Joel Anderson dropped by The Ride Companion studio to record his first-ever podcast! On this episode, Joel talks about building a riding scene in Triscombe, filming edits with Tommy C, and riding downhill bikes where most people wouldn’t. Joel also opens up about his almost career-ending injury and what it’s really like to ride huge jumps.

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    Time stamps

    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:02:06 The Triscombe scene
    00:11:25 Facebook organised uplift days
    00:15:15 F*CK YOU GET PUMPED & Tea & Biscuits
    00:28:00 BIG jumps
    00:34:50 First Specialized project
    00:36:34 AG1
    00:40:00 Dirt jumping & BMX
    00:46:00 Riding for Specialized Bikes & Injuries
    00:50:32 A snapped tibia
    01:00:42 Injury recovery
    01:08:50 Listener Questions
    01:29:40 LIKE & SUBSCRIBE

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    Edited By: Doug Tucker,

    #TheRideCompanion #mountainbiking #mtb

    Hey Joel Honestly I was wondering if you wanted to come on the podcast I’d love to come on the podcast I I’ve got lots of stories to tell you have actually I I reckon let’s shake on it all right let Shake on [Applause] it okay how do they clippy cppy Bo written an intro Yeah Yeah shush shush shush you’re not introduced yet you’re not introduced yet okay ready this is the I’m going to do the intro okay ready ready ready okay we’ve got Fest series big bike specialist racer and Free Rider one

    Of the steei mountain bike riders in the UK and Gem of the Southwest Joel Anderson and Joel [Laughter] Anderson hey I like that you’ve got a bit more time on your hands we got intros no well I just yeah I didn’t have my book and I thought I’d

    Do yeah thanks for coming Joel really appreciate it dude really appreciate it I um I was we were really excited about having you as a guest yeah like we already filmed the intro didn’t we oh we filmed the intro yeah that was good that was really you’ve seen the intro haven’t

    You yeah I forgot about it yeah we should put that in now we tried it a couple of times yeah you calling me out on Instagram for missing the high five yeah yeah hey dude you left me hanging You did leave me hanging you have to

    Admit yeah what you can on the video is this far off the side of the lip not my fault all right not my fault that’s a good intro man kill intro killing it at the moment yeah that was a good intro but we want wanted you have you on for

    Ages yeah we have hyped first podcast stoked beer yeah first podcast yeah I think you’re going to be a natural dude got this in my face how are you feeling yeah pretty enclosed it’s quite enclosing is it quite claustrophobic actually it is a bit a bit you can move

    That around though honestly but make it a little bit comfy I do feel like you are a bit yeah yeah yeah there you go that’s nice oh that’s easy dude it’s easy that’s easy right so I think my first memory of you that’s what I thought we’d start my first memory of

    You was riding at Trish right and and Trish is where you grew up Trish I’d say is one of the most well I find it really interesting because you’re you actually ride a downhill bike most of the time right yeah dream machine how how long’s your Hill probably a minute and a half

    Is it yeah but that’s quite a lot of tech if you just went down the far Road it’s about 10 seconds snakes around a little bit doesn’t does snake so where’s trishan I don’t you’re going to have to fill me in on this area like 40 50 minutes south of

    Bristol okay so all right so everyone thinks we’re in the South but if you’ve ever been to Woody bike park you know it’s not in the South we’re like two hours North so okay well you’re two hours north of south of wood Woodies by far yeah so Woodies by Park is what you

    Would consider sou I would consider that sou yeah and that’s like cornall isn’t it I’ve not been is that cornall yeah cornall defin for some reason I thought you were cornall but everyone does yeah good old sumers set good old from my accent you do actually yeah I never

    Really noticed your accent but what was it like so Trish’s you grew up at the bottom of the hill right yeah so um my mom and dad had their dream house and then 2008 come around and everyone knows what happened in 2008 so they decided to drop that and move somewhere else and

    Then I think we went to go and see the house and it was like way too much money but I was like the down tracks are like there like we have to buy this house and then like eight months later they went back and they were like it’s still for

    Sale you take this and then they did so then it’s been like 14 years so good and you were just growing up with all of those woods yeah so hate to think it was probably two years in after we moved in my dad just started driving a on the in

    Like a Land Rover we had like a a caravan and we they ripped the top off and cut wheel slots in it so you could take bikes and then it ended up being like the mates would come and it was like my dad’s Charing like 15 quid or

    Whatever was it yeah just for just for fuel yeah and then um I made I made a Facebook group we in the end we had like 2,000 people like you you and Bren came and yeah yeah yeah and I basically owe it owe it all to my dad and my brother

    For just like every weekend we go out I think I did one weekend I did 42 runs Saturday and Sunday cuz it’s just cuz it’s just like uplift uplift uplift go in for lunch mom’s made lunch out uplift uplift so w so like it’s set up so it’s

    It’s really uplift B right the hill yeah so it’s all public roads as long as you’re seat belted in there’s not a thing anyone can say as long as it’s all safe so wow yeah so what just unwind that a little bit though I think that would be interesting so when did you

    Actually start riding right I’ve been I was into it ever since I could ride a bike we just build jumps in the garden whatever thinking about it now is actually quite clever cuz we had little 16in wheel bikes yeah like we we had down bikes but we had these tiny little

    Kids bikes and me and my brother would make these little jumps and they’re obviously little but compared to the bike they were like the right size you know mean yeah so with that whole time we were riding reasonable jumps on the wrong bike so then obviously when we got

    A good bikes it was like the same but leveled up and we didn’t have to do so much digging so thinking about it now it went well yeah that’s right good yeah did you dig loads of the tracks there yeah at trisum it took a long time for

    Me to get into it like we were discussing earlier it’s just like as a kid you’re just digging and digging and nothing’s happening you’re just barely denting the floor and then you get past a certain age and you’re like oh actually we can make we can change the

    Entire Hillside I’ve got sixpack I do this yeah and you make more friends and you’re like yeah so now I feel like I’ve contributed my bit but there was a good when we were doing the uplifts I didn’t know what a good track look like I just

    Was conf and there was nothing on that Hill there was like I think there was like two tracks three tracks we moved there and then by the time the uplift finished there was about 30 yeah really yeah it was mental really really good but also Tech thinking about it now I can’t believe

    How Tech is yeah like you go to all these bike parks and you can like sit down and as a kid we were like you can’t sit down anywhere in trist no it’s just Roots Corners jumps and we’ve just um carried on that Tradition now it’s quite

    Like um I don’t I don’t know what downhill meant everywhere in the world but for the UK TR trisen was like that’s what it was like isn’t it it was like so it’s like routy what’s it like just I don’t know you just don’t have the gaps

    To like you know like on a on a short travel if you’re feet bounce off you have to wait for a little section to put your feet back on you don’t get that at trisum it’s just more routs yeah more corners and then yeah I’ve just carried

    That on I don’t know if you heard about the track techno Tony yeah big time so I built this track and it’s basically a down bike dirt jump track I have seen a little bit was it in T and biscuits yeah it was in T and biscuits terrific

    By a few people had hit a few jumps but there’s only three of us ever gone top to bottom on it no way cuz it was just like you land you’ve got 6 foot yeah and then you’ve got another 20 foot jump so there was just there been so many

    Crashes people have hit trees really Tom IAD jumped 20 odd foot and landed in the hole without his bike yeah so it was so you were pushing it out there yeah the first time I did that I had a little helmet on no knee pads cuz I thought it was all right and

    As it turned out it wasn’t W techn Tony’s legendary isn’t it yeah it was what um why do you think is it because the hills small you end up pack packing features in um I don’t really know I think it’s probably just we’re just ere excited when we’re building M cuz we

    Were used to all the routes being so close together and it being constant and then we decided that we wanted jumps so rather than spacing stuff out you just fit the jumps in as well yeah and everything just gets closer and closer I love the idea of like a long track but

    You’ve just condensed it into this really small little so it’s all the features still there every corner still there but it’s just like compressed yeah and we got to the stage now with the forestry where they they don’t like Gap jumps they just straight up don’t like them so you start building little

    Doubles and then there’s a triple Landing like 20 and the forestry people walk down they think oh that’s great like roll nice little jump yeah and then there’s a roll over there and they just have no idea love it so it’s sort of like sem is semi um tolerated then yeah they they

    Turn a blind eye I’ve heard that they’ve won awards and stuff for how they deal with the mountain bikers because we’ve got the whole quox which as a whole is small like it’s just one line of Hills basically so it’s not like sign posted off the mway or anything so they kind of

    Allow it in that one little Valley yeah and all the M bikers play ball it’s like we can get away of it in this Valley yeah but don’t go anywhere else cuz they’ve got another Valley over with like a pay display and like Camp not camping like barbecues and stuff right

    Have you had like conversation with the forestry and stuff obviously I know Hot Topic around the UK of Trail building and once the uplifts finished there was they got a little bit more on it and they wanted a group of people to like talk to rather than just the odd person

    They saw in the woods yeah so um yeah so they’re a bit more on it now and we just have to we’ve got some rules we have to play by but yeah they they’re fairly tolerant I’d say compared to other people you know we don’t have to draw

    What we’re going to build or anything like that that’s cool cuz like I know Belmont in Bristol they’ve got to like draw the jump they’re going to build which is yeah I know there was some I mean I don’t know the intricut of it but in Sheffield there’s some stuff like

