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    Jeanette & Robert

    Hello! Welcome to Glamping Explorer. A new week with us. Well done. What’s happening this week? Yes, there is a bit of fun going on. Jeanette has ordered some stuff that she’s going to spruce up a little inside the sheet ice. Yes, some practical stuff, storage, maybe decorations, something like that. This and that.

    But do you know another fun thing? We are actually on our way home to the Mikel hub. Motorhome Adventure. We’re going home and hang out there a bit. We’re going to hang out with Mikke tonight. Mickey and Harley. He will cook for us. Huh? Yes, we’ll have something good to eat.

    Is he going to offer us food? He’s a bit stubborn now what he wanted to offer and stuff like that. So we’ll see what good it turns out to be. It sounds, I think I’m convinced it will be as yummy as it gets. And great fun.

    You might hear the cars. We’re at a crossroads here. We turned in here. We thought we wanted to make a great start to this film. Yes. But now I’m in the mood for a party. Yes, I’m with that. So now we drive. Come along. See you. We are on our way to Tjörn.

    You’re probably wondering if we’re not wise. But now we had something else fun to take care of before we go. It’s like this, it’s sky high. And when it’s hot and the sun is shining, you’re sweaty and you’ve been driving. Yes, drive a lot.

    I’m sweating anyway. I think most men and women sweat when driving. Yes, especially when sitting barefoot It’s not so nice to sit on this. So now we have fixed new cloth covers for the pilot’s seats. From Amazon. I thought they turned out pretty cool. Yes, but they fit in here.

    God, we are so happy. And precisely, this I thought, they were a little valued. Easy to put on and maybe pop off and wash too and stuff. But sure, they match. I just have to look. They match the decor perfectly. And then there was a pocket here too.

    Now we’re going to stretch to this and attach it properly. But we couldn’t hold on. Lol. And there you have such a yes….. Yes, but there were a few more hooks here as well. Yes, there are always hooks. There were more like that. You can just tighten this whole thing down here. Yes.

    It was neat. Then you tighten the string down here. Yes, there is. I think they will fit perfectly. And they are for the Fiat Ducato model. So it was successful. And precisely that the colors fit so well. Really gossipy. Now it’s the opening, now we get to feel how they feel.

    Yes, now we know. But now we have to roll. Now we’re going to podcast live with Mikael. So. now we are in a bit of a hurry. Now we’re going to drive to Tjörn Now we’re going to drive to Tjörn yes. Hang on! Then we drive over the bridge. The little bridge.

    The little bridge. Stenungsund Then we come to Stenungsön Stenungsbaden Mm. There’s a campsite in here said mom and dad… Yes, on Stenungsön, huh? Yes. Great piers here. Look here how beautiful. Yes, the sun has little. It’s struggling to get here. Maybe we’ll get some sun today. We do not know.

    But it’s still good air. I think the birds are chirping today. A little springy. Yes, lovely. But now we will soon drive over the beautiful bridges Hello Mikael, now we are here! Hello Hello! Welcome! Thanks! This will be really exciting to drive live. Our second live. Yes. I am full of expectations.

    Me too. Yes. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Yes, it’s going to be great fun. So now we have parked the song here. And yes, we have a full day. We will have fun and fun together. Not just day. A whole day. Afternoon and a long evening too. Yes exactly.

    Maybe some breakfast tomorrow. Yes. But we will sleep here today. Yes. I’m inspecting your RV. Just. I think it’s a little small, but I think it’s very nice. It is small. It is… You can tell that it is a new car. But there are less. This one isn’t that small anyway.

    No, I have no experience at all. The RV owner just said, my God, how long it is and stuff like that. She thought it was long. Yes, but I also thought it was. It looked a little long, but maybe it isn’t. But it looked like it was a few centimeters longer.

    What is it? 6.5? 6.36. The other tin ice creams are usually at 5.99. But this bit it does quite a lot. It is ten centimeters shorter than the hub is. Yes, because on the shorter ones you often have a transverse bed. Yes. And we don’t want that. No.

    We don’t want people crawling over each other No, long beds are great. Yes. It looks like you have very large, what do you call it, mattresses. Yes, but they are way too big. They followed along. I watch the movies. Yes, you do, yes. We will have new mattresses soon. Yes.

    Yes, but okay. Lovely. Then we’ll just start collecting some stuff, then we’ll cozy up to it. Now we get really yummy stuff like this here. Good God…. I’ll get some knives out too. Yes, now we are talking about some tactics and some planning on our podcast here. Can’t you reread this before you…

    Because I’m not wearing glasses. I have already explained it once . So, you have done it? Yes, this is… No, but you know this one. It’s Smögenbryggan Harry. Yes, okay. And Smögenbryggan has five different beers in its range, I think. And I must say they are all good. They are amazing.

    This is a strong ALE at 6%. Thank you and goodbye. Harry. Thanks and hello, Harry. A strong ALE Okay. But Harry, maybe you can say like this that you’ve won a lot of money lately. It just glimmers about you. Yes, yes, yes.

