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    5,000 crimes are reported in North Yorkshire every month many involve criminals using the County’s roads as an escape route with 3,200 square mil to police the traffic cops here face a constant battle to catch up with crooks on the Move whatever happens in the middle of

    London it happens in North y it may not happen to the same magnitude it may not happen to the same frequency but it happens policing is policing because you’re dealing with People it’s midday yes received just repeat Fox from Pap power 55 tadcaster traffic Constable Martin Smith is 5 hours into his shift when a call comes in about a stolen car they’ve got a trigger hit on a stolen motor vehicle coming south from B Bridge the cars hit an automatic number

    Plate recognition camera on on the A1 and Martin is about 20 M from the last sighting it’s Fox trop Papa 55 is what we’re looking for the gr asra across the UK a car is stolen on average every 7 Minutes Oscar Romeo 22 as Martin approaches the motorway more

    News comes through about the location of the stolen car he’s managed to get ahead of it so pulls up but inside the slip road yeah 22 I’m static at southbound at bramham waiting we’re trying to get enough cars together speed 7 Middle Lane half mile

    Mark to the4 sou to stop it it’s half a mile away from us on here we’re going to join in in a minute and then we’re probably going to put a preemptive stop on it which is stopping the vehicle before it starts to run six miles behind James Duffy and Mick

    Roth of the North Yorkshire Road crime team are racing to join the hunt 91 can we hear from the AR they’re going to be closest we’re in Harriet and we did it come down and we’re within a distance that means that there’s a a real good possibility of us getting

    Involved we don’t usually have information as to who’s in that vehicle cuz it could be anyone so we have to treat that as this is a genuine stolen vehicle somebody’s in that and they’re going to want to get away further ahead looking for Middle Lane Gray

    As there it is that one there we get information from and we’re going to join in the back and wait for instructions we have the question for the pass is anything unfortunately it’s in front of the marked car that’s where it is yeah yeah just asking if you request there are now

    Two police cars directly behind the stolen car but the driver shows no sign of reacting to the cops 65 mph just got the worry for Martin now is that the suspect may take off we’re watching very carefully for this driver’s reaction some people just sit there very coily and believe the

    More normal they behave the quicker it’ll go away just confirm we got two units behind us 2 three you’ve got two two behind you nobody else the cops want to surround the car and force it to stop but to do this they have to wait until a third police car catches them

    Up re we’ll wait for 91 the idea at the moment is if we can get another patrol car in behind it we’ll go for what they call a preemptive stop which is we will surround the vehicle and Pull It in without giving the driver much time to

    React if he does react he’s got three cars around him to hold him in but we ideally need three cars it might at that very very point when we do that that the driv suddenly Twigs actually we do know he’s there and it is him we want and we have Chaos finally the third cop car takes up its position in the chasing pack but they still can’t strike yet we have a duty to detain and deal with the offender we also have a duty to protect the public James is now behind the Chasers keeping the traffic behind find them out of Harm’s

    Way that gives us enough vehicles to uh box it in as well as having a safety vehicle which means that the motorists that are coming up on you 78 mph we can give them warning to move over and and and it gives us a bit of a safety

    Barrier with the motorway traffic held back The Intercept team get ready to stop the suspect yeah 22 to 23 if you want us to come past us leave your lights off when ours go on then put yours on I’ll go in front car behind me offside you at the

    Back confirm yeah obiously yes yes as soon as we clear I’ll come around you my i’ like that little white car out of the way cuz it’s going to get right in the middle of it all if I’m not careful we’re going Martin moves to overtake the suspect’s

    Car one patrol car sits behind and another comes alongside stop stop vehicle is stopped stand by XM come out and I’ll explain what’s happening initially he started saying well it isn’t stolen because essentially it’s his car maybe he thought it was all a big mistake the front one’s the only one

    We can get him into one of these different people have different reactions and the reaction isn’t quite right for a completely innocent person he’s a little bit too resigned to it well all we’ve been told at the moment is that the car has been reported stolen all right and you’re in that vehicle

    That’s why you’re arrested on suspicion of theft sort out the rest of the while the man’s detained James is still holding traffic back waiting for an all clear yeah all cars are off the road they’re on the hard shoulder you can let it run and then just come down to us as

    The roadblocks released and the motorway reopens the suspect and his car are taken to York police station to confirm if it is indeed stolen 40 m away traffic Constable down here news is patrolling north of scabra on the lookout for more criminals on the Move he’s been alerted to a report of a

    Shop theft when the initial report comes in of a theft and people leaving in a vehicle you you’ve got to start up on the the top level are you dealing with a team of shoplifters organized traveling criminals you know people travel extensively throughout the country for the sole purpose of of committing high

    Value shop thefts more news comes in about what’s been stolen somebody’s run into the chocolate h Shop on foreshore road pined wine glasses full of such that you need to eat with a spoon run out again jump into the vehicle uh the vehicle is white it’s

    A minor theft of fudge from a shop on scarra seafront start up thinking about things top level and sometimes end up coming down to the the simpler more amusing things theft’s a theft isn’t it you know it’s not a quad bike in the back but in 2013 there were nearly 4,000