    That spad people that were building you just don’t know what you’re going to build deer until halfway through it changes yeah definitely oh there’s a feature there we’ll use that or whatever yeah you’re right we got away with it at the bike park by like zoning approximate

    Sizes so you’d say like this is like six foot takeoffs but we’ never like I think as soon as you have to put exactly where something is it’s really difficult isn’t it especially when you got trees around it’s like I I dread to think what if like a health and safety person went

    Down most tracks imagine how many trees would be taken out yeah and also can you imagine a health and person health and safety person seeing dirt jumps and not really understanding biking and just being like why is there no middles like it makes none of this makes any sense

    Yeah yeah yeah totally it’s a weird they watch 95% of people do it and they’re like in the air all stiff and you’re like is this what it’s always like terrif yeah you’ve only got to go to bike park and put you off ever having jumps on your land wouldn’t it ever like

    When we go to a race you go stand there waiting for your run or whatever and then you just like you watch someone Go pass you’re like I wasn’t even scared of that route but now I’m a little bit worried everyone slipped out on it yeah

    Yeah yeah I think of you as a racer but you’re not are you you raced growing up but you’re now yeah so we we lived at between the two houses that we had we lived at my nan and granddad’s house and my dad basically would just loaded the

    Land up every weekend and we went racing and I think I’ve done 150 races or something wow so yeah I ow I owe my dad a lot of money yeah yeah the bank Dad we just had a Defender 110 put the Box on the back and we just go off camping for

    The weekend and yeah and it held big time with my brother because there was two of us and we both wanted to do it so it was like that’s cool man the best times ever out there doing that stuff with your parents aren’t they for sure

    Was your dad like into it before you guys got into it as well he from like a cycling yeah he kind of liked cycling when we had the first house we used to go over to trisen which was in the next Valley and he’d come with us and then I

    I remember the day my brother went past him on the Fire Road like flat out and he just decided he’ll just drive the uplift he no that’s not for me these Williams kids are getting a little bit too yeah must be annoying when your kid gets quicker than you all right Anderson

    Sorry I don’t know why I said Williams I was thinking about the guest we got later yeah yeah my bad it must get frustrating though wasn’t it if it’s something you do yeah but he he had a B7 at the time which was pretty sick they were yeah they were big dogs weren’t

    They they were fancy it was like yellow and black like a Bumblebee and it was like we all thought it was sick at the time yeah nice with the rst forks with the Gators on them oh man yeah we used to travel Trish could cuz it was like

    Which is weird to think if you say they’re like an hour a minute and a half tracks we travel a long way and it when you used to come though they were jammed in like yeah I would just tell people if you walk up and you see something that

    Looks like a track it just is yeah there’re so many yeah we used to bring a quad and uplift I think I do remember that yeah and we yeah we flipped the quad once and it was flipping a quad is so dangerous we had like I guess five

    People on the on the quad so you have like two on the back wheel arches and then you have three on strings and Christian um has flipped the quad and like got stuck underneath it and obviously it’s on a really steep bit for him to flip it I remember that Trish

    That was that was there that’s honestly so illegal now is it five grand they impound the vehicle yeah yeah so we used to get away with it as kids but it’s like FS people just you still uplift now though right yeah we got it’s way more small scale it’s just friends with

    Pickups now okay but obviously we try and tell everyone that just put your seat belt on cuz obviously try and make Matt and bikers the role models yeah we have a few problems with horse riders and stuff but realistically everyone’s pretty damn good that’s cool so back in

    The early days when it when your dad was doing uplift was that just Word of Mouth said you had a Facebook group literally Word of Mouth a Facebook group I mean you managing it okay we’ve got X spacers today yeah so there was like a trailer

    Of eight and he could fit like 16 cuz you’d like you’d you’d get like opposite ones yeah and yeah it was just it was just Facebook just counting up comments and it was so sick yeah and it was just fuel money and he was happy to put his

    Time in and like literally never had anyone argue really it was like everyone was stoked and you think about now imagine paying 15 quid for a days up there dream Lally the dream what is it now 50 Quid for a day dude it will be it

    Will be and that would be not down that would be like down Motorway tracks not like yeah so you just get a lift to the top you any way down you bomb the fire if you want yeah I think it’s mint you still you still ride like I think it’s

    Becoming more and more rare that people ride downhill bikes loads yeah I think it’s kind of sad cuz I like it when people tell you that you don’t need a down bike and you’re like follow then let let’s see it and you’re just like hop in big gaps Landing up slopes and Ed

    Right yeah I see a point yeah so yeah I think 170 gets you pretty far but there’s nothing quite like triple clamps is there what percentage do you ride nowadays it’s pretty much 90% ebikes is it interesting I thought you were G to say D no e it’s just cuz you know

    Someone’s got to drive the pickup or something like that we’ve ridden trisum a lot still love it but going to like South Wales a bit more now and getting out there and also like wind you can go there after it’s been raining for six weeks and it you don’t get wet it’s

    Still Sandy and you can like do do a battery yeah go home it’s four o’clock and you’ve done like two days worth of riding right so the yeah sorry go well I was going to talk about the um is it [ __ ] you get pumped oh yeah yeah we

    Smashed it with our first go dude you absolutely that was when I I was like that was the peak of my career it’s been down a literally yeah so if you don’t remember it you will when you watch it it’s like it was I feel like it was like

    It was very much Tommy C’s probably first blow up video as well wasn’t it he was going down to film Beck Barona yeah at trisum and he’d seen me and my mate Toby ride past him in a previous weekend bearing in mind he lives in Warrington

    So he’s like three and a half hours away he’d seen us ride by and we’d made a stupid little edit on pink bike that one of his mates had seen so he knew who we were and then so Tommy was coming down and he was like I’ll just film like an

    Edit with you and then I’ll film one with with beex the next day and he was getting I think he was getting paid for the beex one maybe or something so he stayed at my house he’s like 19 or whatever and he’s got a massive Five

    Series drift car yeah and he he turns out we barely know each other and I did 10 years worth of riding at trisum like in two days you know all the gaps every burm and I didn’t realize it at the time but like when the camera’s out I just

    Lifted my game and just rode way too hard into stuff and you can see it on the video it’s just so sketchy it still holds up though right if you watch it like I’d like to how old is it talking I was 18 and I’m 27 now so wow n n years

    Nine years ago yeah jeez the first time you’d ever you’d ever been like filmed like that as well with friends yeah I was just like right I’ve done this before once and it went badly so let’s try it again it really sticks out for me that edit not many do that was really

    Really good like the final video the final clip was a like a 40t canyon Gap that we built but the running was about the width of this table is about foot and a half and you honestly were ining 40 m hour down it there’s a g out and

    Then an uphill for 50 foot and then a lip so you have to come in way too fast and you run out of speed all the way up to the lip and then pull at the end to try and get across this was honestly the best days of our life

    Watch it again yeah we’ll do watch for me the first time I reckon you will off what were you on then that was a Corsair oh okay I thought for some reason I thought it was so the riding’s made extra difficult because a COR it it was

    Like 130 I think so that was when that was when wide open were sponsoring me that was first major sponsor I guess and you’re Racing for them yeah I was I think I was essentially a staff writer for them he’d send me like the odd thing

    And I’d write a little review of what I thought about it for their online thing and then that video came it broke it broke but that video that video came and then suddenly I was doing a lot more videos there’s a reason for it there’s a

    Reason for it yeah so that’s almost like a pivotal point you think how did you get on the radar with Jamie like with wide open and stuff he used to come on the uplift because he was obviously from Bristol so it was like we just knew him

    And I think I used to be sponsored by Rose bikes with my brother mhm and then we like stopped racing so much just doing uplifts I ended up riding my mate’s Iron Horse he had two iron horses and he just let me borrow one and I like

    Learned to flip soie 360 like you know I hit 17 on a bike and then um and then yeah Jamie was just like do want to stop riding that piece of scrap metal do you want some stuff cuz yeah and just write some words really wow yeah it’s good the Bristol seeds close

    And really good isn’t it yeah amazing and I think Fair place to Jamie if you think about the roster of people that he’s picked up it is incredible I agree with you totally on Lor um Charlie Hatton yeah yeah you’re right the list is just m I

    Was thinking that just the other day actually I think after we’d had ver one I was thinking that yeah cuz like you you know you circle around like doing a bit of research about very and you find the wide open Team holy people have come through this yeah definitely is he still

    Doing the wide open Team I’m not sure no he’s doing the online thing that the the Magazine’s gone I think he’s doing like a wide openen agency now actually is yeah I think to be that first step as well is like yeah it’s well hard isn’t it when you’re younger it’s really

    Difficult to get anyone to pay attention or you’re not necessarily even trying were you trying did you think I don’t think so I was just like I want to do a back flip so just go out and try a backflip yeah I remember the first

    Backflip we did to dirt was on that iron hole i’ done it Sunday or something yeah on a Sunday I built essentially a fly out and I just said to my brother I’m going to do a back flip today and he’s like okay I’ll film I guess and I landed it so I

    Was like great so good yeah it’s funny like you don’t realize how like Mega it was being 17 yeah you just crash your brains out and it was like this is great yeah mate I’m with you I’ve got a similar like memory of trying to learn threes for me

    Just me we had no business trying to learn threes at all but just like we built a fly out and then just it was surrounded by those like thorny bushes I can’t remember what oh no you picked a good location yeah and it was like every

