Today’s true crime case takes us to the early hours of 7th June 1992 when 18 year old apprentice hairdresser Katie Rackliff was brutally murdered whilst walking home from a nightclub in Camberley, a town in the south of England. She was subjected to a frenzied attack being stabbed over 30 times including through her heart and her genitals were also mutilated. Some of the blows from the knife that killed Katie were delivered with such force that they passed through her body. Police were horrified and believed that they were looking for a fully grown man. They couldn’t be further from the truth.

    The killer was aged just 12 years old and her name was Sharon Carr, one of the youngest female killers in UK criminal history. Even by this young age she was displaying psychopathic traits and had a pattern of horrific sadistic violence including amongst the most horrific acts of animals abuse I have covered in this channel.

    She chose Katie completely at random simply to experience the thrill of killing which she found sexually arousing. Carr might have gotten away with this crime but 2 years to the day that she killed Katie she launched a horrific knife attack against a 13 year old pupil at school. She was sent to a Young Offenders institute and she began bragging about the murder of Katie to friends and family. She also kept a diaries in which she documented her crimes and her violent thoughts. Her notes are truly deranged and included her regret that she had not caused Katie more agony with her writing:

    “If only I could kill you again. I promise I would make you suffer more this time, you fucking slag. Your terrified screams turned me on.”

    Sharron Carr has been incarcerated for almost 30 years and is one of the most dangerous women in the UK prison system who has been dubbed “The Devil’s Daughter”.


    00:00:00 Beginning
    00:02:28 Sharon Carr
    00:05:58 “I was born to be a murderer”
    00:07:33 Mention of animal abuse
    00:08:29 End of discussion about animal abuse
    00:09:23 The murder of Katie Rackliff
    00:15:45 Attempted murder and downfall
    00:20:30 Diaries of a killer
    00:23:58 Legal proceedings
    00:26:53 Prison life
    00:33:48 Sharon Carr: A profile
    00:36:25 Mention of animal abuse
    00:36:41 End of discussion about animal abuse
    00:41:31 End

    Evil among us is a channel which focuses on horrific serious cases from the UK and abroad with a focus on lesser known cases and serial murderers from around the world.

    Credit: Intro music by Eric Matyas:

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    I just want to thank all you guys for your support we’re now into year two of the channel and going strong so hand on my heart I’m humbled by your support a special thanks to e95 for recommending this horrific case also pre-warning this case is graphic and includes

    Descriptions of horrific acts of animal abuse I know this is a line for a lots of people so sets up chapters around this so she can skip forward and I’ll put something on the screen when I’m about to mention it and anyway now on with the

    Video in the early hours of the 7th of June 1992 18-year-old Apprentice hairdresser KY ratliffe was brutally murdered whilst walking home from a nightclub in Celly a town in the south of England she was subjected to a frenzied attack being stabbed over 30 times including through the heart and

    Her genitals and she was also mutilated some of the blows from the knife that killed Katie were delivered with such force that they passed through a body police were horrified and believed they were looking for a fully grown man they couldn’t be further from the truth the

    Killer was A’s 12 years old and her name was Shon car one of the youngest female killers in UK criminal history even by this young age she was displaying Psychopathic traits and had a pattern of horrific sadistic violence including amongst the most despicable acts of animal abuse I’ve covered on this

    Channel she chose Katie completely at random simply to experience the thrill of killing which she found sexually arousing car must have gotten away with this crime but two years to the day that she killed Katie she stabbed a 13-year-old pupil at school she was sent to a young offenders Institute and she

    Began bragging about the murder of Katie to friends and family she also kept Diaries in which she documented her crimes and her violent thoughts her notes are truly deranged included her regret that she’d not caused casy more Agony with her writing quote if only I could kill you again I promise I would

    Make you suffer more this time you [ __ ] slag your terrified screams turned me on shaan car has been incarcerated for almost 30 years and is one of the most dangerous women in the UK prison system who’s been dubbed the devil’s daughter welcome to evil Among Us Sharon Louise Carr was born on the 21st of December 1979 in bise the country on the northeastern coast of Central America she’s the daughter of a woman called Molly who already had three other children by three separate men it doesn’t appear that any of these men were involved with raising the children

    And car never knew her biological father soon after her birth Molly met a man called George Carr a royal Army Medical Corps Soldier and the pair began a relationship with George stepping into the role of stepfather for the children the environment that car grew up in was nothing short of hellish with repeated