    Reports of shop theft across North Yorkshire if Dan responds quickly he could cut this thief off before he leaves the area checks on the computer showed it to possibly be from the middlesbor area really I was ideally placed to cut across country and uh take up a position to try and intercept the

    Vehicle should it be heading home there it is literally within a couple of minutes the van passed me in the opposite direction Dan now urgently needs information about the suspect description is a white M 58 uh whereing she described them as like workman’s CL page to The Decorator with r j Bottom 43 just got that vehicle stopped now on the last bus stop laid by before the um main round about hsby you an order now any all right how’s he going just switch the engine off and passes keys for us gone switch it off it’s dead uh well where are you

    From uh Middlesboro right whose vehicle is it please mine right what’s your name Steven courts right are you been at scar no not today are you sure POS yeah yeah right I know that vehicle’s been in scarra the registrations been pass to me from witnesses that have seen it leaving

    The scene of this theft and uh if you know the facts and straight away they’re telling you telling you parkks then uh you know you need to do a bit of digging where are you heading to now uh where have you come where have you been just

    Now uh rugby all right out working it’s over that way is it rugby over that way somewhere you know I’m trying to play it fairly calm there’s no point diving in with with handcuffs and things and aggravating the situation I’ve got plenty of time and let them sit and stew for the

    Moment at York police station James Duffy is checking in the driver of the car reported stolen stop without arrested supic about you got anything in your pocket that’s well my yeah he was really cool Cal and collected he’s never been arrested before we’ve gotten no record of him on

    Our local system I’m the I’m I’m the keep off the car the driver continues to dispute who owns the car but as routine checks are carried out a search of the Man reveals something much more suspicious cash now we search all people when they come into custody and it’s a good job

    That we do what’s up cash is it yeah you sorry I wanted on football £4,000 is a lot of cash for a gambling win and James suspects the money really comes from the proceeds of crime large cash I’m going further arrest you on susic money laundry okay

    Yeah I am the police are starting to think they might be onto something much bigger here got anything else in your Trav Pockets we’re now leading somewhere else we have a very very basic domestic theft of a car we now suddenly have somebody with £4,000 in his pocket in cash so I

    Guess you start to dig more and more you use the powers that’s available to you so we continue to search shoes off for me start that again from the beginning the cops then make another Discovery it’s a package full of what they suspect is class A drugs they don’t really get hand fet in the little they’re individual wraps W 0.2 G wraps the drugs are crack cocaine worth $2,000 a real large quantity actually probably one of the largest quantities that I’ve

    Seen get off someone wrapped and ready to go obviously not in a pre-made small wraps so it’s a real good little seizure that from in 2013 there were over 200,000 drug offenses recorded in the UK I would think most people involved at that level it’s because of profit it’s

    How much money you make it’s business it’s simple it’s supply and demand the thing that goes down badly with Society is the after effects drugs are nasty drugs have a long-term effect on people people become victims of drugs people who become victims of drugs have families families witness this so it

    Becomes an unpleasant Affair all around the allegations against the man in relation to the stolen car are yet to be resolved but now his arrest for drug Supply means he could be facing a l ly prison sentence despite this he remains unfazed mention he’s still real cool Cal

    And collected There’s real no there’s no worry in his face we get a range of reactions but often very quiet very solemn you think they might have something on them very nervous you can see the chest going in and out real shallow rapid breathing uh because they’ve got adrenaline going around the

    Body but there were no indications with this chap that there was anything on toward 50 m away on the a171 near Whitby Dan Hughes is caught up with a van linked to a theft from a shop on scarra seafront yeah I’ve got two passengers one’s got gray that are paint splattered the man

    And the van fit the reported description so I had to sort of front them up really either all of you come in or or one of you mans up and and tells me what you’ve done right which one of you pinch these things at Scara then or are you all three getting locked

    Up no I did yeah this chocolate fudge Mose stuff in the wine glasses it’s you is it all right buddy it’s time under arrest and suspicion of theft where’s the bits now trough them and bend them have you yeah was it worth it no faced with dropping his workmates in it the fudge

    Thief has come clean it’s wrong with it it’s not even funny it’s probably stupid fudge do not mean it was ridiculous I jumped in the van and see gone what are you doing idiot like in about an hour know just go just cool scoffed it in front of the

    Window if you want to jump in front seat of the car for us and I’ll uh do some paperwork with you attitude you know plays a big a big key role in in the people we deal with and uh he realizes the error of his ways 43 just after the values of the

    Stolen items please three night9 each and was it two yes it thank you I’m actually going to receive now I think took it for theft right I’ll double check the fine I think it’s 80 quid it’s an alternative to taking you back down to scar run putting your cell getting interviewed all right

    Yeah thank you what did you do for a living at shop shop fitter or lifter stop it right now it was quite a character Jolly enough I think he’d had a little bit to drink but he was honest he was open and and that’s the the thing I

    Like uh 90 quid it is so it’s gone up a bit but not as much as the others used to be 80 it’s obviously gone up to 90 uh qu fores it certainly isn’t the crime of it certainly isn’t but it’s a crime nevertheless and you know that’s

    Somebody’s little business isn’t it and it’s a family owned business and you know they put money into it don’t they and somebody been silly coming and swiping things from them I don’t need to tell you how stupid you’ve been do I at the end of the day

