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    Dmitri at War Translated on X

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    I do not posess or share any info that was not first spread by popular RU channels. Read more about my stance on OPSEC here

    War situation in #ukraine
    #russia will lose

    Hey everyone Georgie here with Ukraine matters wow the past 24 hours were incredible it seems that after the calm in the winter we just had everything in around Ukraine just exploding with news that would any other day would take a headline on its own so watch until the

    End today it’s going to be very very important and if we’re talking about explosions we must talk about the first and I think one of the loudest topics of today okay I’m going to stop with the explosion puns but is the sinking of another Russian vessel in the lake donus

    Which is located right over here in Crimea there was a missile carrier the anti-ship missile carrier Ukraine has encountered it before in a re on a receiving end when it struck Odessa Harbor and uh it damaged some of the grain ships if you remember that event

    And it was located in this slake for a good reason because there is only one narrow part entry so the big question was that we know that Russians are not very smart but I’m pretty sure you understand why the ship was here you don’t need to be

    Like 10 ft tall if that can be said about the brain to understand why it was here because there was just a narrow entry and it would be clear to guard it so these drones were able to make it somehow into the inside territory now I’m pretty sure for

    Russians it’s going to be a whole investigation how it got there I have my ideas I think it was a special operation by the UK ukrainians uh that may or may not involve certain land movements but I will kind of I I cannot speculate just because I have nothing to substantiate it with

    But what is interesting is that this attack with firstly a lot of drones this time we didn’t see there was just one or two drones attacking the ship we saw there was like a lot of drones or it was just edited really nicely where we

    Thought that it was a lot of drones but this is what I was telling you before that as Ukraine is using these Naval drones imagine what would happen if Ukraine would use like five 10 15 of these drones at the same time because the price of the ship like some people

    Say well the price of the ship is about 50 to 60 million right but it’s a replacement cost if if you would build that ship Russia has no capabilities or infrastructure to build this kind of ship inside of the territory of the Black Sea so they like it’s not the same

    As just putting a price tag on it the lost time of using and of capabilities of the ship is priceless so so that is the most important thing but again the attack was not only carried out by the drones themselves the attack also was carried out by ukrainians striking the

    Territory of Crimea with drones and with missiles there has been some speculation that it was potentially the ground launch small diameter bombs that just arrived to Ukraine launched but we don’t know about that we’re going to talk about these a little bit later and what happened is that Ukraine struck first

    They struck the anti-air assets of Russians in Crimea then they struck the bellback airport near the sevastopol I believe it’s somewhere here in the area and after that the naval uh videos apparently appeared so it was a massive combined effort uh my theory is that Aviation is a biggest problem for the

    Naval drones one of the biggest counters that uh Russians have against these surface drones Naval ones is that they would use planes or helicopters to protect the ships from because uh planes and helicopters specifically they have both night vision they have a really good angle of attack and they are very

    Efficient at destroying these drones whereas you can see if there is sign a lot of drones then the ship itself even if it has the ability to defend itself it just fails at this it just cannot do it so now we have Russian Fleet it’s about 20% of Russian Fleet that has been

    Already sunk by ukrainians and uh it’s a significant damage remember this is against a country with no Fleet at all the most important thing here is not the the fleet is being sunk is that it’s being disrupted as a cohesive unit so the the more damage Ukraine deals the less

    They’re able to work as aah iive force and more importantly they will be less and less in there will be less and less influence on the naval component in uh in Ukraine so they will be able to do more Landing operations more scouting more planes will be able to fly over the

    Sea it’s a great success for Ukraine I’m really happy that they’re continuing doing it and if we’re talking about this strike on the battleback Airfield there are reports that there were two planes that got damaged by the strike uh it’s again not completely confirmed but the Russians were crying about this so which

    Is great news so we potentially can add additional couple of planes that Ukraine destroyed on the ground uh before I continue next uh a lot of the material that I’m using here especially English translation comes from Dimitri at War translated on Twitter so if you can please go to

    Dmitri shim Sol love um if you’re using of course um because I’m using his materials a lot and I just want to make a shout out for that but if we’re talking about how the situation is developing further for Russians it’s not only Crimea that they’re having troubles

    This it’s also of Diva Direction remember this uh uh Salient that they have developed so much and I told you that you know it’s not actually that great Russians themselves are not very happy because they were able to get this Salient not because they pushed ukrainians out of their defensive

    Positions like like in an honest battle but because they used military tactics tunnels they were able to get in this area of so-called tar and uh then they got in essentially in a very very Advanced forward position and now they’re being assaulted by ukrainians from all sides and they’re

    Not having a good time uh and this is exactly what uh the Russians are reporting here they are stating you again you can pause and read this uh both this message and the second message as well where they’re talking about how actually bad the situation is with them

