Namaste & Hello!
    After 2 years of being here in the U.K, here and there ofcourse. Finally being able to ride out here on the trails feels great! Out of words to explain what I felt like first pedal stroke into the weekend this day! Big shout to Pragalv for making it happen! This Trail Centre is known as the Peaslake / Surrey Hills Trail Centre around Peaslake Village. Sweet Trails with something for everyone! From Green, Blue, Red and maybe a Black Trail, which we could’nt figure out, They’ve got it all! Under a 20 Minute pedal from the Car Park to the very top, very accessible to anyone willing to come shred or just try out biking! Make sure you have Trail Forks on your phone so you get the most out of your day! You can check out our routes on Strava too!
    A start of something great here in the U.K. Enjoy this one and stay tuned for the next!
    #FearlessRider #peaslaketrail #surreyhills #trailcentre
    Ride Hard Ride Safe
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    Welcome back to the channel Arin Arco ride Arco Vlog yeah man we’re going for a ride today finally um this the weekend Saturday I’m here at the train station I’ll talk more about the ride where I’m going who I’m going with once I’m in the

    Train cuz I’m very late but yeah man uh we’re going for a ride finally so yeah we’re going to S Hills uh bike park we’re riding with prlf uh great day super excited uh you we’re trying to see if we can actually make this like a weekend ride

    Thing uh if everything works out I think there’ll be rides every weekend fers cross also we’ve got the new shredders bant on look at that shreders got it from Nepal um I open please make sure you check out shredders for locom products pants riding bags all the good stuff you know

    Links in the description this is what the Instagram looks like big shout out to arai for doing great stuff we’re here in suon sandwiches chicken and bacon good just got a call from PR he’s here at the car park um there you go roof car

    Park my god let’s go man look at that how you doing man it’s great seeing you man yeah man let’s go all right this is our one and only Mr P all the way from Nepal here in the UK exactly and I’ve been here for a year and a half look at

    That he’s been here for a year man he’s been he’s been living life yeah exactly so yeah man he’s the guide for today uh yeah man we’re going to um PE Lake uh peas Lake s bike Hills s bike park not it’s not really a bike okay Trail

    CER two years into the UK and not riding the bike it was something else man but finally thanks to this guy being able to ride for the first time like I said we’ll see if this suits us we might be ending up doing like weekend rids but

    Yeah man great seeing you super excited um so yeah we’re going to drive he’s driving here uh he’s got his whip skirt skirt and he’s got his bike it’s a new bike right new bike I haven’t seen it yet no the bike’s at the back we shall

    See that later on but yeah man um let’s move on let’s go to the bike park uh Trail Center and then see what’s up man look at that his Beauty his Beast his Yeti is here sorted all we’re around the Trail sender and the sight of this just makes

    Me so happy man like look at that we’ve got bikers man we’ve got people up look wow man uh we go to the bike shop where I rented the bike so bik I’ve rented a bike cuz of course I don’t have a bike here uh but we’ll see how that

    Goes maybe a new bike day soon so spee forch for of people a lot of bikes lot of cars a lot of cars hopefully there’s a spot for us um o man it’s crazy all right let’s set up Bagles bike our main man you guys know him from

    Nepal from the other Vlogs of course if you don’t if you don’t and if you’re new here um this is our guy from Nepal Mr parles uh thanks for getting me here man if it weren’t for you this wouldn’t be happening but yeah man you I would have come

    Today all right so B there what you’ve been up to here a little bit for the people I’ve just been I’ve graduated uni now I’m just I’m working at a bike shop currently the dream the dream went from parttime to now fulltime all right I was looking for engineering jobs but now for

    Forten forgot about what that is yeah cuz biking took over huh took over but yeah I’m planning being here for one more year on back to Nepal all right sweet man so yeah man this is his bike he’s here he’s been living here he’s been riding um that’s for later hell

    Busy that’s the first thing I realized here like just one Trail Center here has almost more than exactly spech I swear today um I hope I don’t look like a joker weing Air Forces when I’m riding uh but yeah man there’s always time for something all right we here at the um

    The the rider Hub is it okay if I yeah all right there you go we’re here at the Riders Hub uh for the bike rental that I’m using today that’s this one the sweet Beauty look at that all right all good to go yeah thank you so much man