    You’ve been honest with me I appreciate how you dealt with me we’ll do with you in a reasonable fashion can’t we all right seriously I am just so happy that the police have been so understanding and realize that I’m a tent and I should not pinch food from

    Shobs nice one with the thief dealt with Dan now wants to look over the van for any other potential offenses what else have you chaps been up to what’s in the back of the van is it tools just tools and stuff all right plus somebody having AIP is it all right

    On the back shelf or a makeshift shelf in the back of the van is uh another lad laid nice and quietly hoping to keep himself tucked away carrying a passenger in this way is both unsafe and illegal oh well that would be three points for you then unlucky and it’s the Driver’s

    Responsibility bear with us I’ll get this ticket written out get you on your way although the drivers copped for the ticket one of you got to walk one of you is going to have to walk cuz you can’t have four of you in the van it’s the

    Back shelf passenger who’s ended up with a long walk home he has been issued with a 90 um penalty notice that was expensive fudge wasn’t it that apparently wasn’t even very nice but between two of them driving that passenger it’s cost 190 quid and three points on the license there so expensive outou

    It at York police station James Duff and Martin Smith are still dealing with the crack cocaine found on the driver they stopped on the A1 now he claims that he found it in a park uh he picked it up he knew what it was and his plan was to take that away

    And and sell it we all know that’s a load of rubbish whether he’s taking the wrap because he doesn’t want it to fall on people above him in the food chain maybe I don’t know checks revealed that the driver has no criminal record yeah do we know when he came here

    It’s rare for the police to be totally unaware of someone found carrying such a large quantity of class A drugs substantive license from 2005 that’s genuine he’s of no interest to immigration they don’t know anything about Aron this one really caught us on the back foot because you’ve got someone

    That we don’t know anything about he’s never been in trouble we don’t hold any Intelligence on him in that case if that license is Right which they say it is and that is him as they say is he’s no record at all no Trace nice which is

    Rather a lot to have on someone for rookie no very very lucky or very clever newbie not anymore the hope now is that their investigation will lead to others uh because it’s it’s someone that’s perhaps gone under the radar a bit there’s no attention been put into him um but he’s

    Obviously um due to the fact that he’s not very well known he’s managing to move around large quantities of gear large quantities of cash with the man arrested the cops can now search his home address our priority at the moment is going to be securing the house it might be

    Further drugs further cash further Evidence relating to the offense basically we can delay his right to have somebody informed if we believe there’s going to be a lot of evidence we can get some officers around there and do the search and hopefully secure some more more gear cash evidence whatever it may

    Be there will be a hierarchy you’ll have the person um at the top that Imports the gear that will then get split up to lower dealers then there’s a whole range of uh different levels before you get down to your street level dealing what started as an unproven report of a

    Stolen car has uncovered a much more serious offense if found guilty of crack dealing on this scale the suspect could be jailed for 4 and A2 years for North yorkshire’s traffic cops keeping people safe is not always about locking up drug dealers over the years we’ve had illness at the wheel we’ve had

    People collapse in the street you can have people run out in the road and see a police car com in they need some help one of the primary functions of a police officer is to protect life and property Martin Smith is back on patrol near the A1 in barbridge when something catches

    His eye in the rear view mirror well I was sat there and the this great big Artic came off the roundabout I wasn’t that far away from the roundabout but he made a be line for the back of the car I think well he’s probably want some directions or he’s going to report

    Something morning I don’t know if you can help us but shoulder’s got hold the top of your arms are gone num right do you want me to get you an ambulance out or something you in a bit of a state with your say I just feel all shaky

    Right have you got any medical problems that you know of nothing right you sit down there a second right what I’m going to do is I’m going to get your an ambulance out to get them to look at you just in case it’s a ripple about something else and then we’ll sort your

    Truck out after that all right the man shoulder is numb it could be a sign of a stroke or a heart attack it’s the type of emergency most cops come across at some point in their careers I’ve had it happen to me once when I was at Beat Bobby at scabra that

    Somebody collapsed hadn’t been in the job more than a month and at that point in time bearing in mind I was 18 and a half years old there was a degree of panic setting in I’ve got a lorry driver just pulled up and he’s in a bit of a state with

    Himself medically can you call me an ambulance out it’s nonspecific he’s got a pain in his arm it’s seized up the only thing he’s taking is flu tablets if he can send us one down please but you don’t forget these things and uh Life Is

    Life whichever way you look at it got up this morning I felt fine and I was coming down there I just should just it’s G like I can only lift it as far as you might it might be something as simple as a trapping a nerve but obviously if you’re

    Feeling I can’t I’m feeling shaky just with a worry exactly so I don’t know so this is why we’ll have the ambulance to look at you I mean that’s what they’re there for try not to worry about it too much yeah what we’re going to do while while we’re just while chatting I’m

    Going to put your feet in I’m going to shut the door and just put the heater up a little bit Yeah the chap is clearly distressed and he’s on the verge of tears and I think it’s fair to say that most blocks don’t like bursting into tears in front

    Of other blocks it’s a man thing I guess my dad died my dad died of a stroke yeah and he going through there whilst he’s talking to me I ask a question I’m studying his reaction if he suddenly starts slurring or he delays his answers or he can’t remember what