    Time you spun off and got wrong you like landed in this bush and we just kept repeat repeat repeat but now I’d be like one gu would be like done I wouldn’t even do one go yeah and you’re like you got no skin on your arms and you’re just

    Like let’s go again yeah it’s mad to think how Reckless you are isn’t it I think back on it some things cringed me out I’ll be honest some things I think I had no idea what was going on I had no idea there was no foam pit there was no

    Like building up to it it was just trying yeah the Golden Age no social media no one to look at for inspiration really just like want to do one yeah just going to send it it’s weird to think that isn’t it cuz like equally you were obviously riding like a maniac but

    Then were you as much as when Tommy C showed up and you filmed that edit no definitely not I don’t know what it is I think Tommy’s got a great way of just being like you can do better than that like you ride past him and he just goes

    It was good like I’ll take it but you want to have another go and you’re like right [ __ ] show you you go back up pedal three times as much into it I’m with you tea and biscuits came up the other day and I was just like whoa I

    Like a crazy person why was I pedling so much really trying down there goodness no wonder I crashed like I think I think it’s cuz he really comes across as your mate yeah and he wants it he wants it to be cool doesn’t he doesn’t want to make

    It like you know he’s not going to miss a shot I don’t he’s ever missed I’ve never come back and he’s been like oh can you do it again I missed it yeah it’s true yeah that’s cool that’s probably pan and zoom helps that as well you’re not like setting up for something

    You’re just capturing yeah I like that about his filming he really captures like what it feels like almost it sometimes sometimes I watch Like A slow-mo clip and I’m like they’re all it’s really cool but if I’m not happy with the riding a slow-mo clip just highlights it whereas a pan

    And zoom of you going past it it captures the speed how it feels and yeah yeah so did that first edit then with Tommy what happened after that did well that that ended up getting trail bike of the Year video or something on um on pink bike so obviously everyone was

    Stoked yeah and then I think now it’s over 100,000 views on pink bike so like their own their platform thing yeah which we’re still like what like never been able to recreate the magic there but I think that was cuz it was it was literally 10 years of you know imagine

    If we went to aot park and rode for 10 years and then someone came to film you you’d be you’d be pretty good so I think it was essentially the same thing okay all right yeah but like after that I don’t know it just went went a bit mad I

    Stayed with Jamie for another two years I think racing s sort of racing doing videos yeah whatever um he ended up getting me like a banshee okay and then I did the video for BTR you ever seen BTR the Ste FR yeah they I think they

    Wanted Alex ranking at the start CU they wanted they wanted the earthed Vibes and then they were like you know we just we’ll use Tommy because he’s proven himself and then that’s probably the only rival to get pumped I think that video came out yeah I get the two mixed

    Up I think in my head because they’re both very exciting at the time and very similar like the bike again was 130 yeah and it was it was another heill but trisum as well and I was a bit older so I could go a bit faster essentially and

    Tommy had perfected his craft a little bit bought some better cameras and yeah I’d say that rivaled it yeah I think at the time it was quite unique to the UK as well I don’t know why it was like people riding downhill on smaller bikes yeah I don’t know why

    The UK had that like all of the tea and biscuits and those things they felt like UK things didn’t they it wasn’t like there was another another tea and biscuits coming out from Germany or another tea and biscuits coming out from France it was like it felt like it was

    Almost yeah unque sloppy ruts and yeah laughing total like like you say UK Vibes isn’t it the whole thing yeah it like I think a lot of it is like making the best of like yeah small hill yeah horrible weather yeah like all like all the sections that stand out to me like

    There’s some really cool sections that you can tell are not the perfect day yeah and there’s people making it work yeah I don’t know why but I wore a full face helmet both times I was on a 130 bike and I wore a full face helmet I

    Think I just obviously knew what was going to be happening def did you do that one in France as well with vin uh Vin yeah the one in the snow yeah yeah so that was that was cool I was can’t remember I was hanging out with Tommy and he said that

    He’s going to France and like what’s Vinnie like and I was oh he’s really good he doesn’t speak any English though like at all and Tommy was like oh no like that’s that’s G to be difficult and then I was like well I’ll come with you

    If I want CU I know him a bit and he was like yeah sure we went there and about an hour away we were in my van with some lovely goody year off-road tires on it and we were sliding all over the place it was like snow like a foot deep and

    Tommy’s laughing because he’s like this is perfect the dream yeah literally and we arrived and Vinnie basically learned the entire English language since I’d last seen him he so there’s literally no point of me being cuz he’d been watching Netflix apparently with the English subtitles and he just literally learned

    English no way yeah so if you see Vinnie he’s very good English now that’s really impressive he it is yeah he does have an English girlfriend does he have an accent cuz sometimes people like still pretty French no but I mean like an English one some people watch don’t they

    Like people that will watch like friends for example maybe if they’re Swedish I’ve got a example of that a friend of mine whose sister learned it watching friends but she had an American accent it’s like so strange yeah even on Focus talks like he’s from here literally he

    Uses all slang from here from you yeah from from hanging out here but it’s it’s really interesting like I I would love to be able to do another language yeah I’d love to especially like having with an he uses Cockney rhyming and he’s German you’re like yeah it’s such a big

    Move in it when you’re when you’re somewhere and then someone goes so I speak German and you’re like sorry what and then they just order everything and you’re like okay your Che life just don’t have it yeah can’t learn it when did you get on to big jumps how do we

    Get onto big jumps chapter because you rode with vin right yeah so I I owe that actually to get pumped he’d seen get pumped and I think he shared it and at the time I was like oh my God even if that video gets deleted now I’ve made it

    And then um uh I had a friend from cormal Jasper Flashman yep um and he went and did the Fest stuff on his own and then he was he was my ticket in basically cuz I knew I knew him and then he introduced me to n and then Nico’s

    Like yeah you can you can come if you want and at the time I was like sick yeah I don’t know if I’ll do them but I’ll definitely take you up on the offer and I must say when I got to lose Fest I was pleasantly surprised I honestly the

    Whole way there I’m like what have I done I’m going to get there and they’re just going to be like unreasonable able you know like fmx jumps yeah yeah but you’re going to look at it and you’re going to be like that makes zero sense but I remember sitting there and we were

    There early we were around the jumps for two days and I just felt a lot better I was just like right they actually look like real jumps they don’t like if you stand far away they’re not even big so that is you watch someone jump them and you

    It’s not like that doesn’t work in my mind could make perfect sense I get that so how did you go about first runs how did it work what were you like and which loosefest is it how many years ago is this one it was they had the 100 foot

    Step down right and then you went around the corner and you hit right the one that Remy crashed on yeah okay but it was it was a year or two before Remy crashed I think right um and basically the first person I saw do it was Reynolds he was like I remember from

    Last year I think and then just dropped in and he did the first one and I was like all right it doesn’t look too bad we’re all sat up the top you all your body armor on you’re like I think I’m ready and then Jasper was the next one

    Hit it so he jumped it perfectly fine both these two just landed and pulled off and they were like right got the first big air out the way I dropped in I remember I hit that first slip and I was like this this has gone well like like

    I’m flat I’m going to land and the moment I landed I was looked at the next lip and I thought it ain’t ever going to be faster than this so I just did the next one and then I land in a thought exactly the same so I did the third one really yeah

    So so run one I did the first three yeah and then I was like I’m not doing the 100 foot step down first run cuz you know that makes zero sense cuz it’s like a fire Road around the corner and then it just been chopped off at the so you

    Didn’t follow no interesting I would bastard I would yeah that’s pretty bold move that I would always follow again I was 19 at the time yeah so it’s just like it wasn’t like a point to prove but it was like I’ve seen two people do it I

    Know what it’s going to be like yeah it’s built in at 19 isn’t it and I think Sam said before he dropped in it’s a bit of a scrub and a lean cuz the first one’s a hip but the case pad is massive it’s like honestly like 20 foot of case

    Pad and it sloped down so if you case it you just take off again and do like another 40 foot but you’re all right yeah it’s not like it’s like that you know like like kids build jumps terms of big jumps I think Sam is one of the best

    People to listen to or any jumps actually cuz he gives like real it’s weird details that stick with you yeah that you don’t necessarily think about the time but it’s really helpful CU I always worry about giving someone the wrong I wouldn’t want to do that at all

    That’s the worst thing ever but he he’ll say you won’t overshoot this or he’ll say something that just puts exact picture of what’s going to happen in your mind yeah I’ve really noticed it with him I don’t know why obviously hanging out with him a lot but big big

    Jump specialist he is isn’t he yeah yeah which yeah well I mean if you can’t you can’t build stuff like Dart Fest and not know what you’re doing no true yeah You’ hurt a lot of people yeah yeah just it just wouldn’t work do you think like your attitude towards it’s changed now

    From being like 19 and probably showing up with a bit of a I thought I had but then obviously my foot fell off yeah and then when I went to Royal Hills end of last year there was another 80 foot jump and I didn’t follow any anyone off that

    Right but I think because it’s Nikos he has this certain like style of building that just seems to not upset your bike at all so you just know exactly what you’re going to get so interesting all right maybe it was just a confidence thing that I knew his jumps were fine

    So what would you say if you had to put why it why it has that I think they’re just so mellow you know I I’ve had this conversation with a lot of people that you don’t people don’t realize that jumps need to change as your wheelbase

