years

    Ago tried to explain this phenomena but could never confirm what exactly the unidentified flying object was most were in agreement that it must have been a meteoric fireball although they couldn’t offer an explanation for it landing and flying back up in the sky there are rare occasions of meteorites falling and

    Burning so bright that they resemble a glowing orb ill illustrations that involve the sun were quite common in the book of Miracles and we can take a look at a few more of these the golden circle around the Sun 1 BC depicts a scene in

    Rome where on the day of the Nativity a Golden Circle appeared around the Sun for the entire day we also see the Temple of Peace and the statue of Romulus collapsing a potential sign of turbulent times ahead in 938 ad there was a spree of of sudden

    Deaths in the city of Venice several days before the deaths occurred those in Venice claimed that the sun was sweating blood a bad Omen that could only result in Bloodshed if you’re someone who prefers their son with a creepy face then the book of Miracles also has you

    Covered for example we have the five sons of lipsig where I quote on the 21st of March of this 51st year five Sons were seen in liy by many trustworthy persons now outside of the Sun the moon the stars comets and adverse weather they’re all things we’d

    Understand or expect to see in the sky some of them may have been embellished and re-imagined but there is also a plethora visions and things that just do not belong in the sky illustrations whose meanings are very hard to comprehend or explain 1553 saw a vision over the city of Strasburg a bloody

    Swordsman defending a fiery Citadel from an opposing Army on Horseback 1536 in the skies of Medina Spain we see another battle in the sky but one of a far less Epic Proportion the celestial Battle of three children is certainly one of the stranger and more comical

    Pieces in the book personally I find the children’s appearance to be slightly disturbing on the 17th of May 1552 the city of dorre experienced a storm so severe that people were convinced the day of judgment was upon them hail Stones weighing several pounds fell from

    The sky for half an hour and the locals recalled a frightening stench from these Stones remaining in the Netherlands the town of meelan suffered from what is described as a special sign from God in August of 1546 fire fell from the sky onto a building that was housing four 400 tons

    Of gunpowder this caused an explosion so big that half of the city was burnt down four years prior the city of Augsburg also experienced a fire in the sky but luckily for them it remained in the sky the fire was described as a Celestial fire that burned like a great brazer in

    The clouds at midnight this Burning torch that appears as the front cover of the book of Miracles tells of an event in the year 1009 ad the sun is described as going dark what we can assume was an eclipse the moon turned a blood red and a great

    Earthquake Was Then followed by a huge burning torch falling from the sky this was Then followed by A Great Famine across Germany and Italy one where more people died than survived what’s interesting about this is that blood moons and eclipses are seen multiple times throughout the Book of Miracles

    And are also followed by by earthquakes this idea in itself isn’t as outlandish as some of the other images we know that during a total lunar eclipse the moon can appear with an orange or reddish tint research between the correlation of earthquakes and the lunar eclipse is

    Still ongoing but if we imagine we were someone living thousands of years ago and all of a sudden the Sun Goes dark and the moon turns red it’s not really that unreasonable to panic and assume the world is ending earlier I did mention that the book contains illustrations of monsters from

    Various myths and folklore in 1533 dragons wearing crowns were seen flying through the sky over Bohemia and in the same year we see dragons flying through the sky this time in the evening the wondrous hen and wondrous fish depict some rather strange Monsters the left shows a four-legged hen that died

    Shortly after it was born and on the right right we have what appears to be a human fish hybrid that was caught in the Danish sea and taken back to Copenhagen in 1534 fisherman in Venice captured a miraculous creature which was taken back to the city and painted judging by the

    Illustration it is very much reminiscent of a Hydra the monster of salburg depicts a creature that was caught by a Bishop’s Huntsman in a forest near sburg this hairy four-legged creature has sharp claws gray fur and most disturbingly the face and beard of a man