    I’ve said then we know something is developing and it may be time to change Tac an ambulance quickly arrives and Martin hands over to the paramedics what we’ll do is we’ll get you on board our vehicle and we’ll get you checked out do you think you can

    Manage to go to our vehicle nice and steady with a history of Strokes in the family the man’s condition is taken seriously changing gear when it happened 5.3 53 figures show that every 5 minutes someone suffers a stroke in the UK when it occurs behind the wheel of an hgv the

    Consequences could be fatal if he’s going down the year one and he passes out of the wheel he learns left will he might go up the embankment and flip his L over on the H shoulder it just doesn’t bear thinking about while he’s checked over the driver

    Receives a call the wife it actually says the wife hello I’m in an am I’m in an ambulance his wife is somebody that’s very very personal to him so as soon as he’s in the company of somebody he can trust then all the emotions come forward yeah 64 they’re just doing

    Test what you’re seeing now is what he really feels like the police the I pulled in the police car and uh police for the ambulance it’s better than none at all I let you know what’s happening I think as you get older you start to understand what this life thing

    Is I don’t think people understand until they get older what it means so let’s just take you down to Har get get the pain sorted out the tests have not shown up anything worrying but as a precaution Davey is taken to hospital I think most people if they thought they were going

    To have a stroke or they were convinced they were having a heart attack and it’s never happened before you can’t blame them for panicking he was just frightened did not know what was happening he got to the point where he needed some help and I’m glad he found

    It policing north yorkshire’s roads is a 24-hour operation at night time the traffic cops are on the hunt for Crooks who use Darkness to cover their tracks we stop a lot of vehicles on a night we get people that bring drugs uh we get burglars and we get other sort of

    Thieves and people up to no good you never quite know what it’s going to be it’s 3:00 a.m. the middle of the night James Duffy is keeping an eye on a crime hotspot we’re in Asen which is just North of Doncaster but it’s really close to our border that

    Whole stretch there we get a lot of traffic of people coming up and committing plant thefts theft of metal theft of wiring all sorts of crimes like that and it’s a real hot spot for us it’s not long before James spots a van he thinks is worth stopping and he sets off in

    Pursuit we’re trying to catch up with a vehicle that we’d seen approach the lights in Asen suddenly do a U-turn and disappear back off which is real suspect Behavior it was a male white wearing a dark green color jumper it’s not particularly racing along but it is

    Driving in excess of the speed limit is straight having attracted James’s attention the van’s registration is run through the police data baseo any of the it comes back to a BMW in Black so um we have to give it a stop and that’s what we do light it up and uh we soon

    See the reaction from him out of as soon as James puts his blue lights on the driver makes a run for it there’s no attempt for him to pull over and you can see go straight into overtakes it’s early in the morning it’s not great conditions what we need to do

    Is start to get vehicles to the area dou crew vehicle but before the rest of the team can reach him the driver changes tactics this time putting James in a vulnerable position you can see that his lights are on now we’re we’re straight away thinking you’re either looking at a

    DeCamp or he’s going to ram us um and it’s a bit of a standoff the cop car is a 3 l twin turbo BMW worth over £40,000 but the van driver doesn’t seem to care about damaging it yeah just rounders just rounders he’s back end you’re not going to be able to

    To do anything to put him out of the game us you’re talking about our front end and that’s where the the damage can be done and you can be put out of the pursuit now when they’re ramming you you’ve got a couple of options you’re either going to look at reversing

    Staying well back and not giving them opportunity the next option is to close up to him because if he can’t get a good run up at you ultimately he’s not going to be able to do much damage if raming a cop car isn’t enough the van driver now poses an even bigger

    Threat and as we come round he’s out of the vehicle wielding uh what turns out to be a pair of Bol croppers his ultimate aim there was to smash our wind screen just something else they can do to get you out of the game just out large

    Object see whiskey to Hotel CIT Blingo in White having been rammed five times the damage to James’s patrol car is serious it’s entering the 30 speed is 4 mil hour it’s safe to there’s a problem with its engine we’re trying to keep with him as much as we can but

    Again we’ve got to balance it because um we don’t want to push a car that’s not fit for purpose anymore um if we’re to lose control we could end up in a collision and we don’t want to put the public at risk so sometimes you have to

    Call it so we are dropping off unfortunately losing power from our car been round speeder 4 M hour 40 mil hour safe to continue it’s a tempy loss at this time well I can’t explain how frustrating it is X s91 go ahead it’s a total loss on Don Castle

    B1220 it goes that way sometimes sometimes you can have a clean it on him and you can bring that pursuit to an early conclusion James suspects the Van driver’s late night outing wasn’t just about damaging cop cars I’m thinking he’s probably looking at going into compounds so you’re looking at theft of

    Cable um commercial burglaries anything like that but unfortunately without stopping them we’re not able to to make those in investigations 30 m away it’s now 500 a.m. on the outskirts of Rippon rookie traffic Constable Chris Coleman is nearing the end of his 9-hour night shift I’d only been in traffic about 3

    Weeks possibly then so fairly new I left school and went straight into the building trade and enjoyed it but I always wanted to be a place of it was a big shock when I first joined I joined as a PCS or to start with which was a great learning curve but soon