    Exposure to mental illness and violence specifically Molly appears to have had significant mental health issues she was also a follower of voodoo and believed that she had Supernatural Powers she would chant spells and sacrifice animals in order to punish her enemies and gain control over other people M would

    Slaughter animals in front of the children and from the cradle would teach them about her Supernatural gifts on top of this George was a heavy drinker and violent and he would beat Molly and the children Molly would often give as good as she got and so the children would

    Also sometimes witness both parents having fist fights right in front of them the situation with George likely caused Molly to feel out of control in her own life and so she took out her frustrations on the children subjected them to sadistic acts of violence including beating and burning them she

    Would also use punishments deliberately designed to cause the children discomfort on several occasions she put pepper on car’s genitals causing pain irritation and inflamation Molly and George married and the family moved to the UK in 1986 settling on the old Dean estate in Celly a town in Su a county in the

    Southeast of England however despite the change of location the horror of car’s home life continued Molly continued performing her voodoo rituals and it’s been reported that she was responsible for a space of missing cats in the area giving an idea of the temperament of Molly and the

    Things the children were witnessed to in 1987 she poured boiling hot fat over George during an argument when he tried to end the relationship this caused serious injuries to both of them resulting in them both ending up in hospital Molly appeared at heal for Crown Court charged with wounding she

    Was given a suspended prison sentence and ordered to undergo psychiatric treatment in court it was stated that car at this point just 8 years old had seen this instant and didn’t react she watched the Flesh of her mother and stepfather being melted with boiling fat

    And it had no effect on her even by this young age extreme violence was completely normal to her Molly then began a new relationship ship with a man who was again violent towards her and the children so the cycle of violence that characterized Shon Carr’s childhood continued car was enrolled at cord

    Wallace Junior School soon after she came to the UK and seemed to fit in well initially she was a well- behaved obliging and kind child who gave no indicator of the monster she would become and the horror she would unleash just a few years later it was toward the end of Sharon car’s

    Time in junior school and when she moved to Collingwood College comprehensive school at the age of 11 years old that things began to change drastically she turned from a sweet attentive pupil to a violent bully who would Revel in victimizing those smaller and younger than her she also began to develop a

    Fascination with weapons and would regularly come to school with a kitchen knife in her bag which she would flash to her friends in order to impress them and show to others to intimidate them she was also disruptive and developed a hatred of authority she would regularly tell teachers to [ __ ] off and begin

    Throwing things in class she like her mother had an explosive temper and would react with violence and aggression with absolutely no warning and with the slightest provocation by the age of 11 car was hanging out with an ntis social peer Group which included other delinquent children but also grown men and they

    Were all involved in petty crime stealing in order to buy cannabis which car began smoking every day while skipping school this group would threaten and intimidate locals and passes by sometimes they were proud the streets of Celly driving slowly alongside people walking on the pavement and revving their engines to scare them

    As well as shouting at random pedestrians car loved frightening people seeing the fear in their eyes she quickly gained a reputation as a girl not to cross who was always armed however this antisocial Behavior was nothing compared to the sadistic violence she was exhibiting centered around the estate where she lived

    Specifically when Carl was around 10 or 11 years old an alarming number of animals began going missing in the local area later being found nearby mutilated and killed it’s believed that car was responsible for most of this it seems that some of the animals were killed as

    Part of her mother’s voo rituals but this quickly became secondary to Shon car’s thrill and excitement from acts of violence and death later it was reported by people who knew her that she’ decapitated a dog with a spade but also most sickeningly fried life hamsters to death how many animals shaan car killed

    Or witness being killed during her lifetime is unclear after her arrest when she was 14 years old it was reported that police found dozens of cat corpses on a common near her home when Sharon car began thinking about killing people is unclear it was likely for years prior to the murder she committed

    When she was just 12 years old and this is what so [ __ ] up about this case due to the train wreck of her childhood at a time when children her age were playing with their friends going to the par riding their bikes hell even just watching cartoons Sharon Carr had likly

    Killed countless animals and was devising ways to torture and kill others as brutally as possible whil also fantasizing about acts of homicide later she wrote in her Diary quote I was born to be a murderer and I think everything she’d been exposed to and scene had set her down this path and at