    Yes, but what I explained to my followers in the last video, it was that I was botanizing on the shelf. And then I found one called Julle Not Harry, but Julle And then I got an association with something that happened in the past. And then it became an anecdote.

    Harry, on the other hand, hasn’t found any more anecdotes yet No, but that will probably come when we have sent in Harry Boy. Yes exactly. And now we win money. It’s glitz and glam here, Now we’re glamping here at Mikael’s, so then it’s Harry. Now I got a real foam crown.

    I can’t drink it, because it fills my entire mustache. It was almost beautiful, wasn’t it? But don’t you think it smells good? It smells like peach. Yes, it does in all damn beers… And the number at Systembolaget is 72… No, don’t say that! No, sorry. I don’t like beer at all, at all.

    There is some liquid that I can’t handle. It is the only beer you have appreciated. It was when we were at Höganäs Bryggeri. Höganäs Brewery? And it was champagne beer? Yes. But it didn’t taste like beer then…. No. Yeah, yeah, a little, a little, a little, a little, a little.

    But you still like to tell this other, don’t you? I like apple cider vinegar, I can drink it easily. Yes, and it’s bitter, isn’t it? Yes Yes. If it’s bags? Yes. Yes, sour and bitter Yes, I like that. But there’s something about that sweet, sweet bitter This was actually…

    It was a good beer. The magpie, that is. I don’t like magpies. I can say that I hate magpies. They’re all around and ruining like hell. They are a cunning bird. They take everything that I have on the plot that is loose and then they build nests on it. Cheers. Bowl. Bowl.

    What did you think? That one was great. I thought it was good. It was delicious. Check, the grill is tagged. If knew what it smells good. It was a real charcoal grill, yes. Yes, it smells something special. Yes. Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch. He has loaded up. Yes. Here it will be mocked.

    There is plenty of food. Yes. It’s rigged with food. It’s funny. But are you happy with the camera setup then? You never are. The best angle does not exist. You mean the best filter? No. I’ll go out and have a look. The truth is the best. I’m coming Mikael. Mikael…

    He felt he needed a beer now that he’s grilling. And you have to have that. When you’re grilling… Then it’s legitimate to drink a good beer. Or what do you say Mikael? Yes, this is… I took two different ones. If we drive Leffe. There are a lot of people who…

    You get to choose. This is a special one. It is from Great Britain. England. A pale ale. Sam Smith. Leffe, I know that one. You drank it. You drank it. Yes. But I recognize it. I have also drunk it. But there are many who say you have to try Leffe.

    I have tried Leffe. But I do so many films that people forget about it. And that’s good because then you can get rid of it. Yes, then you can drink more. But I have never drunk this one. So you are welcome to try it. And then I take Leffe.

    Then we do the opposite. You deserve it And then I’ll take Leffe. Okay. This will be good. How did it taste? Anus…… Nope, anise. Anise, anise, anise. We cut there (not hahaha) Leffe and pale ale. Pale Smith. This is Sam Smith. Old Brewery. Ted Caster. Yorkshire.

    Have you considered moving over to England at some point with the motorhome? Yes, I have. Southern England above all. And then towards Foremot… I’ve sailed there. That’s Palmer. And that is great. So I have done that. I will say, we did. We talked about it.

    That we would travel by motorhome in the South of England… Because it is very, very nice. I have been sailing there for a long time. If you drive down to France, Dover or Calais. It is easy to ride the train. It’s not that complicated. No no no.

    I know some who have done that. So you can easily get information about that. I think we should lower it a bit. Yes, you screw down the whole bed there? Yes. Yes. It was cheeky to do that at Muurikkan then. Yes. It was exactly the same size as the Muurikkan 38 centimeters. Yes.

    Yes, it is the best. Yes, it is definitely the best. If you’re only two years old… A 48 centimeter is too damn big, I think. Yes, it will be too much. Yes, it’s just unnecessary. And then you do the bacon thing first. Then you get the good, real fat there, yes. Yes.

    They look really yummy. Here is a close-up of them Check the coal bed It is an advantage that you can lower and raise the coal bed because it gets damn hot. You have to have something so that you can adjust it a little. Yes exactly. Here we have the grill master himself.

    A good beer is included, of course. I have an English Pale Ale. Sam Smith. I don’t know what that is for Sam Smith. It sounds like a singer. He is a singer, Sam Smith. Yes, he is. Yeah, it hasn’t hit me. Is that his beer, then? It’s his beer, maybe.

    Yes I think so. All celebrities have to drink and stuff now Yes, it can be like that. It can be so. Do you prefer a little red piece in the middle, or do you want it cooked through? No, I like red. With some bacteria,….. It’s nice to see bacon, some pickles, cheese.

    And then I have double dressings. Is there a secret recipe? Secret recipe, yes. One is a little garlic and the other is without teriyaki sauce, sort of. Let’s try a little, you’ll see. Yummy. But Mikael now this is important to me now. Decant Yes, but I know you don’t like red wine.