    All right we’re here um I think he’s our guide for today am I let’s do this man thank you so much uh that way yeah that way all right let’s go so we’re going to go to the chest Mountain a bit once we start climbing sadly we’re on Flats

    Today no clipless for me cuz I didn’t get my here but yeah uh let’s start climbing and let’s start riding man woohoo all right like just you guys thank you so much man all the viewers if it w for you guys I wouldn’t be doing all of this here in the

    UK this is my first time running in Air Force I don’t have my shoes but yeah it’s going to be might be a different color by a different kindor I swear it’s white right now let’s see color it ends up at look at that this is was

    About a nice weekend out on the trails on your bike with your friends some new fers n foree IGN speech spee all right good warm up good climb now we follow Mr PR on the trails of sorry sorry Hills you see what’s up come on man there’s no slow and fast

    It’s a fun one I hope my shoes don’t fall off or fly off mid ride uh sit back and enjoy the trails of s let’s go man all right right a lot of pedling nice bump yeah woohoo nice one thank you I L some little kids

    It gets a minute to getting used to the bike all Right yeah yeah don’t mind okay all right this is the one he says oh yeah yeah oh wow oh yeah yes sir nice jump nice bur wall yeah oh I need to get used to Flats oh this shit’s hard oh nice Jump Man should hit that next run oh nice guys yeah

    Buddy yeah buddy oh yeah oh wow guys yeah let’s wait let’s wait all right hey SI one man TI man guys 7even not W oh yeah nice bur nice little hip uhhuh uhhuh oh yeah man we riding in the UK oh nice oh wow oh nice table you can see that one

    XP another one clear that clear this one let’s clear that let’s clear that one oh yeah too good man that was nice oh you all right this is another Trail oh yes sir nice little pumps all right let’s see if we find one all right apparently there a down track oh

    Yeah oh my God how I’ve missed this how I’ve missed this huh drop drop oh yeah W sir oh nice HP man oh I need to hit this later that looks sick man oh definitely hitting that one Lop log drop okay oh wow you on the drill up oh

    Oh that’s a nice skinny man I’m try oh man I saw some jumps back there that’s true these ones so nice man we’re doing this again let’s go yes sir EXs so hard to like use the normal Gas City yeah oh yeah nice one wa how was it that good

    Yeah I like a small table Yeah the last one that’s good man all right we here Trail number run number three huh oh local local go go off this run I’ll go hey I missed my EXs no nice burn man oh yeah a little techy nice little drop oh yeah oh damn guys

    5% I should got the other battery man but yeah we’re here at the top of this hill of s uh peach Hill Peach Hill Peach Hill so we’re going to one Trail that’s called El Capitan I’m not sure if you’ll see it cuz 5% battery we’ll come again

    Yeah we’ll come again I know we’ll try to come again or we’ll do the other one most yeah we can do the other one but man I’m having the time of my life thanks to PR I think we’re going to be doing a lot more riding in the UK fingers

    Crossed all right boom all right we’re done we’re not done with the ride we’re done with the first half we have for some coffee at the The Village the the biking Village that’s the place where I got my bike from today we’ll talk to thema we’ll talk to them

    About what the place at and all of that and yeah man sick few runs um couple of jums couple of BMS couple of everything it was nice to be flying again on the bike dropped my biscuit so we’ll have some coffee and then we’ll head again uh

    We’ll session the the trail the jump trail that we have one over here called Supernova it’s called Supernova like the man said everything is on trail Fork here so I’ll get used to all of that soon when we continue the rides but yeah we’re going to go session uh take a few

    Videos pictures show you guys what’s up and then maybe call it a day it’s 1:00 um I’ve got the bike with 3:30 it gets dark at 4 yeah it gets dark too so make sure we use our time well and we have some lunch and all that later

    On besides that great day so far and let’s make greater in a bit boom how you feeling about the runs good huh good good good this guy’s flying through man this guy I’m telling you from The Last Ride we Road together to now this guy’s there this guy’s there man jumping