    Gets longer you you know like on a BMX a curb feels quite quite a good jump it and the bigger the wheel size gets the worse the curb feels and then like if you want to jump a car you need a lot more lip yeah I don’t know about jumping

    Cars I mean it’s your sort of area of expertise I mean I’ve jumped a few cars but you know like a motorcross bike needs a massive jump a m a m like the transition yeah and a m bike ain’t far off a motor bike really when you’re

    Going that far so you need a Motocross jump so people that people that build like little jumps with like little curves on them and then they’re like I’m going to jump 50 foot off that and you’re like yeah good luck yeah cuz it’s just going to ping you so you say niiko

    Stuff’s quite meow I think he’s just not afraid to spend six weeks piling up mud yeah you know a lot of people trying to get on with it and Nico’s just like know the jump needs to be bigger like okay that’s a lot of it isn’t it when you

    Look at stuff you built when you’re younger it’s all just it’s not tight because you want it to be tight it’s because it’s the limit of your like the size of the fridge it’s like the limit of your um endurance you’re digging endurance it’s like can I be bothered to put that extra

    15 wheelbarrows on this LI or should we just down go go back and watch some videos of raw Hills the jumps and just pause when it’s like a big wide bit and look what how big a hole he’s dug for the mud he’s like reduced the whole of RA Hills down 10t

    And just put them into Landings it’s insane yeah you know he’s got like 14 ton Diggers on H high and it’s him and a mate are just scraping the Earth and making like the biggest part of the dirt you’ve seen you’ve had some big projects haven’t you was that that grass field

    That you had yeah so that was with especially or you know obviously everybody watch the Seux videos and you’re like that’s what I want to do I want to build my own track so I managed to convince speal UK into it at the time there was a they had a media guy right

    So he basically took it under his wing and I spoke to him and he’d organize all the money and all that and it was basically for the release of their triple clamp Cano right oh yeah so they want they wanted like a a youth spin on

    It if you know what I mean because I don’t know if you’ve seen the canos out in the world but they’re usually bold and they’re usually called Barry quite a quite a demographic for them Dem yeah so they wanted they wanted a youth spin on it so for some reason they

    Let me do it so I got one of my mates to come down and who cuz I couldn’t rather a digger at the time okay and I would I just was trying to explain my ideas he had some of his ideas he dug mcross tracks before so he knew what he’s doing

    Yeah and we just I think we had a like a four ton Digger and a 15 ton Digger and he just went ham in this fi to we built and then I think X Games was on at the time we watched the Moto X quarter yeah

    And then he spent four days building a quarter with a 15 T bigger you know like it was literally like two children in front of the TV like we could make that and then it was like we could make it’s like kby Raa just special and

    You’re like I’m going to go so high and you’re like yeah 10 fo out the top s that was funny yeah right we’re going to an ad break now okay partially because we need to go to an ad break partially because I’ve really really need a we back after the

    Break Dave I got a question for you dude please I’ve broken my hand I’ve broken my arm I don’t want to make this about me but I do want to be back on my bike as soon as possible okay so what’s the question you got any tips I want to be

    Back amongst it dude yeah okay I got a couple of tips for you now obviously you want to be giving your body the ultimate opportunity okay to heal okay how would how would you do that though okay you want to be putting good stuff into it

    Okay what you eat okay is what you are that’s what they say in it you know yeah yeah they do say that yeah so you want to put in optimal nutrition okay thank you for the teaser there optimal nutrition Whole Food Source ingredients vitamins minerals this all sounds like

    It makes sense hey ma’am we have an opportunity right here with the little green tub what you said all those different things like that sounds like like what what is it like pills capsules loads of like things that you mix together and you it sounds like quite a

    Long job in the morning I don’t know if I’m up for that some people do it like that and those some people live in the Dark Ages B but we don’t do it like that right we do it with ag1 a simple Whole Food sourced scoop of

    Goodness okay you get it you put your little scoop in the little green tub that’s what that green tub is there a Bluetooth speaker no it’s not actually no no better than Bluetooth no way way better than Bluetooth yeah so you you basically man it’s simple all you have

    To to do is have a scoop in the morning best taking on an empty stomach all right just scoop it into straight into your mouth well you can scoop it straight into your mouth if you want to do it like that if you want to RW dog it

    Or you can just put it into some water okay swirl it around that makes more sense now yeah okay I’ve been known to do it like that a few times though just just dry scoop and then flush it de breath yeah and just don’t breathe out

    Um but mate it’s super easy I love it it’s part of my daily routine now right and it has been for ages and I I don’t think I’d be the same person without well I I literally wouldn’t I’d be a different person I wouldn’t be as

    Optimal dude believe it or not the ads would be boring believe it or not I was joking earlier when I said said I thought that was a Bluetooth speaker I knew exactly what it was cuz I also take it twice a day every day twice at the

    Minute because I just think why not because I’ve got broken bones and I feel so we’re both double dabbing at the moment we’re double dabbing yeah I’ve been double dabbing for a minute with with all of the sickness and stuff going around viruses a lot of people are ill

    At the moment I’ve been doing morning and evening ag1 hits there you go and I hey I seem seem to be avoiding everything so and you seem to be healing up yeah I mean I’m not looking great at the minute but fingers cross we’re going to sort move on

    Quickly so if you want to be as optimal as me and you yeah all you have to do is go to drink the companion that’s drink theoy companion of course there’s going to be a little deal for you there okay they’re going to throw in

    Five free travel packs they can’t they can and they’re going to give you a bottle of vitamin D3 they cannot do that as well they can do that as well we will do that as well because that’s sort of people that we are wow what is there a

    Code Yeah the code is the ride companion no there’s not there’s not a code there isn’t a code you just go to the URL drink the r companion it’s right here on screen no code necessary so that’s what it is just do it all for you optimal nutrition the RO companion yeah

    Optimal transition optimal ways of getting the deal you don’t have to go around you don’t have to put codes in you don’t have to mess around it’s just right there delivered and they deliver it to your door you don’t have to walk to somewhere and get it can I do can I

    Just clip on op optimal for the finish of this ad yeah please you wrap this thing up for us optimal thanks ag1 thanks ag1 we’re amongst it that was a good break wasn’t it amazing I’m Blown Away by that break yeah absolutely so good really was it really was right we were

    Talking about big jumps so you’ve done the biggest some of the biggest jumps in the world right yeah I guess before or after discovering how much you love dirt jumps I think it was before to be honest so back where doing yeah um yeah that is weird to think

    About I think we I went for a bmx stage okay at college so that was that was pre pre get pumped I guess I used to finish college in My Little Fiesta and then be at the skate park Until Dark like really yeah smashing my

    Brain out on the floor yeah okay and I think that’s actually that and dirt jumping is just the amount you’re going to get out of that is so much more than you think right I remember BMX and then I rode up a rail like a hand rail and I

    Was like that’s me done I don’t need to do any more BMXing like I’ve put my tires on a rail and ridden up a set of stairs and that’ll do what about what why do you reckon you learn so much from it why’ you reckon just like wheel

    Placement I think is massive like knowing it exactly where your wheels are cuz you think don’t can’t make that much difference in your Mountain bikeing you don’t have much choice just kind of ping your way through but if you can decide to go between two rocks that big with

    Both your wheels you’re on the ground for a bit longer you got a bit more grip bit more breaking bit more breaking makes a huge difference so I had like all the downhill from all the uplifts then I did like three years of pretty much solid BMX still rode down on the

    Weekends but because I had free time at college and all that I go ride BMX it’s bizarre to me because obviously we’ve ridden quite a lot of trails in the summer hard tals and I think of you as a a real Corner specialist right yeah like whacking a turn don’t there not many

    People that whack a turn like you I would say that I would say that but Trails suits you so much when we ride Trails you look like you’ve always ridden Trails I think the secret to that is I discovered it so late it’s still so fresh and like you know some of the

    People that we go riding with have done it for like 20 30 years and they might be hitting the same jump that they’ve ridden for 20 years yeah it’s true it’s been changed a few times but it’s the same Woods yeah but we’re talking like yeah yeah and that is a big difference

    But it’s still like the same airspace yeah and for me I’m just like I think it’s unreal cuz it’s like I finally got a nice dirt jump bik like cuz obviously it was back of the pack for a long time I wanted a download Bike and that’s all

    I wanted and then I ended up getting a P3 from specialized got some forks from Tom iead got some nice wheels and it was was like all right dirt jumping’s on now and it it actually is unreal it’s like one of the best days you can have in the

    Woods yeah I really like riding dirt jumps with you cuz it’s like the hype is so there like so many of us have been doing it for so long that you forget how lucky you are to be able to ride these spots and like just how many runs you

    Can get in a day it’s always so good to ride with someone who’s like hyped to do more more more more more it’s like the first day you said you were going to jimmies and I basically said tell me and I would drop anything to come and ride

    Jimmies I’d booked a day’s motc cross riding oh no I didn’t know this yeah and like you messaged me like the night before and I basically just text my brother was like my bike’s ready to go and it’s all paid for do you want to go

    Motorbike in and he was like yeah sure he’d never been motorbike in his life like motor cross ride in his life and then subsequently a week later he’d sold his van and spent the entire money on a motor so I completely ruined that um but

    Yeah then the next day I drove three and a half hours to come ride Jimmy for you yes and we were there what 3 hours i s so I drove six hours for a three-hour ride but worth it yeah do it again on a heartbe it’s all you need as well like 3