    Yes, I like red wine. Yes, but I’m just a little lightheaded and getting a headache. Yeah, but can’t you just… Yeah, I’ll give you my take on this. It’s a nine-year chateauneuf du pape It smells very good. You see, the color is quite cherry-like Or it’s… Sticky. No, but this is very nice.

    Yes, you can see that it sticks to the edges. Then I learned that it should be a little nicer. This was very good. But it’s old……. Yes, nine years. Shall we drink old? Yes, it is old. The older the better. We have to take it now or it will rot.

    Damn, that was good. What was that? Chateauneuf du pape? Chateauneuf du pape Chateauneuf du pape it’s called. I’ve heard of that before. Near Avignon in France. Yum. Mm, how good it was. You are welcome. I’m craving your burgers here. I’ve fixed the tools there, you can take it. Thanks. Damn it was hot.

    I pour it over like that. Touch the edges. Real high rib burgers But then I’m making a fuss here then? A little cheese and a little good on… I’ll start like this once This is perfect for well-being. Shall I finish it now, shall I? Etc.

    I’m just going to get the cucumber that’s standing there. It can be set. Yes, but God, what fun, then we say this. Then we welcome everyone. How funny, we’re going to have a podcast live today. And it’s a bit of a premiere for that.

    Because we thought it won’t just be a regular live. But we’re also going to talk about podcasts. So, and today we are the ones who have life. Glamping Explorer And we are at Mikael’s house, the hubby. So hubby Mikael will get to introduce himself.

    If it is the case that there is one of you who does not know who he is. Of course he will get to tell a little who… Mikael! Go ahead, tell me who you are and what you do and what your interests are? Yes, yes, I’ll start right now yes. Yes, okay.

    Oh my, we’re 197 up after just a few minutes. And I also have a YouTube channel then. Motronom Adventure, which you can watch. And I have to say, it’s full here now. I’m getting a little nervous. I don’t know how we can… Run response to all comments now.

    If it is the case that we do not have time to read your comments, you will understand why. Because comments are pouring in here. We will try to respond to comments. Back to you. Yes, of course we will manage comments.

    The funny thing about the whole crow song is that we have people from Spain, Santa Pola. We have people from Norway, Sweden, so… Finland! Yes! Öland! And lots from Norway. I think it’s funny, I think it’s funny that we have a lot of people from Norway.

    But now wait, I understand that I was interrupted a bit. We’re going on a trip. You have told it. Yes, but then someone wondered where we were going. We’re going south. It’s like this. I think I showed a glimpse at the beginning there.

    But we have fixed new covers for our chairs, the pilot chairs. So we’re going to fasten them and put them on properly today. We have tested them and rode with them until we left. They feel pristine and wonderful. And on the handles here too. It is much, much softer and nicer.

    So very satisfied. And these little frills here made it very nice for the back. You sat very, very nicely. Now the one who feels a little more embraced in the way. Super satisfied. So we’ll go in and deal with that.

    Yes, now I entered the mobile home here, or the tin ice was me. And show me some clever stuff on the inside. We will show you too. I have many people who have thought to ask a little about storage. Yes, but what we have in our cupboards and such.

    And I understand that you might think it’s a bit fun to watch. Because you want to compare and get some tips. So that we show some cabinets here today. And we also show what we have filled the sheet ice with for stuff that we have on the outside.

    But we have a specific viewer who has asked what we have in the cabinet above the table here. So I will show that. Here in our kitchen area then. So called the lounge as you can call it. For fun. We have a rather large cupboard. Here at tvn.

    And in that cabinet, we have chosen to have small boxes like this. Where we can lift down. And in this one we have slightly different things. In this particular one we have chargers, some technology. Little things like that. Nothing directly. But headphones and the like.

    And it’s clever to be able to just push in there and then it sits firmly in there. Here is the space to fill in other things if you might have other things. We post there. The shelf we built. Here we have our remote control. Maybe a lighter and such.

    And on the other side. Likewise, such a box. Easy to pull down. Here we have a bit of everything possible, I think. A little good-to-have stuff like this. Clud is always good. A little tape. What else do we have? Photo paper for our Instax. Any refill for that. One more that is here.

    Oh oh oh this is good to have. One of those. A Duracell. ( Thermacell hahaha) For the mosquitoes. Electrical tape. Few good things like this to have. We fill it with little things. And there it is. It’s fun to take cards and set them up. So we have it. Up there.

    And inside here then? Yes, but here we have our Bose…. It stands perfectly there. So when we want some stereo sound on the TV. Or take some music out with us. Then we have it…. And given place for that one, I think. But it’s perfect up there.

    And then we got small boxes like this at Ikea. They can be found in the kitchen department. With a small hook on that side. They will be attached here on the shelf then. To just, well, maybe lay. As it is here. Little glasses. Hop hop hop. Some stickers apparently. It’s good to have.

    Yes. It was that cupboard up there. So. Then we have two compartments above each front door. Or side door. Here you see our photos that we have put up. Slightly special occasions that I felt people wanted to have memories to look at. And one more compartment there then.