    Flying everything but yeah Z we’ll I’ll follow this guy again we’ll do B jumps and you know the rest of the day man so yeah all right we’re here we’re moving back we huh a little Frozen a little Frozen for sure man it’s super super cold but for

    So yeah we’re going back up to session um the jump line uh some nice videos there we’ll see how it goes um yeah man super super excited super stoked to be riding again it just feels like home I’m liking the UK much more now to be honest so we

    Climb again uh it’s a good trail the best part what I think is you climb for like 10 15 minutes you reach to the trail head like it’s very very well maintained and organized so that’s exactly what I was saying on the way yeah like that’s

    What he was explaining to me how these Trail centers work it’s it’s actually very very nice you know the whole system need for shuttling there’s no need for shuttling like 100% forch for but yeah so we climb again go to the trail uh have some fun uh call it a day

    And then have some lunch before that we’ve still got a lot more so let’s go have some more fun let’s see the bikes fly and yeah ah B I feeling oh yeah I told you it takes a minute to get used to the bike us yeah one man oh yeah wo yeah

    Cing all right we’re done with the sessioning for the day we’re just going to finish up this trail go to the car park and see what’s up that’s all right B we done my man leg oh cramp oh sit down you want to sit down it’s like I

    Feel it it’s not it’s not there yet not man SI ride more to come more to come you guys heard it man we’re done done with the day now we’re riding for the day all thanks to this guy man the main man it was sweet yeah it was a sweet

    Sweet weekend definitely more to come like he said um now that we know it’s possible we know that we’re here at least this place is possible yeah this place is definitely possible we’re going to try to go to other places and we’ll see how it goes man at least which is

    Great super super happy about today this feels great man never it feels so it feels wrong it feels wrong being a biker it feels wrong not riding a bike and the worst part is I was was at Cardiff I know there bikes yeah he was at Cardiff you know like

    Known for bikes but yeah man we’re here we might go there soon too big plans uh now for the ending of today we need to go give this beauty back cuz it ain’t mine hopefully very soon Mom Dad if you’re watching this but yeah let’s go to The Bike Shop

    Let’s talk to them uh and then yeah I think we’re going to go for some food call it today but we still have a little bit more left for the Vlog so let’s go and end up the whole ride broken but he’s hitting jumps and all

    That like crazy man that’s sick new new bike new Beast ah new bike new Beast you’ve heard it from the guy himself all right so now we go back to the Village oh you use that too same man that’s hella worth it all right we’re back

    Amazing all right uh we’re done for the ride it was a great bike um got lucky enough to have a workshop like a bike shop here for me to rent the bikes and for you guys as well if you’re come if you’re coming to this part of uh the

    Trails or the town but yeah we’ve got our guy here can you introduce yourself please hi guys I’m Richie I work in the Riders help here in peas Lake um it’s a pretty cool location I got to say we got some sick trailers as I’m sure you’ve

    Just seen oh I can back that up I can back that up it’s great yeah let work around here really good Community Field as well just a bunch of mountain bikers all loving riding everyone Stak for each other um us here we just like helping the community out really we like helping

    You out if you got any bike maintenance issues you’re out on ride change snaps whatever we can fix it uh We’ve also got a big complet rental bike so if we can’t fix it we can hire out a bike as I’m here just found out today yeah that I

    Mean it was it was it was very convenient for me cuz I didn’t get my bike from Nepal didn’t have anything here so you know like it was very sorted to just come here and get a bike go to the trails come back cuz it’s like right

    There it’s right behind the shop in a way but yeah man thank you so much it it was a great experience being here good I’m glad you enjoyed we got got ebikes as well if you try EB you heard that you heard that guys maybe ebik soon but yeah

    I’ll be here very often now hopefully if things go planned but yeah thank you so much man it was great that was great man all right sweet cheers all right back at the car that’s it for the day huh that’s it that’s it once again man sick ride

    Yeah thanks for getting me here today MH no like like like bov said big things now things are going to happen we’re going to set up his bike I mean take it off put it in the car get a little bit of sandwiches in that we got and then I

    Think we’re going to go home I hope you’ve enjoyed the Vlog today uh first ride in the UK was amazing much better than expected um I think I’ll call it a day thank you so much for watching and I’ll definitely see you guys in the next vlog


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