    Now if I had to guess given its location in Austria I’d assume it was some kind of early iteration of Krampus however much more sensible individuals have speculated this could have been a painting of a sloth given their natural habitats are the rainforests of Central and South America the Tyber monster depicts a

    Creature creature that was found in the Tyber river near Rome days after a flood this Chimera like creature has the Torso of a human the head of a donkey a face on its backside and a Serpent’s tail whoever Drew this image certainly took inspiration from Lucas cranic the Elder

    One of if not the most famous artists to emerge from the Renaissance period his sketch is almost identical however Lucas cranic certainly doesn’t mention a monster that appears before or after a flood krennic’s work appeared in a broad sheet titled the papal ass a satirical

    Take on the pope and his monks it was then labeled as Protestant propaganda and during the Reformation period this image was used as it depicted the pope as some kind of demonic goat on October in the year of 1527 a comet was spotted in Westridge Germany however this was no

    Ordinary Comet it was extremely long its color was described as yellowish red similar to diluted blood at the front which was presumed to be the head there was an arm holding a sword poised ready to strike at the tip of the sword there were three stars and from those Stars a

    Stream longer than the comet itself this same scene is depicted again on the very next page only with some subtle differences this time there were dozens of tiny swords and long streaks thought to be javelins we also saw some creepy faces bearded men in the shape of gray

    Clouds this was described as so terrifying that anyone who saw it immediately died so what do these two paintings mean well as for each individual element I’m afraid I have no idea comets are a recurring theme in the book of Miracles as well as Renaissance Art in general almost every civilization

    As far far back as we can go have depicted comets or meteors in some form today we are more than aware of what comets are however hundreds and thousands of years ago seeing a fiery ball shoot across the sky understandably would have been a terrifying experience

    This fear of the unknown is why they normally represent some kind of Doomsday or cataclysmic event it’s why they are almost always seen as a bad omen of course throughout the book of Miracles we see the standard doomsday scenes with great floods earthquakes swarms of locusts and all sorts of natural

    Disasters the book of Miracles concludes its visions of the Apocalypse with accounts from The Book of Revelation the arrival of the Four Horsemen is followed by the openings of seals 5 and six seven trumpets were given to the angels when the first Angel blew his trumpet it was

    Followed by hail of blood and Fire a third of the Earth was scorched in flame when the third Angel blew his trumpet a star known as wormwood fell from the sky and onto a third of the Earth’s Rivers the waters became bitter and many who drank from them died when the fourth

    Angel blew his trumpet a third of the Sun the moon and the stars were struck a third of light they provided was gone and the world darkened when the fifth angel blew his trumpet the Earth was infested Ed with a plague of locust when Angel Number Six blew his trumpet Four

    Angels were released whose job it was to kill a third of mankind from the sea emerged a seven-headed monster accompanied by the Antichrist amongst those praying and worshiping its arrival in this image we see the pope and his Bishops along with others dressed in Catholic Garb considering the

    Inspiration from the Tyber monster for many this scene cements the idea that the person behind the creation of this book must have been Protestant the book ends with one final piece titled the fall of Babylon Babylon being a city symbolic of sin demons and evil spirits an angel calls out announcing to all

    Those that Babylon has fallen overall the book of Miracles provides us an interesting and rather strange look at the attitudes and fears that many had hundreds of years ago the recurring theme in the book of Miracles is the fear of the unknown today we have the luxury of Simply knowing much more

    About the world we live in with scientific advancements we now know when an eclipse is going to happen witnessing a shooting star or meteor shower is an event that people look forward to as terrifying and destructive as natural disasters can be we know what causes them remove all of this knowledge and

    Were left with events that can’t be explained the book of Miracles and other Christian art of the time took these fears and rationalize them in a way that civilizations had been doing for thousands of years they became signs from God they told stories of the impending judgment and doom that

    Humanity would have to face one could certainly make the argument that being told these events were signs of the end of the world may have been slightly more frightening than simp L not knowing although as someone who does enjoy some Cosmic horror fear of the unknown can also be just as Terrifying


    1. 1538 when the moon Lila fell into earth by colliding with present moon all the fragments that where found around EU central and South America got same chemical analyses

    2. Wild imaginations some people have. Although ALL biblical prophecy has come true word for word. It's the only axiomatic book in history. No other one like it, and that's why it's the most read and sold in history as well.