    Settled into it and absolutely love it a member of the public has alerted the cops to a 4×4 driving erratically and checks on the car reveal the owner lives 50 m away he said it’s our suspect vehicle between pain bridge and RI C had a trailer on with switched it to um

    Someone in hary p the police suspect that the 4×4 driver has stolen a trailer and used it to steal diesel said there’s been diesel theft in the area recently diesel theft particularly from the farming Community is a major problem in 2013 there were more than 750 fuel thefts across North

    Yorkshire so we’re looking for a Jeep but if we find them and a smell of diesel and there’s diesel in that trailer they’re all coming in 76j yeah I’m just behind you now a colleague’s on the Jeep’s tail and Chris tucks him behind just let him keep going till we

    Get him in the lights of the roundabout taking the lead Chris sees there’s no trailer with the Jeep but colleagues have found one abandoned 20 M away yeah whatever’s in this trailer we an absolute jump C up the drawback off the ground that yeah this this trailer’s got

    Extensive damage on it looks like whatever vehicle was Towing it’s ripped off the electrics the socket that would have been attached to a vehicle the trailer has been carrying a heavy load and the electric socket is torn off if the 4×4 is also damaged there may be a link 99

    Mode activated although the car pulls over for some reason the driver doesn’t want to be found behind the wheel yeah something 68 we got four males in it who were swapping seats suspicions were he was either disqualified driver he was drunk full of drugs or it was driving with no

    Insurance jump out M jump out jump out for us just go my colleague there it’s very easy to tell we weren’t there just for a drive out to look at the eny a damaged toe bar confirms the cop’s suspicions the jeep has been Towing the abandoned

    Trailer it’s got a T Bar it’s got a light socket missing which again is all this good evidence of us he here with the driver and it’s on our camera in the back of there no I don’t drive from you don’t drive have you got a driving license no don’t drive disqualified dny

    H j JY don’t forget to tell the truth you tried to get them as separate as quickly as possible but when is far of them and there’s only three police officers it’s not always that easy Danny Daniel hey what’s your name what on I’ll go get this L details cuz this is the

    Driver so I’m not a driver they’re know the system quite well really but we get used to it and we just carry on with our job yeah just sitting there for fellas don’t lick this car can’t drive suspecting the driver who changed seats is disqualified and drunk Chris arrests

    Him listen to what I’m saying to you right not fense you mention one question you l c you do say maybe I’m arresting You I’m resing you for driving well this qualified they know how far they can push it what think they can do to wind us up what information they want to give us joh who is the vehicle you don’t know the lads might not want to

    Talk but a search of the car may have uncovered a further offense I’ll Nick the M driver as well for that thing red diesel oh we’ll have to dip it Chris has found containers of red diesel which is for off-road use only using using this cheaper fuel on public roads is

    Illegal it is quite a big problem yeah especially in North yorshire cuz there’s an awful lot of red diesel around cuz all the Farms use red Diesel and there’s a further report that the men have been up to no good there’s a burglary coming not far away from this trailers being

    Dumped the trailer was stolen so they’ve ditched the trailer after something’s gone wrong and they’ve been trying to get back home just to make you’re both aware you’re also been arrested for theft of a trailer theft of a trailer yeah do you both understand that no not really

    Just hang on H on H on on you have understand this to us what does mean you know exactly what it means mate what does tra mean I don’t know trailer right well I I’ll explain it all to you when we get to C with or without their

    Cooperation stop kicking the van the suspects are locked up and heading for custody don’t damage your van mate I’ll lock you up for that as well you need to calm down fell what you going to do about this right no not very despite the abuse directed at him Chris Still Remains

    Philosophical he’s all right it’s a camp who doesn’t like best job in the world we drive very nice cars and we stop baddies nothing worth nothing better than that really North Yorkshire is a popular t tourist destination attracting millions of visitors every year but even in a seaside resort like scarra the cops

    Still face their fair share of crime for traffic Constable Mark ganella it’s home it’s a beautiful area I moved up here 13 years ago scabra is a is a holiday location people coming up to have a good day out at the scarra seaside to sit on

    The donkeys to play on the sand and I couldn’t ask for a better area to work but we we still have crime we still have violence yeah it’s 9:00 a.m. and some worrying news comes through I don’t able to assist bag snatch just do a Spate of violent bag snatches has been reported

    In the last 24 hours it’s a worry isn’t it scarber is not a place for that and yet in 24 hours you’ve had four five six bag snatches you’ve got you know violence as such being used towards people it’s something you don’t want and now reports of another attack are coming in

    Yeah white mail is 25 to 30 uh black hooded jumper made off on the walkway and Morrison’s while Mark usually deals with traffic incidents the local police are pulling in all resources to us at that point it it’s got to be a Manhunt there’s a gentleman out committing all

    These crimes and we’ve got to find him seven officers are now searching scabra and the surrounding area with only eyewitness sightings to go on are you all right yeah you you haven’t seen a a lad 25 to 30 years old running through your car park have you

    It’s already 10 minutes since the police received their last sighting of the suspect but so far he slipped the net un they’re now speaking to the witness and he’s not come down this way he’s done the bag snatch in the alleyway however he’s doubled back into some