    The age of just 12 years old she would reach this destination and show the world how dangerous she really was in an act of pure savagery against a complete stranger in June 1992 ktie ratliffe was an 18 old woman with her whole life ahead of her she lived in Celly and was

    The daughter of Helen and Joseph she also had a sister called Joanne at the time of her death Katie was working as a trainy hairdresser with dreams of opening her own Salon one day but she would never get the chance she was also nursing a broken heart having just split

    Up with her boyfriend in order to get over the breakup Katie agreed to go out with a friend of hers on the evening of the 6th of June they went to a nightclub called ragamuffins in Cy Town Center now there were two different narratives about what happened next the first is

    That Casey went to the club and bumped into her ex-boyfriend she then spoke to him and asked if they could get back together when he said no Casey left in tears however the other story I’ve read says that Casey and her friend simply got separated at the end of the night

    And so she decided to walk home whichever account is accurate the end result was the same in the early hours of Sunday the 7th of June 1992 Katie rackliff was walking the streets of campy alone unfortunately also looking the streets was Sharon car a complete

    Stranger to KY who was armed with a 6 and 1/2 in kitchen knife the pair met summer on Katie’s way home but what specifically happened next will never be known for sure as Shon car gave three different accounts of how she ended up murdering Katie what actually happened

    Is likly an amalgamation of her statements the police’s working theory is that a vehicle must have been involved as casy’s body was found some distance away from a route home likely Sharon car was in a vehicle driven by at least one adult male potentially more when they came across Katie walking home

    It seems as so it’s believed that Kae was offer a lift and got into the vehicle I find this very hard to believe nothing I’ve read about Katie suggests that she was an idiot or particularly naive so her willingly getting into a vehicle with a strange man in the early

    Hours of the morning seems really unlikely to me I think that car and the other person or people in the car were looking for a victim for her to assault or murder they then saw Katie a lone woman walking home and I imagine that Sharon Carl got out of the car and

    Marched Katie at knif point to the vehicle ktie was then lightly driven to an isolated location somewhere on the outskirts of Celly car was previously stated that casy managed to escape and ran off but was chased and caught by car who then launched a frenzied attack

    Regardless of how Katie ended up in the clutches of Sharon car the nature of her horrific death was determined by the injury she suffered which police officers described as akin to those inflicted by Jack the Ripper on his victims Sharon car stabbed ktie at least

    32 times with a 6 and 1/2 in kitchen knife she was stabbed all over her body in a frenzy Katie was stabbed in the liver stomach lungs and breasts the knife was forced between her ribs and straight into her heart as well as stab wounds to her genitals it appears that

    Car had forced the knife blade into cas’s vagina and anus causing horrific internal injuries casy had also been mutilated by car with her body being sliced open some of the stab wounds had pass entirely through Katie’s body showing they had been delivered with considerable Force thankfully it appears

    That ktie died of blood loss rapidly after the attack began with most of the stab wounds being inflicted after she’ passed away this speaks the overkill in this case Sharon car was not just interested in killing Katie she wanted to utterly obliterate her again we have to speculate what happened next but car

    Was inevitably helped to move Katie’s butchered body into the car and they then drive approximately 4 miles to the town of farra where a court was dumped along a wall next to Victoria Road Cemetery Katie’s half naked mutilated body was found at 8:00 a.m. by some boys

    Walking to school and they ran home in Terror to tell their parents the police turned up quickly and covered ky’s body it became clear that she’d been killed elsewhere and then transported to the site where her remains had been dumped the specific location where Katie was murdered the vehicle used to transport

    Her body and the other people who were involved involved have never been traced car did give two names to the police two teenage boys who she said were in the car however they were spoken to and quickly eliminated those involved are quite likely still out there somewhere de of

    The crime were kept from the Press including the fact that a bracelet that casate had been wearing had been taken the cemetery was searched and no clues were found Cas was found to have not been sexually assaulted so there was no DNA evidence there were no fingerprints

    No one has seen anything and this was during a time where CCTV was not as common as it is today especially around smaller towns such as Campell and farra psychologists were consulted in order to build a profile they determined that the police should be looking for a

    Well-built male in his 20s or 30s based on the force using the murder and the fact that although Kate had not been raped the attack was clearly sexually motivated they also believed that the purpose P trator had a criminal history of escalating sexual or violent offenses