    Hours up there is quite a lot of laps and quite tiring isn’t it definitely yeah cuz the thing is you push up to the top and you’re like oh I might have a break this time and then someone drops in you’re like yeah train yeah it’s well I’m guil about the

    Dirt jumps I just don’t stop because I don’t do it very often I’m like right maximiz in every single minute that I’m here I think the first real dirt jums I hit was Wizzle and I came with Matt row we shared a lift from he lived like

    Sparkford or something um so it’s like halfway for me and we we did 6 hours riding with a 10 10 minute lunch break I actually remember I was there then you there and on it like it was so windy and I was like I’m going to flip

    The last jump and I flipped the last jump and honestly went home both of us nearly fell asleep in the van the way was like exhausted yeah but we’ we’ done every jump a thousand times it was best how cool is that like if you think about how everyone’s so different how they

    Grew up doing it and then you just reach the same point yeah you know what I mean like Matt for instance he’d be a great guest on here but you yeah like rowy growing up riding you know what was rowy riding just skate park noet no helmet

    Bicked his head off yeah yeah and he was he like have a mouth full of millions and millions and he’d like air out quarters and shoot people with millions and millions out his like what a different life style to me in the woods doing upis with my Dad yeah is it but

    You both reach the same point you both do six hours of exactly yeah that it’s funny that is funny you sorry you touched on something there that I thought was really interesting so you’re obviously a specialized Rider yeah specialized have gone through some stuff a while ago they got a lot of people

    Left specialized yeah but they kept you yeah so I why I’m on the I think we know why I’m on the UK side and I sort of think of myself as a bit of a gun for hire they basically just throw a bike at me okay and they’re like can you do

    Something on this Y and then usually Tommy but not always we’ll just come up with an idea between us like we did an ebik video where we had like little interviews and stuff and it was about how the ebike had Chang your life but it was more about they they wanted us to

    Advertise the new Leo which me and Matt row had and then everyone else had old ebo right and it was we were trying to get over the point the new one is unreal but your mate on his old one can still keep up with you it’s like yeah like

    It’s meant to bring everyone together yeah so yeah we just come we just come up with little ideas together okay and I sort of feel like I can ride anything which is why I like why I like special yeah really cool cuz if I like if I told

    Them I wanted to try and do the tour of Francis M they’d be like right is the bike what’s your plan yeah and like that literally is imagination is the limit like that’s cool they can help me with anything and have you got like x amount of projects

    To deliver a year or do you it’s really chill going with it yeah they as long as I keep stoking them we’ll just keep going so awesome which is sick yeah it’s really cool yeah it’s a dream really how long you been how long you been with it

    I’ve been with them six years now seven maybe yeah I think there’s a lot of value in that we always speak about it you know staying with sponsors for a long time like staying with a brand cuz it’s just like you just ring them up at like October you like say again next

    Year and they’re like yep let’s do it means you doing your job right doesn’t it yeah yeah I think as much as you’ve stuck with them they’ve stuck with you though right yeah definitely yeah I mean yeah my foot fell off and within a week

    They paid me my salary and I was like ready to go so you know the worst thing about lay on the floor with a broken bone is your thinking how am I going to eat for the next couple of months like and this is a fulltime job for you as well yeah

    Fulltime job yeah so yeah like without that stress it makes an injury so much easier like you can just lay on the sofa and they’re on the phone like whenever you’re ready we’re ready so would you consider this last one your big one in your life it

    Was it was the big one yeah you’ve had some big ones but this one was I mean I feel like I’ve always got off quite lucky really I I’ve done eight collar bones which seems like a lot but I haven’t done anything else split 5050 and actually three of them were not

    B related no no just random life events the first one I did when I was two okay just like what I want to hear the list of unike related collar bones you’ve done one one of them my nan and Granddad owned like a field and we had

    We had a Subaru Sumo van kind of like your little PSI one I was sat in the back maybe 10 and the like the family cat ran across in front of the van and my cousin was just like hey emergency Brak slammed on the brakes and I went

    All the way through the van and went through the seats into the front and yeah and I broke my collar bone and he felt absolutely awful and I was like you know as a nine-year-old I’m like no it’s all right don’t worry about it don’t hurt that

    Much and then the other one’s obviously a trampoline because everyone’s injured themselves on a trampoline yeah true I’ve tried to sleep on a trampoline I’ve got to be honest it’s the worst place you can try and sleep have you ever tried to sleep on a trampoline legs go

    Up or no yeah you just it just hurts your back so much you think it’d be good you think it’d be comfy but yeah really that’s like hammocks though isn’t it yeah Royal Hills Craig Evans and Sam CFO had one they lasted two nights and they’re like my back hurt dude are my

    Head hurts I’m sick of moving my little toe and you swing for half an hour so they ended up sleeping in Sun loues by The Swim pole I Pringle I crashed at at that dog’s life that building um Red Hill yeah God I’ve crashed there twice

    Yeah I um and then I went to bed that night I was like quite beat up and I went to bed that night in the uh hammock and I woke up honestly like a like in the shape of the hammock and we had to film that next day I felt awful man you

    Know you wake up at 400 with all the birds like you’re like got another 4 hours before anyone else get yeah lay down comfy the worst so what happened with the with the with this injury then what what actually went down we we did an

    Event at Windle so it was my idea to do a status event just the status is obviously a specialized short travel MH uh they wanted to push it I thought it’d be great to do an event um we organized it between us wind stepped up and

    Organized loads of things we had like a whip off everyone got tied up t-shirts okay so like it was actually insane there was like 200 people wearing the same t-shirt riding in the woods cuz you got one when you signed on so literally everyone was wearing one of these

    T-shirts like the whip off was sick Red Bull were there with their landro with the speakers and stuff and they were driving through the woods so like when you were at the jump you were at like the epicenter of the noise o okay we had

    A kid with a loud haer it was like just it was like this event’s going very well all all of specializ were nodding we were all we like this is everyone’s nodding we like [ __ ] hell it’s going to be a big one at the pub tonight

    Everyone stoked and then we went to the high jump and i’ basically built this with Luke Barber who was like running window at the time and we built essentially a spine on the back of the pro line so it was a very good jump like

    You could go in 5 mph and you could go 20 foot out the top of it and we don’t we built this high jump out of like some posts probably it went up unreasonably tall like you’re like I’m never going to be that high and as the event went on

    People went out but so many kids were doing insane Heights cuz obviously you didn’t need any speeds it was all down to pop and was a prize at the end so they’re all just like yeah they’re like they’re going to get a t-shirt at the

    End of this they yeah stoked so we ended up like I think it was me and one guy at the end Georgia from specialized who’s my boss was like you literally can’t win this like you’re GNA win a specialized product like just let somebody else win

    And I can’t remember why I just thought I’ll just do it again like I’ll just get it he’ll probably get it as well and then when it came down to I thought I might scrub underneath because I thought that’d be funny to go under the bar yeah

    Um but for some reason decided to go over it I’d done it 30 times in the past 20 minutes and just in the air and you know just a little bit unbalanced had to put me leg out and I was like you know several things went for mine

    Should I dump the bike or should I try and ride it out whatever but I decided the one leg Lander which is you’ve used 6,000 times in your life but obviously I was falling from about 30 foot up in the air onto a pretty steep Landing so the

    Moment I landed my ankle went to the sky that way and my tib come out from the side and I knew it was a heavy impact but didn’t really think much of it had a little roll around on the floor and then I lifted my leg up and

    Thought I wonder what my leg looks like and I could see The Tib poking out covered in mud and my first thought is while I’ve got adrenaline I’ll just pop that back in so I grabbed my foot and then it literally occurred to me that it’s covered in mud so I’m like there’s

    Not really very much I can do about thatz so I just lay back and obviously the crowd dispersed very fast they apparently there is some amazing videos out there someone will probably comment an amazing video but like slowmo where you can see my tib poking into the floor

    And have you seen them I’ve seen like one or two yeah but I got sent one when I was in the ambulance they were like it might be a bit soon but do you want the vid and I’m like yeah definitely want the video and that was the one I put on

    Instagram it ended up getting like 5 million views or something people are just horrible aren’t they just see just to see we’re all guilty of it but yeah you’re playing the algorithm while you’re in the ambulance oh my God so what were you thinking when it when your

    Bone is covered like I’ve never seen a I was in Fairly good spirits really as as bad a situation as it could be I wasn’t in the woods on my own true and when I lay back a medic was there like he had already grabbed me and been like

    Just lay just lean back so I had gas in air within about 3 minutes really yeah so the adrenaline hadn’t even worn off then and I can honestly say it was like a five out of 10 pain but wasn’t even I think your body apparently just disconnects and it’s just like that’s

    Not your leg anymore don’t worry about that mate yeah don’t think about it puts the screens up don’t look at it no point so it like got tornica they flew a doctor in on a on um air ambulance and he came in and he prescribed me morphine

    On the floor right so then uh everyone you know all my friends picked me up in a Stretcher and took me out the ambulance didn’t take me on the helicopter thought I was getting out my National Insurance back then but n they said I was in far too good spirits to go

    In the helicopter they had other stuff to deal with and I was like come back in a minute let me scream a bit more and I’ll get helicopter so yeah hour and a half later went to hospital and um I was there for 11 days yeah yeah so had skin graphs and

    Is that why there was no was the complications it days was just I had to have two surgeries cuz the first surgery they basically took a a bit of skin from this leg yeah and like wrapped it over where cuz they had to they had to cut a