    Fields And across the fields you’ve got that time scale haven’t you every minute that that goes past they’re either getting further away they’re changing what they’re wearing you’ve got to be as quick as you can and responsive as you can he’s been chased by one of the

    Witnesses black top and he got a bright blue t-shirt on is it going to change is it going to become more violent is someone going to resist so yeah it’s a worry suspect has run across the traffic lights that I’ve just come from the suspect’s actually run across one and

    Gone into the fields to our left but he’s also been seen to discard his clothing and he’s discarded a black top you’ve got to think like the criminal haven’t you you’ve got to think like what are they going to do where are they going to go what what are they trying to

    Avoid are they going to change clothes as more cops join The Manhunt the net is closing in not a lot of I’m just thinking whether he’s heading up towards the back of Oliver’s Mount and whether it’s worth yeah well if you cover this side I’ll go

    Oliv’s Mount and just drop in the top end yeah and if he’s coming through then we’ve covered all all right but before Mark can search the area there’s a crucial update date well they’re checking someone now come on plain clothes colleagues less than half a mile away have a man

    Matching the description in their sights do we think this lad is um the one responsible for the robber the blue it’s got to be a as Mark arrives the plane clothed officers have the suspect under arrest yeah and they’ve got him than do you still want me they’re

    Confident he’s the man they’ve been looking for he’s absolutely freezing he’s been running got red face excellent brilliant well done the unmarked officer’s vehicle and officers came up the road and saw the the Gent just walking straight down this this grass area in front of me um he was

    Approached he made no denial at all he fits the description perfectly the property has been recovered and found he was arrested for robbery and and as they say he put his hands straight out with the Manhunt over the investigation into the suspect’s crimes begins earlier

    On today there was a a report of a a robbery taking place of a lady near to the Morrison store M at the moment we’re going purely on um description and location we were given a good description um when you bear in mind the weather conditions today that it’s cold

    There’s not many people walking around just wearing a blue t-shirt and and the jogging M before there’s been no denials whatsoever um he’s just accepted that he’s been arrested and come here he’s quite calm and Collective really for someone that that’s just been arrested for for a serious offense are you happy

    For his the suspect stands accused of mugging five elderly women arrested by 321 it’s one of the worst crimes isn’t it it’s attacking a person it may be a 30 second thing for that bag snatcher but for that person that’s been touched by them that’s been attacked by them

    That that’s a lifelong thing do you prefer Joe or Joseph uh Joe Jo Joe because you come into custody I’ve got to search you just to make sure you haven’t got anything on you that you shouldn’t have right so those are done prior to us seeing you today yeah these

    Are being done just before being arrested my goal as a policeman is is to make sure that that me my wife my kids anybody can can go around places like scarra without without fear without worry and by taking him off the street that’s what we’re achieving here Joseph is found guilty of

    Robbery he could be jailed for up to 7 years okay all right take care cheers bye on the outskirts of scabra there’s been another violent attack this time a thief has attempted to steal a van on a local industrial estate at scarra’s traffic base Dan Hughes is responding to the calling in

    Defenders have made a silver vle some description literally just if he’s got any hope of catching the thief Dan needs to get there fast 999 mode activated quite thin build late 20s early 30s criminals can be quite determined if come out with the intention of stealing something that day

    Then they might just go elsewhere and and chance their arm at stealing something else as Dan arrives the thief is nowhere to be seen But the van he tried to steal is still in the yard as the thief attempted to drive off a local contractor jumped in to stop him

    I just went Fu car dog CU I knew it wasn’t any of our Lads so I knew it was getting pink so I done he badged out at me lucky to catch them in it and not let them not get away cuz it could have run him down and driven off couldn’t

    They the sort of bottom line is always to sort of not recommend people have a go however it Natural Instinct I think is always for people to to get stuck in and try and stop and in this case it’s paid off but there’s always the consideration that um they’ve been

    Disturbed on a steel one van will they be hanging around are they out for a van are they going to try and steal something else the thief left behind a vital piece of evidence his shirt ripped in the struggle to get away that’s why I couldn’t keep out of him he wiggled out

    Of it and his shot i k so you know when it happens so fast to your car you don’t got time to think have you they’ve made one grave error and that was leaving clothing at the scene the chances of us getting DNA swabs from that uh are fairly

    High for the cops The Hunt is on they’re looking for a silver Volvo seen at the time of the incident Witnesses have confirmed its registration number and the cops are hoping it’s still close by scabra Dan Parks up on one of scarra’s main roads ready to stop the Volvo

    Should it make a break from the area he should stand out if he’s if he’s in the passenger seat of a cared with lots of tattoos we sit here for a bit the job’s only 10 or 15 minutes old um see if the vehicle surfaces it could well be long

    Run but it might still be in the area news comes through of a breakthrough number plate recognition cameras have identified the Volvo driving back into the area there’s a fair chance of that being the correct vehicle as it it’s from the humberside area it’s got no current keeper on it

    And uh no insurance we’ve got a suspicious vehicle still in the area uh and we’ve got some proper details of that car registration number and make a model you’ve always got a hope you know you’ve always got to be out there thinking positively that that they’re still about and you’re going to catch