    Against women to say that the police had no idea would be an understatement to be fair I’m not sure that anyone could have imagined that the murderer was a 12-year-old girl Sharon car was buzzing she’d killed for the first time and had gotten away with it she felt emboldened

    Invincible and wrote in her Diary quote I’m a killer killing is my business and business is good had she stopped at this point it’s like that Shon Carl would have gotten away with murdering Katie Ratcliffe but she wanted to kill again and it was this bloodlust and her need

    To brag about her crimes which would be her downfall it appears from what we know that Sharon car didn’t attack anyone else for 2 years however she did during this time continue to kill animals however on the 7th of June 1994 the second anniversary of the murder of

    Ktie rackliffe she decided that she wanted to kill again on this date she put a 4-in kitchen knife into a school bag and went to Collinwood College comprehensive school during morning break she lured a 13-year-old fellow pupil called Amry Clifford into the girl’s toilets on the pretense that she

    Needed help finding a pound coin that she dropped on the floor when Amry had her back to car she pulled out a knife and plunged it into her back all the way out to the hilt the blade of the knife punctured amar’s lung and she fell to

    The floor at that moment a group of five girls also entered the toilets and saw what was happening and raised the alarm Amry later Rec the car stood there calmly with a bloody knife in her hand with a huge smile on her face amarie was rushed in critical condition to the

    Hospital but survived if she hadn’t been found when she was there’s no doubt she would have died also if she’d not been Disturbed it’s obvious to me that Sharon car would have slaughtered her the police were called and Carl was arrested throughout everything she was completely calm in fact she seemed to find

    Everything very amusing she was laughing and smiling as she was led away in interview Sharon car fully admitted what she’d done and told the stunned officers that she enjoyed killing cats and had beheaded a dog after her arrest Sharon car was sent to a mental health assessment unit as there were serious

    Concerns about her behavior but instead of submitting to assessments and treatment she attempted to strangle two nurses this added to the list of charges she was facing and in early December 1994 14-year-old Shon car was convicted of plunging a knife into the back of 13-year-old Amry Clifford at the assault

    Against the nurses it’s clear that the court could see how dangerous she was and Sharon car was sentence to be detained as Her Majesty’s pleasure which is the wording used when imposing a life sentence on those under the age of 18 so her release would only be directed by

    The parole board when she was felt to no longer be a danger to society however by this point car’s violence was fully Unleashed she began to serve her sentence at a cliff secure unit in County Durham a unit for children who have committed criminal offenses but she immediately started assaulting other children there

    She was then moved to the m only unit at the center but the same thing happened again in September 1995 she was then transferred to hmp bullwood Hall and adult women and young offenders prison in hawkley in Essex due to concerns about her risk and it being felt this

    Was the most secure environment to contain her by this point the police still had no idea that Sharon car was the killer of Katy rackliffe but this would soon change soon after a transferred to hmp forward Hall as well as continuing to assault other staff and prisoners car was heard bragging about

    The murder of Katie in phone calls to friends and family she was also constantly seen writing in her diary she began to tell staff including a prison officer and her probation officer what she’ done and she showed them what she’d been writing as we’ll get to she was

    Ring in what she’ done to Katie as well as making other deranged statements about her love of murder in January 1996 just a few months after her incarceration staff called the police and told them what car had been bragging about they arrested her and obtained a warrant to seize her Diaries Sharon car

    Was interviewed over the course of 27 hours and she confessed to the murder of Casey rackliffe she was able to give the police details of the crime that only the killer would know including the fact that Casey’s bracelet was missing as well as the nature of some of her

    Injuries car also ad Meed to having an extensive history of an animal abuse detective Sergeant Paul Clemens who interviewed Carl recalled quote it was almost as if she was in another world what sticks in my mind about talking to her was the coldness most people that you interview show some feeling as to

    Why they’ve done what they’ve done but with her there was a complete absence of emotion and reason the police then spent the next few months pouring through car’s Diaries and the content shocked even hardened Detectives the diary entries of shaon car give us a rare insight into the mind of a sadistic

    Psychopathic killer this would be shocking enough but remember we’re talking about a child the police SE diary she’ written in 1994 and 1995 and clear from her entries the car been replaying the murder of Katy ratliffe again and again over the years getting a real and sexual excitement from the

    Memory of the crime there are numerous entries and I’ll go through most of them these are all direct quotes So on the 13th of January 1995 car wrote in her diary remember KR oh God she did get me going so hot pity really I think about