      May the LORD bless each and every single one of you. I love you and all and Jesus loves you more than anyone ever could.

    3. Fire in the sky.. meteor
      Fire in the sky burns a building… meteor hits town
      Fire in the sky followed by earthquake.. METEOR HITS THE FKING GROUND
      5 suns in the sky.. 1 sun, 4 meteors.
      Comet holding sword with 3 stars.. Comet with a weird tail and has 3 asteroids in tow..

      Why is this so hard for people to understand? They didn't make up these stories for no good reason. They saw something, and they made sense of it based on their experiences. It makes no sense whatsoever to think these stories are fiction. We just don't understand what they're explaining.

    4. Brassiere and brazier have never been so hilariously conflated. I was either unaware or had known and forgotten that they can be homonyms in some pronunciations. A grand video, and a surprisingly refreshing chuckle from that mental image.

    5. “My point, once again is not that those Ancient people told literal stories and we are now smart enough to take them symbolically, but they told them symbolically and we are now dumb enough to take them literally” – John Dominic Crosson (Bibical Historian)

    6. We still got the same images.. only now moving with sound. Imagine what they'll say in a few hundred years about T2, Exorcist, ID4, the ring, bttf, 2012, alien.

    7. Two questions come to mind when seeing this…

      1. Who was the target audience for these medieval broadsheets? As I understand it the common people at the time couldn’t read. Was it just intended for the aristocracy or clergy?

      And 2. Some of the aerial phenomena is well known and understood today, such as eclipses, comets, hail, etc. But could the depictions of things in the sky that don’t belong (such as the battle of the three children in Spain) simply be cloud formations? This ties into question #1 in part because the audience would be very tiny, and thus might be interested in unusual things but might not necessarily be in a position to disagree. So someone might say “Hey those three clouds really look like angels having a battle”… I’m going to write a backstory for it… And nobody could really disagree because A not everyone would have seen it and B that would be in defiance of the church to disagree.

      Or they also could have simply made it up. I’m not a skeptic. I’m willing to believe there’s something unusual going on here but I would love to rule out mundane explanations.

    8. That image of multiple suns was more than likely very accurate. The phenomena is called parhelia or better known as sundogs. It's an optical illusion where the light from an object gets reflected in the ice crystals in the clouds sometimes causing a reflection or multiple reflections of an image. That painting is very accurate because not only shows the reflected suns being upside down but also shows the large halo around the image that can also be often seen when witnessing this phenomena.

    9. I really enjoy your English narration voice bro ! And the channel is the best mythology channel on you tube ! Keep up great work a keep finding new mythology stories from all cultures! My favorite is the Greek , Roman and Norse mythology gods/stories !

    10. Atmospheric comets, those inside our atmosphere ARE terrifying and the quote is that even brave warriors voided their bowels when they saw the serpent/comet. The mother of all comets, Typhon, has stories about it around the world. It was a catastrophic comet impact and thus the ancients were justified in their terror of comets. Never underestimate the intelligence of the ancients.

    11. When it say put your opinion on God's words pretend to understand deceiving even self unknown swine all could be that direction . Like thief's caught in the knight in broad daylight for all to see they will hand it over everything took in a divine name or providence and I will give it away real soon is no debate is divine Providence and they done playing the hope for the man of understanding test none pick a pretend to understand guess know educated jackass to believe self proclaimed people proclaimed fools speaking saying nothing impressing others pretend to understand age over real soon best get your head out your unknown ass if want to see into the golden known true and just endless golden age of ages unknown won't see into it blind people

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