    Now I have a few little things I thought I’d show you too. Here in the toilet. I found one like this. Clever. Many of you have probably seen it. One like this hanging with three pockets. Where we hang it on one of our towel hooks. Smart. And then you can have a brush.

    I was thinking some sunscreen and some things like that that don’t bulge too much here. So I felt this one was actually smart here. It will be small for this cupboard. Which belongs to the bathroom. It’s a bit small. And here I feel that it gets a little crowded in there. And messy.

    So. Good storage. Check, check, check. I’m so pleased. Wait. Now it’s so sunny here. Close it. Look here. This shelf. The shelf? It’s not a shelf, is it? Yes, but it’s a small pocket that becomes a shelf. It is like zero weight. But you can’t get it on a shelf. Yes!

    It’s a compartment or something. Yes, but it’s a compartment. Compartment? No, it’s not a compartment. It’s a compartment. You, now I see something there that I don’t like. What is the matter now? I see snuff on the shelf. Robert. Robert. Long live the marriage……. Snusmumrik. Yes, but I already set this up.

    Yes, set it up too and I’ll show. So this is going to be so damn… So when you’re satisfied, then you’re satisfied. Yes, you will be. Wait, I have to rotate the camera. So, it will be so good. You can put in the electrical cable up there. Yes, thank you, thank you.

    How nice of you. And there’s a body on the back that we just attach them to. Yes, but it is we ourselves who have put a hook there…. But I know. Wow, they fit perfectly there. Look at my page. Check! As long as you are satisfied and happy, I will be…

    What are you talking about? As long as you’re satisfied and happy, I’ll be… I’ll have an easier life. Yes, but you, that snuff thing. Are you also going to start snuffing? You, a funny thing here now. We will probably be away for about 16 weeks. So there are 16 logs.

    Wait, now I want to join now. What are you saying now? What are you saying? What am I saying? Snuff, snuff, snuff. If we’re going to be away for 16-ish weeks. Then it is 16 logs that apply. You understand that, right? Do you snort a stick a week?

    But do I need to explain to you how much I snuff? Is it true? What do you mean? Where do we have that stache? Stash? It’s under my bed. How much does that thing weigh? But döööö Take away a little… Yes, I’m going to say something. Remove some what?

    No, I’m not saying anything. Putty maybe? Putty knife? Okay, but I thought we would be so chantilla so we show what it looks like under our bed too. Yes, we have to move here a bit. The idea is that the solar cell should be under my bed. I want to see it.

    And what else do we have left? We’re going to fix our seat covers. Oh my god, you have no idea. I have a lot left here on the list. Yes, now the bed is folded up. And we’ve bolted it down here. Rules? What is it called? Buckle strap?

    Yes, and then we’ll go down and check under then. This is where you have your secret stashes. Coming. This is where you have your secret stashes here. It’s big. Then you can apparently lift these as well. So we will remove one like that. But you know? I can not take it.

    Jeanette, you get to help. Do you see here then? Then you could actually beat shoes. But you have a whole shoe stash. Yes, if you think a shoe box. You can put stuff in there. Yes. It’s not stupid. No. Now if you want…

    But we had a back who was going down there right away, huh? Yes. We had a backpack with some stuff that was going down right away. Here was some support for the bed, I think. Yes, I made it. Okay. Is it in the bed or have you put it somewhere else?

    Here we have a cooling ridge. We won’t need it right away anyway. In here we have swimwear. Yes. Cyclops. Lots of stuff. Bathing shoes. Farthest. Yes. And then I thought maybe we’ll remove one of those… It disappears like nothing here. Yes. So my snus is no problem. It’s big here. No problem.

    Shall we start feeding down some logs? But you know what? It might be perfect that you have them in shoe racks. Or shoe… What’s it called? Shoe boxes. Putting these up on the shelf here. Yes. Then you are free to go down. Yes. Have??? Yes. But you.

    I thought I’d pick up another thing. And explain a thing that we have bought. What was that? You take over this one. And in this surface here. And in this area here, we have bought plastic trays like this. Etc. As we will have some…

    I mean when you buy water and food and stuff like that. So man… So. Then they are great. So everything is stuck there. But we have bought another thing. And then you think like this. What are you doing? We won’t be taking our bikes with us.

    Because it is a choice we have made. But. Anything can happen that we might need the bike rack. And put something. Or anchor something. If we buy some stuff. Then you have to have a sign like this. In which countries? Italy and Spain and Portugal I think it is. Etc.

    But this one applies to both. You just need to know which… …side. But this is available in our Amazon shop in any case. You can actually tell a funny story. That we were at the leisure center in Hyssna. Yes. And was about to buy one. But then we felt that no.

    We checked it out. We thought it was a bit expensive. It costs SEK 565 at… Yes, now we don’t have to hang out at Forsberg’s leisure center. But it’s probably Kama’s stuff. But in our Amazon shop it is for 300-something. Now we save some money. Yes.