    It and my head is spinning but against the cops I’m winning on the 7th of March 1995 the entry read a I bet she’s all bone and maggots by now she shouldn’t have tested on another date she wrote if only I could kill you again I promise

    I’d make you suffer more you slag your terrified screams turned me on car also included a description of the murder of Katie writing I bring a knife into her chest her eyes are closing she’s pleading with me so I bring the knife to her again and again I don’t want to hurt

    Her but I need to do VI bance to her I need to overcome her beauty her Serenity her security there I see her face when she died I know she feels her life being slowly drawn from her and I hear her gasp I guess she was trying to breathe

    The air stops in the back of her throat I know all her life her breathing has worked but it does not now and I am joyful in September 1995 car wrote I enjoyed pushing the blade up her it made me feel powerful I had to overcome her Serenity her

    Security she needed to be raped car also had an obsession with marking dates related to the murder of ktie on the 7th of December 1994 car wrote 2 and A2 years today I put that slag in the ground on the 7th of June 1995 the third anniversary of Katie’s murder car wrote

    Killed KR death by knife wounds and sex go together in November 1995 car wrote in her diary oh damn I’ve got a taste for Red Rum and God I want to get drunk and nasty thoughts through the night pure jealousy makes me want to fight during the same month she wrote last

    Night it occurred to me that killing her did me good I know what I’m capable of and will do it again she also wrote I was born to be a murderer killing for me a mass turn on it just makes me so high I never want to come down and finally

    She wrote every night I see the devil in my dreams sometimes even in my mirror but I realized it was just me these Diaries were car’s undoing but also showed the police that they had stopped a likely serial killer in her tracks in May 1996 Sharon car was charged with a

    Murder of Katy rackliffe and awaited her day in court Sharon car appeared at Winchester Crown Court in February 1997 and pleaded not guilty to the murder of ktie Radcliffe she claimed that she’d confess the crime in order to get attention the crown counted this outlining how car had told

    The police details that only the killer would know they also used her diary entries against her show that car was a rational sadistic killer who had spent years reving in her crime further entries were also presented before the court as despite the police taking her Diaries away in January 1996

    She’d simply gotten another one and continued her scribblings before this too was seized on the 7th of June 1996 the fourth anniversary of Casey ratliff’s murder car wrote quote respect to Casey rackliffe 4 years ago today respect to the woman you murdered seriously anyway this entry and others

    Show that Sharon car was a girl without remorse or conscience whose sole Focus since killing Katie had been reliving this crime and inevitably fantasizing about slaughtering others it would be of no surprise that after a trial that lasted 4 weeks on the 25th of March 1997

    Sharon Carr by this point 17 years old was found guilty the murder of ktie rackliffe with the jury taking just 7 hours to reach their verdict of access to news report from the time and it was reported the car burst into tears when the jury read out

    Their verdict but then she switched in seconds and began laughing and chatting to her lawyers she then stood before Judge Scott Baker for sentencing he said quote what is clear is that you had a sexual motive for this killing and it’s apparent both from the brutal manner in

    Which you mutilated the body and chilling entries in your diary The Killing as you put it turned you on you are in my view an extremely dangerous young woman he then sentenced her for the murder of casy Ratcliffe Sharon car was detained to Majesty’s pleasure so it

    Again essentially a life sentence with a minimum tarff of 14 years being set before she could apply for parole it reported that car listened him passively whilst being sentenced but then swaggered from the dock with a huge grin on her face as she was taken away Katie’s father mother Joseph punched the

    Air and shouted yes when Carl was found guilty and after her sentence told reporters quote she should have been hanged will be grieving for the rest of our lives the savagery of Sharon car’s crimes her diary entries a mention of voodoo led to her being dubbed the devil’s daughter in the press something

    I have no doubt she loved the story of Sharon car is far from from over she has proven to be one of the most disruptive and dangerous women in the prison estate in the almost 30 years since she’s been incarcerated after her conviction in 1997 Sharon Carl was sent to h&p holay a

    Women’s prison in London from literally the moment she was there she began assaulting other prisoners and staff this was not a rare occurrence Carwood literally every time she was able to get her hands on someone beat them up this meant she spent both of her time in the

    Segregation unit cut off from other prisoners for their safety when she was allowed out of herself cell this was under the supervision of multiple guards car then began displaying bizarre behavior claiming that she was a lizard and even going so far as apparently cutting open her skin to see whether