    Huge hole around where the bone come out because it they were worried it was all infected basically because if if the infection gets to your ankle it’s like game over they’re just going to chop it off yeah so they cut like a safe amount out I suppose you’re under when they

    Deal with cuz with an open wound like that it’s really really dangerous is it when especially if you’re saying you can see your bone with on it yeah so they I think they Ed like 10 L of fluid like within 20 minutes of me arriving in the

    Hospital they just cleaned the hell out of it while it was all still fresh and they gave me that that stuff where you’re like still awake but you don’t care like I don’t I don’t even know they gave it to me so I don’t know okay I was just

    Looking at the sky and I could hear people talking like looking at the ceilings I could hear people talking I was just just there yeah but yeah super two two surgeries and I was think I was I was under for like 13 hours all in or something yeah and they did some

    Mad jiggery pokery on it and I’ve got quite an ugly leg now right but I can still wiggle me toes so I think I’d take that as a definitely as a plus yeah too right too right what uh what I was thinking really upbeat about it I just

    Think like injuries aren’t that easy do you know I think the worst the worst time was it was hot it was August I think it was like 2530 which in the UK as we all know is disgusting and I was in this it was an air no it was a

    Non-air conditioned private room so I can’t really be like that bad about it CU private room but um it was just so hot sat there in like boxes and cuz i’ had the skin graph they put your leg under a heater to to keep all the the

    Blood vessels as big as possible to keep to try and keep the blood flap alive right so I had this heater heating my leg up and I’m sat there just sweating like you can’t and they they monitor how much you drink okay so obviously you’re just drinking at a rapid rate and you’re

    Pressing the button like I need more water it’s so hot in here uh and it was just like that was probably the worst time and obviously five out of 10 Pain’s not that bad but after six or seven days yeah it it’s getting to and it you are

    Fed up big time and then obviously I got home and you’re just like oh this is this is better yeah went straight to I went actually back to my mom and dad’s house cuz I thought it was pretty horrible of me to go back to a house

    With just my girlfriend in it and be like get me this get me that I need this so I went back to my mom and dad’s and I just watched TV for two months did you yeah yeah was it two months yeah I literally would go on YouTube I’d find

    Someone’s Channel and I just watch everything what like what’s a thing give us a number one recommendation the best one was I think you told me about um Digger recovery oh brilliant yeah did yeah people would like call someone to come and get their Digger out of a hole

    And I thought I just give it a go and I found this guy who’s an absolute Cowboy his name’s Heavy D and everything he does is like so against health and safety oh like you know they’re like pulling chains and there’s someone stood in between the middle and you’re like he’s going to

    Die so yeah I’m just like I watched like a lot of his videos because they’re so out there you know like he’ll turn it with a military Lorry and drag a digger out of a hole and you’re just like that was a good 40 minutes did you try not to

    Watch biking I know you’re someone who rides a lot so I I personally ride a lot as well and I try and not watch too much biking I think within within two months I I was driving my mat’s automatic pickup doing uplifts for my friends actress cuz I was just like I’m not

    Doing anything else and you want a ride so let’s just let’s just go and like as an uplift driver you’re still part of the scene really aren’t you yeah although you ain’t actually riding yeah you’re doing a lot of chatting about tracks and what’s good and what’s not

    Yeah and the best bit actually was someone open fractured their arm on that day at trisum so an air ambulance arrived and I knew where it was so I gave him a lift there and the pickup so they threw their stuff in the back got

    In the pickup and I drove him down one of them looked down and was like your legs in a cast and I was like yeah I open tibb it like 2 months ago and she was like oh my God and I was like it’s all it’s an

    Automatic the H person gets out oh Joe you’re right mate yeah that was funny war how long was the recovery though like to get back riding I think I did it in August yeah I we I went to Rome with my girlfriend in January and walked around with a crutch

    And we did like 20,000 steps every day or something and i’ get back and it would swell up so big and you’d like have it way above you trying to drain it um and then I think I rode a road bike end of January and then a lot I did a probably

    Two months of M biking so scared to dab my foot really yeah like just you know like riding at 90% yeah with no leg I’d rather crash than put my put my leg down so yeah I mean there was some low times for sure but um I think

    Talking to other people who’ had that injury was such a like yeah just motivated you so much like row and Sor rang me within two days of me doing it was lay in hospital they hadn’t even decided when the surgery was and he was just like they’re going to tell you a

    Lot of awful things and he’s like they told me all the same and you’ve ridden with me I ride normal so he was like just take it with a pinch of salt yeah he’s like they know what they’re talking about but they’re used to talking to people that AR aren’t motivated or are

    Scared or whatever and he’s just like you know that you’re going to get back on a bike and you’re going to feel normal so just matter of time so helpful that I think I think it’s the we talked about it didn’t we a minute ago but that’s like the biggest help you can

    Have because there’s so much doubt there is and I got told I’d never ride again and I did believe it I did believe it in the moment I believed in it it’s like that in itself isn’t good for like actually yeah you’d rather be let down over many years wouldn’t you you’d be

    Like yeah you’re ride next year and then the next year they’re like you might need another year and then four years later they’re like you probably never going to ride again that’ be a lot better it’s just a lot at once when you’re already down you’re already especially like you’re I crashed two

    Hours ago now you’re telling me I’m never going to ride again yeah come on good on you though man yeah it was getting back at it sure it’s a big one the best one was Tommy C messaged me the like within 20 minutes been hospital and

    He was just like fair play you got have a lot of crashes this year I was like all right thanks about time yeah sort of like like he’s been waiting for it or something DM waiting to just the probability numbers going through his head well he’s obviously seen some

    Gnarly stuff you know like nose Manning through Woods like dodging trees and he’s like looking for a lens at it so yeah we’ seen it all so the bones were the primary injury but obviously there’s a lot going on around there so what else had happened and so basically where they

    Cut such a big hole they had to fill it with something it obviously wasn’t just going to fill up with like a scab or anything so they they took it’s Bro Science dude I’m I’m so glad you’re not my doctor going to full up scab expanding foam so they took a they took

    A bit off this thigh yeah and um they wrapped it round and they were like sick and but I barely come out and they were like can we put a leech on your leg and I was like still half under so I’m like yeah whatever I don’t care like you know

    Like that dream state you’re in yeah and basically found out the blood wasn’t pumping around it as much as they it needed to So within 45 minutes of being out I was back in again and they I was reut under and they took the back of my

    Calf they cut round it and then turned it 90° and put it round Over the Hole so basically one half of it was still had connection to the the leg so that’s where all the blood flow was coming from but they also have to get their magnifying glasses out and they like

    Reconnect all the the blood vessels yeah and then they took a big bit off of this leg you’re a patch where it’s quilt so did one did one bit die then essentially yeah they I’m sure he just ripped off and fr it in the bin or ate it ate it

    Like bacon or what I don’t know yeah never saw it um I sort of was like I’d quite to keep that to be fair cuz you know pickle it frame it yeah and then pickle when actually when I was half under they were like reading you know

    They have to read like terms and conditions essentially don’t they and one of I was like out of it and he was like amputation and I was like what and he was like oh no that’s only if it goes really bad and I was like okay jeez yeah

    So it’s mad that cuz it what like but you’re like at the time you’re like I just trust whatever your opinion is breakless dude you breakless aren’t you you’re just like yeah kind of like you and you landed that jump the other day exactly yeah you’re at the mercy you are

    Yeah just let it happen but I mean I went to South me and I cannot say enough good things it was like from the moment I was there I was there 11 days I got fed on time every time and went home Happy really yeah it does look a bit ugly

    But they told me at the time you’re never going to be a model for your ankle anymore and I was just like sick weren’t planning on it yeah it be all right yeah well you still hit turns exactly the same yeah I was I was worried I was

    Worried obviously an injury like that but it’s great to see I think cuz it was a high jump It’s just completely different it’s almost like having a car crash you know it’s like I don’t do high jumps yeah yeah so and realistically it was because I fell from that height with

    No forward momentum you know if I dabbed at if I dabbed at loose vest I’m might have twisted my ankle but probably not the same yeah you’re putting an unnatural force and actually when he explained to me the other injuries that could have happened I think I got off

    Quite lightly really cuz you can like falling so like people that jump out of first story buildings and that they crack their heel they do what I did all their tib comes through their knee which probably is the worst one yeah headbutt in The Tib is yeah so not the vi you

    Know just snapping it not too bad I respect your positive I do I think yeah great to hear I actually thought you were going to be more like no there were times where I was really really well obviously you have to a certain extent but you’ve always been

    Really positive about I remember talking to you as well and it wasn’t like yeah but I mean I say this all the time but that that’s why it’s fun because if that wasn’t a possibility you ain’t going to get the adrenaline are you so yeah it’s fair you got pay to

    Play you got to pay to play yeah that’s very true and has it like scarred you in in your riding at all now like you said the thing is it’s such a crazy inent you wouldn’t be doing the time that I think about my leg is when I put my socks on I

    Can see it right that’s lit when I’m riding there’s no part of me that’s like oh what about my leg Yeah that’s a Triumph in it that’s well good you got you definitely after an injury you’ve got to have a few big crashes like a few

    Ones where you’re like oh this might end quite badly and then you’re like oh yeah I’m actually like quite strong yeah it’s so true when you’re like ticking off things that you consider like nine lives you’re like you know that you’re cooking sort of you know you’re actually good at