    Attacking and they are saying that it’s actually not looking good and the advances for them going forward into AA is becoming more and more complicated um I mean they do say that ukrainians don’t have enough artillery but the drones are helping a lot the fpv drones are really

    Stopping Russians right now and fpv drones is also the name of the game for the next story which Russians right now are absolutely seething about and it happened with Russians in the area of Nova Mika which is right over here it was an absolute catastrophe disaster

    There is a video of that again in the Discord check it out and oh my God so here the column like a huge column over TW 12 vehicles for sure of Russians just kind of driving down the road and then just get completely obliterated by the fpv drones no chance absolutely

    Destroyed Ukraine sustained no casualties except for drones that exploded and it was a Carnage for Russians and they are not happy about it like this is just one of the message but like every single Z channel was again saying that we don’t learn everything is

    Bad why there are so many idiots and the point that I want to make with this is that Russians while we see them using certain strategies uh like tactics like special tactics especially we see that in general in general they are still fighting very predictably they’re not

    Adapting fast enough and again Russia is really really really long their army is just huge it’s incredible what Ukraine can do with the limited resources that they have so when we’re talking about why we we are still kind of like if Russian army is so weak why why Ukraine

    Still haven’t won is because if there would be any other competent army with the resources that Russia has Ukraine would stand no chance but because Russians have no adaptability because they just cannot do it we’re getting this the same time they complain about how bad everything is and I’m going to

    Guarantee you a month or so or maybe even a week later we’re going to see another video of another Russian column just getting obliterated in exactly the same way it’s going to be glorious so while Russian army is long it’s not infinite just recently Madar which is

    Like a famous uh drone um group operate like a commander he has been reporting that just around the area of kinky in just a recent time they’ve burned over 300 armored vehicles Just One Direction in the battlefield over 300 Vehicles it’s enormous the losses that Russia is sustaining is just

    Incredible and we not the only one talking about this budanov has also came out in public he gave couple of interviews some to the Ukrainian sources some to the uh more Western leaning sources he talked about the prospects of having Trump as a president uh you can

    You can watch it it’s on CNN somewhere uh but the most important here that I want to pay specific attention because again I’m hearing uh media picking up a certain story which is not there people are saying that budanov is promising another counter offensive that is not

    What he’s saying he said that right now Russia is an active phase they’re attacking but they’re not achieving their goal he’s saying that by the spring by the mid spring they will be completely out of strength and that then it’s going to be Ukrainian turn and

    Ability like a turn to do something to be active he did not say that there’s going to be another counter offensive he just going to say that there’s going to be a window opportunity that Ukraine will try to exploit to the best of their abilities and if we’re talking about abilities I

    Cannot cannot skip the gsdb that finally arrived to Ukraine the ground launch small diameter bombs are extremely important for Ukraine they are um essentially the aviation bombs that would Glide with a GPS with like smart tracking that would be able to track moving targets um they would be normally launched from

    The plane but then boink had a genius idea hey we have the all of these uh old boosters that we used for high Mars why don’t we put the booster like these bombs that you would launch from the plane on top of the boosters then the boosters would launch them in the air

    And then these uh bombs would just separate and kind of glide into the enemy territory and you would get relatively cheap because the bomb itself and technology is relatively known and cheap and reuse the boosters that the US just have because they’re older boosters and there was no need for them and

    There’s like thousands of them so it’s uh there is a potential for having a lot of these uh small diameter ground launched bombs this is going to be great addition for Ukraine it’s 150 kilm ranged uh ammunition and this thing is specifically why there are rumors that current targets Uh current strikes in

    Crimea are already ongoing going together by using these bombs because Ukraine right now as we’re speaking there are reports that Ukraine is bombing Targets in Crimea right now so yeah uh these bombs are going to be Big Boon for Ukraine we’ll see if they actually can attack the the moving

    Vehicles that would be huge if Ukraine would be able to truck uh like for example Target certain trains or anything else huge huge huge huge and Russia is not having a good time because Ukraine while it’s all like remember Ukraine is right now in economy mode right they need to make use of

    Everything that they have and one of the major shifts that we saw Ukraine did in January is they shifted to attacking uh oil facilities speci specifically like targets around St Petersburg around the south of Russia and so on and so on and they’re continuing this targets every day we’re hearing oh certain oil

    Processing facility has been struck in Russia oh certain uh uh Refinery has been struck in Russia and Ukraine is doing and it bring it brings results as you can see in January Russia already has reported like that uh the exports of petrol and Diesel have dropped by 37 and