    There were scales underneath she was subsequently sent to Broadmore maximum security Hospital in 1998 where she was diagnosed with skitso effective disorder I’ll return to this later but this is a mental health condition where a person displays symptoms of both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder so this can include delusions hallucinations and psychosis

    I.E a disconnect from reality at Broadmore which is an environment set up to manage the worst of the worst car was a menace again the only thing she did was assault both staff and other patients however she apparently Found Love here and yes I’m being Psych itic

    In the year 2000 when she was 20 car met a fellow patient called Robbie Lane who was 23 years old they apparently fell in love and 9 months after meeting Lane proposed and car said yes the pair were then given permission to marry in Broadmore where this was reported in the

    Papers it caused uproar and rightly so especially when the background of Lane was disclosed in 1994 Lane had battered his mother Linda panel to death as well as stabbing her in the face and head at least 29 times before gouging out both of her eyes he was apparently upset that

    She preferred his sister to him some reports appear to indicate that this marriage made in Hell actually happened but the majority suggest that everything was ready to go with the Rings having been bought from Argos but then both read about the others crimes in the paper and broke off their engagement due

    To each apparently finding the other’s crimes reprehensible that’s almost laughable to think that either of these two felt they had the moral High Ground despite her brutal crimes and the way she was behaving in Broadmore Sharon Carr felt grieved she complained that her minimum Tariff of 14

    Years was too harsh she wanted this reduced so she could get out sooner and also she wanted her murder conviction thrown out and replaced with one of man slaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility essentially what Carl was trying to argue was the that because she’d now been diagnosed with a mental

    Health condition with features of psychosis when she killed Katy Ratcliffe she wasn’t in full command of her faculties and therefore couldn’t be held responsible for her actions her arguments were heard at the court of appeal in October 2003 and luckily every argument was thrown out whilst it was

    Acknowledged that car had since been diagnosed with a mental health condition this was not assessed as being relevant to why she committed the murder in 1992 in terms of being released early the court considered car’s long history of violence in custody including the fact that literally days before the hearing

    She had quote admitted wanting to kill a fellow inmate by slitting her throat car remained at Broad until 2007 when it switched entirely to only accepting male patients and she was then moved to rampt to maximum security Hospital in nosing Hamshire whilst there she was in good company including

    Rubbing shoulders with people like be allet a nurse who in 1991 killed four babies and tried to kill another three again this hospital was used to house some of the most dangerous people in the country but car continued to push the boundaries she was a sort patient after

    Patient staff member after staff member and repeatedly told others about her fantasies of killing anyone she could get her hands on in February 2015 the mental health service was sick of car and she was discharged and sent back to the prison estate specifically being sent to h&p bronzefield in Su it was

    Determined that Sharon car was untreatable and so there was no point in her remaining in a secure Hospital back in prison Sharon car was determined to raise hell and the assaults began racking up and she has up to the present day spent most of her time in segregation with her access to other

    Prisoners being restricted and she requires a team of officers to Monitor and move her around the prison if given the chance they’re confident that she’d kill again in 2019 Sharon car again felt hard done by despite the fact she contined to ass sort anyone and everyone

    She could get her hands on she felt AG grieved by the security measures used to manage her in the prison she wanted more freedom to demonstrate that she’d apparently changed however to any rational person this was essentially her wanting a green light to carry on what

    She’d been doing for the last 25 years at this point hurting anyone she wanted and potenti killing them car also moaned about the fact that although she’d been eligible for parole since 2011 no one have released her seriously during this bit I was going to include some audio of

    A man playing a violin in the year 2020 there was a hearing at the court of appeal where car’s points were roundly dismissed just like with a hearing at this court in 2003 it was car’s own behavior that came back to haunt her when it was revealed that she’d been

    Having fancies about quot wanted to murder another Resident by splitting her head open with a flask and throwing her down the stairs to snap her neck so as of February 2024 Sharon Carr age 44 remains safely Behind Bars she’s one of the most dangerous women incarcerated in the UK

    She has now since her arrest in 1994 spent almost 30 years behind bars and I cannot imagine any situation where she’d be safe to be released Sharon car is likely to die behind Prison Walls rightfully in my opinion as the horror she caed in just two short years is

