Briahna Joy Gray and Robby Soave react to Tucker Carlson’s criticism of several Republicans who called on Israel to take action against Hamas. #israel #Hamas

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    Conservative media giant Tucker Carlson denounced several prominent Republicans namely Nikki Haley and Lindsey Graham and also Congressman Dan krenshaw for their reactions to what’s going on between Israel and Hamas let’s watch this was an attack on America she says when in fact it was not and for that

    Reason we must quote finish Iran a nation of nearly 90 million people what are we watching here this is not sober leadership she’s a child and this is the Tantrum of a child ignorant Cocker bloodthirsty yet no one in Washington scolded her for it he also tore into Graham and CAW who

    Went a step further urging Israel to bomb Iran take a look what exactly would happen to the United States if we declared war on Iran and started blowing up their infrastructure Lindsey Graham has no clue what would happen he hasn’t thought it through he’s almost 70 years

    Old and he has no children he doesn’t care but neither amazingly do most of his colleagues in Washington they’re as Reckless as he is Texas Congressman Dan krenshaw took to social media to call for what he described as a war to end all wars as if there is such a

    Thing yeah I mean this is a great example of why I thought um Tucker Carlson’s influence on the discourse on the right um was very often uh good a positive thing you know despite him getting thrown off Fox News for whatever reason um he is someone who who was a

    Thought leader on the very different non-interventionist ascendency on the right that replaced the kind of neoconservatism that had existed um during the ASDS and I think that’s a a very good impulse it was positive for many uh some Republicans at least to have uh rediscovered the the anti-war

    Roots of their own philosophy of their own party which did constitute the Republican party for many at many points in history in American history and Tucker was a leading voice calling for he criticized Trump during the solmani killing he was very skeptical of of uh unlimited funding for Ukraine from the

    GetGo and uh here he is you know he’s not not making light I don’t support and do not think at all and in fact have criticized today people who I think have made light of atrocities but you can be you can and should be outraged by what happened is totally distinct for what

    The US government should do about it and whether the US government is oblig the US government is not some some some entity that exists apart from us it is reliant on our our funding it is our money is our tax dollars that that comprise what it does does it make the

    World safer for the US government to be more involved in this conflict or the Ukrainian conflict or any number of conflicts occurring in in Asia Africa South America all over the world um most many I I don’t know what exact number of Republican voters don’t want us to be

    The World Police anymore have repudiated that that tendency in that was only popular among the leaders of the Republican Party the elites Tucker Carlson was a brave voice against them and I’m glad to see him speaking up here again yeah he starts this video by obviously condemning the horror of

    Civilians being killed in Israel and he does Focus his critique on the funding issue now you know he doesn’t weigh in on the underlying crisis but you know many people noted that this he is becoming a lone voice on the right with respect to Israel while there was a

    Cohort of people who were willing to criticize unlimited fending unlimited funding to Ukraine it just is not the same scenario so much so that Josh Holly tweeted yesterday uh quote Israel is facing an existential threat any funding for Ukraine should be redirected to Israel immediately I mean

    There’s just not even a beat not even a pause here and I do think that it’s not his money it’s not the ukrainians money it’s not the israeli’s money it’s the American people’s money yeah and there is I do think that there is something I

    Mean I I got to just put a footnote in that I don’t think that’s that’s not how we fund Wars that’s not how we fund anything it’s not taxpayer money that’s literally going to this we have um unprecedented uh fiscal Independence in the ability to print money and do

    Whatever we want and that is exactly how we fund all of these TR multi- trillion dollar Forever Wars that being said the choice to use the money that we can print to fund destruction and killing and disasters all over the world instead of addressing domestic problems I think

    Is legitimate complaint and it’s worth noting that in this very interview uh Tucker Carlson finishes his monologue and then goes on to interview thec ramaswami who despite again being one of these people who is willing to be critical and limited funding to Ukraine believes that we should stand with

    Israel because they are our allies and does not complicate that at all yeah and he had said uh quite the opposite during one of the debates I believe he had he had specifically said Israeli um uh funding for Israel should be you know no different than any other um Nation um I

    Mean look obviously yes we print money to you for our war wars I mean OT of e economists think a lot of people of My Philosophy think that if we just endlessly print money to fund everything we want to do that’s how you end up devaluing your currency and having

    Runaway inflation and having a lot of you know problems down the line you’re right that we it’s not literally a pot of like a finite amount of gold or something um but it’s more about but I mean the money is taken from the American Tax you do pay taxes and it’s

    More about from my standpoint people not people may agree with what’s you know may agree with you’re welcome to you know mail a check to whatever government or foreign cause you think is important if that’s how you feel but these outof touch politicians asserting it on behalf