    Them with the cops closing in on the silver Volvo in scarra 50 m away rookie traffic cop Chris Coleman is heading south on the A1 he’s on the tail of a Land Rover Discovery he thinks he driving too fast I think I was overtaking vehicles

    In lane two doing about 70 M hour in a fully M police car and the car in front of us went past me doing about 80 M hour I always find it quite amusing when people pass me going over the speed limit they’re bit like ostrich they turn the EV way and never

    Look at me like an ostrich would B his head thinking that I won’t see him the driver has slowed down but Chris now has another concern he can’t make out the registration on the back of the discovery can you read that number plate not going to call number plate

    It’s an offense and what more bothered me was this Speedy came down the outside Lane 4x4s like this discovery are a common Target for car thieves without a visible registration automatic number plate recognition cameras can’t identify a stolen car I can’t do a vehicle check cuz I’m struggling to see the number plate

    You’ve got to stop it you’ve got it it’s my job to be curious he’s sticking to the speed limit now I don’t know who it is I haven’t got a clue who’s in it as soon as I got out the might try to make off morning how are you I’m good thank

    You I was do you know the registration of your vehicle um no why no I don’t know it either oh the reason I don’t know it’s so I can’t see it oh right sorry a lot of people don’t know the V plates but a lot of people drive

    Different cars now lease cars and Company cars and that so it’s not an offense not to know your registration plate it’s just an offense not to keep it clean hard it’s nor the back one is the problem satisfied the plates match up and are now clean Chris has a word with the

    Driver thank you have you been any trouble with the police before no that’s good yeah are you aware Julie’s an offense not to have a clean on plate yes is there any reason why I didn’t clean it this morning before you set off I didn’t even

    Look so I can’t this have no right that’s fine but obviously there is reasons why we need c before rookie Chris gives the driver her ticket he wants a bit of advice from a colleague double check the cost cord on we’ve just had some new tickets come out

    And it used to be £30 for number plate and I knew the tickets had gone up and I assumed they’d gone up to £50 I’m just uh stopped a vehicle for a number plate that I couldn’t read I thought it was a 50 fine on my

    Cod booklet it says it’s 100 is that correct it is it’s 100 quid there I think it’s worth the 5B cow wash yeah you’re right I’m not the first police officer in North Yia who have had a bit of a shock when theyve found out it’s

    £1 I’m sorry I did think I did think it was £50 but I have checked and it isn’t but if it was stallen you want us you would want us to be able to read it wouldn’t you yes no it’s fine you know thought but Julie look on the bright

    Side I didn’t do you for the speeding which you were doing in the outside L about 90 M hour when I first saw you really cuz I was was exercising his powers of discretion Chris offers the woman words of advice about her speed I know you saw me cuz you breaked quite

    Heavily and came back in I have to say I don’t think you see enough of you lot on the roads but today you wish today you wish yeah yeah I know what you mean eh one minute we’re the worst people in the world when we’re doing people for

    Speeding everybody hates us but then when there’s somebody in front of them in lane two and don’t pull over they want the police here to go and deal with it so we can’t win that’s not cuz we’re not here it’s just because of numbers

    And we have to go to where the jobs are so you know unfortunately I don’t make the rules I only enforce them so it’s 100 jul never mind thank you anyway I appreciate I didn’t realize it was us right I’ll let’s get the tax d

    Okay um I just think 100 quid for that and 100 quid for speeding I don’t really think there’s any comparison but if he’s saying I was speeding earlier you know it’s fair cop isn’t it so I can’t I can’t complain yeah it was a bit hard is it really how do you found

    You back down you made the decision that she’s committed the offense but tell you what she won’t do it again it’s a shame that you can’t give uh nasty people big fines and nice people little fines do some ding oh that’s not very nice back in scarra Dan’s closing in on

    The silver Volvo thought to be involved in the attempted theft of the van but a colleague has got there first by chance he spotted the Volvo uh coming back into the area so he’s he’s got behind that vehicle and it’s stopped what we’re trying to do is just

    Some checks on the occupants um and see if we can firm up some descriptions of the offenders as to whether it’s likely to be these traps that are in this car or not the occupants of the Volvo have told Dan’s colleagues they know nothing about the attempted theft of the van

    Driver is saying that he stayed at girlfriend’s house in Hall last night left first his driven out today leaving H about an hour ago these traps are denying that they’ve ever been to scarber and they’ve not been into that area area and already they’ve started to

    Lie to us we know that car has been down on the industrial estate because somebody’s taking the registration number of it if one of the men has tattoos it could be enough to link them to the scene of the crime whether he’s got a load of tattoos that he has got

    Has he got load or his tattoo on his shoulder here and he’s got on his back that’s what he’s showing me right that’s what he’s showing me on there we’ve got some descriptions of them we’ve started you know Gathering the facts um so now it’s it’s cuffs on time make boy in the

    On his phone so yeah are the ones on his phone as well they’d be better off lock them up now and then take the phones off yeah yeah Le at this time you’re under arrest and suspens of attemp theft of a motor vehicle okay you don’t have to say