    But this one I thought we could get down… But admit and test if you can put it there. Yes, of course we can. Where could it be? Yes. Why not? Yes. You can put more stuff in it. If that’s the way it is. If so, yes. A towel or something extra…

    If you need it, you can. Because the bed is slightly arched Yes, not very much but a little. But it actually has a great place there. Yes. Then it was… Did you have more? No, but I have some logs. I have bought myself a little. I have started to buy some logs.

    Yes, but then we pack them down then. Yes. We can do that. But… Was there something else I have? No, I don’t have any storage under my bed do I? No, it’s the water tank. And then you have two cupboards below. Yes exactly. So really, maybe it’s better that we lay…

    If we lift your bed. Oh! I pull it out a little. That’s how it looks. And there you can access the water tank. Maybe you make sure you have a small duster here with… Yes. Yeah, that… I had to put a little velcro thing there.

    But why should you open it now when we have so much stuff in the way? Yes, but you can never see the end. It’s big… Can’t you say that I’m going to… Ouch! Oh my God! Yes, but I actually have to because I think it was a bit silly. I get to dry.

    But you… Wondering if I don’t start fitting the last Thule lock? Yes do it. Do you fix it? Do you fix it. Yes. Here I put the bathing shoes. Well, that’s going to be great, Robert. But I only have… I have a little more on me. But I only have…

    I have a little more at home. Here comes someone who is happy. Yes. What have you brought with you? After all, it has had a few… viewers who have been a little curious about what we are actually going to bring with us. Yes.

    And then I also wonder, what the hell are we going to take with us, Jeanette? So, I… I want Glampa….. We had this inside… We have taken this out now because we have cleaned up a bit here. Yes, we have cleaned that. But… I still think it’s a little important.

    Down here we have the important stuff. Chairs, tables, everything possible. Yes. And then they think, how the hell are they going to fit everything in? But I thought I’d show. Here is our table. This is full size. Awesome. It has a given place. We bought this after careful, calculated measurements. Exactly. Like that.

    There it is. Yes. Then you have… This. What is this? It’s the gas stove. And the charcoal grill. Yes, and the gas stove… Oh, it’s a full storm here today. We were supposed to have the gas stove… Now it’s coming again. Deck chair. Or beach chair. Brass chair… But gasol…

    Now I have to take over here then. The gas stove is meant for frying if you want. Cook of course. But actually we think we will use the wall a lot for that. Yes. And that’s the small one at 38 cm. Yes. It will be exciting to fry bacon on it.

    In the warmth. Because today it’s not that hot here… But it’s sunny. Yes. And then there’s this little charcoal grill, it’s enough for you and me. What have we found yet? Car theme. Car theme, perfect. It’s so damn flexible and then you put it out there and… What’s the carbon in it?

    No but it’s the bars and everything. Will show here. So. And then it becomes like a small… So. Yes. And you can do it like this. Yes, but it gets a little sweet. But it is enough for the two of us. Well done.

    And there aren’t many places where you can grill with charcoal and so on. So that it is like a little extra. That’s when we should luxuriate in it. Glamp it up a bit and get some charcoal-grilled meat. Yes. Oh. Yes, but I set them in place. Yes, do it. So.

    So, if we take the beach chairs then. Yes. The brass chairs. Yes. We carry them with us down to the beach, of course. And they are quite nice to just pick out and sit and chill in too. Yes, they actually are. So we can’t be without them. No. So I pack them up.

    And this is how it is. Yes. So. So. So. So. So. And it. So. Yes. So. Here we have our chairs. Yes. Simple. Simple ones like this. We actually just bought simple car themed ones. But now that we’re going down, we’re going to pass something exciting called something like Oberlink in Holland.

    Yes, it will be great fun to go there and check it out. We’ll check that. We’ll see if we can find something smarter. There are actually a lot of smaller chairs. But you also want to sit comfortably. It is important. But they fit perfectly down there with.

    And then of course I have a small footstool. Yes. You have a footstool and a hammock. Yes. Hammock a must. Surely we can find somewhere. We can go into a campsite and get a guy like that. But what is this Jeanette? We forgot this one. Right. This is our little fire. City.

    What do you call it? Fire. Power grid it is. Power grid, yes. Weighs nothing. Doesn’t take up any space either. It must be included. You can put wood on it and make a fire. Well done. And you don’t destroy nature or anything. They are perfect. And? Solar lamps. Of course. A little glamping.

    We can have that. I put these here for so long. And we also have more festive lanterns like this…. In a box with us. But you can’t live without this one, you say? No, it’s even my comfort lux. Glamping luxury, deluxe. Footstool. I had a great idea here. But it happened….

    No, you’re just doing it in the wrong order. Yes, I do??? We bought a new table anyway. That’s a small table. If you don’t bring out the big table, this is perfect. Breakfast. A bit like that when you just want to go. Do not stand permanently. It’s shady here.

    And then we have another darling table. Do you want to show it? Yes, it’s a small round table. Yes, we actually often take that to the beach too. So. That’s where all this stuff went. Yes. Down here. And it is still possible to enter some more stuff. It makes it.