    Of all of us and again where’s the evidence that this is benefiting American National Security or honestly benefiting um Israeli National Security or anyone on any side of these conflicts um You So speaking of the Republicans who are talking about redirecting fundings from from Ukraine to Israel I I

    Do you know want to remind people that at the start of the UK Russia conflict there was a lot of uh of support even among Josh Holly type people I I can’t remember exactly what his early statements but it was either him or you know one of the other more natc Connie

    People who might be skeptical of this sort of thing they were supportive at the beginning but then I think they read you know they read the tea leaves in terms of what Republican primary voters actually think and they changed their tune so it’ll be interesting to see you

    Know how they feel about massively increasing the amount of money we’re sending for Israel’s military budget um you know a couple weeks from now yeah you know interestingly as we’re speaking V ramaswami just tweeted he quote tweeted the Tucker interview and offered perhaps more context for his remarks in

    That interview I don’t know if he was getting pushed back from people who were pointing out that his statement seem to suggest them hypocrisy on the funding issue but he just Tweed out this statement it’s a little bit a little bit lengthy but I think it’s worth just for

    The record to say what he really believes he says the Hamas attacks on Israel were barbar barbaric and cannot be condoned we require a rational response that supports Israel while avoiding another USL disaster in the Middle East I am disappointed and deeply concerned by the remarks of certain presidential candidates including Nikki

    Haley who have irresponsibly called the Hamas attack and quote attack on America and rapidly shout finish them all caps uh repeatedly without offering a pragmatic path forward the US should provide Israel with diplomatic support intelligence sharing and necessary Munitions to defend its Homeland while taking special care to avoid a broader

    Regional war in the Middle East that would not Advance us interests and then he has a fivepoint suggestion one offer Israel robust intelligence support and stand ready to provide additional military supplies both for sale and transfer which suggests military aid to immediately confirm an American ambassador to Israel with the vacant

    Embassies in Egypt Libya and Oman to be filled in quick succession three end all further nuclear proliferation in the Middle East four FASTT track the deportation of any Resident aliens who have served with Hamas or Palestinian Islamic Jihad five work with Israel to identify countries willing to accept

    Peaceful Palestinians who wish to escape the pressures of Hamas and facilitate immigration not to here I suppose and six warn the UN of consequences if it’s historical pattern of drawing false equivalences between Israel and the terrorists who Target it I mean that’s a better statement than I think what he

    Said um you don’t think it’s still just using a lot of words to say fund contribute us funding to the conflict if they I don’t object if Israel wants to buy um supplies or weapons or whatever from us companies I don’t have just like anyone else yeah

    That’s not none of my business or none of our government’s business that’s fine with me we have both sale and donation is where again a donation a donation of our of the American taxpayers dollars is where I draw the line they want to buy it like anyone else that’s fine all

    Right well I’m looking forward to hearing him perhaps give some more interviews directly on that subject along with all the other GOP Presidential candidates and Democratic presidential candidates and independent presidential candidates stick with stick with us we’ll have more rising up next


    1. These Republicans forget Jesus preach peace not war and violence they are fault Christians funding war is a crime against humanity especially Jesus preach for love and peace.

    2. Note: Nikki Haley grew up a Sikh of Indian-American parents from Punjab, so she very well could have some animosity towards militarily-aggressive Muslim countries. (Pakistani [West] Punjab– 98% Muslim, Indian [East] Punjab– 58% Sikh and 38% Hindu)

    3. Anyonr considered elderly is a protected class for workers… so the US leaders will most likely become a protected class, they cannot be mocked/disparaged for their age… hence you have someone like Biden and the late Feinstein.

    4. Not to mention nobody is distinguishing Palestinian civilians from terrorists. Everyone is upset about Israelis dying but do not care about the other side. Especially with American Christians. Nothing against you for being Christians, but how can they openly be ok with ANYONE innocent dying? I don’t get this place. The elites and leaders of this country do all they can to divide us, but what’s more upsetting is so many of us are dumb enough to bite. And for that I have no respect for those people.

    5. Printing money inflates the currency and devalues the dollar, taking value from the savings of Americans. Therefore, the people DO pay for it


    7. Nimarata Nikki Randhawa Haley needs to focus on this country much more. Her parents, father, Agit Singh Randhawa and mother Raj Kaur Randhawa, from Amritsar, Punjab, India, probably care about their country than she does this country.

    8. Sigh, All these Bubbleheads ignoring history's Lessons. If their solution of appeasement to both aggressive nations and Islamic terrorists are continued that is what at the end of the day will ultimately lead to WW III.