    Anything but it may har me defense if you don’t mention when question something which you later Aline in court anything you do say may be giving an Evidence there’s nothing greater than opening the door on somebody and and locking them up um when they think they’re getting away with It with enough evidence to bring the two men into custody more detailed investigations begin he was cuffed compliantly at the scene just to keep him secure while we waited for a van if you just take everything that you’ve got in your pockets out pop it on the

    Top we’ve got a description of the offender and particularly tattoos were mentioned so they’re going to be what it hinges on really he’s got some marks on his skin that seem like fairly fresh scratch marks that would be consistent with having a bit of a a bit of a tussle with

    Somebody as he’s been dragged out of the the stolen van are they tracking bottoms Le yeah Dan’s noticed the suspect is wearing two pairs of trousers white track is out there i’ got blue jeans on me blow je off don’t right track is on criminals Under Pressure will do all

    Sorts of things and they will try and change their appearance you know not least they’ll change their clothing he also seems familiar with the custom Cody process people are affected by going into the custody area very differently and for some people it’s the first time

    And they get very upset by it uh some people get very angry and want to fight everybody and some people take it in this stride why should I get angry I’ll carry on I’m anywhere St carry Char you’re it better just to keep quiet instead of kicking up obviously

    I’ve been arrested before but yeah what’s going to happen now is obviously the vehicle has been searched see if there’s anything evidential in there that could link these two to the job earlier um there going to be CCTV and the relevant areas to check um and ultimately the clothing that was left at

    The scene is going to most likely have some DNA on it there is also some potential evidence on the suspect’s mobile phone some interesting messages came back from the time of the incident uh particularly in relation to questions of have you got a van yet to which he’s

    Replied along the lines of you know close but no cigar um you know if that’s not a good indication of guilt then then I don’t know what is really what FY [ __ ] do you want to know what’s really bad about this Society they can take it

    All off yeah they are and then the wind when things happen like this not my fault it’s government’s fault everybody has to feed he’s blaming everybody but himself um and quite often criminals will blame everybody but themselves they fail to see that they’re doing anything wrong to them it’s it’s a

    Way of life it’s an existence all right for Dan it’s another criminal in the cells the man the cop stopped on the A1 was convicted of dealing cracked cocaine he pleaded guilty at court and was sent to prison for 2 years and 4 Months the fudge Thief paid his £90 fine and for allowing a passenger unsafe travel the driver received a 100b fine and three points on his License the truck driver who pulled up behind Martin Smith in a panic made a full recovery and is now back to work the 4×4 stopped by Chris Coleman was using red Diesel and its owner was fined £500 the vehicle has been scrapped the driver was disqualified for

    3 years and sentenced to a 12we curfew and 200 hours unpaid work all four men were convicted of the theft of the Trailer the bag snatcher caught by the police in scabra was sent to prison for 4 years and the man arrested for attempting to steal a van on a scarber industrial estate pleaded guilty at court and received a60 fine in a supervision order there was no action taken against the Driver


    1. Good job most crims are dumb. With the amount of money gained from selling drugs, why would you steal a car, which nowadays with ANPR etc, is going to be spotted?

    2. when the guy in the white van kept hitting his brakes and the police BMW kept hitting him that is why in the USA we have push bars and reinforced front and rear bumpers on our police cars for this reason, to protect the front end from damage from people like this. and if he kept brake checking the cop here in America he would have gotten the PIT maneuver and it would have been all over

    3. the last one where he says it's a way of life it's an existence, well for people who live in a country where jobs are few and far between and are uneducated because of the poor schooling system then its exactly that, they do have to try and survive. the goverment are as bent as a nine bob note but very rare you see any of the prosecuted, yes there lucky to get some kind of benefits but its never enough to live off, yet migrants come over here storming our beaches and get much much more. not run right in many ways life in the U.K, Its ok for the police to say what they say but they are in a much better position financially and more than likely had better upbringing better education etc, the poor are always frowned upon. most crimes by poor people are done through desparation even small ones like no mot on there car etc and yes you get them who just do it out of greed or there just nutters, but we are controlled at the end of the day and talked down to told what we can and carn't do yet they themselfs do bigger and worse crimes but thats fine, look at the mess they have got us into now with regards to the war in ukraine its a joke, we have no Army very little RAF etc all because they have no idea and thought back in 2008 depleting the military was a good idea and what makes things worse now is the whole of the UK and ireland is run by Muslims, come on wtf did that happen in a christian county, that just shows you how fck'd up this place is. Do you really want to go to war for Muslim leaders i know i wouldn't want to just to come home to less christians if you come home at all. Will any Muslims that are born and bred in the UK go to war? Answer would the fck as like..

    4. I wonder whether Davey, the truck driver who had a sudden numb shoulder, had a frozen shoulder. They sometimes come on suddenly like that.

    5. 48:59 proper scummy that, no wonder uk police get zero respect. An old woman with no criminal convictions and you’re going to fine her £100 for that. Pos! Just warn her and let her off

    6. Just watch this? One officer says only red diesel can be used in tractors as it's not allowed to be used on vehicles on the road, are then all tractors banned from the road, Scotland we have 16-18-year-old kids driving, not only huge tractors on a basic licence, but with attached fully loaded trailers which in total weigh more than an 18 wheeler??

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