    After all, we have 600 kg load weight in this car, which is awesome and it was an important thing for us. Because we usually, we know that we like to pick up a lot of stuff. When you can’t access stuff. Etc. An important thing. Maybe I should put this down then? Yes.

    Putting this aside. Oh. So. Perfect. Yes, but what fun, darling.. Then it’s tidy, put in order. That’s what we have to take with us. Yes. Now it’s shoes and clothes that have to go in. Yes. Yes, then I’ve gone through my cupboards up here too.

    And as you can see, I roll my clothes. Here we can see here a little better. Here I have a bunch of skirts and pants that I roll and stuff like this. And then I think they… Here are one, two, three, four pairs of pants. And two skirts. Yes.

    Now I’m going to add a little more. So. But the most important thing of all is that you have one and the same color tone, I think a little. You can match the whole thing quite a lot. So I should probably be able to succeed with that, I think. Yes. That was it.

    And then we have it in our pillowcases. So we have… What do I have here? Now we’ll see. Maybe I have shown this before. Here is a dust jacket. Robert has a down jacket and I know I have a wool cardigan in here. I have. Here it is. A long goo wool cardigan…

    When it gets cold and you want to sit outside. So we fill these pillows here. With some jackets and some soft stuff. I think it’s clever. Etc. It should go well. Then we thought we’d tell you a little about how we put all this together. Two mobile homes. What we work with.

    Here’s a little we’ve been asked about. How we make everything go round. A little economy perhaps. Even if we don’t go into economics that much, I don’t think so. But we will tell you how we started. And how we have managed to arrive at where we are now.

    With having your own time and deciding on your own time. And being able to travel as much as we do. So we will take that this year as well. So it comes later in the film. I was actually really happy with this lock now. It turned out really well.

    And the plate is anti-rust painted with the right color. I have done that on the others now as well. Glued, screwed. And here we will oil the lock. We have received that as a tip. But it makes us feel much safer when we leave the car.

    If they want in, they will come in. And it doesn’t matter if you buy an alarm. Or if you have a lot of stuff. There is a window and you just have to crawl in. But it may be necessary to park and think about where you stand.

    If there are thieves and they want to get in, they will get in. But you can make it a little more difficult for them. It may take a little longer. Now I’m going to help Jeanette a little on the inside. We’re going to attach our new slipcovers. Our new covers.

    They are little hooks and stuff. But I’m actually very happy with them. They were much nicer to sit in. For this sky…. Now that we were away last fall. Then you could feel when you were sweating a little on your back. No, it wasn’t nice.

    So this will be clean with the new cover. Clean up and fix and go in and help the boss. They want you to screw this up. Then there were the strings to tighten as well. It was just that. You can get it here. During. If you look here Jeanette. So it shows.

    It is written in German. There you have three screws… Here I have stood and said that it is simple…. Everything is simple when you know how. We are a bit tired now. We did a lot of stuff today. But at least I explain that these are well padded. As I called flyers.

    What do you call those? It’s a bit like this. But I thought they were great. And the supports here were super nice too. So absolutely perfect. But Robban we’ll do it when we feel a little more energetic today. Because I’m not coming in here with my bloody sausage hands…..

    No but I can do it. Hello. It’s warm and delicious. I don’t need to wear a hat. We had a few more cabinets to show a little. For those who were curious about what we have in the cupboard under the fridge. What we like. We have the fridge high up here.

    That was part of the reason we bought this car. So that we don’t have to bend so much. But down here, there is a huge cupboard which is really like a wardrobe. It is for hanging some hangers and such. We’ll see if it comes with that. Yes, it’s actually a wardrobe.

    But we actually bought a small… What can I say? It was probably some kind of desk hurt. Something from Ikea. Which we have chosen to have as a small pantry. Omnia is above. Up there it is. And here on the side we will have our coffee maker and something like that.

    But now Robert has… I’ve opened the hatch there so I can access the drain and the water. Because it is under there. But you can just open our little self-made anchorage. They don’t stick these boxes. But here we have a little pantry. What is this? Yes, it’s a slide.

    Yes, but we have some pasta and some coffee. A little different stuff. Oh candy Robban! We had a small thermos with us. Yes, but it’s worth its weight in gold. So it’s a good complement. And then we will have a place with water and coffee maker and something like that. Yes, great.

    And then up here above the fridge then. Yes you can close. Yes but can you help me close it? I can. So thank you. Here we have also hung the dish mat. Or what is it called? There is a dish here and then it dries there. So. Poof. Close.

    And up here what do we have here? Up here, then, is a compartment. A small storage room… Above the fridge. What do we have here then? Well here I have as much as….. Cutting boards. Trays. Here we have something for omnia… What was it for? These were the ones for the aluminum molds.

    Yes. They’re out of stock, so we can throw it away. A small canvas like this. It’s a bit of fun.. What else do we have? Stuff like that. And household roll. You can fit quite a lot up there. Then it’s probably a little more actually. Rubbish.. It is important to reach.