    9. Bri says its not our money?? RUFKM? Uh, yea, they might print it, but we still have to pay for it. NO wonder Bri is a liberal, typical Dem thinks money just comes out of the clouds.

    10. She Nikki H stands to make millions after snaking her way into the corporate government to secure her private stake in the weapons business, securing personal contract deals , then she in deception resigned from office, making millions in deception, she is a true killer devil profiteering monster snake 🐍!!!

    11. This special "aid" that Israel receives in its recent war against Hamas has to be paid back. It's no difference from the aid the US gave the UK in WW2. On the contrary, the aid that Ukraine gets doesn't have to be paid back at least on paper. The form of payment is that Blackrock is contracted to rebuild Ukraine instead.

    12. First of all America has lost all wars since wW2. This includes Vietnam, irak, lybia, afkanistan and what about morgatishue the Middle East has been ruined because of intervention by America. But it’s the Zionists behind all this. Their now list in Ukraine together with the United Nations. So Lyndsey graham who receives money from Zionists to get elected is one of the Zionists. The best thing America can do is stay out of every bodies business.

    13. In March 2003 the invasion of Iraq by the United States, without explicit authorization from the United Nations Security Council took place, unequivocally it violates Article 2(4) of the UN Charter, which prohibits the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. The Security Council did not grant approval for military action, making the invasion a blatant breach of international law.

      Absence of Legitimate Justification:

      The justifications provided by the Bush administration, particularly the assertion that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and posed an imminent threat, were later proven to be based on faulty intelligence. The absence of credible and legitimate grounds for military intervention raises questions about the legality of the invasion under international law.

      Breach of Customary International Law:

      The invasion of Iraq challenged established principles of customary international law, specifically the prohibition of aggressive war. The Nuremberg Principles and the International Military Tribunal recognized aggressive war as a crime against peace. The invasion of Iraq set a dangerous precedent by disregarding these norms.

      II. Neoconservative Doctrine and Unilateralism

      Doctrine of Preemption and Unilateralism:

      The neoconservative doctrine, as evident in the actions of the Bush administration, advocated for a shift towards preemption and unilateralism. This doctrine challenged the post-World War II consensus on the prohibition of aggressive war and emphasized the use of military force without international consensus, undermining the principles of collective security.

      Undermining International Institutions:

      The neoconservative approach contributed to the erosion of trust in international institutions, particularly the United Nations. The decision to bypass the UN Security Council and pursue military action unilaterally undermined the efficacy of global governance mechanisms and weakened the credibility of international diplomatic efforts.

      III. Need for Prosecution of the Bush Administration

      Accountability for War Crimes and Aggression:

      The initiation of an unlawful war raises the question of accountability for war crimes and aggression. The principles established at the Nuremberg Trials emphasized the individual responsibility of leaders for initiating aggressive wars. Prosecution of the Bush administration is necessary to uphold these principles and demonstrate that leaders are not immune from accountability.

      Establishing a Deterrent:

      Prosecution serves as a deterrent against future violations of international law. The consequences faced by the Bush administration can act as a warning to leaders contemplating unlawful military interventions, reinforcing the idea that adherence to international legal norms is crucial for maintaining global peace and stability.

      Prosecution of AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

      The investigation into AIPAC's potential influence on U.S. foreign policy decisions, including the decision to invade Iraq, aims to determine the extent of any improper influence. While lobbying is a legitimate part of democratic processes, undue influence that results in actions contrary to international law warrants scrutiny and legal evaluation.

      Transparency and Accountability:

      Ensuring transparency and accountability in the policymaking process is fundamental to maintaining the integrity of democratic institutions. An investigation into AIPAC's role in influencing foreign policy decisions, especially those leading to an unlawful invasion, is critical for preserving public trust and upholding democratic principles.

      IN SHORT : Zionism is responsible for MANY crimes of aggression on Arabs

      Advocating for Accountability Mechanisms: Continue advocating for the establishment of international mechanisms that hold states accountable for violations of international law. Collaborate with like-minded entities to promote the idea of a more robust and effective system of legal accountability.

      Universal Jurisdiction: Advocate for the universal jurisdiction of international crimes, enabling states to prosecute individuals responsible for serious violations of international law, regardless of where the crimes occurred or the nationality of the perpetrators.


    14. ISRAEL wants the UNITED STATES to GO TO WAR against IRAN. They want the United States to fight IRAN for ISRAEL. This is a clear case of THE MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX in full control of the Government. It's a shame that Americans are going to DIE for the "ZIONIST"??? They're putting those military personnel in harms way. This is a set-up.

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