    Nothing compared to what she would do if she was back in the world again she is a serial killer in the making and she will remain a danger of society until the day she leaves this Earth more cases I cover on this channel the more complicated the profiles of the

    Offenders seem to become this is especially true in the case of Sharon car her crimes are so far removed from what we expect a child to be capable of luckily as I’ve covered some horrific monsters we can draw on other profiles to understand the crimes of Sharon car

    In this section I need divide things into two firstly talking about her love of violence and then also her choice of Target and why so as I was making this video the more Sharon car’s background reminded me of the case of AD do for constanzo a cult leader who led a group

    Called The Narco satanists in a ranch just outside the Mexican border city of Matamoros in the 1980s both constanza and car were raised by mentally unstable women who thought they had Supernatural Powers believed in Voodoo and used animal sacrifice as a way to gain power both from a very young

    Age were exposed to this horrific behavior and participa in these rituals so that both of their childhoods were solely characterized by Blood and violence car and constanzo grew up to Revel in violence they enjoyed the power of life and death they had over living creatures beginning with animals and

    Proceeding to humans and they both got a thrill and sexual excitement from these horrific attacks as extreme violence and death was normalized in the lives of both constanza and car at such an early age they quickly needed to engage in more extreme acts of torture and murder

    To get the same Rush with constanzo this would culminate in him being in charge of a cult which murdered at least 16 people including American student Mark Kilroy so I think you can see despite these two cases being entirely different in terms of the gender of the perpetrators and the decade and

    Geographical location they grew up in they had very similar profiles based on the same horrific childhood with Sharon Carr her background was in some ways even worse than adula constanzo’s as her mother Molly was a sadist a woman who enjoyed abusing her own children so on top of being involved in animal

    Sacrifices and being indoctrinated with mumbo jumbo about supernatural Powers blah blah blah Carl was also specifically shown that violence was something to enjoy harming others was a way to gain pleasure as a result her thirst of violence and the desire to harm others was in some ways even more

    Pronounced they can stanzos by the age of 10 or 11 years old car was so desensitized to violence and so focused on acts of sadism that she was devising the most horrific ways to torture animals including decapitating dogs and frying live hamsters however is clear this didn’t satisfy her and she wanted

    To escalate to murdering a human being but not just killing them she wants to utterly destroy them she wants to see the terror in their eyes knowing that they were about to die she wants to hear them beg for their lives and listen to their screams as she stabbed them

    Repeatedly knowing she was the one doing these things and causing this reaction made her feel like a god utterly powerful this feeling was intoxicating and in the absence of being able to do it again Shon car replayed this in her mind again and again and again the killing of Casey Radcliffe was

    To her her greatest accomplishment obviously both cases I’ve mentioned so far are extreme examples but nonetheless they demonstrate the impact the exposes of violence can have on a child how it can distort their perception of the world and also importantly it highlights the role of shitty parenting in creating these

    Monsters and this brings me on to the second strand of this case Sharon Carr’s choice of Target whilst car’s use of violence seems completely random on paper when you look into it it isn’t at all while she has assaulted men over the years it appears this has been a as a

    Result of a situation for example not getting her own way however it’s clear that she has specifically gone out of her way to Target women actively seeking them out in order to hurt them they’ve always been her main target her kiding Katy Radcliffe was not in my opinion an

    Arbitrary decision I think she targeted her because she was a woman in this respect there seems to be a clear theme of shon car being a misogynist no doubt people might roll their eyes saying she’s a woman how could she hate women it’s a bit like the

    Argument well he’s black so he can’t have a hatred of black people I get it it seems like it shouldn’t make sense but ultimately we don’t choose our gender and our race and this doesn’t insulate us from having prejudicial views of the same gender and race although it’s obviously far more common

    To be discriminatory towards those who are dissimilar to you however I have met men who hate other men women who despise other women and black and Asian people who are fervently racist towards those of the same ethnicity the common feature across all of these examples is

    Childhood abuse so for example a man who was a child was abused by another man who has grown up to hate that gender and this makes sense if you look at the case of Sharon car she was raised by a woman who abused and tortured her and exposed

    Her to constant violence think that car due to the terrible woman that her mother Molly was developed a hatred of women in my opinion credibility to this comes not only in the fact that she specifically seems to have targeted women throughout her life but also her language related to casy calling her a