    Here we have an old water bottle Jeanette.. Yes, we can throw it away. Yes no but and it’s so clever because here we do it like this. Because here we have these cutting boards and stuff. But here we also have the household roll then as you saw.

    And so that they don’t fall out, I put this like this. As a stop. It looks like this car is three meters tall. Or is it just you who is short? Stupid you…. Is that where you will have the stool for then? So that you really see what’s there, right?

    Yes, it’s important to know where you have the stuff, you understand. Yes. That’s how it is. Yes. It’s coming back too. But. Do you have barbecue items and plastic bags and such. Yes. But are you satisfied with today’s instructions? Now I’m getting a little tired because now we’ve done a lot of stuff.

    Yes, we have done that. But we’ll sit down and talk a little too, we’ve said. But we enter the big one then. We’ll do that. Good job today then darling… Yes guys…. What a team we are. We always are. Yes we are. But now we are one step closer.

    We got a lot done on the checklist today. It feels awful. Yes, it feels good. But we are sitting here because we received a few questions from several people. I just have to say one thing before you start. No, but you can’t cancel. But I still had a good flow.

    I do not know. But those of you who have followed the channel and maybe even participated in the live like we did last Saturday with Hubben. What a response. So much fun. Yes absolutely…….. It was absolutely amazing. Yes, it was great fun. It is you who make the channel, we think.

    So it’s so much fun. Really. And if you missed it, you can go in and watch afterwards. No but oh oh oh There were so many questions and that’s why we’re sitting here for a bit. We’ve talked about it a bit. There were questions. And I can understand.

    And it’s very much about how we get the phase together….. This thing with two cars. And we don’t work fixed hours. And we travel a lot. And how is the economy doing? And everything possible. And what do we work with and so on. Yes.

    So we thought it might be nice to talk a little about that too. And explain a little how our journey began. With this, from the beginning, we were both stuck in jobs. Yes Monday to Friday. I had 7 to 16. And you had 8 to 17 or sometimes 18.30 Yes.

    I worked at a bank, so it was important to be there. And there was no such thing as working remotely. No. And paint remotely. I have succeeded in that. No, not succeeded, but. No, so our start was small when we got a mobile home. And began to love this life.

    To be on the way. Experience adventure. New locations. And meet a lot of fun people. And you just looked forward to every weekend. And first of all, it was like this that we always So me. You and I are. You are my best friend. Thank you. You are my man.

    And you are like You are my everything… We long so much to be with each other all the time. So it has been a consistent thing as well. That we always. We enjoy each other’s company. And we complement each other. We have a lot of fun together. We have great fun together.

    Even if I can sound a bit ridiculous sometimes. But I’m just kidding a lot. Yes you do. I can also be a bit harsh. Oh yes. No, but then it turned out like this. We wanted to be out. We wanted to be free. And we started to think a little about.

    How shall we get. Our everyday life to have more free time. And be able to travel more. So our thoughts very much began. And I kind of felt like I was starting. Get a bloody tooth. To do something else too. You can call it some kind of 50-year crisis, possibly. Early 50s crisis.

    Because I felt that. I have worked in a bank for 29-30 years. Or what it turned out to be. That I felt that. No, but this too. Everything has been done. I had tried everything. I worked as a private consultant. With private placement. And met a lot of customers.

    And I love that in and of itself. But I have a little desire to try something else. So after a couple. Yes, quite a long time. But then finally I dared. And decided to. No, that’s enough. Now I want to start my own business. So I did.

    Yes, you want to own the time. At least you started. After all, we opened the company together. Because we knew anyway. Somewhere in the back of your mind that. We’re going in one direction. And we’re going together. Our plan was to sometime. Should we work together.

    And we had a lot to think about. With what and how. And we love to have projects. We love to. Hold on and. Yes renovate in a way. But we are not afraid of it. And we also have thoughts that. Maybe do. This also abroad then. So it wasn’t just.

    That you may not need to be in Sweden to work. Maybe in Spain help Swedes. And repaint and style up. And fix. And that’s what we like. But enough about that. We’re not there yet. But then we opened the company. I started working on it. And got a consulting assignment.

    And worked as a rental agent. It was really fun. And then it was about finding housing. For people who come here. Who had got a job. Foreign people. Experts, professors. Not the ones who might have been on the bandwagon at Volvo. It’s called expats

    Those who come here and are here on a contract. In maybe three years or so. And they need housing. So I started working on that. Great fun. And you kept working. I have worked as a painter for 35 years. And I’ve known that. I have had a fantastic job. And a good employer.

    So that’s why you’ve stayed. But I hadn’t intended to be a painter from the beginning. So I’ve been waiting my whole adult life. What I’m going to do for the rest of my life. And we have come a little bit there. And then when I started working on this.

    That’s how it turned out. Then I could work on. From the motor home. And then I could work at home, of course. And like where was I then. Then I had my computer as a work tool. And it also did a little bit of that. I got a bit of an urge to.