    Biking which is so backwards isn’t it when you yeah if you let it build up I haven’t had a crash in a while it yeah and you go somewhere that’s a good day and you’re like oh God I better not crash today that’s the weirdest thing about being particularly for me and

    Probably a lot of people I know the fact they’re good at biking is because they’re good at crashing which is a real difficult way to explain to someone who doesn’t ride but yeah honestly Tom ICE dead success you watch him fall out the sky backwards upside down aiming for his

    Head and he lands on his knees and and you’re like hang on a minute if that was anyone else we’d be calling the ambulance now but he’s just huffed cuz he’s annoyed he didn’t land it well you’ve done an amazing segue there because he’s dropped a question he’s the

    First in our listening question Tom ICE did himself is a good question I feel like it’s going to be one that you’re going to like like to answer what is is the best car you’ve ever owned there you car guy yeah I I like to

    Be but spend me money badly um he’s a Drifter he lives his life one roundabout at a time I don’t know I don’t know um trying to think of all the best ones my first Fiesta there’s nothing quite like your first car as F very true yeah the first

    Car has a special place in your heart I think I mean that thing’s jumped a lot of things Fester [ __ ] come the best car you no I don’t think it’s the best one the most sentimental say it died it died of rust but maybe of jumping as

    Well yeah so it did some jumps the the most interesting was my Subaru justy okay I owned it for 10 months and I made 400 quid on it nice which is easy it had like rally tires on it nice and that’s seen some stuff what’s the current collection look like the current

    Collection is a long wheel-based Transit with a bed that goes up up and down shout out to my brother way what go up and down for so that you can put motorcross bikes under it okay so you can push it against the ceiling and completely hide the bed and put so I can

    Put three motorcross bikes in my van and still go motor biking and then also you can put the bed down and have a BMX underneath it if you want nice so that’s that’s like I don’t think I I’ll sell that it’s like perfect they’ll never break yeah try go go forever yeah I’ve

    Got Audi A2 okay which is a 1.4 Diesel and it whoever had it before me really likes modding stuff and to be honest he’s ruined it but at the same time it’s so funny it’s got coilovers on the front which are probably the cheapest suspension you could possibly buy for it

    So it just bounces down the road like when you drive and I’ve taken the seats out it’s like a van I can just fit one bike in there I can drive here at 57 MPG decent yeah so that’s real good and I’ve got a Shogun with a broken gearbox which used

    To pull my Digger okay but now I need something else to pull the Digger with dude you’re really you’re really good at Segways without realizing the next question is from even AER and he said any cobal Co upgrades um no no upgrades it’s just staying exactly the same is it you like

    I’m stock so you got some Machinery as well I got a digger yeah when I broke my leg basically I didn’t know the doctor was like it could be a couple of months it could be two years it depends on the person so I was like well going to do

    All summer so I spent my entire salary on a digger and then lived the poorest summer of my life because I spent all my money on a digger but I had a digger so I could just go out into my mom and dad’s garden and rearrange the garden and nice

    Do stuff and I thought if I do it again then I can just put me leg up on the front and just carry on digging and it’s actually great you just earn a bit of money do something that’s not biking but still quite close use it now as well

    Yeah still quite close to biking though so I want to build jumps but apparently building jumps for people’s really difficult because there’s a lot of insurance involved and it’s just a bit nly so I’ve just been doing people’s driveways and stuff and it’s it’s great

    Fun yeah in for a day or two yeah go to a different house go to a different house how big is your Digger 1.7 tons that’s a nice size that’s a nice size dude the only issue I have is it has no glass okay so when it’s raining I can go

    Mountain biking or I can sit in a digger that has a essentially a bus stop roof on it and just get rained on yeah which if you’ve been in the UK for the last 3 months you’re very aware it is not stop raining it is rough

    And actually the worst thing is this bit of my knee gets dripped on so I sit in the Digger dry and the whole front of my legs are just soaked boots are filled up with water can you get a little peek on I’m going to have to make a peek make a

    Peek it’ be nice but when you go on the motorway the peak will get ripped off I didn’t think about it if it’s not a substantial Peak so needs to be a substantial Peak maybe a spoiler rip the spoil spoiler off the Audi yeah that’s a

    Good shot yeah not bad is it I love how there’s there’s two questions from PE people that know you and they’re like the best question cars and diggers you see them just light up yeah don’t care about I’ve got a question um you mentioned you ride

    Ebikes more yeah 90% I think you said give or take so how have you about to changed your life so nice fortunately for me I have the SL and the fulls siiz one this is what I want to talk I want you to talk about the SL a little bit

    More as well so since I got the SL I’ll be honest I’ve ridden that the most okay because it honestly just feels like a mountain bike but it helps you up the hill so if you dislike that why are you into mountain biking cuz I I’m not there to Pedal up a

    Hill I don’t care how nice the view is I’m not there to Pedal up the hill I’m there to go down the hill and slide around corners and do jumps so we I had this exact conversation this morning with my bathroom fitter who who rides

    And he’s on the fence about buying an SL and it’s the exact same conversation every everyone’s like I don’t like riding up hills and and that’s where I am it’s the same story as my brother riding that KTM for the first time if you just ride one yeah like go on a

    Decent ride realize that range anxiety isn’t a thing like it’s not like a car where you’re hundreds of miles from home you’re a slight inconvenience of a pedal back to the car like it’s not that bad did you think you were going to use the yeah what was your first impressions

    Of it I’ve always liked it because I’ve got I had the canive OSL and it had like the little motor and the little battery and I went to France I broke my down bike some Forks bad time yeah and I ended up riding the SL for like a week and a half f

    French downhill Riders and it took everything I threw at it yeah I recharged it off of a Mak van who had solar panels so while we were eating breakfast for like an hour he just plugged it into his van and it was fully charged and I’d used about 10% in a day

    Because obviously got chair lifts go through town to the bakery on turbo and then you just sounding pretty good yeah and it took every it felt like an Enduro essentially cuz that’s what it is but it’s got another 2 kg on it so yeah and then also if people break bikes

    Or whatever I can just shoot back to the van grab whatever they need meet them on the hill and it’s been like a slight inconvenience I was reluctant when I first got I was like reluctant I just didn’t think I didn’t see what the point was I thought I’ll just ride my normal

    Bike or my ebike yeah but it’s it’s I Echo what you’re saying it’s frustratingly good yeah M like the full power ones almost feel like inur a motorbike it almost feels like it you’re still knackered at the end cuz you you don’t realize it but you’ve been pedaling at 9,000

    RPM and but like I went out with my mate 45 minutes with nine runs of trisum and you’re like you can’t if you’re arguing with that yeah you can’t you can’t buy a motorbike if you’re arguing with that cuz that is the dream yeah so then the

    The SL I feel like you just got to be clever with your gears on the SL don’t be too worried about how fast you go in just set your speed someone like Cruise control just set your speed of pedals get in the right gear and you’ll just be

    At the top in a minute yeah it’s not you know like we haven’t got mountains have we we’ve got like little Hill so I think it’s bikers yeah yeah the next question then is your three bike garage I think this is a hard one for you yeah cuz you

    Got some he’s got some Fringe bikes that he needs hasn’t he you know what I mean that is hard three bike garage Joel Anderson number one is a down bike always as and always will be cuz you when you go to that trip to morine or whistle or whatever you go with every

    One and you want two weeks of riding you don’t want two weeks of mechs falling off and breaking Wheels yeah you just want to hit the biggest jumps and ride the biggest rocks and know that you’re just going to be all right nice so we we

    Always go on like a the core group of mates we always go on a holiday year just and just like absolute bike abuse like for two weeks you know like someone’s bike is broken at the end so yes downhill bike downhill bike number one always in there and then that’s

    Actually really hard cuz a m bike’s going to stand like a bike is it oh I had even thought no cancel this is only bikes that you pedal in which case I take the new Leo yeah because I’ve got coil oin on that so it’s a bit more

    Weight but that thing can just take whatever off i’ I’d give up the full power on for the I think would you and then that would be your everyday bike just for lapping yeah cuz I got the range extended you know like the little bottle you put in your bottle cage so it

    Got 150% with a motor that’s nearly as powerful as the big bike yeah so when I go out my friends Trail on the SL and trail on the big bike pretty much the same okay because you’re not that far off yeah nice right the third jump B I’m hyped

    Dude I wasn’t sure what you set the BMX off I think CU you just end up hurting yourself on BMX bad back yeah once you get over about 23 24 you can’t not come back bleeding yeah whereas Trails is just a nice St out is it yeah that’s a good

    Three B garage it is I feel like it’s really well thought out as well I’m really pleased with the dirt jump bik in there I am and also if you’ve ever ridden a dirt jump bike not on dirt jumps like go go to a trail Center or

    Something on a jump bike it’s so funny done that sounds real YouTu but just like go go to wind and Ride Like the red on a jump bike it’s so fun really yeah I’d never think of bringing yeah try it it’s really good on the goodie slicks yeah yeah

    As long as you’ve got a semi decent Hydro break yeah yeah it’s like I I’m considering as especially for a fuse okay you know like the the hard tail right because it’s you have two brakes obviously and a bit more suspension on the front I reckon hard taals is where

    It’s at I reckon it be well you reckon yeah but I would miss the motor on the way up I guess yeah the I’ve always liked to hard tail I’ll be honest I won’t put one in my three bik garage no yeah same you know it be