    23% respectively a quarter at least was cut almost a quarter 23% was cut down of exports of oil massive bonus remember this is Russia’s main income Source I told you that the Russian budget that the Putin and everyone else set in for this year is dependent on whether the

    Sanctions will work whether Russia will be able to get uh their profits from the oils and from the other energy sources that they’re selling and there are ways that they’re doing it for example turkey is helping a lot with them so they are are uh essentially buying Russian gas

    They’re mixing the Russian gas like liquefying the Russian gas together with their own gas from other sources and then it already is not a Russian gas because then it’s a mixed product and that’s why how they’re selling it so there is ways how Russia is still doing

    Certain things but all of these are partial schemes the point is not like it would be ideal to cut it off completely I understand but every little bit help every single percentage of drop of Russian export over here means Russia gets less money it can build less tanks

    It can buy less weapons it can just get less development which will allow Ukraine to go forward so another thing that is important for Ukraine to go forward is support from EU and us and EU is steping up majorly majorly firstly I want to address the my us viewers some

    Of of you I know are like supporter of Trumps and some of you especially like on the on on some on on a like a more um Fringe edges of the political Spectrum you are saying that Europe needs to step up well uh firstly Europe has been stepping up massively by this point

    European Union has been and and also other countries in Europe like I I must I must say it very very cleanly because uh UK has also been helping in other countries Norway is also not part of European Union but still but other countries in Europe have been stepping

    Up massively and if you accumulate what has been contributed by the European countries even just Weaponry is already like in Weaponry itself is already edging close to what us has been provided if you add the financing for programs for refugees to give money for finance people in Ukraine just

    Humanitarian Aid and so on then it’s it’s way above of what US has been uh sating so please please I’m going to ask you to dial down the U EU needs to step up that train has been a little bit uh that that that ship sailed a little bit

    And especially we just recently got reports that Germany finally got 2% of GDP assigned to defense the NATO Target that they were supposed to do is finally there it is achieved by Germany good job Germany let’s continue on like that but 50 billion EUR were signed by the

    European Union and Hungary was put in the place so Orban came out with uh we know specific domain this was the the kind of Consolidated effort there was a big push from Ukrainian side to try to offer something uh to appease uh hungarians like to give them like a

    Bone to to to pick on uh try to help them with minority of hungarians that are living inside of Ukraine they specifically want the Hungarian minority not to study in Ukrainian in Ukraine which is a request we we know that but the point is that Ukraine right

    Now is fighting for survival it’s a question for later so they they need this money so they were trying to do but European Union themselves has also pushed back on Orban significantly there were two big motions that were put forward against Orban he was basically

    Said like we are we the 26 countries are taking it extremely seriously so what we will do is going to try to push for the article 7 to make sure Hungary does not get the voting rights in EU anymore and secondly the push was to get Hungary to

    Not receive any EU funding for any programs at all which essentially means if you’re in EU and you are not getting the right to vote and you’re not benefiting from the EU programs are you in EU actually like so the the countries cannot be excluded forcefully from EU

    That’s not how the union works but um if you’re not getting all of that you’re not getting the benefits and we know that European programs is a huge corruption source for a lot of the people like this is kind of like the like whenever I hear about corruption in

    Ukraine tell me about the appropriation of EU funds and like in any country and then we can talk about corruption so uh Orban was basically put to this like we’re going to cut everything your economy which is not a very good economy Orban is not the smartest economic guy and his economy is

    Not specifically booming uh the Florent reacted the the Hungary currency reacted to all of these news very very rapidly it was like oh no nope nope nope really bad news so Orban said that okay I we can accept it if every year we can review this cycle and so on so after

    Negotiations the review was implemented but the review was would be happening not every one year but every two years and all obviously what Orban pushed for is like I need you to have and play this game with me every year so I will have VTO right every year for the

    Next 5 years while this budget will be running for Ukraine instead it’s going to be a review after two years which is going to be reviewed by the commission and Hungary like there will be no veto rights to stop this there is going to be only a review maybe for adjustments or

    Something else but there is not going to be a veto right to stop it that’s the important part so major major massive like a big dick move by EU finally showing teeth finally putting the authoritarian leaders inside of Europe to their place more of this please and harder yes go European

    Union and if we’re talking about Germany like to round it all up one of the interesting news which I probably will cover is some other video but it’s a interesting read and I will recommend you reading this but uh we surprised to absolutely no one a far right uh party representative from Germany

    The was working with an FSB agents to stop the help for Ukraine they were on purpose delaying uh any kind of uh Decisions by Germany to help the Ukraine so the guy was caught red-handed and it’s a it’s a fascinating story which we definitely need to look at at some other

    Time thank you so much for watching this guys I really hope you enjoyed this because I was really trying to pack all of these major major news and it seems that they’re not stopping there is already reports that something supposedly a ship is burning south of Crimea Nothing is Stopping things are

    Happening Ukraine is now receiving the funds it’s not enough for it to Prevail but it’s definitely going to make sure that Ukraine can still hold on and maybe us will finally unfuck themselves and help democracy Prevail I love you all slav ukraini trust in the armed forces I’ll see you next [Applause] time


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      Remember don't donate to any global humanitarian companies such as red cross, amnesty international and whatnot.