    Slag and saying she deserves to be raped also look at where she stabbed her she AED at her breasts and staggering the vagina she aimed at the things on her body that defined her as a woman and sought to utterly destroy them I’ve read reports that Shon car has since she was

    A child dressed predominantly in male clothes I think this may have been her way to try and move away from the gender that she is but which she utterly despises so together you have a woman whose whole childhood was characterized by extreme violence Guided by a mother

    And I use that term loosely who would abuse and victimize her which resulted in An Extremely Dangerous Child now an adult who Associates violence with power enjoys torturing and killing others and despises women who will actively seek them out to live her fances of butchering another human being her

    Childhood also meant that she was never taught remorse empathy or guilt she is a psychopath so she’s able to do these things without any regret I haven’t really mentioned the diagnosis that she received of skits or effective disorder because I really don’t think it’s relevant to understanding Shan car since

    Being incarcerated it seems to clear her mental health has deteriorated and she has been delusional on occasions but when she killed Katie Radcliffe she was in her right mind I was in full control of her actions she was purposefully seeking out ways to fulfill her homicidal fantasies her diary entries

    Also show the same thing they show a girl fully in control who was reving in an act of horrific and Savage violence I have no doubt if Sharon car was released she would commit her life to killing as many people as possible leaving a trail of bodies in a condition which would

    Likely lead to repeated parallels with the crimes of Jack the Ripper so had you heard of this case before what do you think is the profile of Sharon car please share your thoughts below if you like the content then consider becoming a channel member by clicking the join button you can also

    Send a oneoff donation to support the channel using the thanks button please like share and subscribe take care and I’ll see you in the next one


    1. Instead of trying to turn this into a proclamation of wokeism, talking about misogyny and that BS, why not just state the obvious? She was just a jealous b*tch. She was jealous of KR because she was beautiful, and SC was downright hideous. She looked like a dude and had to accept that reality every time she looked in the mirror and it probably enraged her. Jealousy is the oldest motivator in the book.

    2. What a horrible devil she is! Enjoyment in torturing and killing animals as a child shows already how "disturbed"she is! As to murdering Katie, well ,pure evil 👹

    3. Thanks for the warning, it's now 02:25am so as I was about to watch then go to bed I'll wait until tomorrow, otherwise I'm not goinb to sleep at all which is already a real problem. Goodnight.

    4. Just some constructive feedback. You seem to interchangeably switch between first and last names in your videos, and it can get a bit confusing sometimes. Great content though 👍🏽

    5. It feels like the old institutions for the criminally insane should be discussed in some cases. As there seems to be no place for those, who are too dangerous for both the public, prisons and mental institutions.

    6. Good thing she's not in america. All she would have to do is say she's being kept in prison and away from other inmates because of racism, and she'd probably be back out on the street by next week.
      I'm not kidding either, a gang of illegals jumped a police officer and almost beat him to death and they were ALL released right back out onto the streets within a couple hours, no having to pay bail, no jail time. Because it's "inhumane" to force illegals to be locked up for committing crimes either.
      So I'm not kidding when I say this woman would have probably been let out a long time ago if she claimed racism.

    7. This reminds me of the movie The Bad Seed, except that little girl didn’t have adults to help her. And her mom was nice and didn’t sacrifice animals. What an effed up story.
      PS – I appreciate your handling of the warning simply. We’re adults. We don’t need the dramatic clickbait warnings.

    8. I am surprised and disturbed that a 12 year old girl would say “If only I could kill you again. I promise I would make you suffer more…..your screams turned me on “! To hear 12 year old say that indicates she’s already evolved into a violent psychopath. She is a very scary, dangerous little girl, I hate to imagine what she’ll be like as she gets older?! 2:02

    9. It’s sadly very sobering to think Katie would have been 50 this year. The life that she could have had that was ripped away in the most brutal way. Rip angel ❤❤❤

    10. The first 7 years of a child's life are the most important! They form the child's identity and personality! So, what you influence your child with is what shapes them. Sharon was taught to be a killer! It's no wonder she ended up the way she did!
      Today, I would have hoped earlier intervention would have stepped in and protected those children before it got to this! But, unfortunately, we still hear of babies dying at the hands of their parents 💔 so that intervention still needs some work!
      Great video!

    11. Wow! This is a case that I hadn't heard about before and I live in the UK. Sharon Carr is undoubtedly an example of a horrific upbringing. I wonder if her mother had ever been charged with her crimes?

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