    Yes, I think we can travel a little more. But you couldn’t. So then we probably started to think a little more. What can I do? Or how can we. Come there. And then it turned out to be. I did some calculations. In the painting department at the office. Where I worked.

    And developed it well. Now it was fall. Last trip. You educated yourself. (Calculator in painting) More. And you took a leave of absence. So we ran away. And it was absolutely fantastic. Wonderfully. And that trip made us very hungry. This life. So we wanted to continue with that.

    And we thought that this is something that we want. In other words. How are we going to solve it financially? And how are we going to achieve that. And then. In this vein we then had Also started to be in our summer house. As we live in now. And when we were there.

    Then we loved being there. And we didn’t want to go home to the other house. This is very difficult to explain. In any case, we came to the conclusion that. Why are we left with two houses? And a motorhome. And just want to be in the RV all the time. So.

    In the end, we felt that no. Now we dare to sell the big house. We don’t have children at home either. We have grown children and We no longer have a maintenance obligation. And that allows us to live. And just take care of each other.

    Our children are developed and they take care of themselves. And have their careers. So. We knew well that. Then you also dare to let this go. It’s just us. We have to handle the finances for ourselves. Well then we felt that. We can cut a lot. And it is a big house.

    It costs money to drive around. And it must also be maintained. And then it fit perfectly. And. Move up and sell the house. So two years ago. We sold. So. That’s how we’ve done it. The trip itself. As it looks now. We have downsized. We have cut our expenses so much.

    That it makes that. We can live on one income. And then now. So it was then that The win. After all, we made a profit on the house. At the villa. It is placed. And the money. Do we get a return on Which means that we live for free for ours.

    Cottage that we live in now. It is also a thing to. The economy has gotten better for us. Because we. Not almost have any expenses. Except for the cars then. They cost money. Yes, but then we had the opportunity. Because we live for free. Then we chose to test this.

    We haven’t decided yet. And we have chosen to have 2024 as one. Test year. But we’ll go with the sheet ice later. And we are very excited. And it will be so much fun. But then another thing too. After all, we now have this company that we started. Which we start talking about.

    That’s what we’re working on developing. Because we think this is great fun. We want to. We want to work and own our time. And like doing fun things in our spring. Time when we work. So the Glamping Explorer brand. Will we work with. And develop. And we will. Try.

    Establish as best you can. Yes. You hear. What a life we ​​have. She has a lot of thoughts my wife. But I also believe something that I want to maintain. Is that a long-term planning ahead. That you have a buffer. In all cases. Something that I feel is important. That you think about.

    Thinking about the future. How should it look. But it’s no worse than that. Fuck this. That it doesn’t work. We’re not getting any further. Then I get going and start painting. And get a job somewhere. I’m not on high horses. So I’m not afraid to work. No, but we think it’s fun.

    That’s why I mean. We don’t know what our company is. Taking the road forward. But that’s what’s so much fun. Exciting. But I don’t know if you have received an answer. Those questions. Or wondering. I don’t know how to say it. No. Were there any other questions we got. You browse just like.

    It was. Yes. But we actually understand. That there are people who wonder. How we get it together. And how the hell do we get it together then. No clue. I’m kidding. Okay. We have sat here for half an hour and talked. How the hell do we get it together. Thumbnail

    But now we are getting a little late. We start. We’ve been tinkering with the car today. So we think that now we will take the evening. And that wraps up this video for this week. And next week something new will come. And we don’t have many weeks left now.

    So there’s exciting stuff going on. We have a lot to do. Before we go. Now time is running out. So you become. But then we thank you for this week. So glad you were there. Yes indeed. And don’t forget to. Thumb up. Please subscribe. And comment. But then we’ll see each other. Bye.


    1. Tack för en så bra film!👏så spännande och kul att höra eran resa och tankar till ett liv med större frihet!🥰ni gör verkligen era filmer så bra, ni är mysiga, roliga, tipsar och bjuder in oss i ert liv!Tack!🤗

    2. FRÅGA – Vad har ni för vinterhjul till Lilla och Stora Explorern och hur tycker ni att det fungerat i vinter? Vi har f.n. en väldigt dyr "trädgårdstomte" och den behöver vinterhjul till nästa vinter. Börjat spana redan nu.

    3. Hej, vi var och titta på en Karman idag och vi hittade ingen sopförvaring, var har ni sopkorgen? Tack för att ni ger oss så många bra tips kring plåtis👍🫶🏼

    4. Vi har bott på en gård helt gratis med husbilen i Châteauneuf-du-Pape distriktet, med deras fantastiska viner. Vi hittade vingården i France passion, helt otroligt trevlig värd som bjöd på vinprovning och inte i några småglas🤗. Efteråt fick vi vinglasen med gårdens logotype. Ett ställe vi definitivt kommer åka tillbaka till kanske redan nu i April då vi åker neråt ett par månader.

    5. Vi valde att ha kylskåpet på golvet så att det är öppet bakåt så det blir mer volym. Vi fick våra bäddmadrasser från Svenska madrassdesign idag. Det blev klockrent. Hur blev era?

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