Join me on a ride down to Sand Bay just north of Weston Super Mare.


    Good morning welcome to a new video on a 200 km ride today and you find me on the glester sharpness Canal just by uh Shepherd’s patch Bridge which is one just in front with the uh black shed to the right and uh yeah it’s just gone 8 8:00

    A.m. I’m just going down here as far as Pon then rejoining the road and then uh through to uh Barkley and what have you so uh yeah not much wind the bit of wind that there is is a is a headwind off down to West uh to well I say Western super I

    Mean Sand Bay it’s where I’m off to today anyway let’s crack on and I should speak to it a bit well a bit further down now this is the m49 M48 something like that Texas and S bridge and in this direction you rejoin the M5 a bit further up I think that’s

    Lawrence Western over there you there wind turbines down on the e ma uh business area yeah uh a very mild day I’m uh getting warm though which is good wish I brought some fingerless gloves to put on instead of four fingers but never mind anyway we’re off off in that

    General direction where the clouds are hopefully they’ll blow over before I get There Oh [Applause] Oh well that’s a very busy uh quarter’s head ticked off a few shots on the uh First payday after Christmas and think they come hor anyway off down end this road here towards Clevon C for Newport over there somewhere well last clev ticked off I stopped in the my usual petrol station

    There b to eat the coffee and then uh commute sent me through the M out of bik path through the uh as in state of uh cland I was uh not convinced I was doing it right but I come out this way just under 80k done out of

    Clev certainly in this Direction come this way before I think I’ve done it coming the other way once many mo ago and you can tell we’re now uh the Flatland the wind is uh quite strong quite a lot of people out on their bike good to see

    It Els when it’s not stupidly cold or wet this is Kingston Seymour I don’t think I’ve ever come out this way before it really doesn’t ring any bells it’s brilliant I’ve seen two cars lovely Place yon’s 2 miles down here so I’m down to yon and then onto the strawberry

    Line can hear the uh the M5 from here so I’m at uh yatan railway station first of the SEC two uh visits today um basically I’m going out a bit of a loop and then coming back and a slightly different rout back quite a lot of uh the same but

    Uh you know little bits here and there that are different that wind is quite strong uh now it’s out the way of the uh the hills it just blows across and it’s quite strong it’s quite aric so I should be glad when I’m back on the uh on the on

    The home return uh so uh just clear a some mud I think I picked up a canal for a thing though it wasn’t as bad as I thought it’s still uh built up look like few miles anyway mile of this unfortunately got a mile of uh Road you can’t really avoid it in

    Trust and here we are Sun Bay what a glorious day it’s very mild little bit windy but well I’d be picky if I was complaining about that to see plenty of people away on the uh on the beach joying the late winter Sunshine if I can

    Around see uh steep home there and uh here super if I P back again you can see flat H there don’t that yet those two islands just see so I get both in this shop uh shad and you’ve got Wales the hills are Wales in the distance

    Uh yeah really enjoyed the ride here today actually despite it being a headwind all the way I think it’s just weather isn’t peeing down or um you know – 9 or something you know anyway I’m just going to have a quick drink here and then uh follow this

    Road up here you can see the traffic going up there’s a little bit of a ramp and then I’m back up onto the road that I turned off of just now and then it’s back through to uh uh uh the strawberry line again and then home well that’s the uh sketchy

    Roundabout over the M5 uh done and uh you’ve got to go into the center of the roundabout it’s absolutely crazy design I remember it being on the local news when they opened it it was like a local can going oh you should be grateful wow anyway off on this little Back Lane now

    Do a slight loop back to uh strawberry line which is over couple of miles over there so yeah so my roof I’m only about 200 yards where I spoke to you before and uh my roof goes over this wonderful little bridge and then back on myself well that on the horizon is the

    Mendips and that is the pits this is a little brid way that I’m going along it’s about another third of a mile and I’m back on sarmac again but uh the first the first part of it was very buggy where it like that behind me and

    Uh there was a a young lady there on a bike I said you don’t have to know cuz I thought that she’d already been along you know and uh you don’t have to know if it’s like this all the way along and she said no I’m just trying to work out a route

    Around it so she’s going around somehow but yeah so I’m off Up This Way well this is Kong Brey I’m just rejoining the uh strawberry line again just going to head uh back to the Aton that I’m glad I did the uh even with the uh little bit of off-roading

    I’m glad I did that cuz that Road’s crazy some old boy uh close past me cut me up and break at the same time and I don’t know what his problem was other than the obvious anyway survived an anime here and uh I can now enjoy the uh a the

    Quietness and B the Tailwind D hello folks so I’m now just about to go over the uh the a m Bridge up up here and I’m just by the uh the spanner and Hammer and uh yeah it’s for 400 p.m. and uh still nice and light at the moment although the light is failing now Oh There we are folks there’s the uh Power Station are just coming past and all the uh wind turbines and then the uh rest of the industrial stuff behind that and then you’ve got uh what’s head just over there and then if FP R to the right [Applause] [Applause] Bri

    Well folks I don’t know if you can see zoom in a little bit that’s the original SN Bridge first SN Crossing we’re probably about 4 miles north of that and uh there’s not a lot else to uh to film here to be perfectly honest it’s in the ass end of nowhere and uh

    Yeah looking across the river there I think chap St the there’s a bit of a hump the other side of the bridge and uh chap St the other side and you can see the orange glow from it anyway I’m going to uh let’s Zoom back out I’m going to

    Uh pick you up again uh probably at the Finish Hello folks so uh that’s me back home when here is Dam it um yeah that’s uh 200 number six of the ax UK uh 2324 season done and uh I normally do it outside what is what used to be the pub but uh it closed down it’s been renamed

    From the uh king’s head in to the lazy Goose The Lazy goose is a coffee house so uh I look forward to uh tasting their Wares when they’re open they’re still building in it I think anyway I take rest I actually uh I actually don’t feel

    Smashed so uh you know the uh riding to the work doing this whift certainly having an effect I think now I’ve lost uh 5 kilos as well despite Christmas so uh I’ve got a fair way to to go on that yet but uh you know even that i’ I could

    I could feel the difference actually so that that’s really good and I’m quite happy with that you know it’s uh it’s good when you get a bit of uh positivity when you’re doing something and you’re thinking well am I doing something right but here we are I think it’s just uh

    From riding the bike a bit more I think it was James in the comments said uh about doing a a video on this rifting thing I am going to do that James but uh yeah I just haven’t got R to it yet to be perfectly honest with you um it won’t

    Be a this is how you do it because I’m certainly no expert on it and um it will be more along the lines of this is what I’m doing and this is what I found so it be uh you know that sort of thing uh oh

    I also found uh you can sign up for training plans and I thought well that’ll be all right I could just follow that and I don’t need to think about it but they’re ra they’re uh they’re written for 20 year olds and I’m unfortunately not a 20y old

    Anymore uh so uh yeah anyway anyway uh stting of bleeding obvious thanks for joining me today I’m going to wrap it up here I think and uh I shall uh see you next weekend I’ve got a calendar event next weekend from cheeks spr again I think it’s next

    Weekend and uh yeah so I shall obviously take a camera with me and uh I should speak to you then you take care


    1. Thanks for sharing. 👍 Also had the privilege of meeting Les on the jack and grace memorial ride at the weekend. He said he blamed you for getting him into Audax…ahem…I mean…thank you, not blame..😁😁😁

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