    Not since I was a kid I’ve never pedal one around I can’t imagine it it’s funny cuz it makes like a normal Bike Park Track feel amazing yeah cuz you can catch every little divot in the holes and you can go like a little bit higher

    On the BMS yeah cuz it’s a bit bit tight on the front I like it it’s fun who um whose style do you like watching because you’ve got quite a unique Style on a bike I mean that in the greatest way I think Ste is what the young youth them

    Call it isn’t it I don’t really know just all these people that pop up on Instagram now that never used to happen you’re just like where did this guy come from how can he do 180 whips you know three years ago there was only two people that could do 180 whips and now

    Everyone can do a 180 whip I don’t know as a kid watching Earth it was it was Sam and Brendan I think that I guess he just I was in that era when it was Sam and Brenan drifting iron horses was the coolest thing on that yeah you were just

    Like yeah ride the rut when you can ride round the rut so that that’s probably influenced me the most okay and what about Nat like at this point who you watching who enjo watching I think you the most stoked you’re most stoked when Cade releases something

    Aren’t you because it’s he doesn’t do it all the time it’s not like every night there’s a new Cade video but it comes out and you’re like how is that that much better than I thought it was going to be yeah and it’s going to come out more frequently Now isn’t it Joel’s

    Hyped yeah yeah yeah true how he should have done it years ago it’s been cooling him isn’t it it has yeah he’s pretty exciting isn’t he equally there’s part of me that’s like I love the press release it was like he left track and gone to track different bit why so

    Confusing there’s something about like going to the ra like when the race is on you’re just like rooting for him though because you know he can do like three whips to table and like do Insane stuff I would I would love to see him get get

    His perfect run you know like yeah i’ just love to know where he’d be because I feel like he hasn’t quite Managed IT is he no no no he’s the the Travis P of mountain biking to me I feel like that guy you watch us waiting for some a bit

    Of something equally it’s really exciting to imagine that he’s now going to get to do whatever he wants to do and whatever that is yeah that video he did with sem was just like it was meant to be wasn’t it yeah SE doesn’t choose anyone to do an edit with either is he

    Yeah is it Ryan’s Howard’s the only other person yeah I’ve you you’ve been checking your phone as well just waiting absolutely nothing he saw you nose dive that big [Laughter] jump what’s the what’s the future got like what’s 2024 looking like what um any events coming up I’m trying to think

    I’ve booked to go to New Zealand with Tom for four weeks nice so that should be a lot yeah um we I’m going to go and help film for for cuz he’s doing the slope start Ro and obviously he’s got to be be in his Bonnet now and he was that

    Whistler third place think he think he’s tasted blood maybe yeah yeah too right it would be sick if he did something and I like cuz I’m just there just solely to film him okay so hopefully something cool happens have you got filming how camera iPhone what think he’s got a like

    A dad Camp thing for his YouTube so just follow him around and get all the Nitty Gritty stuff yeah that’ be fun cuz the slope style boys is actually it’s kind of like old school downhill they’re all still going for it hard the night before

    And all that you know like cuz Matt bik the down is pretty clean cut now is it I mean you can’t afford not to be so yeah yeah they still go for it so it would be funny yeah that’ be cool super fun so yeah Queen down for three weeks and then

    That so just get loads of GoPro and the dream film whatever we can g Road are you bringing a hardil yeah take a hard tail yeah so you almost can’t not can you I couldn’t be there without my dirt jump don’t I did it did have you ridden

    G Road no I looked at them just went you looked at it I was only there for five days four days or something and it was painful looking at them like you know i’ always wanted to ride those I mean the scene there is pretty pretty unreal like everyone finishes riding Skyline and

    They’re right is it dream track T not or g Road and you’re like what a choice yeah it’s insane isn’t it big jum all really big de jumps yeah and then you go to gge Road and people were just doing like Superman flips and you’re just like

    Okay I thought we were just here for a chilled ride but apparently not yeah it’s insane isn’t it what else is there like any loosefest sort of like Fest um the Fest stuff usually just comes out the woodwork a few weeks before it happens so have you done darkfest no

    Never been to darkfest no I’ve been there with melon actually um and looked at them yeah they’re pretty damn impressive look at that step up is the the lip is so long have you ever been there yeah yeah like you just like just doesn’t look like you should be able to

    Do it does it but um obviously when you’re there and everyone’s bombing in I’m sure it’s fine um so I’m sure it’s fine quot there is a lot of that you know at F stuff like someone does it and you’re like well I haven’t flown this far to not do

    It so you just pick someone who looks reliable and follow him who’ be your pick um like like I said Sam’s such a good choice him him or Clemens they’ve ridden it the most haven’t they so yeah but then again I know Tom so well that he’s

    Super easy to follow like and he also if you follow close enough you can hear each other laughing which is the biggest motivator because you’re not even scared of the riding then you’re just having a great time so yeah like you’re just giggling I can’t imagine giggling over

    That one no honestly at the super high speeds every everything’s so predictable you can like break a tad and lose 20 ft and not even like lose that lot distance off the Jump yeah it’s really weird so if you watched the early stuff of loosefest the GoPros I was following so

    Closely because I was just 19 I didn’t care like you like just switching sides like looking looking at people in the air and stuff it was great [ __ ] cool yeah but other plans um I Partners partnered with Atlas rideco this year okay which is exciting so he’s got Moine

    And Spain and finale and stuff so do some videos with them cool uh that’ll be rad and then obviously the big two weeks in Whistler with all my closest friends so like I said highlight of the year like the boys trip yeah downhill bikes with people I

    Think there’s six or seven of us that want to go and six of us went to the same Primary School oh cool so so rad that is yeah cool it’s really big age difference like the oldest one’s 40 and I’m 27 so oh not at the same time yeah

    But we all went through the same place Primary School yeah so that’s pretty funny sick and another guy who we meet up there also went to the same primary school so it’s like it’s pretty weird um but yeah two weeks there will be awesome because you know you can ride from like

    What is it 10: till 8 or something so you can go home go back to the apartment for dinner and then go out riding again it’s like more yeah anyone that thinks they’ve got a better bike part than with so I just I’m a bit skeptical I’m yet to

    Ride it it’s on it’s on the list even if it’s for a few days just list it’s got to get out there at some point yeah and every like they just shut aine for a day and you’re gutted and then the next day you ride in everything’s resurfaced

    They’ve got like whatever 60 Builders just come through rebuild every bur Disney Land yeah cuz I think other places have probably got better riding spread yeah but you know one lift you could go there on your own and you’d have 20 Friends by the end of the day

    Probably like if you just spoke to people yeah and if you go there at the right time of year there just it’s only Pros isn’t it you’re just like oh there’s was his name there’s was his name that’s like one of the fastest people in the world I’ve done that I’ve

    Just waited at the bottom of the lift when it opens and then the same weirdos are there you’re like oh yes Dan’s here Dan aston’s here let’s go r that with him there’s always the same people yeah it’s so good cool man but you just got

    You just just got to be prepared for anything cuz it’s like Wheels blow up suspension blows up yeah it’s a lot on a bike isn’t it it’s a lot of descending I think when I was I was there for three weeks and I descended the height of

    Everest twice did you really yeah cuz I was just I was like 21 and I was just like this is unreal I think I was on a Banshee Legend then and I went home and it was just like riddled with d Road Kill yeah it was poor

    Thing yeah and I remember just like see a jump and I was like wonder if I can flip that jump and I just flipped everything cuz I was just like everything’s amazing all the lips are so good there’s no wonder there’s so much talent comes out of there with that at

    Your disposal in it you know flannel shirts yeah GoPros and coffee was pretty much it that’s all you see when you’re out there yeah it’s true I can’t imagine growing up there E Yeah and skiing as well yeah true that’s another distraction is it I’ll tell you what

    Having an ebike out there would be unreal all the tracks that aren’t at Whistler you’ve done that black dime is it what’s called maybe Crystal something Crystal I did that one we pushed up that with down bikes and did you full face helmet that is good though isn’t it it’s

    A good trail I feel like there’s so much to explore like that yeah sish as well but that was my highlight from when I last went I think um Dark Crystal we were leaving from the apartment and my mate had had a massive bowl of cereal

    And as he were leaving he was you know it’s a long walk I’m just going to have a drink and he down like loads of orange juice and like five into the walk he went I think I’m going to throw up just curdling stomach so I think that ruined

    The experience for him a little bit he didn’t actually throw up he held it down but yeah that is that’s gross doesn’t sound a dream anyway yeah well dude thanks for coming on Long waited thank you for having me I love the hype as well it make me want to

    Ride even more just by sitting here let’s do some dirt jumping I’m in dude I’m in yeah same and get up to Sheffield take for tour around as well yeah well not been up there much so bring it Wicked thanks everyone for listening like And subscribe follow Joel peace and

    Love what an episode you did really well though thanks dude do you know what to finish it off what if you could put some sort of Link over my face yeah I can do that I could put a video up on ‘s face of an episode we think you’ll love is it

    On now there is a subscribe button here on this chair and on my face another video we think you’ll love thank you we appreciate you there’s nothing in the chair now subscribe


    1. Great interview! Big up Duncan Anderson, uplift legend! He waited patiently at the bottom of that hill for so many hours for riders to arrive. Great friendships were made in the back of that Land Rover 👍

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