      They take a huge share of donations for their own needs and there are even times that no money makes it to the cause.

      The actual first place to go is this is United24

      It is a platform presented by president Zelensky.

      Secondly you might choose some volunteers that are helping Ukraine in various areas.

      Serhei Prytula foundation is one of the most known ones

      Other well-known foundations are Army SOS and Come Back Alive

      For Medical and humanitarian aids you have Leleka Foundations, Razom and United Help Ukraine

      You can also see some people on twitter from different parts of Ukraine, but I cannot verify any of those, so do it at your own risk.

      Suggested from Viewers.

      I personally did not have experience with these. But they look reasonable

    2. When you mention countries contributing beyond the EU (and US), you are right to mention the UK and Norway. And Canada has been a very significant contributor of aid (military+financial) in terms of GDP.

    3. It would be interesting to see how many Republicans in America have FSB handlers too! I think it is time to label them and their leader 'Putin's Puppets' and generate a range of cartoons to this effect – perhaps as a t-shirt range? Also, I have always wanted to see a cartoon depiction of Putler being kicked by a Ukrainian boot – like the nose art of Douglad Bader's Hurricane in WWII

    4. "and maybe the US will finally UnFuck themselves and help democracy per veil" I Love it !! well said Georgi and we can but hope they will come to their senses soon, after they realize that they are playing into China's & Iran's hands, as well as Putlers, that might make them stop & have a re think about what they are doing ?
      🇺🇦 🇦🇺 #SlavaUkrani 🇺🇦 🇦🇺

    5. Do the ordinary Hungarian people support Ukraine or do they support Orban and his pro #russianTerroristState rhetoric? It astounds be that an EU member country of 5 million can veto what the other 440 million EU "citizens" want. Even worse when the vast majority of the European population of 750 million also seem to support Ukraine. Hungry are not going to be favourable beneficiaries of the developed Ukrainian resources once they have ejected the invading vermin from the 1991 borders and get their gas fields producing that highly desired energy resource from a reliable and friendly country that won't be using it as an economic weapon. Orban sure is doing his best to far cup the present and future Hungarian economy.

      Watched a documentary that showed Orban's political views changed according to the mood of the country so he would remain the choice of the people and he could maintain his grip on power. He is just a dictator in sheeps' clothing from what I can see.

    6. Hi Georgie, thanks for telling us what's going on in Ukraine. When it comes to the Russian economy they can't reduce spending on the war or they will get pushed out of Ukraine they will have to cut spending on everything else and this will make things very difficult for Russian civilians and sooner or later they will turn against Putin. Keep the faith, slava Ukrainia

    7. Thanks Georgie, Love you too, lots of good news today. I will support the brave AFU for as long as it takes. Puck Futin. Pang Hutin 💥💥❗❗SLAVA UKRAYINI!! HEROYAM SLAVA!! ГЕРОЯМ СЛАВА. СЛАВА УКРАЇНІ✌ 💪🙏💛💙💛💙🤘🤟❤

    8. Comrade Orban had his cards marked basically put up and shut up or you will remain in the EU in name only, what ever it takes 🇺🇦🇬🇧✌️

    9. "Idiots talk about strategy while strategists talk about logistics and resources." Looks like Russia forgot to read the war manuals but Ukraine sure didn't! 😁✊ Slava Ukraini!

    10. The benefit of the US delaying funding and weapons to Ukraine is that it is forcing the EU and other European nations to step up and take responsibility for their own security and defense by providing what is needed to defend Ukraine and defeat Russia. This has been a long term goal of the US and Nato to get Europe to spend a greater proportion of their budget on defense for many decades. Even Germany and France have gotten the message from Russia although they have been ignoring the US regarding their responsibilities to the Nato alliance which was the reason why Nato was created by the US after WW2 in the first place.

    11. So much good news! Sad that a few US politicians seem to behave like Orban. Populism is only short term with a single focus: it is about the glory of the leader who seeks 51% and makes them happy with 'popular' and thus short-term policies. Reagan would never have pressed through following such a path, what happened to global strategy??? Where does democracy stand with politicians who don't mind an attack on the Capital???

    12. Who is actually in charge of Russia's army in Ukraine now? This constant repeating of terrible tactics seems like they do not have any other orders.

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